Lands, Properties, Titles and Business's

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JM lands, properties, titles and business’s


Doing A series of documents

Their on my 1st 1st edition Dnd character in almost 16 years

Using tables The GM made I bagged myself A Future King

That’s why his stats are so high

He also starts with more stuff them some entire groups finish with

Naturally most of it is hidden it a win that it an be accessed if he needs it

This hidden stash can be and if needed will be accessed via a magic bag

His fathers even set aside a massive sum to ransom him with if needed

He even starts with a small army worth of followers

The country he will 1 day rules believe in equality is so great that among its nobles are 26 sentient
monsters and./or magical creatures that consist of 5 Ruby Dragons, 3 Silver Dragons, 2 Storm Giants,
2 Goblins, 2 Centaurs, 2 Hill Giants, 2 Copper Dragons, 2 Lava Child, 2 Wolfweres, 1 White Dragon, 1
Lizardmen, 1 Stone Giant and 1 Bronze Dragon

8 more nobles consist of 2 Nobles per race from 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are
based on Dnd Versions of races from various cartoons

The country even has 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are based on Dnd Versions of
The Racoons from Shield Hero, The Wolfkin and Catkin from Harem in The Labryrith on Another
World and The Mice from Redwall

If your wondering yes The Racoons leader is called Rapthalia, The Wolfkins Leader is called Roxanna,
The Catkins Leader is called Maria and The Leader of The Dnd version of The Mice from Redwall is
called Rose and her fiancé is called Martin

The funniest, in my opinion, document is the 1 that has a selection of unique, in a good way, for a
small number of the countries dragons


This document is the 1 on my characters lands, properties, titles and business’s he starts with and
those he’s earned, meaning this doesn’t include the country he will 1 day rule


On I go

Those he starts with

Those that he was given by a relative

The estates his uncle bought him for his 5th birthday

6 Farming Estates that are all worth 10,000 Gold Coins that all net me 1,100 Gold Coins per year

6 Hunting Estates that are all worth 10,000 Gold Coins that all net 1,100 Gold Coins per yea

All 12 of my Estates have 263 Adults and 121 Children on them

The title that always goes to the heir to the throne, until he/she becomes king/queen, after which it
becomes vacant

The Title is Very Senior Baron

As it’s the crown princes personal domains its almost 4 times the size of a normal very large Barony

It has 1 massive Heavily Fortified Manor House, 1 small town that’s 22% bigger then normal, 7
massive fishing communities, 7 very large semi nomadic communities of both herders and tanners,
22 very large, 10 small and 6 decent sized villages, 33 large farming communities and 47 massive
Farms in it

It has a population of 13,164 Adults and 6,641 Children or a total of 19,805

The Barony nets The Baron 352,835 Gold Coins per year, but that’s before costs and after costs of
328,288 a year I make a profit of 24,547 Gold Coins per year

His/my lands also provide him/me with all the food, drink, clothing, medicine, light riding horse’s
and minor luxuries he/I could ever want or need

I initially forgot that he also gets 1,290 Gold Coins per year from the sale of the surplus produce.
Take away 129 +129 +26 or 284 Gold Coins per year in costs gives him +1,006 Gold Coins per year,
which means he gets 25,553 Gold Coins per year


Quite a lot of the money comes from the following sources of money and/or other stuff

Other income

11,682 Gold Coins per year/per adventure from The Kings Justice

12,752 Gold Coins per year/per adventure from fines

11,682 Gold Coins per year/per adventure from highway tolls

7,932 Gold Coins per year/per adventure from miscellaneous earnings


The Barony has 149 Bakers, 112 Brewers, 83 Grain Mills, 64 Butchers, 50 Blacksmiths, 44 Cheese
Makers, 44 Fullers, 44 Carpenters and 33 Tanners

