Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

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10 miles 16 miles oc4 Figure 1: A depot supplying milk to four tion centers The objective of depot is to minimize the total cost of providing the services. This inclucles the vehicle capital cost, mileage and personnel costs. There can be other service types addressing different objectives as showa in Table 1 The subjective cost associated with failing to provide adequate service to the customer should by considered Origuant VEHICLE ROUTING AND SCHEDULING ® Routing isthe process of establishing the most effective route at each stop in order to minimize {he distance or traveling time. The pati and the sequence of stops a vehicle takes are the most important factors of routing. Example Consider a milk van delivering milk to four distribution centers (DC) every day morning as shown in the Figure | below. Lames : 5 Smiles | é q q t t Vile ehodalliy av vty alijentiven vt fevaid yen aE Me nied Ne Tee type Ujertve thal His stetentonunnites on the bots ‘dutales the Aetanen tweed ta yore yp mont deliver peveels elbronivg ‘nun snes Lupiatioy "Werne4y(anbuane, pte) Minhites response tine @CHARACTRRINTIEN OF NOUTING AND HCHEDULANG ‘Connider Pe 1,14 comprised of noon. nd aes, Notes "consists of five crc eae nodes, "Node |i the depot nol fro shit tv vey ‘wnt ens Node 2 3,4 and 5 ropreven four distbution centers, Ares Teele segments connecting the nodes ae caled oy ars, Avy ny deci tie Aistonc required 0 tavel from one node io anothe I, Figured, ares desert es beeen the DCs, Ares nay be dected (tna) or ao (imple Alvow eresnt he resto of tava inthe eae of wutng problems (0. cnenway street) co Precedence relationships in ease of scheduling probleme ‘Tour “Tour isthe out for he vehicle. In Figure |, veling nodes in he order as give 132434551 145343525, 1 ae called tours, The ola distance raveled is $3 miles in either ese Feasibitity ‘A tour must include all nodes (iij A noc must be visited only once 2Pee eee ae (ii) A tour must begin and end ata depot Route: Sequence in which the nodes (or) ares are tobe visited Schedule: Specifies when each nade has to be visited CLASSIFICATION OF ROUTING AND SCHEDULING PROBLEMS ‘Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is the simplest case where the nodes have no precedence relationship, travel costs between two nodes are the same regardless of the direction traveled; no delivery time restrictions. Vehicle capacity is not considered. The objective is to find the shortest possible route that visiteach city exactly once and returns to the origin city. TSP has several applications even in planning, logistics, and the manufacture of microchips ‘Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (MTSP) is an extension of the TSP used when a fleet of vehicles have to be routed from a single depot. A set of routes are generated, one for euch vehicle inthe fleet. A node is assigned to only one vehicle; A vehicle will have more than one noite assigned 10 it. ‘Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a MTSP with capacity restriction of the multiple vehicles coupled with varying demands at each node. VRP was proposed by Dantzig and Ramser in 1959. Itis an important problem in the fields of transportation, distribution and logistics. Several variations and specializations ofthe vehicle routing problem exit like VRP problems having me windows within whic he deliveries mst be made and VRP wih Kime crying capacity of vehicles Chinese Postman Problem (CPP) is a special case where the demand for the service occurs on the ares rather than at the nodes. Examples include street sweeping, snow removal, refuse collection, postal delivery and paper delivery. Distinguishing between routing and scheduling problems; I the customers being serviced have no time restrictions and no precedence relationships exist then the problem is pure routing problem. If there isa specified time forthe service to take place, then a scheduling problem exists, Otherwise, it is-a combined routing and scheduling problem. SOLVING ROUTING AND SCHEDULING PROBLEMS Consider the delivery of milk cans to DCs as described in Fig, 1. Suppose there are 10 DCs, we ean have 2" or 1024 possible routings. Realistic problems may be of greater size making the solution to become expensive to solve optimally, Hen ic (rule of thumb) solution eg. were techniques have been developed to yieltt good solutions not optimal solutions to these problems. Two commonly used heuristics for the traveling salesman problem are the nearest neighbor proveilure and! the Clark and Wright savings hewistic E*rest Neighbor Procedure (NP) builds a tour bated on the castor distance of traveling om ths last-vsited node othe closest node in the network. The Oe in NNP are: ) Start with anode atthe beginning ofthe tour (ay depot node A 2) Find thenade closet tote lat toe and advo ie oes Ifthe closest node is already in {Re tour or already there inthe path then select next closest node. 3) Goto step 2 until all nodes have been added 4) Connect the frst and the lst node to form a complete tour Example Gather the data of distance or cost of traveling for milk cans delivery example from every node ifn network to every other node in the netwodk with undirected aes oad present it ina ance att 88 shown below. The distance from node, to node, j willbe the same asthe nee From j tol, provided. Such a nerwork ssid tobe symmetrical Distance matrix To Node (distances in miles) FeomNode| 1 | 2 | 3 | y 3 pps}. tg |g 4 up] s |. | os 4}o}3a fw]. ae elit with depot node (node 1), Examine the distances between node 1 and every othr node. Closest node is node 3, So fix the partial tour or path as 13 Step 2: Find the closest node to the last node added (node 3) that isnot cu This is node 2. Connect itt the path to yield 1-13 —»2 ‘Step 3: The node closest to node 2 is node 5. Connect ito yield 113-128 ly in the path Step 41 Comet the at ne | € nde 4 othe path ant compete the tot by coun Ge 4 tw the depot, The ceptor ows format is Yow owB-aSdead at swe Pigare 7 ‘The length of the tows ss 0 mulles Gy \/ Ys) NY eek ds si rule Fagure 2. The fire! tout fot tlle cas detrvery problem Thos final tous denermsned by new eet nrightor procndure may not be Phe be the abervusive path, 1d $a Clash aid Weaght Sersnge Maserati (CN) Chae toad pte kip , wowng Sawin Hor Wig : wn Bade Be sey one ha ° wea bot We Got lac whe exaigile one wxlcie gor Anat te mo ht sen 10 miles een 10 miles Depot 7 miles Tiles ‘The total distance traveled by two vehicles is 34 miles (2*10 + 2*7 =34). This is not a feasible solution if all nodes in TSP should be visited by one vehicle. ‘We know thatthe distance from node 2 to node 3 is 5 miles. If we select the tour starting from depot (node 1) to be |—»2—3-—+Ithat i linking node 2 and 3 before returning to node | we ean achieve savings of 12 mile. “These savings can be computed as follows. Let, Dij, present the distance between node I and node j. Suppose a vehicle travels from depot (node 1) to DC node 2 and comes back and again rake tour to other DC node 3 and finally return to node 1. The total cost of such tour will be as given below. Total cost I= 2Di2#2D13 The cost for following 1+2—+3—+1 tour will be Total cost 2=Dia + Day + Dy “The difference between total cost 2 and total cost | will give us savings, Sz, by pairing up nodes 2 and 3 as given below. Diz +2D 43 ~ (Diz + Das + Dai) Or Sy=Da+Ds-Da Hence savings is computed as measure of how much the tour length or cost can be reduecd by “hooking up" a pair of nodes (nodes 2 and 3). tea yew 2 eee

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