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McFarland High School S.E.MLS. /N.I.M.S. Plan December 15, 2009 cy David Yanney, Principal Lori Schultz, Vice Principal Manuel Cantu, Athletic Director/Assistant Vice Principal Steve Garza, Campus Security Ed Levenson, Teacher Kevin Brady, Teacher Robert Matheny, Director of MOT TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPUS LAYOUT: MAPS AND BLUEPRINTS ws McFARLAND AERIAL ‘MHS CAMPUS AERIAL. ‘MHS CAMPUS MAP. FIRE ALARM TURNOFE PROCEDURES. UTILITY SHUT OFF PROCEDURES. won (CABLE TELEVISION SHUT OFF LOCATION. FIRST AID SUPPLIES. DESIGNATED COMMAND POST'S LOCATION. EVACUATION ROUTES AND STAGING AREAS Alternative Routes for Evacuation Evacuation Map... INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM. ‘SCHOOL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAM, MANAGEMENT COMMAND SECTION mee Octo OPERATIONS SECTION. PLANNING SECTION... LOGISTICS SECTION FINANCE/ADMINISTRATION SECTION, EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES oss ‘THREAT LEVELS, DUCK AND COVER... SHELTER INPLACE.. LOCK DOWN, EVACUATEBUILDING..... ‘OFF SITE EVACUATION. ALL CLEAR vce ‘AIRCRAFT.CRASH ‘ANIMAL DISTURBANCE ‘ARMED ASSAULT ON CAMPUS. BIOLOGICAL OR CHEMICAL RELEASE... BOMB THREAT. DISORDERLY CONDUCT (INDIVIDUAL)... DISORDERLY CONBUCTANIOT (GROUPS). BARTHQUAKE. EXPLOSION/RISK OF EXPLOSION FIRE ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. FIRE IN SURROUNDING AREA FLOODING... . INCAPACITATED STAFF MEMBER. LOSS OR FAILURE OF UTILITIES. MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA/AFTERMATH COUNSELING. ‘SUSPECTED CONTAMINATION OF FOOD OR WATER. UNLAWFUL DEMONSTRATION/WALKOUT.. WINDSTORM wenn EMERGENCY RESOURCE LIST... (GENERAL EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS LOCAL EMERGENCY AND AGENCY PHONE NUMBI MUSD EMERGENCY PERSONNEL... KERN SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATIVE EMERGENCY CONTACTS... ‘TEACHER AND STAFF ROSTERS -rnsonsn PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. ATTACHMENTS nnn CAMPUS LAYOUT MAPS AND BLUE PRINTS This section should include: Aerial Photograph of school site. Map(s) of campus layout ATTACHMENT B. Area specific layouts (office, large buildings, pods, classrooms, gym and locker areas, cafeteria, other buildings as needed). List where blueprints for you campus are kept- site, MUSD Facilities Planning Division. Architecture Firm, other > MOT Building * SEE ENLARGED AERIALS ON NEXT PAGES FIRE ALARM TURN OFF PROCEDURES This Section should include: © Location of alarm panels. * Instructions on alarm procedures for turning off system. © Maps of alarm locations on your site. The Main Red Fire Alarm Panel is located in the Center of the North Wall of the Electrical Room located in front of Room 9. There are three switches — turn off bells, silence bells, and to reset the whole system. a erate] fe] *] © Led © ]o [ vitor Dele Ton [ert oo Lf I) Ter) a ~* colo tear _ Ser, aFR CABLE TELEVISON SHUT-OFF LOCATION This section should include: + Location and map of cable shut-off - McFarland High School does NOT have cable television. We only carry Channel One broadcasting which is located in the school library. DESIGNATED COMMAND POSTS LOCATIONS This section should include: * Identify at least 3 onsite locations and 2 off site locations. For off site locations consider other local area schools, churches, any other suitable structures. Maps and diagrams of onsite locations * Maps and diagrams of offsite locations if possible. Three On Site Locations 1. Baseball Field 2. Football Field 3. MHS Student Parking Lot Two Off Site Locations 1. McFarland Middle School - Soccer Field 2. McFarland Parks & Recreation — Softball Field *SEE MAP ON NEXT PAGE. oe P< guoyoes, Rapund a1 8S s Zuonses L ws oz ‘9 ota LS abe shog sup guopoes (everese9) * sobuom 42S wood! asoding ann wis, ss L| ele TT 7 _ 280 ae opus ZUoRIIg mud UE YeS 17 Supe wepMIs guonses Su $0009 tw 8S ez fala |a] sfenfm a rh : sopang neMaY U8 S Puonses 7 a w Sas a tng an ole Hl, = = : i Pies a Tee ve at = ee “ en) i sr ef] om} oP Loe] SP sen [ae] e2ieg ang 38S }uoRses Luopses | guonses 4 #5 INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM (ICS) - Information Regarding System ¢ Based on function, not title. Anyone can be placed in any function at any time. Can be used for any incident small to large Utilizes a chain of command. The principal is usually, but not always, the school incident commander. Main ICS Sections- * School Incident Commander - “The Boss”- accountable for successful outcome of incident. * Operations - “The Doers”- accountability of all on campus first aid, parent information, assembly, shelter if needed, search and locate security. a . u * Logistics - “The getters’- resources, volunteers, transportation, communication, restrooms, water, food, etc. ¢ Planning/ Intelligence - “The Thinkers”- collects information, plans ahead, coordinates district mental health crisis teams, provides incident log scribes. ¢ Administration/ Finance - “Keepers”- record keeping, funding, costs. B, Operations Section Chief and Alternate E. Finance/ Administrati SCHOOL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAM g = : zg 5 3 & Safety Officer Liaison Officer ‘Site Security Team Leader and Alternate ( ‘Search and Rescue Team Leader and Alte Medical Team Leader and Alternate © Recordkeeping Unit Leader and Alternate 1B Report (through communication) to school district office contact on status of students, staff and campus as needed. Establish contact with MUSD Police, local law enforcement and/ or fire department and other agencies, as needed, to provide assistance and/ or to keep informed of school disaster status, Develop and communicate with Planning Section revised incident action plans as needed, In conjunction with the Public Information Officer, conduct press briefings and review media releases as required. Establish procedures for information releases and press briefings with other agencies who may be involved. Begin student release when appropriate. NOTE: No student should be released un student accounting is complete, Never send students home before the end of the regular school day untess directed by the Superintendent or his/her designee, except individuals on request of parent/ guardian, * Utilize your altemate; plan and take regular breaks, 5-10 minutes per hour away from CP. + Plan regular breaks for all staff’ and volunteers. Take care of your caregivers. * Thoroughly brief you relief staff upon shift change. * If incident becomes a Unified Command, thoroughly brief your Co-Incident Commander(s). * Release teachers as appropriate. By law, during a disaster, teachers become “disaster workers.” Stagger teachers and staff appropriate release time to check on family and loved ones when possible. «Remain on and in charge of your campus until redirected or released by the Superintendent - or his/her designee. Closing Down: © Authorize deactivation of sections, branches or units when they are no longer required. © At the direction of the Superintendent or his/her designee, deactivate the entire emergency response. If the Fire Department or other outside agency calls an “All Clear,” contact the district before taking any further action. * Ensure the return of all equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. * Close out all logs. Ensure that all logs, reports, and other relevant documents are completed and provided to the Documentation Unit. * Proclaim termination of the emergency and proceed with recovery operations if necessary. Command Post Equipment and Supplies: Emergency Operations Plan + AMIFM portable radio ‘Campus maps + Bulhore Master keys + Tables and chairs Pens, pencils ete. ‘+ Canopy for shelter (if outside) ‘Clipboards + Bardhat Staff and student rosters- 2 sets + Vest 2-way radio + Position/activity log ATTACHMENT E Cell phone 15 A.3 Public Information Officer ‘The Public Information Officer (PIO) acts as the official spokesperson for the school site in an emergency situation. If a school district PIO is available, he/she will be the official spokesperson. A school site based PIO should only be used if the media is on campus and the district PIO is not available or forthcoming, * Important Note. the public has the right and need to know important information related to emergencies/ disaster at the school site as soon as itis available and does not Jeopardize an ongoing investigation or local and/or national security. ‘+ News media can play a key role assisting the school in getting emergency/ disaster related information to the public and parents. Information released must be consistent, accurate and timely, Start up Actions: * Determine a possible “news center” site as a media reception area (located away from the Command Post and students). Get approval from the Incident Commander. Identify yourself as the “PIO” (vest, visor, hat, sign etc.) Consult with district PIO to coordinate information release. Assess situation and obtain statement from IC. Tape record if possible. Advise arriving media that the site is preparing a press release and approximate time of its issue. * Open and maintain a position/activity log of your actions and all communications. If possible, tape media briefings. Keep all documentation to support the history of the event. * Contact local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate incident specific information to be released to media (i.e.; size of disaster ect.) Operational Duties: © Keep up to date on the situation © Statements