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An American National Standard

IEEE Standard for Gas-Insulated, Metal-
Enclosed Disconnecting, Interrupter,
and Grounding Switches

Switchgear Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved February 2, 1989

IEEE Standards Board

Approved August 16, 1989

American National Standards Institute

©Copyright 1989 by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards
Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without
compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a
consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE which
have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard.

Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other
ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE
Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change
brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every
IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least once every five years for revision or reaffirmation. When a document is
more than five years old, and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of
some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have
the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.

Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation
with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with
appropriate supporting comments.

Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to
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Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:

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IEEE Standards documents are adopted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers without regard to
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(This Foreword is not a part of ANSI/IEEE C37.38-1989, IEEE Standard for Gas-Insulated, Metal-Enclosed Disconnecting,
Interrupter, and Grounding Switches.)

In 1970, the Transmission Substations Subcommittee of the Substations Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering
Society was established to develop standards for gas-insulated substations and gas-insulated substation equipment. In
1973, IEEE Project Number P468 was assigned and work was begun on this project. This project was published as
ANSI/IEEEC37.122-1983 , and, based on its work, internal recommendations for new standards were made to other
IEEE committees.

In May 1977, the Switchgear Committee authorized formation of a working group under the High-Voltage Switch
Subcommittee to establish standards for disconnecting switches, interrupter switches, and grounding switches for use
in gas-insulated substations. In June 1978, the C37 Power Switchgear Committee assigned the number C37.38 to this
document, and in September 1978, the IEEE Standards Board approved this project and assigned it Project Number

During the period in which this document was finalized, the chairman of the Switchgear Committee was G. N. Lester
and the chairman of the High-Voltage Switch Subcommittee was L. V. Chabala. Members of the working group that
prepared this document were:

A. B. Rishworth, Chair
H. W. Graybill (Past Chairman)

A. Courts D. M. Larson H. M. Luehrmann

K. D. Hendrix E. Thuries

The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved this document for submission to the IEEE
Standards Board:

A. K. Alsaker W. C. Huening H. C. Ross

J. G. Angelis A. J. Kalvaitis W. M. Rothenbuhler
R. H. Arndt P. L. Kolarik A. B. Rishworth
S. C. Atkinson D. G. Kumbera E. W. Schmunk
F. L. Cameron S. R. Lambert G. G. Schockelt
L. V. Chabala D. M. Larson C. A. Schwalbe
A. P. Colaiaco W. E. Laubach J. C. Scott
J. J. Dravis T. S. Lauber J. F. Sellers
C. J. Dvorak J. G. Leach S. D. Smith
R. P. Ehas G. N. Lester E. M. Spencer
F. C. Farrell E. L. Luehring H. E. Swanson
J. D. Finley P. C. Lyons G. H. Taylor
R. E. Friedrich J. A. Maneatis S. H. Telander
H. G. Frus J. R. Marek F. C. Teufel
G. Genest C. Mayo J. R. Truitt
R. D. Hambrick L. V. McCall E. F. Veverka
G. R. Hanks R. A. McMaster C. L. Wagner
W. E. Harper M. W. Mikulecky G. A. Wilson
K. D. Hendrix D. C. Mills W. R. Wilson
W. F. Hoenigmann G. O. Perkins B. F. Wirtz
E. J. Huber C. A. Popeck C. E. Zanzie
J. C. W. Ransom

The Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following
personnel at the time of approval:

T. C. Burnett, Chair
C. H. White, Secretary
M. B. Williams (Program Administrator)
A. K. McCabe (Executive Vice-Chairman of High-Voltage Switchgear Standards)
S. H. Telander (Executive Vice-Chairman of Low-Voltage Switchgear Standards)
D. L. Swindler (Executive Vice-Chairman of IEC Activities)

Organization Represented Name of Representative

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers ............................................................................................. J. M. Tillman
Electric Light and Power Group ......................................................................................................... R. L. Capra
G. R. Brandenberger
T. E. Bruck (Alt.)
M. J. Eckelkamp
K. D. Hendrix
M. C. Mingoia (Alt.)
J. H. Provanzana
D. T. Weston
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ................................................................................ H. W. Mikulecky
S. C. Atkinson (Alt.)
R. W. Haas
W. F. Hoenigmann
D. G. Kumbera (Alt.)
D. M. Larson
E. W. Schmunk
C. A. Schwalbe
National Electrical Manufacturers Association .................................................................................. R. A. McMaster
T. C. Burtnett
R. H. Miller
H. L. Miller (Alt.)
R. O. D. Whitt
Tennessee Valley Authority ................................................................................................................ R. B. Rotton
Testing Laboratory Group................................................................................................................... L. Frier
W. T. O’Grady
R. W. Seelback (Alt.)
U.S. Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers........................................................ W. M. Jones
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation ................................................................... J. W. Reif
U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Construction Battalion Center ................................................. R. L. Clark
U.S. Department of Agriculture, REA ................................................................................................ H. L. Bowles
Western Area Power Administration .................................................................................................. G. D. Birney

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on February 2, 1989, it had the following membership:

Dennis Bodson, Chair

Marco W. Migliaro, Vice Chair
Andrew G. Salem, Secretary

Arthur A. Blaisdell Kenneth D. Hendrix John E. May, Jr.

