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Stanza #(92) [blue][b] Dhanurdharo Dhanurvedo Dando Damayitaa Dama:!:!

[u] [i] Aparaajita: Sarvasaho Niyanta Niyamo Yama: ||.:. | ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Dhanurdhara:. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One Who wields the bow
 His Incarnation as Sree Rama, He drew the great Bow
 Sanchayan says To Dritrastran “there is no other person in this world who can wield Bow Like Sri Krishnan,
Dhanajayan”, & where ever they present the dharma will be saved there..
 [red][u] “Dhanu” [/u][/red] means Bow..

2) [blue][b][u] Dhanurveda: .. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who the Propounded the science of archery.
 One who has propounded meditation on "OM" as the sure means of Self realization.
3) [blue][b][u] Danda: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who punishes the wicked.
 One who is the source of restraint for all beings so that they follow dharma.
 One whom no one else controls..
 [red][u] “Danda” [/u][/red] means Punishment...
4) [blue][b][u] Damayita: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is the Subduer of the enemies of His devotees
 [red][u] “Dama”” [/u][/red] means self control.
[blue]Stanza (92)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]

5) [blue][b][u] A-Dama: . [/u][/b][/blue].

 One Who can’t subdued by anyone.
 One who controls everything.
 One who is the means of control
 [red][u] “Dama:”” [/u][/red] means Control of the senses. The difference in Thirunamam #(4)&(5) is : this ie
the sapdam : (aha).
6) [blue][b][u] Aparajita: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is invincible
 One who’s Powers does not perish or diminish over time..
 [red][u] ” Aparajita:” [/u][/red] means “ one who never been vanquished
7) [blue][b][u] Sarvasaha: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who conquers all His enemies...
 One who forgives the misgivings of everyone
 One who is the supporter of all the other deities.
 [red][u]” Sarvasaha:” [/u][/red] means “sarva+saha:” means “ all + if its “Saha” which means “strength” &
if it’s “Saha :” it means "with".
8) [blue][b][u] Niyanta [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who directs
 One who has no one above Him to direct & control Him(“A-niyanta”)
 [red][u] ” Niyanta” [/u][/red] means “ controller”.
9) [blue][b][u] Niyama: [/u][/b][/blue]
 one Who controls.
 One Who ordains.
 One Who is attained through the yogic path of niyama (and yama)..
 [red][u] ” Niyama” [/u][/red] means “self purification thru’ discipline
 [red][u] ” Niyamam” [/u][/red] means “regulation"
 Also pl refer [red][u] ” slokam # ( 17) [/u][/red] Thirunamam” # (11).. ..

.10) [blue][b][u] yama: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the Controller
 One who has no one to command Him(a-yama:).
 One who is beyond yama or mrityu (a-yama:).
 Also pl refer [red][u] ” slokam # ( 17) [/u][/red]lThirunamam”# (12) ...
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] TEN ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]
Stanza #(93) [blue][b] Sattvavan Sattvika: Satya: SatyaDharmaParaayana:!!

[u] [i] Abhipraya: Priyarhoarha: Priyakrit PritiVardhana: | ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Sattvavan:. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One Who controls the sattva guna that paves the way for liberation
 One who possesses courage, strength
 One Who is determined to bestow blessings on His devotees
 [red][u] “Sattva” [/u][/red] means “inner strength
2) [blue][b][u] Sattvika: .. [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who confers the fruits of sattva guna.
 One who is essentially established in sattva guna.
 [red][u] “Sattva” [/u][/red means “inner strength”
 [red][u] “Guna ” [/u][/red] means “ qualities”
3) [blue][b][u] Satya: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is good in a supreme way..
 One who is established in Truth..
 One Who is Real, and who alone exists( Bhagawan Adi Sankarachar)..
 [red][u] “Satya” [/u][/red] means truth.
4) [blue][b][u] Satya DharmaParayana: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is pleased with the true dharma practiced by His devotees.
 One Who is ever devoted to, and established in, Truth and in righteousness.
 One Who provides the support and shows the path for, those who follow the superior path of
 One who is the refuge of devotees like yadu, turvasa, who take interest in discharging virtuous
 [red][u] “Parayana;” [/u][/red] means “so inclined..
[blue]Stanza (93)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]

5) [blue][b][u] Abhipraya: . [/u][/b][/blue].