That The GM added

23 Taverns, 14 Coffee Shops, 9 Gambling Dens and 7 Antique Shops


All in all that makes The Baron 103,670 Gold Coins per year/per adventure

Money stuff from Animals The Baron/my character owns

He/I have many hundreds of animals that consist of 870 Chickens, 506 Sheep, 306 Cows, 216 Goats
and 190 Swine that nets The Baron/me a extra 6,771 Gold Coins per year/per adventure

Horse stuff

I have 6 Female and 3 Male Light Riding Horse’s, 4 Female and 1 Male Medium Riding Horse’s and 1
Super Light Male Stallion

Between them The 6 Female and 3 Male Light Riding Horse’s produce 7 Foals per year that 2 years
after birth, so every 3rd year, can be sold for 500 Gold Coins each


Between them The 4 Female and 1 Male Medium Riding Horse’s produce 4 Foals per year that 2
years after birth, so every 3rd year can be sold for 800 Gold Coins each


When it comes to things police work, detective work, general patrols and peace keeping the work is
done by A 1,640 strong combat trained Men At Arms made up of 1,022 1st level, 415 2nd level, 152
3rd level, 31 4th level, 11 5th level, 5 6th level, 3 7th level and 1 9th level Men At Arms

Healer wise he has 1,640 Clerics that consist of 1,022 1st level, 415 2nd level, 152 3rd level, 31 4th
level, 11 5th level, 5 6th level, 3 7th level and 1 9th level Men At Arms

The Barony has A garrison that gets free very high quality food and none alcoholic drinks, free high
quality accommodation, free good quality alcoholic drinks and barring some sort of unforeseeable
accident or emergency or disaster they get at least 8 paid days off a month

Healing wise The Baroness ensures that they have access to all Clerical Spells that The Domains
Clerics are capable of casting and they get them for free

Normally either they wouldn't have any of those or they'd have to pay for them or they'd have some
but not as much as what The Baroness gives, they willingly get paid 10% less per year then normal
and that's because even with that 10% pay cut they still end up with roughly 4.44% more cash per
year then normal

The Barony’s 1,018 Strong Garrison is made up of 240 Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 240 Light
Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 150 Medium Infantry with Melee Weapons, 150 Medium Heavy
Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 90 Very Light Cavalry, 70 Light Medium Cavalry, 60 Very Heavy
Infantrymen, 11 Elite Pegasus Mounted Light Knights and 7 3rd level Magic Users

Extra help employed for the day-to-day of the castle


50 Unskilled Servants, 29 Soldiers, 14 Hunters, 9 Doctors, 5 Bailiffs, 3 Reeves, 3 Heywards and 3




3 Sherrifs/3rd level Fighters, 3 Magistrates/2nd level Magic Users, 1 Greater Chaplain -she’s A 6th
level Clerics, 1 Revee -he’s A 2nd level Cleric, 1 Bailiff -she’s A 3rd level Thief, 1 Herald/3rd level Man
At Arms and 1 Steward -he’s A 3rd level Paladin


8 regular advisors that consists of 1 Steward, 1 Arcane Advisor, 1 Military Advisor, 1 Advisor on Self
Defence, 1 greater Reeve, 1 tactical advisor and 1 Divine Advisor and The Guard Captain whose A
Dwarfern 8th level Fighter

Inner Circle of Advisors

1 Spy Master whose A 12th level Thief

1 General whose A 12th level Fighter

1 Chief Steward who is A Int 19 12th level Fighter

1 High Priest whose A Wis 19/Int 14 12th level Cleric

1 High Mage whose A 12th level Int 19 Magic User whose 11 Spellbooks and 8 Spellscrolls hold all 1st
level, all 2nd level, all 3rd level, all 4th level, all 5th level, all but 1 6th level and 4 7th level Spells

The alcohol producing area’s

The Baron also owns 2 very large vineyards, 1 gigantic orchard, 1 gigantic vineyard, 1 very large
orchard and 1 large orchard that between them earn The Baron/me, a total of 12,500 Gold Coins,
80x311 or 24,880 pints of good wine, 80x122 or 9,760 pints of Good Brandy per year and 35x67 or
2,345 pints of fine wine per year


