Kumpulan Soal Up 2022

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1. Seorang guru memberikan materi tentang barang produksi dalam negeri. Tidak lupa ia memberikan
arti penting nya bangsa yang unggul demi kemakmuran pada rakyatnya. Kegiatan guru yang
mengarahkan peserta didik dalam hal tersebut adalah...
A. Menyajikan sejarah nasional perusahaan
B. Menampilkan hasil tambang di Indonesia
C. Memaparkan penemuan lokasi minyak bumi
D. Menganalisis keindahan alam Indonesia
E. Membandingkan berbagai motif batik Indonesia
2. 1: Pin, Bean
2: cheek, gear
3: grief, cliff
4: threat, throat
5: doubt, drought
Group which has a minimal pair is...
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
3. It is necessary to the happiness of man that he.....mentally faithful to himself.

A.is. B. Will be. C. were D. was D.be

4. Different from our previous fun trips, this exploration would be a.... Journey
A. Surprise difficulty
B. Surprised difficulty
C. Surprising difficult
D. Surprising difficulty
E. Surprised difficult
5. Each in the autumn term. There is .... reception you can meet current staff and students at the
A. From which.
B. On which
C. In which
D. By which.
E. At which
6. As part of the assessment scenarios a teacher gives the assighment that must be completed within a
certain periode/time.The assignments include:planning, data collection, data analysis, data
presentation, to reporting. (97)
In this scenario the technique of assesment the teacher uses is....
A. Portofolio
C. journal
D. Inventory
E. Produck
7. Please remember that you have to lock the gate and door.... you leave
A.before B. As soon as C. Because D. Untill E. Since
8. AS a part of the assignment, a teacher ask the students to write a descriptive text, the teacher expect
that the students can give peer feedback with direct note or the written text that have been submitted,
in order to di, so the platform the teacher can use is...
A. Gmail
B. Google form
C. Google messenger
D. Google docs
E. Gmeet

9. They are gossiping about other people's business anytime I see them
… They are gossiping about other people's business........I see them...
An option that best completes the sentence is...
A. Whatever
B. However
C. Whenever
D. Whatever time
E. Whichever
10. Tom : this corner is too crowded maybe this bag can be move there
Anne : colors seem brighter when you are around.
By saying that, Anne is .... Tom
A. Gives colors too C. Disagree with
B. Tries to corner D.
11. A basic competence for your all of high school says
"Implementing the social function, generic structure an linguistic elements of spoken and written
transactional text involving the act of asking and giving information about causal relations in line with it
related context.
TPACK can be integrated into Project based learning model in teaching English by....
A. Emphasizing the use of technology in instructional process
B. Relying PBL of various of knowledge
C. Comparing and contrasting the three types of knowledge
D. Stressing the use of pedagogy in teaching learning process
E. Providing the students with the latest technology in classes
12. 2. Laura is a very busy girl
3. She studies photography at university
1. Her photos have won a few prize and last year one of photos was in exhibition at an art galery in
5. She is really good photographer and has taken lots of amazing photos of me ang my family
4. Laura is also trying to learn German because she wants to go to Germany next year to do a
photography cause the arrangement sentence is...
A. 2-3-5-1-4
B. 3-5-1-4-2
C. 2-5-1-3-4
D. 4-2-3-5-1
E. 4-3-5-1-2
13. Antonym == Frightened

A. Powerful

B. Doubtless

C. Brave
D. Rigid

E. Obedient

14. Jiwa guru antara lain berkorban di lingkungan masyarakat. Hal tersebut sangat penting dengan alasan...

A. Sebagai inspirasi kebaikan

B. Suka memberikan donasi

C. Pendidikan relatif tinggi

D. Taat membayar pajak

E. Mengajar peserta didik

15. A: It's a beautiful day!

B: yes, ....

a. It is
b. It must be
c. It was
d. It should be

16. "A ...Day's night" .... by Beatles in 1960

A. Has been written

B. To be written

C. Is being written

D. Was written

E. Had written

17. A basic competence for high school says distinguish social function, text structure and language features
of some spoken and written analytical exposition texts about asking and giving information related to
actual issues in line with its functional context one of the appropriate HOTS of this basic competence is…

A. Practising question and answering on the use of exposition text

B. Assessing the text structure of an analytical exposition

C. Comparing basic competence as instruction objectives

D. Comparing and constracting the basic competence of exposition text

E. Evaluating the students mastery of analytical exposition text

18. After having a discussion with the people at the branch office the driver decided to delay trip.........the
very heavy rain
A. in the name of
B. on account of
C. as a matter of
D. on the contrary of
E. for the sake of
Nuclear energy is commonly offered as an alternative to overcome the crisis of energy. The debate whether
the use of nuclear energy is an appropriate choice or not, has not come to an end. Some people agree with
the utilization of it because of its benefits. Some others, however, disagree because of its risks to the

Those who agree with the operation of nuclear reactors usually argue that nuclear energy is the only
feasible choice to answer the ever – increasing energy needs. In their opinion, the other sources of energy:
oil, coal, and liquid natural gas are not renewable and safe, while nuclear energy can be sustainable when
produced in a safe way.

However, people who disagree with the use of nuclear energy point out that the waste of nuclear products
can completely destroy the environment and human lives. A meltdown in reactor, for example, usually
results in the contamination of the surroundings soil and water. Take for example, the blow up of the
nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Russia twenty years ago. The serious
contamination imperiled people and the environment severely.

It is obvious that nuclear energy should be avoided because it really endangers the environment but what
about a less polluted energy instead of nuclear energy. Is there any alternative energy to overcome the
crisis of energy? In my opinion, nuclear energy is the best choice to overcome the crisis of energy. However,
government should make sure that nuclear reactor’s construction and maintains are safe.

19. One of negative impact of nuclear energy?

a. Its waste kills humans
b. Contamination soil
c. Meltdown the reactor
d. …..

20. The most appropriate activity that the students need to do is…
a. Evaluating the elaboration of the subtitles I the movies.
b. Asking the students to memorize the tittles of the movies
c. Finding utterances spoken by uthe actors/actresses
d. Identifying specific vocabularies used in the subtitles of the movies
e. Inviting the students to watch the whole movies for enjoyment.

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