Fletcher J. Buckley Theodore W. Hissey, Jr. Lawrence V. McCall
Allen L. Clapp John W. Horch L. Bruce McClung
James M. Daly David W. Hutchins Donald T. Michael*
Stephen R. Dillon Frank D. Kirschner Richard E. Mosher
Donald C. Fleckenstein Frank C. Kitzantides Stig Nilsson
Eugene P. Fogarty Joseph L. Koepfinger* L. John Rankine
Jay Forster* Edward Lohse Gary S. Robinson
Thomas L. Hannan Donald W. Zipse

*Member Emeritus

1. Scope and References .........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 References .................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................2
3. Service Conditions ..............................................................................................................................................3
3.1 Usual Service Conditions........................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Other Conditions That May Affect Design and Application ..................................................................... 3
3.3 Unusual Service Conditions....................................................................................................................... 3
4. Equipment Ratings ..............................................................................................................................................4
4.1 Voltage Ratings.......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Rated Continuous Current (amperes rms).................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Temperature Limitations............................................................................................................................ 6
4.4 Load Current-Carrying Capability Based on Actual Ambient Temperature Conditions........................... 6
4.5 Short-Time Load Current Capability ......................................................................................................... 6
4.6 Rated Momentary Current ......................................................................................................................... 6
4.7 Rated Short-Time Current.......................................................................................................................... 6
4.8 Voltage Rise of Metallic Enclosure ........................................................................................................... 7
4.9 Gas ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.10 Control Voltage.......................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Disconnecting Switches ......................................................................................................................................7
5.1 Construction ............................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Testing of Disconnecting Switches............................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Switch Position Indication ....................................................................................................................... 13
5.4 Operating Mechanisms ............................................................................................................................ 14
5.5 Interlocking .............................................................................................................................................. 14
6. Interrupter Switches ..........................................................................................................................................14
6.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Interrupting Ratings ................................................................................................................................. 14
7. Grounding Switches ..........................................................................................................................................14
7.1 Types of Grounding Switches and Devices ............................................................................................. 14
7.2 Testing of Grounding Switches................................................................................................................ 15
7.3 Switch Position Indication ....................................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Operating Mechanisms ............................................................................................................................ 17
7.5 Interlocking .............................................................................................................................................. 17
8. Supporting Structures........................................................................................................................................17
9. Nameplates........................................................................................................................................................18
9.1 Disconnecting Switches ........................................................................................................................... 18
9.2 Interrupter Switches ................................................................................................................................. 18
9.3 Maintenance Grounding Switches ........................................................................................................... 18
9.4 Fault-Closing Maintenance Grounding Switches .................................................................................... 18
9.5 Fault-Initiating Switches .......................................................................................................................... 19

An American National Standard
IEEE Standard for Gas-Insulated, Metal-
Enclosed Disconnecting, Interrupter,
and Grounding Switches

1. Scope and References

1.1 Scope

This standard applies to switches rated 72.5 kV and above intended for use in metal-enclosed, gas-insulated
substations, including disconnecting, interrupter, and grounding switches. These switches are characterized by
grounded, leak-tight metal enclosures that are filled with a gas (most commonly sulfur hexa-fluoride, SF6) at some
pressure above atmospheric, with live parts contained within the housing and insulated therefrom by the gas and by
suitable solid insulation that supports the live parts in their proper position. Gas-insulated switches are normally
electrically connected to and structurally joined to other gas-insulated components such as buses, gas-to-air bushings,
circuit breakers, instrument transformers, cable terminations, etc. Switches may be manually or power operated.

1.2 References

The following publications shall be used in conjunction with this standard. When standards in this document are
referred to, the latest revision shall apply.

[1] ANSI C2-1990, National Electrical Safety Code.1

[2] ANSI C37.33-1987, Switchgear—High-Voltage Air Switches—Rated Control Voltages and Their Ranges.

[3] ANSI C63.2-1987, American National Standard for Instrumentation—Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength,
10 kHz to 40 GHz—Specifications.

[4] ANSI MC96.1-1982, Temperature Measurement Thermocouples.

ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 1


[5] ANSI/ASME 1989, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII (Pressure Vessels), Division 1.2

[6] ANSI/ASME B31.1-1986, Power Piping.

[7] ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979, IEEE Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.3

[8] ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on
Symmetrical Current Basis.

[9] Draft ANSI/IEEE C37.24-1986, IEEE Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal-
Enclosed Switchgear.

[10] ANSI/IEEE C37.30-1971 (R1977), American National Standard Definitions and Requirements for High-Voltage
Air Switches, Insulators, and Bus Supports (includes Supplement C37.30a-1975).

[11] ANSI/IEEE C37.34-1971 (R1977), American National Standard Test Code for High-Voltage Air Switches.

[12] ANSI/IEEE C37.100-1981, IEEE Standard Definitions for Power Switchgear.

[13] ANSI/IEEE C37.122-1983, IEEE Standard for Gas Insulated Substations.

[14] ANSI/IEEE Std 4-1978, IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing.

[15] ASTM D2472-1971 (R1980), Standard Specification for Sulfur Hexafluoride.4

[16] IEEE Std 119-1974, IEEE Recommended Practice for General Principles of Temperature Measurement as
Applied to Electrical Apparatus.5

2. Definitions

The definitions in this section establish the meanings of words in the context of their use in this document. Other terms
shall be defined in accordance with ANSI/IEEE C37.100-1987 [12] and other ANSI standards referenced in the text

design pressure: The maximum gas pressure to which a gas-insulated substation enclosure will be subjected under
normal operating conditions. This is the result of the nominal gas density at initial filling plus ambient and current
loading effects.
enclosure: The grounded metal part surrounding the gas-insulated switch, used to retain the pressurized gas under the
prescribed conditions necessary to maintain the insulation level safely. The enclosure prevents personnel from
inadvertently approaching live or moving parts contained therein and protects the internal components of the
equipment against external effects.
enclosure currents: Currents that result from the voltages induced in the metallic enclosure by effects of currents
flowing in the enclosed conductors.
gas barrier insulator: An insulator specifically designed to prevent passage of gas from one side to its other.

2ANSI/ASME publications are available from ANSI or from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Order Department, 22 Law Drive,
Fairfield, NJ 07007.
ANSI/IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway,
NJ 08854-4150, or from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
IEEE publications are available from the IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4150.

