Codex of Empyrean Debris

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5. On the Bridge, sm
Wreck of the fritz and the lights a
ashed consoles are o
n the

re still flashing red. C

F A N G S T A R are reading life signs

it ’s broken. There is a
all over the place, cle
Cosmic Treasure stash
ickering ed
e aft airlock of this fl
underneath the Capta
As you dock at th
in’s chair along with
o a t y o u r s c a n s p ic k up signs keycard with a pictu
re of a grizzled lookin
wreck of an gun b woman in Captain’s g
re a re s u rv iv o rs ? And an garb on it.
of life. Maybe th e
a ry s h ip li k e th is m eans good
unattended milit e. The enance Closet,
u n it io n s to sa lv a g 6. As soon as you enter the Maint
hardware and m ice sh rie king ‘INTRUDER
c o il s o n th e s e o ld vessels are yo u he ar a kla xo n- like vo
plasma KILL INTRUDER KILL’. The rusty Kill
Bot has a
especially valuable. saw-blade arm and a glowing yello
w screen with

1. You push your way past suited up corpses with

cracked helmets. Something really made a mess of
2 8 an angry emoji on it.
Rusty Kill Bot
things here. An unused space suit hangs on the wall. HP 12 Morale 7

There is a flight of stairs going down on your right, and Metal -d6 Sawblades d6
a closed door to your left. If you try to steal from the
dead here, it turns out they’re not quite so dead as you
thought… they’re
1 Self Destruct: When it fails Morale, each
nearby character tests AGI to avoid taking
D8 damage.
lead down into
Tentacle Zombies! Stairs on the far end of the room

HP 10
Spacesuit -d4
Morale -
Writhing Tentacles d6 (GP 1 in 6)
4 6
the port plasma coils. A door to th
to the Torpedo Bay.
e right leads

Upon closer inspection, the tentacles seem to be 7. In the Torpedo Bay, the cables are torn out
wrapping around their bodies through the ship’s ducts.
5 of the walls and there are valuable munitions

2. Downstairs is
a c
re w
rd p
B a
ks with more
d d oor leading
7 stacked against the wall. Inside the torpedo
tube is a corpse. If you loot it, it will stir and
speak in a raspy voice. ‘It feeeasssstssssss’ It
corpses and a ke e n e rg y c o il s . The coils will bite (D4) if you get too close…
rd-sid e
into the starboa o st lo o k chewed on.
ey a lm
here are shot, th t th e b a c k o f the engine 8 The lights here are flickering intensely (test PRE or
hig h a
Crates are piled rm u ri n g b e h in d them. suffer D4𝚿 damage). At the back of the coil is a…
ar mu
room and you he in a crate fort
There are D3 surv
, an
o rs
d ra
h o
n s
It lo o ks like they Ravenous Plasmophage
with liquor, guns c rewmates. HP 24 Morale 9
st o n e o f th e ir
ate at lea Spongy Flesh 0 Tentacles d6
Survivors xdM3orale 5 3. The Medical Bay reeks of piss.
Meat Puppet: When you are damaged, test
Toughness. On a failure, you attack a nearby ally and
HP 2 Anyone who pokes around will are meat puppeted until you break free with a
Rags 0 Shotgun d8 find random Pharmaceuticals. successful TOU test at the start of your turn.