 One Who is the object of choice.
 One Who exclusively directs the activities of all others..
 [red][u] “Abhipraya::” means opinion [/u][/red].& [i]is commonly used, as 'aim, purpose, intention,
wish, desire'.[/i].
6) [blue][b][u] Priyarha: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who deserves to be offered our most beloved offerings
 [red][u]” Priyam:” [/u][/red] means “ love..
7) [blue][b][u] Arha: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is to be worshipped by all devotees...
 [red][u] Arha [/red][/u] means deserving.
8) [blue][b][u] Priyakrit [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who does what is wanted by others
9) [blue][b][u] PritiVardhana: [/u][/b][/blue]
 one Who fulfills the love of His devotees.
 One who increases the joy of His devotees.
 [red][u] ” Priti” [/u][/red] means “ satisfaction
 [red][u] ” Vardhana” [/u][/red] means “who prospers "..
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] NINE ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]

[/u][/red]Stanza #(94) [blue][b] Vihaya-sagatir Jyoti: Suruchir Hutabhug vibhu:!

[u] [i] RavirVirochana: Soorya: Savita Ravilochana:.| ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Vihaya-sagati:. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who uses Garudan as his vehicle to travel in space.
 One who is the means for attaing Paramapadam.
 One Who travels in the form of the Sun.
 [red][u] “Vihaaya” [/u][/red] means “Giving up.[i] According to Amara kosam this term means
Sky.,Bird &Sri Vaikuntham[/i].
 [red][u] “ Gati” [/u][/red] means Movement
The term Vihaayasa means pertaining to, depending on, the space-aerial. Gatih means one
who moves. Therefore, in its totality, this name describes: “One who travels
in space-having the nature of the Sun, Soorya-Narayana.” –THOUSAND WAYS TO THE
TRANSCENDENTAL. By swami Chinmayananda
2) [blue][b][u] Jyoti: [/u][/b][/blue]
 The light which leads the Bakthas to Srivaikundam
 The Light that is self-luminous
 The Light that illuminates the Sun, the moon.
 [red][u] “Jyoti : ” [/u][/red] means “inner light”
 [red][u] “Jyoti ” [/u][/red] means “light”
3) [blue][b][u] Suruchi: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who has the good desire or good Will to protect the world
 One who has intense attachment to His devotees.
 One whom no one else controls..
 [red][u] “Suruchi” [/u][/red] ( “Su + Ruchi” ).. means Auspicious + taste; flavour:Swami
Chinmayanandaji mentions the meaning as Desire
4) [blue][b][u] Huta-bhug- vibhu: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is is the Bright Fortnight of the Moon-
 Where as Sankarachar treats this as Two names huta bhug + Vibhu
 [red][u] “Huta bhug vibhu”” [/u][/red] means[i] huta = offerings.., bhug =bhuj = eat..,+ Vibhu=
the Supreme Lord[/i]
[blue]Stanza (94)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]
5) [blue][b][u] Ravi: . [/u][/b][/blue].
 Uttrayana Punya kaalatu Suriyan.
 One who responsible for the ability of all chetanas and achetanas to make sound.
 One who is praised by His devotees.
 [red][u] “Ravi:” [/u][/red] means The sun
6) [blue][b][u] Virochana: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who shines in different forms
 One Who shines in the minds of His devotees in various special ways..
7) [blue][b][u] surya: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One because of Whom we get enlightenment...
 One who generates Sri or brilliance in surya or sacred fire.
 The term etymologically means the One Source from which all things have been born or out of
which they have been delivered.
 [red][u]”Surya:” [/u][/red] means That which moves (Panini sutram) & One of the Name to”
8) [blue][b][u] Savita [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who produces or brings forth the crops etc., in the form of the Sun
 One Who brings forth everything in the Universe
 [red][u] ” Savita” [/u][/red] One of the other name ofsun”.
9) [blue][b][u] Ravilochana: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One whose eyes are that of sun
 [i][red] “compare”... “KAARMENI [U]” CHENGAN KADIR.., “[/u][/RED].MADIYAM POL
MUGATHAAN Andal-Kodai Nachiars Thirupaavai.Paasuram #(1){Chengan= Sivanda kan &
 [i]Again Kodai Nachiyar in Thirupaavai… Paasuram #(22)[red] “Chengan Chirichiride
emmel..Thingalum Adityanum serdarpol”…[/red][/i]
 [blue]… “Chaksho: Suryo ajayata”…[/blue] Purusha suktham(1-14) from His eyes the Sun has
been formed..
 [red][u] ” Ravilochana” [/u][/red] “Ravi + lochana” means “The sun + eyes”
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] NINE ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]
Stanza #(95) [blue][b] Ananta Hutbhug Bhoktaa Sukhado Naikado’graja:
[u] [i] Anirvinna: Sadamarshi Lokadhishthanam Adbhuta:. | ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Ananto Hutbhug Bhoktaa. [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is endless, and Who consumes the offerings through fire
 Sri Parasara Bhattar Treats this as a single Thirnamam.
 Swami Chinmayananda Treats this as Three (Ananta +hutabhug+Bhokta) Thirnamam. (Adi sankara bhasyam)
 [red][u] “Ananta +hutabhug+Bhokta” [/u][/red] means [i] “Endless; Offerings made to the sacrificial fire; enjoyer
as well as protector.[/i]

