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Module 2 activity

Task 1:

Designing Your Own Strength-Training Program

Strength-Training Prescription

Design your own strength-training program using a minimum of eight exercises (include
the warm-up & cool down exercise).
Indicate the number of sets, and repetitions that you will use.
Also, state the days of the week, time that will be used for this program.

Strength-training day: M T W Th F S

Time of day: ________________

Muscle group: upper back, chest, arms & shoulders (upper body)
Exercises: sets / Repetitions /
1. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
2. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
3. ____________________ _____ / ______ /

Strength-training day: M T W Th F S

Time of day: ________________

Muscle group: lower back, abs, & obliques (Core)
Exercises: sets / Repetitions /
1. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
2. ____________________ _____ / ______ /

Strength-training day: M T W Th F S

Time of day: ________________

Muscle group: hamstrings, quads, glutes & calves (lower body)
Exercises: sets / Repetitions /
1. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
2. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
3. ____________________ _____/ _______/
Task 2:

Create a video featuring your performance of strength-training exercises with your

assign scheduled of exercise for example as week 1 for upper body (arms & shoulders)
and week 2 for core or lower body following the exercises stated in your strength-
training program with accompanied music for 10 minutes.
Include in your video the warm-up and cool down exercises and be reminded to wear
appropriate PE outfit.
There are plenty of great strength training exercises you can do at home using
household items (e.g. unused plastic bottles loaded w/ stones, fabricated concrete
cement dumbbells using from plastic bottles, fabricated concrete cement barbell using
from unused rubber tires attached to G.I. pipe), resistance bands, or your body weight
to be used in your strength-training exercises.

1. Upload your video using Google drive, or your YouTube channel (just choose the
2. Get a copied link of the video and paste it in MS Word document to save a file.
3. Then submit the file in eLearn.

Please use the following format when uploading your assignments:

Filename: Assignment2_surname (Example: Assignment2_delaCruz)

Paper: Legal, Portrait
Font: Arial, 12

The sample file content of your assignment to be submitted would be as follows:

Name: _______________________ Date: _________
PE12 __________(section)


Strength-Training Program

Strength-training day: M T W Th F S

Time of day: ________________

Muscle group: upper back, chest, arms & shoulders (upper body)
Exercises: sets / Repetitions /
4. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
5. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
6. ____________________ _____ / ______ /

Strength-training day: M T W Th F S

Time of day: ________________

Muscle group: lower back, abs, & obliques (Core)
Exercises: sets / Repetitions /
3. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
4. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
5. ____________________ _____ / ______ /

Strength-training day: M T W Th F S

Time of day: ________________

Muscle group: hamstrings, quads, glutes & calves (lower body)
Exercises: sets / Repetitions /
4. ____________________ _____ / ______ /
5. ____________________ _____ / ______ /


Link: _____________________________(link of the video)

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning Score

Number of The exercise The exercise The exercise The exercise

Exercises contains more than contains 6 to 7 contains 4 to 5 contains less than
8 routines. routines. routines. four routines.

Thorough and clear Contains a clear Instructions are not No clear

step by step step by step in order. instruction as to
Instruction instruction of the instruction. how to
routine. perform/execute
the routine.

Muscles Comprehensive Clear discussion Little or very limited No discussion

involved discussion of about the muscles discussion about about muscles
muscles involved in involved in the muscles involved. involved in the
the exercise. exercise. routine.

Participation Performs with Performs with great Performs with Performs with
enthusiasm & great interest throughout adequate interest poor interest. Just
interest throughout the exercise. throughout the doing it for
the exercise. exercise. compliance.

Performer showed Performer showed Performers have Performer

concentration and concentration and difficulty in showed no
Overall energy Movements energy, movements maintaining energy concentration and
performance and timing are & timing are well and concentration. energy.
extremely well executed Movements and Movement and
executed through throughout. timing are off. timing are non-
out. existent.


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