must be approved by the IC and should reflect: -Reassurance Incident or disaster cause and time of origin Size and scope of incident -Current situation e.g. condition of school site, evacuation progress, care being given, injuries, student release location, etc. Do not release any names. -Resources in use -Best routes to school if known and appropriate -Any information school wishes to be released to the public 17 A.4 Liaison Officer The Liaison Officer serves as the point of contact for outside Agency representatives offering organizational assistance during school site emergency response. The Liaison Officer coordinates the efforts of these outside agencies while on-site to ensure the proper flow of information. Start up Actions: ‘© Check with Incident Commander (IC) for situation briefing * Determine your personal operating location and set up as necessary, All command staif should be congregated in one location at an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Obiain necessary equipment and supplics from logistics, Put on position identifier, such as vest or hat if available. Open and maintain a position/activity log. Maintain all required records and documentation. to support the history of the situation, Operational duties: Brief Agency Representatives on current situation, priorities and incident action plan. Ensure coordination of efforts by keeping IC informed of agencies action plans. Provide periodic update briefings to Agency Representatives as necessary. Contact the American Red Cross (661-324-9874) and have them provide a representative to assess the situation, Closing Down: * At the Incident Commander's direction, deactivate the Liaison Officer position and release staff no longer needed. Direct staff members to sign out through Timekeeping. + Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. * Close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Documentation Unit. Liaison Officer Equipment and Supplies + Vest, hat position identifier. © Two-way radio © Clipboard, paper and pens + Position/activity log ATTACHMENT E. 19 Closing Down: At the Incident Commanders direction, release Operations staff no longer needed. Direct staff members to sign out through Timekeeping, Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. When authorized by IC, deactivate the section and close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents fo the Documentation Unit. Operations Section Chief Equipment and Supplies: Vest or position identifier ‘Two-way radio Search and Rescue Equipment Job Description binder Clipboard, paper or notebook, pens and pencils Search and Rescue maps ‘Large campus maps Position/activity log ATTACHMENT E 21 B.3 Search and Rescue Team Leader Primary Savini Alternate Sift BASH ane ‘The Search and Rescue Team Leader is responsible for coordinating all on-site search and rescue efforts, ‘This responsibility includes identifying seareh and rescue priorities and making team assignments. The Search and Rescue team Leader is also responsible for ensuring the safety of his/her teams while they are in the field. erp Start up Actions: * Obtain all necessary equipment, * Obtain briefing from operations Chief, noting known fires, injuries, or other situations requiring response. * Assume all Team dutics until staff is assigned and available. + Assign teams based on available manpower, minimum 2 persons per team. Operational Duties: ‘+ Perform visual check of outfitted team leaving CP, include radio check. Teams must wear sturdy shoes and safety equipment. Record names and assignments before deploying teams, Dispatch teams to high priority areas first, then to search the campus using specific planned routes. Send a specific map assignment with each team. Remain at Command Post (CP) in radio contact with Search and Rescue Teams. Record all teams’ progress and reports on site map, keeping other at CP informed of problems. When a room is reported clear, mark a “C” on the site map. + If injured students or staff is located, consult Operations Chief for response. Utilize Transport Teams, or send a Medical/First Aid Team. * Record exact location of damage and triage tally (I=immediate, D=delayed, DEAD=dead) on map. «Keep radio communication brief and simple. No codes. Closing Down: + Record the retum of each $ and R Team, Direct them to return equipment and report for additional assignments to Logistics. * Provide maps and logs to the Documentation Unit, 23 B.4 Search and Rescue Teams Section #5 SifinrStaggs= Seay) Section #6 S2Counseloiga Section #2 Section #3 30 Section #4 ‘The Search and Rescue Team (SR) is responsible for safely conducting all on-site search and rescue efforts under the direction of the Search and Rescue Team Leader. Start up Actions: Report to Search and Rescue Team Leader for briefing and assignments, Gather all SR Equipment and personnel safety gear. Cheok flashlight and radio batteries; perform radio gear. Visually inspect each other’s gear. ‘Make sure you and your partner have school site maps and are clear on your assignment, Report gas leaks, fires, or structural damage to CP immediately upon discovery. Shut off gas or extinguish fires if possible. Before entering a building, inspect complete exterior of building. Report structural damage to team leader. Use yellow caution tape to barricade hazardous areas, Do not enter severely damaged buildings. If building is safe to enter, search assigned area (following map) using orderly pattern. Check all rooms. Use chalk or grease pencil to mark slash on door when entering room. Check under desks and tables. Search visually and vocally, Listen. When leaving each room, close slash to form “X” on door. Report by radio to Command Post that room has been cleared. ‘When injured victim is located, team transmit location, number of injured and condition of injured to CP. Do not use names of students or staff on radio. Follow directions from ‘Command post. Record exact location of damage and triage tally on map and report information to CP. Keep radio communication brief and simple, avoid codes. Closing Down: Return equipment to Logistics, Provide maps and logs to the Documentation Unit, 25 BS The first Medical Team Leader Primary 5 ed Mevenson! Sim See Alternate [Sia Goizaleyiiimiice Medical Team Leader is responsible for the provision of emergency medical response, aid and counseling. Informs the Operations Chief or Incident Commander when the uation requires health or medical services that staff cannot provide, Ensures that appropriate actions are taken in the event of deaths. Start Up Actions: ‘* Establish scope of incident with Incident Commander and determine probability of outside ‘emergency medical support and transport needs. Assume all Team duties until staffis assigned and available. Make Team personnel assignments. If possible, assign a minimum of two people to Triage, two to Immediate, two to Delayed, and two to Psychological. © Setup first aid area in a safe place, away from students and parents, with access to emergency vehicles. Obtain equipment/ supplies. ‘Assess available inventory of supplies and equipment. Review safety procedures and assignments with personnel. Establish point of entry for triage into treatment area. Establish immediate and delayed treated areas, Set up separated Psychological First Aid area if staff levels are sufficient. Operational Duties: Oversee care, treatment, and assessment of patients. Ensure Caregiver and rescuer safety: Latex gloves for protection. Make sure that accurate records are kept, Provide personne! response for injures in remote locations or request transport team from Logistics. Ifneeded, request additional personnel from Logistics, Report deaths immediately to Operations Chief. Keep Operations Chief informed of overall status. Sct up morgue, if necessary, in cool, isolated secure area; follow guidelines, Stay alert for communicable and isolate as appropriate. Consult with Student Care director regarding health care, medications and meals for students with known medical conditions. Closing Down ‘+ At the Incident Commanders direction, release Medical staff no longer needed. Direct staff members to sign out through Timekeeping. Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. ‘When authorized by the Incident Commander, deactivate the section and close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Documentation Unit, 21 B.6 Medical Teams Team #1 A 5 ‘Team #2 4 Shar Gonzales ar Bowman. Team #3 A 3 Use approved safety equipment and techniques. Locate staff that is first aid trained and if possible, first aid certified. Start Up Action: + Obtain and wear personnel safety equipment including latex gloves. ‘* Check with Medical Team Leader for assignment Operational Duties: Administer appropriate first aid Keep accurate records of care given. Continue to assess victims at regular intervals. Report deaths immediately to Medical Team Leader 1f, and When, transport is available, do final assessment and document on triage tag. Keep and file records for reference-do not send with victim. * Students Emergency Card must accompany student removed from campus to receive advanced medical attention. Send emergency out of area phone number ‘Triage Entry Area: ‘+ Staffed with @ minimum of 2 trained team members, if possible. -One member confirms triage tag category (red, yellow, green) and Directs to proper treatment area. Should take 30 seconds to assess, no treatment takes place here. Assess if not logged. * Second team member logs victim's names on form and sends forms to CP as completed. ‘Treatment Area: Staff with minimum of 2 team members per area if possible. ‘One member completes secondary head to toe assessment. Second member records information on triage tag and on site treatment records, Follow categories: Immediate, Delayed, Dead When using 2 way radios, do not use names of injured or dead. Closing Down: + Retum equipment and unused supplies to Logistics. * Clcan up first aid area, Dispose of Hazardous waste safely. * Complete all paperwork and turn it in to the Documentation Unit, 29 B.7 Student Care Team Leader Primary 2 Maysle: BujandasMedina: Alternate Hieging Braj -Cirdose Daniel on The Student Care Team Leader is responsible for providing for the safe sheltering and care of students and staff while on-site during an emergency. This person is also in charge of facilitating campus evacuation, when the school site is deemed, by the Management Team to be unsafe, Personnel: Classroom teachers, substitute teachers and staff are assigned. Start-up Actions: ‘© Wear identification vest if available. Take Job Description Binder and a radio ‘Check in with Operations Chief for situation briefing. Assume all Team duties until staffis assigned and available. Assign personnel fo assignments as needed. If designated assembly/shelter site is destroyed or inaccessible, consult with Operations Sections Chief and determine alternate location. If school is evacuating: + Verify that the assembly area and routes to it are safe. Count or observe the classrooms as they exit, to make sure that all classes evacuate. Initiate the set-up of portable toilet facilities and hand washing stations. Ensure initial record of all students and staff in shelter/assembly area is made and that it is updated regularly during the disaster. ‘Monitor the safety and well being of the students and staff in the shelter/assembly area. Oversee the procurement and distribution of food and water. Direct set-up of sanitary facilities when necessary. Coordinate Student Release with Student Release Team Leader when directed by Operations Section chief. Administer minor first aid as needed. Determine the need for setting up a counseling/mental health site. Communicate need to Operations Section Chief Arrange for counseling and mental health intervention as needed. ‘Coordinate with Medical Branch for treatment of more serious physical and mental health care. Closing down: * Close shelter per direction of Operations Section Chief. * Retum equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. ‘* When authorized by IC, close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Documentation Unit. 31 B.8 Student Care Teams B ESRegin i teaches * SEE ATTACHED MAP Provide for the safe sheltering and care of students and staff while on-site during an emergency. This team is also responsible for facilitating campus evacuation when the school site is deemed by the Management Team to be unsafe. Start-up Actions: ‘Meet with Student Care Team Leader. Secure assembly site or set up shelter per directions of Student Care Team Leader. ‘© Gather all supplies from storage locker(s) and transport to assembly/shelter site, © Conduct initial population assessment. Operational Duties: © Facilitate the orderly distribution of food and water. Set up sanitary facilities per direction of Student Care Team Leader. ‘Make arrangements to provide shelter for students and staff. Maintain and update student and staff population log (attendance record). Ensure initial record of all students and staff in shelter/assembly arca is made and that it is updated regularly during the incident, ‘Monitor the safety and well being of the students and staff in the shelter/assembly area. Administer minor first aid as needed. ‘Administer counseling and mental health intervention as needed. Maintain log of all assistance given and nature of that assistance. Cooperate with Student Release Team to facilitate orderly Student Release (when directed by Student Care Tea, Leader), Arrange activities and keep students reassured. Update records of the number of students and staffin the assembly area (or in the buildings). ‘* Direct all requests for information to PIO. Closing Down: © Close shelter per direction of Operations Section Chief. «Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. * When authorized by IC, close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Documentation Unit. 33 CO) B.9 Student Release Team Leader Primary Alternate Oversee the reunification of students with their parents or authorized adult through separate Request and Release Gates. Personnel: Schoo! Registrar, available staff and emergency volunteers. Law enforcement available, to maintain security of release arca. Start up Actions: Attend a briefing with the Operations Section Chief and other Operations Team Leaders. Open and maintain position/activity log. Assume all Team duties until staff is assigned and available. Designate secure areas for student request and release and authorize setup. Set up Request Gate at a main student access gate if possible. Note: Release Gate should be some distance from Request Gate, Obtain and wear vest or position identifier, if available, Obtain necessary equipment and forms from logistics. Operational Duties: ‘Monitor request and release operations. Oversee Student Release Team "Procedures” for request and release of students. Assist with the location/ verification of missing students. Stay in contact with Student Care, Site Security, and Medical Team Leaders, Closing Down: * Atthe direction of the Operations Chief, Return equipment and unused supplies to Logistics. © Complete all paperwork and tum in to the Documentation Unit. Student Release Team Leader Equipment/Supplies © Job Des n Binders Pens, pencils and staplers, Boxes of Emergency Cards. Signs to mark Parent Request Gate and Parent Release Gate. Signs for alphabetical grouping to organize the parents (A-F ete.) Student Release Log ATTACHMENT G 35 + Runner takes form(s) to the designated classroom. Note: If parent refuses to wait on line, don’t argue. Note time with appropriate comments on Emergency Card and place in “out” box, Tf student is with class: Runner shows Student Release Form to teacher. Teacher makes notation, “Sent with runner.” If appropriate, teacher sends parent copy of first aid form with runner. Runner walks student(s) to Release Gate. Runner hands paperwork to release personnel. Release staff match student to requester, verify proof of identification, ask requester to fill out and sign the lower portion of Student Release Form, and release student, Parents are given the Notice of First Aid Care Given, if applicable. If student is NOT with the class: * Teacher makes appropriate notation on Student Release Form: “Absent” if student was never in school that day. “First Aid” if student is in Medical Treatment Area “Missing” if student was in school, but now cannot be located. Runner takes Student Release Form to Student Release Team Leader. Student Release Team Leader verifies student location with Command Post (if known) and meets with parent(s). © If runner is retrieving multiple students and one or more are missing, walk available students to Release Gate before returning “Missing” forms to Student Release Team Leader for verification «Parent should be notified of missing student status and escorted to crisis counselor. © Ifstudent is in first aid, parent should be escorted to medical Treatment Area. © If-student was marked absent, Student Release Team Leader will notify parent, Closing Down: © Close Request and Release tables when directed by Student Release Team Leader. © Make sure all confidential information and emergency cards are returned to Team Leader for secure storage. Retum all equipment to Logistics. © Complete/close out all logs and turn them over to Documentation Unit. Student Release Team Equipment/Supplies ‘+ Job Description Binders Pens, pencils and staplers. Boxes of Emergency Cards. Signs to mark Parent Request Gate and Parent Release Gate. Signs for alphabetical grouping to organize the parents (A-F etc.) Student Release Log ATTACHMENT G 37 C.2 Situation Analysis Unit This section is responsible for the collection, evaluation, documentation and use of information about the development of the incident and the status of resources. Maintain accurate site map. Provide ongoing analysis of situation and resource status. Start up Actions: Check in with Planning Chief for situation briefing. * Obtain necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics, + Put on position identifier, such as vest. Operational Duties Situation Status Map * Collect, organize and analyze situation information. © Mark site map appropriately as related reports are received. This includes but is not limited to Search and Rescue reports and damage updates, giving a concise picture status of campus. Preserve map as legal document until photographed. ‘* Use area-wide map to record information on major incidents, road closures, utility outages, etc. (This information may be usefil to staff for planning routes home ete.) Situation Analysis: * Provide current situation assessments based on analysis of information received, + Develop situation reports for the Command Post to support the action planning process. Think ahead and anticipate situations and problems before they occur. * Report only to Command Post Personnel, Refer all other requests to Public Information Officer. Closing Down: «Close out all logs and turn all documents into