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Let´s learn English | Basic

Let´s learn English | Basic




Listen and repeat.

bedroom bathroom kitchen living room

dining room basement hall garage

garden floor backyard laundry

office patio balcony attic

 Page 132

PAIR WORK. Practice this conversation.

Cesar: ¡Hello!
Maria: Hi! It’s Maria. Is Cesar there?
Cesar: Of course. It’s me.

Maria: What are you doing? What’s new?

Cesar: I’m packing my things because I’m moving into a new house.
Maria: That’s great. Where are you moving?
Cesar: I’m moving to Bustamante district.
Maria: What’s your new house like?

Cesar: It’s a big and beautiful house.

Maria: How many rooms are there in your new house?
Cesar: There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining
room, a garage and a backyard.
Maria: Wow! It’s amazing. Congratulations!
Cesar: Thank you.

Let´s learn English | Basic



Subject TO BE Verb+ING Complement

I am doing my homework.
YOU are studying English.
HE is listening Music.
WE are reading a book.
THEY are writing a story.


Subject TO BE+NOT Verb+ING Complement

I am not playing Soccer.
YOU aren’t studying Literature.
HE isn’t working Here.
WE aren’t moving into a new house.
THEY aren’t writing some poems.


TO BE SUBJECT Verb+ING Complement Short Answer

Yes, you are.
AM I playing volleyball?
No, you aren’t.
Yes, I am.
ARE you studying Literature?
No, I’m not.
Yes, she is.
IS she working here?
No, she isn’t.
Yes, we are.
ARE we moving to a new house?
No, we aren’t.
Yes, they are.
ARE they writing some poems?
No they aren’t.

1. Use this tense to actions happening at the moment of the speaking.
I’m running now.
She’s walking home right now.

Let´s learn English | Basic

2. Use this tense for future arrangements. You have to use future words NEXT
I’m traveling next month.
You’re having an exam tomorrow.

work working
eat eating
1. Most verbs add ING
drink drinking
do doing
have having
2. Verbs end in E, drop the E and add ING smoke smoking
come coming
study studying
3. Verbs end in Y, W, X only add ING fix fixing
follow following
swim swimming
4. Verbs with one syllable end CVC, double the
stop stopping
last consonant and add ING
run running
die dying
5. Verbs end in IE, become in Y and add ING lie lying
tie tying
agree agreeing
6. Verbs end in EE, YE, only add ING
dye dyeing

PRACTICE (1). Add ING for the following verbs.


Become Becomin Learn Learning

Break Breaking Meet Meeting

Buy Buying Say Saying

Draw Drawing Show Showing

Drive Driving Sit Sitting

Fall Falling Throw Throwing

Give Giving Win Winning

Eat Eating Write Writing

Let´s learn English | Basic

PRACTICE (2). Answer these questions with your own information.

a) Are you writing in your notebook?

I'm not writing in the notebook .
b) Is your partner driving a car?
my partner does not have a car .
c) Is your brother singing a song?
No, my brother doesn't like to sing.
d) Are your classmates working in class?
Yes, my classmates always work in class .
e) Are you traveling tonight?
No, I only travel on vacation .
f) Is your professor teaching English?
Yes, my teacher is teaching English .
g) What are you doing now?
I'm doing my homework .
h) What is your mother doing?
my mother is resting at home .
i) What’s your classmate doing?
my partner is studying for the exam .
j) When are you having lunch with your friends?
I have lunch with them from Monday to Friday .


Listen and repeat.


bed shampoo stove armchair
pillowcase toilet pot sofa
wardrobe towel microwave carpet, rug
blanket shower sink vase
pillow soap freezer paintings
 Page 133

Let´s learn English | Basic

1. Look at the pictures and write the names of the different things in the house.





Let´s learn English | Basic

1. Correct the following sentences.
a) Carlos are doing her homwork.
Carlos is doing his homework.
b) My relatives is runing in Selva Alegre park.
My relatives are running in Selva Alegre park.

c) I am swiming in the pool.

I am swimming in the pool.

d) Why are you cring?

Why are you crying?

e) The secretary aren’t working now.

The secretary isn't working now.

f) Tomorrow, He’s travel to Chivay.

Tomorrow, he will travel to

g) We isn’t climbin Chachani.

We aren't climbing Chachani.

h) What are Maria eatting?

