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Circular Economy Research Report

Circular Economy Report

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Table of contents

I Circular Economy Theory Outline ÿ Plastic Recycling

Theoretical Distribution of Waste 25

Plastics Composition and Carbon 25

Background Concepts Laws and Regulations 135 Footprint of Plastics Main 26

Hazards of Plastics Main 27

Types of Waste Plastics 28

Treatment Methods 29
ÿ Necessity of Circular Economy
Advantages of 29
in China
Plastics Recycling 30
Development 89
Laws 31
History Laws 10
and Regulations 32
and Regulations Main Stakeholders 12
Market Driving Forces Challenges Future Trends Major Stakeholders 33

ÿ Circular economy practices refer to ÿ Plastic recycling practices refer to

national cases 21 national cases 43

and enterprise cases 22 and enterprise cases 44

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The concept of circular economy is relative to the linear economy, which is the traditional However, achieving a circular economy is more challenging than traditional industries and supply chains

A radical change in the traditional economic model. The circular economy has become It is not only cross-industry, but also faces many policy challenges. male

For the consensus of international development, China has also promoted circular economy since 2006. The public still lacks awareness of the circular economy, and the international community has little awareness of China's

economy, with economic development and lifestyle changes, circular economy There are also gaps in the policy and status of the circular economy, and this report systematically

Waste recycling has become more and more sideways to the consumer side, which is also Introduce the characteristics of circular economy, policies and industries of circular economy in China

Going beyond the traditional industry system and entering the social system requires government development, and representatively the development of the plastics recycling industry, particularly

participation of governments, industries and consumers. Do not help brands, NGOs and the international community to increase awareness of this

Industry understanding. Thanks to Sedex for the preparation of this report, and

As the problem of plastic waste has become more and more prominent in recent years, the circular economy It's an honor to be a part of it. Carbon neutral with 30/60 carbon peak

Entering our field of vision, the closed loop it advocates is to solve pollution, garbage It is believed that this theory will be put into practice more.

A perfect model for the garbage problem, allowing resources to continue to be used in business models

Medium cycle flow, continuously improve the efficiency of resource utilization, not to self

produce pollution and emissions. This is also currently helping to achieve carbon neutrality

A recipe for climate change.

Ms. Jiang Nanqing Ph.D.

in Ecology Secretary-

General of the Green Cycle

Inclusive Committee of China Environmental Protection Federation

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In 1996, American economist Kenneth Balding published "A Science As an advocate of responsible supply chain, Sedex and

Science—Ecological Economics, pioneeringly put forward the concept of ecological economy Our members and stakeholders work together to practice responsible supply

concept and the theory of coordinated development of ecological economy. Simply put, this is a The construction and promotion of the chain in the world, in order to achieve the 17 United Nations

Relatively contradictory "forms", namely: the infinity of economic growth and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The development of circular economy and

Limitations of requirements. And the "circular economy" originated here. It is an important part that cannot be ignored in the green construction of the responsible supply chain.

It is deep and broad enough to encompass supply chains

It is conceivable that the development of circular economy needs to meet the basic economic development regulations. The entire link in this "chain", and the entire life cycle

At the same time, we should manage and control the environment from the source, so as to "Low consumption, low emission, high efficiency" in the process.

Realize the major event of coordinating environment and development. September 22, 2020

Since then, General Secretary Xi Jinping has stated on many important occasions To help the public understand the circular economy more correctly and in detail,

The goal of "strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060" is to the international community Including the very representative plastic recycling industry, it is our

Make commitments to reduce emissions. For Chinese companies, this is a strict The original intention of this report. Thank you very much China Environmental Protection Federation

Another urgent subject. Facing a new "big test", the supply chain Dr. Jiang Nanqing, secretary-general of the Color Cycle Inclusive Committee, commented on this report

Enterprises in the world are carrying out low-carbon transformation one after another. Correspondingly, with the green Contributions made with professional advice.

With the continuous deepening of the color and low-carbon concept, consumer awareness is also constantly improving

In the process, it helps to promote the development of circular economy. up to international There are supplements and omissions in this report, and I hope to communicate with you,

Society, down to ordinary people, will work together to achieve green and circular development and learn from each other. I wish you a happy life!

For a long time to come, we need to walk a path together.

Mr. Lin Yao

Sedex Asia Pacific General Manager

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Summary of Circular Economy Theory

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Demand for natural resources has more than tripled over the past 40 years. As the population grows and more middle-class consumers emerge, the total demand for

resources is expected to rise from 50 billion tons in 2014 to 130 billion tons in 2050, which is more than 400% of the total capacity of the earth . If the consumption pattern of

the linear economy is not changed, human beings will eventually become unsustainable due to lack of resources.

Summary of Circular Economy Theory

Human beings need a more sustainable economic model, which needs to take into account environmental and social development while pursuing economic growth. For now,

the circular economy is the cornerstone behind the social issues we talk about, such as green, energy saving, sustainability, and environmental protection.

Circulation has been how nature works since the Big Bang, as old as humans, but humans were unaware of its existence for the first few thousand years. Today, both the

international community and the Chinese government are vigorously advocating the transition to a circular economy and building a circular economy industry chain. It is

necessary for us to understand the past and present of the most watched economic model.

theoretical background


In 1962, American ecologist Carlson published "Silent Spring", pointing out the

dangers faced by the biological world and human beings.

In 1966, when the American economist Kenneth Poulding proposed "ecological

in 1989
economy" in his article "The Economics of the Coming Spaceship World", he used

the spaceship as a metaphor to analyze the development of the earth's

In 1989, British environmental economists David W. Pearce and R. Kerry
economy, and he first talked about the cycle economy. (He believes that the
Turner further established a circular economy model. In Natural Resource and
spaceship is a helpless, isolated and independent system that exists by constantly
Environmental Economics, they point out that the development of the traditional
consuming its own resources, and will eventually be destroyed due to resource
open economy has no inherent circular tendency, which treats the environment
exhaustion. The only way to prolong the life of the spaceship is to realize the
as a waste pond.
resource cycle in the spaceship. Discharge waste as little as possible. In the same

way, the earth's economic system is like a spaceship. Although the earth's

resource system is much larger and the life of the earth is much longer, only by

realizing a circular economy that recycles resources can the earth be able to Long live.)


In 1990, British environmental economists David Pierce and Tournay published "Natural Resources

and Environmental Economics". The second chapter of the book is "Circular Economy", which

constructs three principles for sustainable management of resources. First, the exploitation of

renewable resources should not be greater than its regeneration capacity; second, the

reduction of depleted resources should not exceed the newly added proven reserves; third, the

waste discharged into the environment should not be greater than the environmental assimilation capacity.

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In 1996, Tim Jackson, in Material Concern: Pollution, Profit, and Quality of Life,

pioneered change in preventive environmental management, which is a core

tenet of the circular economy framework. (The principle is: prevention is better

than cure, "preventing environmental damage in the first place is better than
cleaning it up afterwards")

Japan promulgated the "Basic Law on Promoting the Formation of a Recycling Society"

The term "circular economy" appeared for the first time in the "Circular Economy and Waste
and several special laws, adopting the concept of "recycling society".
Management Act" promulgated by Germany in 1996.

year 2002

In 2002, German chemist Michael Braungart and American architect

year 2013
William McDonough published Cradle to Cradle: An Exploration in Design

for a Circular Economy, which details how to implement their Cradle to

In 2013, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (Ellen MacArthur
Cradle design pattern. (After a product has reached the end of its useful
Foundation publishes Toward the Circular Economy: The Economic
life, it becomes either a "biological nutrient" or a "technical nutrient". A
and Business Case for Accelerating the Transition.
biological nutrient is a substance that can re-enter the environment. A
Economic and Business Rationale for an Accelerated
technical nutrient is a substance that remains within a closed-loop industrial cycle)
Transition) ÿ

Through product case studies and a comprehensive analysis of the entire economic system,

the report details the enormous benefits that a circular economy can bring to the EU.


In 2015, WRAP (The Waste and Resources Action Programme)

and the Green Alliance (Green Alliance) released the report

"Employment and the circular economy: job creation in a more

resource-efficient UK" (Employment and the circular economy: job

creation in a more resource-efficient UK) resource efficient Britain).

It estimates that the circular economy will create 200,000 new

jobs and reduce unemployment by 54,000 by 2030, assuming no

policy changes.

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Summary of Circular Economy Theory

More than 100 definitions of circular economy are used in the scientific literature and professional

journals. The reason there are so many different definitions in use is because the concept has
A circular economy is an economic system that aims to eliminate waste and use resources
been proposed by researchers in different fields. Sociologists, philosophers, economists and other
sustainably. Circular systems utilize reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing and
professionals in different fields naturally have different emphasis on circular economy.
recycling to create a closed loop system that minimizes the use of resource inputs and generation

of waste, pollution and carbon emissions.

What we have intercepted in this report are international mainstream/common viewpoints and

concepts, which are also the most widely recognized by the international community.

The image above follows the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's three principles of a circular economy:

1. Avoid waste and pollution from the beginning of the design 2. Extend the life cycle of products and materials 3. Promote the regeneration of natural systems

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Symmetry with the linear economy ("circular economy". An economic model characterized by the linear flow of resources. It is manifested in the one-way flow of "resources-products-waste" in the traditional

economy. Resources are not fully utilized and become waste. It consumes a lot of resources and causes environmental pollution at the same time. It has the characteristics of high consumption, high pollution and

low utilization rate. In essence, it is to achieve economic quantitative growth at the natural cost of growth, which runs counter to sustainable development.)

In contrast, a circular economy makes optimal use of raw materials and resources. This means that these materials and resources will continue to be used in a manner that produces the highest economic value

with the least amount of environmental damage.

It is usually based on the 3R principles:

Reducing: reducing waste and pollution

Reusing: keeping products and materials in use

Recycling: Regenerating natural systems

In addition to the 3R principles, there are some derived principles:

• Hong Kong Environmental Protection Agency's "Environmental Protection 4R": Reduce to reduce use, Reuse to reuse, Recycle to recycle (remake and reuse),

Replace Recycle (recover energy or change chemical properties).

• The 5R management model was introduced into China in 2003 by Mr. Chen Xianghang, a famous management expert in China. The principles include Reduction (reduction),

Reuse (reuse), Recycling (recycling), Regeneration (regeneration), Rejection (rejection).

The circular economy is bound to be an industrial chain that requires deep integration of various industries. The circular industrial chain breaks the traditional industrial model and recombines

production factors according to the full life cycle of products. The product

life cycle (PLC) is the market life of a product, that is, the whole process of a new product from entering the market to being eliminated by the market.

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laws and regulations

Summary of Circular Economy Theory

European Union

As early as the 1980s and 1990s in the European Union, the public and the government The E-Waste Directive addresses two particularly critical parts of the waste management

began to discuss the topic of circular economy, which can be regarded as a further sector, which takes into account waste flows from global exports. All these regulations

deepening of waste management. The European Union adopted the "polluter pays" were reformed in 2015 in The European Commission Proposes the Circular Economy

principle (extended producer responsibility, who pollutes pays) in the early 1990s, with the Action Plan.

aim of encouraging improved waste management.

In the 2000s, the European Union passed the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive

(End-of-Life Vehicles Directive) and "E-waste

Corresponding documents and release timeline of circular economy action plans in EU countries

The heavy responsibility of formulating laws, regulations and policies related to circular Sometimes, some countries also set up interdisciplinary committees, such as Portugal

economy is usually shared by the environmental department and the economic department established an interdisciplinary committee on climate protection measures and circular

within the governments of EU countries. Other government departments are also involved economy. The figure below shows the participating departments in the development of

if the relevant objectives are met, for example in Denmark there are 8 departments involved; relevant strategic plans in EU countries.

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EU countries' strategy papers for circular economy action plans

After 2010, more and more stakeholders participated in the promotion of circular economy, Even the global implementation of circular economy policy provides a groundbreaking

such as: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, World Economic Forum (WEF), Organization for blueprint. At the end of 2018, the European Commission released the "EU 2050 Strategic

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Wildlife Fund (WWF ), United Long-term Vision", striving to achieve zero net carbon emissions and half the energy

Nations Environment Program (UNEP), etc. consumption level in 2005 by 2050, hoping to become the world's first "zero carbon

emissions" by 2050. Climate neutral large economies.

