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By Republic ot the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF VALENZUELA CITY August 1, 2023 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. To: 1 Qualification Standards (QS}, to wit: 0672 2023 OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Education Program Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned VACANT SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION POSITIONS This Office announces the vacancies in the Division with the minimum PORTION [TEM WOWBER [56] “WONTHLY EDUCATION | EXPERINCE | TRANG me SALARY ‘School | OSEGHECSB. | 20 | Pa, 34700 | Bachors dogesin | —tyeares | a0 hareat | — RA 1080 Principal | $2:0006.2010 Eomentay Easton er | Prnopel | relovrt | (Tease) (vacate) Baheore ogee wt 16 | tani professional education | ‘nis pe Sunisot | Mangorert = ‘School | OSEGTECSE. (TW | PETSTOO | Bachetors dogesin | HTforiyearor | @hareot | RA Tour Principal | $1-300012020 secondayEtieaber, or | TICtr2yexs, | “romvont | (Tocco (Qvacantiton) Bachebrs degee wth 18 or Tia? | rang rofesiond educaion | yours or vt | series School | OSECOECSE. [TE | POTETOO | — Gashaoredegeain | HTioriyearar | Whowea! | — RATED Principal! | SP1-20024-2014 Etementary Education, or | TiCtor2yems; | relevant | (Teacher) (@vwcant | SPiaonz2 2018 | oemtia?” | Yang ‘tor frofessiona education | years, or unt | Tomer tors en Tesitnt | -OSECDEDSE 7 Tachoaredagosin | —Zyareol | Shouse? | — RATED Schoo | ASP290107- Earatooricenavien | reonet | renent | (Tete Paina 2018. wiba mae andminor or | ewperence | rainng Gvcent | asrzsort0 Batre degesin ds | itr) 2018. and Senses wih atleast. | | src ‘Bune r aa | Head Teacher | OSECOEOSE: [79 | P5135700 | Bachelors dogreain | HTTorS years | 2éhawsat | RA TOE | Datndanan Witvacant | HTEACHS- Secondary Education: or | orMT ford | relevent | (Teacher) | National HS ten) senza 2012 Bachelor's degree wit 18 | years trang me) professional education units wih appropiate eld | al ef spenalzaton _ | Address: Pio Valenzuela St., Marulas, Valenzuela City Ge ie bet hee artery rer ee 3 Email Address: sient e Oficial Website: htips:sivww edovalenzuelacily deped.cov.oh FREE LEVEL I ACCREDITED Ged, é 2 ‘@ ee ‘Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE VALENZUELA CITY 2. The Schools Division Office of Valenzuela adheres to the Equal Employment Opportunity Principle (EEOP) in the implementation of the Merit Selection Plan. Thus, the Division allows anyone within or outside DepEd to apply for a position irrespective of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity or political beliefs. 3. All interested applicants are requested to submit the following documentary requirements, held in a ring binder and labelled with earmark through the Records Section, on or before August 15, 2023, until 5:00 PM, Likewise, applicants should fill up the form at a, Letter of Intent stating the specific position being applied for, addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent; b. Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet (CS Form No, 212, Revised 2017) with Work Experience Sheet; . Photocopy of valid and updated PRC License /1D; . Photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility /Report of Rating, if applicable; . Photocopy of Transcript of Records (TOR) and Diploma, including completion of graduate and post-graduate units/degrees, if applicable; Photocopy of Certificate/s of Training; Photocopy of Certificate of Employment, Contract of Service, or duly signed Service Record, whichever is/are applicable; Photocopy of Latest Appointment, if applicable; Photocopy of Performance Rating in the last rating period{s) covering one (1) year performance in the current or latest position prior to the deadline of submission, if applicable. For external applicants, the Performance Rating Certificate must be supported with a Performance Evaluation Tool; j, Checklist of Requirements and Omnibus Sworn Statement on the Certification on the Authenticity and Veracity (CAV) of the documents submitted and Data Privacy Consent Form (Annex A), notarized by authorized official; ee reo K. Other Documentary Requirements (photocopy): k.1 Performance Rating covering one (1) year performance that is relevant to the position being applied if Item (i) is not relevant to the position to be filled. For external applicants, the Performance Rating Certificate must be supported with a Performance Evaluation tool. k.2 Certificates of relevant training/seminars acquired after last promotion but within the last five (5) years k.3 Certificates of Outstanding Accomplishments acquired after last promotion: 1. Awards and Recognition + Outstanding Employee Award * Any