They have a total of 11,581 Adults working on them and 7,031 Children living on them

The 2 domains that are vassals of the domain that always goes to the heir to the throne in the hope
of making him/her a better ruler

A Small Barony that’s at the seaside

It has a industry that is 58% fishing, 29% farming, 12% Logging and 1% Copper Mining

In it are 16 fishing communities, 8 farming communities, 4 logging communities, 2 very small mining
communities, 2 small, 2 very large and 1 fairly large sized fishing village’s, 1 Tiny Town and The tiny
fortified manor

It has a population of 3,199 adults and 2,482 children or a total population of 5,681

Money wise before taxes and church costs it earns me 138,722 Gold Coins per year and after taxes
and church costs it earns me 127,857 Gold Coins per year/4 adventures and after paying the garrison
it earns me 10,865 Gold Coins per year/4 adventures

I initially forgot that he also gets6 626 Gold Coins per year from the sale of the surplus produce. Take
away 63 +63 +14 or 140 Gold Coins per year in costs gives him +486 Gold Coins per year, which
means he gets 11,347 Gold Coins per year

When it comes to things police work, detective work, general patrols and peace keeping the work is
done by A 515 strong combat trained Men At Arms made up of 293 1st level, 147 2nd level, 49 3rd
level, 17 4th level, 5 5th level, 3 6th level and 1 8th level Men At Arms

Healer wise he has 515 Clerics that consist of made up of 293 1st level, 147 2nd level, 493rd level, 17
4th level, 5 5th level, 3 6th level and 1 8th level Men At Arms

Those 744 Strong Garrison that are all retired Soldiers consist of 297 Light Archers, 297 Light
Spearmen, 90 Light Horse Mounted Scouts that are all 7.2% better then normal and 60 Very Light


Including stuff it produces every year/4 adventures it earns me 2,558 Gold Coins, 166 meals worth of
Seafood, 80 meals worth of agricultural produce and 24 3-pint bottles of coconut milk -they all hold
6 doses that when drank each restore 1D3 Stamina

He or she has 176 Chickens, 107 Sheep, 56 Cows, 38 Goats and 34 Swine that nets The Baron or
Baroness a extra 5,112 Gold Coins per year

The Barony has 151 Bakers, 115 Brewers, 81 Grain Mills, 63 Butchers, 50 Blacksmiths, 42 Cheese
Makers, 42 Fullers, 36 Carpenters and 27 Tanners


They net me a total of 57,890 Gold per year

Extra help employed for the day-to-day of the castle

55 Unskilled Servants, 26 Soldiers, 9 Hunters, 6 Doctors, 4 Bailiffs, 2 Lesser Estate type Reeves, 1
Heyward and 1 Chamberlain



3 Sherrifs -they are all 2nd level Thieves, 1 Provost -he's A 4th Level Fighter, 1 Forest Type Warden -
she's A 4th level Ranger, 1 Herald -he's A 3rd level Man At Arms, 1 Chaplain -she's A 4th level Cleric,
The Castellan -he's A 4th level Fighter, 1 Chamberlain and 1 Chief Magistrate -he's A 4th level Paladin


12 advisors that consists of 3 Stewards, 3 Arcane Advisors, 1 Military Advisor, 1 Advisor on Self
Defence, 1 greater Domain type Reeve, 1 on diplomacy, 1 on religion and 1 Divine Advisor


It’s a large Barony that is located on A island that’s just off the coast of The Main Barony that’s ruled
by A very senior Baron Noble that’s A Vassal

It has a industry that is 58% fishing, 29% farming, 12% Logging and 1% Copper Mining

In it are 14 fishing communities, 8 farming communities, 4 logging communities, 2 very small mining
communities, 2 small, 2 very large and 1 fairly large sized fishing village’s, 1 Tiny Town and my tiny
fortified manor

It has a population of 3,259 adults and 2,557 children or a total population of 5,816

