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Whales usually travel down the Pacific coast from Alaska to Mexico in the fall.

They make this long trip because they breed and have their young in the warm
water near Mexico. In the fall of 1985, one young whale became confused, took a
wrong turn, and swam into the Sanfracisco Bay by mistake. Unable to find the
narrow opening back to the sea, the whales began to swim up one of the rivers
that flows into the bay.
            Many people became alarmed because the fresh water in the river can
cause severe skin problems for whales. People were afraid that the whales might
die if he did not return to the salt water of the ocean; therefore they oganized 
themselves along the river bank in  boats. By using  recorded whale noise to
attract the lost whale, these people gradually coaxed him back down the river
toward the ocean. As a result, the whale swam under the Golden Gate Brigde
and was free. Everyone was relieved because the whale was now safe.
1. What is this passage mainly discuss?
A. The way a whale lives.                                                   B. The way people hunt
a whale.
C. The way people save a lost whale.                                D. A long trip a whale
2. Why do whales travel from Alaska to Mexico in the fall?
A. They like to make a long trip.                                  
B. They breed and have their young in the warm water.
C. They want to swim up one of the rivers that flows into the bay.       
D. They often become confused in the fall.
3. Why did the whale swim into the San Francisco Bay?
A. He wanted to see the beautiful scenery of San Francisco Bay.               
B. He wanted to swim in fresh water.
C. He became confused and took a wrong turn.                                     
D. He became tired.
4. What were the people afraid?                
A. The whale might die if he didn’t return to the salt water of  the ocean.
B. The whale were too tired to swim any further.
C. The whale was too big to swim in the river.                                      
D. The whale returned to the sea.
5. The word “coaxed” in the passage is closest in meaning to?
A. persuaded B. relieved C. Protected D.

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