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Series 1: The Gospel According to Moses

September 11, 2022

Lesson 1.2
God Leads Moses
Exodus 7–12; 13:7–15:21

Students will explore the life of Moses and how it shows us to walk with God.


Exodus 4:12
“I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”


God is with me and teaches me.


Exodus 3:12
“And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the
people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.”


Volume 2, Week 2


God gives us good leaders.


I will follow God’s leaders.

Read Exodus 7–12 and 13:7–15:21. Prayerfully consider what these passages say:

About God
God gave the Israelites a step-by-step guide on how to escape bondage: (1) Prepare a lamb. (2) Put blood on the doorposts. (3) Get in
the house. (4) Pack. (5) Start walking. . . and keep walking. God performed the miracles, but the people had to move.

To You as a Teacher
You have the privilege of teaching your students how to follow God’s plan now in their childhood. As they learn to follow God’s plan,
they can experience the freedom of being His child and avoid the pain that comes with a life lived away from God. Never
underestimate your preventative ministry.

To Your Students
Children love to play follow-the-leader. In a game, anyone can lead, but in life, it is important to follow good, godly leaders—leaders
like Moses. Moses followed God, and God’s people followed Moses. Help students get excited about their journey to freedom by
following leaders who follow God.
Prepare the Heart
• Various Footprints (RK) (DR), tape
• Attendance poster (RK) (DR), attendance stickers (RK) (DR)

• “Obstacle Course” (QL)
• “Animal Tracks for Kids” by Marty Calabrese (QL)

• Per student: Activity page (page 1), crayons

• Picture of your pastor

• Picture of your pastor

Instruct the Heart

Lesson Lead-In
• Pictures of various leaders in your life (e.g., spouse, boss, mayor, pastor)

Bible Lesson
• Leader Moses story pictures (RK) (DR), Leader Moses pieces from the Series 1 Story pieces (RK) (DR), double-sided tape
• Bible, praise and worship music

Connect to the Heart

Truth for My Life
• Per student: Activity page (page 2), crayons

• Path of Various Footprints (RK) (DR) (from Connect)

• Path of Various Footprints (RK) (DR) (from Connect)

Prayer and Response

• Per student: Sheet of colorful construction paper

Home Connection
• Series 1 Little Learners HC (AP) (DR), God’s Word for Families (Vol. 2)

• Series song: “Who My Victory Is” (QL)
• “Step by Step (You’ll Lead Me) (QL)
• “I Will Follow” (QL)
• “He Is the King of Kings” (QL)

Memory Work
• Series 1 MW poster (RK), memory charts (AP)
• Per student: Good Leader footprint (RK) (DR), marker, crayons

• Bible

• Nutter-Butter or Milano cookies, milk or water, tube of frosting, mini M&M’s, plates, napkins, cups

Video Review
• “Moses and the Israelites Crossing the Red Sea”
Connect: Footprints
• Prior to class, copy and cut out the Various Footprints (RK) (DR).
• Use the footprints to create a path around the classroom, placing the same kinds of footprints together. Space all the footprints so
students can hop from one to the next to get around the room.

• As students enter, collect offering and take attendance.
• Show students the footprints and let them follow the path around the room.
• Have students recite the Truth about God: “God gives us good leaders.”

Application: In today’s lesson, we will learn how God gives us good leaders.

Video Introduction
• When it is time to get students’ attention, consider showing one of the following:
» Play the short video “Obstacle Course” (QL).
» To continue the idea of following animal tracks, play the video “Animal Tracks for Kids | VIRTUAL HIKE #27,” posted by
Marty Calabrese (QL).

Opener: Follow the Right Leader

• Distribute activity pages and crayons.
• Have students identify the different pictures.
• Then students draw a line from each picture to the footprint it would make.
• Have students recite the Truth about God: “God gives us good leaders.”

Application: Which leader would we follow? the elephant leader? the duck leader? the bear leader? the dog leader? . . . No, we follow
God’s leader.

Toddlers (Ages 2–3)

• Locate a picture of your pastor.