Money wise before taxes and church costs it earns me 79,778 Gold Coins per year/4 adventures and
after taxes and church costs it earns me 68,414 Gold Coins per year and after paying the garrison it
earns me 11,364 Gold Coins per year

I initially forgot that he also gets 626 Gold Coins per year from the sale of the surplus produce. Take
away 63 +63 +14 or 140 Gold Coins per year in costs gives him +486 Gold Coins per year, which
means he gets 11,347 Gold Coins per year

When it comes to things police work, detective work, general patrols and peace keeping the work is
done by A 515 strong combat trained Men At Arms made up of 293 1st level, 147 2nd level, 49 3rd
level, 17 4th level, 5 5th level, 3 6th level and 1 8th level Men At Arms

Healer wise he has 515 Clerics that consist of made up of 293 1st level, 147 2nd level, 493rd level, 17
4th level, 5 5th level, 3 6th level and 1 8th level Men At Arms

Those 300 Strong Garrison that are all retired Soldiers consist of 120 Light Archers, 120 Light
Spearmen, 30 Light Horse Mounted Scouts that are all 22% better then normal and 30 Medium

Including stuff it produces every year it earns me 9,880 Gold Coins, 166 meals worth of Seafood, 80
meals worth of agricultural produce and 24 3-pint bottles of coconut milk -they all hold 6 doses that
when drank each restore 1D3 Stamina

Extra help employed for the day-to-day of the castle


27 Unskilled Servants, 13 Soldiers, 6 Hunters, 2 Doctors, 2 Bailiffs, 1 Reeve, 1 Heyward and 1




2 Sherrif/1st level Fighters, 1 Magistrate/2nd level Magic User, 1 Greater Chaplain -she’s A 3rd level
Clerics, 1 Revee -he’s A 1st level Fighter, 1 Forest type Warden -he’s A 3rd level Ranger and 1 Bailiff -
she’s A 3rd level Thief

The alcohol producing area’s

The title comes with ownership of 2 very large vineyards, 1 gigantic orchard, 1 gigantic vineyard, 1
very large orchard and 1 large orchard that between them earn The Baron/me, a total of 12,500
Gold Coins, 80x328 or 26,240 pints of good wine and 35x172 or 6,020 pints of fine wine per year


They have a total of 3,476 Adults and 2,080 Children working on them

The domain he was given after it almost caused a war

Its The Fiefdom of Ochs from The Land of Eritador

It’s a Small Barony that depending on Gender comes with the title of either minor Baron or Minor

It caused A Diplomatic incident and The Fiefdom of Ochs from The Land of Eritador was invaded and
conquered by my country

To avoid A Conflict The Fiefdom of from was given to my character on his 8th birthday

Its rightful ruler at the time was, but she’s still alive, A 8 year old female, I got to name her and I
named Monia Von Ochs

To those that don’t know or won’t guess the former rightful rulers named after Monia Von Ochs
from Fire Emblem Three House’s

Rolls show that she was given into my custody, but why?, I mean my character was also only 8 at the

After 13 years its population hasn’t gone up, but it hasn’t gone down either
Its got 28 farms that all have 9 people on them, 8 villages that all have 103 people in them, 1 of both
gigantic fishing and mining communities that both have 87 people in them, the large village that’s
build around the manor that has 200 people in It and the manor were the ruler lives

That gives it a population of 1,457 that’s made up of 874 adults and 583 children

All in all it earns The Baron 35,671 Gold Coins –27,332 Gold Coins leaves The Baron with 8,339 Gold
Coins per year

I initially forgot that he also gets6 793 Gold Coins per year from the sale of the surplus produce. Take
away 80 +80 +16 or 176 Gold Coins per year in costs gives him +617 Gold Coins per year, which
means he gets 8,956 Gold Coins per year

Animal wise it has 119 chickens, 77 sheep, 39 goats, 33 pigs and 21 cows that net the baron 1,194
Gold Coins per year

Its facilities are 15 Bakers, 13 Brewers, 6 Grain Mills, 5 Butchers, 5 Blacksmiths, 4 Fullers, 4 Cheese
Makers, 2 Carpenters and 2 Tanners that net the baron 4,525 Gold Coins per year


