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Documentation Portfolio


Submitted by:
Aljune A. Perolino
Grade 12- Descartes

Submitted to:
Mr. Jay V. Ylaran
Subject Teacher
Unleashing the Spirit of Sportsmanship: Introducing My
Intramurals Portfolio

Even if I’m not a player, I must admit that I still enjoyed the activity during my senior high school. This

intramural stands out in my mind because it marked the end of a three-year battle against pandemics and other

types of tragedy. Even when I first start attending school, simply taking in every intramural event leaves me

with an unending, precious smile. It is understandable why the students enjoy each moment so much; no one

can stop the best momentum in any event. After all, there are no words to adequately express how appreciative

and happy we are to be part of the institution and witness such an extraordinary event.

I supposed that happiness and dissatisfaction occurred during the many competitions. Every time I

watch a friend compete, I watch him react with joy when he wins and aggravation when he loses. However,

what matters to me is that you learnt the right values that a rival must have. Although participating in

intramurals takes a lot of time and effort, they also make us happy, anxious, and excited. I’m still content and

pleased, though, because I have more than enough experience to fell fulfilled.

Overall, intramurals aren’t about how much you won; it’s about how much fun you had competing.

Through this sport, everyone’s virtues and leadership are being cultivated. Because it was one of the best, the

day of the event was my most memorable moment. Participating in intramurals might even help me make

lifelong relationship down the road, this it should be recorded and collected in this portfolio so I can remember

it forever.
Courtside Thrills: My Experience Watching Intramurals
(Narrative Essay 1)
Recreational activities that are organized within a specific institution, typically an educational

institution, or a predetermined geographic area are known as intramural sports or intramurals. It's common to

mistake "intramural" for the phrase "intermural," which likewise appropriately denotes "between institutions."

Your friends from school sports are something you miss? Want to take a break from the pressure of your

Performance Task and your homework? Want to stay in shape while having a blast? Intramurals, in a nutshell.

With my other friends, we had a ton of fun as we observed the activities taking place within

Academia System Global Colleges, our school, such as Breakout, Booths, basketball, volleyball, and other

sports. We encouraged and supported our department's representatives at the same time. It's wonderful to see

our schoolmates and a few pals participating in basketball, one of my favorite sports. I had a lot of fun seeing

teams try their hardest to win while defending their leads. Even while I cheer and take in the games, I notice

that my voice has disappeared. The only thing I can think inside is that if our house were close by, I would

definitely enter this competition.

Ultimately, everyone is taught values and leadership skills through this sportsmanship, which is

why most players come to the conclusion that how you play the game, not whether you win or lose, is what

matters most. Because it was my first time seeing the various activities that Senior High School students
participate in, my day of intramurals stands out as one of my most memorable experiences. Participating in

intramural activities could lead to lifelong friendships and become the highlight of your academic year!

Mind Games: A Riveting Experience at the Quiz Bowl

(Narrative Essay 2)

It was a beautiful day when I decided to attend the intramural quiz bowl competition at my school.

I had never watched a quiz bowl before, but I was excited to see what it was all about. As I entered the venue,

the atmosphere was intense. The room was filled with students and their supporters, cheering and shouting. The

teams were already on stage, preparing to compete against each other. I found a seat in the front row, eager to

watch the competition unfold.

The quiz bowl began, and the first question was read out loud by the moderator. The teams were

given ten seconds to buzz in and answer the question. The first team to buzz in was able to answer the question

correctly and was awarded the first point of the game. The competition was heating up, and the audience was

getting more and more engaged. The teams were answering questions left and right, and the scores were tied up.

The buzzer was ringing constantly as the teams tried to answer the questions as quickly as possible. As the

game progressed, I became more and more invested in the competition. I found myself rooting for one team

over the other, and the tension in the room was palpable. The questions became more difficult, and the teams

struggled to answer them correctly.

In the end, one team emerged as the winner of the quiz bowl competition. The audience erupted in

cheers, congratulating the winning team on their impressive victory. The team members hugged each other,

thrilled to have won the competition.

As I left the venue, I couldn't help but feel amazed at how intense the quiz bowl competition had been. The

competition had been a thrilling experience, and I had enjoyed every moment of it. Watching the quiz bowl had

given me a newfound appreciation for the knowledge and intelligence of the students competing in the


An Electric Atmosphere: A Narrative of Watching an Intense

Intramurals Volleyball Game
(Narrative Essay 3)

On a sunny afternoon, I had the opportunity to watch the intramurals volleyball game at the school.

The place was packed with students and faculty members who were cheering for their respective teams.

As the game began, I could sense the excitement in the air. The sound of the ball hitting the floor

echoed through the gymnasium, and the players moved with agility and speed. The game was intense, with both

teams putting in their best efforts to win. The first set was closely contested, with both teams exchanging points.

I could see the players' determination and passion for the game as they dove for every ball and executed precise

serves and spikes. The spectators were cheering and shouting with every point, making the atmosphere even

more electric.

In the second set, one team pulled ahead and took a commanding lead. The other team tried to mount a

comeback, but it was too late. The first team won the set, and the players jumped in celebration. The crowd

went wild with applause and cheers.

The third set was the most exciting. Both teams were tied, and the pressure was mounting. The players

were sweating profusely, but they kept pushing themselves to the limit. It was an all-out battle to the finish, with

every point making a difference. The players were giving it their all, and the spectators were on the edge of their

seats. In the end, one team emerged victorious. The players hugged each other and congratulated their
opponents for a well-played game. The spectators also showed their appreciation by giving both teams a

standing ovation.

Watching the intramural volleyball game was a thrilling experience. I could feel the intensity and

passion of the players and the excitement of the crowd. It was a reminder of the beauty and excitement of sports

and how it can bring people together.

The Intersection of Athletics and Academics: A Reflection on


Watching the volleyball game, quiz bowl, and basketball during the intramurals was an enjoyable and

insightful experience. Each of these events provided a unique perspective on the importance of sports and

academics in a student's life.

The volleyball game was an exciting and intense event that showcased the value of teamwork and

perseverance. The players on the court worked together to make every play and relied on each other's strengths

to succeed. The game was a reminder that success often requires hard work, resilience, and dedication.

The quiz bowl, on the other hand, highlighted the importance of academics and intellectual curiosity. The

participants were highly knowledgeable and showed a deep understanding of various academic subjects. The

quiz bowl demonstrated that academics and sports can coexist and that both are important in a student's overall

Lastly, the basketball game was a display of athleticism, skill, and strategy. The players on the court

showcased their talents and worked together to outscore their opponents. The game was a reminder that sports

can create a sense of community and provide a positive outlet for people to come together and celebrate.

Overall, watching the intramurals volleyball game, quiz bowl, and basketball was a valuable experience. It

taught me that sports and academics can go hand in hand and that both are essential in a student's life. It was a

reminder that hard work, dedication, and teamwork are crucial in achieving success, both on and off the court.


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