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Provincial Rd., Saranay District,

Guimba, Nueva Ecija 3115
Tel. No. (044) 335 0741


John Argie P. Guansing


Ms. Myrna Vidon Lenon


EDUC 101 – The Teaching Profession

May 29, 2023

A. Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution mirrors the responsibility of the

Philippine government to give quality instruction, advance logical and innovative headway,

support expressions and culture, and empower sports improvement for the comprehensive turn of

events and progress of its residents.

 Quality guidance is a foundation for individual strengthening and cultural

advancement. By focusing on instruction, the public authority guarantees that Filipinos approach

information and abilities that empower them to contribute genuinely to society. Additionally, the

nation’s growth and global competitiveness depend on the development of scientific and

technological innovation. By supporting innovative work, the public authority prepares for

pivotal disclosures and mechanical headways that can address cultural difficulties and work on

the personal satisfaction.

Moreover, the acknowledgment of expressions and culture as significant features of

public advancement grandstands the public authority’s obligation to saving and advancing the

country’s rich legacy. Filipinos develop a sense of identity, unity, and pride when they are

encouraged to express themselves artistically and appreciate other cultures. It likewise fills in as

a stage for imagination, variety, and social trade, enhancing the social texture of the country.
Article XIV also emphasizes sports development as an important aspect, along with

cultural and educational endeavors. Empowering sports investment not just advances actual

prosperity and a solid way of life yet in addition imparts values like discipline, cooperation, and

diligence. Sports are a force that unites people by transcending social divides, fostering a sense

of community, and inspiring national pride.

In general, Article XIV demonstrates the government’s dedication to the comprehensive

growth and advancement of its citizens. The Constitution recognizes the significance of a diverse

and empowered citizenry by addressing education, scientific advancement, artistic and cultural

development, and sports development. The Philippine government can lay the groundwork for a

prosperous, inclusive society in which everyone has the chance to achieve their full potential by

meeting these obligations.

B. RA 232 “The Education Act of 1982”

The Education Act of 1982, also known as Republic Act 232, is a law passed in the

Philippines with the intention of improving the educational system there. It was enacted on June

24, 1982, while Ferdinand Marcos was in charge. The law stresses the significance of schooling

in country building and diagrams different arrangements to guarantee the openness, quality, and

pertinence of training for all Filipinos.

 The accentuation on availability inside the Demonstration is excellent, as it

perceives the significance of equivalent open doors for all people, no matter what their financial

foundation. By pushing with the expectation of complimentary government funded schooling at

all levels, the Demonstration plans to connect the instructive differences that thwart the

advancement of numerous Filipinos.

In addition, the Act’s commitment to cultivating a population of skilled and

knowledgeable individuals is exemplified by its focus on high-quality education. The Act aims to

improve the overall quality of education and educational facilities by establishing standards and

guidelines for educational establishments and promoting opportunities for professional

development for educators.

The Act’s emphasis on adaptability and relevance is equally significant. By empowering

the joining of professional and specialized instruction into the educational plan, the

Demonstration perceives the significance of furnishing understudies with commonsense abilities

that line up with the advancing requirements of society. This guarantees that graduates will be

prepared to meaningfully contribute to the Philippines’ development.

Although the Education Act of 1982 is a positive step toward improving the educational

system in the Philippines, it is essential to acknowledge that additional changes may be required.

The Demonstration’s expectations and arrangements establish a strong groundwork, however

execution, observing, and occasional updates are critical to guarantee its viability and importance

over the long haul.

In conclusion, one of the most important pieces of legislation that emphasizes the

significance of education for the advancement of the nation is the Education Act of 1982. The

Act makes it possible for an educational system that is both effective and inclusive by focusing

on accessibility, quality, and relevance. However, in order for it to have an impact and ultimately
empower Filipinos through education, consistent efforts must be made to ensure that it is

properly implemented and adaptable to changing requirements.

C. RA 7836 Philippine Teachers Professionalism act of 1994

Republic Act 7836, otherwise called the Philippine Instructors Professionalization

Demonstration of 1994, is a Philippine regulation that means to professionalize the showing

calling and guarantee the skill and moral lead of educators. It was enacted on December 16,

1994, while Fidel V. Ramos was in charge. The country’s regulatory framework for teacher

licensing and professional development is established by law.

