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JM my characters followers


Doing A series of documents

Their on my 1st 1st edition Dnd character in almost 16 years

Using tables The GM made I bagged myself A Future King

That’s why his stats are so high

He also starts with more stuff them some entire groups finish with

Naturally most of it is hidden it a win that it an be accessed if he needs it

This hidden stash can be and if needed will be accessed via a magic bag

His fathers even set aside a massive sum to ransom him with if needed

He even starts with a small army worth of followers

The country he will 1 day rules believe in equality is so great that among its nobles are 5 Ruby
Dragons, 3 Silver Dragons, 2 Storm Giants, 2 Goblins, 2 Centaurs, 2 Hill Giants, 2 Copper Dragons, 2
Lava Child, 2 Wolfweres, 1 White Dragon, 1 Lizardmen, 1 Stone Giant and 1 Bronze Dragon

8 more nobles consist of 2 Nobles per race from 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are
based on Dnd Versions of races from various cartoons

The country even has 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are based on Dnd Versions of
The Racoons from Shield Hero, The Wolfkin and Catkin from Harem in The Labryrith on Another
World and The Mice from Redwall

If your wondering yes The Racoons leader is called Rapthalia, The Wolfkins Leader is called Roxanna,
The Catkins Leader is called Maria and The Leader of The Dnd version of The Mice from Redwall is
called Rose and her fiancé is called Martin

The funniest, in my opinion, document is the 1 that has a selection of unique, in a good way, for a
small number of the countries dragons


This document is the 1 on my characters followers



On I go

That started in it
His 5 Royal Retainers that were orphans that according to tradition were adopted by the royal family
when all 6, which includes The Crown Prince, and were raised to be his or her, in this case his,
friends, companions and playmates

Being A Former Common Born Orphan that’s now A Royal Retainer netted Peter The Peerage he
needed to become A Cavalier

13 months before the campaign started Peter did something that earned him The Title of Lesser
Baron that came with rulership of A Decent Sized Baron

Luckily my characters father pays The 5 Royal Retainers so I don’t have to

My 5 Royal Retainers don’t count against my Henchmen Limit

I’ve got to pay any Henchmen of my Retainers


Being The Crown Princes Retainers they were all given A Potion of Super Heroism which means they
all start at 6th level


He’s A 6th level Cavalier with Str 17/166 or 17/66 that was originally 17/88, Con 16/126 or 16/16
that was originally 15/64, Dex 16/134 or 16/34, that was originally 15/86, Int 12, Wis 11 and Ch 11,
68Hp and his AC is -1

For Men At Arms at every level he rolls twice and takes the highest and on occasion he can earn the
right to exceed the limit

1 of the best parts about being as someone that’s earned The Title of Lesser Baron that came with
rulership of A Decent Sized Baron, is A highly respected Member of The Crown Princes Personal
Guard and The Leader of The/my Royal Retainers

That’s why when rolling for Men At Arms he makes 3 rolls and takes the highest of the 3 and on
occasion he can earn the right to exceed the limit

That’s why he’s accompanied by 20 1st level Men At Arms and 2 5th level Men At Arms


Another benefit he that he has the following

He has earned themselves 2 Titles of Lesser Baron that came with rulership of A Decent Sized Baron
and 1 sizeable area of land

Who is A highly respected Member of The Crown Princes Personal Guard


Is The Leader of The Future Kings/my characters Royal Retainers


This means that he can have a lot more Men At Arms then the number he rolled, up to twice as
many as normal, but any beyond 192 must be paid by me, not by him

He’s also got 2 Retainers

1’s A Noble Born 4th level Human Man At Arms with Str 15, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 13, Wis 10 and Ch 12,
22Hp and A AC of 3


The others A Unnamed 4th level Human Fighter with Str 14, Con 11, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 7 and Ch 9,
19p and A AC of 3


She’s A 7th level Ranger with Str 15, Con 15, Dex 11, Int 14, Wis 15 and Ch 10, she has 74Hp and she
has A AC of 3

She’s also got 2 Retainers

1’s A 3rd level Human Thief with Str 10, Con 15, Dex 16, Int 11, Wis 10 and Ch 11, 17Hp and A AC of 5

His Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 89%, Find Traps 33%, Hear Noise 16%, Hide in Shadows 30%,
Move Quietly 30%, Open Locks 48%, Pick Pockets 42% and Read Languages 10%


The others A Unnamed 3rd level Human Fighter with Str 14, Con 11, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 7 and Ch 9,
13Hp and A AC of 4


She’s A 7th level Cleric with Str 10, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 13, Wis 17 and Ch 10, she has 50Hp and she
has A AC of 3