In 2015, the European Commission adopted the "Circular Economy Action Plan" (THE

LOOP – AN EU ACTION PLAN), which includes a series of legislative and non-legislative In 2020, the European Commission adopted a new version of the "Circular Economy Action

initiatives aimed at promoting the transformation of the world's largest single market to a Plan", which is an important part of the "European Green Deal" framework. Compared with

circular economy. As one of the first major legislative and policy systems to promote a the old version in 2015, the new version of the "Plan" will promote the European circular

circular economy, the economy from partial demonstration to mainstream large-scale application.


40-50% of the paper must use recycled raw materials made of waste paper. Florida

At present, the United States does not have a national circular economy law, but the United imposes a 5-cent prepaid disposal tax on all beverage containers sold to the local market,

States has the "Resource Conservation and Recovery Act" (passed in 1976, revised in and the money goes directly to the state's Circular Development Fund to conduct research

1984) and "Pollution Prevention Act" (enacted in 1990), which to a certain extent reflect on circular economy development.

In line with the requirements of the development of circular economy.

Since 1997, the United States has designated November 15th as "Recycling Day".

At the same time, the US federal government and state governments have also implemented

some policies that are conducive to the development of circular economy. Since the In October 2005, the US government issued an action plan to increase the proportion of

mid-1980s, more than half of the states in the United States have enacted laws and urban solid waste recycling in the country and reach 35% by 2008. Among them, the goals

regulations to promote resource regeneration and recycling. The State of California passed of several major areas identified are: paper and cardboard products, from 44.9% in 2001 to

the "Integrated Waste Management Act" in 1989, requiring 50% of waste to be disposed of 53.8%, an increase of 8.9 percentage points; wood packaging, from 15% to 24%, plastic

through source reduction and recycling before 2000, and cities that fail to meet the packaging, from 6.6% % increased to 19%, and beverage packaging increased from 26%

requirements will be fined 1 million dollars in administrative fines. More than 7 states in the to 39%.

United States require that the new

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Due to the limitations of its own resources and the environment, and since the period of rapid

economic growth in the 1960s, Japan's economic development has always followed a resource- In Japan, not only have individual regulations on resource recycling been formulated by
Summary of Circular Economy Theory
wasting economic model of mass production, mass consumption, and mass waste. category, but also a highly realistic and forward-looking circular economy legal system has

been formed.

As a result of this model, factors that hinder economic development such as the slow rate of

increase in recycling rate frequently appear, prompting the Japanese government to attach This legal system can be divided into three levels: the basic level is a basic law, namely the

great importance to the improvement of resource utilization efficiency, and to accelerate the "Basic Law of a Recycling Society"; the second level is a comprehensive two laws, namely

pace of government-led and market-operated circular economic system construction. "Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law" and " The Law on Promoting the

Effective Utilization of Resources; the third level is five specific laws and regulations formulated

Japan is not only the country with the most comprehensive circular economy legislation, but according to the nature of various products, namely the Law on Promoting the Sorted Recycling

also one of the developed countries that established a circular economy legal system earlier of Containers and Packaging, the Law on the Recycling of Household Appliances, and the

in the world. All relevant legal basic principles are to mobilize the whole society to reduce Recycling of Construction and Materials. Law, Food Waste Recycling Law and Green

the impact on the environment by restraining the consumption of natural resources, and its Procurement Law.

spirit is embodied in "three elements, one goal", namely resource reuse and old goods

reuse , Reduce waste, and finally achieve the social goal of "resource recycling".

Effective use of valuable metals Disposal methods for packaging

How to dispose of bulky waste and garbage Other Large, Bulk Waste Disposal Methods
contained in small home appliances container waste, which accounts for 60% of household waste

Special Measures for

Manufacturing and distribution Emitters (consumers) pay Emitters (corporations)
Certified Business Waste Disposal and
companies bear the cost the cost bear the cost
Public Cleaning Act

Legal regimes for Small Appliances Packaging Home Automobile Building Food

individual items that are Recycling Law (enforced in Recycling Law (enacted in Appliance Recycling Law Recycling Law (enacted in Recycling Act (Enacted Recycling Law (enacted in

difficult to deal with 2013) 2000 and amended in 2006) (enforced in 2001) 2003) 2002) 2001 and amended in 2007)

Cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic, Freezer, Refrigerator, Air wood, concrete asphalt
home appliances motor vehicle food residue
packaging containers, etc. Conditioning TV, Washing Machine, Dryer

Promoting 3R Overall Law on Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources ( Enforced in 2001 as a whole) Designated 69 products in 10 industries

Programmatic Initiatives including personal computers

Make regulations on manufacturers' voluntary recycling and construction of recycling systems, etc.

Basic Law on Promoting the Formation of a Capital Recycling Society (enacted in 2001 and amended in 2012)
basic legal framework
ÿ Reduce production
(Reduce) ÿ Reuse Basic Plan for Promoting the Formation of a Recycling Society Plastic resource recycling strategy is
The basic principle (Reuse) ÿ Recycle
(Recycle) ÿ Heat recovery (Thermal (Revised in June 2018) being developed
Recycle) ÿ Proper disposal

Proper Disposal of Waste Waste Disposal and Public Cleaning Act ( Enacted 1971 Amended 2017)

Waste stipulates the responsibilities of cities, towns and villages in domestic waste disposal, the issuance of waste disposal agency licenses, and the formulation of waste disposal standards...

Era main problem Representative Laws and Years of Enforcement

• Environmentally friendly waste treatment, with the rapid growth, the increase of

1960~1970s industrial waste and the highlight of “pollution” • Waste

treatment as an environmental protection measure

• Waste Disposal Act (1971)

• Promote improvement of waste treatment

1980s facilities • Environmentally friendly waste treatment

Protect the living environment

• Law on Promotion of Effective Utilization of Renewable

• Suppress generation of waste and reuse waste • Build various
Resources (1991) • Basel Law Build

1990s recycling systems • Countermeasures against

harmful substances (including dioxins)

(1993) • Environmental Basic Law a

(1993) • Energy Conservation Cycle Support Han (1993)

• Packaging Container Recycling Law (2000) • Basic

recycling society
• Revision of the Waste Disposal Law (2003) •
Law for Promoting a Recycling Society (2001) • Home
Resource Effective Utilization Promotion Law (2001) •

2000s~ • Promote 3Rs to build a recycling society Appliance Recycling Law (2001) • Food
Motor Vehicle Recycling Law (2005) • Small
Recycling Law (2001) • Building Recycling Law
Appliance Recycling Law (2013)

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Circular Economy in China

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According to the current situation of China's population, resources and environment, how to maintain a virtuous cycle of the economic system has become an urgent problem that our country needs to solve urgently. China must fully implement the Scientific

Outlook on Development, further adjust the economic structure and transform the mode of economic growth. This is the fundamental way to alleviate the pressure on the population, resources and environment, and to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and

sustainable economic and social development. Faced with this situation, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific outlook on development, it is particularly important to vigorously develop the circular economy and accelerate the establishment of a circular

economic system. China should recognize the importance of establishing a circular economic system from the perspective of economic development strategy and the overall situation of modernization.
Circular Economy in China


Among the 45 major minerals that have been proven in China, only 21 can be satisfied in 2010, and only 6 will remain by 2020. In order to change the status quo of my country's excessive dependence on the international market for resources and ensure national

economic security, it is necessary to change the mode of economic growth, develop the economy at the minimum cost of resources, and protect the environment at the minimum economic cost.

Circular economy is the use of ecological laws to guide the economic activities of human society. It is characterized by ecological protection and the most effective use of resources. By changing the production process, it improves the efficiency of

resource utilization and reduces the amount of materials and energy entering the production process. To achieve the purpose of reducing pollution emissions and resource consumption. The principle of "reduction, reuse, and recycling" followed by

circular economy poses a challenge to the traditional economic structure, which is conducive to promoting the transformation of China's economic structure to a green economic structure with low consumption, high utilization, and low emissions,

and is conducive to the establishment of Saving and high-efficiency green economic system.

With the development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the environmental protection requirements of international trade products tend to be stricter. For example, the European Union promulgated the "Waste Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (WEEE) Directive" and "Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive" in 2004. These two laws are called "the most stringent environmental protection regulations in the world" by the industry.

The Directive requires manufacturers of electrical appliances circulating in the EU market in the future, including their importers and distributors, to bear the cost of recycling waste products, and the sale and use of products containing specific hazardous substances

will be prohibited in the EU market. In order to ensure the export of my country's mechanical and electrical products, speed up the construction of circular economy, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing trade barriers and stimulating product exports, which is also

conducive to adjusting China's economic structure, finding new economic growth points, and enhancing the international competition of my country's products force.

1 The development of circular economy is the fundamental way to alleviate the contradiction of resource constraints 2 The development of circular economy is an effective way to fundamentally reduce environmental pollution

my country's resource endowment is relatively poor. Although the total amount is large, the per capita possession is small. At present, the overall deterioration of my country's ecological environment has not been fundamentally reversed, and

The supply of domestic resources is insufficient, and the dependence on foreign countries for important resources the environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious. The water environment is deteriorating, the atmospheric

continues to rise. The mining of some major mineral resources is getting more and more difficult, the mining cost is environment is not optimistic, solid waste pollution is becoming more and more prominent, the rate of harmless treatment

increasing, and the supply situation is quite grim. In order to alleviate the pressure of economic growth on resource of urban domestic waste is low, and rural environmental problems are serious. Vigorously developing circular economy

supply, it is necessary to vigorously develop circular economy and realize efficient utilization and recycling of resources. and promoting clean production can minimize the impact of economic and social activities on the demand for natural

resources and the ecological environment, and fundamentally resolve the contradiction between economic development

and environmental protection.

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3 The development of circular economy is an urgent need to deal with new trade protectionism 4 The development of circular economy is an important measure to improve economic efficiency

In the process of economic globalization, the role of tariff barriers has been weakened day by day, At present, my country's resource utilization efficiency is still relatively low compared with the

and non-tariff barriers including "green barriers" have become increasingly prominent. In recent international advanced level, and the outstanding performances are: low resource output rate, low Circular E

years, in order to protect their own interests, some developed countries have set up many technical resource utilization efficiency, low level of resource comprehensive utilization, and low recovery and

standards that are easy for them to meet but difficult for developing countries to meet in terms of recycling rate of renewable resources. Practice has proved that the low level of resource

resources and the environment. They not only require end products to meet environmental utilization has become an important obstacle for enterprises to reduce production costs and improve

protection requirements, but also require All aspects of product research, development, production, economic efficiency and competitiveness; vigorously developing circular economy, improving

packaging, transportation, use, and recycling must meet environmental protection requirements. resource utilization efficiency, and enhancing international competitiveness have become one of

the challenges we are facing. important and urgent task.

These non-tariff barriers have had a great impact on the development of my country's foreign trade, 5 The development of circular economy is the essential requirement of people-oriented and

especially the expansion of exports. For example, the scope covered by the two directives of the sustainable development

European Union not only includes my country's electronic and electrical equipment products, but

also involves parts and raw materials industries. In the face of increasingly severe non-tariff barriers, The traditional high-consumption growth mode takes excessively from nature, leading to ecological

we must attach great importance to them and actively respond to them. In particular, we must degradation, increased natural disasters, and serious environmental pollution, which has brought

comprehensively promote clean production, vigorously develop circular economy, and gradually great damage to human health.

make our products meet international standards in terms of resources and environmental protection.

development path

In the first 20 years of this century, China will be in the stage of accelerated industrialization and (Decree No. 54 of the President of the People's Republic of China, implemented from July 1,

urbanization, and will face severe resource and environmental situations. The traditional extensive 2012), gradually shifting from terminal governance to a dual-oriented strategy of environment and

growth pattern of high consumption, high emissions, and low efficiency has not been fundamentally resources.

changed, resulting in low resource utilization and serious environmental pollution. If China wants

to continue to develop, it must solve the problem of resource shortage. And the concept of circular economy has really started to enter the mainstream stage in China,

which is inseparable from the support and promotion of policies. In 2005, the State Council issued

In the 1990s, domestic scholars introduced the concept of cleaner production into China, and "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circular Economy" (Guo Fa [2005] No. 22).

around 2000, they introduced the theories and cases of circular economy development in Germany Implementation guidelines and some typical cases. In the "12th Five-Year" and "13th Five-Year"

and Japan into China. In fact, as early as the farming era, the concept of "circulation" appeared in planning outlines, the development of circular economy has been written again and again. At this

China. The "self-sufficient" living state in the agricultural era: obtain the necessities of life from the stage, China's positioning of circular economy is mainly to save resources and recycle.

rural fields, and return the remaining materials to the fields as nutrients. Fields are finally back to

fields. This cycle process can be regarded as the predecessor of the simplest cycle concept.

