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System User's Manual

Copyright  2011 COMARCH

Module: Orders
Version: 2016.2
All rights reserved

Unauthorised publication of this document in its whole or in parts in any form is prohibited. Any photocopying,
photographing, copying to a film, magnetic or other medium constitute an infringement of copyrights.

Module: Orders 2 Version 2016.2

SYSTEM USER'S MANUAL ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1 ORDERS ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE MODULE.......................................................... 6
1.1.1 THE ORDER OF EXECUTING ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................... 6
1.1.2 DUALISM OF PURCHASE AND SALES ORDERS ............................................................................. 7
1.1.3 VARIANT OF OFFER...................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.4 RESERVATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 8
RESOURCE RESERVATION .......................................................................................................................... 8
QUANTITY RESERVATION .......................................................................................................................... 8
RESERVATIONS IN UNCONFIRMED ORDERS .............................................................................................. 8
ASSIGNING RESOURCES TO RESERVATIONS ............................................................................................ 10
1.2 MAIN MENU AND TOOLBAR.................................................................................................................... 15
1.2.1 MAIN MENU .............................................................................................................................. 15 TOOLBAR.............................................................................................................................. 17 TOOLBAR – FUNCTIONS RELATED WITH AN ACTIVE WINDOW ........................................... 17
1.3 CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................................... 18
1.3.1 DOCUMENTS CONFIGURATION................................................................................................. 18 DOCUMENT DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................... 19 ATTRIBUTES FOR DOCUMENTS............................................................................................ 19
1.3.2 ADVANCED OPERATIONS ON ORDERS ...................................................................................... 19
1.4 LIST OF OFFERS AND ORDERS.................................................................................................................. 19
1.4.1 LIST OF OFFERS AND ORDERS, TAB: INQUIRIES......................................................................... 20
1.4.2 LIST OF OFFERS AND ORDERS, TAB: QUOTES ............................................................................ 22
1.4.3 LIST OF OFFERS AND ORDERS, TAB: ORDERS ............................................................................ 25
1.4.4 LIST OF QUOTES AND ORDERS, TAB: ELEMENTS ....................................................................... 32
1.4.5 LIST OF OFFERS AND ORDERS, TAB: SEARCH ............................................................................ 34
1.5 STOCK BALANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 36
1.5.1 GENERAL REMARKS ................................................................................................................... 36
1.5.2 STOCK BALANCES LIST ............................................................................................................... 37
1.5.3 STOCK BALANCE (BST) ............................................................................................................... 37
1.5.4 IQC COMPONENTS DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................... 43
1.6 UNEXECUTED ITEMS OF ORDERS ............................................................................................................ 44
1.7 DOCUMENTS – GENERAL REMARKS ........................................................................................................ 46
1.7.1 NUMBERING .............................................................................................................................. 46
1.7.3 INFORMATION ABOUT THE PREVIOUS TRANSACTIONS AND ORDERS ..................................... 47
1.7.4 SELECTING ARTICLE ON TRANSACTION ELEMENT..................................................................... 47
1.7.5 PARAMETERS OF TRANSACTION ELEMENT ............................................................................... 47 PRICE TO TWO DECIMAL PLACES ......................................................................................... 47 CONTROL QUANTITY*PRICE=VALUE .................................................................................... 48
1.8 INQUIRY ................................................................................................................................................... 48
1.8.1 INQUIRY, TAB: INQUIRY ............................................................................................................. 48
1.8.2 INQUIRY, TAB: PARTNER ........................................................................................................... 50 TAB: MAIN ........................................................................................................................... 50 TAB: TARGET ........................................................................................................................ 50
1.8.3 INQUIRY, TAB: ATTRIBUTES ....................................................................................................... 50
1.9 SALES/PURCHASE OFFER ......................................................................................................................... 50
1.9.1 SALES/PURCHASE OFFER, TAB: GENERAL.................................................................................. 51
1.9.2 SALES/PURCHASE OFFER, TAB: INQUIRY ................................................................................... 56
1.9.3 SALES/PURCHASE OFFER, TAB: PARTNER.................................................................................. 57 TAB: CUSTOMER/MAIN ....................................................................................................... 58 TAB: CUSTOMER/TARGET .................................................................................................... 59 TAB: CUSTOMER/PAYER ...................................................................................................... 59
1.9.4 SALES/PURCHASE OFFER, TAB: HEADER ................................................................................... 59
1.9.5 SALES/PURCHASE OFFER, TAB: PAYS......................................................................................... 61
1.9.6 SALES/PURCHASE OFFER, TAB: ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................. 62
1.10 SALES/PURCHASE ORDER ........................................................................................................................ 62
Module: Orders 3 Version 2016.2
1.10.1 SALES/PURCHASE ORDER, TAB: GENERAL ................................................................................. 63
1.10.2 SALES/PURCHASE ORDER, TAB: PARTNER................................................................................. 69 TAB: MAIN ........................................................................................................................... 70 TAB: TARGET ........................................................................................................................ 70 TAB: PAYER .......................................................................................................................... 70
1.10.3 SALES/PURCHASE ORDER, TAB: HEADER .................................................................................. 70
1.10.4 SALES/PURCHASE ORDER, TAB: CONFIRMATION ...................................................................... 73
1.10.5 SALES/PURCHASE ORDER, TAB: PAYMENTS/ADVANCES........................................................... 75
1.10.6 PURCHASE ORDERS, TAB: RELATIONS ....................................................................................... 79
1.10.7 SALES/PURCHASE ORDER, TAB: ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................ 79
1.11 INTERNAL ORDER .................................................................................................................................... 80
1.11.1 INTERNAL ORDER, TAB: GENERAL ............................................................................................. 81
1.11.2 INTERNAL ORDER, TAB: PARTNER ............................................................................................. 83 TAB: MAIN ........................................................................................................................... 83 TAB: TARGET ........................................................................................................................ 84
1.11.3 INTERNAL ORDER, TAB: HEADER ............................................................................................... 84
1.11.4 INTERNAL ORDER, TAB: CONFIRMATION .................................................................................. 85
1.11.5 INTERNAL ORDER, TAB: ATTRIBUTES ........................................................................................ 88
1.12 CORRECTION OF THE ORDER ................................................................................................................... 88
1.13 ELEMENT OF OFFER/ORDER .................................................................................................................... 90
1.13.1 ELEMENT OF OFFER/ORDER - INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 90 ELEMENT OF SALES/PURCHASE ORDER ............................................................................... 90 ELEMENT OF INTERNAL ORDER ........................................................................................... 90
1.13.2 ELEMENT OF ORDER - DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 91 ELEMENT OF ORDER, TAB: GENERAL ................................................................................... 91 ELEMENT OF ORDER, TAB: CALCULATION ........................................................................... 94 ORDER ELEMENT, TAB: RELATIONS ..................................................................................... 97 ELEMENT OF ORDER, TAB: RESERVATIONS ......................................................................... 98 ELEMENT OF ORDER, TAB: PREVIOUS ............................................................................... 102 ELEMENT OF ORDER, TAB: PREVIOUS ............................................................................... 103 ELEMENT OF ORDER, TAB: ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................ 104 ORDER ELEMENT, TAB: ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................ 105
1.14 PAYMENT TO OFFER/ORDER ................................................................................................................. 106
1.14.1 PAYMENT TO OFFER/ORDER ................................................................................................... 106
1.14.2 BREAKING PAYMENT/GENERATING ADVANCE ....................................................................... 106
1.15 ADVANCE INVOICES............................................................................................................................... 107
1.15.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 107
1.15.2 ADVANCES IN THE CURRENCIES OTHER THAN THE SYSTEM CURRENCY ................................ 108
1.15.3 GENERATING ADVANCE INVOICE ............................................................................................ 109 MODIFYING THE “VAT TABLE” WHEN GENERATING AN ADVANCE INVOICE .................... 109
1.15.4 PARTIAL SETTLEMENT OF ADVANCE INVOICES ....................................................................... 112
1.15.5 CORRECTIONS OF ADVANCE INVOICES ................................................................................... 116 GENERATING CORRECTIONS OF ADVANCE INVOICES ....................................................... 116 ADVANCE PURCHASE INVOICE CORRECTION (APIC)/ADVANCE SALES INVOICE CORRECTION
FOREIGN TRANSACTION. ....................................................................................................................... 117 EXPORT ADVANCE INVOICE CORRECTION (EAIC) FOR DOMESTIC TRANSACTION ............ 118
1.16 ADVANCE INVOICE – WINDOW DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 118
1.16.1 ADVANCE SALES INVOICE, TAB: GENERAL............................................................................... 118
1.16.2 ADVANCE SALES INVOICE, TAB: PARTNER............................................................................... 119
1.16.3 ADVANCE SALES INVOICE, TAB: PAYS...................................................................................... 119
1.16.4 ADVANCE SALES INVOICE, TAB: HEADER ................................................................................ 120
1.16.5 ADVANCE SALES INVOICE, TAB: VAT ....................................................................................... 121
1.16.6 ADVANCE SALES INVOICE, TAB: ATTRIBUTES .......................................................................... 122
1.17 PRINTING ADVANCE/FINAL INVOICE ON FISCAL PRINTER .................................................................... 122
FOR DOCUMENTS OS AND ZS ........................................................................................................................... 123
1.19 SCENARIOS ............................................................................................................................................ 126
1.19.1 REGISTERING INQUIRY ............................................................................................................ 126
1.19.2 HOW TO CREATE THE PURCHASE INQUIRY FROM THE SALES INQUIRY .................................. 127
Module: Orders 4 Version 2016.2
1.19.3 MAKING CHANGES IN INQUIRY ............................................................................................... 127
1.19.4 DELETING INQUIRY .................................................................................................................. 127
1.19.5 CONVERTING INQUIRY INTO OFFER ........................................................................................ 127
1.19.6 REGISTERING OFFER ................................................................................................................ 128
1.19.7 HOW TO CREATE SALES OFFER FROM THE PURCHASE OFFER ................................................ 128
1.19.8 PREPARING DIFFERENT VARIANTS OF OFFER.......................................................................... 128
1.19.9 CONFIRMING VARIANTS OF OFFER ......................................................................................... 129
1.19.10 CONVERTING OFFER INTO ORDER .......................................................................................... 130
1.19.11 REGISTERING SALES/PURCHASE ORDER.................................................................................. 131
1.19.12 GENERATING PURCHASE ORDER OUT OF SALES ORDER ......................................................... 131
1.19.13 HOW TO CREATE THE PURCHASE ORDER FROM THE INTERNAL ORDER ................................ 133
1.19.15 HOW TO CANCEL THE PURCHASE/SALES ORDER .................................................................... 134
1.19.16 GENERATING INTERNAL ORDER OUT OF SALES ORDER .......................................................... 135
1.19.17 HOW TO CREATE INTERNAL ORDER OUT OF FEW SALES ORDERS .......................................... 136
1.19.18 GENERATING SALES ORDER OUT OF PURCHASE ORDER ......................................................... 136
1.19.19 REGISTERING CORRECTION TO ORDER ................................................................................... 136
1.19.20 REGISTERING CORRECTION TO FEW ORDERS ......................................................................... 137
1.19.21 GENERATING DOCUMENT OUT OF SALES ORDER ................................................................... 138
1.19.22 GENERATING DOCUMENT OUT OF PURCHASE ORDER ........................................................... 140
LINKED WITH DIFFERENT ORDERS......................................................................................................... 142
INTERNAL ORDERS................................................................................................................................. 143
1.19.29 GENERATING ASSEMBLING JOB OUT OF INTERNAL ORDER .................................................... 144
1.19.30 GENERATING IMI OUT OF PURCHASE ORDER ......................................................................... 144
1.19.31 GENERATING IMI OUT OF MANY PURCHASE ORDERS ............................................................ 145
1.19.32 GENERATING EIA OUT OF PURCHASE ORDER ......................................................................... 145
1.19.33 GENERATING EIA OUT OF MANY PURCHASE ORDERS ............................................................ 145
1.19.34 GENERATING ONE TRADE DOCUMENT OUT OF MANY ORDERS............................................. 146
1.19.35 DRAFTING ADVANCE INVOICE TO ORDER ............................................................................... 148

