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Interpretation Detail
Standard Designation: BPV Section VIII Div 1
Edition/Addenda: 2015
Para./Fig./Table No: UG-84
Subject Description: Vessel production impact test plates
Date Issued: 06/13/2018
Record Number: 16-1400
Interpretation Number : BPV VIII-1-18-29
Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question 1: When production impact testing is required, may
the production impact test plate made from UCS material be
post weld heat treated separately from the vessel as long as
the requirements stated in UG-84(f) are met?

Reply 1: Yes

Question 2: When production impact testing is required, may vessel

production impact test specimens be machined from the plate to the
dimensions stated in UG-84(c) prior to post weld heat treatment?

Reply 2: No

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