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Question Bank Module-1 Human resource Planning Section A (2Marks)

1. Define Strategic HRM.

2. What is meant by strategic human resource management? 3. Define HRP. 4. What is HRP? 5. What is Delphi Technique? 6. Write the meaning of downsizing. 7. What do you mean by computerized forecasting?

(MBA, Jan 2011) (MBA, Jan 2009) (MBA, Jan 2010) (MBA, Jan 2010)

Section B (8 Marks)
1. Discuss important demand forecasting techniques in HRP. 2. Describe the factors affecting Human resource planning. 3. Explain the objectives of HRP. 4. Explain the need of Human Resource Planning. 5. Describe the various steps in HR Planning.

(MBA, Jan 2009) (MBA, Jan 2011)

6. What is HRP? Explain the benefits of HRP. 7. Explain the problems or limitations in HRP.

Section C (12 marks )

1. Explain the various issues in Strategic human resource management.
2. Discuss the main elements of HR planning. 3. What are the factors affecting HRP? Explain them. 4. Explain the process of HRP. 5. Explain the objectives and importance of HRP, along with steps involved in

(MBA, Jan 2010)

Human resource planning.

6. Explain employee demand forecasting.

(MBA, Jan 2011)

7. Discuss the various methods that may be adopted to ascertain the manpower

requirements of an organisation.
8. Explain employee supply forecasting.

(MBA, Jan 2010)

9. What are the important objectives of HRP and explain the factors affecting the

HRP with examples.

(MBA, Jan 2009)

Module-2 Job Analysis Section A ( 2marks)

1. What is job analysis?

2. Distinguish between job enlargement and job enrichment.

3. What do you mean by job enrichment?

(MBA, Jan 2011)

4. Give the meaning of job specification.

5. What is job specification?

(MBA, Jan 2010)

6. What do you mean by job rotation? 7. Write the meaning of job design.
8. Define Job Design.

(MBA, Jan 2009)

9. What is job evaluation?

10. What is job Description?

(MBA, Jan 2009)

Section B ( 8 Marks)
1. Explain job analysis. 2. What is job Analysis? Explain the methods of collecting data for job Analysis.

(MBA, Jan 2010)

3. Explain the methods of data collection used in job analysis.

(MBA, Jan 2011)

4. Explain the techniques of job design. 5. Explain the contents of job description. 6. Write a short note on job specification. 7. Discuss importance of job enrichment.
8. Explain important components of job Enrichment.

(MBA, Jan 2009)

Section C ( 12 marks)

1. Explain the process of job Analysis.

2. Write a note on the following: a) job description b) job specification c) electronic

training. 3. Explain the popular techniques used for job Analysis. 4. How do you write a job Description?

(MBA, Jan 2011)

5. What is job Analysis? Explain the techniques involved in job evaluation.

6. Describe the factor comparison method of job evaluation.

Module-3 Procurement, selection and Induction Section A (2marks)

1. Define recruitment.

(MBA, Jan 2009)

2. State the various sources of recruitment. 3. What are the sources of internal recruitment? 4. What is EQ?
5. What is Application blank?

(MBA, Jan 2009)

6. What are walk-ins? 7. What is employee referral?

8. What are referrals in recruitment? 9. What are the modern techniques of recruitment?

(MBA, Jan 2010) (MBA, Jan 2011)

10. What is centralized recruitment? 11. What is decentralized recruitment? 12. What do you mean by placement?
13. What is selection? 14. Mention important selection hurdles.

(MBA, Jan

2011) 15. Distinguish between recruitment and selection. 16. Give the meaning of interview. 17. What do you mean by preliminary interview?

18. What do you mean by stress interview? 19. What is situational test? 20. What is interest test? 21. What is personality test? 22. What is achievement test? 23. What is aptitude test? 24. What is induction?

Section B(8 Marks)

1. What are the objectives of recruitment? 2. State the various sources of recruitment. 3. Distinguish between internal and external sources of recruitment. 4. Discuss various sources of internal recruitment. 5. Distinguish between centralized and decentralized recruitment. 6. Define placement. What are the problems involved in placement?
7. Explain the significance of selection process. 8. Explain the essentials of selection procedure.

(MBA, Jan 2011) (MBA, Jan 2010)

9. What is the importance of selection in the process of recruitment? Also explain

the pitfalls of wrong selection. 10. Explain the uses of tests in selection.
11. Explain some important employment tests. 12. Explain the process of selection with a model. 13. Discuss some important types of employment interviews.