4. Climb the stairs to the gunner’s nest, go back into the +++RANDOM ENCOUNTERS. Anyone poking around in the walls might be
medical bay, or head into the Bridge or the Maintenance Closet. attacked by Writhing Tentacles (D6 - GP 1 in 6) with the Meat Puppet
ability. Any room has a 1 in 6 chance of containing a Tentacle Zombie.
“The Wreck of the Fangstarm” is an independent production by Duncan Hall and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or
Stockholm Kartell or Infinite Black or Creature Creation. It is published under the MÖRK BORG and Vast Grimm Third Party Licenses.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Vast Grimm is copyright Infinite Black and Creature Curation.
Wreck of the
Tryphiddian 6. The Barracks are clean and well
bedrooms, doors closed. Each room
lit. There are five
contains (D6)
Scanners show signs of life concentrated on 1 - A Grimm (VG 95) 2 - Discarded clothes
edits 4 - A Pi sto l (D6), D6 shots
the port side of this drifting cargo vessel. Both 3 - D1 0 Cr
5 - D3 crew corpses 6 - A Cosmic Treasure
Port and Starboard airlocks are available and
appear to be undamaged. There are probably 7. In the Showers, roots are growing from
plenty of foodstuffs aboard this vessel, and the toilets and drains. The showers have
you haven’t eaten in so long… been left on leaving slippery puddles on the
tile floor. If you get close, the roots will lash
1. The Port Cargo Hold contains numerous crates. In out and attack (D6).
one corner is a large safe (DR 18) that holds a suit of
8 The Greenhouse is a stea
mecha armor (Armor -D6, Chainguns D10). Levels of my, jungle-like room
CO2 in the room are critical. Test TOU to avoid falling overgrown with weeds and
vines. There are
brick lined beds containing
unconscious. mutated plants like
D4 (ARM) D4 (DMG)
Ca rg o H old co ntai ns em pty boxes 1. Lashing (-0) Mantrap (D10)
2. The Starboar d
n corpse. 2. Bleeding (-d2)
of food and a wurm-ridde 3. Fleshy (-d4)
Vilebloom (D4 area)
Bonethistle (D8)
husk is lying 4. Chitinous (-d6) Dre
3. In the Bridge, a desiccated wurm HP 18
amvine (D6 grabbed)
the fore of the
along one wall. A large display is at Morale 8
Each plant has a placard an
entry is the
bridge. If you investigate, the last log
d subject number,
mad. It won’t and will attack if they aren
ship’s foreman Daeru “Tusk has gone
’t careful (test AGI to
sick experi” stay out of reach). In some
be long before he kills us all with his
of the beds are nests
ad and slumps of bones, and eggs of unbo
[thunk], he gets clubbed over the he rn plant monsters.
from the
to the ground. A trail of blood leads
console to a corpse in the Barracks. 9. In the Laboratory, Doctor Tusk stands over a

4. A fire rages in the Port Engine Ro

om. If left
to room.
4 5 7
subject lying on the operating table (either a
party member if possible, or a grotesque lizard
unchecked, it will spread from room person) and gore is splattered all over the floor
and walls. He says “you look hungry, won’t you
5. The Starboard Engine Room is dark. The lights have join me?” and gestures to the corpse. If
gone out. The walls here are coated in a thick slime. As attacked, Tusk will throw a Plant Monster Egg
you venture deeper into the room, you hear a quiet, that immediately grows into a mutated plant.
phlegmy growl coming from a small, furry, vicious…