2) [blue][b][u] Sukhada: .. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who gives bliss to His devotees.
 One who removes happiness from Rakshas.
 One who Removes the tiny pleasures from His devotees so that they can seek the higher bliss
 [red][u]” Sukhada”[/u][/red] “sukh + da” = Happiness + to give
3) [blue][b][u] Naikada: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the giver of Not One thing but many thing.
 If it’s [i]Naikaja[/i] One who is Not only Born once but many Times( To protect Dharma).
 [red][u] “Naikada” [/u][/red] means (Naika + da ) Many Or Naika means (Na+ eka) not one alone . & da means
 [red][u] “Naikaja” [/u][/red] means (Naika + ja ) Many + birth
4) [blue][b][u]Agra-ja: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who manifests in front of the mukta
 One who existed before every thing
 [red][u] “Agra-ja”” [/u][/red] means(Agra + ja.)” first + born”.. But here it means in front …
[blue]Stanza (95)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]
5) [blue][b][u] Anirvinna:. [/u][/b][/blue].
 One who has nothing to wish for.(he attained evry thing which is attainable).
 One who is never despondent.
 pl see also[blue] Thirunamam # (1) Slokam #(47)[/blue]
 [red][u] “Anirvinna:”” [/u][/red] means Ever fulfill..
6) [blue][b][u] Sadamarshi[/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is ever patient(sada+marshi)
 One who is patient towards the mistakes of good people (sat +A+ marshI).
 One who is extremely impatient with the wicked people (sada + amarshi)..
 [red][u] ” Sadamarshi:” [/u][/red] (can be intrpreted sada+marshi or sat+ a+marshi)“ Sada=ever
;Marshi=patience..Sat =good;
7) [blue][b][u] Lokadhishthanam [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the supporter of all worlds... .
 [red][u]” Lokadhishthanam” [/u][/red] means “Lok+adhi” means “ world + principal; chief; supreme..
8) [blue][b][u] Adbhuta: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is extremely wonderful..
 One because of Whom grains, food etc. exist (Adyam = grains).
 [red][u] ” Adbhutam” [/u][/red] means “ wonderful”.
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] Eight ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]
Stanza #(96) [blue][b] Sanat Sanatana-tama: Kapila: Kapiravaya:
[u][i] Svastida; Svastikrit Svasti Svastibhuk Svastidakshina:| ||.[/u] [/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Sanaat [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the Object of enjoyment.
 One who is in the form of Time.
 One who is Eternal, Immutable, and always of the same beautiful Form.
 [red][u] “Sanat” [/u][/red] means [i] Time& {sana means “Ever”-(Amarakosam}).[/i]

