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j, ·1:�jga�n _C({J)lllege9_ -Dhaka �

Dept. oft'-(�o-mplillteir §delilce·& 1Eirngi1rieerhng (CSE)

Effect on: 13.12.202�
I · · · (:!ass Routine (Professional)
Cfass JD\esien-fi1P>t1:norm Class Pernod!·
1.30 PM.·
Jr:hy SerrucsteJr Seiction/Room -$;50 AM 9�40AM 10.30 AM · L , .. U.20 AM , 12.10 PM
SK( 130 ISJ(CSE-5 I 0205 J Sll(IJB1S]ICS£-510207)
I'' Section-A, R- 351 AH[l3DIS)[ CSE-510204Hl) MMR[13BlSJ[CSE-S1020I). AH[IJll!S](CSE-510204HL]
� Section- ·B, R- 352 ,/ - MT[llBIS)[CSE-510205) .1 KU(13B!S)[CSE-51020I) ,( SAA(lllllSJ[ CSE-510203]
� SectionaA,Jl-=m !U[l2B2S][CSE-510229]
2"d AH(l 2D2S][CSE-510222) KZ[ 12B2SJ[CSE--510223) SVA(12!32S)(CSE-5 I 0227)
Scction-B, R-354 MMR[I 282S)[CSE-510221] - -

0) M�1R[l2B2S)[CSE-5-10222) M"f[1282S][CSE-510225J SAA( 12!32S)(CSE-51022lT
� Section-A, R-35S
SR(I I !34S]lCSE-S2022-15L] K2(1 IB.4S](CSE-5202:ZSLJ
4th· · SR(I134S](CSE-52022J)
� Scction,n, R-356 · · . _,.. \ . I MH(l llHSJ[CSE-s2omJ MT_ (ll B-1S](CSE-520227] .. MH(l 1845](CSE-520226SLJ

7'" Section--__A,R-357 ·
-§: KZ(9B7SJ(CSE-54020IJ · MSH(9Il7S][CSE-5<020SJ KU(9Il7S](CSE-540207J
5AA(987S) SE-540204SL)' MSH(9Il7S](CSE-S40205] · ·SAA(9B7S][CSE-540203] \ .MH(9Il7S)(CSE-540201) ·

;;.,-. !"
Section- A. R- 35 l
Section- B, IR--352
L- \f
�- Rl[IJDIS](CSE"-St0109].
R1(1JBIS][CSE-s10209 J
Afl(IJ!itSJ[ CSE-s1020-1HLJ MMR[tJDIS][CSE-S I0WI (

� MT[tJDtS][CSG-510205)
� znd· Section-A; R-353 _, AH(l2Il2S](CSE-S10221] KZ(12Il2S](CSE-510223) Rl[12Il2S](CSE-510229]. Sl<.[IWS�Jl'
"""" """""':SE-510225]
Scction-8, R-354 � , MT[l282S](CSE-S1022SJ · SVA(l202S][CSE-5l0227) •. Rl(t282S](CSE-510229J
� Sectfon-.i\,"R-3 55 II '.I· I MT[110,1S)[CsE,sio221( · -] IVISH_[I_IB4S](CSE-520m]�- ·_ MSH[l113<SJ(CSE-520224SLI' KZ[ I I B4S)(CSE-5202:!2SL2]
'el 4'"
Section-B, R-356 I
SR[l 1!34SJ[C�E-520224SLJ · I
- 'AZN(llll<SJ[CSE-s2om1 .
I I _MH(I IB4SJ (csE:s2022s1: SR[\ I B4S][CSE-5202:!3)
Section-A, .IR-357 . II I .I MMR(9B7S][CsE·-s•o20,r MMR(907S](CSE-540204SLJ .· KU(9I17S](CSE-540207J KU[9B7S J(CSE:540208SL)
·7'" Section-B, R-358 II .
· :�'I
I MSll(9Il7S][CSE-54020SJ 'AZN(9I17S](CSE-S4020SSLr AZN(9B7S][CSE-540207] MH(9B7S)(CSE-5<0202SL]
Section-A, R-351 I[ \
I - 4
SK(1JB1SJ[CSE�s102osr .· RJ(IJBIS)[CSE-510209) AH[IJBIS]( CSE-510203)
· \ MMR(UDlS](CSE-510202SI.:2)
� I"
(;� - Section- B, R- 352 SR(tJn1SJ[CSE-s10201f · KU[ \JB tS)[CSE-5_!0201] KU[\JBIS](CSE-510202SL] MT(l3BIS][CSE-51020S]

2nd SectiO!l-A, R-353 AH[l2B2S][CSE-510222) ·, . SKi!2B2S][CSE-51022SJ SVA(12B2SJ[CSE-5 IU227J

W'.l - Section-B, R-354 M!,IR(12B2SJ(CSE-S10222]: SVt-(1282S][CSE-510227] Rl(l2B2S](CSE-S 10229]

� it'"
Section-A, R-355 __.J MT[l 1B4S)[CSE-S20227] ·.
AZN( IB4S](CSE-S2022 I]
MSH(l l04S)(CSE-5i0225f.
···.J !-1SH[l1B4S]lCSc-520226SLJ ·
.l SR[IIMSJ[CSE-520223]
KZ(l 1B45J[CSE-S:022 t]
AZN(l 1B45J[CSE-520222SL]
--- Section-B, R-356 ·

