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[hen ag Stadt JOURNAL OF THE STEWARD ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY Vol,23 Nos. and 2, 1993 pp. 269-286 NEW EVIDENCE FOR CHIMU CAPAC AND THE EARLY HORIZON PERIOD THE SUPE VALLEY, PERU by Lisa K. Valkenier University of California, Berkeley 184s Vane (142) m eartand a wel as designs cmon to Pachacamac and he north coast Tn defing the characteristics of Middle Horizon Epoch 3, Menaeh noted the replacement of polychrome decoration and Vitaque style designs by fess molded ceramic wih re and whi pain on a pun surface. Menzel Concluded that Ching Capse had served ar x major administrative emer ‘within the Wari Ermpire on the basis of stylistic evidence and Unle's Ghucactezation ofthe ste asa forces anda walled planned retlement ‘She envisioned Chim Cxpac as x strategic oulpest onthe central coast ltd to prevent Pachacamac to the south and an wnamed polity x the ‘ord from aligning agains the Wari state during Middle Horizon Epoch 2 ‘Menzel also proposed that, following the collapse of Wari, nth cost influence increased at Chim Capac as evidenced by the prevalence of ‘motifs on the Middle Horizon Epoch 3 ceramics and SE tue nick of a valiey. I fc, ough he lop complex x Cains (Capes meets cerain cei fo efesvesntien, tach 2s he pease ‘of paps and recited acces, ace oer inporan aoe sock * defennible location and the presence of singaoces, dry mess, and ‘anions Topic and Topi 1987; Witon 1968), At fis glance, he ln of (Chima Capac may resemble he forseat af Chal in he Cota Vay, Which der to te Eriy Horizon Period (Pouowski and Pozrski 1987.96Howeves, the coceaic walls st Chania and meter fo & Imeters high (8 opposed to 4 maximum height of 2:5 mer at Chis (Capac, and they are mor closely spaced. Clearly aces 1 Chim Capa: ‘vas restricted, bot the walls do not neserwily pefons a defeaie “tintin, a rane Pe withthe skeleton, no prepared pi, and no mat or covering apart from tbe isioegratng fragments of «simple naturacolored cloth. The next stage of excavations concentaed onthe central ponion of the tample at the western base ofthe hile (Structure 10), whic appaenly la where Unie dug as well (Uble 1928:259. The frst unit explored the point where the ouermost concentric wall crosses i foot of the central our and bigects the temple walls. Excavations determined that the ‘outermost concentric wall postdtes the temple, fra section ofthe temple platform had ben dismantle inorder to construct the wall. By extension, entire hillop complex of walls und antciated strictures is assumed 10 15S Ven 23(1 82) m ‘ceramics fom Ancén (Matos Mendiets 1962: Rosas La Noire 1970, Wiley ‘and Cosbett 1954), Casma (Ponorsi and Ponoshi 1987), and Nepeta (Proulx 1989), ‘A few exaopes of styisc changes frm LIS and Ci Capac nda compsison with the Chain sequence se psetd below otic the case for Inia Pei nd aly Horizon amie veguence a he ‘Supe Vallysin which he LI cermis predate tase of Chin Copa. evels at LISI there are sever] examples dion, which defines the following Jas Vou 2342) 2 led Period examples lcade a modeled tlie ea and © nied ow! (CURE 10h). Several Mile Horizon Peso ‘ree found that resembled pieces in the Usle collection, Including unpsloed face neck jas, press-molded vessels, and an eroded large tumbler with 2 razed) mold-imprested and (FIGURE 102). However no Middle Horizon material was found inthe cette are ofthe s Vidage syle palyehromesbercs were never encounsre eer in oF on the surface of te st, and the location ofthe cemetery aerate etn Se erm ete pceeees ‘VALERIE: NeW EVIDENCE FoR CHM. n Sew Rb AxTettorod OLOGICAL SOCIETY 23 Noe Ted 998 wi PATTERNS OF ANEMIA IN THREE, LATE INTERMEDIATE POPULATIONS FROM THE SOUTH COAST OF PERU

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