In 2017, 14 ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly

In 2002, China officially promulgated the first "Clean Production Promotion Law of the People's issued the "Leading Action for Circular Development" (2017.5.4), requiring strengthening the supply of

Republic of China" with pollution prevention as the main content systems and policies, and strengthening cross-field cooperation in science and technology, mechanisms and models.

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Joint innovation. Subsequently, the "Implementation Plan for the Extended Production Responsibility System" (Guobanfa [2016] No. 99, 2017.1.3) was promulgated, requiring the implementation of resource and

environmental responsibilities through product ecological design, use of recycled raw materials, and standardized recycling. The State Council also proposed that by 2025, China will basically improve the Extended

Production Responsibility System (EPR) system for key varieties, "significant progress" has been made in product ecological design, and at least half of waste products will be regulated for recovery and recycling.

Circular Economy in China

The Extended Producer Responsibility system (EPR system for short) is a new system concept for the development of circular economy. Thomas Lindhurst, an environmental economist at Lund University in Sweden,

first proposed the EPR system as an environmental protection strategy aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment.

laws and regulations

The establishment of circular economy is a huge social system project, which is based on relevant In 2005, the State Council issued " Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circular

laws and regulations. To develop circular economy and promote sustainable economic growth is Economy" (Guo Fa [2005] No. 22), which provided a clear policy basis for the development of

an inevitable choice for China's social development in the future. In this context, it is particularly circular economy.

important to construct and improve the legal system of circular economy in our country.

In 2006, the "National Eleventh Five-Year Plan" (2006.9.13) selected 11 industries such as steel

and non-ferrous metals as important areas for the development of circular economy.

Whether the law itself is effective is a key factor in whether the law can function. In this regard, the

experience of Germany and Japan has given us good inspiration. Germany has made very clear

regulations on the rights and obligations of the government, enterprises and the public in laws In 2008, the Fourth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress

such as the "Circular Economy and Waste Management Act". At the same time, it has also set many passed the "Circular Economy Promotion Law" (Decree of the President of the People's Republic

directly quantifiable indicators. The operability of the law is extremely powerful. In the legislative of China (No. 4), 2009.1.1), which came into effect on January 1, 2009. Bring the development of

process of Japan's circular economy-related laws, the method of "first easy and then difficult" is circular economy into the track of legal system. Different from the development of circular economy

adopted. First, legislation is made on the recycling of wastes that involve less relevant interests, in western developed countries, which generally focuses on waste recycling, China's "Circular

and then gradually extended to the entire industry. Economy Promotion Law" has chosen the principle of " reduction priority" and concentrated its main

capabilities to solve major problems such as high energy consumption and serious environmental


China's circular economy-related laws and regulations, on the basis of learning from foreign

excellent practices, combined with my country's actual situation, started from the most polluting and In 2011, the "National Twelfth Five-Year Plan" (2011.3.16) required the organization and

most resource-dependent industries, and gradually expanded to more industries. Relevant implementation of the "Ten, Hundred, Thousand Demonstration" action, and the development of our

regulations have gradually deepened from energy conservation, recycling, and pilot demonstrations circular economy has gradually entered the practical operation level.

to industrial integration, technology, taxation, and policy support.

In 2016, in accordance with the spirit of the "National 13th Five-Year Plan" (2016.3.16), the National

Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued the "Notice on Printing and

It can be said that the development concept of circular economy has been integrated into the basic Distributing the Typical Experience of National Circular Economy Pilot Demonstration" to promote a number of

national policy of our country. In the future, our country will introduce more laws, regulations and typical experiences of circular economy to the whole country and practices to promote the comprehensive and

policies to support the development of circular economy. in-depth development of circular economy.

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In 2017, 14 ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform The Ministry of Justice of the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Opinions

Commission jointly issued the "Leading Action for Circular Development" (Fagai Huanzi [2017] on Accelerating the Establishment of Green Production and Consumption Regulations and Policy

No. 751, 2017.4.21). Promoting my country's circular development to a new level. System" (Fagai Huanzi [2020] No. 379, 2020.3.11);

Circular E

In the same year, the "Implementation Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility System" ( Guobanfa The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control

[2016] No. 99, 2017.1.3) was promulgated to promote the implementation of environmental of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste.


Subdivided into different industries, China has also formulated the "Renewable Energy

On January 1, 2018 , the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of Law" (Chairman Order No. 33) "Energy Conservation Law" (2018.11.5) "Regulations on the

China (2017 Amendment) " was officially implemented, requiring enterprises to increase water Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products Recycling" (2019.6 . Administrative

utilization and use cleaner processes. Measures for the Recycling of Renewable Resources (2019.5.9) "Administrative Measures for the

Paid Use of Plastic Shopping Bags in Commodity Retail Places" ( No. 8, 2008, June 1, 2008)

On October 26, 2018, the Sixth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National "Administrative Measures for the Recycling of Scrapped Automobiles" (Revised) (National Decree

People's Congress amended the "Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People's Republic of No. 715 No., 2019.5.6) and a series of laws and regulations to promote the development of

China" (Decree of the President of the People's Republic of China (No. 16), 2018.10.26), amended circular economy.

the name of the relevant department.

According to rough statistics, from January 2017 to January 2018, my country issued a total of 68

In 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and policies related to the development of circular economy, and the issuing units covered almost all

Environment issued opinions on further strengthening plastic pollution control (Development important departments of the country.

[2020] No. 80);

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main stakeholders
Circular Economy in China


my country's economy is generally still a market economy dominated by the government. In a market economy, the market mechanism plays a fundamental role in the allocation of social resources. However, in fact, the market also has its own

insurmountable defects, mainly the spontaneity, blindness and functional limitations of the market mechanism, information asymmetry and incompleteness, etc. These defects will lead to market failure.

As a pair of invisible hands regulating the market, the government protects the environment and public resources through macroeconomic policy measures. The motivation for developing circular economy is resource waste and environmental degradation,

and the government needs to use non-market means including fiscal means and laws and regulations to correct them.

The government's leading and promoting role in the development of circular economy is an important core force both at home and abroad.

The main government departments that formulate circular economy development policies and promulgate relevant laws and regulations and normative guidance in my country:

• National People's Congress: The National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power in China, and its legal formulation and changes can reach China

An umbrella term for normative law-documenting activities in the full range of sovereignty.

"Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" (Chairman Order No. 22, 1989.12.26) "Circular Economy Promotion Law of

the People's Republic of China" (Chairman Order No. No. 4, 2009.1.1) "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of

China" (Chairman Order No. 87, 2008.6.1) "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution" (Chairman

Order No. 31, 2016.1.1) "Environmental Protection Tax Law of the People's Republic of China" (Chairman Order No. No. 61, 2018.1.1)

• The State Council: According to the Constitution and laws, it stipulates administrative measures, formulates administrative regulations, and issues decisions and orders.

Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Circular Economy Development Strategy and Recent Action Plan (State Development [2013] 5 No.) Several Opinions of

the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Circular Economy (Guo Fa [2005] 22 No.) Circular of the General Office of the State Council

on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for the Extended Producer Responsibility System (Guo Ban Fa [2016] 99 No.) Reply of the State Council on the Overall Plan for the Yangtze

River Delta Ecological Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone (State Letter [2019] 99 Number)

• Ministry of Ecology and Environment: The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China is a department of the State Council at the ministerial level. Responsible for establishing and improving the basic system of the ecological environment.

Responsible for overall coordination, supervision and management of major ecological and environmental issues. Responsible for environmental monitoring and

information release. Notice on Printing and Distributing the "Guiding Opinions of the State Environmental Protection Administration on Promoting the Development of Circular Economy" (Huanfa [2005] 114 No.)

Announcement on Issuing Two National Environmental Protection Standards (Announcement No. 12 of 2009) Announcement on Issuing the National Environmental Protection Standard "Technical Specifications for Pollution Control of Domestic

Garbage Incineration Fly Ash (Trial)" (Announcement 2020 No. 38) Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection on Carrying

out Ecological Design of Industrial Products (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Joint Section [2013] 58 Number)

• National Development and Reform Commission: It is a department of the State Council, at the ministerial level. Formulate and organize the implementation of national economic and social development strategies, medium and long-term plans and

annual plans. Organize the formulation of comprehensive industrial policies. Promote the implementation of the sustainable development strategy, promote the construction and reform of ecological civilization, coordinate the protection and

restoration of the ecological environment, and the conservation and comprehensive utilization of energy resources.

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Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Resource Recycling Bases (Development and Reform Office [2017] 1778 No.) Notice on Printing and

Distributing "Leading Actions for Circular Development" (Development, Reform, Environment and Resources [2017] 751 No.) Notice on

Printing and Distributing the "Evaluation Index System for Circular Economy Development (2017 Edition)" (Development, Reform, Environmental Resources [2016] 2749 No.) Notice on

Printing and Distributing the "Construction Plan for Energy Conservation Standard System" (Development, Reform, Environmental Resources [2017] 83 Number)
Circular E

• Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China: Department directly under the State Council. Formulate and implement industry plans, industrial policies and standards; monitor the daily operation

of industries; promote the development and independent innovation of major technical equipment; manage the communications industry; Notice on Printing and Distributing Major Demonstration Projects (First Batch) of Industrial

Circular Economy (Department of Industry and Information Technology Section [2012] No. 62) Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction

in the Information and Communication Industry During the 13th Five-Year Plan (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Section [2017] 77 No.) Notice on Printing and

Distributing the "Action Plan for Promoting the Development of the Automotive Power Battery Industry" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Joint Assembly [2017] 29 Number)

Other government departments that issue and formulate relevant policies, notices, measures, and opinions include: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, National Energy Administration, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of

Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Commerce, etc...


If the government is the invisible hand to promote the development of circular economy, then at the Various seminars, surveys, workshops, reports, project cooperation, etc., promote the implementation and

practical level, associations/alliances are responsible for linking the past and the future. It brings together popularization of circular economy at the international, national, regional, and even industry levels, and

enterprises and other stakeholders with similar goals, builds a bridge of communication between them use professional resources to act as a think tank for the government and enterprises ,provide a consultation

and the government, and organizes service.

China Circular Economy Association

China Association of Circular Economy

Introduction: Member type:

The association is located in Beijing. The China Association of Circular Economy is a trans-regional, cross-industry and Members are mainly mining, energy, technology and environmental protection companies.

national social organization approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The party building work is managed by the State-

owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and it is guided by the National Development

and Reform Commission and other departments in terms of business.

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Service Content: Core items:

• Formulate a circular economy development strategy plan for the government; The strategic cooperation plan of the Meituan Castle Peak Plan, which carries out work from four aspects: advocacy of

• Carry out demonstration pilot projects, strengthen publicity and training, strengthen supervision and environmental protection concepts, research on environmental protection paths, scientific closed-loop exploration, and
Circular Economy in China

management, and provide promotion of environmental protection public welfare, aims to deeply play the environmental protection consultant of

technical support; • Formulate development plans for industries, enterprises and member units, compile the "Meituan Food Delivery Qingshan Project Special Fund" of the China Environmental Protection Foundation To

implementation plans, and promote advanced technologies and business enhance the value of the think tank of the group, carry out forward-looking policy and industry environmental protection

models; • Provide policy, management, technology, market and other information consulting services; • path research and output professional opinions, create an authoritative expert opinion column, enhance the participation

Reflect corporate demands and policy suggestions, and promote the healthy development of circular of experts and the industry influence of the expert advisory group, and lead the green development of the industry.

economy in accordance with laws and regulations.

The project discusses key issues, hot issues, and cutting-edge issues in the field of environmental

Sources of funds: protection and circular economy in emerging industries. Relevant expert opinions and research results

will be released to the public to provide reliable reference for government decision-making and

Government cooperation, membership fees, corporate project cooperation... intellectual support for the green development of the industry. Provide guidance for the public to practice

the concept of green life.

China Material Recycling Association

China National Resources Recycling Association

Introduction: Service Content:

The association is located in Beijing. It is a national economic organization in the material recycling • Report the situation to relevant government departments in a timely manner, make suggestions and assist

industry voluntarily formed by professional companies (groups), industrial and mining enterprises, and in formulating policies and regulations related to industry development;

related scientific research, education, social groups and individuals engaged in the recycling of waste • Investigate and study strategic issues related to the development of this industry; • Organize or

materials. It is a social organization legal person approved and registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs participate in various forms of exhibitions, exhibitions, ordering fairs, waste materials trading markets,

of the People's Republic of China. etc. held by distribution companies and production companies to help companies develop

commodity circulation channel.