• Play a game of Pastor Says (like Simon Says).
• After a few rounds, show the picture of your pastor.
• Ask students to tell you the name of your pastor.

Application: God gives us good leaders like our pastor. Our pastor loves us.

Preschoolers (Ages 3–4)

• Locate a picture of your pastor.
• Play a game of Pastor Says (like Simon Says).
• After a few rounds, show the picture of your pastor.
» Ask students to tell you the name of your pastor.
• Once students have the hang of the game, choose an older student to be the leader.
» Say: I have chosen (student’s name) to lead the game. You need to follow the leader I have chosen.
• Play until each student has an opportunity to be the leader.

Application: When God chooses a leader, we should follow that leader. God chose our pastor because He loves us and our pastor
loves us.
Bible Lesson Verse
“And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the
people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain” (Exodus 3:12).

Lesson Lead-In: Who’s Your Leader?

• Gather pictures of the various leaders in your life, such as your spouse, your boss, the mayor, and so on. Include the picture of
your pastor.

• Show students the pictures of various leaders. Explain how each one leads you.
• Ask: Do you have leaders in your life?
» Help children identify people who lead them, such as their parents, teachers, and so on.
• Show the picture of your pastor.
» Say: At this church, God has chosen Pastor (name) to lead us. Our pastor talks to God about the best way to lead us. We trust
that God is speaking to our pastor, so we follow our pastor’s instructions.

Application: In our Bible story, we will learn about when God chose a special leader named Moses to lead His people.

Bible Lesson: God Leads Moses (Exodus 7–12; 13:7–15:21)

• This lesson continues the twelve-picture timeline of Moses’ life by providing the next three pictures. Post the pictures at a height
where students can interact with them.
• Cut out the Leader Moses pieces from the Series 1 Story pieces (RK) (DR) and add double-sided tape to the backs. Students will
add them to the Leader Moses story pictures (RK) (DR) as directed within the Bible story.

• Open your Bible to Exodus 7 and sing “The B-I-B-L-E.”
» Say: The Bible is God’s storybook. Our story comes from the Bible.
• Using the timeline, briefly review how God protected baby Moses (from lesson 1.1).

Post picture #1. God kept Moses safe as he grew up in Pharaoh’s palace. Moses’ mom took care of him and taught him all of God’s
ways. As he grew older, Moses began to see how the Egyptian people were not nice to God’s people. This made Moses sad.

• Have a student place the Egyptian cutout on the picture.

God was sad too, but He had a plan to help His people. He wanted Moses to be their leader. God said, “You will lead My people to a
better place.”

Post picture #2. Moses followed God’s instructions, and the people followed Moses. The people walked and walked. During the day,
God sent a pillar of cloud to cover them from the sun.

• Have a student place the pillar of cloud cutout on the picture.

At night, God turned that cloud into a pillar of fire so the people would not be afraid of the dark. The people followed their leader until
they were stopped by a great big body of water called the Red Sea. They didn’t think they could go any further.
Post picture #3. Moses and the people did not see how to get across the water. They heard Pharaoh’s soldiers coming behind them,
and they started to get scared.

Moses said, “I’m following God. He is my leader, and He said we would be safe.” Moses lifted his staff, and the waters parted.

• Have a student place the Moses’ staff cutout on the picture.

God’s people followed their leader across the sea on dry land. Pharaoh’s army tried to follow, but God stopped them by crashing down
the water. God’s people were safe.

• Ask: Do you know what God’s people did when they saw they were safe?

When God’s people saw they were safe, they sang and danced before the Lord.

• Put on praise and worship music and have a praise break.

Review the story with simple questions:

• Who did Moses follow? God
• Who did God choose to lead His people? Moses
• What did the people do when they were safe? They sang, danced, and worshiped.
Truth for My Life
I will follow God’s leaders.

• As you distribute activity pages, have students recite the Truth for My Life: “I will follow God’s leaders.”
» Students draw a line along the path for the child to follow the pastor.
• Ask: Who is our pastor?