Grimm Cat Collar r

“Subje ads
e +++DOCTOR TUSK. Roll 1d8 to determine which room
Doctor Tusk starts in. When the players encounter
HP 8 Morale 12 ct 12”
Tusk, he greets the party kindly and offers to show
Slimy Fur -d2 Claws d4 (GP 1 in 3)
them around & feed them. However, he will attempt
On max damage, the target is
to slip away to his Laboratory as soon as he can.
swallowed whole (not killed, just
HP 12 Morale 9
swallowed). Test TOU to escape.
Ropy Flesh -D4 Dirty Syringe D8 (GP 1 in 2)
Has D6 Plant Monster eggs
“The Wreck of the Tryphiddian” is an independent production by Duncan Hall and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or
Stockholm Kartell or Infinite Black or Creature Creation. It is published under the MÖRK BORG and Vast Grimm Third Party Licenses.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Vast Grimm is copyright Infinite Black and Creature Curation.
Pilgrimm ’ s Pr og re s s
e ‘F a t u m a ’s P il g rim’.
s s s ig nal from t h
iv e a d is t r e e ir face is ghosty ghost”
You rece h ild blood s m e a r e d o n t h ’t m in d m e, I’m ju st
4. You hear whispers “Don om the small child from the distress
e o o f a s m a ll c s a v e me,
It is a vid hispering “ P le a s e co m e
And you see in the Contro
l Ro
one. The floors
d a r k ne s s w ph
sitting in t h e
’s a r e li g io u s s e ttlement signal, sitting at a consol
e whi sp er in g in to th e m ic ro
c a n p a y ” . S c a n s show that it in g should be an un ho ly sigi l. Th e child can explain if
I id d in g . T h is t h are smeared with bloo d in
ld, so the grown-ups
, s o s h e ’s p r o bably not k ge t to th e fo od in th e ho
s hip asked that “We couldn’t
d riches. be sa fe r if I were just a
ll o f r e li cs a n h t s here… I thou gh t it w ou ld
chock fu T h e r e a r e n o li g started eating eachother. e sh ip ’s lig ht in g if so desired,
ca n fix th
ghost…” From here you AC ON ’S at te nt io n. If you bring the
get TH E DE
1. You hear whispers “Hello? Is someone there? ” although that will surely
ering stop s (o r at le ast is n’ t ov er the comms).
In the Docking Bay thick, meaty strands criss-cross the massive child with you, the whisp
room. Crates and cargo are wrapped in them, inaccessible. Be 5. You hear whispers “I don’t hate you”
careful not to disrupt the webs or you’ll attract the
HP 16 Morale 7
Gorspindel In the Dining Room D6 star
chained to the tables. “He
ving people wearing rags ar
Gory Hide -d2 comes when he’s hungry, ar
Spindling Legs d8 (GP 1 in 6) you hungry?” They have no e
Gore Web d4, Ranged, Webbe where to go if freed, so they
Skittering: Attacks with Legs an d just hide upstairs. There ar

d Web each turn. e two staircases leading
Loot (D6) upstairs to a bedroom with
a dozen or so beds.
1 - D12 rations 2 - D66 Credits 3 - Religious Books
4 - Bag of finger bones 5 - Gilt Armor (Tier 2) 6. You hear whispers
6 - An Encrypted Tribute uch blood”
“Why is there so m

5 b th e sta ir s, y o u can see a

2. You hear whispers As you clim
cr e a tu re sh a m b le out onto the
do this?” horrific
“It’s quiet here, why did you p u lp it. It is w e a ri n g blood-stained
nm en ta l Pr oces sing Chamber has e a th open carcassas

The En vi ro prie st ly ro b e s b e n
da m ag ed in so m e ki nd of firefight and ch e st a n d shoulders. It is
been draped o v e r it s
metal walkway. He roars
there is a large break in the .

e h u n g e rs
r is the water THE DEACON , a n d h
At the center of the chambe se v e ra l cu lt ists w earing gilt
out an d
which is bloody r and attack.
and waste reprocessing vat, d e a th m a sk s a p p e a
around in it.
and has body parts floating Behind the pulpit are the
at h th e w al kw ay is a plum met into the
Cultists xd6
. Deacon’s chambers, lavishly
cavernous bowels of the ship furnished with riches and relics.
Morale 8
3. You hear whispers “Soon you’ll be dead… just like me” HP 7
m o n ia l P ike d6 Reach

4 C e re
Gilt Armor -d
In the Nave, pews are askew and blood splatters the floor. Marble W h e n a C u lt ist d ie s, the Deacon can
staircases at either side of the room lead up to the Pulpit, and doors .
use his Booming Voice
exit to the left and right. In the center of the room, between two
huge marble anchorite statues, a charnel throne has been erected. The Deacon
The throne is made of bones and viscera and is drenched in blood. HP 12 Morale 7
Meatsuit -d4 Gilt Hammer d8
Booming Voice d4, ranged, area, ignores armor

“Pilgrimm’s Progress” is an independent production by Duncan Hall and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or
Stockholm Kartell or Infinite Black or Creature Creation. It is published under the MÖRK BORG and Vast Grimm Third Party Licenses.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Vast Grimm is copyright Infinite Black and Creature Curation.

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