2 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


gas density minimum: The minimum operating gas density at which the gas-insulated substation and its components
will meet their assigned electrical ratings. This is normally the gas density at which dielectric-type tests are performed.
gas density nominal: The manufacturer’s recommended operating gas density (usually expressed as pressure at
20 °C). This is normally the gas density achieved at initial gas filling.
gas monitoring systems: Any instrumentation for measuring, indicating, or giving remote warning of the condition or
change in condition of the insulating gas in the switch enclosure, such as pressure, density, moisture content, etc.

3. Service Conditions

3.1 Usual Service Conditions

Switches conforming to this standard shall be suitably constructed to operate at their respective electrical, mechanical,
and thermal ratings when installed in a gas-insulated substation under the following conditions:

1) Temperature Range. The normal ambient temperature range shall be −30 °C to + 40 °C.
2) Heat Absorption Due to Solar Radiation. Solar radiation shall be considered in the design of outdoor gas-
insulated substations (GIS). ANSI/IEEE C37.24-1986 [9] provides guidance in evaluation of the effects of
solar radiation on outdoor apparatus.
3) Internal Pressure. The equipment shall be mechanically designed to permanently withstand a range of
internal pressure from a vacuum of 0.1 mmHg up to the design pressure.
4) Wind and Ice. Wind and ice conditions shall correspond to the National Electrical Safety Code, ANSI C2-
1990 [1], for heavy loading on structures.
5) Electromagnetic Interference. The equipment shall not operate falsely or fail to operate because of induced
transient or steady-state fields.
6) Vibration and Shock. The equipment shall withstand for its service life the vibration of any directly connected
equipment, such as transformers, and the shock caused by the operation or maintenance of the equipment.
The service life is to be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user.

3.2 Other Conditions That May Affect Design and Application

Where other conditions exist, they should be brought to the attention of those responsible for the design and
application of these assemblies. Among such conditions are the following:


Exposure to damaging fumes or vapor; steam; salt air; oil vapors; hot, humid climate; excessive dust; abrasive dust;
dripping water; falling dirt; explosive mixtures of dust or gases; and extreme high or low temperatures.


Unusual installation requirements, space or ventilation limitations, special duty, frequency or other operating
requirements, difficulty of maintenance, nonstandard or unstable control voltage, and abnormal vibration (particularly

3.3 Unusual Service Conditions

The application of this equipment at other than the usual service conditions shall be considered special. Standard
assemblies may be applied in unusual service conditions, but performance may be affected, and special consideration
should be given to these applications.

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 3


4. Equipment Ratings

The ratings of gas-insulated switches are the following:

1) Rated maximum voltage

2) Rated power frequency
3) Rated Basic Impulse Insulation Level (BIL)
4) Rated switching impulse withstand voltage
5) Rated continuous current (not applicable to grounding switches)
6) Rated short-time current capability
7) Rated interrupting current (applicable to interrupter switches only)
8) Rated making current (applicable to fault-closing maintenance grounding switches and fault-initiating
9) Rated number of fault closings before maintenance (applicable to fault-closing maintenance grounding
switches and fault-initiating switches only)

4.1 Voltage Ratings

Standard voltage ratings shall be as shown in Table 1.

4.2 Rated Continuous Current (amperes rms)

Based on the maximum ambient temperature of 40 °C, the value of rated continuous current shall be selected from the
following table:

Rated Continuous Current (amperes rms)


4 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


Table 1— Voltage Ratings for Gas-Insulated, Metal-Enclosed Disconnecting, Interrupter,

and Grounding Switches at Normal Operating Gas Density
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Substation Test Values Disconnect Switch Open Gap
Rated Field
Rated Low- Switching Tests Low- Switching
Maximum Rated Frequency Impulse Frequency Impulse Low Frequency Impulse
Voltage BIL Withstand (kV Withstand Withstand (kV Withstand Withstand Withstand
(kV rms) (kV Crest) rms) (kV Crest) rms) (kV Crest) (kV rms) (kV Crest)
72.5 300 140 — 105 330 154 —
72.5 350 160 — 120 385 176 —
121 450 215 — 160 495 236 —
121 550 260 — 195 605 286 —
145 550 260 — 195 605 286 —
145 650 310 — 230 715 341 —
169 650 310 — 230 715 341 —
169 750 365 — 270 825 401 —
242 750 365 — 270 825 401 —
242 900 425 — 320 990 467 —
362 900 425 720 320 990 467 800
362 1050 500 825 375 1155 550 900
550 1300 615 1050 460 1430 676 1175
550 1500 740 1175 550 1705 814 1300
800 1800 860 1425 645 1980 946 1550
1 — Refer to columns 5, 6, and 7: For certain switches energized at normal voltage on one terminal and subject to impulse or
switching surges on the other side, such as line switches in a ring bus, higher open-gap withstand voltages may be desirable.
However, it should be remembered that an open-gap flashover in a gas-insulated switch must promptly initiate a flashover
to ground at all gas pressures from atmospheric to maximum rated, which then would clear the circuit in about four cycles,
depending on relaying, breaker speeds, etc.
2 — Routine low-frequency, one-minute withstand tests are conducted prior to shipment from the factory at the rated withstand
voltage shown in column 2.
3 — The values given in columns 5, 6, and 7 are provided for design criteria.
4 — For rated maximum voltage 72.5 kV to 242 kV, switching impulse shall be at least the crest value of those given in column 2.

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 5


4.3 Temperature Limitations

Maximum Allowable Total Temperature °C

Internal contacts/joints silver plated and
conductors in contact with epoxy insulators 105
External surfaces—accessible 70
External surfaces—inaccessible 110
External surfaces—normally handled by an
operator 50

All other conditions regarding temperature limitations are as noted in ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979 [7], Table 1 and
ANSI/IEEE C37.30-1971 [10], Table 3.