Application: I follow Pastor (name), and Pastor (name) follows God. God chose Pastor (name) because He loves us, and Pastor (name)
loves us too.

Toddlers (Ages 2–3)

• Use the path of Various Footprints (RK) (DR) created for Connect.
• Also display one set of each kind of footprint on a table.

• When you call out an animal represented by one of the sets of footprints, students go to those footprints and hop on those prints
while making the appropriate sound (quacking, barking, and so on).
• When you call out a leader’s name (like Moses, your pastor, Jesus, and so on), students hop on the human footprints while
saying the Truth for My Life: “I will follow God’s leaders.”

Application: God gives us good leaders to follow. We should follow the leaders God chooses.

Preschoolers (Ages 3–4)

• Use the path of Various Footprints (RK) (DR) created for Connect.
• Also display one set of each kind of footprint on a table.

• When you call out an animal represented by one of the sets of footprints, students go to those footprints and hop on those prints
while making the appropriate sound (quacking, barking, and so on).
• When you call out a leader’s name (like Moses, your pastor, Jesus, and so on), students hop on the human footprints while
saying the Truth for My Life: “I will follow God’s leaders.”
• Ask: Who wants to be the leader this time?
» Say: I have chosen (student’s name) to lead the game. You need to follow the leader I have chosen.

Application: When God chooses a leader, we should follow that leader. We should follow the leaders God chooses.
Prayer and Response
• Have students make praying hands and repeat the echo prayer.

Thank You, Jesus, . . . for giving me good leaders.

Thank You for my parents, . . . my pastor, . . . and my teachers.
Help me to listen to . . . and follow them.
In Jesus’ name, . . . amen.

• As students leave, let them select a sheet of construction paper to take home. Tell them to make a card for the pastor or another
leader in the church and give it to that person sometime in the next week.

Home Connection
• Series 1 Little Learners Home Connection (AP) (DR).
• In the God’s Word for Families, Volume 2 devotional, encourage families to do week 2.

Series 1 Memory Verse
“I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say” (Exodus 4:12).

Series 1 Memory Words

God is with me and teaches me.
• On the Series 1 MW poster (RK) (DR), point at and read each word as students echo you.
• Divide the memory verse or memory words into two phrases.
» Say the first phrase while squatting low to the ground.
» Then jump up with arms raised and say the second phrase.
• Repeat many times.
• Let students add a sticker to their memory charts (AP).

Supplies: Quick Links document (DR)
• Designate worship leaders to lead students in singing and clapping to the suggested songs.
» Series song: “Who My Victory Is” (QL) by Angie Pearson
» “Step by Step (You’ll Lead Me)” by Cedarmont Kids (QL)
» “I Will Follow” by Eleven22 Kids Worship Music (QL)
» “He Is the King of Kings” by Bible Time (QL)
Application: Jesus is the King of kings. That is why we follow Him.

To review the Bible lesson, show the video “Moses and the Israelites Crossing the Red Sea,” posted by Stories & Songs for Kids
(QL). To match the Bible lesson, stop the video at 4:00.

• Turn Nutter-Butter cookies (be sensitive to peanut allergies) or Milano cookies into flip-flops.
» With a tube of frosting, make the straps and add mini M&M’s for decorations.

• Say: Moses wore sandals that might have looked like our flip-flop shoes.
• Serve the cookies with milk or water.
• Lead students in prayer, and then eat snack.
Follow the Leader
• Choose a student to be the leader. Give the student a Bible to carry.
» Say: I have chosen (student’s name) to lead the game. You need to follow the leader I have chosen.
• Play follow-the-leader with students taking turns being the leader.
• Reinforce the need to follow good, godly leaders.

Follow Good Leaders
• For each student, copy the Good Leader footprint (RK) (DR)

• Give each student a copy of the Good Leader footprint (RK) (DR).
» Read the text at the bottom: “God gives us good leaders.”
• On students’ papers, trace their foot inside the larger footprint.
» Then let students color their little foot inside the big foot.

Application: Wow, you have a lot of growing to do. One day when you are grown up, you can be a good leader too.

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