Member type:

Source of income:

Members are mainly enterprises in the industries of material recycling, metals, energy, automobiles,

and environmental protection, such as Beijing CRRC Enterprise Alliance Environmental Technology Membership fees, credit evaluation fees for the material recycling industry, corporate consulting,

Center, Langfang Tiancheng Recycling Co., Ltd., Hubei Jinyang Metallurgical Co., Ltd.... event meetings, government funds...

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Core items:

Home appliance sales platforms such as Gome Group,, and Suning Group; home

China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, China Circular Economy Association, China appliance manufacturers such as Gree Electric Appliances and Haier Group; home appliance

Materials Recycling Association, China Renewable Resources Recycling Association, and China recycling platforms such as Aihuishui, Hishoushou, and Youxianyoupin; Huge, TusEnvironment,
Circular E

Urban Environmental Sanitation Association jointly launched an initiative. We propose that the GEM, and China Re Resources and Environment A total of more than 20 home appliance recycling

majority of enterprises in the field of recycling and disposal across the country take joint actions to and processing companies, such as China, jointly launched the "Household Appliances "Trade-in"

standardize plastics. It contributes to the classification, recycling and disposal of waste, and the Proposal", calling on consumers to use networked, intelligent, and green products through old-for-

improvement of its resource utilization and energy utilization. new methods, and eliminate home appliances that exceed the safe service life. Disposal of

companies that comply with sales regulations, and promote the consumption of household appliances.

China Household Electrical Appliances Association, China Material Recycling Association and Alibaba,

China Renewable Resources Recycling Association

China Resource Recycling Association


It is a national first-level social organization voluntarily formed by national renewable resource recycling enterprises, social organizations, and scientific research institutions, and is affiliated to the All-China Federation of Supply

and Marketing Cooperatives. There are three major information platforms: "Renewable Resources Information Network", "Renewable Resources and Circular Economy" magazine, and "China Recycling Resources Recycling

Network"; there are 12 special committees, and more than 30 top experts in the industry at home and abroad serve as expert committees committee member.

Member type:

The association currently has more than 1,000 members, covering more than 10,000 enterprises in the renewable resource industry across the country.

Service Content:

• Participate in national special subject research; •

Sponsor/co-organize industry exhibitions/conferences/seminars; • Publish industry-

related reports; • Serve as a national think

tank; • Industry insights.

Funding Sources:

Membership fees, research grants, conference events...

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China Renewable Resources Recycling Association

Circular Economy in China

China Resource Recycling Association

Introduction: Service Content:

It is a national, non-profit, industry-based economic social organization approved and registered • Participate in international exchanges between

by the competent authority of the State Council, and a social group legal person established industries; • Sponsor/participate in conferences/events/forums/seminars; • Industry/

according to law. Its professional supervisory unit is the State-owned Assets Supervision and enterprise research; • Government

Administration Commission of the State Council, and the registration management agency is the consultation, government think tank; • Provide

Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China. It is the only industry organization in consulting services for enterprises; • Research

China specializing in the development planning, coordination and service of the recycled metal industry. on industry-related projects; • Standards

(Administrative Measures) Formulated and revised •

Member type: Build an interactive platform.

Enterprises, institutions, social groups, and related units in the recycled non-ferrous metal industry Source of income:

at home and abroad. There are more than 500 formal members, more than 50 overseas VIP club

members, and more than 50,000 member employees, distributed in various provinces and cities Membership fees, event meetings, business consulting, research funding...

across the country and overseas.

PACE (Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy)

Introduction: Service Content:

Founded in 2018 by the World Economic Forum, PACE is now hosted by the World Resources • Promote global leadership by businesses, governments and civil society; • Transform

Institute and is headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands. It brings together leaders from business, knowledge into an evidence-based agenda for collective action; • Promote circular

government and civil society to shape a collective agenda and drive action. Focus on four economy initiatives and large-scale construction projects.

fields: electronics, plastics, food and textiles.

Circular economy projects:

• Plastic circular economy solutions; • Waste

Membership type: reduction solutions; • New plastic

The platform brings together more than 50 CEOs, ministers and experts, including Procter & economy; • Recycling

Gamble, Covestro, Coca-Cola, WWF, World Bank, Unilever… ocean plastics; • Plastic recycling

solutions at the consumer end.

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Enterprises are the "protagonist" in the development of circular economy. The 3R From the definition of an enterprise, it has the triple bottom line of economy, society and

principles of circular economy cover both the "small cycle" of enterprise content and the environment. According to McKinsey's research report, companies that perform well in Circular

"big cycle" between enterprises and society. Undoubtedly, they all require the in-depth corporate social responsibility have higher return on investment and higher social respect

participation of enterprises. Enterprises are also the bearers of the "extended production than those with the worst performance. This comparison has been increasing year by

responsibility system" in the circular economy. Enterprises not only produce products, year since 2015. That is to say, while taking environmental and social responsibilities

but also need to be responsible for recycling products after use, and establish a well- into account, enterprises will largely obtain corresponding benefits in return.

operated recycling system.


For enterprises, the needs and voices of consumers are undoubtedly crucial. The "Circular When consumers' preferences change, enterprises will also improve production methods,

Economy Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China", which came into effect on technologies or change product types accordingly. Therefore, if consumers can adhere to the

January 1, 2009, clearly stipulates the rights and obligations of consumers in the principle of circular economy and follow the consumption pattern of circular economy at the

development of circular economy. important role of substitution. starting point of consumption, it will form a clear guide for enterprises and promote the

transformation of enterprises to the production pattern of circular economy.

Judging from the consumer research reports in recent years, the most obvious change is

In the entire production and consumption chain, producers pursue profit maximization, that consumers are more and more accepting of "green", "environmentally friendly" and

while consumers pursue utility maximization. In order to obtain the most profits, "recyclable" products, and are willing to pay a higher price for them. It has also prompted

enterprises need to consider the needs of product buyers when selecting the types of more and more companies to launch products that meet such needs, and truly promote

products to be produced, the raw materials used, and production technology. The the transformation of companies from the demand side to a circular form.

preferences of consumers determine the types of products produced by enterprises, and consumption


manufacturing Consumption


raw materials

throw away


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International organizations

An international organization is "a transnational institution that aims to promote mutual interests

and mutual understanding through international cooperation". It is similar to the role of alliances/
Circular Economy in China

associations, that is, to unite various stakeholders to formulate goals and initiatives, and to make
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe United Nations Economic Commission
specific actions and plans under this framework. But the members or allies of international
for Europe

organizations are clearly higher-level, and they are usually countries and governments.

Therefore, international organizations have played a role in guiding, communicating and

cooperating with governments to a certain extent, and are the vane of the development trend of

circular economy.

Servicing the European environment ministerial process, commitments made within the

framework of the Batumi Initiative on Green Economy (BIG-E) include circular economy priorities

such as reducing food waste (e.g. in Hungary) - complementing ECE's work on quality standards

in agriculture through agricultural quality standards. work on food losses - and the promotion of

resource efficiency and cleaner production in manufacturing and other sectors of the economy
United Nations Environment Program
(eg in Ukraine).
UN Environment Program

main content:

• Promote the international development of circular economy;

The leading department and authoritative agency responsible for global environmental affairs
• Research reports on circular economy; • Publish
within the United Nations system, UNEP inspires, advocates, educates and promotes the rational
research reports and action reports on plastic issues; • Call governments to join
use of global resources and promotes the sustainable development of the global environment.
the ranks of plastic reduction and recycling; • Cooperate with governments to
UNEP is an operational subsidiary agency that reports annually on its activities to the General
formulate plastic pollution control Countermeasures; • Issuing an action plan for
Assembly through the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
plastic pollution control...

United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Industrial Development



introduction: Promote the sustainable development of the industry, participate in and host

seminars on circular economy, and hold training related to green industry.

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high school

It was around 2000 that circular economy appeared in colleges and universities as an independent It is an open and efficient public R&D innovation center (hereinafter referred to as the innovation center)

professional discipline or research direction. Beijing and Shanghai are the centers of circular economy oriented to the whole industry, the whole society, and jointly established by the government of Yangpu District
Circular E

research in China, and other colleges and universities across the country also have related majors or and the government of Taixing City, Jiangsu Province.

projects. The research on circular economy in colleges and universities not only pays attention to the

development of theory, but also pays attention to scientific and technological innovation, usually with the As a compound subject, circular economy involves many subjects such as material science, physics,

joint participation and funding of the government and enterprises. For example: The Green Development environmental science, economics, and chemistry. Gaoke mainly focuses on the circular economy:

and Circular Economy Innovation Center of Tongji University is jointly established by Tongji University, scientific innovation, academic research, model and methodology establishment.

Yiergeng (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Related colleges and universities:

• Shanghai University • Tongji University • Tsinghua University • Beijing University of Technology • Open

University of China • Donghua University • Shanghai Jiaotong University


Whether it is international or domestic, there are not many foundations established for circular economy. There are quite a few foundations with the theme of carbon emissions, and there is currently only one

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the Finnish Innovation Foundation are the two most well-known China Environmental Protection Foundation that has established a circular economy-related exclusive

circular economy foundations. fund in the true sense.

In China, green, ecology, environmental protection, climate change,

China Environmental Protection Foundation - China Renewable Resources Industry Special Fund

Introduction: Core items:

Established on April 27, 1993, the China Environmental Protection Foundation is China's first national • Research and development project of waste plastic modification technology. Taking the deep processing

public offering foundation engaged in environmental protection public welfare undertakings registered with of plastics as the development direction, it is a modification technology developed for PP, ABS, PC,

the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The China Environmental Protection Foundation and Guangdong Zhongnan PA, PPS and other waste plastic particles. • Waste and old

Renewable Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. formally signed a contract in the conference plastic production technology transformation project. In view of the current backward production methods

room of the China Environmental Protection Foundation, announcing the establishment of the "China and technologies in the waste plastic industry, through technological transformation and technological

Renewable Resources Industry Special Fund". innovation, the comprehensive treatment efficiency of waste gas, waste water and dust will be

improved, and the fully automatic, high-tech and clean production of recycled plastics will be realized.

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funds: Enterprises (enterprise ownership forms are not limited) and scientific research institutions can apply for

funding; •

The total funding for 2020 is RMB 1.8 million, and 1-2 projects are expected to be funded. Project environmental impact assessment, project approval, planning, and design procedures are

complete; • The total investment of a single project reaches more than 5 million yuan; • The
Circular Economy in China

technology used in the project is domestically Or the international leading level, energy saving and

Conditions and requirements for applying for funding: environmental protection, new and practical, can play a demonstration and leading role in the

development of the

• Energy-saving and environmental protection, recycling and utilization of renewable resources, renewable energy, and industry. • Subsidy funds must be earmarked for special purposes, and consciously accept the supervision of funding agencies

circular economy that have been officially registered with the administrative department for industry and and audit.

commerce within the territory of the People's Republic of China and have been in operation for more than one year.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Introduction: Insights and analysis; systemic advocacy; dissemination of six areas, to push the circular

economy to the important agenda of the business, political and academic circles.

Since its establishment in 2010, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has been committed to

advancing the transition of the world economy to a circular economy. As a global circular Three systemic initiatives:

economy thought leader, the Foundation focuses on education; business; institutions,

governments and cities; holes • Circular Food Initiative • New Plastic Economy • Circular Fashion Initiative


Finnish Innovation Foundation

Introduction: The support of the project promotes the prosperity of the Finnish economy, that is, it mainly

carries out venture capital for pre-seed and seed-stage projects, and provides free funding or

Sitra is an independent public foundation under the supervision of the Finnish Parliament, which loans for projects between early scientific research investment and late-stage commercial

promotes the commercialization of technological achievements and the financing of seed projects. investment. In addition, Sitra also participates in the research and formulation of some national

The main purpose of Sitra establishment is to science and technology strategies.