4.4 Load Current-Carrying Capability Based on Actual Ambient Temperature Conditions

For switches operating at lower than the maximum 40 °C ambient, it is possible to carry a current higher than the rated
continuous current without exceeding the permissible temperature limitations.

The parameters for determining this higher allowable current loading are given in ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979 [7],

4.5 Short-Time Load Current Capability

When a switch has been operating at a load current level below its allowable continuous current, it is possible to
increase the load current for a short time to a value greater than the allowable current without exceeding the
permissible temperature limitations.

The parameters for determining this higher short-time load current are given in ANSI/IEEE C37.010 [7], Section

4.6 Rated Momentary Current

The rms and peak value of the rated momentary current shall be 1.6 and 2.7 times (respectively) the rated short-time
current capability.

4.7 Rated Short-Time Current

The value of the rated short-time current shall be selected from the following table:

6 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


Rated Short-Time Current (kA rms)


The standard duration for the rated short-time current shall be three seconds. For durations greater than three seconds,
the relation between current and time, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, shall be in accordance with the

I2t = constant

NOTE — The duration is for single-phase GIS. For three-phase GIS, the duration is under study.

4.8 Voltage Rise of Metallic Enclosure

Excessive voltage on the metallic enclosure shall be prevented as specified in Section 4.3 of ANSI/IEEE C37.122-
1983 [13].

4.9 Gas

Insulating gas requirements, gas leakage limitations, gas water vapor content, and gas density levels shall be as
specified in 5.1.3.

4.10 Control Voltage

Standard control voltages for gas-insulated switches shall be those listed in ANSI C37.33-1987 [2], Table 1. Control
voltage ranges apply to values measured at the terminals of the devices while they are energized.

5. Disconnecting Switches

5.1 Construction

The construction of gas-insulated disconnecting switches shall satisfy the general requirements for GIS as specified in
ANSI/IEEE C37.122-1983 [13].

5.1.1 Enclosures

NOTE — Working Group 70.1 has established a task force to prepare a standard for GIS pressurized electrical enclosures that,
when approved, shall supersede 5.1.1.

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 7


The 1989 ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division I [5] and ANSI/ASME B31.1-1986 [6],
as well as local and state ordinances, shall be used as guides for design and construction of enclosures for gas-insulated
disconnecting switches. The material specification shall be consistent with requirements for conductivity, corrosion
resistance, and mechanical strength.

Enclosures shall be designed to withstand an external pressure of one atmosphere (with a 1.5 safety factor) with zero
internal pressure absolute and shall be designed and tested to withstand an internal test pressure of 1.5 times the design

Enclosures shall be divided into several compartments or sections separated by gastight barriers that will permit
removal of a section or sections from service for maintenance without affecting adjacent sections. The gas system shall
be designed to permit sections to be isolated. The volume of each gas compartment should be limited so that gas
processing and storage can be accomplished with available equipment within a reasonable time.

Enclosures shall be designed so that overpressure caused by internal faults is limited by using pressure relief devices,
gas barrier insulators designed to rupture and increase the volume of the affected sections, or other suitable means.
Pressure relief devices, if supplied, shall be located so that they do not pose a hazard to operating personnel.

5.1.2 Insulators and Gas Barriers

Insulators used to support switch-live parts and to actuate the moving contact shall be designed to withstand the
operating temperatures specified in 4.3 without suffering changes that compromise their dielectric or mechanical

Where insulators are used as gas barriers, they shall be designed to withstand safely 1.5 times the design pressure on
one side with a vacuum on the other side. The degree of gas tightness shall be sufficient to permit gas processing,
including the pumping and maintenance of an adequate vacuum while the adjacent compartment remains at normal
working gas pressure.

5.1.3 Insulating Gas Requirements

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for use as an electrical insulation material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in
ASTM D2472-1971 (R1980) [15].

5.1.4 Gas Monitoring and Instrumentation Monitoring

1) Gas Density. The gas density in each compartment shall be continuously monitored. The monitoring device
shall be capable of operating a relay contact upon descending gas density at each of two density levels. Gas
density level settings, as well as functional operating requirements (alarm, trip, etc.) at each level below
normal, shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user. If the device has a visual indicator, it
shall be readable from the ground.
2) Gas Temperature. Means shall be provided for periodically monitoring a gas compartment for a
representative temperature.
3) Gas Pressure. Means shall be provided for periodically monitoring the gas pressure.
4) Water Vapor Level. The water vapor level and temperature of each gas compartment should be determined at
filling, upon addition of any gas, and then once a month until it has stabilized. After the water vapor level has
stabilized, it should be periodically monitored at least once per year. The water vapor level should not exceed
levels agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user. Depending upon the method used during filling,
the water vapor content may increase from two to six times the initial gas filling level.

8 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


5.1.5 Monitoring Device Contacts and Operating Levels Contacts

Gas density monitors shall have at least two electrically separate contacts, convertible from “a” to “b” at each specified
density level. The manufacturer shall supply contact operating data, i.e., operating levels on both ascending and
descending gas density, setting tolerances permitted, contact ratings, etc. Verification of Operation

It shall be possible to verify the operating level of gas density monitors without the necessity of removing the gas-
insulated disconnecting or grounding switch from service.

5.1.6 Gas Leakage

The gas leakage rate from any single gas compartment shall not be sufficient to cause a first-level gas alarm in less than
one year. The total leakage of all the switchgear installation shall not exceed 1% per year.

5.2 Testing of Disconnecting Switches

The following tests shall be conducted on disconnecting switches to prove their ratings and suitability for service.