Module: Orders 5 Version 2016.2

1 Orders
The module: Orders is intended to document the activities while making sales/purchases. It is particularly used in
case of entities who must register the submitted orders while making turnover and who conduct formalized
negotiations with a customer.
The advantages of using the module: The orders are particularly visible while considering three methods of
conducting sales.
When conducting a direct sales, a customer makes purchases by receiving an invoice, by paying or by obtaining the
postponement of the payment. Such method of conducting sales requires to keep the “invoice centric” system,
which allows to draft an invoice fast proposing the default prices, the amount and conditions of discounts and the
outstanding payments. The mentioned functions are notably fulfilled by the module: Sales and there is no need to
use the module: Orders in that case.
The second method of conducting sales is to deliver particular articles to the regular recipients by their placed orders.
Such recipients usually have the defined conditions according to which they make purchases. This type of sales does
rather not involve conducting any negotiations, therefore, the module: Orders is used only when it is necessary to
register the submitted orders from customers.
Pay attention to the fact, that if the registered documents, which are saved in the Comarch ERP XL system, will be
used only to reserve an article for a particular customer (the amount of reservation, delivery execution date, the
quantity of article ordered at a deliverer), it may be enough to use the function: Reservations, in the module: Sales.
The third method of conducting sales is the sale involving negotiations. Negotiations are conducted in case of selling
a non-standard article, e.g. an article which is available in selected options or consisting of selected (at customer's
request) modules, or is case of participating the vendors in auctions. The sale is preceded by negotiations.
Such sales process contains the following phases:
Customer inquiry. The customer inquiry can be of different types: a formal request for proposal, an invitation to
participate in auction or even an inquiry asked during a telephone conversation.
Offer. A vendor presents an offer for articles or for services which then will be the subject of order.
Order. The order is the result of so far conducted negotiations. By placing an order, a customer gives the information
that he accepted the offer presented by a vendor, however, the accepted conditions can still be modified.
Conducting sale – drafting an invoice. An invoice is drafted on the basis of an order, which is the final phase of the
sales. Therefore, the above sales method can be defined as order centric method.
The presented method of conducting sales always contains the mentioned phases. The described form exemplary
and it can have different execution form, depending on the needs.
The module: Orders is an excellent tool used to efficiently document the activities described in the third method of
conducting sales. Those activities can be registered in the presented order. However, the order can be applied in the
process of sales which are conducted without considering a customer’s inquiry, or an offer. Thanks to its
functionality, the module fulfills the requirements of all Users who need to register orders or to conduct negotiations
in their business. It is important to note, that it is also used in the process of both sales and purchases.

1.1 General description of the functionality of the module

Using the module: Orders reflect sales process, including the inquiries, which are directed to a salesman, as well as
placing offers and orders. Thanks to the possibility of generating trade documents out of orders, the module entirely
involves this method of conducting a business.