Service Content: Core items: Sources of funds:

Carbon Neutral and Circular Economy, Capability Change, Circular Economy, Capability Change, Climate Issues, Finnish Parliament, approx. EUR 30 million per year

Forecasting and Insights, New Lifestyles and Sustainable Digital Information, Lifelong Learning, Sustainable Lifestyles,

Economy, Training Global Trends... Project Scope: Finland

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Circular Economy Practice Reference

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Circular Economy Practice Reference

Japan Germany

Japan has adopted a parallel strategy for the research and development of new materials and the Germany is the country with the highest utilization rate of renewable resources in the world. Its

improvement of traditional materials, focusing on the performance improvement, rational utilization circular economy originated from waste disposal, and then gradually expanded and transformed

and recycling of existing materials, and is leading the world in these aspects. Japan mainly into the fields of production and consumption. Therefore, some people call Germany's circular

considers the environment, resources and energy issues in the development plan of new materials economy a waste economy.

in the 21st century. Whether the specific materials researched, developed and produced is

conducive to the effective use of resources and the environment, whether they pollute the At present, the number of employees in the field of circular economy in Germany has reached

environment, whether they are conducive to recycling, etc. are taken as the main assessment indicators. 250,000, and the total output value has reached more than 50 billion euros. In Germany, the

utilization rates of household waste and enterprise production waste reached 57% and 58%

In terms of energy and environmental protection, Japan fundamentally rethinks the mode of respectively, and the recycling rate of some waste was even higher, 82% for old batteries, 80% for

production activities in modern industrial society and actively seeks new ways out. Clearly put old paper, 93%, and recycled aluminum accounted for the total aluminum. 53% of production.

forward the strategy of "environmental country" and the new development concept and strategy of

establishing a "recycling society". Social development concepts such as the "New Sunshine Plan" Germany's resource recycling has always been in a leading position in Europe. The German

and the establishment of a "hydrogen society" are all detailed manifestations of the new energy waste disposal law was first enacted in 1972, but the leading idea at that time was still on the end-

strategy. In the 1990s, the Japanese government began the regional practice of circular economy. of-life disposal of waste. It was not until 1986 that Germany revised it to the "Waste Restriction and

From the perspective of development trends, the fields with the greatest potential for future Waste Disposal Act", and the leading idea was raised from "how to dispose of waste" to "how to

development in the Japanese environmental industry will be: green products and green technologies, avoid waste generation", and the avoidance of waste generation was regarded as the basis of

reuse and reuse industries, biological resources, Public utilities such as energy saving and waste management. primary goal.

renewable energy, exhaust heat utilization, environmental regeneration, and urban infrastructure

for a recycling society, and analysis and determination of harmful chemical substances. The

greening of economic policy is an important factor to promote the development of Japan's In 1991, Germany first enacted the "Packaging Waste Disposal Act" in accordance with the circular

environmental industry. economy concept of "resource-product-resource". On July 8, 1994, Germany's new "Circular

Economy and Waste Act" was passed by the Bundestag, which clearly and clearly stipulates the

For example, Kitakyushu City is a famous industrial city in Japan. Through the "Eco-Industrial Park respective responsibilities of the parties involved. It requires manufacturers, sellers and individual

Planning", Kitakyushu has gradually transformed from a gray city to a green city: 1) The industrial consumers to consider the recycling of waste from the very beginning. After 1991, the recycling

system is based on the environment and recycling industries, forming a resource sharing and rate of packaging waste in Germany increased rapidly. By 2000, the recycling rate of its main

product chain An industrial symbiosis network of extension and by-product exchange. 2) waste had exceeded 70% except for a few cases.

Concentrate on the recycling projects of home appliances, automobiles, plastic bottles, etc., and

gather many industry-university joint research institutions to carry out waste treatment technology

and recycling technology. 3) Make full use of the industrial infrastructure in the city, cooperate

with each other, and strive to realize the concept of "environmental joint venture" from the

perspective of the local city, and promote environmental protection activities in the entire industry

in the city.

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Circular E


Danone's brand - Evian Mineral Water has established 25 Evian Mineral Water Evian established a water resource protection school in the Jagadishpur reservoir

Conservation Associations (aka APIEME) around the world 25 years ago. Since community in Nepal to help local residents understand the importance of water

then, Evian has started to cooperate with local communities to establish a resource resources and some related knowledge. In addition, Evian has established a

closed-loop system. sustainable water resources management plan in the local area, established

cooperatives in the community, fostered the local economy, and fundamentally

Evian builds Terragr'Eau methane machinery in the APIEME cooperation area, solved the risk of water resource pollution.

which can convert organic agricultural waste into natural fertilizers used by local

farmers, while generating biogas to power 1,200 residents.

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Circular economy practices refer to recyclability and preventing packaging from leaking into the environment JD Logistics joined hands with Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, Wyeth, Lego, Kimberly-Clark,

have emerged as key sustainability requirements for packaging that will determine what Nongfu Spring, Unilever, Watsons, and Yili to jointly launch a joint action on the green

type of packaging will be used in the coming decades. Starting in 2020, Tetra Pak has supply chain - "Green Stream Plan". According to the initiative, it is estimated that by

implemented Design for Recycling in all developments. This will help Tetra Pak develop 2020, will reduce the use of disposable packaging cartons in the supply chain by

a better understanding of how design decisions affect the recycling value chain and 10 billion.

thus make better choices.

According to the plan, from the supply side of brand merchants to e-commerce enterprises,

To ensure that recycling efforts are aligned with the business, in 2018 Tetra Pak JD Logistics will realize the recyclability of 80% of product packaging consumables, and

established a team of more than 50 experts across the global sustainability function. Their reduce the weight of unit product packaging by 25%; on the user side, more than 50% of

role is to develop practical knowledge and experience in the recycling value chain - in JD Logistics’ plastic packaging will use Biodegradable materials, 100% logistics packaging

order to scale up packaging collection and recycling in countries where relevant legislation using renewable or recyclable materials, 100% logistics packaging printing using

does not exist. environmentally friendly printing processes.

On average, more than 70% of Tetra Pak's packaging is made from long, strong paper

fibers that can be recycled multiple times. The thin layers of polymer (or plastic) in its

beverage cartons can be mixed with other polymers and turned into products such as

roof tiles, crates and cartons.

Since 2017, Tetra Pak has been cooperating with the government in three major cities of

Shanghai, Nanjing and Chengdu to implement packaging paper recycling projects,

supporting local collection partners to optimize their collection models, replicating them to

other cities and showing the best results to local governments. best practice. Tetra Pak's

installations for post-consumer recycling packaging have increased from 40 to 170

worldwide, with a total of 51 billion Tetra Pak packages recycled.

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A world without plastics or synthetic organic polymers seems unimaginable today, yet their mass production and use dates back to after

plastic recycling 1950. Although the first synthetic plastics, such as phenolic resins, appeared in the early 20th century, plastics did not find widespread use

outside the military until after World War II. The ensuing rapid increase in plastic production has been staggering, outpacing most other man-
made materials.

As of 2015, the world generated about 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste,

of which only 9% were recycled, 12% were incinerated, and 79% of plastic

waste was landfilled or dispersed in the natural environment. The utilization

rate of plastic waste is extremely low. If current trends in plastic production

and waste management continue, approximately 12 billion tonnes of 9% 12% 79%

plastic waste will end up in landfills or in the natural environment by 2050. recycle and re-use to be burned landfilled

In 2019, China's output of plastic products was 81.842 million tons, an increase of In recent years, China's waste plastic recycling industry has developed vigorously. In

21.421 million tons over 2018, a year-on-year increase of 35.5%. 2018, China's waste plastic recycling volume was 18.3 million tons, a year-on-year

increase of 8.09%. In 2017, China's waste plastic recycling accounted for 22.53% of

the plastic product output, a decrease of 1.81% from 2016; in 2018, China's waste plastic

2016 recycling accounted for 30.29% of the plastic product output, an increase of 7.76% from 2017.

75.608 million tons

23.81 % 2015

24.34 % 2016

22.53 % 2017
75.155 million tons

30.29 % 2018

The era of "banning waste" began in 2018, and there was almost no circulation in the

recycling market for imported waste plastics. In 2018, China imported 51,400 tons of
60.421 million tons
waste plastics, a year-on-year decrease of 99.12%; in 2019, China's imports of waste

plastics were 9,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 98.26 %.

18.78 million tons

18.3 million tons
18 million tons
16.93 million tons
81.842 million tons

2015 2015 2015 2015

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Distribution of waste plastic

plastic re

From the above figure we can see that the packaging industry, the construction industry and the Without this scenario, the amount of plastic entering the ocean is expected to nearly triple by

textile industry are the three industries that produce the most plastic every year. From the perspective 2040 to 29 million tonnes per year. This equates to 50kg of plastic per meter of coastline

of the annual output of waste plastics, the packaging industry and the textile industry are the around the world. Because plastics can stay in the ocean for hundreds of years or more, and

industries with the most severe waste plastics problems. may never biodegrade, the amount of plastic in the ocean could increase by 450 million tons

over the next 20 years—with serious consequences for oceans and people. healthy.

In 2016, 11 million tons of plastic entered the ocean from land, bringing the total ocean plastic

to 150 million tons today. In "Business as Usual"

Plastic Composition and Carbon Footprint

The plastics industry belongs to the polymer industry and is a part of the petrochemical 5.5 grams, so each kilogram of plastic contains approximately 180 bags. That is, one bag can

industry. It is highly related and an industry with multi-level processing characteristics. Plastics generate approximately 33 grams of CO2 emissions.

are polymer resins obtained from petroleum or natural gas as raw materials, refined and

cracked into various petrochemical basic raw materials (monomers), and then polymerized In its current form, plastics cradle-to-grave (that is, from production to incineration) greenhouse

(addition polymerization or condensation polymerization). gas emissions will amount to 1.34 billion tonnes per year by 2030. By 2050, this value will rise

to 2.8 billion tons per year. If left unchecked, this will severely deplete the world's remaining

All kinds of plastics are gradually processed to derive various downstream products, including carbon budget, threatening the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global temperature rise to

rubber, coatings, adhesives, artificial fibers, synthetic resins, etc. 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Every kilogram of plastic can produce 6 kilograms of carbon dioxide. If you know the weight of

your plastic bag, multiply it by the number of plastic bags you use each year, you can calculate To achieve this goal, total global greenhouse gas emissions must be contained within the

the annual carbon dioxide emissions due to the use of plastic bags. An ordinary plastic remaining carbon budget of 42-57 billion tons. Cumulative lifetime greenhouse gas emissions

shopping bag weighs approx. from plastics could exceed 56 billion tonnes by 2050.

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The main hazards of plastic

plastic recycling

After humans invented plastic, they did not expect it to cause such a huge harm Incineration and energy recovery also contribute to carbon emissions, while

to the earth's ecology. A large amount of plastic is abandoned in nature, causing landfill this time sequesters carbon from the raw material. The carbon in loose

great harm to the entire ecology. plastic could be released into the atmosphere over hundreds of years. As plastic

consumption grows, so do greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas

The introduction of plastics into natural systems can cause degradation of emissions from the plastics industry could account for 15 percent of the annual

natural systems, especially for marine hazards. Every year, at least 8 million global carbon budget by 2050, up from 1 percent today.

tons of plastic enter the ocean, the equivalent of dumping one garbage truck into

the ocean every minute. Plastic can remain undisturbed in the ocean for Uncertainty about additives in plastics. Plastics are a mixture of polymers and

hundreds of years, and even longer after it breaks down into smaller particles. various complex additives. Human beings have long been concerned about the

Plastics cause at least US$13 billion in annual losses to marine ecosystems, negative effects of these substances on the human body and the environment,

and will have serious impacts on fisheries, tourism, and shipping industries, as and have taken some countermeasures. But there are still many unknowns and

well as human livelihoods, health, food chains, and other socioeconomic uncertainties about the consequences of long-term exposure to other substances

systems. Not only that, but uncollected plastic can degrade natural systems in plastics and what happens when they enter the atmosphere. It is estimated

such as forests and waterways, block sewers and other urban infrastructure, that about 225,000 tons of additives are released into seawater every year, while

and cause direct economic losses. indiscriminate incineration will also release additives in plastics into the natural


emission of greenhouse gases. Plastic production consumes 6% of the world's oil production,

and the production process, as well as the disposal of plastic after use, emits staggering

amounts of greenhouse gases. About half of the chemical raw materials that enter the

plastics industry are consumed in the production stage, which is accompanied by a large

amount of carbon emissions. Plastic products themselves store a large amount of residual carbon,

2.8 billion tons

56 billion tons

1.34 billion tons


2030 2050

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Main Types of Plastics

plastic re

The recycling label for plastic products was established in 1988 by the

Society of the Plastics Industry (now renamed the Plastics Industry

4 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene
Association). This set of signs stamps the plastic material identification

code on the container or package, from No. 1 to No. 7, so that the public
Features: Corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance,
can simply join the ranks of recycling without having to bother to learn
not heat resistance Application scenarios: Frozen
the similarities and differences of various plastic materials. Each plastic
food packaging, seasoning sauce packaging,
container has a small ID card - a triangular symbol, usually on the bottom
plastic bags Difficulty of recycling:

of the plastic container. There are numbers from 1 to 7 inside the triangle, high difficulty Recycling: trash cans, garbage bags, furniture, wood-

and each number represents a kind of plastic container. They are made of plastic composite flooring

different materials, and there are also different contraindications for use.

