Class Prophecy For Tomorrow

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By Joshua Jove B. Jugado

“A thousand steps to a successful journey, achieving dreams and

fulfilling goals”

Good morning to our honorable guests [Mr/Ms ] and [ Mr/Ms ], principal,

esteemed faculty, staff, teachers, proud parents, and to my fellow graduates. Do you

know Mithrandir from the Lord of the rings? He used to say “End? Our journey doesn‟t

end here; it is just another path, one that we all must take.” It implies that our journey as

a learner doesn‟t end here, our new journey will start and rise but the struggles may

always come on our way, courage on the other hand helps us to move towards

success. Now we are on our seats at our last gathering; sooner or later we will divide

our ways, make our own paths, and move forward. This prophecy is a tribute, and a

symbolism of hope to everyone, let my words be your light, let my wisdom be your

inspiration, and let yourself shine on the highest peak of your success.

I ask you to picture a future in which our classmates have developed into their

best selves with a dash of fantasy and fun. We honor the special talents, goals, and

potential of each member of our graduating class via this tapestry of forecasts.
February 15 2040 where I planned to go back to the Philippines to celebrate my

success with my family and friends, by the way, I am now an owner of a famous

company in the whole United States. I am planning to have a wonderful reunion with my

peers Rhyzza Velle Velasquez and Shena Cabanes.

I planned to book a resort in Palawan where I wanted to celebrate our success, I

dialed the telephone number of the resort namely “prestigious hotel” to reserve some

space for my family and friends; as I am talking to the manager, I was quite curious

about who is the owner of that resort, then I asked the manager “May I know who‟s the

owner of your resort?” then the manager answered “ our boss named Maria Althea

Gwineth Bardon, our most sophisticated boss, she‟s stayed here very often, but today

you‟re lucky because she‟s in the house'' then I was “ohhh really? I have known her

since the breaking of the first silence. May I talk to her, maybe to get some discounts

haha''? Then the manager answered “I will ask her first, sir”, after a few minutes of

waiting, Althea answered the phone and we started talking, having conversation about

our lives and my plans for visiting my home country. I was so grateful to encounter that

one of my best friends having the peak of her success, owning a brand that is famous in

the Philippines and the world. When I got back to the Philippines, I was welcomed by

my friend at their resort; she also offered me to eat lunch with her. While we are talking,

and remembering our high school memories, she gave me a newspaper that I should

read, she said that one of my classmates during my high school days is now a famous

artist that rekindles hearts in a world that grows chill; when I was reading it I was

surprised that what she meant is

Ms. Sara Saleh, an ultimate performer and a charismatic leader with pride and
dedication, she strives for her success and I am so proud of her, influencing a million of
users in the world with her words of optimism and a pleasant perfectionism. While me
and „thea are talking to each other, I opened my cellular phone, and browse for a
minute, I was surprised when I saw the post of the Armed Forces of the Philippines that
the new four-star general or chief of staff was
Karl Christian Blas with his peers and newly part of Armed Forces of the
Philippines Mr. Eroel Valencia, Mr. John Rudolph Rodriguez, Mr. James Sinday,
and Mr. Vince Andrei Pagilagan with their dedication and commitment to serve their
community with integrity; as their former senior high school classmate I was being proud
of them.

As our lunch was finished, I myself with Rhyzza and Shena decided to go to a
Mall to buy some staffs and get our best dresses that we could use for our reunion,
while walking, I saw a big poster or a tarpaulin in the air with a saying “build your
foundation, build your home” then I saw the big picture of Eng. Kieana Nicole D.
Capuyan, Kieana. Is a well-known engineer who became well-known for her significant
contributions to engineering's groundbreaking approach to renewable energy. She has
made a substantial contribution to the planning and execution of significant renewable
energy projects that have changed the face of the energy sector.

While walking with my friends, we went to a fancy dress shop where we were
free to choose the outfits we would wear to the reunion; while choosing my clothe, I
noticed a clothing brand that caught my attention, the name of that brand was "foxy
couture" and I knew for myself that it was one of the most popular clothing brands at
that time. Because of my never ending curiosity, I asked the employee again, about who
is the owner of that famous cloth brand, she answered “it was our boss
Ms. Lilybeth G. Babor, and I was shocked that that was my colleague way back in
senior high school promoting sustainability with our Maruya Root HAHAHA. And now
Lilybeth, the proud owner of her unique clothing brand, possesses an extraordinary
vision and a keen sense of style that sets her apart in the fashion industry. With a
passion for innovation and an unwavering commitment to quality, Lilybeth's brand
embodies a distinct fusion of elegance, artistic flair, and individuality.

After a few hours of choosing our clothes, my friends and I decided to eat in a
fast food restaurant inside the mall. While entering the fast food restaurant I saw a
famous chef that‟s famous for being one of the best chef‟s in the world. His name is Mr.
Johnearl Lizano the proprietor of "delectable delights," a culinary master who has
captured the attention of diners all around the world; he has established a position for
himself in the world of delectable delicacies.