He’s A 7th level Thief with Str 11, Con 15, Dex 18, Int 13, Wis 10 and Ch 11, he has 34Hp and his AC is

As he’s A Royal Retainer to A Crown Prince he’s been given enough training to ensure that in all of
history theirs not been 1 Thief of his race and level whose Thieving Skills are anywhere near as good
as his are

This is represented by the fact that 3 of his Thieving Abilities, chosen by me, are all 2D2+5% higher
then normal and his 5 other Thieving Abilities are all 1D3+4% higher then normal and that every time
he gains a level all of his Thieving Abilities gain A extra +1D4%

That’s why his Thieving Abilities are boosted to Climb Walls 99%, Find Traps 92%, Hear Noise 59%,
Hide in Shadows 88%, Move Quietly 86%, Open Locks 99%, Pick Pockets 90% and Read Languages

He has 1 retainer


He’s A Unnamed 3rd level Human Fighter with Str 14, Con 11, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 7 and Ch 9, 14Hp
and A AC of 4


She’s A7th level Magic User with Str 9, Con 11, Dex 15, Int 18, Wis 10 and Ch 14, she has 18Hp and
she wears very heavily padded Wizards Robes, this is something that give the same protection as
Leather Armor but it can be worn by Spellcasters, which gives her A AC of 6


She has 8 Spellbooks and 4 Spellscrolls that between them hold all 1st Level, 18 2nd level Spells, 9
3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Magic User Spells

She has 1 retainer


He’s A Unnamed 4th level Human Fighter with Str 14, Con 11, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 7 and Ch 9, 19Hp
and A AC of 4

The 5 Henchmen that my character pays


1 Female 4th level Human Cleric with Str 10, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 12, Wis 15 and Ch 9, she has 22Hp
and she has A AC of 4

She has 1 Retainer


She’s A 3rd level Human Cleric with Str 11, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 12, Wis 6 and Ch 7, 5Hp and A AC of 4


1 4th level Male Dwarf Fighter. His stats are Str 18, Con 18, Dex 12, Int 12, Wis 11 and Ch 9 or 11
among Dwarfs and Gnomes, he has 38Hp and he has A AC of 3

He has 1 Retainer

She’s A 4th level Human Female Cleric with Str 11, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 12, Wis 6 and Ch 7, 5Hp and A
AC of 4


He’s A 4th level Human Fighter with Str 14, Con 11, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 7 and Ch 9, 25Hp and A AC of 4

He has 1 Retainer


She’s A 4th level Human Female Druid with Str 9, Con 11, Dex 11, Int 14, Wis 14 and Ch 15, 25Hp and
A AC of 4


Her 8HD worth of Animal Companions consist of 1 4HD Black Bear, 1 2HD Wolf and 1 2HD Large


He’s A 5th level Human Paladin with Str 14, Con 15, Dex 13, Int 13, Wis 15 and Ch 17, 40Hp and A AC
of 0


He is A 3rd level Dwarf Fighter. His stats are Str 18, Con 18, Dex 12, Int 12, Wis 11 and Ch 9 or 11
among Dwarfs and Gnomes, he has 25Hp and he has A AC of 4


Between them those that Henchmen my character pays a total of 70,000 Gold Coins a year

The Thieves that The Bands of Shiiba/A Minor Artefact, give him and the thing even pays them


4 1st level Dex 18 Human Male Thieves

4 5th level Dex 18 Human Male Thieves

2 4th level Dex 18 Human Female Thieves

1 6th level Human Female Thief

That its unique power gained at A Later date/later level

His detachment from The Royal Guard

If he does enough great deeds then his father/his countries king, will send even more Royal
If all goes according to my plan then sooner or later and likely very soon his father/his countries king,
will send even more Royal Guardsmen then he normally would


In case your wondering The Ninja Class is A Class The GM made that’s almost identical to The
Assassin Class, the only difference, but it’s a big 1, is that A Assassin must be of Evil Alignment but A
Ninja must be of Good Alignment

70 1st level Fighters

27 4th level Men At Arms

24 4th level Fighters

15 2nd level Fighters

10 2nd level Clerics

7 2nd level Men At Arms

7 3rd level Clerics

4 4th level Clerics

4 4th level Rangers

3 3rd level Rangers

2 2nd level Female and 1 Male 2nd level Male Human Fighters that are the 23 year old twin sin and
daughter and The 20 year old niece of The 49 year old 9th level Human Female Fighter and her 46
year old 9th level Human Female