Documentation. «Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. Situation Analysis Unit Equipment/Supplies 2 way radio Paper and pens, pencils File boxes Job Description Binder Dry erase board and pens Tissues City map, large site map of campus, laminated or covered with Plexiglas 39 LOGISTICS SECTION D.1 LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF ing facilities, services, personnel, equipment, materials and forms in support of the incident, The Logistics Section set ups and maintains an Incident Check In Roster. The Logistics Section is made up of the following units: Supplies/Facilities, Staffing and Communications. Start up Actions: Check in with Incident Commander for situation briefing, Obtain on site supplies and open facilities, Put on position identifier, such as vest or hat. Assume lead of all Logistics positions until staffed. Activate Team leaders. Begin distribution of supplies and equipment as needed. Operational Duties: © As (or if) staff is assigned, brief them on the situation and supervise their activities, utilizing the position checklists, Ensure that the Incident Command Post and other facilities are properly set up. Coordinate supplies, equipment and personnel needs with the Incident Commander. Maintain security of stored supplies and equipment, Oversee distribution of supplies and equipment where and as needed. Closing Down: * At the Incident Commander's direction, deactivate the section and close out all logs. * Verify that closing tasks of all Logistics positions have been accomplished. Secure all equipment and supplies. Logistics Section Chief Equipment/ Supplies © 2way radio «Job Description Binder + Paper, pens and paper ‘* Cargo container or other storage area with emergency supplies stored on campus. 41 D.3 Staffing Unit Primary/2iibavid Nanny Si Alternate This unit is responsible for coordinating the check in and assignment of personnel (staff, students, incident volunteers) in support of the incident. Start Up Actions: * Cheek in with Logisties Chief for situation briefing. ‘+ Put on position identifier, such as vest, if available. + Establish a check in location to insure that all personnel working on the incident are accounted for. ‘© Post signs so that staff can easily find incident check in location, Operational duties: ‘* Open three logs to list staff, volunteers and students who are awaiting assignment. + Ensure that staff sign in, recording name, assignment, and time on duty and off duty. Make photocopies for the Documentation Unit in the Planning Section Deploy personnel as requested by the Incident Commander. Sign in volunteers, making sure volunteers are wearing ID badges and are on the site ) disaster list. Unregistered volunteers need to be registered. Closing Down: Ask volunteers to sign out + At the Logistic Chief's direction, close out all logs and tum them into Documentation Unit. ‘+ Return all equipment and supplies. Staffing Unit Equipment/ Supplies 2 way radio Job Description Binder Paper, pens and paper Cargo container or other storage area with emergency supplies stored on campus Staffing Log ATTACHMENT 43 D.5 Transportation Unit Primary 2 The Transportation Unit is responsible for implementing the transportation plan during school emergencies. Part of those responsibilities include assessing the need for buses and trucks for the ferrying of students, staff and/or supplies and directing vehicles to where they are needed, Start Up Actions: * Attend a briefing with the Logistics Section Chief and the Supplies and Staffing Team Leader. ‘* Open and maintain position/activity log. © Gather all supplies and personal safety gear. Operational Duties: + Implement various components of the transportation plan. * Direct the use of vehicles on campus. * Stay in contact with Section Chief about the needs of other sections. “Closing Down: Release staff and volunteers per direction of Incident Commander. Arrange for retum of vehicles to vendors. Make sure all equipment and reusable supplies are safely and securely stored. Close out all logs, messages forms, etc and tum them over to Documentation, Retum all equipment and unused supplies to Logistics. sees ‘Transportation Unit Equipment/ Supplies 2 way radios with spare batteries for each Job Description Binder Paper, pens and pencils Table and chairs AM/FM Radio and television if possible File boxes Tote tray for outgoing messages Position/activity log ATTACHMENT E 45 E.2 Recordkeeping Unit ‘The Recordkeeping Unit is responsible for ensuring that records for personnel costs, volunteers, payroll, purchasing materi maintained during campus emergencies. is and supplies, insurance claims and cost recovery are Start Up Aetions: ‘© Attend a briefing with Finance/Administration Section Chief © Locate all supplies. * Activate personnel and make appropriate assignments. Operational Duties: ‘* Monitor the tracking of staff and volunteer hours. ‘* Monitor the tracking of response-related requests and purchases. * Facilitate the processing of purchase requests from Logistics Section Chief. Closing Down: + Release staff and volunteers per direction of Section Chief. © Make sure all equipment and unused supplies are returned to Logistics. ‘* Complete/close-out all logs and turn them over Documentation Team. Recordkeeping Unit Equipment/ Supplies *¢ Job Description Binder © Paper, Pens and Pencils © Position/activity log ATTACHMENT E a7 OVERVIEW OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES How To Use This Resource 1, INCIDENT HAPPENS 2. LOCATE PARTICULAR INCIDENT DESCRIPTOR 3. FOLLOW PROCEDURES FOR THAT INCIDENT 4, ACTIVATE INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM (ICS) (See below) 48 SUEIS JOOYDS B10J9q s3NVD0 UOHEMIs ADUaBIEWWE UE JI EIS 103 pasn oq jm WO}SAS UONEOIUNWUICD BUMO}}O} Sy, WALSAS NOLLVSINNININOD 1OOHOS HOIH GNVTHVs°N oO C EMERGENCY ACTION AND WARNING SIGNALS asain eit Bell Signal Voice Signal What To Do All Clear One long bell “all clear” May return to building Leave Building _ | Fire alarm “Leave Building” _| Move students and staff, in an orderly fashion, toan outside area of safety. Lock Down One short bell Lock Down Lock all doors and Building followed by one _| Building” windows, pull Tong bell repeated shades. Those in five times outside areas immediately return to classrooms. Duck, Cover, | Threeshort bells | “Duck, cover hold” | Duck to knees Hold followed by one underneath tables fa Jong-repeated five | or desks, away from r times windows with both Drop hands holding a desk or table leg, WARNING SIGNALS Action EVACUATION --- This action, which is authorized by the Superintendent, consists of vacating a site and transporting students and staff to another predetermined location. Parent notification will be made by phone, public announcements, radio and television broadcasts, or other means to acquaint them with the location of the evacuation site. Action GO HOME --- This action, which is initiated by voice or written communication consists of dismissing students from classes and returning them to their homes by the most expeditious means. This action will be authorized by the Superintendent only if there is 52 TERRORIST THREAT LEVELS SBR This condition is declared when there is a low risk of terrorist attacks. Federal departments and agencies should consider the following general measures in addition to the agency-specific Protective Measures they develop and implement 4, Refining and exercising as appropriate preplanned Protective Measures, 2. Ensuring personnel receive proper training on the Homeland Security Advisory System and specific preplanned department or agency Protective Measures; and 3. Insttutionalizing a process to assure that all facities and regulated sectors are regularly assessed for vulnerabilities to terrorist attacks, and all reasonable measures are taken to mitigate these vulnerabilities. ‘This condition is declared when there is a general risk of terrorist attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threat Condition, Federal departments and agencies should consider the following general measures in addition to the ‘agency-specific Protective Measures that they will develop and implement: 4. Checking communications with designated emergency response or command locations; 2. Reviewing and updating emergency response procedures; and 3. Providing the public with any information that would strengthen its ability to act sn Elevated Condon is declared when there isa signifcant risk of terrorist attacks. In ‘addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threat Conditions, Federa! departments and agencies should consider the following general measures in addition to the Protective Measures that they will develop and implement: 4, Increasing surveillance of critical locations; 2. Coordinating emergency plans as appropriate with nearby jurisdictions; 3. Assessing whether the precise characteristics of the threat require the further refinement of preplanned Protective Measures; and 4._implehoning. se appoprete: sontngeney and emergency response plans URUGERRRSHTTORAIIEN & vigh Conation i dectared when there's a high risk of terrorst attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threat Conditions, Federal Geparonens an agenies shoul corscar the foloming genera measeres i adslion fo he agency- specif Protecive Measures that they wil develop and implement Coordinating necessary security efforts with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies or any National Guard or other appropriate armed forces organizations; 2. Taking additional precautions st public events and possibly considering altemative ver or orem consist: 3. Preparing execs sonbigency procedures, such 2s moving to an allem sie ot dispersing their workforce; and 4. Restricting threatened facility access to essential personnel only. ‘A Severe Conon reflects a severe rk of terror attacks, Under most circumstances, the Protective Measures for a Severe Condition are not intended to be sustained for substantial periods of time. In addition to the Protective Measures in the previous ‘Threat Conditions, Federal departments and agencies also should consider the following general measures in addition to the agency-specific Protective Measures that they will develop and implement: 1. Increasing or redirecting personnel to address critical emergency needs; 2. Assigning emergency response personnel and pre-positioning and mobilizing specially trained (ear ov evourees 3. Monitoring, redirecting, or constraining transportation systems; and 2 Gleing subs and gcvemmentfacltes 54 DUCK AND COVER This.action is.taken to protect students and staff from flying or falling-debris.