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Fluxus Support


Fluxus support is one of the most vital aspects. Your job is to efficiently resolve

any problems Fluxus users may have. You’re expected to be respectful and have a

level of professionalism, you represent Fluxus. For every proper support ticket you

complete, you earn $0.50 which will be paid out via crypto or another payment

method at the end of the month. You have three strikes before you’re demoted

from Fluxus, we expect rules to be followed.

Customer Service

1) Professionalism

You’re expected to remain professional under the toughest circumstances.

This includes always being respectful to the user and typing comprehensible


2) Assumptions

To deliver the best possible experience, if you’re unsure on how to solve an

issue, please do not make assumptions. This only leads to more confusion on your

part, and will make it more tedious for the user. All common Fluxus problems will
have a fix which will be listed further in this document. If you’re unsure on what to

do, ask another support or staff member.

3) Response Time

If you know you do not have enough time to properly respond and help the

user, please do not start a ticket. Doing this constantly will result in a strike. Only

accept tickets when you have enough time / patience to properly help the user out.

We want to deliver quick and fast service.


A proper Fluxus ticket will earn you $0.50. A proper Fluxus ticket consists of a

fast response time from the support member. To qualify for this, you must respond

to the user 30 minutes after the ticket was created at the latest and properly

help the user use Fluxus. This qualifies as a proper Fluxus ticket. Depending on

their issue, $0.50 may not be the rate. You will learn about what ticket types

qualify for this rate when you enter the support team. If you respond to a ticket

more than 30 minutes after it was created, the ticket can only be worth a

maximum of $0.25. You will be paid at the end of the month with a crypto currency

or another payment method (depending).


If you do something that breaks Fluxus rules or support rules, you will receive a

strike depending on the offense. After three strikes, you will be terminated from

the support team. Your first strike will result in your ticket payout rate dropping

to $0.25 for the next week (at most). Your second strike will result in you not

being able to complete tickets for a week, and your third strike will result in a

termination. Your strikes expire a month after you get it.

Being Support

If your application does get accepted, you are then in a training phase for the next

week. During this phase, you will be trained to handle Fluxus customers and trained

on how to fix common Fluxus problems. You will be supervised during this phase and

depending on how you perform, you can either be rejected or accepted onto Fluxus

Common Problems & Solutions [ WINDOWS ]

Most of the problems on Windows are because of an active anti virus. Before you

do anything, make sure the user has their anti virus disabled. Even if they say it's

disabled, make sure because 95% of the time, they don’t have it disabled.

Problem Solution

Fluxus is stuck on “Fluxus The user is missing required

will start in 5 seconds” dependencies. Have them
install VC Redist (x86) and VC
Redist (x64). If the option to
repair comes up on VC Redist,
have them select repair.
After installing, prompt them
to restart their computer.

Fluxus wont inject or crash Make sure the user has their
during injection. anti virus disabled. Most of
the time, that's why. When
injecting Fluxus, make sure
the game is actually loaded
and they’re able to move
around. Injecting Fluxus too
early can cause the game to

Executing script doesn’t If Fluxus is injected and their

work / crashes. script doesn’t work / crashes,
their script either has an
error or is incompatible with
Fluxus. We do not offer
support with scripts.

Fluxus doesn’t open/Fluxus This is almost always caused

doesn’t inject/Fluxus closes by them having an active anti
virus. Prompt them to disable

Fluxus says outdated They’re using an old version of

Fluxus that is no longer
supported. They need to
redownload it from or
Common Problems & Solutions [ ANDROID ]

A lot of the problems on Android is incorrect installation. Installing Fluxus for

Android is the hardest part of using Fluxus. To be a member of Fluxus support, you

must know how to perform a legacy installation. If you do not know how to perform

a Fluxus legacy install, visit!

Problem Solution

Fluxus menu doesn’t appear The Fluxus menu will only

popup if the user is in-game.
If they’re in-game and it’s
not popping up, chances are
they did not install Fluxus

Client Crashes The only cause of this is if

they installed the wrong Rbx
client version or they have
incorrectly installed Fluxus.

Using the Fluxus app to Guide the user into

install errors performing a legacy install, if
this happens, their Android
device is most likely not
compatible with the Fluxus
Client crashes after a legacy They used the wrong Rbx
install client version or performed
the legacy installation

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