2 3rd level Male Barbarians

2 4th level Human Female Illusionists whose 5 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls hold 7 1st level, 4 2nd
level and 2 3rd level Illusionist Spells

2 5th level Fighters

2 9th level Human Female Illusionists whose 8 Spellbooks and 5 Spellscrolls hold all 12 1st level, all
10 2nd level, all 10 3rd level, 6 4th level and 2 5th level Illusionist Spells

2 9th level Ninja’s

1 3rd level Female Human Thief whose Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 97%, Find Traps 52%, Hear
Noise 29%, Hide in Shadows 28%, Move Quietly 31%, Open Locks 47%, Pick Pockets 50% and Read
Languages 24%

1 3rd level Ranger

1 3rd level Female Barbarian

1 3rd level Male Paladin

1 4th level Druid that has 1 3HD Great Eagle, 1 2HD Wolf, 1 2HD Large Spider and 1 1HD Badger

1 6th level Dex 18 Female Human Thief whose Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 99%, Find Traps
56%, Hear Noise 34%, Hide in Shadows 31%, Move Quietly 36%, Open Locks 50%, Pick Pockets 55%
and Read Languages 27%

1 6th level Ranger

1 6th level Druid that has 1 3HD Great Eagle, 1 2HD Wolf, 1 2HD Large Spider, 1 2HD Regular
Crocodile, 1 2HD Large Spider and 1 1HD Badger

1 7th level Dex Male Ninja whose Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 99%, Find Traps 58%, Hear Noise
40%, Hide in Shadows 40%, Move Quietly 42%, Open Locks 53%, Pick Pockets 56% and Read
Languages 30%

1 7th level Dex Male Ninja whose Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 99%, Find Traps 73%, Hear Noise
52%, Hide in Shadows 46%, Move Quietly 49%, Open Locks 59%, Pick Pockets 62% and Read
Languages 38%

1 49 year old 9th level Human Male Fighter whose the father or uncle of the 2 female and 1 male
twin 2nd level Human Fighters

1 9th level Human Female Ranger

1 49 year old 9th level Human Female Fighter whose the mother of the 23 year old twin 2nd level
Human Male Fighters

The forces 4 joint commanders


She’s named after my favourite female character from my Code Lyoko Dreams that fights on The
Side of good that isn’t in The Code Lyoko TV Show


She’s A 14HD Centaur Holy Man who has The Clerical Abilities of A 10th level Cleric that has A Wis of
18 and A Int of 14


He’s named after A Alien Terrorist whose the secondary villain of my Code Lyoko Dreams and of the
10 team ups of Xanna and The Lyoko Warriors that happen in my Code Lyoko Dreams he’s directly
responsible for 6 of them and he’s indirectly responsible for the other 4

Interestingly despite the fact that the dreams refer to him as being uglier then the ugliest living
human they also refer to him as not only being the most attractive living of his race they also say
that the last time his race had someone more attractive then him was just over 593.19 years ago

He’s A 14th level Male Magic User whose 16 Spellbooks and 11 Spellscrolls hold all 32 1st level, all 24
2nd level, all 3rd level, all 4th level, 14 5th level, 9 6th level, 4 7th level Magic and 1 8th level User


She’s named after my favourite character from my Code Lyoko Dreams that’s a minor character in
The Code Lyoko TV Show but in the dreams is 1 of the main characters

She’s A 15HD/89Hp Ancient Silver Dragon that spends most of her time in the form of A very
attractive 15 year old human female

But her pride in being A Ancient Silver Dragon is high enough that theirs always 4 tell tale signs that
she’s not what she appears to be


The 1st is her Silvery Hair, the 2nd is her silver coloured eyes, the 3rd is her silver coloured lip-stick and
the 4th is that all her clothes are coloured silver

Peter Duncan

He’s named after my favourite character from my Code Lyoko Dreams that’s a 1 off villain in The
Code Lyoko TV Show but in the dreams he’s 1 of the main villains


He’s A 14th level Str 20 Dwarf Fighter

Less conventional followers

Groups, sometimes of more then 1 species, of teenagers from species of sentient monster that my
character prevented from being killed by people that attack all monsters, even sentient 1’s that
aren’t evil or chaotic

Group 1

A 53 means this is a alliance of 3 small groups

A 40 means 1 group is of 2D3 of 6 Wolfweres, A 75 means 1 groups of 2D4+1 or 8 Lava Children and
A 35 means the 3rd groups of 1D2 or 1 Lizardmen


A 63 means their accompanied by 2 friends, A 16 means both friends are weak and/or low level, A 27
on means 1 of them’s A normal Centaur and A 35 means that the others A Level 1D2 Ranger or A 2 nd
Level 2 Ranger