issuance, memorandum or documents showing the Criteria for the Search; and * Certification of Recognition /Merit ‘Address: Po Valenzuela St, Maulas, Valenzuela City @z Telephone Nos.:(02} 8293-4507, 8277-4648, 8291-0873, 8277-3430 Emal Address: ph = NR Ocal Website: hips sdovalenzuclacy doped.cov ph Prune nae LEVEL I ACCREDIT! ¥ Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE VALENZUELA CITY + Awards as Trainer/ Coach * Any issuance or memorandum designating the applicant as trainer/eaach; and * Certificate of Recognition / Appreciation as ‘Trainer/Coach of the Winning Contestant/Event/ Activity 2. Research and Innovation + Proposal duly approved by the Head of Office or the designated Research Committee per DO No. 16, 8. 2017 ichment Report verified by the Head of Office of utilization of the innovation or research, within the school/office duly signed by the Head of Office * Certification of adoption of the innovation or research by another school/office duly signed by the Head of Office ‘+ Proof of citation by other researchers (whose study /research, whether published or unpublished, is likewise approved by authorized body) of the concept/s developed in the research 3. Subject Matter Expert/Membership in National TWGs or Committees + Issuance/Memorandum showing the membership in NTWG or ‘Committees; ‘+ Certificate of Participation or Attendance; and © Output/Adoption by the organization /DepEd 4. Resource Speakership/Learning Facilitation + Issuance/Memorandum/ Invitation Training Matri + Certificate of Recognition /Merit/ Commendation / Appreciation; + Slide deck/s used and/or Session guide/s 5. NEAP Accredited Learning Facilitator ‘+ Certificate of Recognition as Learning Facilitator issued by NEAP Regional Office + Certificate of Recognition as Learning Facilitator issued by NEAP Central Office k.4. Application of Education acquired after last promotion Action Plan approved hy the Head of Office * Accomplishment Report verified by the Head of Office * Certification of the utilization/adoption signed by the Head of Office k.5, Application of Learning and Development (L&D) acquired after last promotion * Certificate of Traini \ OF Certification on any applicable L&D intervention acquired that is aligned with the Individual Development Plan (IDP} + Action Plan/Re-entry Action Plan (REAP) /Job Embedded Learning (JEL)/Impact. Project applying the learnings from the L&D intervention done/attended, duly approved by the Head of Office Advess: io Vlonzula St, Mauls, Valenzuela City =~ Telephone Nos.; (02) 8283-4507, 8277-4648, 8291-0873, 8277-433 CSC Email Address: ph as Ofictel Websiio: tizeawa sAovatenztolty deped gov oh Proust LEVEL I ACCREDITE Republic af the Doilippines Department of Education National Capital Region ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE VALENZUELA CITY Accomplishment Report together with a General Certification that the L&D intervention was used/adopted by the office at the local level Accomplishment Report together with a General Certification that the L&D intervention was used/adopted by the different office at the local level 4. Only documents submitted on or before the deadline will be accepted. Thus, no additional or new documents will be considered during the evaluation/ assessment and deliberation process except for those determined by the HRMPSB that are needed for verification and validation of the initially submitted documents 5. Applicants assume full responsibility and accountability for the authenticity and veracity of the documents submitted, as evidenced by the Omnibus Sworn Statement (Annex A), duly signed by the applicant. Any false and fraudulent document submitted shall be grounds for disqualification. 6. _ DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023 entitled “Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in the Department of Education", Enelosure No. 3 Criteria and Point System for Hiring and Promotion to School Administration Positions shall be the basis of evaluation and assessment. 7. Attention is invited to the provisions of DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2023, entitled “Amendment to DepEd Order No. 100, s. 2023 and Clarification on the use of NQESH or Principal's Test Results in Relation to DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023. 8. _ Listed in (Annex B) are the duties and responsibilities of the above-mentioned positions. 9. Applicants shall be notified of the recruitment activities through email. However, applicants are encouraged to regularly visit/check the SDO Valenzuela website at hiip:// and SDO recruitment website at recruitment. for updates and important announcements. 10. For relevant queries, you may contact the Personnel Section at (02)-8-2934507. 11. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desigfd. Cae Schogfs Division Superintendent ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index Under the following subjects: Vacancies Hiring Promotion [MCOjtiring and Promotion SA 2023 —/August 01, 2023 ‘Address: Po Valenzuela St, Marulas, Valenzuela City Ez Telephone Nos.: (02) 8290-4507, 8277-4648, 8291-0873, 8277-3439 Email Address: ph ci ios Jw sdovalenzuelecty ruse si Oficial Website: hits ww sdovalenzueeei q ror (CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS Name of Applicant: — pene eee ean Application Code Position Applied For Office ofthe Position Applied For: Contact Number: Religion: Ethnicity: a Person with Disability: Yes () No () ‘Solo Parent: Yes () No() Summ of Suni | re tty HRM Ofer cone) Basic Documentary Requirement eel Suton of [Tater of intent addressed tothe the Head of fice or Wiest Human Resource Oicer [Duly accomplished Personal Data Set (PDS) > |(cs Form No. 212, Revised 2017) and Work Experience Sheet, i lappicae -. [Protocopy of vali and updated PRC Liense/ID, if aplicable | Photocopy of Colca of git Report of Rating, i Phowocopy of scholastic academic record wach aa but not time to Transcript of Records (FOR) and Diploma including [completion of graduate and post graduate units/degrees, i Ic [Photocopy of Coniscate/s of Training, applicable Photocopy of Cerieate of Employment, Contract of Service oF lau signed Service Recor, whichever a/are applicable s Potocony of atest appointment, ifappicble [Photocopy of tne Performance Ratings inthe lat rating. peril |. [covering one (1) year perormance prior tothe deadline of eubenision, # appicabie [cieiast of aquirements and Ommnibus Sworn Statement on the Certteaton on the Authenticity and Veracy (CAV) ofthe laocurents submited and Data Privacy Consent Form (Annes A notarized by authorind oficial |. [Otier documents as may be required for comparative [assessment such as but not limite or Means of Verifeation (MOVs) showing Outstanding [Accomplishments application of Eduestion, and Application of Lasrning and Development reckoned frm the date of last Issuance of appointment Photocopy of Performance Raving obtnined from the evant Iwork experience, i Pevormance Rating in tem (i not relevant to the poston tobe filed "hereby cert tha all information above are true and corre, and of my personal knowledg and bee and he dacuments submitted herewith re original and/or erie tre copes tere. "eet grant she Department o Education the ight to collect and proceas my personal information we sat abow, fe purposes elevate ‘ecrutment, selection, and placement of personel af he Department snd or purer of compliance wih he law ule, al eglatons being Implemented bythe Civil Seve Common, Tass and Sgnatare of Repeat Teron Mining Oa Se Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE VALENZUELA CITY ‘SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Sets, the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school, creates an environment | JOB SUMMARY | that is conducive to teaching-learning process, monitors and assesses the school curriculum and accountable for higher leaming outcomes. 7. Supervises and directs all school teaching and non-teaching personnel 2. Manages instructional system 3. Sets up goals and objectives 4, Leads and implements educational programs 5. Organizes and conducts INSETs 6. Promotes and coordinates services for the holistic development of school personne! and pupis. 7. _ Directs, coordinates, and manages school funds according to prioritized needs 8. Assigns teachers where they best fit to teach (grades, learning areas, special assignments, etc.) 9. Requests and distributes instructional materials. 410. Initiates and compiles teachers’ professional documents in portfolios 11. Practices equitable distribution of teaching loads and observes teacher-learner ratio 12. Inspects regularly Daily Lesson Logs (DLL). 13, Monitors teachers’ upkeep of student's records 14. Provides EPA compliant accommodation to leamers amidst shortages 415, Prepares/consolidates reports 16. Rates all schoo! personne! performance and recommends promotion 17. Creates committee to assess learning outcomes 18. Establishes linkages with stakeholders 19, Ensures compliance to existing laws, policies and orders of fund-raising projects forthe school 20. Evaluates the school plant, physical facilities fitness, safety and sufficiency with the assistance of specialists 21, Formulates intervention programsyinnovations for leamers’ development 22. Organizes special lasses for leamers wih special needs 23, Meets parents regulary to conferfinform about school accomplishments 24, Determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the school 25, Designs programs with stakeholders to address school needs 26. Recognizes accomplishments of stakeholders 27. Promotes welfare of stakeholders 28. Mediates and ensures resolution of conflicts in school 29. Formulates school policies with stakeholders 30. Hamesses participation of alumni and other organizations (NGOs, LGUs, PPP) 31. Promotes schoo! discipine with stakeholders. 