1.1.1 The order of executing activities

The activities can be documented in chronological order, which is the following:
submitting a request for proposal,
placing an offer,
placing an, order,
drafting a trade document out of a placed order.
Module: Orders 6 Version 2016.2
Generally, some of the mentioned phases can be omitted. Therefore, e.g.: a request for proposal does not need to
be submitted in order to generate an offer and the offer does not need to be prepared to placing an order. However,
you need to remember, that a trade document can be drafted only out of a registered in the system and confirmed

1.1.2 Dualism of purchase and sales orders

The module: Orders is built symmetrically. It means that the documents, related with purchase process, which are
analogous to the sales documents, can be assigned to the sales documents, which were created which working with
the module: Orders.
The documents related with sales orders are the following:
 request for proposal submitted by a customer to a User of the module: Orders,
 offer for a customer,
 order placed by a customer,
 confirmation of order for a customer,
 sales invoice drafted for a customer.
The documents related with purchase orders are the following:
 inquiry submitted to a deliverer by a User of the module: Orders,
 offer presented by a deliverer,
 order submitted to a deliverer,
 User's order confirmation,
 purchase invoice.
This dualism can be noticed once a window: List of orders (Figure 3.9) is opened. The horizontal tabs in this window
divide the list into documents which are related with sales – tab: List of sales and purchase orders – tab: List of
purchase orders. And the side tabs are common for sales and purchase documents and they define their type
(inquiry, offer or order). A purchase order can be prepared out of a sales order (for deliverer).

Example. A user of the module: Orders receives a sales order for 2000 itm. of CD packages. The
verification of the stored article (intended for sale) reveals that there is only 1500 available itm. of
such packages. The missing 500 itm. need to be purchased. In order to do so, a user prepares a
purchase order out of the registered sales order. The purchase order is directed to a deliverer who
delivers the necessary article to the user.

As a result of preparing (generating) a purchase order out of a sales order, the article items and features are copied
to the document. Therefore, the above function reduces the time indented by user to prepare the purchase order.
It is also possible to generate the documents the other way around, that is a sales order can be prepared out of a
purchase order.

1.1.3 Variant of offer

A variant of offer consists in preparing any number of offers for one request for proposal. Such situation is possible
 The request for proposal refers to the items which can be divided due to different reasons. In such situation,
it is possible to prepare the offers, concerning each of the items separately, out of one inquiry.

Example. An inquiry concerning a computer set and network installation is received. However, it
occurs, that one department of a company sales computer hardware and a different department
provides network installation. Both a sales offer for the computer hardware and an offer for
providing network installation will be created out of one inquiry.

 A user want to present a few offers to a purchaser. Different offers for the same article is prepared out of
one request for proposal.
Module: Orders 7 Version 2016.2
Example. An inquiry concerning a computer set is received. In order to present many variants of sale,
a few offers, concerning one article, is prepared.

1.1.4 Reservations
The system Comarch ERP XL allows to reserve an ordered article. There are two available types of reservations:
 Resource reservation,
 Quantity reservation (without assigned resources).
The reserved resources will be collected while generating trade/warehouse documents out of orders.

Resource reservation

Resource reservation consists in binding the reservations with the resources in warehouses and blocking the banned
resources at the same time. The resources are reserved automatically, or by indicating a resource by an operator.
One delivery and a warehouse can be assigned to one reservation. One element of order may generate many
reservations. Deliveries can be assigned to the reservations in order element and the assignment of deliveries can
be changed or deleted.
A reserved resource will not be available before reservation validity date expires for any other operations different
than the execution of reservation.
Resource reservation if performed first before quantity reservation, which is the reservation without the assigned
The compatibility of the features in a document, for which the reservations are generated, and the features in
resources, which will be reserved, is controlled at resource reservation. However, it is possible to clip a reservation
with a resource, which has a different feature than the article in a document.
Activation and processing dates can be set for a reservation. If the processing date is changed to undefined,
activation date changes to No limit.

Quantity reservation

Quantity reservations do not contain the assigned resources. The order of executing those reservations is indicated
by the priorities. If there is a reservation of higher priority in the system, a reservation of lower priority can be
executed, only if after performing this operation, the quantity of article in stock is enough to execute the reservation
of higher priority.

Note: Item history –The order document that creates a given reservation can be
previewed in the Reservations tab in Item history.

Reservations in unconfirmed orders

When adding an element to an unconfirmed SO, the system creates an appropriate reservation / multiple
reservations. This behaviour is controlled by a parameter in SO document definition -> tab Other: “Reservations in
unconfirmed orders”. When an element is being edited, the system modifies as required the reservations bound to
it: In the case of reducing quantity, the rules applicable to reducing quantity in an element of a confirmed SO are
utilised: i.e. the quantity in bound reservations is proportionally reduced. Moreover, reservations without resources
are processed first and reservations with resources – second. In both cases the following order is maintained: priority
(starting with the lowest priority), date of processing (starting with the latest date), validity date (starting with the
earliest one), and consecutive number (starting with the highest one).
If the quantity in an element is increased, system's behaviour depends on the “reserve resources” setting in
document definition and follows the rules below:
Module: Orders 8 Version 2016.2
 if the parameter is unchecked, the system increases the non-resource reservation quantity, if any, or
creates it
 if the parameter is checked, the system increases the quantity in resource reservation, if any resources are
available, and then activates the function for creating more resource reservations if necessary. When it runs
out of resources, it increases the quantity in non-resource reservation, if any, or adds a non-resource
The above-mentioned rule applies to increasing quantity in both confirmed and unconfirmed SO.

Reservations can be modified as a result of changing an item in an SO element, i.e. after:

 entering a code of a new item
 selecting a new item from a list
 setting a substitute

Changing feature class/value in an element of an unconfirmed order

After a class/feature in an unconfirmed order element is changed, the system removes the resource reservations
existing so far, changes feature in non-resource reservations, and generates a reservation, if necessary.

Changing warehouse in an element of an unconfirmed order

If changing a warehouse in an order element consists in indicating a specific warehouse, the system leaves
unchanged these reservations that have this specific warehouse set. If there is any discrepancy in terms of
warehouses, the system detaches a resource from the reservation, changes the reservation's warehouse, and then
keeps or deletes the connection of the reservation with IQC depending on the IQC having a warehouse compatible
with the reservation warehouse.
If the warehouse is changed to <all>, the system keeps resource reservations, regardless of their warehouse and sets
the warehouse for non-resource reservations to <all>. This way, connections between reservations and IQC are kept.

Influence of changes in a header of an unconfirmed SO on reservations

Any changes made in a header of an unconfirmed SO with reservations modify these reservations. The changes are:
change of customer, change of order owner, change of a warehouse in a document, changes of dates in a document,
change of reservation priority, activation of the “reserve resources” function.
If the change of the warehouse in the header does not result in a change of the warehouse in SO elements (the
operator responded negatively to the displayed question), no changes in reservations are made.
If the change of the warehouse in the header does result in a change of the warehouse in SO elements, the same
operation as in the case of a manual change of the warehouse in the element is performed for each SO element.

Item/customer history / reservations

Reservations bound to an unconfirmed SO can be marked with colours in the list of reservations according to the
following rules:
 For reservations whose source is an element of an unconfirmed SO, the order number is shown in the colour
selected for an “unconfirmed” order:
 When the cursor hovers over a given reservation
 When the cursor does not hover over a given reservation

Note: If the above-mentioned object colouring scheme is not introduced (Category

dictionary–Objects colours–Document statuses) or it is technically not possible to use the
colours dictionary, the rule to show the number of an unconfirmed SO in green is applied.

Module: Orders 9 Version 2016.2

Changes in the order “opening” rules
A method of registering a SO in such a way as to create reservations for unconfirmed orders has been introduced.
As a result, the operation of “opening” an order (changing its status back to unconfirmed) has been modified.
Previously, this operation resulted in a removal of the reservation. Now, the system does not remove it from an
order registered in the “generate reservation in an unconfirmed order” mode. If an order is registered in the
traditional mode, reservations are deleted.

Assigning resources to reservations

The “Distribute received resources among reservations” parameter has been added to operator's file. It determines
whether the operator may assign resources to reservations when confirming incoming documents.

Figure 1.1 Operator's file, tab: Parameters

Module: Orders 10 Version 2016.2

The “Assign created resources to reservations” parameter has been added to incoming documents definition.