8 teenage Lava Children

6 teenage Wolfweres

1 Lizardmen

1 normal centaur


1 2nd level Ranger


A Cavalier and her followers

She’s A 7th level Cavalier


He’s accompanied by the following

21 1st level and 1 5th level Infantry Type Men At Arms

5 retainers that are all 4th level rangers that consist of 1 Armiger, 1 Scutiffer, 1 Esquire, 1 Herald and
1 Lancer

4 henchmen that consist of 1 4th level Thief, 1 4th level Fighter, 1 4th level Magic User and 1 3rd
level Cleric


Rolls show that The 4th level Magic User has 3 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls that hold 13 1st level, 6
2nd level and 2 3rd level Spells

From my Ranger Training School type monument


12 1st level Rangers

Common born childhood friends

Shawn Wood

He’s A 3rd level Fighter

Brian Button

He’s A 3rd level Bard

Courtney Allan

She’s A 3rd level Magic User

She has 3 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll that hold 9 1st level, 5 2nd level and 1 3rd level Spells
Polly Page

She’s A 4th level Cleric

From the countries version of the territorial army

The Men At Arms

The Force of 8 100 companies, 1 30 Strong Platoon and 1 10 Strong Squad worth of assorted royal
huntsmen, civilian militia, Royal Mages, Royal Guard and healers that my father assigned to me

The Royal Huntsmen

15 4th level Rangers

4 3rd level Rangers

2 5th level Rangers

1 7th level Ranger

1 9th level Ranger

Civilian Militia

460 1st level Men At Arms

23 5th level Men At Arms

8 3rd level Man At Arms

8 6th level Man At Arms

5 4th level Man At Arms

5 7th level Man At Arms

3 8th level Men At Arms

2 9th level Man At Arms

The Healers

460 1st level Clerics

23 5th level Clerics

8 3rd level Clerics

8 6th level Clerics

5 4th level Clerics

5 7th level Clerics

3 8th level Clerics

2 9th level Cleric

Royal mages

6 8th level Magic Users

2 7th level Magic Users

1 10th level Magic User

Royal Guards

6 8th level Fighters

2 7th level Fighters

1 10th level Fighter

Enemies that were defeated and in return willing serve

Prior to the campaign

6 1st level Fighters

A large part of the countries version of the expendables from The Expendables films


29 2nd level Dex 17 Half Orc Thieves

All of their Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 87%, Find Traps 39%, Hear Noise 18%, Hide in Shadows
30%, Move Quietly 30%, Open Locks 44%, Pick Pockets 34% and Read Languages 1%

19 Pegasus

19 1st level Cavaliers

17 Bugbears

17 Centaurs

17 2nd level Clerics

7 2nd level Goblin Thieves

5 Talking Owls

3 4th level Bugbear Fighters

3 Orcs that were Sergeants in A Orc Army that all have the abilities of 2nd level Str 16 Fighters
1 5th level Dex 19 Male Elven Thief are Climb Walls 83%, Find Traps 61%, Hear Noise 27%, Hide in
Shadows 60%, Move Quietly 60%, Open Locks 62%, Pick Pockets 72% and Read Languages 30%

1 4th level Dex 17 Female Elven Thief whose Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 81%, Find Traps 47%,
Hear Noise 24%, Hide in Shadows 45%, Move Quietly 45%, Open Locks 47%, Pick Pockets 52% and
Read Languages 25%

1 5th level Str 17 Male Dwarfern Fighter

1 4th level Human Cleric that has A Wis of 16 and A Int of 13)

1 Mature Adult Green Emerald Dragon that not only knows 3 1st level, 1 2nd level and 1 3rd level
Spells she also has the Spell Casting of A 4th level Illusionist/2nd level Magic User

Dnd versions of historical troops

5 1st level Fighters that are armed and equipped as A Roman Legionary

2 2nd level Clerics that are armed and equipped as A Magic Using Medic

1 1st level Fighter that’s armed and equipped as A Roman Legionary

1 2nd level Fighter that’s armed and equipped as A Roman Cavalrymen

1 3rd level Thief that’s armed and equipped as A Roman Auxillary Scout

1 4th level Fighter that’s armed and equipped as A Freed Roman Gladiator whose Gladiator type was

From renown

Got with the renown I got for being a future king

14 2nd level Fighters

3 4th level Cleric

1 5HD/31Hp Giant Eagle

1 6th level Fighter

My 11 Squires and information on their names sources

Delph Black

Delphini’s younger twin brother from 1 of my Harry Potter Dreams, he claims he took the surname
Black to honour his mothers(Bellatrix’s) family but in truth he took it to honuor his distant 2nd
cousin, Sirius but not Sirius’s Family