It has 1 19 acre Orchard and every year it gives 475 Gold Coins, 80x12 or 960 pints of good wine and
35x7 or 245 pints of good wine

It has 110 adults and 57 children working here and/or living here

Manor staff


Rolls on tables The GM show that it comes with 13 untrained staff, 4 Guards and 1 Doctor that the
people of the domain can muster without me having to pay them


17 untrained staff, 9 Guards, 4 Maids, 4 Doctors, 3 Heywards, 1 Bailiff, 1 Reeve and 1 Chamberlain

From extra facilities

10 Guards


1 Sherrif - -she’s A 3rd level Thief, 1 Provost -he's A 1st Level Fighter, 1 Forest Type Warden -she's A
1stlevel Ranger, 1 Herald and 1 Chaplain -5th level Cleric


Rolls on tables The GM made show that it has 56 Clerics, at least 35 of them must be 1st level, only 3
can be higher then 3rd level and none can be higher then 5th level

This gives it 35 1st level, 11 2nd level, 7 3rd level, 2 4th level and 1 5th level Clerics

Men At Arms

Rolls on tables The GM made show that it has 90 Men At Arms, at least 65 of them must be 1st level,
only 5 can be higher then 3rd level and can be higher then 5th level


This gives it 66 1st level, 15 2nd level, 6 3rd level, 2 4th level and 1 5th level Men At Arms



Rolls on tables The GM show that 14 Very Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 12 Very Light Infantry
with Ranged Weapons, 5 1st level Men At Arms and 4 1st level Rangers are troop that the people of
the domain can muster without me paying them


59 Very Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 57 Very Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 25 1st level
Fighters on Horse’s, 20 1st level Clerics, 14 1st level Rangers, 10 Light Swordsmen, 10 1st level Men
At Arms and 3 5th level Magic Users


All 3 5th level Magic Users have 4 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll that hold 21 1st level, 6 2nd level and
3 3rd level Spells

From extra facilities

14 1st level Rangers, 10 light swordsmen and 1 Great Eagle

Extra facilities

In the castle

West Wing. Gives me 10 guest rooms

East Wing. Lets me add 10 Guards

Full Knight Harness. Gain 10 Light Swordsmen

Brozenclaws Falcon. I get 1 Pet Giant Eagle

Dungeon. Has 20 cells that can each hold 5 people

In the town

X2 fruits and berries. Nets me 6D6+2x10z2 or 310x2 or 620 Gold Coins per year
X2 back alleys. Most illegal operations happen here, and my cut nets me 4D6+1x100x2 or 1,900x2 or
3,800 Gold Coins per year

1 large marketplace. Boosts my yearly earnings by +15%

1 Communal Granary. Boosts my yearly earnings by +15%

Respected university

Order of Knighthood

Order of Monastics

Great monument

It’s a School for training people that in the arts of The Ranger

Every 3rd year The Domain, The Church and my personal guard gain 2 1st level Rangers

I make 1 roll and it applies to all 3 of The Domain, The Church and my personal guard


So far its given The Domain, The Church and my personal guard 14 1st level Rangers

Soldiers gained via upgrades

20 1st level Fighters on Horse’s

20 1st level Clerics

3 5th level Magic Users

They all 4 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll that hold 13 1st level, 7 2nd level, 3 3rd level and 1 4th Spells

Laws and edicts

Right to roam, legal justice, Fidelity and Piety

The titles that he inherited from his mother

1st and only

It’s a Barony that’s A Bit Small but its also peaceful, calm, quiet, productive and prosperous

It is made up of 3 area’s of Farmland that were founded with the intent that rulership of them be
bought not earned or given or gifted, they are all fertile, prosperous, peaceful and are all 13% bigger
then normal

In all of them is 1 slightly smaller then normal manor house, 3 very large fishing communities, 3
decent sized and 3 small villages and 23 farms