Figure 1.2 Trade document definition, tab: Other

The operator can check the “Manual assignment” parameter for those incoming documents that have the “Assign
created resources to reservations” parameter checked. If the “Manual assignment” parameter is checked, a form
that can be used to change the “binding” of the resources created with a given document with individual reservations
suggested by the system is displayed when the document is confirmed. In the form shown below, the system shows,
in a tree form, individual items with the specified feature received to a given warehouse and a list of reservations
the received resource can be bound with below them. By default, the order of reservations and the bound quantity
from reservations follow the current rules for automatic binding of reservations with received resource: i.e.
reservations are ordered according to priority, processing date, validity date, and date of creation of the reservation.

Module: Orders 11 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.3 Assign resources to reservations

If the operator closes a window without saving, the system calls the standard function for binding resources. If the
operator saves the form, the system performs the binding operation but binds resources to the reservations selected
by the operator (according to the settings in the window).
When the form is being saved, the system binds individual resources to reservations in quantities set for each
reservation in the “Quantity to assign” column.
If the “Manual assignment” parameter is unchecked or the operator has no right (the “Distribute received resources
among reservations” parameter in operator's file is unchecked) and the “Assign created resources to reservations”
parameter is checked in document definition, the system automatically binds resources to reservations without
displaying an additional window.
The operator can change the order of reservations by sorting them in individual columns. The operator may also edit
the suggested quantity to be bound manually using the edit-in-place method in a given column or by selecting one
of the resources distribution options: by priority (the current method of automated distribution), by order on the list
(e.g. the operator sorts reservations by one of the criteria, e.g. reservation creation date and then selects this option.
This way, the system assigns resources to individual reservations in quantities set in the reservations till the resource
is empty.) or “proportionally” (the system distributes the resource proportionally to the unbound quantity for each
It is possible to check/uncheck records specific for individual “groups” of resources because operations consisting in
changing the method of distributing resources among reservations can be performed by individual resources and all
reservations bound to them. It is, however, impossible to check/uncheck only some of the reservations in a given
group. After a record is checked, all the reservations bound to it are also checked and when a record is unchecked,
all the reservations bound to it are also unchecked.

The above-mentioned window shows reservations that meet the following conditions:
 Are sales reservations
Module: Orders 12 Version 2016.2
 Are active
 Block item
 Their validity date is not expired
 Item code in resource (group of resources) and reservation is the same
 The warehouse in resource complies with the warehouse in reservation in the following way:
The warehouse in reservation complies with the warehouse of the “group” of the resource
The reservation warehouse is set as <all> and there is a warehouse from the resource “group” on the list of
warehouses the reservation “has a right to”.
 The feature of reservation complies with the feature of the resource
 The reservation is bound to a source document
 The reservation source document has the “Reserve resources” parameter checked for document (orders,
 The reservations has no resources bound
 The reservation was not completely processed

Conditions for SO-PO-POR/PI documents sequence:

First, the system binds received resources to reservations for a “source” document for which other documents have
been registered, e.g. SO-PO-income document generated from PO. If no more of these bonds can be created, or
there are none to be created in the first place, resources can be bound to reservations not bound in the above-
mentioned sequences.
Reservations for which such bonds are defined but the current income document does not execute them are

Conditions to be met when binding resources to a specific reservation:

For each reservation for which a binding is to be performed, the system should check:
 Quantity in reservation
 Quantity that can be bound (shown in the Quantity column of the above-mentioned form)
 Quantity to be bound (in the above-mentioned form). Subsequent actions regarding a given reservation
depend on it.
If the quantity to be bound is less than the quantity that can be bound, C < B, the system:
 creates new reservation(s) and binds them to resources
 the number of generated reservations depends on the number of resources to be bound,
 the total “item” quantity in the reservations is consistent with the “quantity to be bound” set by the
operator for the reservation
 the source reservation is reduced by the quantity in the generated reservations mentioned above
If the quantity to be bound is equal to the quantity that can be bound, C = B, then"
 if the reservation was not executed (A = B), the system binds it to resources and if one resource is not
enough, it “multiplies the reservation” accordingly
 if the reservation was executed (A > B), the system creates a reservation / multiple reservations for the
total quantity equal to the unexecuted quantity, binds them to resources, and decreases the quantity in
the “initial” reservation
Module: Orders 13 Version 2016.2
Grouping reservations in the form for distributing resources among reservations:
Reservations are grouped according to:
 Alphabetical order of item codes
 Item feature:
If there are reservations for a given item and warehouse with a given feature, they are bound without the feature
(but to a given item and warehouse) to this group of a given item/warehouse for which there is a “resources group”
with the greatest non-zero “quantity that can be bound”
If the above-mentioned reservations do not exist or there is no “non-zero” resources group, the reservation is bound
to a separate group: item/“empty” feature/warehouse.
 Warehouse:
If reservations are made for <all> warehouses, they are verified in the following way:

If there are reservations for a given item and feature and the warehouse to which a given reservation has a right (i.e.
this warehouse is on the list of warehouses available to the centre that owns the reservation), the reservation (for a
given item and with a given feature) is bound to this group of the item/feature for which there is a “resources group”
with the greatest non-zero “quantity that can be bound”

If the above-mentioned reservations do not exist or there is no “non-zero” resources group, the reservation is put
to a separate group: item/feature/warehouse<all> with the following condition:

When a reservation is “added” to the <item/feature/warehouse<all>> group, the owner of the reservation is verified
and “separate groups” are created for various owners of the reservations.

If there are reservations for a given item with any non-empty feature and the warehouse to which a given reservation
has a right (i.e. this warehouse is on the list of warehouses available to the centre that owns the reservation), the
reservations are bound to this group for which there is a “resources group” with the greatest non-zero “quantity
that can be bound”

If the above-mentioned reservations do not exist or there is no “non-zero” resources group, the reservation is put
to a separate group: item/“empty” feature/warehouse “all”.

The function of adding resources is also available for multiple selected orders simultaneously. After SO are selected
in the sales orders list, the Reserve resources option in the context menu can be used. The following window is then
displayed: Assign resources to reservations (Figure 1.3 Assign resources to reservations.

Module: Orders 14 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.4 Sales orders list

The function can be used for selected sales orders and internal orders.

1.2 Main menu and toolbar

The main menu and the toolbar are the basic tools used while working with the module: Orders.

Figure 1.5 Main menu and toolbar of the module: Orders.

1.2.1 Main menu

The main menu consists of the following elements: System, Edition, Lists, Orders, Processes, Window, Help.

 Active sessions – list of active session operating on the actual database.
 Configuration – configuration window of the basic system parameters.
 Change password – changes the password of the actual operator.
 Change date – changes the actual date, prompted as the transaction date.

Module: Orders 15 Version 2016.2

 Change period – allows to choose the accounting period.
 Change operator context – allows to choose rights structure center from among the actual operator
 Change operator – allows to change the operator in the opened module.
 Context prohibitions – the window that allows to define the access prohibitions to the certain functions
(windows) for the operators. It contains the list of functions related to the actually opened windows. For all
this functions there is the possibility to open the list of operators who will not have access to this list.
Assigned in such way prohibitions will be added to the prohibition list for such operator, defined from the
rights structure center.
 Default windows settings – this function is used to restore the default window settings in the given module.
 User settings – configuration window of the screen appearance, e.g. program background.
 Printer settings – allows to choose the default printer and make parameters settings.
 Additions – list of functional additions. Functional additions called callbacks are described in documentation
of the module: Administrator.
 End of work – closes the module: Orders.