After we ate at one of the famous restaurant in the world, we decided to buy
some jewelry as souvenir; we went to “Golden Strings Shop” owned by Golden
Company of Mr. Christopher Jason Salvador owns 10 jewelry shops in the world that
provide high quality products to its customers. Such a wonderful life he has.
After we bought our wants, we decided to go back to the resort; while we are in the
vehicle I browse again on the internet checking for some updates, while scrolling I have
read that the most famous university in the world offers scholarship to students from
different countries in the field of nursing, while reading deeply, I have read that the
owner of the university is a Filipino Doctor named
Ms. Marianne Abalos the description on the link states that Ms. Marianne, a
compassionate and dedicated individual, embarks on a fulfilling career as a nurse,
serving as a pillar of care and support for those in need. After reading the article about
scholarship in nursing, I also saw that the Armed Force of the Philippines promote
another head of the country‟s national defense named
Ms. Arianne Wu Fei Aguilar Described as a talented and innovative leader, Ms.
Aguilar takes on the vital position of Head of National Defense, in charge of ensuring
the security and well-being of the country. She also had a troop headed by Mr. Ginwil
Jarcia, Mr. Cedrick Magnaye, and Mr. Calvin Kristopher Epino.
It is such a lovely country, full of talented, driven people who are successful in their own
When we got back on the resort, the manager of the resort gave me a flier about
Philippine Airlines with a tagline “we put our customers first”, stating that it is now owned
by the best Flight Manager in the whole world, named
Ms. Michelle Ann Carbonel with her husband Mr. Chiquita and as I was reading the
flier, I realized that life is a big circus, where we all play our unique roles under the big

When the day of our reunion comes, I myself, my family, and friends toast a glass of
wine, celebrating the greatest success of our lives; while we are talking, we put our
hands on the middle of the table and remember all of our classmates that make our
senior high school life memorable.

Ms. Shena Cabanes listed her most memorable person on her senior high school life:
First is Mr. Latrell Adriano, who is now a successful psychologist that promotes
change beyond minds.
Second is Mr. Zhyrus Cape, which is now part of the military forces of the Philippines
that serves for peace. Even though way back then, he is one of the causes of noise
inside the classroom.
Ms. Depti Cala, who is now an owner of the best whitening soap company in the
Philippines; who would ever believe that such a simple girl would be the face of beauty
across the country?
Lastly is Mr. Nino Oliver, who is now the owner of the bicycle industry in the
Philippines, his pride and dedication leads him to be a successful entrepreneur.

After her is, Ms. Rhyzza Velle Velasquez that also listed her most memorable
classmates on our senior high school days:
First is Mr. Rovi Soriano, who is now the owner of Fitness Class in the Philippines that
promotes a healthy body and healthy living; who will ever believe that he will be one of
the faces of the fitness industry here in this wonderful country.
Next is Andi Sagun, the face and beauty of air compassion that enables possibilities
and promotes equalities that empowers capabilities, now one of the beautiful faces of
the airline industry. A flight stewardess

After they gave their lists of most memorable classmates, they also asked me, about
who was the most memorable part of my senior high school days:
And I answered:
First is Ms. Rorimar Saldajeno, who is now the head of accounting management of the
school she used to work at; who would ever believed that such an educator would be
the face of the accounting industry.
The second is Mrs. Rosana Velena, a world history educator and current social science
professor who imparts knowledge of the past and present to young people. She leads
her students on a transforming journey of discovery and critical thinking with a genuine
interest in examining the complexities of society and a profound grasp of the human

Ms. Mary Jane M. Jugado, my successful auntie, who is now a famous social media
content creator, having a million of views and thousands of followers on her social
media platforms, being thankful for her support from then until now. As a cherished
aunt, she shines as the epitome of love and wisdom. She plays a significant part in the
lives of her nieces and nephews by providing advice, support, and a listening ear as
needed. She has a nurturing and sensitive spirit. Mary Jane Jugado‟s presence instills a
sense of security and comfort because of her wise counsel and sincere concern.
Mr Romeo M. Jugado Jr. my father is a devoted parent who is powerful, wise, and
supportive. His gentle and charming personality brings joy and happiness into the lives
of his family. My father is a pillar of direction and stability, giving his loved ones a helpful
hand and a sympathetic ear when they require it. Thankful for the perseverance,
support, and will to succeed displayed from that time forward.

Mrs. Elgera B. Jugado. My mother represents being devoted and a source of strength,
and eternal love. She diligently provides by relentless dedication and sacrifice, fostering
the growth of love and compassion in a cozy and welcome environment. My mother is a
nurturing individual who looks out for both her own family and the people she interacts
As the reunion was over, I come to a conclusion; everyone has their own paths to
take, own responsibilities to have, and own life to play, but at the end of the day, life is
not all about the competition, life is not supposed to be about ranking and the grading,
because as future comes, we are guided by ourselves to change the courses of our
lives for the betterment and peace.
The ancient philosophy of cynicism teaches us that the rules of society should be
ignored. Well, it‟s quite true, be yourself, be successful, be the blueprint, and be the
standard. Future is ahead, and light is on our way, focus on your goals, and never be
afraid to take risks in l
Thank you to our almighty God, school administrators, teachers, and parents for
their unending support; they are all part of our memorable and successful journey. My
fellow graduates, Socrates maintained that the man who lies to himself has an enemy
living within. He‟s not a person. He‟s just a chaos of selfish desires. Wrap in an animal
"Embrace the unknown, for within its depths lie the untold chapters of
our extraordinary journey."
I am Joshua Jove B. Jugado from the Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

Always remember, that if you are suffering from different problems, no matter
what happens, just keep moving, you can crawl, run, or walk but don't stop
moving. Problems make us tough, that's why we should stand on our own feet
with strength from our hearts.


Sgd. Joshua Jove B. Jugado

Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

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