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Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior

Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

Name: Ricardo Manuel Ramos Salazar Student ID: 610249

Group: 2309 Date: 11/4/23

Act 10. Taxes around the world

1. Get together in teams of 3 people and according to what we discuss in class, answer
the table and explain what a physical and moral person is, as well as the main
advantages and disadvantages of each one.

2. Make a concept map investigating the following:

a) how taxes are administered and invested in Mexico, they can be social
projects, public works, construction of hospitals, schools, social support
programs, etc. Include the name of the project, what it consists of, what
part of the population it helps/favors, and approximately how many
taxes are used for this.
b) how taxes are handled in other countries: what kind of taxes do they pay?
How many fiscal mechanisms are there? Who is required to pay taxes?
Is there an organization like the SAT? What projects are solved through

3. Answer the reflection questions.

4. Add your references in APA format

Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

I. Natural Person and Legal Entity

Contributors Definition Benefits Disadvantages

Natural person A natural person, The right to free speec Are subject to legal
also known as an religion, and restrictions and
individual, is a association, the ability obligations, such as
human being with exercise political and taxes and mandatory
legal rights and civil rights, healthcare service requirements
responsibilities education, etc.

Legal Entity An organization that They can protect their Legal entities are
has legal rights and owners from personal subject to more compl
responsibilities liability for the legal and regulatory
separate from its organization's debts a requirements than
owners or members obligations natural persons.

II. Conceptual Map: Taxes in Mexico and other countries

Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

III. Reflective Questions

1. What are the benefits of paying taxes as a professional?

The benefits of paying taxes include being able to comply with legal requirements,
contributing to public services and infrastructure and being eligible for social security

2. Do you think we should all pay the same percentage of taxes? Explain your answer.
No, poor people are a lot more affected by taxes than rich people, so they should
compensate to get the same money with different impact.

3. What’s the importance of knowing the procedures that you must do in SAT as a
In order to not get yourself in trouble and to pay the adequate amounts

4. In what kind of projects should the taxes collected by the government be invested?
In infrastructure, education, social betterment projects, in summary it must be used for
the peoples and the countries benefit.

IV. Bibliography

Secretaría de Bienestar. (n.d.). Bienestar. Gobierno de México.
Secretaría de Bienestar. (n.d.). Programa Sembrando Vida. Gobierno de México.
BNamericas. (2022, January 7). Presupuesto 2023 para Tren Maya ofrecería oportunidades
a privados. BNamericas.
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

V. Evaluation

Activity 10. Taxes in Mexico

10. Valora distintas prácticas sociales mediante el reconocimiento de sus significados dentro de un sistema cultural, con una actitud de respeto.
3. Examina y argumenta, de manera crítica y reflexiva, diversos problemas filosóficos relacionados con la actuación humana, potenciando su
dignidad, libertad y autodirección.
15. Sustenta juicios a través de valores éticos en los distintos ámbitos de la vida.

Evaluation criteria Excellent Regular Unsatisfactory

Knowledge: Explain what a natural person and legal entity is and what are 6 3.6 0
the main advantages and disadvantages of each one. The conceptual map
(Mexico) contains the name of the project, what it consists of, who benefits
and how much it costs (taxes). Relevant information from another country
was also included and what type of taxes they pay, the name of the
organization that administers the taxes, who are required to contribute and
which projects benefit from the tax.

Skills: The information provided is relevant to the subject and is based on 4 2.4 0
reliable sources; communication is clear and precise. Through his answers
to the reflection questions, he demonstrates knowledge on the subject of
taxes in Mexico.

Attitude:The activity demonstrates collaborative work between team 2.5 1.5

members and was answered in its entirety. Includes information sources in
APA format.

Punctuality: The activity was delivered in time and form according to the 1.5 0
teacher's instructions.


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