 Partners – a list of deliverers, recipients, representatives and forwarding agents.
 Articles – a list of articles. The name “Articles” is conventional. The list contains also the services, costs,
deposits and products.
 Banks – a list of banks.
 Currencies – the currencies available in the system and their exchange rates.
 Post codes – it displays a list of post codes, arranged by code and by city. Detailed description of the window
can be found in the manual of the module: Sales.
 Trade documents – list of purchase, import, sales, export, deposit, internal, warehouse, complaints, and
transport documents
 Orders – list of sales/purchase inquiries, quotes, and orders. The full functionality of the list (editing data)
is available to the user holding a licence to the module: Orders
 Stock level – a document facilitating analysing stock, orders, and planned quantities of selected items in a
given time period in selected warehouses
 Demand plans – allows the user to define the time period and the items to be included in the plan
 Notebook– used to prepare transaction templates (item specification)

This menu allows to choose the following functions:
 Calendar – opens the window: Calendar, from its level there is possible the preview/edition of the tasks of
the worker linked with the operator for the defined term. More information is available in the
documentation of the module: Administrator.
 Worker’s box – opens the window: Worker’s box, from its level the operator/worker can handle all
processes assigned to him, to the center in which he operates and to subordinate other workers (according
to the subordinate structure). Process handling from the worker’s box level means the possibility to run the
process and ma king next tasks. More information regarding the process functionality is available in the
documentation of the module: Administrator
 Processes list – all active and registered in the system processes are displayed in this window. From the
window level there is the possibility to run the chosen process, display its history, etc. More information
regarding the process functionality is available in the documentation of the module: Administrator.

Module: Orders 16 Version 2016.2 Toolbar

The toolbar contains both the basic functions and those, which are updated once the selected windows have been
opened. The basic functions are the following:

[List of customers] – it opens a list of partners divided by groups, to which they are assigned, by short name,
by TIN and by representative.

[Items] – it opens a list of articles sorted by code, by name and by symbol.

[Banks] – it opens a list of banks arranged by code, by city or by area code.

[Currency exchange rate] – it opens a window with a list of currencies.

[PO] – it allows to create a new purchase order

By pressing the button: , it is possible to enter the other document from module: Orders.

[Orders] – it opens a window with inquiries, offers and orders which are registered in the system. New
documents can also be registered in the opened window.

[IQC] – it is used to open the window: List of goods stock balances.

[Unsold Order Items] – it opens a window which displays the unexecuted items of orders.

[Schedule] – it opens the window: Calendar, from the calendar level there is the possibility to preview/Edit
the of the worker linked to the operator for the given term. More information is available in the documentation of
the module: Administrator. Toolbar – functions related with an active window

Below are the functions which are updated after opening particular windows:

[Print the default printout] – it allows to print data contained in an opened window. The button: [Select
printout] allows to select a type of printout.

[Send the default printout] – it allows to send the default printout as the attachment to the e-mail message

sent with the default e-mail client. Button: [Choose printout], allows to choose the other kind of printout then
the default printout.

[Plot a default graph] – it runs a defined default graph. If there are more defined graphs, you may select

one of them using the button: [Select graph] , or by clicking the right mouse button on the icon: [Graph]. Printouts
configuration is run by clicking on the button: [Graph] (with the left mouse button) and holding the key <Ctrl> (on
the keyboard) at the same time.

[Quick SQL report] – it runs the execution of a defined, default SQL report. If there are more defined reports,
you may select one of them by clicking the right mouse button on the icon (Quick SQL report]. Configuration of quick
Module: Orders 17 Version 2016.2
SQL reports is run by clicking on the button [Quick SQL report] (with the left mouse button) and holding the key
<Ctrl> (on the keyboard) at the same time.

[Export to spreadsheet] – it exports the contents of an active window to the MS Excel program.

[Process history] – after selecting an inquiry, an offer, an order on the opened list of inquiries, offers and
orders and clicking on the button, a window: Process history, will be displayed. The window displays a list of tasks
to be done within a process, by which a selected document is handled. More information about tasks and processes
can be found in the manual of the module: Administrator.

[Contacts history] – it allows to conduct a conversation with a customer.

[Customer history] – it opens partner's history window.

[Items history] – it opens article history window.

[Help] – it runs help of the system Comarch ERP XL connected with an active window.

[Document stats] – it indicates data of document’s element: margin, weight, volume, article quantity of

[Stock forecast] – it opens a window with stock forecast of a given article by orders fulfilling date.

[Previous list item] – the current item will be changed into the previous one while editing (changing,
previewing) it, without closing and reopening the window.

[Next list item ] – the current item will be changed into the next one while editing (changing, previewing)
it, without closing and reopening the window.

[Structure of granted discount] – This button will be active with the opened window: Element of the
transaction document, on which the partner and the article was chosen. More information about tasks and
processes can be found in the manual of the module: Sales.

[Print bar code] - opens a window with the function of label printing for specific items.

1.3 Configuration

1.3.1 Documents configuration

Below are the documents specific for the module: Orders:
 Sales inquiry,
 Purchase inquiry,
 Sales offer,
 Purchase offer,
 Sales order,
 Purchase order,
 Internal order.

Module: Orders 18 Version 2016.2 Document definitions

Before running the module, you need to define the parameters, by which the documents, registered in the system,
will be described. Those parameters are defined in the window: Document definition, which is located in the module:
Administrator. Each of the documents mentioned in the chapter: 1.3.1 has its definition, on the basis of which certain
entries are generated. Detailed description of the window: Document definitions, can be found in the manual of the
module: Administrator. Attributes for documents

The documents can be additionally described by attributes. The attributes are defined in the module: Administrator
(window: Attributes definition, tab: Attributes class). The classes of attributes must next be assigned to the objects,
which are the orders mentioned in the chapter:1.3.1(window: Attributes definition, tab: Objects). Such defined
attributes may then be assigned to the particular documents.

1.3.2 Advanced operations on orders

To be able to execute the operations in the module: Orders, certain rights and bans for an operator must be defined.
The essential ban for an operator, which determines his work in this module, is the ban: Advanced operations on
orders. This ban is set in the window: Operator, in the tab: Bans, just like the other bans. More information about
setting the bans for an operator can be found in the manual of the module: Administrator.
The ban: Advance order operations, includes the following bans:
 Opening an offer, which has not been confirmed in the current day,
 Edition reservation,
 Editing payment in an order which was drafted by a different operator,
 Cancelling an order which was not drafted in the current day (providing that an operator is authorized to
perform the operations on confirmed orders),
 Closing an order which was drafted by a different operator,
 Opening an order which was not drafted in the current day (providing that an operator is authorized to
perform the operations on confirmed orders),

Note: Bans for orders and quotes are taken into consideration when the documents are

1.4 List of offers and orders

The window contains all the orders registered in the system. Its layout reflects the procedure of trade transactions,
which is described in the chapter: 1.1 Module functionality description.
The horizontal tabs, arranged in order by which the documents must be generated, reflect the sequence by which
the orders are created: from a request for proposal to an order.
Each horizontal tab has the common vertical tabs: Sales and Purchase, which reflects the dualism of sales and
purchased orders. Moreover, the tabs are divided into the vertical tabs, which are described below.

The window: List of offers and orders can be opened by:

 selecting the item: List of offers and orders in the menu: Orders or

 selecting the icon: [List of offers and orders] on the toolbar.

The window contains 5 horizontal tabs which are divided into vertical tabs.

Note: A trade document to which data from the collector is loaded with the “Load data”
button can be issued from PO/SO/IO documents. During this operation, the old list of
entries is removed and a new one is created. If the entries loaded from the collector are
the same as the entries in the order, they should process reservations. After data is
loaded, the order is given the Processed status when the trade document is confirmed.