Alexander Granger and Ophelia Granger

Hermione Granger and Theodore Notts Future twin boy and girl in a fan made story that ended up
travelling back from somewhere between 2,011 and 2,014 to 1,997
Theodore loved Hermione and their twins but because of how nasty Theodores father is the only
way that Theodore could stop his father from having Hermione and their twins killed was to pretend
several horrible things


The several horrible things he had to pretend were that they were the accidental result of a one
night stand, that he wanted nothing to do with her or them and that he didn’t and will never love
her or them

Damain Granger

Seemingly the child of Hermione Granger and Ron Weaselly but, I forget how, he’s actually the child
of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfroy, set in a alternate universe were Voldemort won and
Muggleborns, Blood Traitors and their children were made Slaves, so when his mother was captured
and turned into A Slave so was he

Erinn(pronounced Erin) Belpois and Erinna (pronounced Erina) Belpois

My 2 favorite characters from my Code Lyoko Dreams that don’t appear in The Code Lyoko TV Show,
in 2,028 Xanna returns and goes back in time to 14 months after his defeat, which in the dream
meant that he goes back to Late June 2,009, he tries to change the past and these 2 are sent back to
stop him

Liza Xanna

Abandoned at only 17 hours old, she was born in A Alternate Universe which Xanna ruled, thankfully
her realities Xanna is as good as the Xanna from our Heroes Reality was evil, he saw she had
potential, took her in, protected her and raised her

Dennis Wilhelm

Named after my 2 favorite characters from The Old Cartoon Prince Valiant that in my opinion should
have appeared in a lot more episodes then they did. Wilhelm is Valiants Father and Dennis is the son
of the main villain of Season 1, luckily though he is as devoted to the cause of good as his father is to

Molly Cascade

Her 1st name is that of my favorite character from Sonic X that fights on the side of good that only
appears in 1 season that dies and her surname is the name of her home planet

Peter Duncan

He’s based off of the version from my Code Lyoko Dreams and he’s my favorite character from my
dreams that was A 1-off Villian in The Cartoons but in the dreams he’s 1 of The Top 10 Villains,
naturally Xanna’s The Number 1 Villain, and he’s the oldest of The 7 Villains that’s Human

The other 2 are A Alien and A Wolf that Xanna experimented on and as a result the things 16.8%
smarter then a normal human and its strength, speed, cunning and endurance have been increased
to triple what they once were

Jim Xon

His 1st name is that of my favourite male Code Lyoko Character that plays a much bigger part in my
dreams then in The Show(Jim Morales) and The Surname is the 1 that Xanna assumes when he
materializes himself in The Real World(Its Xan-Na Xon)

My character Slaves

So here are his 1st 10 Slaves but they are also his 10 best friends, who are so well treated that
despite legally being slaves their better off then 84% of the people in the most of the worlds other
countries that aren’t Nobles

He’s arranged for them to be trained in a variety of class’s, officially its so that if their owners/him is
attacked in order to protect him they will kill or be killed but in truth its so that if he ever frees them
they will be able to support themselves

They are all 1st level, for now, and they are 5 Male and 5 Female 1st level Fighters

They are named after a selection of my favorite characters from either fan made Harry Potter Stories
or Fan Made Code Lyoko Stories that aren’t in The Books/Show

Regular slaves

The 5 Males are Chris(not the Chris from The Subdigitals), Eneko, Tom(The Barmans Dad who has
the same name that Harry met when he went back to 1,937), Frank(Neville’s Son that Neville named
after his dad) and Remus(A Character that Edward Lupin named after his dad)

The 5 females are Molly(not the 1 in modern times, she’s either the mother or the Aunt, not known
which, of The Modern Molly and has the same 1st name), Yazme, Yuki, Mallisa and Anathea(not
Aleita’s Mother, a character with the same name)


They are all 1st level Fighters with Str 18, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 9, Wis 7 and Ch 10, have 7Hp and have
A AC of 4

Slaves that belong to a race The GM made

7 Tanookioid Slaves that are all 4th level Thieves/3rd level Fighters

If you want a reference they look like Dnd versions or Raphtalia from Rising of The Shield Hero


All of their stats are Str 16, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 8, Ch 7 or 11 among Demi Humans, 39Hp and A
Armor Class of -1
His Elite Mercenaries


2 Elves that are 6th level Thieves/4th Fighters. Both their stats are Str 13, Con 10, Dex 19, Int 12, Wis
10 and Ch 11 and they both have 41Hp and A AC of -1


