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Forum historical figure English level 6

Dear teacher, my name is Gloria Rodriguez and I want to share the historical
of Solomon King of Israel.
SALOMÓN (1015–931 afther of Cristo)

He was the thre and last king of Israel the United Kingdom.

He was Just and wise, he exercised power in the vast territory of Mesopotamia,

between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, for almost four decades (965 to 928).

He father was the king David his predecessor, who before died give with advice as to

fulfilled the law of Moises and fear God and would obey all his command.

Salomón loved God and feared him, so his kingdom prospered.

He mother did him one day a request, but he told her didn’t could grant her wish.


1. God granted Solomon any wish and instead of asking for wealth he asked for


2. Salomon did The trial of the 2 prostitutes who were they fougth for a baby

3. Solomon's reign was the most prosperous in the entire history of Israel

4. Solomon's wisdom exceeds that of all the wise men of Egypt, according to the

scriptures of the bible Solomon's knowledge was as vast as the sand on the


5. He composed three thousand proverbs and wrote one thousand and five songs.

6. He is the author of the so-called book of wisdom in the Bible and of Song of

Songs, and Ecclesiastes

7. The richest man that has existed in prehistory and the only man to build his

own palace.
8. Salomón builds the first temple to honor God.

9. Salomón ruled all Israel for 40 years.

10. Salomón betrays God and worships him and altars to other gods.

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