5.2.1 Design Tests

Pressure tests of enclosure components at or above 1.5 times design pressure.

Leak tests on assembled equipment to verify conformance with 5.1.6. Dielectric Tests Condition of the Switch to Be Tested

Dielectric tests shall be conducted on one pole of the switch. The switch pole to be tested shall be in new, clean
condition and the enclosure filled with gas to the minimum gas density. See 2.5.

When the three-phase switch is in a common enclosure, tests shall be conducted as described below except that the test
voltage is applied to each phase in turn, with the other two phases and the enclosure grounded. Rated Full-Wave Impulse Withstand Voltage

Tests are made on disconnecting switches to determine their ability to withstand their rated full-wave impulse
withstand voltages both to ground and across the open switch. See Table 1, Section 4.1.

In these tests, both positive and negative impulse voltages having both a crest value equal to the rated full-wave
impulse withstand voltage of the disconnecting switch and a wave shape of 1.2 × 50 µs shall be applied to the terminals
of the disconnecting switch without damage or flashover in each of the following methods.

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 9


1) With the switch contact open:

a) Apply positive impulse voltage three consecutive times without flashover to each terminal of the switch
with the other terminal and frame grounded.
b) Apply negative impulse voltage three consecutive times without flashover to each terminal of the switch
with the other terminal and frame grounded.
2) With the switch contact closed:
a) Apply positive impulse voltage three consecutive times without flashover to the switch terminal with the
frame grounded.
b) Apply negative impulse voltage three consecutive times without flashover to the switch terminal with
the frame grounded.

If, during the first group of three consecutive tests as applied to (1) and (2) above, flashover occurs on one test of a
group, a second group of three tests shall be made. If the switch successfully withstands all three of the second group
of tests, the flashover in the first group shall be considered a random flashover, and the switch shall be considered as
having successfully passed the test.

The wave form and application of the 1.2 µs × 50 µs full-wave test voltage shall be as described in ANSI/IEEE Std 4-
1978 [14] and shall have the following limits:

1) A full-wave test voltage with a virtual front time based on the rated full-wave impulse test voltage, equal to
or less than 1.2 µs.
2) A crest voltage equal to or exceeding the rated full-wave impulse voltage.
3) A time to the 50% value of the crest voltage equal to or greater than 50 µs.

If the capacitance of the test sample is too high for the test equipment to be able to produce a virtual front time as short
as 1.2 µs while maintaining the crest value, the most rapid rise possible may be used. Rated Switching Impulse Withstand Voltage (For Switches Rated 362 kV and Above Only)

Tests are made on disconnecting switches to determine their ability to withstand their rated switching impulse
withstand voltage to ground and across the open switch. See Table 1.

The test method is identical to that of for the open and closed switch, except that instead of an impulse wave
a switching impulse wave of both polarities shall be used.

When testing the switch on the three—three switching impulse voltage series, one flashover is allowed within the first
three tests provided there is no recurrence in the second three levels. Any flashovers shall cause no damage and shall
be indicated in the test record.

The definition of the undirectional switching impulse voltage wave shape is as follows: The time from the instant of
actual voltage zero on the front of the wave to the actual voltage crest will be 250 µs ± 50 µs; to the half voltage value
on the tail of the wave will be 2500 µs ± 1500 µs. The actual voltage crest is defined by the tangent to the highest point
of the wave drawn parallel to the time axis.

When flashovers occur on the front of the wave, the crest voltage value is defined as the crest of the voltage wave that
would have been obtained if no flashover had occurred.

The above wave shape shall be obtained with the switch in the test circuit. Rated Low-Frequency Withstand Voltage

Tests are made to determine the ability of the disconnecting switch to withstand the rated low-frequency withstand
voltage. See Table 1. The frequency of the low-frequency test voltage shall be in accordance with Section of
ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979 [8]. The wave shape shall be as close to a sine wave as practical. The test shall be made with

10 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


alternating voltage having a crest value equal to 1.414 times the rated low-frequency withstand voltage. In these tests,
an alternating voltage shall be applied to the terminals of the switch for one minute without damage or flashover in
each of the following methods:

1) With the switch contacts open, apply low-frequency high voltage to each terminal of the switch individually,
with the other terminal and frame of the switch grounded.
2) With the switch contacts closed, apply low-frequency high voltage to the terminal of the switch, with the
frame of the switch grounded. Open-Gap Withstand Tests

Open-gap withstand requirements of Table 1, columns 5, 6, and 7, are higher than the rated withstand-to-ground levels,
and these tests are more difficult to conduct on gas-insulated switches because of the difficulty of increasing the line-
to-ground insulation during the test.

As a practical alternative to the normal one-side grounded test condition, a voltage of opposite polarity to the test
voltage may also be applied to the normally grounded side so that the maximum crest voltage across the open gap
equals or exceeds the required values. Partial Discharge Tests

The insulation system of a gas-insulated disconnecting switch shall be free of partial discharge voltage at 150% of the
maximum line-to-ground voltage. This condition must be satisfied on the downward excursion of voltage from a test
voltage that is twice the line-to-ground voltage or equal to the low-frequency withstand voltage of Table 1, except that
systems for rated maximum voltage of 800 kV and above use the low-frequency withstand voltage in column 2,
Table 1.

Extinction of the partial discharge voltage must occur above the 150% point. Partial discharge tests shall be made in
accordance with ANSI C63.2-1987 [3]. Rated Continuous Current Tests

Rated continuous current tests (temperature rise tests) demonstrate that the gas-insulated disconnecting switch can
carry rated continuous current at rated frequency without exceeding any of the temperature limitations in 4.4.