In addition, the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994, Republic Act 7836,

has significantly improved teaching standards in the Philippines. It improves the country’s

education quality by ensuring that teachers have the necessary credentials, uphold ethical

standards, and participate in ongoing professional development.

 Education is a potent instrument that has the power to change lives and societies. It is an

essential right that ought to be available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances or

background. The article emphasizes the advantages of education, such as the ability to improve

individuals’ economic prospects and equip them with the knowledge and abilities necessary for
success in life. Furthermore, instruction can break the pattern of neediness, advance social

versatility, and cultivate decisive reasoning, imagination, and critical abilities to think.

Notwithstanding, various deterrents actually upset admittance to instruction for some

individuals, including monetary limitations, restricted assets, and social and social standards that

deter specific gatherings from chasing after schooling. The article emphasizes the necessity of

collective action by governments, educators, and communities to address these obstacles and

guarantee equitable access to high-quality education.

The article imagines an existence where instruction enables people and networks to make

a superior future and drives positive change. By guaranteeing widespread admittance to

instruction, social orders can turn out to be more comprehensive and fair, permitting people to

arrive at their maximum capacity and add to everyone’s benefit.

In conclusion, the movie “Breaking Barriers Through Education” serves as a powerful

reminder of the significance of education and the necessity of overcoming obstacles that prevent

it from being widely accessible. Schooling has the ability to change lives and social orders, and it

is our aggregate liability to guarantee that everybody can practice this major right. We can make

a world where education truly belongs to everyone by working together.

D. RA 9293 an act Amending Certain Section of RA 7836

The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994, also known as Republic Act

7836, was amended in part by Republic Act 9293. It was enacted on March 20, 2004, while
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was in charge. Building on the provisions of the original law, RA

9293 makes changes to the regulatory framework for the licensing and professional development

of teachers in the Philippines.

In addition, the Philippines’ professionalization of the teaching profession is further

bolstered by Republic Act 9293, which amends portions of Republic Act 7836. It explains the

capabilities for instructors, upgrades the licensure assessment process, advances nonstop expert

turn of events, and perceives the significance of specialization and postgraduate educations.

These alterations expect to work on the nature of training by guaranteeing that educators are

capable, dedicated, and good to go to meet the developing requirements of students.

 The enhancement of the licensure assessment procedure Is one notable

improvement. This revision ensures that only qualified and dedicated individuals enter the

profession by raising the standards and capabilities expected of teachers. Because well-prepared

teachers are better able to adapt to their students’ changing needs, this can directly affect the

quality of the education they receive.

Additionally commendable is the emphasis placed on ongoing professional development.

Instruction is a powerful field, and educators should remain refreshed with the most recent

showing techniques, exploration, and best practices. By empowering and supporting educators in

their continuous expert development, the revised regulation perceives the significance of deep

rooted learning for teachers.

In general, Republic Act 9293’s amendments to the Philippine Teachers

Professionalization Act appear to aim to raise teaching standards and ensure that educators are

competent and well-prepared. The quality of education in the Philippines has the potential to rise

as a result of these changes.

E. RA 10533 Enhanced Basics Education act of 2013

Republic Act 10533, otherwise called the Improved Essential Instruction Demonstration

of 2013, is a Philippine regulation that intends to upgrade the country’s fundamental school

system. The Philippines’ educational system’s structure and content are significantly altered by

the law, which is also known as the K-12 program. The most important provisions of RA 10533

 First, instead of the previous 10-year system, the law added two years to the basic

education curriculum, making it a 12-year program (K-12). Students will receive a more

comprehensive and globally competitive education as a result of this extension, which aims to

bring the Philippine education system into line with international standards.

Second, by making kindergarten compulsory, RA 10533 emphasized the significance of

early childhood education. This perceives the vital job of youth improvement in setting areas of

strength for a for learning and comprehensive development.

In addition, the law introduced the Senior High School (SHS) program to address the gap

between graduates’ skills and the needs of the job market. Students in the SHS program have
access to specialized tracks that let them select courses in specific fields like science and

technology, the arts and design, or vocational studies. This aims to give students the skills and

abilities that are needed by different industries.

