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My Teaching Philosophy

Quarter: First Quarter

Subject/ Specialization handled: TLE - ICT

Teachers have a very significant, lifelong impact on all their students. This impact
involves not only the teaching of academic skills, but also in fostering of student self-
esteem. Reinforcing self-esteem in the classroom is associated with increased motivation
and learning.

As TLE Teacher, one of our roles/ tasks is to hone the skills of the students on their field
of specialization. It’s difficult on my part because every year, I was assigned to handle
different specialization. This year, I was assigned to teach ICT lesson/ specialization.

At first, I am very hesitant, but I accepted the challenge. Teaching this specialization is
very challenging because most of my students don’t know how to operate or use
computers. I started teaching them the basic parts of computer, let them memorize the
different terminologies and familiarize the parts of computer and its uses or functions. I
prepared lot of collaborative activities for them to get to know each other and let them
exchange ideas (brainstorming).

The approach or philosophy that I used was Constructivism. It is a student-centered

philosophy that emphasizes hands on learning. After discussing the concepts, little by
little, I taught them how to turn on the computer, explain and demonstrate to them the
proper way of holding and using computer mouse. This approach allows them to be
active and self-directed learners. Students are actively engaged and are responsible for
their learning.

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My Teaching Philosophy

Quarter: Second Quarter

Subject/ Specialization handled: TLE - ICT

In this quarter, I’ve witnessed how my students exerted their effort to learn. Some of
them asked me to extend the time or let them go to Computer Laboratory on their
vacant time. This time I applied the Humanistic Philosophy.

When I think about my role as a teacher, the one thing that I constantly have focused on
is the relationships that I have built with my students. I enjoy having conversations with
them on subjects and issues that are important to them and learn how they are feeling
about and experiencing the world and the material that we are studying in class. I want
my own classroom to be less of a class and more of a community, where we are all
sharing ideas and communicating and learning from one another at the same time. This
is one of the reasons why I focused on teaching high school students; the maturity level
of these students gives them the ability to clearly articulate their own thoughts and
feelings. I have a very firm belief that young people can make great changes in the world
if they are given the right information and tools.

Empathy, compassion, and kindness are central ideals taught by humanist educators. It
prioritizes the well-being of all humans and the importance of understanding and being
compassionate toward the multitude of human experiences. Students should be given
positive reinforcement by teachers to motivate learners. Teachers should not give too
much negative reinforcement to the learners while teaching. Once students’ feel secure,
learning becomes easier and more meaningful. Students' learning should be self-
directed, I gave them the directions and let them explore or accomplish the task. After
they will be the one responsible in checking their own output with my assistance or
guidance. Feelings, as well as knowledge, are important in the learning process.

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My Teaching Philosophy

Quarter: Third Quarter

Subject/ Specialization handled: TLE – ICT

The lesson in this quarter focuses on the application of what they’ve learned in first and
second period. This time the task given to them is to apply their learnings about
Microsoft Word. I gave them freedom to do and think their own concept on how they
will apply their skills in inserting shapes, and I was amazed on the outcome. These are
the sample output of my ICT Students.

This is Constructivism Theory wherein they will showcase the knowledge and skills
they’ve gained. This teaching philosophy covers the goal of the TLE Subject – imparting
and honing the skills of the students.

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My Teaching Philosophy

Quarter: Fourth Quarter

Subject/ Specialization handled: TLE - ICT

I believe that to foster learning in the best way possible, the teacher needs to be
enthusiastic about the material being studied, even when her students aren’t. She needs
to be the coach and cheerleader for the class and point out the positives about each
student’s work in a sincere way, alongside constructive criticism. She must be open to
diversity and a wide range of opinions and ideas and must set classroom standards so
that the students can respect and trust one another. She must be willing to listen and
compromise but be firm in her decisions and promises. A “stagnant” teacher is no good
to the class – a teacher is not just a teacher but a lifelong learner. Therefore, she must
also continue to build her wealth of professional knowledge, taking additional courses,
advancing her degree, and attending workshops and conferences with fellow teachers to
exchange ideas and theories.

My philosophy of education is based on what I know and have experienced at this point
in my career. I am sure that my teaching philosophy will change as I learn more as a
young professional. That’s one of the gifts of being human; we can make mistakes, or
learn something new, and make a change for the better. I am excited about the
opportunities that lie ahead.

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