Fl -- 7'"
Section-A, R-357
Scction-B, R-358
1 · AZN(9B7S](CSE-540207)

.. · .
1' : '•;

CSE-13�1S (2022-23) . . . . \•,.:
Simestell'·:Roo·m A_Hloc�tiol!ll -- --:- .
s·ection'"A. (Room:· 351)_: t{oU-RangeJ22!)J 00.1".2201060)
' l·

§ed�otm )� (Room: 352): Rlnge(2Wi06i Roll :ReID:�Hri_.iini,g) .-

. . . - -. .
-�- · ./'

[NB: KUs ma1I11ol2J[OiJrY i[O.:

yourr c��s aHendi�n�e 2!t}� S. 6:o�/4-to filll up yoMir se�ester fiirnal exami«1ati°-n otherwise you ·wau. be 1\.!l.ID.@bie to fiU
M/P YO!llJr fowm lhy tt!lnie msh'Ulld.P.On o[ _ 21
c6Yllege . .autlho1rnfy.]. �fr
Facl!l!.Y_ Name
AH-Md. Abdul Hadi
I Class Load· I ii
IFa.cidtv Name
Kha yruzzam an
I Class Lo:id · 1
Faculty Name
SA-Md. Shafiqul Alam
14 K? Md. 12
MT-Mirza Tahera

MAH-Md. Aminul Haciue _ 05 Kl iabel Uddin 12 'o!�i�, �

MSH-Md. Shamim Hossen a rzana Rah man 09 RI-Md. Rajibul Isla� 17. , . �II,.•., ! : '-,:...-. ff/'-.\
. 17 FR,lr
Rahman 16 SAA-Saud-Al-Abedm 14 • ..· ' '. l 1tit• ·Ri/,,-
l'j haila
MMR-Md. MoklesurRahman 17 1 7-·. ,,;_Cha ·ni, rn::/,�,--,
. )_.:l-
1 NS-Nargish Sultana .
FIJ · azley Loha ni NILL AZN- Md. Assaduzzaman Noor Principal
05 .. · I 5 · ':Oeµ,t� of:0Sl( · � :· ;
Sl< 1 illuzzaman Klrnn l7 MH-Md. Hasan
Tejgaon College, Dhak:
' RA-Renu Ahmed ' · Tejgaci�:Ccil1�i�; Dhaka
• - . · Total Class : 212 .
•• •-•..-I I r1 I\ J.4 l\, �,--===---- ·. :::t·rr·: '

· · ·.. ·:.>/?>,} -� Y-;:{" •\;:\fJ'.·,,>:-;-:� :/(':)':.:'ii�\· ,.

Course C?de: 510209 Marks

u e
�o rs Title : English . . ·,.
;8� ·: _:_·>�f;:?° ]
�r��its: �-.
. : . . . . •
,·:<· ... ·
i.Ga�s �ours :-�5
•. · · .. : . . .
=--- :;! ,-: �

This_ course a� opts an int.egr�tive ap r .� l t.o teaching the, _four b��iS_/ skHis_: �P�*ing; _h.sten'.�1!:

p ? c ii _
r ead mg and WI _ tmg.
_ _ I

! Special eniphasis will be giv'en to the' development of readmg �_nd wntmg sl�
To e sure max11num benefit fron in
i ti-iii c·ourse'' 30% ci f the"t ci tar111ark· s ,:vi!J'be allotted to class·wo tk
�\- ·.-·

re_admg and writing. ,.
Spcakin : tudents will foc
� � us on d�-��l�ping· speaklng · \vhich will iri.cludc · str�a�egics for \·
com n unicat1on and an acqu ainta
� nce with phonetics. Effective oral pre sentation. Tasks will _ include
making statement s, request s, inquiries, di discussmg , and
other oral presentation s. · sagreeing, complaining and apologizing, 2.

Lisfoniu g· : · Students will practice listeni11g t ..spoken English and taking useful notes.-----­
Reading: Extract s from literary and general essays will be u sed to d�velop comprehensio n as well as
an understanding of the nature of literary com.munication. Students will develop the follo wing
reading strategies :
Grammar in Use: While grammar will generally be taught in context, sorne attention to grammar
may b� neces?aI_Y this stage. The following aspects may be taught: articles, verb patterns, sentence
combining-s ubordinatidn _,:and coordination,_ c�ri ditional sentences, the infinitive, gerund, and
participle, subject-verb agreement. · · ···' ·
' J W�iti_ng: Paragraph, precis and analytical w;·iti�gs, writing on current affairs, Scientific writing.
Commercial Coi-respondences: Defining context, feedback and semantic gap. Different types of_
commercial and business ietter writing, tender-notice and pre-qualification notice writing. Writing of
different types of reports on specific topics.
Reference Books:
_ __ 1) College·Writing Skil/s-with Reciding l(John Langcin_. ·
_ _
2) The Craft of Business Letter Writing, M;tthe·��lvf ·1vfonfppaily;· Tata -McGraw-l{ill ·---··
· Publishing Compaf!y Limited.
@Advanced Learners' Degree General �nglish, Chowdhury and Hossain.




(CSE), Tejgaon College, Dir Ilka. · Page No: 4

:'J)ept. of Computer Science and Engineering

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