Module: Orders 19 Version 2016.2

1.4.1 List of offers and orders, tab: Inquiries
This tab: Inquiries (Figure 1.6) includes three vertical tabs. The vertical tabs: Sales and Purchase have the common
fields. The only difference between them is the function they fulfill. The tab: Sales is used to register sales inquiries
and the tab: Purchase is used to register purchase inquiries.
The tabs display the information in the following columns:
Document – request for proposal number and series. That number is copied to the new documents while converting
the inquiry into an offer and then into an order.
Customer – in two columns: short name and city which is compatible with the address given in partner’s file
(window: Partner’s file).
Target partner – the columns concerning a target partner are displayed only the parameter: Show target partner, is
selected in the window: Configuration, in the tab: General/Parameters. The data concerning a target partner is
particularly essential if in the orders there is a partner different than the main partner.
Drafting date – request for proposal drafting date.
Status – status of the document.
Reference number – customer document number.
Transaction feature – transaction feature selected for the document in the Header tab.
Description – description of the document.
Moreover, the tabs contain the following functions:

Go to – after indicating an inquiry number and clicking on the button: [Search], the searched document will be
selected on the list of inquiries.
Filter – by giving a criterion in the filter, the requested items will be searched on the list of registered inquiries. The
filter takes into consideration the data from Abbreviation and Customer name, its address, date, number on the list
of orders.
Owner – it allows to filter the documents by a criterion of a center in which they were drafted. Access to the
documents displayed in the given center in the operator context, depends on the setting of the parameter:
Documents preview, on the card of this operator (window: Operator, tab: Parameters/System).
Status – can be used to filter documents with a specific status (Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Rejected).
Transaction feature – can be used to filter documents with specific transaction features.
List for – a period for which a given list is displayed. By default, the current period (month, year) is given. However,
it can be modified. Once it has been modified, the documents, with the indicated address, will be displayed. If all
documents must be displayed, both fields must be deselected.

Module: Orders 20 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.6 List of requests for proposal, tab: Sales.

[Show derived documents] – it displays a list with documents derived from a registered inquiry. In order to
display such list you need to:
 select a registered request for proposal out of which the derived documents must be displayed,
 click on the button: [Show derived documents].

[Convert to offer] – it is used to convert a registered request for proposal to an offer. In order to convert a
request for proposal to an offer you need to:
 select a registered request for proposal which must be converted to an offer.

 click on the button: .

A window: Sales offer (or the window: Purchase offer, if a purchase request for proposal is converted) will be opened.

[Change] - it changes data in a registered request for proposal.

[Delete] – it deletes an item, indicated on the list.

[Add request for proposal] – it generates a new request for proposal.

[List of related] – it allows the preview of the documents related to the inquiry.

Module: Orders 21 Version 2016.2

Note: When a new Inquiry is added, its status is set to Unconfirmed. The same status is
set for an Inquiry created by copying another Inquiry and when generating a Purchase
inquiry from a Sales inquiry.

If an Inquiry is deleted, its status is verified and only Unconfirmed Inquires can be deleted. If an Inquiry's status is
Confirmed or Rejected, the deletion is interrupted and a relevant message is shown. If an Inquiry's status is
Confirmed or Rejected, a Sales quote can be generated out of it. If multiple Inquiries are selected on a list of inquiries,
it is possible to batch confirm many documents. This option is available in the context menu. The menu can also be
used to batch open Inquiries whose statuses are Confirmed or Rejected. If documents are being batch opened, the
system checks whether a Sales or purchase quote were dreaded for these documents. An Inquiry may be edited
depending on whether it was converted into a quote and on operator's right to edit a confirmed quote.
It is possible to confirm an inquiry from the inquiry. This results in a change of its status into Confirmed. An inquiry
may be confirmed if there is a customer defined in the document and if the document's definition has the Confirming
parameter checked.

Apart from the functions, which are also contained in the tab: Sales, the tab provides the following possibilities:
Operator. This field allows to search the unexecuted inquiries in which a responsible person was defined (in the tab:
Offer inquiry, in the window: Offer inquiry). By selecting the item as: Free, the unexecuted inquiries, which were not
assigned to particular persons, will be displayed.
Documents. This field allows to select a type of unexecuted, displayed inquiries. Those inquiries may concern
purchase or sales.

Tab: Inquires/By operator

On this tab the offer inquiries are displayed. The criterion, according to which they are displayed is defines in the
field: Operator (this the ID of the person, leading the case). After choosing the Operator, all offers will be displayed
that have an indicated Operator, saved as a responsible person (window: Offer Inquiry, tab: Offer Inquiry, parameter:

1.4.2 List of offers and orders, tab: Quotes

This tab (Figure 1.7) includes 4 vertical tabs. The information in the tabs is displayed in the following columns:
Document – document number.
Customer – data of the main partner.
Target partner – the columns concerning a target partner are displayed only if the parameter: Show target partner,
is selected in the window: Configuration, in the tab: Parameters. The data concerning a target partner is particularly
essential, if in the orders there is a partner different than the main partner.
Date of issue – document drafting date.
Expiration date – offer validity date, defined in the offer, in the tab: Header.
Type – type of document (Quote, Inquiry + Quote)
Status – it indicates the status of a document.

Subtotal value (subtotal/currency) – the column will be displayed after pressing the button:
[Enable/Disable/Summing offer value].
Reference number– document number of the given Partner.
Transaction feature – transaction feature selected for the document in the Header tab.
Description – description of the document.

Module: Orders 22 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.7 List of offers, tab: Sales.

Below are the following functions which are common for all tabs:

Go to – after indicating an offer number and clicking on the button: [Search], the searched document will be
selected on the list of offers.
Filter – by giving a criterion in the filter, the requested items will be searched on the list of registered offers.
Owner – it allows to filter the documents by a criterion of a center in which they were drafted. Access to the
documents displayed in the given center in the Operator context, depends on the parameter’s setting: Documents
preview, on the Operators card (window: Operator, tab: Parameters/System).
Status – can be used to filter documents by status (All, Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Accepted, Rejected, Sent, Order
Transaction feature – can be used to filter documents with specific transaction features.
List for: – it indicates a period for which a given list is displayed. By default, the current period is given. However, it
can be modified.

[Sum up/ Do not sum up] – by enabling this function, to the offer list will be added an column indicating the
offer net value.

[List of clipped documents] – it allows to preview documents related to a given offer.

[Export Products Catalogue] -

[Convert to order] – it is used to convert a registered offer to an order. In order to convert a request for
proposal to an offer you need to:
 select a confirmed offer (on the list of offers) which must be converted to an order,
Module: Orders 23 Version 2016.2
 click on the button: .
A window: Sales order – will be added (or a window: Purchase order, if purchase offer is converted) will be opened.

Note: Multiple orders can be generated from one quote. It is determined by the “Allow
multiple orders” parameter in Purchase quote / Sales quote form. This parameter is by
default set according to the Quote definition (“Allow generating multiple orders”
parameter) of a given centre. The operator may check/uncheck this parameter in the
SQ/PQ form.

[Change]– it allows to change data in a registered offer.

[Delete] – it allows to delete an offer from the list of offers. There is impossible to delete the offer from
which the order was generated, unless this order was removed or canceled.

[New] – it allows to add a new sales offer or purchase offer to the list of offers.

In addition, from the offer list level are available the context menu options expanded with the click of the right
mouse button:
Add – it allows to register the new offer
Change – opens for edition the indicated offer document
Delete – deletes the marked offer document
Convert to order – it converts the marked offer to the order.
Confirm/Confirm marked – it allows to confirm the marked offer/offers without need to display for document
Open – it allows to open (move back to the buffer) a confirmed offer or multiple selected offers.
Order – if the given offer has the related order, after choosing this function it will be displayed for the edition.

Tab: Offers/By date

The tab displays both purchase offers and sales offers. They are arranged in chronological order, which helps a user
to control all the offers and the execution of the oldest offers.