— Description of action 4. The Principal or designee will make the following announcement on the PA system. If the PA system is not available, the Principal or designee will use other means of communication, such as messengers to deliver instructions. The Principal or designee should be calm, convey reassuring comments that the situation is under control and give clear directions. Announcement: “YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE. DUCK, COVER AND HOLD ON. DUCK, COVER AND HOLD ON, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW.” 2. If inside, teachers will instruct students to duck under their desks and cover their heads with their arms and hands. 3. If outside, teachers will instruct students to drop to the ground, place their heads between their knees and cover their heads with their arms and hands. ‘ 4. Teachers and students should move away from windows. Important McFarland Unified School District Numbers to contact as needed: Superintendent (661) 667-1230 or 60163, Business Services (661) 792-3081 Office of Pupil Personnel (661) 667-1193 Sheriff Department (661) 792-2121 or (800) 861-3110 Support Services (661) 792-3255 Transportation/Maintenance _ (661) 792-2333 or 60182. i Nurse ___________(6 61) 667-1251 or 60196 School Psychologist (661) 667-1171 or 11544 C) 35 LOCK DOWN Action taken when threat-of violence -or-gunfire—is. identified -or. directed-by-law - enforcement and it is necessary to prevent perpetrator(s) from entering occupied areas. During Lock Down, students remain in classrooms or designated locations at all times. Do not evacuate the building if a shooter is involved-even if the fire alarm rings. Remain secure until further instructed. Announcement: "YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE. a LOCK DOWN... LOCK DOWN. IMPLEMENT LOCK DOWN PROCEDURES. TEACHERS ARE TO LOCK CLASSROOM DOORS AND KEEP ALL STUDENTS INSIDE THE CLASSROOM UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR UNTIL NOTIFIED BY AN ADMINISTRATOR OR LAW ENFORCEMENT. IF YOU ARE OUTSIDE, STUDENTS AND STAFF ARE TO PROCEED INSIDE THE NEAREST BUILDING OR CLASSROOM IMMEDIATELY. LOCK DOWN.” Principal a. Initiate Action Lock Down Building. Students in open areas will return, under staff supervision, to designated large group areas such as the multi-purpose room, gymnasium, and library. b. Notify law enforcement agencies and proceed under their direction ¢. Notify the Superintendent ificated/Classified cedures School is in Session and Principal has declared “LOCK DOWN”: a, Classroom Pull curtains. ‘Tum off lights Instruct students to sit on the floor along a wall. Check outside to see if it is safe to lock the classroom door. ‘Try to keep students calm and orderly. Under no circumstances let anyone leave the room until instructed, either by the intercom or an identified administrator or his designee. DO NOT RESPOND TO THE BELL SYSTEM. ap beeper x 37 EVACUATE BUILDING Action taken after decision is made that it is unsafe to remain in the building. Announcement: “YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE...PLEASE EVACUATE ALL | BUILDINGS. EVACUATE ALL BUILDINGS. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS ARE TO EVACUATE TO THEIR DESIGNATED ASSEMBLY AREA. LOCK DOORS AS YOU ARE EXITING. EVACUATE ALL BUILDINGS.” Principal or designee initiates fire alarm. 2. Teachers instruct students to evacuate building, using designated routes and assemble in their assigned assembly/shelter area. 3. Once assembled, teachers and students stay in place until further instructions are given. Important McFarland Unified School District Numbers to contact as needed: ' Superintendent (661) 667-1230 or 60163 Business Services (661) 792-3081 Office of Pupil Personnel (661) 667-1193 Sheriff Department (661) 792-2121 or (800) 861-3110 Support Services (661) 792-3255 Transportation/Maintenance (661) 792-2333 or 60182 Nurse (661) 667-1251 or 60196 School Psychologist (661) 667-1171 or 11544 59 ALL CLEAR Action taken to notify.teachers.that normal school operations can resume. Announcement: “YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE...IT IS NOW OKAY TO 1 RETURN TO YOUR CLASSROOM AND RESUME NORMAL OPERATIONS. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK AND COMMEND ALL | STUDENTS AND STAFF OF McFarland High School FOR | THEIR COOPERATION. 1. Thisaction signifies the emergency is over. 2. If appropriate, teachers immediately begin discussions and activities to address student's fears, anxieties, and other concerns, 61 ANIMAL DISTURBANCE Procedure implemented when presence of.a vicious animal or any wild animal threatens — safety of students and staff. Procedure 1 2 5. School Administrator initiates appropriate Immediate Response Actions, which may include Lock Down or Evacuate Building. Staff members attempt to isolate animal from students and staff, if it is safe to do so. Ifanimal is outside, students are kept inside. If animal is inside, students remain outside away from animal. Isolate animal if possible. For outside assistance, School Administrator is to call 911. If the situation is not life threatening, you can call the following appropriate number: McFarland Animal Control (661) 792-3091 Kern County Animal Control Services (661) 868-7100 California Fish and Game (888) 243-4005 McFarland Fire Department (661) 792-2131 Delano Regional Medical Center (661) 725-4800 Delano Ambulance (661) 725-3374 McFarland Parks & Recreation (661) 792-3187 If staff member or student is injured, School/District Nurse, District Office and parent is notified. School Administrator initiates Off-Site Evacuation if warranted. 63 Fe BIOLOGICAL OR CHEMICAL RELEASE A biological or Chemical Release involves discharge of a biological or chemical substance. in a solid, liquid or gaseous state. The release of radioactive materials may happen. Common chemical threats within or adjacent to schools include discharge of acid in a school laboratory, overturned truck of hazardous materials in proximity of the school, or a nearby explosion at oil refinery, chemical plant or railroad yard. Indicators suggesting the release of a biological or chemical substance: multiple victims suffering from watery eyes, twitching, choking or loss of coordination, or having trouble breathing. Other indicators may include an unusual odor or the presence of distressed animals or dead birds, Scenario 1- Substance Released Inside a Room or Building Procedure L School Administrator initiates Evacuate Building. Staff uses designated routes or other alternative safe routes to assigned assembly/shelter site, located upwind of affected room or building. 2. School Administrator eall 911, providing exact location and nature of emergency. 3. School Administrator notifies District of situation. Important McFarland Unified School District Numbers to contact as needed: ‘Superintendent (661) 667-1230 or 60163 Business Services (661) 792-3081 Office of Pupil Personnel (661) 667-1193, Sheriff Department (661) 792-2121 or (800) 861-3110 Support Services (661) 792-3255 Transportation/Maintenance _ (661) 792-2333 or 60182 Nurse (661) 667-1251 or 60196 School Psychologist (661) 667-1171 or 11544 4. Access to potentially contaminated areas is restricted. 5. Site Security ‘Teams turns off local fans in area of release, closes windows and doors and shuts down the building's air system, if this can be done without exposure to released substance. 6. Persons who have come into direct contact with hazardous substances move to an area with fresh, clean air and wash with soap and water. Immediately remove and contain contaminated clothing. Do not use bleach or other disinfectants on potentially exposed skin, Individuals who have been contaminated “tropically” by a liquid are segregated from unaffected individuals (isolation does not apply to widespread airborne releases). Affected individuals remain isolated until cleared for by release by Kern County HazMat Interagency Team or Kern County Health Department. A member of Medical Team assesses need for medical attention, but should not come in contact with exposed persons unless fully protected with personal protective equipment. 7. Student Care Team provides a list of all people in affected room or contaminated area, specifying those who may have had actual contact with substance. 