They both gets 12,000 Gold Coins A Year

1 Elf whose A 5th level Fighter/5th level Illusionist. His stats are Str 12, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 16, Wis 11
and Ch 10, he has 67Hp and he has A AC of -1

His 6 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls hold all 1st level, 8 2nd level, 5 3rd level and 3 4th level Spells


He gets 12,000 Gold Coins A Year

1 Human whose A 9th level Assassin. His stats are Str 14, Con 12, Int 17, Int 12, Wis 8 and Ch 10, he
has 35Hp and A AC of 0


He gets 13,000 Gold Coins A Year

1 Gnome 9th level Human Thief. His stats are Str 14, Con 15, Int 18, Int 14, Wis 9 and Ch 15, he has
52Hp and A AC of -1


He gets 11,000 Gold Coins A Year

1 Elven whose A 6th level Thief/4th Fighter. Her stats are Str 13, Con 10, Dex 19, Int 12, Wis 10 and
Ch 11, she has 41Hp and A AC of -1


She gets 12,000 Gold Coins A Year

1 Dwarf whose A 10th level Human Cleric. Her stats are Str 11, Con 15, Dex 11, Int 13, Wis 17 and Ch
6 or 8 among Dwarfs and Gnomes, he has he has 66Hp and A AC of -2


She gets 12,000 Gold Coins A Year

1 Human whose are A 10th level Human Druid. Her stats are Str 8, Con 11, Dex 11, Int 13, Wis 15 and
Ch 15, she has he has 57Hp and A AC of -1

Her 20HD of Animal Companions are 2 4HD Wolves that are of A Rare Breed that’s double the size of
A Normal Brown Bear, 1 5HD Owlbear, 1 5HD Large Eagle and 1 2HD Dire Fox


Delph Riddle

Voldemorts Grandson and by sheer chance in The RPG he does exactly what Delphini did in The Book
The Cursed Child but unlike in The Cursed Child he’s in love with Snapes Granddaughter, who Snape
named Lily in honor of Lily Evans/later Lilly Potter, and its because of his love for her that he returns
to 1,998 and stops himself ensuring his grandfathers victory

He’s A Elf whose A 5th level Fighter/5th level Illusionist. His stats are Str 12, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 16,
Wis 11 and Ch 10, he has 67Hp and he has A AC of -1

His 6 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls hold all 1st level, 8 2nd level, 5 3rd level and 3 4th level Spells


He gets 13,000 Gold Coins A Year

Ron Weasley

A initially nasty piece of work that just like The Draco Malfroy of our reality that in the end turns his
life around and eventually grows up to be a nice guy

He comes from A Alternate Universe in which Tom Riddle and his Followers were Good and
Dumbledore and his followers were evil

I bet your thinking A Evil Moody, scary?, no, after all in that reality Moody was The Unspeakable that
joined Voldemort, still scary but not as scary, Rookwood was The worlds most paranoid Auror and
Rookwood was replaced by Amos Diggory Jr who later killed Amos Diggory Senior and at a even later
date got The Dementors Kiss

Luckily in that reality the evil Dumbledore lost and in that reality Damian and the other Weasleys fill
the same roles The Malfroys did in our Reality

That realities Hermione and Ron and Harry, Hermione and Ron were all Pure-Bloods in Slytherin

In that Reality Ron did what our Realities Goyle did, Harry did what our Realities Draco did and other
then being female Hermione did exactly what our realities Grabbe did

Draco was A Halfblood, Theodore Nott was A Pure Blood and Pansy Parkinson was A Muggleborn in


In that Reality Draco does what our Realities Harry does, Theo does what our realities Ron does and
Pansy does what our realities Hermione does
He’s A Human whose A 9th level Assassin. His stats are Str 14, Con 12, Int 17, Int 12, Wis 8 and Ch 10,
he has 35Hp and A AC of 0


He gets 13,000 Gold Coins A Year

Varni Lupin

2nd child, youngest child and only daughter of Remus and Tonks Lupin, in The RPG after surviving
the final battle Tonks actually managed to have her 1st name changed to Tonks

She’s named after and in honor of The Time Traveller that as far as her parents know made Remus
fully human but at the expense of Varni having to take Lupins place as A Werewolf


She actually did make herself A Werewolf its just that Remus and Tonks Lupin didn’t know that in the
time The Time Traveller came from their was A Potion that could make A Werewolf Human but only
if drank within 4 months of becoming Werewolf Human