Tab: Offers/By operator

The tab displays both purchase offers and sales offers. A criterion, by which they are displayed, is defined in the
field: Operator (which is an identifier of a person who conducts the issue). After selecting an operator, all the offers
with an indicated Operator, who is saved as a responsible person, will be displayed (window: Sales offer, or Purchase
offer, tab: header).
This way of displaying the offers facilitates the work of those persons, to whom particular issues have been assigned.
Such persons have access to the offers conducted only by themselves, providing full control on their execution
Apart from the functions, which are available on every other tab for the offers, this tab contains the following
Operator. It indicates a criterion by which the offers are displayed, by a person responsible for conducting a given
Documents. It indicates a criterion by which the offers are displayed, by their type. It is possible to display all offers,
only sales offers or only purchase offers.

Module: Orders 24 Version 2016.2

1.4.3 List of offers and orders, tab: Orders

Figure 1.8 Orders list, tab: Sales

The tab (Figure 1.9) contains 5 vertical tabs. The information in the tabs is displayed in the following columns:
Document – document number.
Customer – data of the main partner.
Target partner – the columns concerning a target partner are displayed only if the parameter: Show target partner,
is selected in the window: Configuration, in the tab: Parameters. The data concerning a target partner is particularly
essential, if in the orders there is a partner different than the main partner.
Data of Issue – document drafting date.
Expected Date – order fulfilling date.
Status – it indicates the status of a document. If, for the sales orders will be chosen an option: Active, an additional
option will be displayed in the window that will allow to filter the all orders:
 all – all active orders will be displayed, aside from that their realization term is earlier
 impossible for execution in the given term – All orders will be displayed, that realization term is earlier that
the possible realization term (in other words such orders that have no chance to be executed in the term
given on the order – during searching of such orders the relations between ZS and INTERNAL ORDER, ZZ,
ZP, ZK are taken into account).

Subtotal Value (subtotal, currency) – document value and currency in which a document was drafted. This column

will be displayed after pressing the button: [Sum up/ Do not sum up].

Module: Orders 25 Version 2016.2

Note: The values of documents will not be displayed in the Orders tab, if the rights of
operator have been limited by the ban: Display values on lists (module: Administrator,
window: Operator, tab: Bans).

Number at partner’s – a number given to a document by partner.

Transaction feature – transaction feature selected for the document in the Header tab.
Description – description of the document.

The tab: Orders contains the following functions:

Go to – after indicating a number of order and clicking on the button: [Search], the searched document will be
selected on the list of orders.
Filter – by giving a criterion in the filter, the requested items will be searched on the list of registered orders.
Owner – it allows to filter the documents by a criterion of a center in which they were drafted. Access to the
documents displayed in the given center in the Operator context, depends on the parameter’s setting: Documents
preview, on the Operators card (window: Operator, tab: Parameters/System).
Status – can be used to filter documents by status.
Transaction feature – the filter can be used to display documents with the selected transaction feature. The default
option is: All. The transaction feature for the document is set in the Document header tab.
List for: – it indicates a period for which a given list is displayed. By default, the current period is given. However, it
can be modified.

[Sum up/do not sum up ] – by running this function, a column, which displays net values of offers, will be
added to the list of orders.

[Import from ECOD] – this function imports a purchase order from a customer in ECOD format of XML file
with a defined structure. This button is available in the tab Orders/Sales.

Note: If item price = 0 in the imported order, the most recent purchase prices are entered
into Comarch ERP XL for this item (including discounts).

[Import invoice fulfilling the order] – after indicating a confirmed order on the list of orders (in the tab:
Orders/Purchase) and clicking on this button, the process importing a purchase invoice, which fulfills the order, will
be run. In the opened window: Import from ECOD, you need to select the file .xml, which will be imported and to

click on the button: [Confirm].

[Export to ECOD] – it allows to export a selected purchase order to ECOD. It is possible to export many
orders at the same time. In such situation, you need to select the exported order on the list displayed in multiselect
mode. This function is active in the tab: Orders/Purchase.

Note: When exporting to the ECOD file, UPC code will be retrieved first from an auxiliary
unit. And if the auxiliary unit does not have such a code, it will be retrieved from item

Module: Orders 26 Version 2016.2

[Product analysis] - this button is available in the tabs: Sales, By date, By operator. This function is used in
analyzing a product which has been ordered.

[List of clipped documents] – in the window: History of the related, opened after pressing this button, all
documents related to the marked order will be displayed. On the additional tabs will be displayed: related
documents, warehouse documents, accounting corrections, and documents in the flow.

[Correct order] – it displays a correction to a selected order. This function is active, if the order, to which a
correction must be drafted, is confirmed but not yet fulfilled.

, [Convert to sales invoice/export invoice] – it allows to generate a trade document out of a confirmed

order. This button is available in the tabs: Sales, By date, By operator. The button: [Document type] allows to
select a type of trade document, order or assembling order which must be generated out of a given order. In order
to generate a trade document you need to:
 select a confirmed order (on the list of orders) out of which a trade document must be generated,
 click on the button: [Convert into sales invoice].

Note: The button: is shown when a sales order marked as a domestic transaction
(order, tab: General) is selected on the list of orders. If an order is marked as an intra-

community or other foreign (non-EU) transaction, the button is displayed.

, [Convert to purchase invoice/ import invoice] – this icon is available only in the tab: Purchase, By date,

By operator and it is used in generating a purchase invoice out of a confirmed purchase order. The button:
[Document type] allows to select a type of trade document or a type of order assembling which must be generated
out of a given order.

Note: The button: is shown when a purchase order marked as a domestic

transaction (order, tab: General) is selected on the list of orders. If an order is marked as
an intra-community or other foreign (non-EU) transaction and the Take into account

AC/SII handling parameter is checked in {Header} tab, the button is displayed.

The following documents can be generated from the purchase order:

 Purchase invoice
 VAT RR invoice
 External acceptance
 Internal revenue
 Warehouse acceptance
 Clip
 Import invoice
 External import acceptance
 Sales order
The following documents can be generated from the sales order:
 Sales invoice

Module: Orders 27 Version 2016.2

 External release
 Internal expense
 Warehouse release
 Clip
 Receipt
 Export invoice
 External export release
 Internal invoice
 Inter-warehouse movement (IWM) - release
 Purchase order
 Internal order
 Assembling job
 Production job
 Project schedule

[Convert into inter-warehouse movement document] — this icon is located in the tab: Internal and in the tabs:
By date and By operator (after selecting an internal order). It allows to generate an inter-warehouse movement

document out of an internal order. The button: [Menu of available options] allows to generate:
 Inter-warehouse movement (IWM) - acceptance
 Warehouse release
 Purchase order
 Assembling job
 Production job

Figure 1.9 List of orders, tab: Purchase

Module: Orders 28 Version 2016.2

[Generate default document] – generates default documents for items selected in the list of order.

[Change] – it allows to preview and to edit an item selected on the list.

[Delete] – it deletes an item indicated on the list.

[New] – this button is used to add New sales order, purchase order to the list of orders.
Moreover, the list contains the options of the context menu which is dropped down with the right mouse button
after selecting a given order. Those options have the same functionalities as the buttons described above.

From the context menu the following functions are also available:
Clip. Can be used to generate clip (C)SI, (C)ESI, and (C)PI from selected documents generated from sales/purchase
orders. After activation of the function, the List of documents to be clipped window is opened. It shows a list of SOR,
EOR, SORC, EORC / POR, PORC documents that were generated from the orders indicated by the operator and have
not been clipped so far. This way, the system creates a clip depending on the type of the clipped document and adds
documents that can be clipped to that clip.
Package from indicated. Allows to generate the package from the indicated order.

Note: Changes have been introduced in the cases of some document generation paths for
generating documents from orders whose element execution date is based on the source
element execution date due to the possibility to set execution date to Undefined. When
generating a PO or IO document from an SO with the execution date set to Undefined,
the same date is set in PO and IO documents. The same applies to generating a PO from
an IO. When generating an AJ document from SO or IO documents with elements'
execution dates set to Undefined, the execution date of the AJ document is set according
to the issue date of the document. In the case of a JO generated from an SO or IO, the
execution date is set to Plan starting now.

