Activation and Engagement Activity Generator Responses Report Text

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Grade Level
12th Grade

I want students to learn...

how to understand function, structure text and language feature report text


1. Activity: "Create a Play-by-Play Sportscast Report"

Objective: To help students understand the structure and language

features of a report text.

Description: Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with a
short video clip (such as a sports highlight or a popular event) to watch.
Instruct the groups to imagine they are sportscasters and have them create
a play-by-play report detailing the event. Emphasize that their report must
include accurate and descriptive language features seen in authentic
sports reports, such as strong verbs, statistics, expert commentary, and
transitional phrases.

After sufficient time for preparation, allow each group to present their play-
by-play sportscast report to the class. Encourage students to be creative in
their delivery style, including mimicking the excitement and energy of real
sportscasters. Through this hands-on activity, students will develop a
better understanding of the structure and language features commonly
found in report texts.

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2. Activity: "Unravel the Scientific Mystery"

Objective: To help students understand the function of a report text.

Description: Introduce a scientific mystery to the class, such as the

Bermuda Triangle, the Loch Ness Monster, or the Pyramids of Egypt.
Provide students with a selection of articles, reports, and documentaries
related to the chosen mystery. Instruct them to work individually or in pairs
and explore the different sources in order to gather information and
evidence that either supports or debunks the mystery.

After conducting their research, students should create their own report
text, clearly presenting their findings and forming a logical argument based
on the collected evidence. Encourage students to utilize various text
features, such as headings, subheadings, diagrams, and captions, to
organize and enhance their reports. Finally, allow students to present their
reports, fostering class discussions and debates about the scientific

3. Activity: "Informative Infographic Showdown"

Objective: To help students understand how to integrate function,

structure, and language features using visual representations.

Description: Divide the class into small groups. Assign each group a
different topic, such as endangered animals, climate change, or space
exploration. Instruct the groups to create an informative infographic that
highlights the key points and language features of a report text related to
their topic.

Encourage the use of visually appealing designs, graphs, charts, and

images to enhance the effectiveness of the infographic. Remind students to

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consider the function and structure of report texts while selecting and
organizing the content. After completion, allow each group to present their
infographic to the class, discussing the language features and how the
visual representations enhance the understanding of the topic.

To make it even more fun, you can turn this activity into a "showdown" by
inviting a guest judge or allowing the class to vote for the most creative and
informative infographic.

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