5 PP Polypropylene

1 PETE polyethylene terephthalate

Features: high temperature resistance, acid and alkali

resistance, high hardness Application scenarios: yogurt boxes, straws,

Features: Not heat-resistant, easy to deform when plastic bottle

heated Application scenarios: Mineral water bottles, carbonated caps, pharmaceutical

beverage bottles Recycling packaging Difficulty of recycling: easy to recycle: battery shells, brushes, hangers

difficulty: Easy to recycle: Polar fleece, fiber products

6 PS polystyrene
2 HDPE High Density Polyethylene

Features: Strong water absorption and

Features: high hardness, heat resistance, opaque, corrosion high stability Application scenarios:
resistance Applications: shampoo/shower gel
Lunch boxes, cold drink cups
bottles, plastic toys, sewer pipes

Difficulty of recycling: easy, but low recycling

rate Recycling: wood-plastic composite flooring, fences

7 Others
3 PVC polyvinyl chloride

Features: Different
Features: high hardness, not heat resistant, contains toxins
application scenarios: glass fiber, styrene, nylon, etc. Difficulty of
Application scenarios: water pipes, raincoats, school bags, building
recycling: extremely difficult, due to the inclusion of various materials,
materials, plastic films,
it is almost impossible
plastic boxes Recycling difficulty: easy, but the recovery rate is
to recycle Recycling: wood-plastic composite flooring
extremely low, only 1% Recycling: floor materials, skirt boards

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Disposal of waste plastic

plastic recycling

Among the existing municipal solid wastes, the proportion of plastics has reached 15%-20%, and most of them are disposable plastic packaging products. The disposal of waste plastics is not only a problem of the plastics

industry, but has become a public concern of the international community.

The main processing methods of waste plastics in my country are as follows:

Landfill: Due to its macromolecular structure, waste plastics are not easy to decompose and rot for a long

time after being discarded. They are light in weight and large in size. They can fly with the wind or float in 1) Physical recycling

water when exposed to the air. Therefore, people often use hilly depressions or natural depressions to

build landfills for sanitary landfilling. The sanitary landfill method has the characteristics of low Physical recycling is a method actively advocated and promoted now, and it is an effective means

construction investment and low operating cost. It has long been a treatment method for waste plastics of turning waste into treasure, energy saving and environmental protection. But at present, it is

that has been widely adopted by countries all over the world. However, there are serious disadvantages mainly trapped in the recycling and sorting process. The recycling income is small, and the sorting

in landfill treatment: due to the low density and large volume of plastic waste, it occupies a large area and is difficult and costly. People's awareness of environmental protection is not very high, and they

increases the burden on land resources. cannot effectively sort garbage.

2) Chemical reduction method

Incineration: Incineration to recover heat energy is another major method of waste plastics treatment. The

incineration treatment method of waste plastics has the advantages of large amount of treatment, low This method is to cut off the long chain of the polymer to restore its original properties, and the

cost and high efficiency. Compared with direct landfill, incineration treatment has made effective use of cracked raw materials can be used to make new plastics. In some methods, the combined

waste plastics and has turned waste into treasure. However, incineration treatment also has many carbon atoms are cracked chemically by adding chemical elements, or thermally cracked by

disadvantages: With the change of plastic types and incineration conditions, waste plastics will produce adding energy. Some materials have been recovered by this method, but most of them are still

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances during the incineration in the experiment.

process, such as PVC will produce HCL, polyacrylonitrile will produce

HCN, etc., these substances have polluted the environment. Waste plastics also contain heavy metal 3) Hydrogenation analysis method

compounds such as cadmium and lead. During the incineration process, these heavy metal compounds

will be discharged together with smoke and incineration residues, which also pollute the environment. Using this method to process mixed plastic items, depending on the plastic composition, 60%-80%

of them can be refined into synthetic crude oil. Three chemical companies including Germany's

BASF pointed out in a joint research report that hydrogenation is the best method of thermal

Recycling: due to labor-intensive, high recycling costs, and lack of corresponding recycling channels, the cracking, and the quality of the separated synthetic crude oil can be used for oil refining. This

world's current recycling only accounts for about 15% of all plastic consumption. However, due to the treatment method deals with halogen-containing waste plastics without producing toxic dioxins

limited oil resources in the world, from the perspective of saving earth resources, the recycling and and chlorine gas.

reuse of plastics is of great significance. For this reason, countries around the world are currently investing

a lot of manpower and material resources to develop key technologies for the recycling of various waste

plastics, and are committed to reducing the cost of plastic recycling and developing its suitable application


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Advantages of plastic recycling

plastic re

From the previous discussion, we can know that if the current situation is not improved, the Afterwards, plastic products are redesigned and aggregated, secondary markets are cultivated,

burden of plastic waste on the earth will increase exponentially in the next 20 or 40 years, and and innovative technologies and materials are expected to capture most of the market value.

human beings will pay a heavy price for this. However, due to the diverse properties and uses of

plastics, it is not feasible to ban all plastic products. Therefore, the policies of the governments Reduce negative externalities of plastics. By recycling plastics, the generation of waste plastics

of various countries on plastic products are mainly based on "restriction of plastic", mainly on can be reduced, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

plastic products with strong substitution and large daily consumption, such as cotton swabs,

straws, plastic bags...

Reduce business risk. The negative external effects of plastics have an immeasurable impact

on enterprises. For example, the imposition of carbon emission tax or the prohibition of the use

For the waste plastics that have been produced, governments and enterprises in various of certain plastic products by law will cause direct economic losses to relevant enterprises.

countries are actively exploring post-consumer recovery and recycling in recent years. On the

one hand, this can reduce the flow of waste plastics into natural systems; on the other hand,

the economic and energy value it generates is also considerable. Buffer the impact of raw material price fluctuations. Making plastics from fossil raw materials

creates potential risks with unpredictable supply costs. To avoid this risk, companies can use a

Material value is preserved. Taking plastic packaging as an example, after the plastic packaging variety of recycled and renewable raw materials for substitution. Of course, these raw materials

is used once, its remaining material value is only 5%. are also subject to fluctuations in market prices, but diversification of raw materials can

diversify risks.

laws and regulations

Since 2009, with the development of China's economy, environmental protection efforts have gradually increased, and regulations and policies surrounding "environmental protection" and "standards" have

gradually improved. Plastic-related policies are also an important part of it. The following are important regulations and policies and key nodes related to plastics.

On January 1, 2009, the " Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" (Chairman Order No. 4) On July 1, 2012 , the

"Clean Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" ( revised in 2012) (Chairman Order No. 54) was implemented on July 1, 2012. On May 5, 2015 , the

Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological

Civilization" " On June 24, 2016 , the State Council issued a notice on the "13th Five-Year Plan" for ecological and environmental

protection. On December 19, 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Commerce issued "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation

and Development of China's Packaging Industry" (Gongxin

Bulian Consumption [2016] No. 397) In 2017 , "Adhere to the Concept of Green Development", "Pilot Work Plan for Zero-Waste Cities", and "Ban on the Import of Waste Plastics"

were successively issued in 2017. On October 26, 2018, the "Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China" was

implemented "( Revised in 2018) On February 21, 2019 , Hainan Province issued the "Implementation Plan for Completely Prohibiting the Production, Sale and Use of Disposable Non-degradable

Plastic Products in Hainan Province" (Qiong Banfa [2019] No. 35)

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On July 1, 2019 , Shanghai implemented the "Shanghai Municipal Household Garbage Management Regulations" and formally carried out garbage classification

management. On January 19, 2020, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the National Development and Reform Commission issued " Opinions on Further Strengthening Plastic

Pollution Control" (Fagai Huanzi [2020] No. 80) On

plastic recycling

March 17, 2020 , the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Green Production and Consumption Regulation

and Policy System" (Fagai Huanzi [2020] No. 79) In

2020, the revision of the "Environmental Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollutants Law" will be launched

At the same time, many places have promulgated policies related to plastic reduction, such as Hainan, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhejiang and so on.

The main goals of plastic governance in China are very clear, namely:

By 2020, take the lead in banning and restricting the production, sale and use of some plastic products in some regions and fields.

By 2022, the consumption of disposable plastic products will be significantly reduced, alternative products will be promoted, and the proportion of plastic waste resources and energy utilization will be greatly increased; in areas

where plastic pollution is prominent and emerging areas such as e-commerce, express delivery, and takeaway, a group Reproducible and scalable plastic reduction and green logistics models. By 2025, the management

system for the production, circulation, consumption, and recycling of plastic products will be basically established, the multi-dimensional co-governance system will be basically formed, the level of development and application

of alternative products will be further improved, the amount of plastic waste landfilled in key cities will be greatly reduced, and plastic pollution will be reduced. Effective control.

market drivers

The global recycled plastics market size is expected to grow from USD 14.2 billion in 2020 to USD • Increase in the recycling rate of waste plastics: With the increase of population and consumption

18.8 billion in 2025, at a growth rate of 5.7% between 2020 and 2025. Asia Pacific is expected to lead demand, the production scale of plastic products is increasing year by year, which leads to more

the recycled plastics market in terms of value and volume from 2020 to 2025. The growing population, waste plastics produced every year; of course, the government is also actively responding to the

GDP and disposable income in the Asia-Pacific region has led to the generation of more solid plastic generation of waste plastics, setting more There are more facilities and regulations to promote the

waste, which in turn has created opportunities for plastic recycling in the region. recycling of waste plastics. As the recycling rate of waste plastics increases, the related recycling

and recycling enterprises will obtain more waste plastic resources, which will also reduce the

recycling costs of enterprises;

The market potential of recycled plastics is huge, and the market drivers behind it are: • Growth in market demand for recycled plastics: more and more industries have increased demand

for recycled plastics, such as: automobiles, medicine, fast-moving consumer products, furniture...

• Growing environmental issues and sustainable development goals: Consumers' consumption

concepts are changing, and they are beginning to pay attention to consumer products that can

prove to be environmentally friendly. The concepts of "circular economy" and "zero waste" are • Strengthening of supervision and government support: Governments in many countries support the

becoming popular around the world; sustainable development and Recycling has been integrated establishment of public recycling facilities and financial and tax subsidies or project support for

into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and has been actively promoted by environmental protection enterprises engaged in recycling and recycling; the extended production

governments; responsibility system extends the responsibility of producers to the entire life cycle of products,

Stricter regulatory requirements have been introduced;

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plastic re

Plastic recycling is the process of reducing post-consumer waste plastic to its original base Recycling plastic is easier said than done. Its success is determined by factors such as

resin, which can then be processed into useful products. Plastic recycling will ultimately reduce waste classification and collection system, recycling channels and scale, consumer awareness

the input of virgin plastic, thereby reducing plastic production, oil use and CO2 emissions. It and participation, and market demand. Recycled plastics have been around since the 1970s,

can also reduce the generation of plastic waste and the risk of waste escaping into the but the amount of recycled plastic varies by geography, type of plastic, and use. The main

environment. Therefore, plastic recycling is currently one of the most feasible and important challenges of recycling plastics stem from the following:

measures to reduce plastic waste.

1. Non-supportive taxes are high. Although my country has issued some

2. The cost of plastic use is low, and there is no need to pay for recycling
regulations on plastic restrictions, supportive policies have not kept up, which
and disposal after use; while the cost of plastic recycling and reuse is high;
hinders large enterprises from entering the field of plastic recycling


3. Consumers are accustomed to using plastic products, and there is no 4. Technical factors, my country's plastic recycling design is almost blank,

new material that can completely replace the performance and low price and it has only gradually started in 2019, far behind the United States and

of plastic; Europe;

5. Insufficient municipal facilities, insufficient waste recycling equipment

in public places, and extremely difficult recycling due to the diversity of 6. There is no mandatory policy to use recycled plastics;

plastic types;

7. Confusion about the causes of plastic pollution, leading to confusion 8. It is difficult to define the responsibility of plastic recycling, such as the food delivery

about measures; industry and express delivery industry.

