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Why is the Alkali Slulfate Saturation important ?

Saturation of Alkalies by Sulphates

Clinker finer,
Burnability poor poor Grindability
Workability of Clinker 1%→+5 kWh/t
in Concrete poor S in silicates
Durability poor and
Na and K in Cubic C3A Alkali- Alkali-
orthorhombic sulphate sulphate
C 3A orthorhombic
cubicC3A Cubic C3A
C 3A
Sulphate in Clinker
Increase in Early strength
+0.1% Na2O soluble
+0.5 to 1.5 MPa after 1 day
Why is the Alkali Slulfate Saturation important ?

Saturation of Alkalies with Sulphates

Alkalies > Sulphate Sulphate > Alkalies

Burnability, Clinker finer, bad
Workability in the Grindability of clinker
Concrete & Durability 1% → +5 kWh/t

Alkalies = Sulphate
Increase of early strength
+ 0.1% Na2O sol.
to 1.5 MPa more after 1 day
Items impacting Grinding Energy

Average probable impact

INPUT + 0.4% + 10% + 4% + 1% + 1% + 1% + 15µ + 10µ
IMPACT soluble C3 S C 3A MgO Ex.SO 3 / f. CaO d75 Alite d75 Belite
Na 2O eq. tot. alk.

kWh/t for
250 m2/kg -3 +4 -0.9 +1.5

kWh/t for
300 m2/kg -4 +5 +3

kWh/t for
350 m2/kg -5 -1.2 +6 +3

kWh/t for
400 m2/kg -7 -2.4 +7 +4.5

X good reliability Y average reliability

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