JM Belongings My Character Got During The Campaign

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JM belongings my character got during the campaign


Doing A series of documents

Their on my 1st 1st edition Dnd character in almost 16 years

Using tables The GM made I bagged myself A Future King

That’s why his stats are so high

He also starts with more stuff them some entire groups finish with

Naturally most of it is hidden it a win that it an be accessed if he needs it

This hidden stash can be and if needed will be accessed via a magic bag

His fathers even set aside a massive sum to ransom him with if needed

He even starts with a small army worth of followers

The country he will 1 day rules believe in equality is so great that among its nobles are 5 Ruby
Dragons, 3 Silver Dragons, 2 Storm Giants, 2 Goblins, 2 Centaurs, 2 Hill Giants, 2 Copper Dragons, 2
Lava Child, 2 Wolfweres, 1 White Dragon, 1 Lizardmen, 1 Stone Giant and 1 Bronze Dragon

8 more nobles consist of 2 Nobles per race from 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are
based on Dnd Versions of races from various cartoons

The country even has 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are based on Dnd Versions of
The Racoons from Shield Hero, The Wolfkin and Catkin from Harem in The Labryrith on Another
World and The Mice from Redwall

If your wondering yes The Racoons leader is called Rapthalia, The Wolfkins Leader is called Roxanna,
The Catkins Leader is called Maria and The Leader of The Dnd version of The Mice from Redwall is
called Rose and her fiancé is called Martin

The funniest, in my opinion, document is the 1 that has a selection of unique, in a good way, for a
small number of the countries dragons that have very unusual names

This document is the 1 on the belongings my character got during the campaign

This includes both the stuff that our GM always has all of his players characters start with and the
stuff that all Upper-Upper Class cavaliers start with


The stuff that our GM always has all of his players characters start always consists of 2 weeks worth
of food, 2 weeks worth of water. 2 sets of daywear, 2 sets of nightwear, 1 bedroll, 1 blanket, 1 set of
cooking gear and 1 set of eating utensils

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