What is Maria eating?

i) The dog is chase his tail.

The dog is chasing its tail.

j) The Principal ins’t talking in class.

The Principal isn't talking in class.

Dear Milagros,
I’m working at San Agustin University and I’m having a really good time. In this moment
we are having a break and as it is very cold I’m having a hot cup of coffee with some
biscuits. My students are doing different free activities. Some are also having snacks, the
boys are practicing their English pronunciation and there are few girls talking in English
too. I feel very pleasant here because my students are very clever and I can share all I
know. Send me some pictures. Don’t forget!
Kisses, Cristina

Let´s learn English | Basic

1. Answer the following questions.

a) Where’s Cristina working? Cristina is working at San Agustin

b) What’s she doing now? Right now, she is having a hot cup of
coffee with some biscuits during her

c) Why is she drinking a cup of coffee? She is drinking a cup of coffee because
it is very cold.

d) Is she hungry? The text does not mention whether she

is hungry or not.

e) What are the girls doing? Some of the girls are talking in English.

f) What are the boys doing? The boys are practicing their English

Imagine you and some people are in these places. Follow the examples.
- What are you doing in the church?
- I’m praying.
- What is your mother doing in the market?
- She’s buying some food.

Berly/University What do you do Barely in University?

Barely is studying at the university

Jose/Mine What does José do in a mine?

José is working in the mine.
Maria/office What does Maria do in an office?
Maria is accommodating the papers in the office.
You/house What do you do at home?
He at his house watches tv.
Milagros and Who works miracles and Carlota in the movies?

Let´s learn English | Basic
Milagros and Carlota watch a movie at the cinema.

Alan/gym What does Alan do in the gym?

Alan works out in the gym.

My friend/store What are my friends doing in a store?

My friends are buying clothes in the store.

The dog/street What is the dog doing in the street?

The dog in the street walks

My brother/pool What is my brother doing in the pool?

My brother swims in the pool.

You/restaurant What do you do in the restaurant?

He eats in the restaurant.




Listen and repeat.


bread appetizer garlic peach

cheese soup corn pear

eggs main dish potato orange

butter salad tomato pineapple

juice soft drink onion apple

coffee cake carrot strawberry

 Page 134

PAIR WORK. Practice the following conversation.

Carlos: Hello, Jose. What do you have for breakfast?
Jose: I eat bread with cheese or butter and I drink a cup of coffee. What about
Carlos: I eat two bread with jam or eggs and I drink orange juice. Sometimes I eat
salad fruit. I love it!
Jose: Me too. What’s your favorite fruit?
Let´s learn English | Basic
Carlos: Actually, I like peaches, oranges and apples. And you?
Jose: I love strawberries and pineapples. Yummy!

Carlos: I’m hungry now. Let’s eat something.

Jose: Great idea! Let’s go.



I work today.
YOU work in the morning.
HE works on Fridays.
SHE works at 8:00 a.m.
IT works very well.
WE work at night.
THEY work everyday.


work works
eat eats
1. Most verbs add S
drink drinks
take takes
watch watches
wash washes
kiss kisses
2. Verbs end in CH, SH, SS, X, O only add ES
fix fixes
do does
go goes
study studies
3. Verbs end in Y, become in I and add ES cry cries
fry fries
4. Irregular verb have has

1. Simple present tense is used for habits and routines.

I play soccer every Sunday.

2. Use this tense to talk about permanent situations and short actions.
I live in Cayma district.

Let´s learn English | Basic
He studies at University.

PRACTICE (1). Add S, ES, IES for the next verbs.


Become Becomes Learn Learns

Break Breaks Meet Meets

Buy Buys Say Says

Draw Draws Show Shows

Drive Drives Sit Sits

Fall Falls Throw Throws

Give Gives Win Wins

Eat Eats Write Writes

Play Plays Try Tries

See Sees Teach Teaches

Fly Flies Do Does

Have Has Catch Catches

Study Studies Listen Listens

PRACTICE (2). Complete the sentences in Simple Present Tense.

a) I PLAY (play) soccer with my friends.

b) She EATS (eat) a very delicious fruit salad.
c) The dog CHASES (chase) its tail.
d) Fernanda CRIES (cry) after watching a romantic film.
e) You HAVE (have breakfast) at 7:00 a.m.
f) We DRIVE (drive) our car everyday.
g) Carlo and Sue LEARN (learn) Quechua in Peru.
h) He STUDIES (study) Aimara in Puno.
i) I GO (go) to the beach this summer.
j) Amparo WASHES (wash) her clothes on Sundays.

