DPDHL Group - Digital Campaign Report

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Final Report.

1. The Objectives.

2. Social Media Report.

3. Website Stats.

4. Email Marketing Stats

5. In A Nutshell.
The Objectives.
- Promote specific DPDHL positions on a need basis
targeted to the necessary audience

- Highlight career development opportunities and

showcase main positions and locations in DPDHL

Social Media R
Before we go further, take a moment to understand these
following terms:

The number of interactions your content received from users (likes,
comments, shares, saves, etc.). When your content inspires a user to take an
action, that moves them leaps and bounds ahead in your brand’s “funnel of

The number of times your content is displayed in timeline, stories, etc. An
“impression” means that a piece of content was delivered to someone’s
feed. Whether they saw it or not is a different matter (see: reach).
Impressions measure how many times a post was displayed, no matter if it
was clicked or not.

It’s helpful to think of “reach” as the number of unique people who actually
see your content. First, a piece of content must be delivered to a feed
(impressions), then a user has to interact with the platform to actually see
the piece of content in their feed (reach).
Type of content we posted.

Infographics. Reels. Videos. Blog Article.

Instagram Stats.

Total. Avg.

Reach. 34,238 4,891

Impressions. 30,327 4,332

Likes. 2017 403

Comments. 21 4/5 Insight: AIESECers were drawn to content that

contains brand advocacy from specific roles or

people. Testimonial content helps our audience to

Shares. 207 41/42 validate their desire. It is reflected as well on the
number of reaches that is higher than the number of
impressions, which shows that the content is quite
Saves. 205 41 engaging.

*Average = Total / No of posts on the channel.

Facebook Stats.

Total. Avg.

Reach. 18,498 2,643

Impressions. 18,141 3,024

Reactions. 1063 212

Comments. 12 2
Insight: AIESECers were drawn to content that

contains brand advocacy from specific roles or

Shares. 176 35
people. Testimonial content helps our audience to
validate their desire. It is reflected as well on the
Engagements. 1251 250 number of reaches that is higher than the number
of impressions, which shows that the content is
quite engaging.
Link Clicks. 141 23

*Average = Total / No of posts on the channel.

LinkedIn Stats.


Impressions. 40,487

Reactions. 355

Comments. 4

Shares. 6 Insight: Testimonial + opportunity offer gains

much engagement in the number of clicks. The
information is clear enough to give ideas about
Clicks. 911 the experiences of people who work at DPDHL
Blog Article Stats.


Views. 252

Likes. 15

Comments. 0
Insight: Same goes with a Blog Article; a

testimonial helps the audience to validate their

Shares. 9 needs (as in this case: looking for an internship). It
reflected on the number of Views vs. the number
of clicks, which indicates the viewers might
Clicks. 321
consider the opportunity offered.

*Average = Total / No of posts on the channel.

Top Content

Reach. 14,412 Comments. 12

Impressions. 16,603 Shares. 174

Likes. 2,017 Saves. 171

Insight: Besides Instagram reels having a unique

algorithm that can reach more people, the reel is easy to
be shared and like. Content about opportunity lists from
DPDHL Group diversifies the audience with different
interests. People also show their excitement and
curiosity in the comment section (asking the link for the
opportunity and tagging their friends).

Reels | 15th Dec


Re port
Web Statistics

Page Stats. (on aiesec.org)
30th Nov 2021 to 23rd Feb 2022
Entire campaign duration

Pageviews Unique Pageviews Avg. time on page Bounce Rate

Pageviews is the total number of pages viewed. Repeated Unique Pageviews is the number of sessions during The average amount of time users spent viewing a The percentage of single-page sessions in which there
views of a single page are counted. which the specified page was viewed at least once specific page or screen, or set of pages or screens. was no interaction with the page.

