Advanced Mandarin Lesson 07

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Berlitz, Advanced Mandarin Chinese Lesson 7, Audioscript

{Track 14} of CD 2
Berlitz, Advanced Mandarin Chinese
第七课 Dì-qī kè
Lesson Seven

Page 73
会话 Huìhuà

业务简报 Yèwù jiǎnbào

Business briefing

廖副总: 许老板您好,欢迎您来上海。
Liào fùzǒng: Xǔ lǎobǎn nín hǎo, huānyíng nín lái Shànghǎi.
[Host] (Nice to meet you, Ms. Xu. Welcome to Shanghai.)
(Mr. Liao,

许老板: 谢谢。很高兴能到贵公司来跟各位做面对面的交流。
Xǔ lǎobǎn: Xièxie. Hěn gāoxìng néng dào guì gōngsī lái gēn gèwèi zuò miàn
[Client] duì miàn de jiāoliú.
(Ms. Xu:) (Thank you. I’m really glad that I can visit your esteemed company
and meet everyone in person.)
廖副总: 那我们就开始今天的简报吧,简报中如有任何不清楚的地方,
Liào fùzǒng: Nà wǒmen jiù kāishǐ jīntiān de jiǎnbào ba, jiǎnbào zhōng rú yǒu
(Mr. Liao:) rènhé bù qīngchǔ de dìfang, qǐng nín suíshí tíwèn.
(Then, let’s begin our briefing for today. During the presentation, if
there are any areas that seem unclear, please don’t hesitate to ask.)
许老板: 好的。

Xǔ lǎobǎn: Hǎo de.

(Ms. Xu:) (Okay.)
廖副总: 本公司是1990年创立的,当时我们以英语教学为主要业务。五
Liào fùzǒng: Běn gōngsī shì yī jiǔ jiǔ líng nián chuànglì de, dāngshí wǒmen yǐ
(Mr. Liao:) Yīngyǔ jiàoxué wéi zhǔyào yèwù. Wǔ nián yǐqián kāishǐ zuò

© 2010 Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG, Singapore Branch, Singapore 1
by arrangement with LiveABC Interactive Corporation.
Berlitz, Advanced Mandarin Chinese Lesson 7, Audioscript

Zhōngwén jiàoxué, suànshì zuìzǎo fāzhǎn zhège lǐngyù de gōngsī.

(Our company was founded in 1990. At the time, our core business
was English language teaching. Five years ago, we ventured into
Chinese language teaching; we were one of the companies in this
field at a relatively early stage.)
许老板: 你们是为什么想发展这个领域的?
Xǔ lǎobǎn: Nǐmen shì wèishénme xiǎng fāzhǎn zhège lǐngyù de?
(Ms. Xu:) (What made you decide to venture into this field?)
廖副总: 中国的兴起让许多外国人想了解中国,而学习中文是他们认识
Liào fùzǒng: Zhōngguó de xīngqǐ ràng xǔduō wàiguórén xiǎng liǎojiě Zhōngguó,
(Mr. Liao:) ér xuéxí Zhōngwén shì tāmen rènshì Zhōngguó de fāngfǎ zhī yī.
(China’s rapid developments have resulted in many foreigners
wanting to understand China; and learning the Chinese language is
one way to do so.)
许老板: 我同意你的看法。你们是怎么确保教材品质的?
Xǔ lǎobǎn: Wǒ tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ. Nǐmen shì zěnme quèbǎo jiàocái pǐnzhì de?
(Ms. Xu:) (I agree with your view. How do you ensure the quality of your
teaching materials?)
廖副总: 我们是聘请这方面的专家替我们编写的。
Liào fùzǒng: Wǒmen shì pìnqǐng zhè fāngmiàn de zhuānjiā tì wǒmen biānxiě de.
(Mr. Liao:) (We have engaged experts in this field to help us create and refine
our products.)
许老板: 没错,这样做是正确的。我对这个部分很有兴趣,可以请你说
Xǔ lǎobǎn: Méicuò, zhèyàng zuò shì zhèngquè de. Wǒ duì zhège bùfen hěn yǒu
(Ms. Xu:) xìngqù, kěyǐ qǐng nǐ shuō de xiángxì yìdiǎn ma?
(Yes, that’s the right thing to do. I’m very interested in what you’re
doing. Could you please elaborate in greater detail?)

{Track 15} of CD 2
Conversation: at slower pace

{Track 16} of CD 2
Page 78
练习一 Liànxí yī, Exercise One
Listen to the recording and select the sound you hear.

© 2010 Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG, Singapore Branch, Singapore 2
by arrangement with LiveABC Interactive Corporation.
Berlitz, Advanced Mandarin Chinese Lesson 7, Audioscript

a. huāzhǎn, 花展, flower exhibition/display

b. pìnqǐng, 聘请, to hire/engage
c. xìngqù, 兴趣, interest
d. tíwèn, 提问, to ask
e. shúxī, 熟悉, familiar

{Track 17} of CD 2
Page 78
练习二 Liànxí èr, Exercise Two
In this recording, you’ll hear a man and a woman speaking to each other. Listen to the
dialogue and choose the best answer to each question in the book. Listen to the
recording a second time if you didn’t catch everything the first time round.