2) [blue][b][u] Sanatana-tama:. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who is the most ancient.
 [red][u]” Sanatanam:”[/u][/red] means Eternal..
3) [blue][b][u] Kapila: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is having beautiful complexion.
 If it’s [i]Naikaja[/i] One who is Not only Born once but many Times( To protect Dharma).
 See also Stanza No (57)[red][u]“Thirunamam” # (2)[/u][/red]
4) [blue][b][u] Kapiravaya: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who enjoys the never-diminishing Bliss
 [red][u] “Kapiravaya:”” [/u][/red] means(Kapi+avaya:=Kam +pi+avyaya:)” kam=sukham & avyaya;= un
 [red][u] [b]“Thirunamam” # (900)[/b] [/u][/red]
[blue]Stanza (96)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]
5) [blue][b][u] Svastida:. [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the happiness giver...
 [red][u] “Svastida:”” [/u][/red] (da + svasti) means Giver + Auspiciousness
6) [blue][b][u] Svastikrit [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is the Doer of good to the devotees
 [red][u] ” Svastikrit:” [/u][/red] ~ +krit = krit means who do (the man who did- dictionary)
7) [blue][b][u]Svasti [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is auspicious..... .
 [red][u]Svasti” [/u][/red] means “auspiciousness”..
8) [blue][b][u] Svastibhuk [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the Protector of all that is auspicious
 One who is the Enjoyer of Bliss
 One who makes His Devoees to enjoy bliss.
 [red][u] ” Svastibhuk” [/u][/red] svasti +Bhuk=Bhuj means “to protect, /eat/consume/enjoy, to rule, to
9) [blue][b][u] Svastidakshina: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who Gives auspicious things as dakshina to his devotes..... .
 One who reaches His Devotees quickly& efficiently.( Sankara paadam)
 [red][u] Svastidakshina:” [/u][/red] Dakshina means “gift as well as one who is quick & efficient.”.
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] Nine ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]

Stanza #(97) [blue][b] Araudra: Kundalee Chakree VikramYoorjitashasana:

[u][i] Shabdaatiga: Shabdasaha: Shisira: Sharvareekara: | ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Araudra: [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who is not driven to anger easily..
 One who is gentle,agrreble & cool by nature
 [red][u] “ARAUDRA”[/u][/red] Means Opposite of Raudra. & “Raudra”means [i] one who causes others to shed tear' [/i]
2) [blue][b][u] Kundalee [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is bedecked with beautiful ear-rings
 One who is in the form of Sheha (Serpent)-,.
 [red][u]” Kundali”[/u][/red] means Serpent & Kundalam Means Ear ornament..
3) [blue][b][u] Chakree [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is having the Disk Sudharshana ready to Be Discharged On Evil minds..
 Chakarathazhwar.
 One who has unlimited army at his disposal
 Compare Thiupaavai paasuram #4[red][u]“Azhi Mahai Kanna”[/u][/red]
 [red][u]Chakree[/u][/red] means sudharsharnam & Army.
4) [blue][b][u] Vikrami [/u][/b][/blue]
 One with the characteristic stride in his Trivikrama Avataram.
 See also[blue] slokam #(9) Thirunamam (2)[/blue]
[blue]Stanza (97)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]

5) [blue][b][u] oorjitashasana:. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One whose commands can’t be disobeyed,
 [red][u] “Oorjita shasana”[/u][/red] =Oorjitam + Shasana + Glorious = government or Discipline.

