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Agents of social

change Masood Karim

Alteration in the social order of a
society. Social change may include
in nature,social
behaviors, or social
 The process of shifting
attitudes, values, and actions
to address social problems in a positive
 The psychological change of a society
that has been affected the development
of a society.
Agent of Social change
•Teacher (Teacher of any level)
• Media (print and electronic)
• Opinion leaders (formal & informal)
• Innovations/ Research (concepts, ideas,
findings) • Religious institutions (Mosque,
churches etc.)
•And You

What is being an agent

of Social Change

 To stand against what you think

is not right or must be better in your
society.  To take steps towards the
eradication of that social issue.
 To effect the stereotype and create
a shift in it.
 To influence people who shares
same ideas as you do.
 Creating a vision for social change that
can inspire people to act in positive
How to become an
agent of social change
 Know your power : Your
young voice is valuable it
influences people easily.  Do Search:
For individuals, groups and
organizations who already work your
 Get informed: Seek knowledge about
your cause, know everything about it.
 Get equipped: Collect resources via
Internet and people around you.

 Engage peers and build a

network: Your fellows will
follow you soon as they
share same mentality
 Partnerwith supportive adults: Give
more space for a supportive
companion, make a collation.
 Engage in community: Get to your
communities and inspire them by
your ideas.
 Ensure your efforts effect: Take
a permanent step
to get
⮚Work out your skills, know
them. ⮚Connect to people, reach out
small group, share with them.
⮚Keep Practicing
⮚Find resources in your community
⮚Use your creativity
⮚Take one step at a time
⮚Keep trying and you will be

done with that.

 Becoming an agent of change is
about taking small, sustainable steps
to positively influence the world
around you.
 It’s time ... to talk about it! Your
voice. Our future.
Letsstand for something: lets

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