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future trend
plastic recycling

• China's future policies on plastic products will focus on "restricting plastics" rather than • Company’s commitments, goals, plans and

"banning plastics", and introducing more financial and tax subsidy policies for environmental Progress will be more transparent;

protection enterprises engaged in related businesses;

• Consumers' consumption concept has become more environmentally friendly, and the

• Brands become the main promoters of plastic recycling, and at the same time, link more consumption demand for recycled plastics will continue to grow;

stakeholders to participate together;

• The 3R principle (reduce, reuse, recycle) will run through the entire life cycle of the product,

The recycling and classification of plastic waste is an important issue to be solved urgently ; including design, production, and after use, and will also be implemented in all links of

the supply chain.

• More and more new biological materials will be used to replace plastics;

• The reuse rate of plastic packaging will be greatly increased;

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main stakeholders
plastic re


National Development and Reform Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of

Commission "Regulations on the Administration of Pollution Prevention and China "Industrial Standard Conditions for Comprehensive Utilization of Waste

Control of Waste Plastic Processing and Plastics" "Standard Conditions for Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Plastics"

Utilization" (Announcement No. 55 of 2012) "Catalogue of Plastic Products Prohibited and Restricted in Production, Sale and Use"

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's

Republic of China "Solid Waste Import Management Measures"


China Environmental Protection Federation Green Cycle Inclusive Special Committee

Committee of Green, Circular and Inclusive

Development of All-China Environment


Introduction: • In terms of mode, relying on the green inclusive interconnection technology and platform, establish

a traceable digital platform for recycled products, and use carbon emission reductions as a basis

The special committee regards the 2030 sustainable development goals of the United Nations to help consumer companies reduce emissions and reduce plastics, and promote the

as its working purpose, pays special attention to the consumer-end scenarios in terms of green development of the recycling

low-carbon and resource recycling, plays the role of a bridge between policy guidance, industry and technological innovation; • Incentives Research on the

corporate resources and public power, and explores innovative recycling and regeneration green behavior of individual consumers; • Use the circular economy model to promote demonstration

solutions and build a circular economy digital interconnection platform. projects in local

cities and industries; • Provide policy consultation for enterprises, carry out policy dialogue and related communication

Service Content: Education and other public advocacy;

• Participate in international cooperation and expand Chinese resource recycling enterprises globally

• From the product side, establish and formulate policies for relevant recycled low-carbon products Influence.

Indicator systems such as standards, certifications and methodologies;

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plastic recycling China Material Recycling Association

Plastic Recycling Association of CRRAÿCPRA

Introduction: Service Content:

Founded in 1993 and registered in Beijing, it is a state-level corporate legal person industry organization approved • Actively cooperate with relevant government departments to formulate regulations and policies such

and registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China, and affiliated to the State-owned Assets Supervision and as industry access and environmental protection standards, recycling system construction, industry

Administration Commission of the State Council. development planning, and

industry management regulations; •Build international and domestic scientific research, production,

Member type: processing, financing, transportation, sales, A communication and exchange platform for trade

dispute mediation, legal services, and certification

It is composed of professional companies (groups), industrial and mining enterprises, waste trading supervision; • Provide all-round services for the development and growth of the recycled plastics industry.

companies and other processors and traders in the recycling and utilization of renewable resources

nationwide, and includes members such as scientific research, colleges, social groups and individuals. Sources of funds:

There are currently more than 1,200 member units .

Membership fees, consulting service fees, corporate services...

China Plastics Processing Industry Association



Introduction: Service Content:

Founded in 1989, it is an industry organization of China's plastics processing industry. It is a national • Reflect the wishes of the industry, study the development direction of the industry, and compile industry reports

organization voluntarily composed of enterprises, institutions, social groups, colleges, research • Represent the rights and interests of members, and

institutes and other units and individuals engaged in the production and operation of plastics processing reflect the opinions and requirements of the industry to the government; • Organize technical

and related industries. , non-profit, social organization with legal person status. China Plastics exchanges and training, participate in quality management supervision, and undertake technical

Association is a first-class corporate legal entity registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and accepts consultation; •

the guidance and supervision of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Implement industry guidance, promote industrial development, and maintain industrial safety .

of the State Council and the China National Light Industry Council in terms of business.

Sources of funds:

Member type: Membership fees, corporate and government inquiries, event meetings...

The association has nearly 5,000 members, enterprises, institutions, social groups, colleges and

universities, and research institutes engaged in the production and operation of plastic processing

and related industries

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Plastic Recycling Branch of China Synthetic Resin Supply and Marketing Association plastic re


Introduction: It is composed of enterprises and institutions, and currently has more than 280 members, representing

China's 3 million tons of waste plastic processing capacity.

Established at the end of 2016, registered with the national civil affairs department, located in Beijing. It

is a new association established after the merger and reorganization of China Engineering Plastics Service Content:

Industry Association and China Chemical Industry Supply and Marketing Association.

• Industrial investigation and

China Synthetic Resin Supply and Marketing Association has different professional branches according research • Standard

to the industry division, including: Polyolefin Branch, Epoxy Resin Branch, Phenolic Resin Branch, formulation • Information

Unsaturated Resin Branch, Polycarbonate Branch, Plastic Recycling Branch, Processing and service • Consulting service and project

Application Branch, Poly Amide Branch, ABS Branch, Resin Modification and Alloy Branch, demonstration • Trade dispute investigation

Thermoforming Branch, Standardization Technical Committee, etc. and coordination •

Professional training •

International exchange • Exhibition service

Member type:

Sources of funds:

China Synthetic Resin Association is mainly engaged in the production, scientific research, processing

and trade of polyolefins, thermosetting resins, functional resins, engineering plastics, resin modification Membership fees, corporate and government consulting, training costs...

and application, plastic additives, etc.

Strategic Alliance of Resource Compulsory Recycling Industrial Technology Innovation


Introduction: Service Content:

Beijing Resource Compulsory Recycling Environmental Protection Industry Technology Innovation • Participate in the drafting and revision of various policies by cooperating with relevant regulatory

Strategic Alliance, established in December 2013, is initiated by the China Materials Recycling departments of the national

Association, the National Development and Reform Commission China Economic Herald, the Chinese government; • Entrusted by relevant national ministries and commissions, organize experts from the alliance

Academy of Environmental Sciences, Tsinghua University, and Beijing University of Technology. . expert committee to conduct

industry research; • Build a platform for

Member type: industry-university-research cooperation; • Provide policy support for government authorities.

There are more than 300 member units, covering enterprises and institutions in the whole industry chain Funding Sources:

of my country's renewable resources industry Membership fees, government programs...

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plastic recycling Asia Plastic Resource Recycling Promotion Association

Asian Plastic Resource Recycling Promotion AssociationÿAPRP

Introduction: • Organize regular training on skills and laws and regulations to help companies solve problems

encountered in labor, legal affairs, taxation, customs and other operations; •

Founded in 2019, by promoting exchanges and cooperation among multilateral governments, Maintain communication with government agencies, industry associations and large enterprises in

associations and companies, it has promoted the recycling of plastic resources in the Asian various countries to help member companies strive for more benefits;

region and contributed to the construction of a recycling society. Location: Japan. • Provide assistance for the establishment and implementation of industry standards and policies.

Service Content:

• Regularly organize exhibitions and forums to present the latest and most accurate industry information

provide information to everyone;

European Association of Plastics Recycling and Recovery Organisation

Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE)

Introduction: Introduction:

PRE is an industry organization representing European plastics recyclers, promoting the use of EPRO is a pan-European partnership of professional organizations dedicated to developing

high-quality recycled plastic products and advising on newly developed recycled products and and delivering efficient solutions for the sustainable management of plastic resources.


Member type: Service Content:

More than 140 plastic resource recyclers • Exchange and disseminate information and

experience; • Develop improved strategies for the prevention and recycling of plastic packaging

Service Content: waste in line with the EU thematic strategy on waste and recycling; •

Support technical projects aimed at improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of plastic

• Provide timely EU-related policy updates; • Provide recycling across Europe;

professional knowledge; • Promote • Evaluate new technology, and improve the quality and value of waste plastics on a scientific

cooperation with stakeholders; • Organize events basis.

and seminars…

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The North American Plastics Recycling

AllianceÿTODAY Impact Hub plastic re

Introduction: Introduction:

NAPRA strengthens cooperation among many industry associations in an effort to Founded in London in 2005, Impact Hub is one of the world's largest change platforms

promote the recycling of plastic products. Through collaboration, NAPRA seeks to forge focusing on social innovation and sustainable development. It has more than 100

relationships among the organizations that will help accelerate and amplify the valuable HUBs in more than 50 countries and cities around the world, serving more than 20,000

work done by each association. NAPRA members will also work to identify common change makers around the world. Provide community connection, innovation space and

issues and opportunities and use their expertise and resources to expand opportunities. entrepreneurial support.

Impact Hub (Impact Hub Shanghai) is the first Impact Hub in mainland China and the

first community platform focusing on impact innovation, business incubation and impact

investment. Together with enterprises, governments and public welfare partners who

care about sustainable development, we will support entrepreneurs to start a good

business and promote new forms of sustainable development by creating a co-creation

The Association of Plastic RecyclersÿAPR space, connecting innovation communities and providing business incubation services.

Core items:

The Plastics Recycling Association is an international trade association representing the • The SDGs Impact Acceleration Program, through joint cross-border partners,

Build an innovative incubation model of angel investment + industrial resources + in-

plastics recycling industry, with APR members spanning the industry.

depth companionship to support early influential entrepreneurs in coping with the

Service Content: challenges of funds, models and teams in the early

stage of entrepreneurship ;

And the service of in-depth docking of channels.

• Design solutions for recyclable packaging;

• Improve the quality of post-consumer plastics entering the

system; • Foster end-user markets; •

Promote collaborative testing programs for new

packaging; • Encourage design for recyclability through guidelines and

programs ; to recognize recyclable packaging design and recognize products made from

recycled plastic APR PCR certification: This certification shows that the product uses

legal post-consumer resin (that is, recycled plastic).

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plastic recycling Coalition to End Plastic Waste


Introduction: The alliance's key areas of focus include infrastructure, technological innovation,

education, social outreach, and plastic waste cleanup related to the circular

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) was established in January 2019. Its economy of plastics.

goal is to evaluate the plastic industry chain from the full life cycle, so as to protect

the environment and explore and improve the value of plastic waste. It is a global Member type:

not-for-profit organization that partners with governments, environmental and

economic development NGOs and communities around the world to address the As of May 2020, the Alliance has 47 member companies representing multinational

challenge of plastic waste in the environment. Through projects and partnerships, corporations located throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa

we focus on solutions in four core areas: infrastructure, innovation, education and and the Middle East. Its headquarters are in Singapore.

cleaning up plastic waste in the environment.

Core items:

Member companies of the "End Plastic Waste Coalition" have pledged to invest • Collect waste plastics in South and Southeast Asia; • Build

US$1.5 billion (approximately RMB 10.3 billion) over the next five years to develop waste management systems in communities and create jobs; • Support

solutions to plastic pollution, minimize plastic waste, and promote waste disposal. innovative design…

Plastic recycling.


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International organizations

plastic re

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

United Nations Environment Program

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

UN Environment Program

See page 18 for details


It is an intergovernmental international economic organization composed of 38 market

economy countries, aiming to jointly respond to the economic, social and government

challenges brought about by globalization, and to grasp the opportunities brought about by

globalization. Founded in 1961, it currently has 38 member states and is headquartered in Paris.

main content:

• Analysis and Forecast Report on Recycling Plastics Market

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plastic recycling

Ellen MacArthur Foundation PACE(Platform for Accelerating the Circular

Ellen MacArthur Foundation Economy)

See page 20 for details See page 16 for details


World Wildlife Fund

Introduction: • Plastic Clean Nature is June 6, 2019. In conjunction with World Environment Day

and World Ocean Day, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) teamed up with 14

One of the largest independent non-governmental environmental protection industry associations and non-governmental organizations to jointly establish the

organizations, WWF has been committed to environmental protection since its "China Plastic Clean Action Network". Through the positive impact of scientific

establishment in 1961. It has more than 5 million supporters and a project network in discussion and public advocacy of the "Plastic Clean Nature" action network, WWF

more than 100 countries around the world. hopes to let more people see China's roadmap and hope for solving plastic pollution

and recycling of resources, and let more and more institutions and individuals

Sources of funds: Extensively participate in the Net Plastic Nature Action.

• Personal donations

• Corporate donations

Plastic items:

• Through WWF's Plastic activation hub, help some of the world's leading

companies translate plastic commitments into measurable change, not

only in their business operations, but also in their supply chains. WWF

is working on the ground with partners in Indonesia, Peru and elsewhere

to stop plastic from entering local ecosystems. WWF supports

communities and fishers large and small to improve the use and

recycling of fishing gear so that issues such as abandoned nets are no

longer one of the greatest threats to marine life.