For outdoor applications, the effect of solar radiation shall be considered in assigning the temperature rise to the
equipment. ANSI/IEEE C37.24-1986 [9] governs how this factor is to be applied. Conditions of Test

1) The ambient temperature shall be between 10 °C and 40 °C inclusive, so that no correction factors need be
2) The equipment shall be in new condition.
3) The test should preferably be conducted with the switch enclosure filled with insulating gas at nominal gas
density, especially if the insulating gas is more effective than air in conveying heat by convection and
conduction from inner conducting parts to the enclosure. This is particularly true when comparing
pressurized SF6 with air at atmospheric pressure.
The external finish of the switch enclosure (unfinished, unpainted, anodized, etc.) shall be of the same
characteristics as that to be used in service.
4) Rated continuous current tests are normally performed on single-pole switches, but if switches will be located
on close phase spacing or immediately above other switches or buses in a gas-insulated substation, it may be
necessary to conduct three-phase tests or tests on a representative section of the substation assembly.
Switches with all three-phase conductors in a common enclosure shall be tested with all phases carrying a
rated current from a three-phase source.

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 11


Connections for a single-phase test shall be arranged so that the test current enters the switch at one conductor
terminal, flows through the switch contacts to the other terminal, through an external connection from the
conductor terminal to the switch enclosure, and returns through the switch enclosure to a point or points
around the first conductor terminal.
NOTE — The purpose of this connection is to simulate the normal in-service condition of induced current flowing in the
switch enclosure.
All external connections shall be sized to reach approximately the same temperature as the switch part to
which they are connected, so that they are not removing heat from the switch part.
5) The rated continuous current test shall be continued until the temperatures of all components that carry
continuous current in normal operation are substantially constant as indicated by three successive readings at
30 min intervals.
6) Temperatures shall be measured by the recommended methods described in ANSI/IEEE C37.122-1983 [13]
(see also IEEE Std 119-1974 [16] and ANSI MC96.1-1982 [4]. Short-Time Current Tests Conditions of Test

1) The equipment shall be in new condition.

2) The test connections shall be similar to those described in (4) above, so that for tests on a single-phase unit the
short circuit current returns through the switch enclosure. This connection is required to simulate the
electromagnetic conditions that would normally exist due to the fault current in the main conductor path and
the corresponding induced currents in the enclosure.
3) Tests shall be made to demonstrate the momentary (dynamic) and three-second (thermal) ratings in
accordance with ANSI/IEEE C37.34-1971 [11], Sections 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8. Interrupting and Making Tests on Disconnecting Switches

At the present time, no standards exist for interrupting or making tests on gas-insulated disconnecting switches. Such
tests are performed to prove the capability of switches to make and interrupt capacitive charging currents of the
associated switchgear apparatus or small transformer magnetizing currents.

NOTE — Gas-insulated disconnecting switches (like their conventional counterparts) will be required in normal service operation
to make and interrupt the capacitive charging current of the associated switchgear apparatus.

These switching operations are usually characterized by long arcing times and multiple restrikings of the arc between
the switch contacts in both the closing and the opening operations. During these arcing periods, voltage transients are
generated that involve very high-frequency components.

Studies are presently in progress to determine precisely the nature of these transients and to evolve, if required, suitable
design test requirements.

Users are advised to consult with the manufacturer concerning the specific details of the installation, the system
operating practices that will be employed, and any special precautions that must be taken, e.g., effective
electromagnetic screening of adjacent low-voltage supplies and control cables, etc. Mechanical Life Tests

Switches shall be subjected to a mechanical life test consisting of 1000 close-open operations with either manually or
power-operated mechanisms supplied at the rated control voltage.

The switch shall be in new condition at the commencement of the tests with all essential operating data recorded, e.g.,
operating time at minimum, rated and maximum control voltage, operating effort required if manually operated,
voltage drop or resistance measurements across main contacts, etc.

12 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


Following the completion of these tests, the switch and operating mechanism shall be in good mechanical condition
with no excessive wear. The switch shall operate successfully over the full range of control voltage or, if manually
operated, shall not show any significant increase in required operating effort. Measurement of the voltage drop or
resistance across the contacts and examination of the contact parts shall confirm that the switch is still able to perform
its rated current-carrying duties. Should doubt exist, rated short-time current tests or temperature-rise tests as
appropriate shall be repeated to verify this requirement. Insulator Tests

The thermal performance of each insulator design shall be verified as required by Section of ANSI/IEEE
C37.122-1983 [13]. Sequence of Design Tests

The mandatory design test requirements specified in this section are performed on equipment in new and clean
condition. These testing conditions are essential to the user and the manufacturer alike in order to establish correctly
the inherent capability of the equipment under controlled and repeatable conditions.

In addition, and as mutually agreed upon between the user and the manufacturer, special tests may be conducted in
which a sequence of design tests (or similar tests) are performed on an individual switch assembly. The objective of
such tests would be to provide additional information regarding the performance level of the equipment throughout its
complete service life. Where such special test sequences are conducted it should be recognized that for a similar (but
not necessarily identical) design, complete duplication of these tests may not be necessary.

5.2.2 Routine Production Tests

1) Pressure tests. Pressure tests on enclosure components at 1.5 times design pressure.
2) Leakage tests. Leakage tests on the assembled equipment to confirm compliance with 5.1.6.
3) Dielectric tests. Dielectric withstand tests on disconnecting switch shipping assemblies shall be conducted at
the minimum operating gas pressure unless otherwise stated.
Routine dielectric tests shall be conducted to verify the one-minute withstand level specified in Table 1,
column 2. Other tests shall also be conducted as agreed between the manufacturer and the user.
4) Conductivity tests. The conductivity of the main circuit path shall be measured on all assembled
disconnecting switches to confirm that the measured value is within the range of the manufacturer’s quality
assurance standards.