She’s A 9th level Human Thief. His stats are Str 14, Con 15, Int 18, Int 14, Wis 9 and Ch 15, he has
52Hp and A AC of -1


He gets 11,000 Gold Coins A Year

Cedric Chang

The Son of Cho Chang that’s named in honor of Cedric Diggory, born in 2,005, in 2,015 on her 10th
birthday she was caught up in A Terrorist Attack and she was so badly injured that she didn’t awaken
until 2,041, which means she spend almost 26 full years in A Coma


Originally she would have been in the same school year as Harrys oldest son, but thanks to spending
26 years in A Coma she ended up being in the same school year as the second oldest child of the
youngest of Harries 3 children, whose also Harries only Daughter

She is A Elven 6th level Thief/4th Fighter. Her stats are Str 13, Con 10, Dex 19, Int 12, Wis 10 and Ch
11, she has 41Hp and A AC of -1


She gets 12,000 Gold Coins A Year

Rose Malfroy Jr

Only Child of Draco Malfroys son Scorpius and Hermione’s Daughter Rose Malfroy, formerly Rose
Granger, see below for a bit of relevant info
The girls named after her mother and in case your wondering the reason why her full name isn’t
Rose Malfroy Junior the reason is that her mothers surname only changed to Malfroy when she
married Scorpius but as The Daughter of Scorpius Malfroy Rose was born with the surname Malfroy

1 of the minor, in my opinion, changes that the changes Delph, Lily and Varni made in history is that
in the original timeline when word got out about who Delphs grandfather was she was the 1st of
Delphs, now former, friends to choose to reject him for what his grandfather was, not accept him for
who he is

But in the new timeline when word got about out who Delphs grandfather was she was the 1st of
Delphs friends to choose to accept him for who he is, not reject him for what his grandfather was

Surprisingly she’s the 1st Witch that isn’t A Pureblood to be officially recognized as being A
Legitimate Member of The Malfroy Family

I admit that even though in The RPG their were 78 Malfroys that weren’t Purebloods that were
related by blood, meaning not just by marriage, before her none of them were recognized but she

I will state that by 2,033, when The Girl was born, even Draco Malfroy had changed enough that
despite her not being A Pureblood the same day she was born he willing choose to officially
recognize her as A Legitimate none pureblood member of The Malfroy Family


Despite that for the 1st few years of his granddaughters life a lot of people wrongly believed that he
only officially recognized her as being A Legitimate none pureblood member of The Malfroy Family
because her grandmother was The Minister of Magic but around her 3rd birthday it became clear
that he truly loved her

Info on her grandparents

Her mother was Rose Granger, her grandmothers Hermione Granger and her grandfathers Ron
Granger/originally Ron Weasley. See later for relevant info

Ron took his wives surname because he has 5, this is due to the fact that the changes Delph, Lily and
Varni made in history mean Fred lives, true he spend 8 years in hospital but at least he survived,
brothers to continue The Weasley name


But Hermione’s a only child, so if Hermione took The Surname Weasley then the magical part of The
Granger name would die out and to prevent this he took Hermiones surname

She is A Elven 6th level Thief/4th Fighter. Her stats are Str 13, Con 10, Dex 19, Int 12, Wis 10 and Ch
11, she has 41Hp and A AC of -1


She gets 12,000 Gold Coins A Year

Yannick Bay

Basically A Harry Potter Version of Yannick from Season 2 of The Mummy theirs 1 difference, which
is that even though then their being A Lot of people with the same name as characters from both
Seasons of The Mummy the events of both Seasons of The Mummy never happened

By that I don’t mean that their was a world-wide cover up that was so good that only a few dozen
people knew about the events of both Seasons of The Mummy, I actually do mean that the events of
both Seasons of The Mummy never happened

In this reality she was and once again she is officially the adopted daughter of Arith Bay but in truth
she’s the illegitimate daughter of Arith Bay, whose 1 of The Main Characters of both seasons of The
Mummy, but he plays a far bigger role in Season 2 then he does in Season 1

Despite not being A Medjai she’s still trained in the ways of all 3 of The Wizards, The Muggles and
The Medjai. See 3 paragraphs down for how Arith pulled this off

Sadly for both her and Arith by something happened to her in 1,926, see later, and she was OOA for
122 years, until n 2,048

All of that training means that despite the fact that at the time of her official death, but 122 years
later she returns, only being 15 years old she can easily defeat a lot of foes that don’t have combat
training that are almost double her age

In case your wondering Arith justified giving his daughter Medjai training by telling himself that even
though Medjai Law says that A Women is forbidden from becoming A Medjai Medjai Law doesn’t say
that A Women is forbidden from being trained in the ways of A Medjai

