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Fill the blanks with the correct personal pronoun!

1. Don’t give .... a chance to be governor. Because he is so ridiculous.

2. We give her a good jacket. Because … doesn’t have jacket
3.  ... book is very interesting. Can I borrow it from you?
4. Will you forgive him? Because … has apologized.  
5. Ardi tells ... to study hard, because they will have exam next week. 
6. Will ... go to Tarakan next month? Because She wants to visit Amal Beach.
7. Tito and Rere are ... friends. I Love them both.
8. ... car will be sold, because we need money.
9. Sandra will help them, if … promise to change their bad attitude.
10. Truly, We have to help her, because Annisa can’t live without … .  
11. She met me in this office last week. I haven’t seen …. for a long time.
12. Rooney is lazy, he is always late submitting … homework.
13. There was something wrong with ..., because he acts weirdly. 
14. I want to meet Sasha. Is ... at home? 
15. Amru, Amin and Andi want to get job in North Kalimantan, ... will go to Tarakan
next month.
16. Santy and Synta are twins. . . . are beautiful
17. Dian likes to stay in . . . bedroom all day
18. We live in Indonesia. . . . country has two seasons
19. That's . . . ball, not mine.
20. ….. loves Sate. It's her favourite food.

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