6) [blue][b][u] Shabdaatiga: [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who is beyond words or speech.
 He who transcends all words”-One who is Indescribable. The Vedas themselves are but indications ‘pointing to Truth’ and
are not explaining, describing or even defining Truth( 1000WAYS TO THE TRANSCENDENTAL)
 [red][u] Shabdam”[/red] means .. words
7) [blue][b][u] Shabdasaha: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who shoulders the burden of the words of distress
 One who allows Him- self to be invoked by the Vedic declarations..... .
 [red][u]Shabdasaha” [/u][/red] means “~ + with”..
8) [blue][b][u] Shisira: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who rushed to render help
 One who is the cool resting place for the Tortured souls.
 [red][u] ” shisiram” [/u][/red] means “winter also
9) [blue][b][u] Sharvareekara: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who had the destructive weapons in His hands.
 One Who is in the form of the cool rays of the moon in the nights.
 One Who causes destruction of his devotees enemies....... .
 [red][u] Sharvarikara: [/u][/red] Sharvari + kara means “Sharvari means Night also+ karam means hands Or one who
carry out.”.
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] Nine ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]

Stanza #(98) [blue][b] Akrura: Pesalo Daksho Dakshina: Kshaminaam Vara:

[u][i] Vidvattamo Veetabhaya: PunyaSravanaKeertana: | ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Akrura: [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who was not cruel (gajendra moksham)..
 [red][u] “Akrura:”[/u][/red] Akrura means opposite of Krura & krura means cruel
2) [blue][b][u] Pesala [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is charming.
 One who is supremely soft..
3) [blue][b][u] Daksha: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is quick in action. The smart..
 One Who removes evil elements very quickly
 One Who is deft in His creation, sustenance and destruction
 We already seen this Thirunamam[red][u]“stanza #(45)” Thirunamam #(8)[/u][/red]
 [red][u] Daksha: [/u][/red] means to grow or act quickly.
4) [blue][b][u] Dakshina: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is pleasing and amiable.
 One who pervades every where...
 One Who is very liberal, charitable, and kind.
-- [Red][u] Dakshina:[/red][/u] means “gift as well as one who is quick & efficient.
[blue]Stanza (98)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]

5) [blue][b][u]Kshaminaam Vara:. [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who Bears all the Burden to protect his devotees….
 [red][u] “Kshaminaam Vara:”[/u][/red] =Kshama means patience .

6) [blue][b][u] Vidvattama: [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who is the knower of all knowledge..
 One who knows every thing which is to be known…
 [red][u] Vidvattama:”[/red] vidvat means knowledgeble.
7) [blue][b][u] Veetabhaya:: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is the dispeller of his devotees fear
 One who is devoid of fear.
 [red][u] Veetabhaya:” [/u][/red] Bhayam means “ fear”.
8) [blue][b][u] PunyaSravanaKeertana: [/u][/b][/blue]
 Devotees can be purified by Chanting & listening to His Thirunama .
 [red][u] ” Punya + Sravana + Keertana: [/u][/red] means “Purify + listen+ chanting

--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] Eight ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]

Stanza #(99) [blue][b] Uttarano Dushkrtiha Punyo Du:SvapnaNasana:

[u][i] Viraha Rakshana: Santo Jivana: Paryavasthita: ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Uttarana: [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who lifts us up
 One who lifts us out of the ocean-of-change
 Our all Azhwar Pasurams implies that HEs lifting us from this world of Death& Birth-[u]eg.Angu
Appode avan [Blue]UYYA THONDRIYA SINGA.[/u].[/blue] UYYVITAL means upliftment..
 [red][u] “Uttarana”[/u][/red] “Taran” Means swimming or crossing over
2) [blue][b][u] Dushkrtiha [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who Destroys the sins of those who surrender to him
 One who is the slayer of Evil doers.
 [red][u]” Dushkrtiha”[/u][/red] means Bad actions ..
3) [blue][b][u] Punya: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is the purifier & excellent in performing pious activities..
 See also [red][u]“slokam # (73) thirunamam # (9)”[/u][/red]
 [red][u] Punya:[/u][/red] means purify
4) [blue][b][u] Du:SvapnaNasana:[/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the destroyer of Bad dreams .
[blue] Du:SvapnaNasana: [/blue] means Bad + dreams + destroy
[blue]Stanza (99)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]

5) [blue][b][u] Viraha [/u][/b][/blue]