Let´s learn English | Basic


IN Parts of the day: morning, afternoon, I work in the morning.
Months: January, February, March, April, I travel to Lima in October.
May, June, July, August, September,
October, November, December.
Years: 1998, 2010, 2019 …
Seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter. She studies Literature in 2019.
She goes to the beach in summer.
ON Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, On Monday I work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. p.m.
Dates: Christmas eve, Independence day. My birthday is on October 29th.
th th
July 28 , May 16 .
AT Short parts of the day: midday, midnight, He goes to bed at midnight.
dinner, lunch, breakfast, night, noon,
sunset, bedtime, the moment.
Hours: 7:00, 8:30, 12:00 … You start work at 7:00 a.m.
Festivals and holidays: Christmas,

PRACTICE (3). Complete the sentences with the Prepositions of time.

a) She works on Saturdays.

b) We go to the school AT 8:00 IN the morning.
c) I have lunch AT noon.
d) My friends and I play soccer AT 2:00 IN the afternoon.
e) Thursday she visits her grandparents.
f) Everyday I wake up AT 5:30 IN the morning. Then I take a shower. I have
breakfast AT 6:30 a.m. After that I start work AT 8:30 a.m.
g) ON Friday she has lunch AT 1:30 p.m. She finishes work AT 5:00
IN the afternoon. Then, she has dinner AT 8.00 p.m. Finally, she goesto
bed AT midnight.


Listen and repeat.


chicken tea rice glass
fish juice wheat fork
shrimp wine corn knife
guinea pig beer barley spoon
lamb water oat napkin
 Page 135

Let´s learn English | Basic

1. Look at the pictures and write the correct names of the different kind of food.





Let´s learn English | Basic

1. Complete the sentences using the verbs into the box.
play run watch (2) eat (2) drink
go (2) have do have lunch listen

study learn have dinner travel visit (2)

rain take (2) get up clean dance

a) She is watching a Peruvian documentary.

b) Esteban eats bread with butter for breakfast.
c) We all drink some water for lunch.
d) Maria has lunch with her family at about 1:00 p.m.
e) I have to go to the movies this weekend.
f) You play rugby on Sundays.
g) She does her homework in the evenings.
h) Every morning I listen to some news on the radio.
i) The bus is going to leave. We have to run fast.
j) You have many friends.
k) On Saturdays I have dinner in a beautiful restaurant with my parents at
l) We all learn English at UNSA.
m) Cristina travels to Iquitos each year.
n) They visit their grandparents on weekends.
o) You study to become a phenomenal engineer.
p) We go to the beach in summer.
q) In Arequipa rains a lot from January to March.
r) We have to take an airplane to Iquitos.
s) She gets up at 5:00 a.m. every day.
t) He cleans his bedroom every Sunday.
u) My brother dances in the Candelaria’s party.
v) I don’t like romantic films. I only watch horror films.
w) This is the first time that she wants to eat guinea pig.
x) They visiting Colca Canyon today.
y) I have to go to Lima, but I have to decide if I take a bus or airplane.

2. Underline the correct preposition of time.

a) I work at/to 8:00 in/on the morning.
b) She cleans her house in/on Sundays.
c) Do you watch TV at/in noon?
d) On/in summer my family and I travel in/to the beach.

Let´s learn English | Basic

e) I prefer to read a book in/at sunset.

f) My birthday is on/in October 29th.
g) Peru has to increase its economy in/on 2019.

h) On/in/at Independence Day we celebrate with fireworks.

i) Arequipa’s day is in/at/on August 15th.
j) At/in/on 5:00 p.m. I finish work.
3. Correct the mistakes of the following sentences.
a) She play volleyball with his boyfriend in Saturdays.
She plays volleyball with her boyfriend on Saturdays.

b) My family like to eats soup shrimps in frydays because they is of Arequipa.

My family likes to eat shrimp soup on Fridays because it is from Arequipa.

c) I watch films horror specially at Sunday night.

I watch horror films especially on Sunday night.

d) Arturo work many hours, so I understands why he’s tired.