In addition, the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) was established

by RA 10533 to enhance educational system monitoring and data collection. Policy development

and evidence-based decision-making are made easier thanks to this system, which gives

educators and policymakers better access to timely information.

Generally, Republic Act 10533, or the K-12 program, achieved significant changes to the

Philippine school system. By aligning the curriculum with international standards, placing an

emphasis on early childhood education, offering specialized tracks in senior high school, and

enhancing data collection and monitoring through the Enhanced Basic Education Information

System, it aimed to improve the quality and competitiveness of Filipino students. It is a step

toward improving the education system and preparing students for the demands of the future,

despite the difficulties associated with its implementation.

F. RA 4670 The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

The Philippines’ Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, Republic Act 4670, aims to

safeguard public school teachers’ rights, welfare, and professional development. It tends to key

regions like pay rates, residency, leaves, benefits, proficient turn of events, and complaint

components. By giving a complete structure, the law adds to the improvement of the showing

calling and the nature of training in the country.

 This law provides a comprehensive framework for improving education quality

and the profession of teaching in the nation. It recognizes the significance of valuing and

supporting teachers in their vital role as educators by guaranteeing fair compensation, job

security, and growth opportunities.

Particularly noteworthy are the provisions pertaining to professional development, which

emphasize teachers’ need for ongoing improvement and learning. The law recognizes that

teachers play a crucial role in shaping students’ minds and futures by prioritizing their

professional development.

The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers is an important piece of legislation that

protects teachers’ rights and promotes their professional development. It does this because doing

so improves the overall quality of education in the Philippines and the profession of teaching.

G. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines

The ethical standards and guidelines that govern the professional conduct and behavior of

teachers are outlined in the Philippines’ Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Teachers can

use it as a reference to make sure they are honest, professional, and dedicated to their work. In

collaboration with the Board for Professional Teachers (BPT), the Professional Regulation

Commission (PRC) issued the Code.

Teachers in the Philippines are instructed by the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

to practice with the highest levels of professionalism, ethics, and conduct. It contributes to the

overall improvement of education in the nation, upholds the integrity of the teaching profession,

and promotes the welfare of students.

 The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Board for Professional

Teachers (BPT) jointly issued the Code, highlighting the significance of preserving the integrity

of the teaching profession. It encourages teachers to be ethical, professional, and hold themselves

to high standards, which ultimately helps the nation’s education system get better overall.

Additionally, the Code emphasizes the significance of creating a secure and conducive

learning environment for the benefit of students. Teachers demonstrate their dedication to the

well-being and holistic development of their students by adhering to the Code’s ethical


In conclusion, the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers has a significant impact on

how teachers in the Philippines act and behave. It maintains amazing skill, keeps up with moral

norms, and focuses on the government assistance of understudies, all of which add to the

headway of schooling in the country.

H. Continuing Professional Development Programs for Teacher

Initiatives designed to support teachers’ ongoing learning, development, and professional

advancement are known as continuing professional development (CPD) programs. These

projects expect to improve educators’ information, abilities, and informative works on, keeping

them refreshed with the most recent examination, strategies, and mechanical progressions in

schooling. CPD programs assume a vital part in guaranteeing the nonstop improvement of

showing quality and the general advancement of the schooling area.

 Teachers can continuously improve their teaching quality and effectiveness by

participating in CPD programs. They have access to novel tools, pedagogical methods, and

strategies that can improve student learning outcomes. Furthermore, CPD programs give

valuable open doors to educators to team up, share best practices, and gain from each other,

encouraging a culture of expert development and aggregate improvement.

Beyond individual teachers, CPD programs are important. By upgrading showing quality

and propelling the general advancement of the training area, CPD programs add to the nonstop

improvement of the school system overall. They ensure that teachers remain equipped with the

knowledge and skills necessary to meet the changing needs of students in a world that is rapidly

changing and support educational institutions in providing education of a high quality.

All in all, CPD programs assume an imperative part in encouraging the consistent

improvement of showing quality and advancing the general headway of the schooling area.

These initiatives contribute to the improvement of education and the positive development of the
teaching profession by providing teachers with the most recent knowledge, skills, and

instructional methods.

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