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Activity 1

1. Why do senior managers often fail to realize the value of human assets vis-à-vis other
Answer: Senior Managers often fail to realize the value of human assets because they
are more concerned about their financial, physical, market, and operational assets. They
believed that human assets are replaceable and not valuable.

2. Why do line managers often fail to realize the value of human assets vis-à-vis other
Answer: Line managers have limited skills and competence in HRM. They don’t have
clear understanding about the duties and responsibilities of their employees as a result
they forget recognize the unique skill, knowledge and abilities of their employees.

3. Why and how might a line or an operating manager value specific metrics related to the
unit’s employees?
Answer: A line or operating manager would value specific metrics related to the unit's
employees because of the benefits linked with effectively measuring employee
performance through the use of specific metrics that can result in enhancements within
the unit line and operations. Metrics can help the organization examine their value
stream in regard to isolated points such as machine up-time, workforce efficiency, or on-
time delivery.

Activity 2

1. What are the most important societal trends affecting HR today?

Answer: The most important societal trends affecting HR today are as follows;
 Diversity in Labor Force Generation
Workplace diversity affects the development of interpersonal relationships,
how supervisors and managers interact with staff, and how employees relate to
each other. Diversity and inclusion also affect human resources functions, such
as record keeping, training, recruiting, and requirements for HR staff expertise.
In many ways, diversity and inclusion increase HR responsibilities and hold the
department accountable for functions mandated by law.
 Digitization
These days, digitization is transforming the traditional style business model.
Among all functions, human resources management (HRM) is largely affected by
digitization because of the increasing usage of employee-related software, IT-
enabled HR functions, social networks, and mobile solutions. Organizations are
infusing a digital approach in handling their human resources (HR). There is a
need to persistently develop and innovate human resource practices to remain
competitive in the business. And recent studies have shown that organizations
are designing digitally enabled employee-centric HR practices. To deliver the best
results and face the competitive market the upgradation of HR is inevitable.
Therefore, technical advances are being made in the field of human resources
with time and gradually the customary HRM is being replaced by new and
technically advanced HRM. 
 Compliance and Guidelines
The role of human resources in the workplace has never been more important.
Aside from the traditional functions of recruitment, onboarding, L&D, and
payroll, HR professionals must also have a comprehensive understanding of
relevant and updated HR law and its corresponding regulations. These HR
employment laws regulate hiring and firing, workplace safety, benefits and pay,
and confidentiality, and serve to protect against discriminatory practices and
harassment. They also provide guidance in the event of workplace conflict or
 Handling Remote Labor Force
According to recent data, remote work has increased by 44% in the last five
years. And since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have
adopted some form of a remote workplace. With this enormous growth, human
resource (HR) departments are challenged to manage a spread-out workforce of
remote employees, some of whom may span the country. Increasing trends in
remote work have changed the game for HR departments around the globe.
Despite these roadblocks, companies must still provide their staff with the same
resources, whether working in-office or at home.
2. What are the most important workplace trends affecting HR today?
Answer: The last two years have been full of uncertainties for businesses around the
globe as companies struggled to cope post Covid. Covid-19 has impacted the way
businesses work, and 2023 is set to push the limits of what HR can do to add value.
Therefore, it is crucial to understand the following HR trends to drive business change
and increase value for your company in 2023 and beyond.
 The Shift to Hybrid Work
Hybrid work drives business transformation, offers flexibility, and improves
collaboration. 95% of HR leaders expect at least part of their workforce to work
remotely following the pandemic. This transition to hybrid work will drive
massive transformation. HR leaders need to be ready to support it. The greatest
advantages of hybrid work to date are improved work-life balance, more efficient
use of time, control over work hours and work location, burnout mitigation, and
higher productivity. Hybrid work provides the flexibility for employees to work in
ways that are most effective for them.
 Focusing on Worker Well-being
Focusing on worker well-being increases Productivity and burnout drops, for
example, when workers are engaged and thriving in the workplace. And in the
absence of well-being, even if employees are engaged, the risk to your
employees and your organization increases. Therefore, HR needs to focus on
employees’ mental health and well-being, trust between leaders, teams,
individuals, and the work environment (e.g., feelings of inclusion).
 Digital Transformation
Digital transformation allows business functions (such as HR or finance) to move
away from traditional/ manual processes. With the advancements in technology,
employees can now automate aspects of the business. These include things like
automating payroll so that leaders can focus on other opportunities.
 Evolving Hiring Process
HR has a vital role in ensuring that the hiring process transformation is managed
and measured. With their experience and expertise, HR managers should be
leaders in these changes. This will require closer collaboration with all
departments within the organization.HR must connect the business and
leadership needs with the capabilities of employees. As a result, HR must be
responsible for many essential processes to ensure that the business can create
talent markets, foster collaboration, and drive data-driven decisions.
 Need for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belongingness
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are important to company culture because
they foster creativity, fresh perspectives, and understanding. By implementing
DE&I, people of different races, abilities, ages, genders, religions, sexual
orientations, and other diverse backgrounds can be made more comfortable in
the workplace.
 Talent Allocation and Management
One of the essential lessons from the pandemic was realizing that companies
cannot rely solely on external talent acquisition. The tight labour market has
made it possible for them to make better use of their talent. Talent marketplaces
are a way to connect employees within an organization or sector with internal
career opportunities. These can include job openings but also cross-
departmental projects and temporary assignments.
 Building Skills and Competencies
Skills are also more critical than ever in determining how people get rewarded.
Providers now offer upskilling tracks that promise a new career in information
tech or other fields. In addition, organizations must map the internal skills that
they have. However, the benefits of mapping skills at the organizational level
must extend to employees. Remuneration, reskilling, and upskilling are
increasingly tied to the skills that one has. Therefore, knowing what skills you
have are a must to succeed in a labour market and competitive economy. As a
result, there is a shift towards testing data-driven skills when hiring.
 Career Experiences and Training
Organizations are investing more in their employees’ careers to adapt to this
reality. The organization’s goal is to increase its capabilities and enrich its career
through new learning opportunities. The focus of 2023 will remain on
employees. However, businesses will also build their organizational capabilities
through employees. This is because facilitating career changes for employees is
beneficial for them (as they can grow professionally) and suitable for businesses
to improve quality, delivery, and customer service. Supporting career
progressions will result in more skilled, engaged employees and a better overall
competitive advantage for the organization. This is the reason career experiences
will be one of the HR trends in 2023.
3. How well do you feel HR as a profession responds to these trends?
Answer: Human resources (HR) trends are practices and techniques that companies
often use to understand and meet employee needs, add value to the business, and align
specific functions with commercial demands. As industries and society evolve, many HR
departments update their practices to enhance both company and employee
experiences. HR professionals who want to increase the efficiency and value of their
organizations may benefit from learning about these trends. It's important to learn HR
trends because market climates, employee needs, industry practices, and company
policies often change as time progresses and technology evolves. World events and
societal shifts also often affect how employees and companies approach daily

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