5.2.3 Field Tests

Field tests are made on completely installed gas-insulated substations, and the requirements are covered in Section 3.4
of ANSI/IEEE C37.122-1983 [13].

5.3 Switch Position Indication

The operating position of a gas-insulated disconnecting switch can be indicated by one or more of the following, as
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user:

1) Enclosure windows that permit the direct observation of the switch contact position; additional illumination
is normally required for this inspection
2) Mechanically connected position indicator
3) Mechanically connected auxiliary contacts
4) Position indication by other means agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 13


5.4 Operating Mechanisms

Disconnecting switches may be either manually or power operated, with either single-pole or group operation. Power
operators shall be equipped with provisions for emergency manual operation and so arranged that electrical operation
is impossible while the manual operating means is engaged.

5.5 Interlocking

Suitable means of interlocking between circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, and grounding switches may be
provided to prevent disconnecting switch operation under load and to prevent grounding switches from being closed
into an energized bus. Interlocking may be accomplished electrically, mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically, by
means of key interlocks, or by a combination of these means, as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user.

6. Interrupter Switches

Gas-insulated interrupter switches are switches equipped for making and breaking specified currents.

6.1 Requirements

Gas-insulated interrupter switches and their operating mechanisms shall meet the applicable requirements of
disconnecting switches, discussed in 5.1 through 5.5.

6.2 Interrupting Ratings

No standard interrupting ratings have been assigned for interrupter switches. The user should contact the manufacturer
regarding making and interrupting ratings for this type of equipment.

7. Grounding Switches

The main function of grounding switches is the grounding of specific sections of gas-insulated substations for safety
of personnel during maintenance, extension, or repair work.

7.1 Types of Grounding Switches and Devices

7.1.1 Maintenance Grounding Switches

These switches are capable of carrying their rated momentary and short-time currents without sustaining significant
damage and with no deterioration of their dielectric capabilities. These switches do not have an assigned making
capability and may not be capable of closing into an energized bus without sustaining significant damage. Inadvertent
closure into an energized bus shall not result in any danger to personnel, but will necessitate immediate examination
of the switch and probably major overhaul before the equipment can be safely placed back into service.

7.1.2 Fault-Closing Maintenance Grounding Switches

These switches are normally used as maintenance devices and, in addition to being capable of carrying their rated
short-time current, are equipped with power-operating mechanisms to provide fault-closing capabilities up to their
rated capacity.

14 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


Following a fault-closing operation (which would be a rare occurrence caused only by inadvertent operation, incorrect
system operating procedure, etc.), the switch shall be capable of being opened and the associated circuit shall be
capable of being safely placed back into service. A maintenance inspection of the switch should be scheduled as early
as is convenient following such a fault-closing operation. The ability of the associated circuit to be safely returned to
service following the first fault-closing necessitates the design test requirements specified in (3).

7.1.3 Intermediate Grounding Switches or Grounding Devices

For disconnecting switches with a double isolating break distance where the midpoint of the switch is isolated,
grounding switches or devices shall be provided to ground the individual midpoint sections temporarily before
maintenance work commences.

7.1.4 Portable Grounding Switches (or Devices)

For testing or maintenance purposes, a portable grounding switch or device may be used. This type of switch or device
shall meet the same requirements as those for portable grounding devices for conventional substations.

7.1.5 Fault-Initiating Grounding Switches

Fault-initiating grounding switches are high-speed closing devices that operate in response to a signal, usually from
protective relays, to initiate a deliberate ground fault on the conductor. These switches may be capable of several fault-
closings before inspection and maintenance are required.

7.1.6 Insulatable Grounding Switches

Insulatable grounding switches are similar to those described in 7.1.1 and 7.1.2, except with external, removable
ground connections and suitable insulation between the grounded enclosure and the switch. They are used as
maintenance grounding switches. In addition, with the ground connection removed, they can be used as test terminals
for timing or resistance measurement of main contact parts and for capacitance measurements. For group-operated
switches, the interphase rods shall be equipped with insulated sections to provide for complete isolation or shall have
provisions to facilitate removal of the interphase rods when using the grounding switch as a test terminal.

The dielectric withstand levels for this insulation are in the range of 2 kV to 10 kV and shall be agreed upon between
the manufacturer and the user.

7.2 Testing of Grounding Switches

7.2.1 Design Tests

The following tests shall be conducted on grounding switches to prove their ratings and suitability for service.

Grounding switches are usually tested in conjunction with the associated disconnecting switch or other GIS
component on which they are physically mounted. The tests involved are similar to those specified in 5.2.1 as follows: Pressure Tests of Enclosure Components Leak Tests Dielectric Tests in Open Position Only

1) Rated full-wave impulse withstand voltage

2) Rated switching-impulse withstand voltage
3) Rated low-frequency one-minute withstand voltage

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 15


Continuous current ratings are not specified for grounding switches.

NOTE — In certain locations, e.g., at overhead line-entrance terminations, a closed grounding switch in a GIS can be subjected to
continuous current due to induction from energized overhead lines running parallel to the line that is grounded. Also,
during GIS test procedures, e.g., current injection to ratio-check installed current transformers, measurement of main
circuit conductivity, etc., current-carrying capabilities are required for short durations.

Because of the design features necessary to meet the short-time current ratings, these other current-carrying duties are
not a significant design parameter, and therefore no ratings or design tests are considered necessary. Short-Time Current Test

This test shall be conducted to the same values as in

After the test, the switch contacts shall show no significant damage. It shall be possible to open the switch freely, and
there shall be no dielectric deterioration caused that could prevent the associated GIS equipment from immediately
returning to normal service. Fault-Making Capability Test

This test is required only on fault-closing maintenance grounding switches (7.1.2) and fault-initiating grounding
switches (7.1.5).

1) Switch Condition. The switch shall be in new condition.