(MBA, Jan 2009) (MBA, Jan 2009) (MBA, Jan 2009)

14. What preparation does interviewer have to make for an interview? 15. Write ten questions which you would like to ask the interviewer. 16. What are the objectives of induction programme? 17. What are the types of induction programmes? 18. What is induction? Discuss induction problems.

Section C (12 marks)

1. What are the factors affecting recruitment policies? Explain the theories of

recruitment. 2. Briefly discuss various techniques of recruitment of employees.

3. Mention overall merits and demerits of the internal sources of recruitment.

4. Explain the merits and demerits of external sources of recruitment.

5. What are the common mistakes made in campus recruitment and suggest remedial

measures. 6. What are the merits and demerits of centralized recruitment? 7. Write an essay on recruitment practices followed in Indian Industries in private and public sectors and government departments. 8. What are the roles of the HR manager and line manager in the recruiting activity? 9. Discuss in detail the various steps involved in selection process. 10. Bring out the various types of selection tests. 11. What are the different types of interview?
12. If you are required to hire five sales representatives to your company, what are the

appropriate recruitment, selection and induction methods you would use? 13. What is internal and external recruitment? Explain with examples. (MBA, Jan 2009)

Module-4 Training Section A( 2 marks)

1. What is induction programme? 2. Name, with examples, formal induction programmes. 3. Give a list of on the job training methods.

(MBA, Jan 2009) (MBA, Jan 2011) (MBA, Jan 2011)

4. Define training.
5. Define development. 6. What is vestibule training?

(MBA, Jan 2009)

7. What is the role of training in HRD? 8. What do you mean by management training? 9. What is sensitivity training? 10. What is on the job training method?
11. What is grooming?

(MBA, Jan 2010)

12. What is off the job training method? 13. What is training policy 14. What is case study?
15. What do you mean by job rotation?

16. What is T group training? 17. What is electronic training?

18. What do you mean by assessment centers?

19. What do you mean by training need analysis? 20. What is web based instruction?
21. What is CBT in Training? What types of jobs can be trained using CBT?

(MBA, Jan 2010) 22. Mention 3 training needs. 23. Comment on which all the areas differences occurs between training and development. 24. Narrate the training procedure.

Section B ( 8 marks)
1. Discuss need for training.
2. Discuss importance of training.

3. What are the objectives of training? 4. How training benefits organisations? 5. What are the qualities of the trainer?
6. Differentiate between training and development.

(MBA, Jan-2003, 2007)

7. Distinguish between training and development and enlist different training

methods. 8. Explain the training need assessment process.

(MBA, Jan 2011)

9. Discuss any two important methods that are widely used in organisation to

MBAild and enhance team effectiveness.

10. Bring out the differences between training and development of human resources

by highlighting their outcomes.

(MBA, Jan 2010)

11. Explain computer based training and distance and internet based training.
12. Comment on distance and internet based training.

(MBA, Jan 2011)

13. State the merits and demerits of electronic training.

Section C (12 Marks)

1. Explain the procedure involved in analyzing the training need. 2. Discuss the various methods of training the employees.
3. Bring out the important methods of training and development? (MBA, Jan2005)

4. Write a short note on E-training.

5. Explain the important methods of on the job and off the job training programmes.

(MBA, Jan 2009) 6. Discuss the need for induction and explain the different methods of inducting employees in to an organisation.
7. Explain the process of assessment of training needs of an organisation and also

state the different on the job and off the job training methods.

(MBA, Jan 2010)

Module-5 Evaluation of training Section A(2marks)

1. What do you mean by evaluation? 2. What do you mean by evaluation of training?

(MBA, Jan 2007) (MBA, Jan 2011)

3. On what basis the course objectives of the training programme are evaluated? 4. On what basis the trainers performance will be evaluated?
5. What are the features of time schedule in effective training programme?

6. What are the purpose and uses of training evaluation?

7. What are the trainees expectations from the programme?

8. What are the important individual gains from training?

9. What are the five factors essential for in-house training institutes? 10. What is competency mapping? 11. What do you mean by competency mapping?