Arturo works many hours, so I understand why he's tired.

e) Milagros and his friend wants to go to the beach at the morning.
Milagros and her friend want to go to the beach in the morning

Mafer: I like Peruvian food like Lomo Saltado but I don’t like Cuy Chactado.
Jorge: Why not?
Mafer: Because guinea pig is a pet for me.
Jorge: Really? In Arequipa we eat guinea pigs because
it’s part of our traditional gastronomy.
Mafer: I know, but in the US it is a pet, so…
Jorge: Don’t worry. I understand.
1. Write true (T) or false (F).
a) Mafer is from Arequipa (F)
b) Mafer likes Lomo Saltado (T)
c) Jorge likes Guinea pig (T)
d) Guinea pigs are pets for Mafer (T)
e) Guinea pig is a traditional dish for Americans (F)
f) Jorge understands Mafer’s tradition (T)

Let´s learn English | Basic




Listen and repeat.

delicious spicy disgusting sour

tasty bitter tasteless sickly

sweet salty flat bland

PAIR WORK. Practice this conversation.

Maria: I love this pie. It’s sweet, delicious and tasty. Your cake?
Christina: My cake is tasteless, bitter and disgusting. I don’t like it at all.
Maria: So, try this pie.
Christina: Mmmm… you’re right! It’s very delicious. I love it.

PRACTICE (1). So, what do you think about this kind of food? Use these words.
I think / For me / In my opinion

lemon I think lemon is sour.

chicken For me the chicken is very rich.

coffee In my opinion, coffee is the best drink.

pepper I think the pepper is very hot.

strawberry For me the strawberry is very juicy.

beef In my opinion, the meat is very tough.

cake For me the cake is very sweet.

fish Thinks that fish is very sour.

wine In my opinion, I don't like wine.

chili I think the chili adds flavor to the food.

Let´s learn English | Basic



I don’t work today.
YOU don’t work in the morning.
HE doesn’t work on Fridays.
SHE doesn’t work at 8:00 a.m.
IT doesn’t work very well.
WE don’t work at night.
THEY don’t work everyday.

PRACTICE (2). Negate the following sentences.

a) I play soccer with my neighbors.

I don't play soccer with my neighbors.
b) She cleans her bedroom on Sundays.
She doesn't clean her bedroom on Sundays.
c) They visit Machu Picchu in spring.
They don't visit Machu Picchu in spring.
d) In Chivay people eat guinea pig every day.
In Chivay, people don't eat guinea pig every day.
e) That man is handsome.
That man is not handsome
f) Those children play the guitar very well. Those
children don't play the guitar very well.
g) Our University has many Faculties.
Our University doesn't have many Faculties.
h) They climb Chachani. It’s really beautiful.
I don't eat cheese with bread for breakfast, and I don't drink orange juice.
i) I eat cheese with bread for breakfast and I drink orange juice.
I don't eat cheese with bread for breakfast, and I don't drink orange juice.
j) My sister washes her clothes on Saturdays.
My sister doesn't wash her clothes on Saturdays.

Let´s learn English | Basic



Yes, you do.
DO I work today?
No, you don’t.
Yes, I do.
DO you work in the morning?
No, I don’t.
Yes, he does.
DOES he work on Fridays?
No, he doesn’t.
Yes, she does.
DOES she work at 8:00 a.m.?
No, she doesn’t.
Yes, it does.
DOES the TV work very well?
No, it doesn’t.
Yes, we do.
DO we work at night?
No, we don’t.
Yes, they do.
DO they work everyday?
No, they don’t.

PRACTICE (3). First, answer the questions with short answers. Then add 4 more
questions. After that, ask your partner and complete the chart.

a) Do you speak Quechua? I don't speak Quechua He doesn't speak
b) Do you study Mathematics? Yes, I study mathematics Yes, he studies math.

c) Does your father work in an No, my father doesn't work No, his father doesn'twork in
office? in the office. the office.

d) Does your partner play soccer? Yes, my partner plays No, your partner doesn'tplay
soccer soccer.
e) Do your parents live in Yes, my parents live in Yes, his parents live in
Arequipa? Arequipa Arequipa.
f) Do you like to eat different Yes, I like to eat different Yes, he likes to eat different
kindof fruit? kinds of fruits. types of fruits.
g) Does your professor teach Yes, my teacher teaches Yes, his teacher teaches
English? English English.
h) Does Arequipa have three Yes, Arequipa has 3 Yes, Arequipa has 3
volcanos? volcanoes volcanoes.
i) Do you speak English? Yes, I speak English If he speaks English.

j) Do you like vegetables? Yes, I like vegetables Yes, he likes vegetables.

k) Do you like going to the movies? Yes, I like to go to the Yes, he likes to go to the

Let´s learn English | Basic
cinema cinema.
l) Do you like going to the beach? I don't like going to the Yes, he likes to go to
beach thebeach.




