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BIOLOGY POEM(by:Uzma Arissya,1E3)

What is this thing?
Is it a bird?Is it a plane?
It so hard,so confusing
My thoughts is curios,it is filled with insignificant thoughts
Staring at the book,waiting for the miracle to happen

Before this I don’t know what am I learning,

But now I know what is this
It is the combination of the word bio and logos
Where the meaning is life and study
Making the words more interesting

Biochemistry,Zoology and ecology

Learning ‘bout cells,animal cells
Learning about the cell division
But why do they divide?
The question keeps running in my mind
Now I know
It is to form new cells and replace the damaged cells

What will happen if it’s divide continuosely without contol?
Well,a cancer may occurs
That’s will happen,it’s a reality,
And not dream

I forgot,
About the things I learn
Why,oh why
I forgot,
About the external and the internal process of respiration
I forgot
About that cells

I just want to learn

I just want to make my dream come true
I just want,to make my brain stay,and together,we learn and understanding this biology things

Oh how I love to become a biologist

I want to be like Arthur Adams,who is a English pyhsician and naturalist
I want to be like Ana Aslan,a  Romanian biologist who studied arthritis and other aspects of aging
I want to be like Felix de Azara,a Spanish naturalist who described more than 350 South
American birds

Let’s us learn about our life in biology

Always try to understand and you will succeed
Trust me.
Biology is a part of our life.

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