(MBA, Jan 2009, 2010) (MBA, Jan 2011)

Section B (8 marks)
1. What is the purpose of evaluation? 2. Elucidate the scope of the study of evaluation process?
3. What is the purpose of evaluation of training? Explain the process of evaluation of


(MBA, Jan 2010)

Section C(12 marks)

1. Explain the evaluation procedure of training

2. Bring out the need, criteria, and technique of evaluation of training results? 3. How do you evaluate a trainer? 4. How do you evaluate the methodology of training? 5. How do you evaluate the contents of training? 6. Write a short note on competency mapping.
7. What is the purpose of evaluation? Explain write suitable case evaluation

methodology and evaluation process.

(MBA, Jan 2011)

Case Studies Section D (15 marks)

1) Mr. Prasad is the administrative Manager of ABC Company. Its a medium sized company. Mr. Prasad has been working in the company since last 10 years as a secretary and chief accountant. His record was excellent. Recently he has been selected as the administrative manager. The new post was created a year ago.

As a result of this change, output of his work in the office dropped considerably and morale become low. There was an alarming increase in staff turnover. To study the situation M.D engaged a consultant. The report of the consultant while praising the expert knowledge of Mr. Prasad on many technical aspects of office administration pointed out his incapability in dealing with people.

Surprisingly Mr. Prasad enjoyed much popularity of senior executives of the company. He won their esteem for his valuable services as a manager. They were very much worried over the capabilities of Mr. Prasad in dealing with people. They were helpless.

Posers: 1) What is the real cause of the problem?

2) What can be done to rectify the situation considering Mr. Prasads value to the

company? 3) Do you feel that sensitivity training is required for Mr. Prasad? Give reasons for your answer.

2).Spellbound designers is a Pvt. Ltd. Co specializing in machine and tool designing for offshore customers through internet. Its a BPO organization. It has acquired a workforce of 30 persons over one and half year starting with 3 engineers to begin with. It has at present18engineers, HR assistant, 5 support staff aided by CEO/ General Manager and non technical director. The turnover of the company is high. 5, 6 engineers left within the last one year. The MD and Director are worried. They have approached you for a solution and help. 1. What advice will you give and why in order to retain talent. 2. Do you feel training and development interventions are necessary? 3. Discuss briefly as to how you will go about handling this assignment. 3)Human Resource management of Fairdeal has need for competent managers to help meet organisational objectives. The coming year, with effect from April 1st, Fairdeal plans to promote 10 people to managerial jobs. None of them have any previous experience as managers. The HRM department is now faced with the challenge of helping to train the new managers. Current practice:

As a relatively new company Fairdeal has not yet developed a formal training programme, nor documented a policy regarding promotion to managerial status. In the past managerial position was filled from within and mostly on adhoc basis. Training was informal. It was usually on the job and necessary inputs were given by an experienced manager familiar with the process.

Now top management at Fairdeal feels that existing training methods in vogue in the company are not appropriate to help prepare the employees for promotion to managerial jobs. In order to develop an appropriate approach to training, the CEO decided to spend an additional Rs.2.5 lakhs for managerial training.

1. What type of training will these new managers need? Which training technique

would react these needs and why? 2. How should Fairdeal go about evaluating the program? What inputs would you need to evaluate it?

4. Mr. Krishnan attended behaviour modification program in IRMB and was impressed with the same. He started using it on his own workers in his department. He identified several critical behaviour, measured and analyzed them and used a positive reinforcement intervention strategy to implement the training initiatives taken by the department. His evaluation showed significant improvement in the performance of his department and he got stuck to the program. In fact he, was seen commenting to another supervisor. The contingent reinforcement method really works better than the human relations gimmicks of being nice to subordinates. Moreover, it is really difficult to understand anybody. I am nice to people only contingent upon their good performances. This makes me a lot of sense than just being good to everybody. The other supervisor commented, You are being reinforced for using the reinforcement technique on your people. Mr. Krishnan said, Yes, surely, behaviour that is reinforced will strengthen and repeat itself.

A few weeks later the plant manager, Mr. Bose, called Mr. Krishnan and told him, your department has shown substantial increase in performance since you implemented the behaviour modification programme. I have sent our industrial engineer to your department to analyze your standards. It looks like, from the report , that we will have to adjust your rates upward by 10%. Otherwise we have to pay too much incentive pay. I

hope you will use the behaviour modification technique to break the news to your people. Good Luck and keep up the good work.

1. What do you think would be Mr. Krishnans reaction to Mr. Bose? 2. How can behaviour modification be used in the new situation with the revised

3. If this situation results in conflict and low morale, how are you to handle the


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