Affirmative Negative Question

I like apples. I don't like apples. Do you like carrots?
She likes ice cream. She doesn't like ice cream. Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.


Affirmative Negative Question

I like to eat different kind of I don't like to eat meat. Do you like to watch films?
fruit. She doesn't like toclean. Yes, I do.
She likes to play the guitar. No, I don’t.

Affirmative Negative Question

I like eating bananas. I don't like eating grapes. Do you like eating cakes?
She likes playing the She doesn't like cleaning. Yes, I do.
flute. No, I don’t.

PRACTICE (4). Answer the next questions.

a) Do you like broccoli? Yes, I like broccoli.

b) Does your mother like to cook? Yes, my mother likes to cook.
c) Do you like watching TV? No, I don’t like to watch tv.
d) Do you love to eat guinea pig? Yes, I like to eat guinea pig.
e) Does your brother love studying his career? Yes, My brother loves to study his career.
f) Do you love learning English? Yes, I love learning English.
g) Do you hate hamburgers? No, I don't hate burgers.
h) Does your partner hate listening regueton music? No, my partner doesn't hate listening to
reggaeton music.
i) Do you hate practicing English? I don't hate practicing English.
j) Does your cousin like to listen to music? Yes, my cousin likes to listen to music.
k) Do you dislike taking some pills? No, He doesn't dislike taking pills.

Let´s learn English | Basic


1. Complete the questions with the auxiliary DO or DOES.

a) What do you do?

b) Where does she live?
c) How many hours does your sister study a day?
d) Why do you study English?
e) What colour does your best friend like the most?
f) How many books do you read a month?
g) What university do your brothers study at?
h) When do you study for your exams?
i) Who do you study with for your exams?
j) What sport do you practice?
k) What kind of music do people prefer dancing at the disco?
l) How often does your professor miss a class?
m) Do you have any brother or sisters?
n) Does your cousin like cooking?
o) Do you enjoy singing English songs?

2. Write questions answering the underline part of the positive sentence.

a) Where does Rafaela study?
Rafaela studies at San Agustin University.
b) How many cigarettes does Edison smoke a day?

Edison smokes five cigarettes a day.

c) How often do the students travel to Lima?
The students travel to Lima twice a month.
d) When do I practice football?
I practice football at weekends.

e) Why do we study English?

We study English because it is an international language and we enjoy it so much.

Let´s learn English | Basic

3 Complete the sentences in negative with the verb in bracket.

a) Gabriel and Catia do not study (study) at San Agustin University.

b) Nilda does not go (go) to the cinema with her friends.
c) Wilson and Sheyla do not do (do) their English exercise.
d) Giuliano does not watch (watch) TV when he has free time.
e) Denilson, Mikaela and Abigail do not fly (fly) to Cusco for a meeting.
f) Nobody does not sleep (sleep) when there are final exams.
g) The Peruvian President does not try (try) to do the best.
h) Peruvian women do not mend (mend) their children clothes.
i) The child does not ride (ride) a horse to help his father.
j) San Agustin University students do not enjoy (enjoy) reading.
k) Kindergarten children do not carry (carry) their bags with food.
l) People do not use (use) their mobile all the time.
m) University professors never do not stop (stop) working.
n) Luisa does not have (have) three brothers and a sister.
o) The dogs do not bark (bark) when he hears a noise.
p) The mother does not kiss (kiss) her baby with real natural law.
q) Luz and Mery do not have (have) exams very often.
r) Orlando does not fix (fix) his car on his own.
s) Alicia and her brother do not wash (wash) their father’s car.
t) Birds do not build (build) their nests in trees.
u) I do not laugh (laugh) at my friends’ jokes.
v) Nobody does not know (know) the answer.
w) Everybody does not have (have) a shower early in the morning.
x) My father does not pay (pay) for my food.
y) The policemen do not drive (drive) their cars to the emergency.