汪主任: 林经理, 我们公司已经有欧美市场了,所以今年应该朝亚洲发展。我

Wāng Lín jīnglǐ, wǒmen gōngsī yǐjīng yǒu ŌuMěi-shìchǎng le, suǒyǐ
zhǔrèn: jīnnián yīnggāi cháo Yàzhōu fāzhǎn. Wǒ jiànyì wǒmen kěyǐ
(Mr. Wang, cóng Zhōngguó kāishǐ.
department (Ms. Lin, we already have a presence in the European and US
head:) markets, that’s why we should expand the Asia market this year. I
suggest that we start with China.)
林经理: 汪主任, 我们是去年才开始美国的市场,我认为我们应该先做好美洲
Lín Wāng zhǔrèn, wǒmen shì qùnián cái kāishǐ Měiguó de shìchǎng, wǒ
jīnglǐ: rènwéi wǒmen yīnggāi xiān zuò hǎo Měizhōu de shēngyì.
(Ms. Lin, (Mr. Wang, we only just entered the US market last year; I think that we
manager:) should focus on our American market first.)
汪主任: 可是时间是不等人的,现在很多公司都已经在亚洲做生意了,我们应
Wāng Kěshì shíjiān shì bù děng rén de, xiànzài hěn duō gōngsī dōu yǐjīng zài
zhǔrèn: Yàzhōu zuò shēngyì le, wǒmen yīnggāi kuài yīdiǎn.
(Mr. Wang:) (But time waits for no man, and there are many companies doing business
in Asia already; we should really rev up the pace.)
林经理: 为什么要从中国开始,我觉得日本和韩国也不错。
Lín Wèishénme yào cóng Zhōngguó kāishǐ, wǒ juéde Rìběn hé Hánguó yě
jīnglǐ: búcuò.

© 2010 Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG, Singapore Branch, Singapore 3
by arrangement with LiveABC Interactive Corporation.
Berlitz, Advanced Mandarin Chinese Lesson 7, Audioscript

(Ms. Lin:) (Why should we start with China? I feel that Japan and Korea are also
good choices. )
汪主任: 中国的人口最多,所以机会最大。
Wāng Zhōngguó de rénkǒu zuì duō, suǒyǐ jīhuì zuì dà.
zhǔrèn: (China has the largest population, so we will have the greatest
(Mr. Wang:) opportunities in China.)
林经理: 可是日本人的消费能力比较高,而且我们的东西是流行商品,从日本
Lín Kěshì Rìběnrén de xiāofèi nénglì bǐjiào gāo, érqiě wǒmen de dōngxi shì
jīnglǐ: liúxíng shāngpǐn, cóng Rìběn kāishǐ bǐjiào héshì.
(Ms. Lin:) (But I feel that the Japanese consumer has greater spending power. And we
are dealing with trend-based products, so we should develop our market in
Japan first.)
汪主任: 但是中国是一个很大的市场。
Wāng Dànshì Zhōngguó shì yí ge hěn dà de shìchǎng.
zhǔrèn: (But I still think that China is a very large market.)
(Mr. Wang:)
林经理: 这样吧,我建议你再研究一下,我们下个星期再开一次会。
Lín Zhèyàng ba, wǒ jiànyì nǐ zài yánjiù yíxià, wǒmen xià ge xīngqī zài kāi yí
jīnglǐ: cì huì.
(Ms. Lin:) (How about this—I suggest that you do some more research, and we’ll hold
another meeting next week.)

{Track 18} of CD 2
Page 81
练习七 Liànxí qī, Exercise Seven
You’ll hear a recording of the passage in the book. You may wish to use this recording
to help you practice reading the passage, but you should be able to answer the
questions in the book without listening to the passage.

Huìyì jìlù
(Meeting minutes)

ABC gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī
(ABC Limited Company)

© 2010 Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG, Singapore Branch, Singapore 4
by arrangement with LiveABC Interactive Corporation.
Berlitz, Advanced Mandarin Chinese Lesson 7, Audioscript

Shíjiān: Sānyuè sì rì, shàngwǔ shí diăn - shí’èr diăn
(Date and time: March 4th, 10:00-12:00)

主席:连执行长 记录:黄磊
Zhǔxí: Lián zhíxíngzhǎng Jìlù: Huáng Lěi
(Chairperson: Chief executive, Mr Lian) (Minutes taken by: Huang Lei)

Cānjiā rényuán: Liú Zhōng、Féng Xiáng、Qián Yìrú、Zhū Jiāo
(Participants: Liu Zhong, Feng Xiang, Qian Yiru, Zhu Jiao)

Nèiróng: Bùmén zhǔguǎn huìyì
(Subject: Department heads meeting)
(1) 今年做好国内市场,明年开始发展国外市场。
Jīnnián zuò hǎo guónèi shìchǎng, míngnián kāishǐ fāzhǎn guówài shìchǎng.
(Focus on the domestic market this year. Begin developing the overseas market next
(2) 业务应更积极地寻找客户,更有效地推广产品。
Yèwù yīng gèng jījídi xúnzhǎo kèhù, gèng yǒuxiàodi tuīguǎng chǎnpǐn.
(Sales department needs to seek out new clients aggressively and promote our
products with more efficiently.)
(3) 减少不必要的经费支出,并请所有员工随手关灯。
Jiǎnshǎo bú bìyào de jīngfèi zhīchū, bìng qǐng suǒyǒu yuángōng suíshǒu guān dēng.
(Reduce unnecessary expenditure and spending. Staff should turn off lights when not
in use.)

© 2010 Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG, Singapore Branch, Singapore 5
by arrangement with LiveABC Interactive Corporation.

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