65 Scenario 3: Substance Released In Surrounding Community Procedure L School Administrator or local authorities determine potentially toxic substance has been released into the atmosphere. School Administrator initiates Shelter-In- Place. 2. Upon receiving Shelter-In-Place, notification, Site Security Team turns off local fans in area; closes and locks doors and windows; shuts down all building's air conditioning systems; seals gaps under doors and windows with wet towels and/or duct tape; seals vents with aluminum foil or plastic wrap, and turns off sources of ignition, such as pilot lights. 3. Staff and students located outdoors are directed to proceed immediately to nearby classrooms or buildings. Teachers communicate their locations to School Administrator, using the PA system or other means without leaving the building. 4. School Administrator “calls 911”, providing exact location and nature of emergency. 5. School Administration notifies District Office of situation. Important McFarland Unified School District Numbers to contact as needed: Superintendent (661) 667-1230 or 60163 Business Services (661) 792-3081 e Office of Pupil Personnel (661) 667-1193 ) Sheriff Department (661) 792-2121 or (800) 861-3110 / Support Services (661) 792-3255 ‘Transportation/Maintenance (661) 792-2333 or 60182 Nurse (661) 667-1251 or 60196 School Psychologist (661) 667-1171 or 11544 6. School remains in Shelter-In-Place until County of Kern HazMat Team or appropriate agency provides clearance, or staff is otherwise notified by School Administrator. 67 10. M1. When suspicious object or bomb is found, School Administrator issues Evacuate Building Action. Staff and students evacuate building using prescribed routes or _ alternate safe routes away form object to assembly/shelter site. ‘Teachers bring student roster and take attendance at assembly area to account for students, Teachers notify Student Care Team of missing students. School activities are not resumed until affected area and school has been inspected and searched by proper authorities and determined to be safe. School Administrator will make All Clear Announcement. 69 } DIS ERLY UCT/RIOT (GR¢ Disorderly Conduct or Riot is.large gathering of students who become out of control.and participate in violent or non-violent activities. Keeping majority of students not involved in this type of illegal activity isolated and away from activity is imperative in bringing these actions under control. Procedure LR 2 eye 10. a 12. - supervision by-staff is recommended during student lunch periods. Upon witnessing Disorderly Conduct of this nature, staff takes steps to calm and control situation and attempt to isolate those involved from each other. Other staff attempts to calm and control other students not involved and get them on their way to class or off campus if incident is after school. While doing this, attempt to locate and identify witnesses who may provide information for School Administrators and/or School Police. Staff immediately notifies School Administrator and/or School Campus Supervisor via two-way radio, Schoo] Administrator and/or School Campus Supervisor assesses situation and calls MUSD Pupil Personnel/Police Department for additional officers to respond, Continued assessment is necessary for deployment of additional officers to respond and assist from other agencies. District personnel and/or officers on scene “calls ou.” School Administrator initiates appropriate Immediate Response Actions, which may include Shelter-In-Place, Lock Down, Evacuate Building or Off-Site Evacuation. Secure all gates and entrances to the campus, Only authorized personnel are to be allowed in or out of the site, Sign-in and Sign-out all authorized visitors noting date and time, telephone number and reason for visit. During passing periods, All Staff should be on campus supervising, while teachers stand at the doorways to their classrooms watching and supervising students. Staff is to report any suspicious activity, break up groups of students loitering and listen for any rumors or reports of possible ongoing activity by students, Maximum School Site Parent Groups may be contacted to assist with supervision and hel Ip monitor activity, Notify appropriate Distriet Personnel for assistance as needed. 1 EXPLOSION/ RISK OF EXPLOSION Scenario 1; Explosion on School Property Procedure L 2. 3. = sees 2. 13, In event of explosion, all persons initiate Duck and Cover School Administrator and/or School Campus Supervisor consider possibility of another imminent explosion and takes appropriate action. After explosion, School Administrator initiates appropriate Immediate Response Actions, which may include Shelter-In-Place, Evacuate Building, or Off-Site Evacuation. Evacuation may be warranted in some buildings and other buildings may be used for shelter. In event of evacuation, staff and students use prescribed routes or other safe routes and proceed to assembly/shelter site. Teachers bring student roster and take attendance at assembly/shelter site to account for students. ‘Teachers notify Student Care Team of missing students. School Administrator calls 911 and/or MUSD Office of Pupil Personnel/Sheriff Sub Station at (661) 792-2121. School Campus Supervisor can also contact Sheriff Department to advise of situation (800) 861-3110. Site Security Team and/or Plant Supervisor turns off school’s main gas supply. Medical Team, when safe, checks for injuries and provides appropriate first aid. Staff attempts to suppress fires with fire extinguishers. Site Security Team Leader notifies appropriate utility company of any damages to water lines, sewers, power lines and other utilities. Site Security Team Leader posts guards safe distance away from building entrance preventing persons entering school buildings, considering possible secondary explosion sites, When determined by emergency response officials to be safe to enter affected areas, School Administrator advises Search and Rescue Team to initiate search and rescue efforts. School Administrator confers with MUSD Director of Facilities and Director of -“Maintenanee and/or Designees to ensure buildings are safe for re-occupancy:-When~ ~~ safe to do so, Site Security Team conducts inspection of school buildings. Site Security Team maintains a log of their findings, by building and provides periodic report to Incident Commander. Any areas affected by explosion are not reopened until appropriate agency provides clearance and School Administrator gives authorization. School Administrator initiates Off-Site Evacuation if warranted. 1B After initial blast, remove students from rooms with broken windows, extinguish fires, provide first aid and relocate students form upper floors if possible. ue Site Security Team/ ipervisor turns off schools main gas supply, local fans in area; closes and locks doors and windows; shuts down all building’s air conditioning systems; seal gaps under doors and windows with wet towels or duct tape. School remains in Shelter-In-Place condition until County of Kern HazMat Team or appropriate agency provides clearance and School Administrator issues further instructions. 15 Procedure addresses. fire FIRE IN SURROUNDING AREA iscovered. in area.adjoining school. The initiated response actions take into consideration location and size of fire, its proximity to school and likelihood that fire may affect school. Procedure L School Administrator initiates appropriate Immediate Response Actions, which may include Shelter-In-Place, Lock Down, Evacuate Building or Off-Site Evacuation, School Administrator calls 911 and/or MUSD Office of Pupil Personnel/Police Department at (661) 792-2121. School Campus Supervisor can also contact the Sheriff Department via two-way radio to advise of situation (800) 861-3110. School Administration instructs Site Security Team to prevent students from approaching fire and keep routes open for emergency vehicles. Agency Liaison works with fire department to determine if school grounds are threatened by fire, smoke, or other hazardous conditions. If School Administrator issues Evacuate Building, staff and students evacuate affected building(s) using prescribed routes or other safe routes to assembly/shelter site, Teachers bring student roster and take attendance at assembly/shelter site to account for students. Teachers notify Student Care Team of missing students. If needed, Director of Transportation is notified for request of buses for student and staff evacuation. School Administrator initiates Off- Site Evacuation if warranted. 7 INCAPACITATED STAFF MEMBER Procedure addresses situations involving school staff members who become ill, injured, unconscious, or unable to respond to students or other staff. Procedure 1. staff or student directs another student to contact office and request assistance either by classroom phone or immediate response. Another student notifies a teacher or staff member in adjoining classroom. 3. Students remain calm and in seats. 