In Autumn 1,926 the, at the time, 15 year old Yandit Bay is on A Summer Break, in The RPG, not sure
about real life, Egypts Summer happens in Englands Autumn, with her British Wizarding Pen Pal
Alexander O’Connel and they both decide to take A week long Skiing Trip in Greenland

Even though The events of both Seasons of The Mummy never happened I couldn’t resist giving her
a detailed backstory that has quite a lot of references to Seasons 1 and 2 of The Mummy, but 79% of
those references refer to things that happen in Season 2, in it

Deep in a remote Glacier they come across Petti Pettigrew, who used the device that Imoteph used
in The Season 2 Episode Time Before Time, but Pettigrew only(?) use’s/used it to travel 78 years back
in time or from 2,004 to 1,926

He did this in The Hope of getting The Trident of Voth, that appears in The Season 2 Episode The
Cold and he intended to use it to destroy Voldemorts Enemies

In the end mainly due to his magical steel hand Yanid Bay and Alexander O’Connel are no match for
Peter Pettigrew, but lets be honest even without his magical steel hand theirs no way that Peter
Pettigrew wouldn’t win, admittingly he’d definitely be badly hurt and theirs a chance he wouldn’t
survive the wounds but their still no way he wouldn’t win
In the end Yannick choose’s to, she thinks, sacrifice herself to save the world from The unknown
Dark Lord that Peter Pettigrew serves

She does this by using A Spell to give her the strength to grapple Pettigrew long enough for Alex to
use The Trident of Vov on both her and Pettigrew

Sadly this means that as far as Yanid, Alex and Arnith Bay know Yanid has saved the world at the
expense of seemingly being frozen in ice for ever

Well over a century later, see later in this paragraph, Yanit pulls A Captain America, meaning that by
Spring of 2,048, well over 122 years but well under 123 years after she was frozen, advances in
Magical medical techniques mean that she is saved, meaning they thawed her out

Kind of like how Captain America had to adapt to a world in which decades have passed whilst he
was frozen in ice(in The Marvel Super Heroes RPG it was from 1,944 till 1,985 but in the movies it
was from 1,945 to, I think but I could be wrong, 2,012)

This means that she must adapt to a world in which she has spend more then 12 decades frozen in A
Prison of Ice that she did what she did even though she believed that she’d never be freed from it

But as least she can fulfil her dream of attending Hogwarts, this couldn’t have happened before she
was frozen in ice and that’s because in The 1,920’s Egyptians weren’t allowed at Hogwarts

Sadly it will be without The Boy that she hoped and dreamed that she would get to spend the rest of
her life with, see the next paragraph for why this isn’t as bad for her as it could have been

But at least she recovers from being thawed in time for him to spend the last 5 minutes of his life
with him. Shame for both of them, but at least they got to say goodbye, which was something that
Alex had never stopped believing would never happen


If I hadn’t decided to end it after she, and others finish their 7th year, which would have in June
2,051, I would have her meet, fall in love with, marry spend the rest of her life with The Great, Great,
Great Grandson of The, at the time, 15 year old that she once loved but due to her being frozen in
ice for 122 years when they were finally reunited he was 137 years old but she was still 15

She’s A 10th level Human Cleric. Her stats are Str 10, Con 15, Dex 11, Int 13, Wis 17 and Ch 8, he has
he has 66Hp and A AC of -2


She gets 12,000 Gold Coins A Year

The knightly order that my characters a member of

Its unique in that 90% of its member are of A Race of Racoon like Humanoids that have lived in my
characters homeland for millennium
The other 10% are Nobles and Royals that have saved the lives of at least 3 members of the Race of
Racoon like Humanoids that have lived in my homeland for millennium

Other then being taller then humans, having bushy tails, racoon like ears and fur not hair their
appearance is almost entirely human


He’s A very senior Lieutenant that commands the following very large platoon


33 1st level Fighters

16 2nd level Clerics

5 1st level Fighters

4 4th level Thieves

1 3rd level Ranger

1 2nd level Barbarian


5 4th level Fighters

4 4th level Rangers

1 5th level Magic User whose 4 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls hold 11 1 st level, 6 2nd level and 3 3rd
level Spells

1 5th level Cleric


Everytime my character accomplishes something great his massive platoon of foot knights gain 1 or
more followers that have a total of 2D2+1 levels whose class’s are chosen by me


Everytime my character gains a level his massive platoon of foot knights gain 1 or more followers
that have a total of 2D2+1 levels whose class’s are chosen by me

None. Yet

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