Certamen 2 Due 16 Nov 11-59PM-1

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General description: You have 14 days to deliver this.

Your group is part of a Digital Consultant Firm, and a certain Company (client) hired your
services to understand what must they do to harness the Digital era. Your client was created in
the pre-digital era and currently they are struggling to keep their customer base and don´t know
how grow as expected and committed with the board.

- Groups 1, 4, 7, 10: “ SmallDeli : a high quality small restaurant, 100% delivery, that
relies on food delivery services to reach customers”.
- Groups 2, 5, 8, 11: “ Taylorfit : a clothes shop that buy all products from independent
designers and sell all of their products through retail players (Falabella, Ripley,..)”.
- Groups 3, 6, 9 12: “ Thecozy-place : a boutique hotel located in Santiago Downtown
that get most of their customers using private travel agencies”.

1. (25 Points) Your first task is to state an approach of a digital strategy based on the company
digital strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat (make and write down all the
assumptions needed). To do that you must do a Digital SWOT analysis: define in which of
the strategic domains seen in class (customers, competition, data, innovation, and value)
the company is:
a. moving quickly to adapt its strategy for the digital era? à STRENGTHS
b. having trouble adapting its strategic thinking for the digital era à WEAKNESSES
Also, you need to understand:
c. What new opportunities from digital technologies are now available to the industry of
this Company that they didn't have beforeà OPORTUNITIES
d. What disruptive threats do the incumbents (the businesses already in this industry)
face from digital technologies à THREATS
For a,b,c,d your answer must be something like: “In the Customer domain, the company
has an active participation in social networks, becoming a part of the Customer Network,
therefore that is a Strength”
With this SWOT analysis, what would you recommend as a first approach to a Digital
Strategy for this Company? (less than 10 lines).

2. (25 Points) You will have to develop a New Customer Digital Strategy to enhance customer
loyalty and increase the customer base by acquiring new customers.
To do that, you remember what you have learned in your Digital Transformation class,
the 5 new customer behaviors: Access, Engage, Customize, Connect and Collaborate.
Remember that designing a new strategy using these Customer behaviors, consider
helping customers to:
• Access what they want
• Engage the content that interest them
• Customize their experiences
• Connect with others
• Collaborate around shared goals
Pick one or two Customer Behaviors and design a Digital Strategy:
a- What will your customer objectives be? (eg: build loyalty among current customers,
acquire new customers,…)
b- Who is your target customer?
c- Which customer network behavior will you use? (pick one or two)
d- What is your digital innovation?
e- How will you measure the effectiveness of this Strategy, define KPIs that you will
measure, what are your Hypothesis?

3. (25 Points) Now the client asks you, how will their positioning change due to the new Digital
Strategy you had proposed?. In order to do that you will have to use the Four Action
a. Select at most 5 attributes of the product/service that are valued by customers.
b. Using the attributes defined in (a), draw the Value curve using the Strategy
Canvas Tool for the company with the old positioning.
c. Use the Four Action Framework to create a new positioning supported by the
New Digital Strategy you created.
d. Explain how this new positioning adds value to the Company.

4. (25 Points) As a final task, the client asked you if you can find any Intermediation or
Disintermediation opportunity for their business, therefore you remember that you´ve learned in
class a tool called Competitive Value Train which main purpose is to map-out the different
companies involved in the value delivering for a final consumer. By mapping-out the companies
involved is easy to find Intermediation or Disintermediation opportunities.
a. Understand the different roles within the industry the company is involved. Identify
what company is the: originator, producer and distributor.
b. Highlight the wagon of the company you are focusing on.
c. Add two-way arrows between each wagon, next to each arrow write the value it is
adding (product, service, money, etc..)
d. For each wagon identify symmetric competitors and draw them as rectangles under
the wagon.
e. For each wagon identify asymmetric competitors and draw them as trapezoids over
the wagon.
f. Identify a INTERMEDIATION or DESINTIRMEDIATION opportunity for the company
you are working for.
g. How will this opportunity help the company to make more money?

4. Bonus 2 points: What is the value proposition of your company?

Good Luck!!
Team Member Evaluation

Teams are very important. You’ll be working in a team of up to 7 students, to produce your
deliverables. Your team members will determine the quality of your work and thus the quality
of your grade. Please remember that this is the Certamen 2 of your grade

II. Evaluating Team Members

Everyone has participated on team activities. And, you’ve probably encountered a team
environment in which one or more members did little or nothing and still received the team’s
grade. (These are called social loafers or freeriders.). You’ve probably also been on a team in
which one or more members has done more than their share of the work.

To reward the latter and “penalize” the social loafers, each team member will evaluate all team
members (excluding him/herself). We will use these evaluations to adjust the grades for each
team member for the grade of the deliverables. After the submission of all the deliverables by all
teams, each member of your team will provide an evaluation of each team member to your
professor. The evaluation scale is as follows:

● 2 – Performed all expectations according to desired quality and timeframes

● 1 – Was very hit or miss on performing expectations according to desired quality and
● 0 – did almost nothing

● X-FACTOR: In the evaluation process, you can identify a maximum of one

team member (again, it can’t be yourself) who was the real team leader…
scheduling meetings, moving the team, organizing documents, etc. You
do not have to give out an X-FACTOR of grade 2+.

III. Team Member Evaluation Tally

Your professor will gather all the scores and sum them for each team member (you do not self-
evaluate). So, in a team of 5, your maximum score is 8; in a team of 4, your maximum score is

Team Member Evaluation

Your professor will then evaluate your Certamen deliverables and assign a
team grade. Using the evaluation scores, your professor will adjust grades for
each individual team member as follows:
X-FACTOR 2+ = add 10% to above adjustment

* - This weight will be multiplied by the team grade to derive a grade for an
individual team member. For example, if a team grade is 90 for a team of 5 and
a particular team member receives an evaluation score of 5, that team member’s
grade is 63 (90 multiplied by 70%). We will do this for the team deliverable.

Prior to the above computation, your professor will adjust the weight for each eam member
according to the X-FACTOR. For example, if you were in a team of 5, received a summed score
of 8 from your team members, and had 2 or more team members identify you as the team
leader (the X-FACTOR), your adjustment will become 110%. So, if your team grade is 90, your
individual score will be 99. Again, we will apply this adjustment to the team grade.

Please take this very seriously. If you don’t participate in team activities and help with the
deliverables, the evaluation scores you receive from other team members will negatively impact
your grade potentially down to zero.

Team Member Evaluation: Likewise, the evaluation scores you provide for other team
members will directly impact their grade. Be objective and be professional. Enough said.

IV. Important Notes

1. When sending an email to your professor regarding your team’s work or questions you may
have, please copy all team members on the communication. Your professor will not respond to
a team communication if all team members are not on the communication.
2. Teams are locked right now, no changes.
3. You may ask to get together and provide an informal evaluation of all team members. This
will give everyone insight into how other team members are evaluating your performance. This
does not impact your grade but is a best practice.

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