Let´s learn English | Basic

TEXT 1. Ken from Osaka in Japan

In my family we have a traditional Japanese breakfast. lt isn’t very different from lunch
and dinner. We have rice, fish, and miso soup, and we drink green tea. Today a lot of
Japanese people have a European breakfast. They have bread and croissant and they
drink coffee, not tea. But I prefer our breakfast. In my family we don’t talk at breakfast.
We eat drink and watch TV!

TEXT 2. Katalin from Nikla in Hungary

In Hungary breakfast is an important meal. In my family we have eggs, cheese, cold meat,
sausage, and bread. We drink tea or coffee, and fruit juice. Some men have a small
'palinka' at breakfast time - it's a traditional Hungarian brandy. lt's very strong, and I
don't like it, especially not for breakfast.


After reading the texts, answer the following questions.

a) What is the traditional breakfast in Japan?

The traditional breakfast in Japan consists of rice, fish, miso soup and green tea.
b) What do Japanese people have for breakfast today?
Today, many Japanese eat a European breakfast that includes bread and croissant, and
drink coffee instead of tea.
c) Does Ken talk at breakfast?
No, Ken and his family don't talk at breakfast. They just eat, drink and watch TV.
d) What does Katalin eat for breakfast?
Katalin eats eggs, cheese, cold cuts, sausages and bread for breakfast. She also drinks tea or
coffee and fruit juice.
e) What’s “palinka”?
"Palinka" is a traditional Hungarian brandy.
f) Does Katalin like “palinka”?
No, Katalin does not like "palinka", especially for breakfast, because it is very strong.

Let´s learn English | Basic


1. Find the following words in the puzzle. Then write a sentence for each one. After
that, ask a partner about his/her preferences. Follow the example.

Guinea pig


Me: For breakfast I like to eat cheese because It’s delicious, but I don’t like butter
because It’s salty.
My partner: For breakfast she/he likes to eat butter because it’s soft, but she doesn’t
like cheese because it’s salty.

Me: For breakfast I enjoy eating fruits like tangerines and oranges, but I avoid sweets because of their
high sugar content.
My partner: For breakfast He prefers to start the day with seconds because they are more filling, but he
opts for juices instead of sodas for consumption..

Me: For lunch I have a preference for consuming vegetables and boiled chicken due to their high
nutritional value, while I avoid fried foods as they lack such nutritional value.

My partner: For lunch He likes chicken and potato because it is delicious, but he is not interested in eating

Me: For dinner I prefer to eat a chocolate because of its exquisite taste, but he likes to eat heavy meals.

My partner: For dinner He prefers to eat vegetables. But I like to eat pumpkin or celery because they are

Let´s learn English | Basic

2. Answer the next questions. Write a paragraph (3-4 lines).

a. What´s the traditional breakfast in Arequipa?

A lighter, more traditional breakfast in Arequipa might include bread with cheese, ham, or
butter, accompanied by tea or coffee. It is also common to find "tamales" (corn dough
stuffed with meat, chicken, olives and eggs) as a breakfast option.
b. What do you like for breakfast?

For breakfast, I usually prefer to have milk with an egg or cheese sandwich, or sometimes I
like to eat leftover food from the previous day's lunch, so it doesn't spoil. Sometimes I opt for
a lighter breakfast with only milk.

c. What’s the traditional lunch in Arequipa?

One of the most representative and traditional dishes of the gastronomy of Arequipa is the
"rocoto relleno". Another emblematic dish of Arequipa is the "chupe de camarones", a
thick soup made with shrimp, potato, cheese, milk and eggs.
d. What do you like for lunch?

I prefer to eat for lunch a meal that is well balanced in carbohydrates and protein. The
dishes must have rice, potatoes, some meat or chicken, it can also be stews, salads, etc.
Every day I like to eat a different dish
e. What’s the traditional dinner in Arequipa?

One of the most typical dishes for dinner in Arequipa may be the Chairo, which is a thick
soup made from corn and beef, accompanied by potatoes, broad beans and other
ingredients. And another could be the Pastel de Papa, which is a cake made with layers of
potato and meat, usually seasoned with olives, egg and other ingredients.

f. What do you like for dinner?

I prefer to have something not so loaded for dinner, I could fry an egg with rice and potatoes
and accompany it with chocolate or milk. It could also be rice pudding and bread or finally
a hot mazamorra with cornstarch


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