2) Test Conditions. The test will normally be conducted on a single-phase switch unless a group operation is
proposed, in which case a three-phase test or equivalent test conditions must be agreed upon.
The switch shall close against the assigned rated short-time circuit current selected from the values in 4.7.
Since at these high-voltage ratings full-scale laboratory tests are not possible, the actual test current shall be
the required value with the maximum test circuit voltage available at the test facility.
Because of the necessity to test at reduced voltage, the manufacturer shall also satisfy the client that the
performance of the particular switch would be satisfactory at full rated voltage. The methods adopted to
provide this additional verification will depend upon the specific details of the grounding switch design and
should be the subject of mutual agreement between the manufacturer and the user.
3) Number of Fault-Closings
a) For fault-closing maintenance grounding switches (7.1.2), the switch shall be capable of successfully
performing two closings onto the rated short-time current.
After the first fault-closing, it shall be demonstrated that the switch condition is suitable to permit
immediate return to normal service for a limited time period until the mandatory switch inspection can
be scheduled.
b) For fault-initiating grounding switches (7.1.5), the number of fault-closings permitted before inspection
and maintenance are necessary should be mutually agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user.
Depending on the number of closings required, suitable design test procedures should also be agreed

Current interrupting tests are not presently specified for grounding switches.

NOTE — As discussed in, ground switches located at line terminations can be subjected to currents caused by induction
from adjacent energized lines. In these conditions and depending on the system operating practices, the grounding
switch could be required to interrupt these induced inductive currents or capacitive currents, or both.

Studies are in progress to determine if standard ratings and design test procedures are required for these operations.

16 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


7.2.2 Routine Production Tests

The tests detailed in 5.2.2 will also apply to grounding switches that normally are tested as part of a GIS assembly as

1) Pressure tests.
2) Leak tests.
3) Dielectric tests.
4) Conductivity tests with the grounding switch closed between the switch grounding terminal and the main
circuit conductor.Because of the arrangement of each GIS shipping assembly, this resistance measurement
may not be possible on each individual switch alone, but may be part of a measurement of several series
5) Operational tests.
a) For switches having rated fault-closing or fault-initiating capability, the operational tests shall include
verification of contact closing velocity.
b) For fault-initiating switches, the operational tests shall include measurement of the closing time.

7.2.3 Field tests

Field tests are made on completely installed gas-insulated substations, and the requirements are covered in Section 3.4
of ANSI/IEEE C37.122-1983 [13].

7.3 Switch Position Indication

For indication of grounding switch position, the alternatives available are the same as those outlined in 5.3.

7.4 Operating Mechanisms

Grounding switch mechanisms shall comply with 5.4.


For fault-closing maintenance grounding switches with optional manual operation, either suitable stored-energy
devices must be installed to ensure correct closing action independent of operator effort or adequate warning must be
given that fault-closing capability is not available in the manual operating mode.

7.5 Interlocking

Grounding switches may be interlocked with associated disconnecting switches and circuit breakers as noted in 5.5.

8. Supporting Structures

Most gas-insulated disconnecting switch and grounding switch installations are designed on the continuous-enclosure
circulating enclosure current principle, which provides adequate shielding to eliminate induced magnetic heating and
to permit grounding as necessary (refer to ANSI/IEEE C37.122-1983 [13], Section 4.3.3, regarding grounding

For high-current, noncontinuous bus designs, consideration shall be given to induced magnetic heating and induced
circulating current in nearby metallic members such as support beams, reinforcing rods, transformer tanks, etc.
Suitable insulated gaps in the metallic framework to eliminate closed loops and amortisseur bands around steel

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 17


members, etc., may be used to limit the circulating current. The structure shall be designed so that the temperature rise
in any of its members or in any adjacent members does not exceed the limits specified in 4.4.

Where switches are provided with enclosure windows for contact position verification and the windows are located
more than five feet above ground level, suitable provision must be made for convenient operator access.

9. Nameplates

9.1 Disconnecting Switches

The following information shall appear on gas-insulated disconnecting switch nameplates:

1) Manufacturer’s name and address

2) Type and serial number or, alternatively, customer’s purchase order, manufacturer’s identifying order number,
and item number
3) Rated maximum voltage
4) BIL
5) Switching-Impulse withstand voltage (for rated voltage 362 kV and higher)
6) Rated continuous current
7) Rated short-time current, rms symmetrical
8) Rated internal gas density (normally stated as pressure at 20 °C)
9) Minimum operating gas density (at which full dielectric properties are maintained)

9.2 Interrupter Switches

Interrupter switch nameplates shall include all the information required in 9.1 plus one or more of the following:

1) Rated interrupting capability (amperes) for load currents between unity and 0.8 power factor lagging
2) Rated interrupting capability (amperes) for capacitive currents
3) Rated interrupting capability (amperes) for inductive currents

9.3 Maintenance Grounding Switches

The following information shall appear on nameplates of maintenance grounding switches:

1) Rated short-time current, rms symmetrical

2) Information required in 9.1 (1) through (4), (7), and (8) if in separate enclosure

9.4 Fault-Closing Maintenance Grounding Switches

The following information shall appear on nameplates or fault-closing maintenance grounding switches:

1) Rated short-time current, rms symmetrical

2) Rated making current, rms symmetrical
3) Information required in 9.1 (1) through (4), (7), and (8) if in separate enclosure

18 Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved


9.5 Fault-Initiating Switches

The following information shall appear on the nameplates of fault-initiating grounding switches:

1) Rated short-time current, rms symmetrical

2) Rated making current, rms symmetrical
3) Rated number of closings before maintenance
4) Rated closing time
5) Information required in 9.1 (1) through (4), (7), and (8) if in separate enclosure

Copyright © 1989 IEEE All Rights Reserved 19

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