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Presentation on implementation of ayurveda in

cancer therapy and oxidative stress.

by khushboo
Oxidative stress , caused by the overproduction of free radicals ,lead to the development
of many chronic diseases including cancer . Free radical are known to damage cellular
biomolecules like lipids, protein, and DNA . antioxidants which are classified into
exogeneous and endogeneous are responsible for removal of the free radicals and
reduction in oxidative stress mediated disease .diet and medicinal herbs the major source
of antioxidants . Triphala , which is a traditional ayurvedic formulation has been shown to
have a immense potential to boost antioxidant activity. It scavenges free radicals ,
restores antioxidant enzyme and non enzyme level levels, and decreases lipid
peroxidation. Triphala is revered as a chemopreventive , chemotherapeutic,
immunomodulatory , and radioprotective agent.


Thriphala as the name indicates in the Sanskrit language tri means three and phala

Means fruits ,is a herbal formulation consisting of dried powdered fruits of three plant,

Terminalia chebula ( Haritaki) , terminalia belerica ( bibhitaki) and Phyllanthus emblica

Or emblica officinalis (amalaka or the Indian gooseberry ) although it may contain many

Biologically active constituent like chebulin ellagic acid , gallic acid tannic acid etc.

Triphala vis considered as a tridoshic rasayan that has the ability to balance rejuvenate

Tridosha, as well as ptromote health , immunity and longevity.

Triphala is effective in suppressing gynecological cancer cell growth

Treatment with triphala inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis

In SKOV-3 , HeLa, HEC -1B cells. The antiproliferative and proapoptotic

activities were confirmed by cell cycle analysis and expression bof Ki -
67 protein. It was found that triphala decreased the expression of
phospho=Akt, phospho-p44/42 and phosphor=NF= KB P56 in these
gynecological cancer cell, which indicated the MAPK/ERK, P13K AND
NF P53 signalling pathways were the possible mechanism of triphala
induced apoptosis . besides its anti proliferative and apoptosis effect.
Triphala suppressed cell migration of cancer cells in vitro thus
indicating its anti _metastatic potential. Triphala also exhibit
prooxidants activity by inducing ROS production in cancer cell . triphala
escalates the death of cancer cell and act as an anticancer agent . . It
has shown that it has preventive and therapeutic efficacy against
malignancies such as breast , colon , pancreas, prostate,
ovarian ,cerevical , endometrial and lymphatic cancer

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