4. Staff notifies appropriate medical services if warranted. x 19 Procedure addresses. situations MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH wolving. Motor Vehicle Crash on. or. immediately adjacent to school property. Procedure 1 School Administrator initiates appropriate Immediate Response Actions, which may include Shelter-In-Place, Lock Down, Evacuate Building or Off-Site Evacuation. School Administrator calls 911 and/or MUSD Office of Pupil Personnel/Sheriff Sub Station at (661) 792-2121. School Campus Supervisor can also contact Sheriff Department to advise of situation (800) 861-3110. Site Administration or Security Team secures crash area to prevent unauthorized entry. School Administrator directs Site Security Team to organize fire suppression activities, if it's safe to do so, until fire department arrives. Site Security Team checks for injuries to provide appropriate first aid. Any affected areas are not reopened until appropriate ageney provides clearance and School Administrator issues authorization to do so. 81 SUSPECTED CONTAMINATION OF FOOD OR WATER Procedure followed if site personnel report. suspected contamination of food or water. Procedure applies where there is evidence of tampering with food packaging, observation of suspicious individuals in proximity to food or water supplies, or if notified of possible food/water contamination by District staff or local agencies. Indicators of contamination may include unusual odor, color, taste, or multiple employees with unexplained nausea, vomiting, or other illnesses. Procedure L School Administrator and, Cafeteria Supervisor or Plant Supervisor isolates suspected contaminated food/water to prevent consumption and restricts access. a School Administrator calls 911 and/or MUSD Office of Pupil Personnel/Sheriff Sub Station at (661) 792-2121, School Campus Supervisor can also contact Sheriff Department to advise of situation (800) 861-3110. Other McFarland Unified School District, Kern County and State of California notification protocols are followed at this time. School Administrator provides list of all potentially affected students and staff. Medical Team and Responding Emergency Personnel assess need for medical attention and provide first aid as appropriate School Administrator maintains a log of affected students and staff and symptoms; food/water suspected to be contaminated, quantity and character of products consumed and other pertinent information. a School Administrator confers with all appropriate agencies before resumption of normal operations. 8. School Administrator notifies parents of incident, as appropriate. a 9A @ Important McFarland Unified School District Numbers to contact as needed: Superintendent (661) 667-1230 or 60163 Business Services (661) 792-3081 Office of Pupil Personnel (661) 667-1193 Sheriff Department (661) 792-2121 or (800) 861-3110 ~~ Support Services (661) 792-3255 cera : Transportation/Maintenance (661) 792-2333 or 60182 Nurse (661) 667-1251 or 60196 School Psychologist (661) 667-1171 or 11544 83 [DSTORM Warning of an impending windstorm is usually received via radio, television, or civil defense officials. The Untied States Weather Service can usually forecast severe windstorms. If time and conditions permit, students and staff are sent home (with MUSD Superintendent's approval). If high winds develop during school hours without sufficient warning, the following emergency procedure is followed. Procedure 1. School Administrator initiates appropriate Immediate Response Actions, which may include Shelter-In-Place. Close all windows and blinds. Switch passing bells to manual operation. Evacuate classrooms that bear full force of the wind. When sheltering, personnel remain near an inside wall of a ground floor if the building has more than one level. Avoid sheltering near exterior windows. Avoid auditoriums, gymnasiums and other enclosures that have long roof spans. School Administrator and/or designee’s monitor radio or television announcements and initiates further actions as appropriate. School remains in Shelter-In-Place condition until U.S. Weather Service or appropriate agency or McFarland Unified School District Administration provides clearance and School Administrator issues further instructions. oy FER SI 85 EMERGENCY RESOURCE LIST GENERAL EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Bakersfield Police Department (661) 327-3811 Kern County Sheriff's Department. (661) 861-3110, (800) 861-3110 California Highway Patrol. . (661) 864-4444 Arvin Police Department. (661) 854-3128 Kern Valley Substation (KCSO) (760) 549-2100 (661) 868-6362 Shafter Police Department... (661) 746-6341 (661) 868-4100 (661) 868-4313 Kern County Probation Department. Bakersfield Fire Departmen (661) 326-3911 Kern County Fire Department. 661) 324-6551 Hall Ambulance.. (661) 327-4111 (800) 924-4882 Kern County Health Department. (661) 868-0554 Poison Control Center... (800) 222-1222 Red Cross- Kern Chapter... (661) 324-6427 (661) 324-9874 Golden Empire Transit. 86 LOCAL EMERGENCY AND AGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Bakersfield Police Department. - (661) 327-3811 Delano (661) 721-3377 Shafter (661) 746-6341 Kern County Sheriff's Department. (661) 861-3110 (800) 861-3110 McFarland Substation (661) 792-2121 Delano Substation (661) 720-5841 (661) 864-4444 California Highway Patrol... Kern Valley Substation (KCSO) (760) 549-2100 (661) 868-6362 Kern County Probation Department... (661) 868-4100 Non-Business Hours (661) 868-4313 Bakersfield Fire Department (661) 326-3911 Kern County Fire Department... (661) 324-6551 ‘Mafanand Substation (66) 792-2131, Hall Ambulance. (661) 327-4111 (800) 924-4882 Delano Ambulance (661) 725-3374 . (661) 868-0554 (800) 876-4766 Kern County Health Department, Poison Control Center... (661) 324-6427 Red Cross- Kern Chapter. Golden Empire Transit.. (661) 324-9874 fan (661) 792-3091 ‘ity Delano Dial-a Ride (661) 721-3333, McFarland Water Department .... - (661) 792-3058 87 MUSD EMERGENCY PERSONNEL __ ADMINISTRATION Ext_[_ RADIO CELL Yanney, David - Principal | 203 | 9293 667-1108 Schultz, Lori - Vice Principal 205 | 60181 667-1202 Cantu, Manuel - Athletic Director 204 | 60194 667-1262 _| Bowman, Christi 263 | 22407 ‘Mufioz, Monica Z [200 | 60195 Ortega, Josie - Office Manager 202 | 60119 Garza, Steve - Campus Supervisor 224 | 60164 667-1231 _COUNSELING _ Ext | RADIO CELL Bray-Cardoso, Regina - Counselor 220 | : Bujanda-Medina, Mayela - Counselor 221 | 22758 667-1109 Diaz, Daniel - Counselor _ 265 Garcia, Anna - UC Counselor = 222 Raya, Josephina - Registrar 208 a _| Alatorre-Jaime, Georgina - Career Technician | 211 7 Maria Pacheco - Receptionist 269 | 24209 ACTIVITIES EXT | RADIO CELL Escalante, Rita 223 | 62375 DISTRICT __ RADIO CELL ‘McCurtis, Gabriel - Superintendent a 4247 667-1067 ‘McManaman, Kim - Assist. Superintendent 13471 667-1199 Clark, Candi - Chief Business Official 1 667-3031 ‘Matheny, Robert - Director of MOT _ 60182 667-1203 Lancaster, Courtney - Psychologist 60181 667-1171 Villaruz, Suzanne - Nurse 60196 667-1251 Lopez, David - Technology Director 5817 667-1159 Williams-Smith, Mary - Director Special Ed | ___60194 667-1262 Rodriguez, Claudia - Psychologist 43225 | 667-1358 Espinoza, Sandra - Director or Categorical Funding 88 HOOL wiSTRICT Arvin Union Bakersfield City Beardsley Belridge Blake Buttonwitlow Union Caliente Union Delano Union /Pelano Jt. Union High DiGiorgio Edison El Tejon Unified Ek Hilts Fairfax Fruitvale General Shafter Greenfield Union Kern Community College Kern High a Q KERN SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATIVE EMERGENCY CONTACTS CONTACT HOME HOME PERSON PHONE, \LTERNA PHONE Jerelle Kavanagh (881) 399-3397 David Zamarron......... (664) 854-8921 Cell phone. : (681) 903-1022 Cell phone (661) 903-1024 CGB ELD. M00 a (ON) $99-8287 James Tay nnn 981) 201-7074 Cell phone. (661) 319-8216 Teri Schallock....... (661) 589-531 a Ruben Soliz (661) 871-8507 Russ Wo0ds.....n.nnnne (661) 392-8420 Dean Bentley... (661) 587-9813, Cell phone... (681) 333-4737 Cell phone (661) 204.6118 ‘Tammy Reynolds. (881) 588-4808 Murray Sinden (661) 765-7560 Cell phone... (661) 549-0562 Cell phone..." (661) 619-44aa Sherry Eggleston .......... (661) §36-8640 Erin Rogers. (651) 303-4556 Celi phone. smn (881) 204-3147 Gell Phone. (681) 805-6480 Emergency ceil. (661) 879-613 im Murphy. neve (661) 871-8282 Tommy Aguilera......... (651) 746-3910 Cell phone. rn (661) 395-1332 Cell phone. (661) 335-1335 Marvin Baker... (661) 822-4205 Cindy Douglass.......... (661) 867-2317 sak cob 28898 OM Ronald Garcia... -- (861) 663-8615 Marcos Rodriguez... (661) 721-1756 Cell phone... (651) 586-8135 Cell phone (661) 720-3306 (961) 725-1492 Efrain Rodriguez...... (een 726-7397 - (661) 979-8349, Cell phone (661) 979.5440 Paul Boatman. (6B se90099 doen Boatman... (961) 205-4998 (661) 243-5793 Cell phone... (661) 205-8292 (661) 363-0248 Sandy Austin (661) 873-2976 (661) 979-6512 Cell phone... (661) 979.6613, (661) 245-1017 Stan Pyle (661) 245-3408 (661) 703-9391 Cell phone (664) 303-5218 Leslie Roberts. (661) 765-7431 Richard Acedo. (861) 765-7431 eae {80 Be.0087 SST Benge (661) 912-8238 Desiree Von Five (661) 835-8880 Ed Sims... (661) 979-2642 Cal Phone “eet ave-ea? sve (881) 758-4027 Dat POIs (661) 665-2897 cote Zoragss — Balphone e51) sot 0904 Deborah Rodrigues........ (661) 397-8506 Tony Rodenburg...... (661) 831-8247 Gary Rice. (681) 829-1868 Ken Chichester. : (651) 343-0061 Cell Phone...... Tom Burke... (661) 665-0820 David Palinsky (661) 397-8917 Kellie Van Westen..." (661) 747-2633 Robert Day (681) 366-3486 Don Carter (Cell) nn... (651) 332-9247 arty Patrick (cell... (661) 332-5032 Alan Paradise (ceil)... (661) 201-1330 John Teves (cell)... (681) 332-5898, HOOL, STRICT Kernville Union Lakeside Union Lamont Linns Valley-Poso Flat Union Lost Hills Union Maple ‘Maricopa Unified McFarland Unified McKittrick way Mojave Unified ‘Muroc Joint Unified Norris North Kern Vocational Training Ctr. Panama-Buena Vista Union Pond Union Richland Rio Bravo-Greeley Union \ ) KERN SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATIVE EMERGENCY CONTACTS CONTACT HOME HOME PERSON PHONE ALTERNATE PHONE Mary Barlow... (760) 376-3588 Tina Foster. 