They all have a population of 1,732 that consists of 1,145 adults and 587 Children
They all net my character 26,944 Gold Coins per year, but that’s before costs and after costs of
19,951 Gold Coins per year my character gets 6,993 Gold Coins per year

I initially forgot that he also gets 736 Gold Coins per year from the sale of the surplus produce. Take
away 74 +74 +16 or 164 Gold Coins per year in costs gives him +572 Gold Coins per year, which
means he gets 7,565 Gold Coins per year

It also has 1 38 Acre Orchard that nets The Baroness 950 Gold Coins, 23x80 or 1,840 pints of good
wine and 15x35 or 525 pints of fine wine per year

They all have 166 Adults and 83 Children working their and/or living their

Animal wise all 3 area’s has 119 chickens, 77 sheep, 39 goats, 33 pigs and 21 cows that net the baron
1,445 Gold Coins per year

All 3’s facilities are 17 Bakers, 15 Brewers, 10 Grain Mills, 8 Butchers, 8 Blacksmiths, 6 Fullers, 6
Cheese Makers, 3 Carpenters and 3 Tanners that net the baron 5,875 Gold Coins per year

All 3 area’s of farmland also provide The Ruler with all the food, drink and minor luxuries he could
ever want or need

When it comes to things in all 3 area’s of farmland the police work, detective work, general patrols
and peace keeping the work is done by A 130 strong combat trained civilian militia made up of 90 1st
level, 22 2nd level, 11 3rd level, 5 4th level, 1 5th level and 1 6 6th level Clerics

Healer wise all 3 area’s of farmland have 112 assorted Clerics that consist of 77 1st level, 19 2nd
level, 10 3rd level, 4 4th level, 1 5th level and 1 6th level Clerics


All 3 area’s of farmland have A 108 Strong Garrison that consists of 40 Light Infantry with Melee
Weapons, 40 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 13 Horse Mounted Light Scouts, 13 Light
Crossbowmen, The 2nd in command whose A 4th level Magic User and their Leader whose A 2nd
level Ranger

Other stuff that come with the lands that always goes to the heir to the throne in the hope of
making him/her a better ruler


2 Farming Estate that are both worth 11,700 Gold Coins that earns me 1,287 Gold Coins per year

1 Vinicultural Estate that’s worth 11,700 Gold Coins that earns me 1,287 Gold Coins per year

1 Hunting Estate that’s worth 11,700 Gold Coins that earns me 1,287 Gold Coins per year/4th

They all have 705 Adults and 405 Children working on them

Rolls on A Table The GM made show that my Vinicultural Estate is famous for the fact that its the
only Vinicultural Estate in the world that only makes brandy


1 Riding School that’s worth 10,300 Gold Coins that earns me 1,133 Gold Coins per year

Working and living there is 294 Adults and 140 Children

Lands and properties

The 7 area’s of Farmland that were founded with the intent that rulership of them be bought not
earned or given or gifted, they are all fertile, prosperous, peaceful and are all 13% bigger then

In all of them is 1 slightly smaller then normal manor house, 3 very large fishing communities, 3
decent sized and 3 small villages and 23 farms

They all have a population of 1,423 that consists of 953 adults and 470 Children

They all net my character 16,917 Gold Coins per year, but that’s before costs and after costs of
12,360 Gold Coins per year The Ruler gets 4,557 Gold Coins per year

That means that they between them they net my character a total of 31,899 Gold Coins per year/per

All 7 area’s of farmland also provide The Ruler with all the food, drink and minor luxuries he could
ever want or need

When it comes to things in all 7 area’s of farmland the police work, detective work, general patrols
and peace keeping the work is done by A 130 strong combat trained civilian militia made up of 5
different types of Soldier

Clerics wise all 7 area’s of farmland have 253 Clerics that consist of 134 1st level, 74 2nd level, 28 3rd
level, 11 4th level, 4 5th level, 1 6th level and 1 7th level Clerics

