#4 Saying On The Cross

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Title: "My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"

Scripture: Mark 15:34 (NIV) "And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi,
lema sabachthani?' (which means 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?')."


As we continue to journey through the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to the fourth saying
from the cross. In this moment, we witness Jesus crying out in agony, feeling forsaken by God. Today,
we will explore the meaning of this moment and what it means for us as followers of Christ.


1. The Experience of Abandonment: As Jesus hangs on the cross, he cries out in agony, feeling
abandoned by God. In this moment, he experiences the depths of human suffering, and the
sense of abandonment that can come with it. This moment reminds us that even the Son of
God experienced the pain of feeling alone and abandoned, and that we too may experience
this in our own lives.

2. The Reality of Sin: The reason for Jesus' cry is the weight of sin that he is bearing on the
cross. He is taking on the sin of the world, and in that moment, he experiences the
separation from God that sin brings. This moment reminds us of the reality of sin, and the
ways in which it can separate us from God and from one another.

3. The Depth of Jesus' Suffering: In this moment, Jesus experiences the full depth of human
suffering. He is completely abandoned, alone, and in agony. This moment reminds us that
Jesus not only died for our sins but also experienced the full weight of human pain and
suffering. As we reflect on Jesus' cry of abandonment, we are reminded of the depth of his
love for us.

4. The Atonement for Sin: In crying out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus
identifies with the human experience of sin and separation from God. This moment is
significant because it is through Jesus' identification with our sin that he is able to atone for it
on the cross. As we contemplate the meaning of Jesus' cry, we are reminded of the depth of
his sacrifice for our salvation.

5. The Fulfillment of Prophecy: Jesus' cry of abandonment is a direct quotation from Psalm 22,
which is a prophetic psalm that foreshadows Jesus' suffering and death. This moment
reminds us that Jesus' death was not a surprise but rather the fulfillment of God's plan of
salvation. As we reflect on the prophetic nature of this moment, we are reminded of the
sovereignty of God and the trustworthiness of his word.

6. One possible interpretation of this saying is that it represents Jesus' identification with the
suffering of all humanity. By experiencing the profound sense of abandonment, Jesus enters
into the depths of human suffering, bearing the weight of our sin and separation from God.
In this sense, Jesus' cry of abandonment is not only an expression of his own pain but also a
representation of the pain and suffering of all humanity, past, present, and future. The
phrase "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" is actually a quotation from Psalm 22,
which is a lament psalm that expresses the suffering and anguish of the psalmist. By quoting
this psalm, Jesus is not only expressing his own anguish but also identifying with the
suffering of humanity throughout history.
7. Furthermore, Psalm 22 ends with a note of triumph and praise, suggesting that even in the
midst of the deepest suffering and abandonment, there is hope and a possibility for
redemption. This is significant for understanding Jesus' cry on the cross, as it points to the
ultimate victory that he achieves through his death and resurrection.

8. Additionally, Jesus' cry of abandonment also reveals the nature of sin and its effect on
humanity. Sin creates a separation between God and humanity, leading to a sense of
abandonment and estrangement. In taking on the weight of human sin and experiencing its
effects, Jesus reveals the depth of its impact and the need for redemption.

9. Additionally, this saying can be understood as a reflection of Jesus' unique relationship with
God the Father. As the Son of God, Jesus enjoys an intimate relationship with the Father, and
yet, in this moment of darkness, he experiences a sense of separation from God that he has
never known before. This sense of abandonment is not an actual separation from the Father
but a representation of the spiritual and emotional suffering that Jesus endures on our

10. Moreover, this saying reveals the depth of God's love for humanity. In allowing his Son to
experience the pain of abandonment, God enters into the suffering of humanity and bears it
with us. God's love is not distant or aloof, but rather intimately involved in the pain and
brokenness of the world.

11. Ultimately, this saying points us to the reality of the cross: the profound mystery of God's
love and salvation made manifest in Jesus' sacrifice. Through his suffering and death on the
cross, Jesus enters into the depths of human experience and offers us a path to redemption
and new life. May we be humbled and grateful for the depth of God's love for us, revealed
through Jesus' cry of abandonment on the cross.

12. The Hope of Redemption: Despite the darkness of this moment, we are reminded of the
hope of redemption that it brings. Jesus' cry of abandonment is a prelude to his final victory
over sin and death on the cross. In his death and resurrection, we are offered the hope of
new life, and the promise of eternal redemption.


As we reflect on Jesus' fourth saying from the cross, we are reminded of the depths of his sacrifice
and the reality of sin. We are also reminded of the hope of redemption that his death and
resurrection bring. Let us take a moment to give thanks to God for the gift of salvation, and let us
continue to trust in Christ, who experienced the depths of human suffering so that we might
experience the fullness of God's love and grace.

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