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Structured activity

1. Select a topic of conversation

2. Create a mind map about possible points to speak on the topic

3. Start the conversation by stacking the ice cream

4. Keep the conversation going and stay on topic

5. Refer to the mind map, prompt her and give choices if child running out of ideas

Free conversation

1. Practice conversing with her about her school, friends, etc.

2. Model to her by narrating about your day at work

3. Can have blocks or draw stars as she continues to stay on topic and answers

appropriately. If she is not listening and changes the topic, drop a block or erase a star to

visually show that she is out of topic. Explain to her that she is not on topic

4. Read to her stories on importance of topic maintenance

Social Situation/ Pragmatic skills

1. Can create a game by preparing example of situation and teaching her the appropriate


a. If she sees a stranger in front of the house

b. If see teacher or friends in school

c. Can you ask strangers to pat your head

d. If see friend crying

2. Practice responding to various social situations and inference the situations as pragmatic

skills needs to be explicitly taught and practiced with her.

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