5,929 5,096 00:03:01 65.70%

Total Page Views: 5,929 Total Applications: 1,954

Average Conversion Ratio: 5:1

Page Insights. (on aiesec.org)
30th Nov 2021 to 23rd Feb 2022
Entire campaign duration

12 Jan, 2021 17 Jan, 2021

16 Dec, 2021

Video posted:
16 Jan, 2021

Reel posted:
15 Dec, 2021


1. A total of 5,096 people have showed interest by responding to the CTA (clicking on the aiesec.org page link)
2. Visits to the partnership page on aiesec.org increased on days there was video content posted.
3. The audience has responded extremely well to the Instagram Reels and it is proved to pique their interest more.
4. The bounce rate is >65% which is good in this case because that means they’re checking out the opportunities available as
soon as they click on aies.ec/dpdhlgroup
5. 1 out of every 5 people that visited the page has applied to an opportunity at DPDHL Group.

Traffic Insights. (on aiesec.org)
30th Nov 2021 to 23rd Feb 2022
Entire campaign duration

Top 15 countries [Overall]: Top 15 countries [Unique Views]:

% contribution to % contribution to
# of views # of views
overall visits overall visits
Page Analytics. (on aiesec.org)

DPDHL Group page on aiesec.org - top #1

Time period: 30th Nov 2021 - 20th March 2022


g Report
Email Marketin
We have sent emails to the National Vice President of AIESEC across the
global and its segmentation based on the function we have (President,
Finance, Organizational Development, Talent Management, Product
Management, Business Development, and Marketing).

Before we go further, take a moment to understand these following terms:

Email opens are the number of times an email was opened by the receipts. This
count is not a 100% accurate since it relies on the receipt having their images
enabled/turned on in their email without that we can't record it as an open. For
example if I had 100 emails sent out through a campaign and 75 people opened
those emails (with images enabled), then my open count would be 75.

Unique Clicks.
Unique clicks mean the number of times that a link in your email was clicked
by individual users. Repeated clicks on links are not considered unique, e.g. If
the person clicks on the link in the email 3 times, this will be counted as 1 click.

Top links clicked.

Top links clicked mean the rank of links attached on the email counted by
the total click of each links.
Email performance.

Recipients | Opens | Unique Clicks Total Recipients: Top Links Clicked:

1. (129 Clicks)
Presidents. 108 72 17 https://aiesec.org/partner/286836
2. (34 Clicks)
Emails https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rfn
Organizational Development 87 56 9 *Successful deliveries: 100%
Total Unique
Talent Management 94 67 25 3. (13 Clicks)
Finance 96 60 7
Insight: Looking at the conversion rate from total recipients to unique
Product Management 305 92 21 clicks shows that 10% of total recipients considered clicking any link
attached to the email. Taking that into account, one of the top links is the
link for GT Opportunity in the HR area. AIESECers are mostly interested in
Business Development 96 71 14 managing people and performing their leadership skills, which are
considered to be aligned with the Global Talent opportunity from DPDHL
Marketing 94 38 6

In A Nutshell
Campaign Inferences.
1. Videos and Reels are widely accepted and encouraged by the
targeted audience.

2. Testimonials create a trust factor among the people -

especially when they are able to know:
a. How it is to work in the company
b. How they can grow and climb the leadership ladder

3. LinkedIn is highly untapped and can prove to be a really good

platform for promotion since the people are looking for good
career opportunities just out of their college/university and
that are mainly the audience we want to tap into.

4. Email marketing gives average ROI as the scope of promotion

is very large and not limited to only a couple of opportunities.
There can be a specific email marketing campaign in the
future where we tailor the content according to the audience.
For eg: Send HR specific opportunities to AIESECers in HR
positions and likewise.
In A Nutshell.
The campaign aims to promote specific DPDHL positions
on a need basis targeted to the necessary audience. The
campaign was successfully run through Instagram,
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Blog Article.

88,955 3,861
Impressions on Likes, Shares & Comments
Social Media. on Social Media.

Email’s Engagement

5,926 1,954
Page Views on aiesec.org Applications Received
The Team.

Flavio Navarro Maleeha Masih

Global BD Manager, Digital Marketing Manager,
AIESEC International AIESEC International
flavionavarro@ai.aiesec.org maleeha.masih2@aiesec.net

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