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Sacred Heart Avenue, Digos City

S.Y. 2022-2023


September 15, 2022 (Thursday)

At the end of the given period, 85% of the students will be able to:
1. Identify the parts of a dictionary.
2. Look up the meaning of words in a dictionary.
VALUE: Knowledge and understanding
II. SUBJECT MATTER: Using a Dictionary
Quipper Study Guide: Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 4: Using a Dictionary
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Laptop, DLP, speaker, chalk, presentation
Checking of attendance and school uniform
Reminders (Safety Heath Protocols)
Activating Prior Knowledge
 The teacher will ask the students an essential question about the proper use
of dictionary in searching for the meaning of the word. The students will
be given 1 minute to reflect on the question and ask few students to give
 The teacher will take note the students’ answers on the board.
Presentation of Lesson Objectives
 The teacher will present the topic and the lesson objectives to the class.
Student to student/Student to Material (Cooperative Learning Teams)
1. Each student will choose a partner and reflect on the given sentence as a study
“A zither is a musical instrument. Would you pluck it or blow into it?”
2. They will be given a few minutes to discuss their thoughts with their partners,
and get a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word zither.
3. Then, ask the following questions to their partners:
 Is your answer correct?
 Do you think you would be certain of the meaning of the word zither if
you did not look up its meaning in the dictionary?
Student to Teacher
1. After doing the activity, the teacher will introduce the new lesson to the class.
2. Before starting the lesson proper, the teacher will review what a dictionary is
by asking the following questions:
“Do you often use a dictionary? When do you use a dictionary?”
3. Then, the teacher will ask the students to define the word dictionary.
Afterward, the teacher will present its definition.
“A dictionary is a reference material that alphabetically lists words along with
their meaning, pronunciation, and uses.”
4. After doing the review, the teacher will proceed to the lesson proper.

Checking for Mastery of the Lesson
The teacher will ask the students to read the following sentences. Then, using the
dictionary, they will find the meaning and the part of speech of the underlined

1. The contrast provided by the dark colors makes the room look more interesting.
2. It saddened and shocked us to hear that our cousin, Gretchen, is in critical
condition because of a car accident.
3. His approach to solving the problem is different.
4. We exhausted all our resources before asking for help from others.
5. The harsh glare of the sunlight hurts Jessica’s eyes.
6. The kids next door claim to be magicians.
7. No matter how hard Jack tries, he cannot influence Rica to change her decision.
8. We rode the express train to the next town.
9. Many auditioned, but only a select few were chosen.
10. Overfishing in this lake may make the fish scarce.

Correlating Prior and New Knowledge Learned

The teacher will let the class go back to their answers in the first activity (APK).
Let them compare their previous answers. Check some misconceptions and affirm
correct answers.

Correlation of the Topic to Broader Aspect

The teacher will instruct the students to look for the meaning of the words in the
dictionary and to list the meaning down and instruct students to write sentences
using all of the given words.

Integration to School Pillar/Values Integration

The teacher will let the class give the importance of understanding what others are
saying as expression of excellence.
 Why do you think it is important to understand what others say?


The teacher will instruct the students to underline the word that can be found on
the page of the dictionary with the given guide words.
1. message – monkey
a. manatee c. monarch
b. mount d. merchant
2. vacuum – vehicle
a. vacancy c. verity
b. vein d. vehemence
3. quail – quit
a. quarrel c. quack
b. quad d. quiver
4. advice – again
a. advertisement c. agree
b. advocacy d. admire
5. infest – inheritable
a. inherent c. injure
b. infer d. inheritance
The teacher will ask the students to do the following at home:
1. Read a short story, magazine article, or news report.
2. From the text, find at least five words that are unfamiliar to you.
3. List down the five words and use a dictionary to get their meanings and parts of

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