760) 379-4344 Cell phone, (760) 384-8935 Cell phone. (760) 549.3624 Nick Koukis (851) 685-0853 Kathy Watson (651) 589-0426 Cell phone... (661) 343-3421 Donny Breedlove... (651) 366-2268, Ghery| McConaughey ... (681) 837-4020 Dave Beckman... (O61) 832-4510 Cell phone a (681) 201-6509 John Von Flue (681) 201-5644 ‘Tammy Pritchard (661) 393-6004 Mary Beard. (661) 536-8375 Cell phone. (681) 340-0143 Ray Stephenson... (661) 536-8978, Jemy Scott -. (661) 664-7503 Harrison Favereaux.... (661) 746-8558 Rebecca Devan! +» (081) 835-8014 James S18... (661) 399-7981 Cell phone... (661) 487-2030 Cell phone . “ (661) 747-6357 Terry Wolfe... (661) 831-5357 Darwin Elis... (681) 769-8566 Celt phone. (661) 623-1998 Cell phone. (661) 805-5043 Gabriel MoCurts (661) 667-1067 Robert Matheny........ (658) 331-1440 Smith Eiada....... (661) 667-1145 Cell phone (661) 667-1203, Bany Koerner (861) 623-3056 Paul Rubadeau........ (661) 762-7262 | z Jon Rubadeau...”. (661) 301-5407 Greg Coker.... (661) 766-4551 Al Quezada... (661) 587-3566 Cel phone. (681) 337-8889 Cell phone (661) 345-8167 Lary Pheips.. (760) 373-3468 Susan Wiggins.......... (661) 832-1996 Rob Challinor... (760) 962-3633 Jeremeh JOB .ne.nn-- (760) 762-5364 Cell phone. (760) 250-3107 Celi phone (760) 260-3208 Priscilla Quinn... (760) 373-3887 Cell phone (760) 280-1760 Wallace McCormick... (661) 587-7218 Rick Pierucci.........(661) 688-0804 Glenda Santilan (661) 725-4187 Lucia Lopez... (661) 758-3045 Cell Phone... (664) 331-4743 - (661) 664-6779 +» (651) 635-0315 (3 eras taed (968) 78 9883 (681) 665-2291 (661) 858-3650 Robert Parsons. 61) 588-0091 (on 758.0523 Cell phone. (661) 910-5122 (661) 667-3215, Kenneth R. Bergevin........ (661) 665-2541 (951) 664-0511 Cell phone....... (661) 978-4320 (661) 978-4886, Emie Untuh...... (661) 746-3593 Debbie Riedmille....... (661) 363-5236 Cell phone... (661) 331-0330 HOOL pistRICT Rosedale Union ‘Semitropic Sierra Sands Unified ‘South Fork Union Southern Kern Unified Standard Taft Union High Tat City Tehachapi Unified Vineland Jsco Union High Wasco Union Elementary West Kern Community College KERN SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATIVE West Side Reg. Occup. Program Dale Countryman. EMERGENCY CONTACTS CONTACT HOME PERSON PHONE TERNATI Jamie Henderson (661) 589.6459 John Mendiburu.. Bryan Caples 859-733-7718 Pete Samples. Joanna Rummer. (780) 3717735 Emie Bel .... Cell phone... (760) 371-2049 Gell phone Robin Shive (G81) 967-4560 Tim Gordon... ee (661) 549-2261 Cell phone Rod Van Norman. (661) 256-4175 Rawley Davis.... : slim Johnson’ Kevin Silberberg -~(G8N 587-7281 Karon Cox. Cell Phone (661) 978-0858 Cell phone Curt Dubost.... (681) 763-1168 Mark Richardson Chuek Hagsirom (661) 242-4159 Gary Morris. Mike Brusa. (681) 763-1521 Don Maxwell. Cell phone... (209) 352-1058 Gell phone Richard Swanson... (661) 822-2716 Kirk Gilbert. ‘Adolph Wirth... (661) 837-8238 Ramon Ochoa. Cell phone (661) 204-5553 Cell phone Elizabeth McCray (861) 758-5778 Joe Eiwood. Cell phone, (661) 201-6428 John Yanez. Gary Bray... (661) 758-8645 Bill Ross... eg Buna (66H SBB-5752 Miko Capeta Celi phone... (661) 319-6157 Cell phone... (051) 645-2171 Pat House. Cell phone. (661) 3426450 Cell phone. HOME PHONE (661) 689-1816 (681) 391-0753 (760) 384-4147 ss. (760) 382-5096 (760) 378-1049 (760) 223-0418 (861) 256-4034 (661) 256-4961 (661) 589-0258 (661) 205-1580 (861) 204-2661 (661) 768-4387 (een 78-7062 (661) 577-6716 (661) 972-2115 (661) 845-4376 (661) 337-9610 (661) 758-2517 (661) 201-6368 (681) 664-8201 (661) 763-5294 (681) 809-6658 (661) 64-0672 (661) 333-3621 Revised 1/10/08 TEACHER AND STAFF ROSTER 92 fiz TEACHER RM # | ExT] [ TEACHER RM # EXT. ‘Aguayo, Leonardo 256 | 247 | | Tarver, Keithie Taner |itieae ‘Aweeka, Thad | 234 | | Ward, Elizabeth 23 243 Ayon, Amador 25a | 244 | | Wenger, John GYM 249 Bamard, Sandra 24a _| 219 | | Whealy, kim ~_3t___| 236 Chavez Tarula, David 16 | 227 s Bowman, Christi_ FO_| 263 RM# | EXT Bowman, Cindy 9 | 233 ue 207 Bowman, Earl - 206 Office 1 | 257 | | Pennywitt, Cheri AIDE Bowman, Elizabeth 14 | 226} | Torrez, Rebecca ‘AIDE Brady, Kevin 28 | 225 | | Garza, Sandy AIDE: Brandon, Jeff 29 | 235 | | Rangel, Eddie GROUNDS Cruz, Lorenzo 39_| 259 | | Heredia, David CUSTODTAN Elliott, Mike - Office Ext. 216] 8 213 | | Holguin, Javier ___| CUSTODIAN I i 22218 | | Price, Jim “CUSTODIAN Gamez, Vanessa 25F | 253 | | Staggs, Tim CUSTODIAN Gonzalez, Evia : 32_| 229 | | Balderrama, Belen care | 6786 “| Gonzalez, Shari 18 | 228 | [Gonzalez, Yolanda | CAFE | 6786 | Guzman, Adamarie _37_| 258 | [Morales, Maria [care 6786 | Henderson, Eve [260 Hungerford, Bill 5 | 231 | [Yanney, David FO 203 | Kay, Sarah 19 | 241 | | Schultz, Lori FO 205 Levenson, Ed ~ 262 crafts 17_|240| | Cantu, Manuel FO 204 Loverin, Orlen {15 | 239 | | Ortega, Josie FO 202 ‘Maldonado, Angie 134_| 264 | | Soto, Irma Fo | 201 ‘Martinez, Ricardo 138_[ 238 | | Alatorre-Jaime, Georgina | COUNSEL | 211 Matthews, Corel 25c_| 246 | | Munoz, Monica FO 200. Meier, Beverly ue | 207 | | Pacheco, Maria COUNSEL | 269 Murillo, Julie 25D_| 254 | | Raya, Josephina LB 208 Murrieta, Raul 12 | 215 | | Bujarda-Medine, Mayela | COUNSEL | 221 Nevarro, Alan 258 | 245 | | Bray-Cardoso, Regina | COUNSEL | 220 Nugent, Terry 33__| 237 | | Garcia, Anna [-counset | 222 Pierson, Gary 21_| 242 | | Diaz, Daniel COUNSEL | 265 _| Roberts, Donna Gym | 250 | | Escalante, Rita 20 223 | Rowland, Kathy 43 | 261 Garza, Steve 20 224 | Spriesterbach, Leo a1_| 242 i) TEACHER ROSTERS PERIODS 1-7 93 STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | Mary Williams-Smith, Director of Special Education/Support Services i Courtney Lancaster, School Psychologist (secondary) Claudia Chavez, Schoo! Psychologist (elementary) Jaqueline Hernandez, Administrative Assistant Suzanne Villaruz, District School Nurse In this section include: Here you will list those students who require special attention due to psychological and medical needs circumstances. « STUDENTS WITH MEDICAL AND MEDICATION NEEDS List students that have specific medical needs and those students identified with specific medication needs. « SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS WITH MEDICAL AND MEDICATION NEEDS ™\ List identified Special Education students with specific medical f needs and identified with specific medication needs. 94 ATTACHMENTS EVACUATION MAP. EVACUATION LINE UP MAP.......0. POSITION/ACTIVITY LOG... COMMUNICATIONS LOG STUDENT RELEASE SHEET STAFFING LOG. SAFETY LOG.....cssesee FIRST AID LOG ATTENDANCE REPORT 95 ceusiayeo) woow asoding m9 Ea 307 Suped wepris a}az}a | oa] afar fw ‘ s_| © [ep ney ape | conensumpy om ® i ae | Rdound oma wes i = Zuopoes I aes shog. ug (evaeeo) wong eeoding nn ® || who + “wg 307 Bue givapmg wns onguic wes —| guonoes eee ae 496u0Mm UBS eS SS TT} UORIeg, — sbOeS WHY 8S einog Co guones Jo}2040 2nonAY 38s Eo yuopsss s z = kid co = |] ow o wm eniges id ia i: ayo 1 mesg eh we le 7 elt oo To [as ve a “ TW a sano A” Toned eeu me neg 2 | 8 [eps wy cal fe |e | «| a | fa] arama] ten [an e209 34015 48S Hoy AIMORY awa |} uonoes redpund wes a LuoRees Jog 66 ‘eeu 10 9004, ‘spay QawanganvawweeGD© ve ase oor ow wesw x ve® ao aus TS Ho sunog sual wooy esodinceniny, 280 onreg Activity Log Time Activity 100 Communications Log Date Time Originator Recipient 101 Student Release Sheet Time PARENT/GUARDIAN ee SIGNATURE Staffing Log Time in STAFF NAME ASSIGNMENT Time Out 103 vor SALON Woy, WOW Pealeday sadessayy ow, Boy] Kayes ©) sol PoxoysturEEpY PLY 38.1 wro[qo4d WHICH amen qapnys 80] PIV SALT ATTENDANCE REPORT Instructors’ Name: Rm, Date, Number of Students Enrolled in this Class: ‘Number of Students Absent: ‘Number of Additional Students not assigned to this Class: ‘Total of Students Accounted for: Submit this Completed Form Immediately to the Attendance Leader!! * Additional students: **Missing students: ATTENDANCE REPORT Instructors’ Name: Rm Date. ‘Number of Students Enrolled in this Class: Number of Students Absent: Number of Additional Students not assigned to this Class: Total of Students Accounted for: Submit this Completed Form Immediately to the Attendance Leadey Additional students: "Missing students: 106 ATTENDANCE REPORT Instructors’ Nam: “Rm, Date ‘Number of Students Enrolled in this Class: | ‘Number of Students Absent: ‘Number of Additional Students not assigned to this Class: ‘Total of Students Accounted for: ‘Submit this Completed Form Immediately to the Attendance Leader! * Additional students: *Missing students: Instructors’ Name: Rm. Date. Number of Students Enrolled in this Class: ‘Number of Students Absent: ‘Number of Additional Students not assigned to this Class: Total of Students Accounted for: ‘Submit this Completed Form Immediately to the Attendance Leader!! *Additional students: * **Missing students: 106 ATTENDANCE REPORT Instructors’ Name: Rm. Date_ ‘Number of Students Enrolled in this Class: ‘Number of Students Absent: ‘Number of Additional Students not assigned to this Class: ‘Total of Students Accounted for: ‘Submit this Completed Form Immediately to the Attendance Leades * Additional students: **Missing students: ATTENDANCE REPORT Instructors’ Name: Rm____ Date ‘Number of Students Enrolled in this Class: ‘Number of Students Absent: Number of Additional Students not assigned to this Class: ‘Total of Students Accounted for: Submit this Completed Form Immediately to the Attendance Leader! “Additional students: **Missing students: 106

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