Civilian Militia all 7 area’s of farmland have 281 Civilian Militia that consist of 148 1st level, 82 2nd
level, 31 3rd level, 12 4th level, 5 5th level, 2 6th level and 1 7th level Men At Arms


All 7 area’s of farmland have A 92 Strong Garrison that consists of 30 Light Infantry with Melee
Weapons, 30 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 15 Horse Mounted Light Scouts, 15 Light
Crossbowmen, The 2nd in command is A 3rd level Magic User and their Leader whose A Very Heavy

Other stuff my character owns

Gigantic business’s

The 1st
It’s A Jewelers that is worth 6,600 Gold Coins, the place is in a aristocratic part of A town and the
place has A Punderful sign

The place employees a total of 30 Employees that consist of 16 Unskilled Employees, 10 Basic
Employees and 4 Skilled Employee’s

Every year the place serves 8,556 Customers that net the owner/me a total of 8,556x7 or 59,736
Gold Coins per year/4 adventures but that’s before any costs


All in all despite the fact that before any costs it earns me 59,736 Gold Coins per year/4 adventures
after factoring in all costs it only(?) nets me 9,658 Gold Coins per year/4 adventures

Unique business’s

A gigantic laboratory full of animals, creatures, beasts and Monsters

A lot of these have been illegally cross-bred via magic

Naturally the druids are kept away by the guards

It has 5,378 natural creatures that each have between 1HD and 6HD and have a combined total of

It also has 2,826 natural creatures that each have between 2HD and 8HD and have a combined total
of 17,290D

It total its worth 1,250,205 Gold Coins and nets him a minimum profit of 138,435 Gold Coins a year


The place has a massive town build around it


In this town is the 13,199 Adults that work in the lab and the workers 8,929 Children live their

That dead relatives that didn’t have to leave him something choose to leave him

4 very large Farms that are 18% bigger then most that are each worth 11,800 Gold Coins that each
earn me 1,298 Gold Coins per year

They all have 108 Adults and 67 Children either working their or living their

1 very small Logging Community that’s worth 8,000 Gold Coins that nets me 880 Gold Coins per year

It has 43 Adults working and living their

The fleet of pirate hunting Ships that he privately employs

22 Sohars that all have 20 1st level Fighters, 2 officers that are 4th level Clerics and The Captain
whose A 7th level Barbarian
They are all worth 6,000 Gold Coins and they all earn me 670 Gold Coins per year

2 Knarrs that both has 12 4th level Thieves, 2 Officers that are 7th level Thieves and The Captain
whose A 12th level Thief

They are both worth 5,330 Gold Coins and they both earn me 587 Gold Coins per year

2 Longships that are both has 30 0 level and 5 3rd level Men At Arms, 15 1st level Fighters, 5 officers
that are 5th level Fighters and 1 8th level Cleric


They are both worth 17,000 Gold Coins and they both earn me 1,870 Gold Coins per year

Stuff my character bought before the campaign started

1 fairly large fairly large land holding that’s in a area of newly claimed borderlands territory, sadly
this don’t come with a title

In it is 1 small manor house, 1 slightly bigger then normal village, 3 large villages, 3 large fishing
communities and 13 very large farms

They all have a population of 676 adults and 468 children or a total population of 1,144

It makes 11,440 Gold Coins per year before any costs or 2,982 Gold Coins per year after all costs

Men at Arms wise it has 172 Men At Arms that consist of 109 1st level, 34 2nd level, 19 3rd level, 7
4th level, 2 5th level and 1 6th level Men at Arms

Healer wise it has 127 Clerics that consist of 72 1st level, 31 2nd level, 15 3rd level, 6 4th level, 2 5th
level and 1 6th level Clerics


Defenders wise it has 30 Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 30 Light Infantry with Ranged
Weapons, 5 Light Cavalry, 5 Heavy Crossbowmen and The Leader whose A Super Heavy Cavalry

Total earnings

Before costs of 177,182 Gold Coins per year

305,320 Gold Coins

After costs of 177,182 Gold Coins per year

128,138 Gold Coins

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