32. Leads the preparation of SIP/AIP and ensures participation of stakeholders. Totephone Nos.:(02) 8293-4507, 8277-4648, 8291-0873, 8277-3439 Emal Address: ph Official Website: ioe, elovslanaveiony doped ‘Adross: Pio Valenzuela St, Maru, Valonzuola City @z VEL I ACCREDIT ae Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region ‘SCHOOL DIVISION OFFICE VALENZUELA CITY ASSISTANT SCHOOL PRINCIPAL II DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Supports the Principal or School Head in the instructional supervision and implementation of all acaclemic programs ofthe school. Monitors and assesses the delivery ofthe school curriculum, ensuring the holistic development of leamers across all tracks, strands, and subjects. Makes integrated recommendations regarding class assignment of teachers, loading and class programs to the Principal Coaches and mentors, the teaching staff ofthe school. Creates and implements the strategy towards the continuous improvement of the schools teaming outcomes. Reports to the Principal/School Head. Supports the Principal or School Head in the administrative supervision and implementation of all leamer support programs of the school Manages the systems, processes and people involved in the delivery of support services to the staff and leamers, Coaches and monitors the non-teaching staff of the school. Creates and implements the strategy towards the continuous improvement of the schools systems, processes, and delivery of learner support services. ‘Acts as a liaison between the school and its extemal partners, stakeholders and the LGU, together with the Principal or School Head. Email Address: ph = ied adovelenzvelany doped gov ph Parson Oficial Webs: isn ssovalenzusaciy depod Fee < Adios: Pio Valenzuela St, Mauls, Vatnzuela Cy =~ Telephone Nos.:(02) 8283-4507, 8277-4648, 8291-0873, 62773439 CSC We Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE VALENZUELA CITY HEAD TEACHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Observes classesiteachers for effective and competent delivery of the activities. Coordinates with the subject area division supervisors in preparing teacher training and implements school policies and regulations. |. Supports School-Based Management (SBM) 2. Assists in the development and implementation of School Improvement Plan (SIP) along with the ‘Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) Ensures adherence to DepEd Orders and other issuances Assists in maintaining the school BEIS Assists in reporting leaming outcomes to parents and other stakeholders through the School Report Card Assists in implementing programs of the school Assists in working for possible accreditation Monitors the teaching-leaming process Evaluates leaming outcomes 10.Recommends changes in policies affecting curriculum and instruction ‘1 lmplements innovations and alternative delivery schemes 12 Localizesiindigenizes curriculum 13. Prepares specific budget and accounts for funds received 414, Maximizes the use of textbooks, references and other instructional materials 15.Ensures proper use and maintenance of schoo! fciities, equipment, textbooks and supplies/materials 16. Coordinates with stakeholders on resource generation and mobilization 17. Motivates and supports teachers to attain peak performance through awards, recognition and incentives 18. Monitors teachers and master teachers 19. Recommends staffing requirements and assists in the selection and hiring of teachers, 20. Conducts department-based training as a result of training needs analysis, 21. Evaluates performance of teachers 22. Promotes harmonious working relationship among teachers 23. Promotes the corporate image of the Department of Education 24, Recommends promotion of teaching and non-teaching personnel 25. Establishes and ensures support and cooperation of stakeholders 26. Provides technical assistance in school-related grievances and assists in enforcing school safety procedures and policies 27. Proposes plans and implements SB INSET 28. Prepares and submits monthly supervisory/accomplishrnent report | JOB SUMMARY curriculum. Assists the school heads in the planning of programs and Ades Po Vow, ri, Vom Menor ne (genoueretracnemameansce ESC (Mr Encl ete cntnendane gosh TELIA

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