- One who is da Slayer of the strong demons.
- One who is the Destroyer ofϖ those who indulge in vain arguments and distract
others from meditating onϖ Him.
- Also pl see[red]stanzas # (18)/(79)Thirunamam #(4)/(5) [/red]
6) [blue][b][u] Rakshana: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is the saviour
 One who is the Protector of the Universe.” ( 1000WAYS TO THE TRANSCENDENTAL)
 [red][u] Rakshana:”[/red] means Protection.
7) [blue][b][u] Santa: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who exists for His devotees.
 One who bestows the desired benefits on His devotees.
 One who manifests Himself in the form of holy men.
 One who is present everywhere and permeates everything...... .
 [red][u] Santa:[/u][/red] “sant”(in Hindi) means sadhu/rishi. So santa is Rishis/Sadhus.”..
8) [blue][b][u] Jivana: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who is the life giver
 [red][u] Jivana: [/u][/red] Jivanam means “life.
9) [blue][b][u] Paryavasthita: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who stand beside (us.always)
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] Nine ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]

Stanza #(100) [blue][b] Anantaroopo(s)Anantasreer Jitamanyur Bhayaapaha:

[u][i] Chaturasro Gabhiratma Vidisho Vyaadisho Disha: ||.[/u]:.[/blue][/i]

1)[blue][b][u] Anantaroopa: [/u][/b][/blue]

 One who is of infinite forms.(Para, vyuha, vibhava,archa & antaryami forms)..
 [red][u] “Anantaroop”[/u][/red] “Ananta +roopa” Means “infinite + forms”
2) [blue][b][u] Anantasree: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who has infinite wealth / glory
 One who has unending & infinite wealth (Sri Mushnam Andavan swami vyakyanam).
 [red][u]” Anantasree:”[/u][/red] Ananta + sree means ~ +glory/wealth etc....
3) [blue][b][u] Jitamanyu: [/u][/b][/blue]
o One Who has conquered his anger..
o Compare almost equal Thirunamam Jitakroda: [red][u]“slokam # (49) # (8)”[/u][/red]
 [blue]Manyu[/blue] is the state where one feels anger at the mental level,
but this has not found externally visible expression.
 [blue] Kopam [/blue] is the state when the anger is visible through
facial indications such as reddish eyes etc..
 [blue] Krodham [/blue] is the state when this feeling finds expression,
through harsh words, banging on things, and other actions indicating
the state of anger
 Bhagavanhas all these states of anger under full control, and 'becomes'
angry only when needed,
 [red][u] Jitamanyu:[/u][/red] Jita + manyu: means. Conquer + distress/anger.
4) [blue][b][u] Bhayaapaha:[/u][/b][/blue]
 One who destroyes the fear in the mind of His devotees.
[blue] Bhayaapaha: [/blue] “Baya; + Apahan” means Fear + to destroy
[blue]Stanza (99)…. {.F. P. P.}…..[/blue]
5) [blue][b][u] Chaturasra: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who is skilled in all aspects.
 One who is fair to everybody
 One who is worshipped by the knowledgeable people
 [red] Chaturasra:[/red] chatur + asra meaning Four cornered. Also “Chatur in hindi means clever or skilled
6) [blue][b][u] Gabhiratma: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who nature is too deep & profound
 One who, in his real Nature, is too deep to be fathomed by the frail instrument of our mind.” ( 1000WAYS TO
 [red][u] Gabhiratma:”[/red] gabhira=gambhira means Deep.
7) [blue][b][u] Vidisa: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One One Whose nature, forms, and qualities are spread out in all directions.
 One Who can be reached from all directions.
 One who bestows all benefits on His devotees.. .
8) [blue][b][u] Vyaadisa: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One who appoints the different gods in their respective positions.
 One who bestows different benefits on devotees based on their karmas.
 [red][u] Vyadis [/u][/red] means to distribute, to divide among, to appoint
9) [blue][b][u] Disha:: [/u][/b][/blue]
 One Who commands.
 [red] Disha[/red] All the above three terms have Dis which means direction, order command, bestowing, etc
--- In this stanza there are [blue][b][i] Nine ThiruNamam( lord Names)[/blue][/b][/i]

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