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plastic re

green peace


Introduction: Global fires, a plastic-free future, vegetarianism, food communication, rejection of fashion...

Greenpeace is a global environmental protection organization. Its international headquarters is

located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and it has branches in more than 50 countries and Sources of funds:

regions around the world. These regional divisions develop projects that meet local needs in

each region and fundraising work to support project development in accordance with the Personal donations (no fundraising in China)

program outline of project work around the world.

Project operation:

Core items:

The project specialists declare the topics and apply for funds by themselves, and present them

Protect the Amazon Rainforest, Protect the South Seas, Environmental Pollution, Destruction in the form of project reports and surveys. They usually cooperate more with government

of Natural Resources, Protect the Ocean, Stop Plastic Pollution, Climate Justice, agencies and colleges and less with enterprises.

Shanghai Billion Whale Marine Research Center

Narwhal Ocean Research Center


Sources of funds:

A non-profit organization dedicated to marine environmental protection, a member of the

international cooperation organization PLAST POLL, and a member of the China Coral • Social recruitment

Conservation Alliance. In the past three years since the organization was established, Billion • Government

Whale has conveyed scientific knowledge about the ocean and environmental protection funding • Enterprise funding

concepts to the public through videos, exhibitions, speeches, experiments, interactive workshops

and other forms; carried out beach cleaning plans, water microplastic sampling and analysis , Project form:

Coral census and conservation, marine plankton photographing and recording, and a series of

activities and work, and participated in China's first private Antarctic scientific research project. • Participate in the government's research plan on marine microplastics, help photograph and

collect data; •

Recycle waste fishing nets, make recycled plastic products, and sell the products to related

companies; • Organize

and participate in some low-carbon and environmental protection public welfare projects...

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plastic recycling Ren crossing the ocean

Introduction: Project form:

A public welfare organization focusing on marine litter issues, established in 2007 and registered as a private non- • Scientific research monitoring

enterprise unit in 2013. The main business activities are garbage cleaning, monitoring and research, supplemented platform • Project cooperation

by environmental protection education and network construction, and extensively participate in exchanges and platform • Environmental

cooperation at home and abroad. The medium and long-term goal is to become the most professional public welfare education • Beach

organization in the field of marine garbage. cleaning action • Organize and participate in some low-carbon and environmental protection public welfare projects...

Sources of funds:

• Enterprise donations •

Foundation donations • Social

public donations • Provide labor


high school

Tongji University East

China University of Science and

Technology Tsinghua

University Sichuan

University South China University of Technology

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Plastic Recycling Practice Reference

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Plastic Recycling Practice Reference


Compared with Europe, Japan has been very successful in avoiding waste generation. The Japanese government has established a very strict garbage classification system

since 1980. Up to now, its waste recycling work ranks first in the world, with a per capita annual disposal of 410 kg of waste, making it the country with the least amount of

waste per capita in the world. Every December, Japan's Environmental Protection Agency will send a special "gift" to each family, showing the specific types of domestic

waste in the form of cartoons, and marking the time when different wastes are discarded in yellow and green. compulsory course. However, it still faces the challenge of plastic

end-of-line disposal in the plastic recycling market. To this end, the Japanese government has taken advantage of the strong advantages of residents' own recycling work, and

joined hands with AEON Group, Japan's largest retail chain store group, to collect plastic products from residents through a subsidy system. AEON Group produces "public

goods" required by the government through secondary processing of plastic waste. For example the approximately 100 sets of podiums made for the Tokyo Olympics (requiring

45 tons of plastic), each of which will contain "post-consumer recycled" plastic material collected in Japan. The effort has raised awareness about eliminating waste and

promoting plastic recycling, saving an average of 75 grams of CO2 per recycled plastic. If the Tokyo Olympics recycled 1.5 million plastic items, the energy saved could power

a home for 112 years.

European Union

The EU's main means of achieving a circular economy include stringent legislation and fine-grained policy objectives. Since the passing of 'APCE (Action Plan for Circular

Economy )' in 2015, it seems to be making rapid progress towards achieving a plastic-free environment. The 'European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy' issued in

2018 identified a series of actions to reduce plastic waste in more detail. The Polytechnic University of Barcelona once proposed a 'CandyInnovation Model' business model

for the European plastic problem, which divides the plastic governance process into four stages: Challenges, Ideas, Prototyping and Scalability ).

The model first establishes the different challenges facing plastic governance, such as plastic waste from tourism or microplastics floating in the ocean. The second step seeks

solutions by developing cooperation with various organizations. Among them, for the issue of marine microplastics, a project called MareFrame initiated by the European

Union includes 28 partners, 14 countries and 3 continents. It brings together users, plastic recycling companies, fisheries, environmental organizations and scientists to discuss

the issue of managing ocean plastics. At present, zero plastic measures have been implemented on tools in the fishing and farming industries. The third step mainly focuses

on designing and developing plastic governance policies. For example, it is approved that the production and sale of disposable plastic products such as disposable

tableware, cotton swabs, and straws will be banned from 2021. These supplies will be replaced by paper, straw or reusable hard plastic; The bottle recycling rate reaches

90%, and there are at least 10 million recycled plastics in new products on the market; all plastic packaging will be reusable or recyclable by 2030. The policy also formulates

in detail the plastic waste charging systems of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and other countries, all of which try to control the generation of plastic waste

from the source and increase the reuse rate.

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Plastic Re


In December 2018, Nestlé announced the establishment of the Institute of Successful recycling requires adequate infrastructure, which is not always

Packaging Sciences to evaluate and develop various sustainable packaging available at present. The Nestlé Institute of Packaging Sciences is exploring

materials and collaborate with industrial partners to develop new packaging new paper-based materials and biodegradable/compostable polymers,

materials and solutions. From 2020 to 2025, Nestlé will globally phase out which are also recyclable, among other alternatives. These materials could

non-recyclable or difficult-to-recycle plastic packaging for all products. Nestlé be a good option where recycling infrastructure doesn't exist yet or won't be

is currently launching alternative packaging materials in its global product built for some time to come.

portfolio and establishing partnerships with top packaging professionals.

Nestlé also collaborates with external partners. Nestlé has entered into a

From February 2019, Nestlé will begin eliminating all plastic straws from its global partnership with Danimer Scientific to develop a marine biodegradable

products, using alternative materials such as paper and innovative designs and renewable bottle for its drinking water business.

to reduce littering. Nestle Drinking Water will increase the content of recycled

PET in bottles by 2025. The global goal is to account for 35%, and the goal In addition, Nestlé has started a partnership with PureCycle Technologies

for the US market is 50%. The focus is on Nestle's iconic brand Polish to produce food-grade recycled polypropylene (PP). PureCycle Technologies

Spring. In addition, Nestlé Waters will increase the recycled PET content of is commercializing breakthrough recycling technologies that remove color,

its European brands Acqua Panna, Buxton, Henniez and Levissima to 50% odor and contaminants from plastic waste feedstock to convert it into virgin

by 2025. state resin.

Unilever China and Alibaba jointly launched the "Plastic Clean Action" to Various offline deployment scenarios such as small stores. And through the Alibaba

help create a plastic recycling supply chain and create a waste-free world. commercial operating system to achieve cross-business and multi-scenario consumer

"Plastic Clearing Action" is a plastic intelligent recycling project. It was built operations, through Ant Forest energy incentives and brand incentives to let more consumers

by Unilever providing equipment and recycling links, while Alibaba provided recognize and participate, and jointly create a plastic recycling supply chain, thereby

the latest AI recognition technology for the equipment, as well as Alipay accelerating the "plastic reduction" ” process to promote the sustainable development of related industries.

urban life cooperation public points and communities, Tmall campus store, Tmall

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Plastic Recycling Practice Qingshan Project was initiated by Meituan Waimai on August 31, 2017. In the past
Reference Continuously develop new solutions through multiple links such as utilization, and try to cooperate

three years, the Qingshan Project has worked with partners to establish 350 takeaway meal with all relevant parties in the entire industry chain such as the government, NGOs, packaging

box recycling and recycling pilot projects, bringing together 240,000 public welfare companies, businesses, schools, and scientific research institutions to promote the construction of

businesses, and supporting 2,800 acres of ecological poverty alleviation planting forests in a scientific closed loop.

Yunnan and other places. At the same time, by 2025, the goal is to build a green packaging

supply chain and provide recyclable, degradable or reusable packaging solutions for all In addition to the reclaimed fenders of takeaway lunch boxes jointly developed by Mobike,

merchants on the platform; link the upstream and downstream of the industry to establish a Heytea, Guangdong Linuo New Material Technology Co., Ltd. A phone case with 0.5 HEYTEA

normalized meal box recycling system in more than 20 provinces across the country; promote cups, a recycle bag with 0.33 HEYTEA cups, and a luggage tag with 1.1 HEYTEA cups.

100 million users practice sustainable consumption behaviors such as no tableware.

Meituan Waimai intervenes in all aspects of the entire life cycle of food delivery waste, including

reduction at the source, packaging upgrades, recycling and recycling

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"Circular Industry Chain", Yang Jingzeng/author, Chemical Industry Press

Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development, by Herman E. Daly, Shanghai Translation Publishing House

"China Circular Economy Development Report (2018)", China Circular Economy Association/Chief Editor, Social Science Literature Publishing House

"Circular Economy Theory and Practice", Ma Xin Guo Fuli/Editor-in-Chief, China Economic Publishing House

"China Recycled Plastics Industry Development Report (2020-2021)", China Material Recycling Association Recycled Plastics Branch / Editor-in-Chief

"Plastic Sustainable Development White Paper", Shanghai Jiaotong University Antai College of Economics and Management Unilever Group Alibaba Group / Editor-in-Chief

"China Green Supply Chain Development Report (2019)", China Green Supply Chain Alliance/Chief Editor

"2019 China Sustainable Consumption Report", SynTao Zongheng Jiemian News / Editor-in-Chief

"Ten Ten Trends of Sustainable Development of Chinese Enterprises", China Business Council for Sustainable Development / Editor-in-Chief

"Resource Circulation Policy in Japan", Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Industrial Technology and Environment Bureau Resource Circular Economics Section / Editor-in-Chief

ÿPathways towards a German Circular EconomyÿÿThomas Weber and Martin Stuchtey / ÿÿ

ÿLeading the way to a global circular economy: state of play and outlookÿÿ


ÿPlastics – the Facts 2019ÿÿ Plastics Europe / ÿÿ


ÿThe road to circularityÿ,pwc / ÿÿ

ÿSolving Plastic pollution through accountabilityÿÿWWF / ÿÿ

ÿThe circular economy: Moving from theory to practiceÿÿ

McKinsey Center for Business and Environment / Editor-in-Chief





Netherlands Enterprise Agency / Editor-in-Chief

"The New Plastics Economy – Rethinking the Future of Plastics & Catalyzing Action", ELLEN MACARTHUR FOUNDATION / Editor-in-Chief

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report author

This report was completed by the "Sedex Project Special Team" in half a year. The information and data come from publicly released books, manuals, documents, networks and related

industry databases. This report hopes to help you understand the significance of circular economy and circular plastics to global sustainable development through an objective, professional

and systematic way, combined with the relevant experience and insights of Sedex and our global members, especially, China’s commitment to "carbon Under the background of the goals of

"Peak" and "Carbon Neutrality", we will contribute our meager strength to China's sustainable development. I also hope that this report can bring you harvest and inspiration. If there are

omissions and deficiencies in this report, criticism and correction are welcome.

Thanks to the members of the "Sedex Project Special Team" who participated in the editing, writing and layout design of this report: Qiao Guangqian, Wang Cheng, Qin Nian, Tu Xiaojie,

Liu Xin, Li Shuhai for their contributions to the report.

thank you

We would like to thank the Green Circulation Inclusive Committee of China Environmental Protection Federation and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for their important support to the "Circular Economy Report";

special thanks to Dr. Jiang Nanqing for his professional guidance on this report.

Copyright Notice

The copyright of this "2021 Circular Economy Report" belongs to Shanghai Sedex Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sedex), and all rights are reserved. If it is

used for research or non-profit publicity and education activities, the entire content of this report can be used in any way without the special permission of the copyright owner on the premise

of declaring the source of the information. Without the written consent of Sedex, this report cannot be sold or used for other commercial purposes, and no one can reproduce or publish any

part of the document.


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