Shipment from the indicated. Allows to generate the shipment from the indicated order.
Confirm/Confirm marked. Allows to confirm the marked order/orders, without the need to open the document.
This function is active for the orders with status: Not confirmed.
Cancel. Allows to cancel an indicated order document. This function is active for the orders with status: Confirmed.
Open. Allows to open an indicated order or multiple selected orders. This option is active only for confirmed orders,
deletes All reservations related to this order. This function is active for the orders with status: Confirmed. An order
can be opened if the operator has a right to perform operations on unconfirmed orders.
Close/Close marked. It allows to close the marked order/orders. This function is active for the orders with status:
Confirmed and In Realization.
Correction. Can be used to issue a correction of an order.
Update VAT rates on selected. The function can be used to edit VAT rates in SQ/PQ/SO/PO documents using the
rates defined in item cards. After the activation of the function, prices/values are recalculated (for VAT recalculated
“from gross”, the gross price and value remain unchanged and net value/price are modified. For VAT recalculated
“from net” it is the other way round). Values in the header and payments are also recalculated accordingly. Before
the function is activated, the system verifies whether the following conditions are met: the document is unconfirmed
and the documents exponorm does not prohibit using “domestic” rated.
Entered documents. It opens the window: Documents entered from an order. In the window, on the suitable tabs
are displayed documents, that were entered from an actual order, e.g. advance sales invoices will be displayed in
the tab: Trading (as far as they were entered from the order). Function is active, if from the order were entered a
certain documents.

Module: Orders 29 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.10 Context menu on the orders list .

Note: The Orders with undeducted advance invoices report is available in a form of a
chart in the List of Sales and Purchase orders. The report shows a list of orders with
invoices that were not deducted: API, ASI, EAI.

From the orders list, it is possible to generate the ZP document. After the generate ZP option is selected, for ZW/ZS
elements the “Order generation” optimization window appears, which enables including items (all, unfulfilled,
unfulfilled without resources) with an additional control parameter:
“Include items of generated orders.”

Tab: Orders/By date

The tab displays sales orders, purchase orders and internal orders. They are arranged in chronological order, which
helps a user to control all the orders and the execution of the oldest orders.

Tab: Orders/By operator

The tab displays sales orders, purchase orders and internal orders. A criterion, by which they are displayed, is defined
in the field: Operator (which is an identifier of a person who conducts the issue). After selecting an operator, all the
orders with an indicated Operator, who is saved as a responsible person, will be displayed (Sales order/Purchase
order/Internal order; Tab: Header).

Module: Orders 30 Version 2016.2

This way of displaying the orders facilitates the work of those persons, to whom particular issues have been assigned.
Such persons have access to the orders conducted only by themselves, providing full control on their execution
Apart from the functions, which are available in each vertical tab, the following options are available for the tab:
Order. This field is used to indicate a criterion by which the order are displayed according to their type.
Operator. It indicates a criterion by which the orders are displayed, by a person responsible for conducting a given
Documents. It indicates a criterion by which the orders are displayed, according to their type. It is possible to display
all orders, only sales orders, only purchase orders or only internal orders.

Tab: Orders/Internal
This tab displays internal orders. It allows to add a new internal order, to change data in already registered order or
to delete a given order. Only unfulfilled order can be deleted. The unfulfilled order is the order to which a trade
document has not been drafted.

Figure 1.11 Context menu in the list of orders

In the internal orders list, in the bottom part of the window, there are two drop down lists, Source and Target, used
to filter the orders on the list with the warehouse column which is subdivided into two columns:
 Source – shows the code of the source warehouse
 Target – shows the code of the target warehouse
The following documents can be generated from an internal order:
 Warehouse Movement Release WMR-
 Warehouse Release
 Purchase Order

Module: Orders 31 Version 2016.2

1.4.4 List of quotes and orders, tab: Elements
The Elements tab (Figure 3.12) shows a list of Quotes and orders documents' elements.

Figure 1.12 List of quotes and orders, tab: Elements

The types of displayed documents the elements come from depend on the selected value of the Documents filter.
The following values can be selected: Purchase orders, Sales orders, Internal orders, Sales quotes, Purchase quotes.
The information is displayed in the following columns:
Document – the number of the document the entry belongs to.
Item: Code, Name – code and name of the item selected in the entry.
Customer: Abbreviation, City – main customer's data.
Target customer: Abbreviation, City – data of the target customer is shown only if the Show target customer
parameter in the Configuration window, Parameters tab is checked. Target customer's data is of particular
importance when a different customer than the main customer is put on order documents.
Date of issue – the date the document with the entry was issued.
Expected date – date the entry is to be executed.
Status – status of the document with the entry. The displayed entries can be filtered by this column. It is done with
the Status filter. The availability of a selected option depends on the type of document selected in the Documents
filter. The following values can be selected for order documents: <All>, Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Executed, In
execution, Rejected, Cancelled, Closed. One of the following options can be selected for Quote documents: <All>,
Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Accepted, Rejected, Sent, Order generated.
Warehouse – code of the warehouse selected for the entry.
Reference number – number the document with the entry was given by a customer.
Quantity: Ordered, Sold, For sale, Reserved – information on the quantity marked in the entry as ordered, sold, for
sale, and reserved. The Reserved column is available for sales orders, purchase orders, and internal orders. It shows
the quantity reserved by a given SO or IO.

Module: Orders 32 Version 2016.2

Price – information on the price set in the entry as the agreed price.
Value– information on the value of the document entry.
Discount – information on the value of the discount granted for the entry.
For sale, Quantity – information on the quantity to be sold by the document generated from the entry. The value is
set by the operator in this tab.
For sale, Price – information on the price the entry in the generated document is to be sold for. The value is set by
the operator in this tab.
For sale, Value – information on the value the entry in the generated document is to be sold for. The Value field has
the value equal to Price*Quantity.
Displaying of the Warehouse, Status, Reference number, Discount, Price, Value, Date columns depends on the
selection of the relevant options in the right bottom corner of the tab. The column currently used as the sorting
column has the “^” symbol next to its name.
Apart from the above-mentioned filtering options for the list of elements, Document and Status, the following
options are available:
Filter – the currency of the filtered entries or other criteria defined by the user in filter builder can be used. When
the filter is on, the relevant entries are looked up in the list of registered elements.
Owner – if a value is selected in this field, the list of elements is filtered by owners of the documents they are on.
The following buttons can be found below the list of elements:

[Close window] – closes the window.

[Show order element] – opens the entry selected on the list.

[Generate default document] – in the Elements tab, the button is visible only after documents of the Sales
Order or Purchase Order type are selected in the Documents filter.

[Convert into...] – the action triggered by the button depends on the value selected in the Document filter.
The operator can generate the following documents for Purchase order documents:
 Purchase Invoice
 VAT LF Invoice
 Purchase Order Receipt
 External Receipt
 Warehouse Receipt
 Import Invoice
 Import Purchase Order Receipt
 Purchase Order
Import Invoice and Import PO receipt can be generated from an element if the “Take into account AC/SII handling”
parameter is checked in the header of the element's document. The operator can generate the following documents
for Sales order documents:
 Sales Invoice
 Sale Order Release
 Internal Release
 Warehouse Release
 Receipt
 Export Invoice
 Export Order Release
 Internal Invoice
 Warehouse Movement Release WMR-

Module: Orders 33 Version 2016.2

 Purchase Order
 Internal Order
 Assembling Job
 Job Order
 Project Schedule
The operator can generate the following documents for Internal order documents:
 Warehouse Movement Release WMR-
 Warehouse Movement Release WMR+
 Warehouse Release
 Purchase Order
 Assembling Job
 Job Order
The operator can generate the following documents for Purchase quote documents:
 Purchase Order
 Sales Quote
The operator can generate the following documents for Sales order documents:
 Sales Quote.
There are no quantitative limits of item for the operator when selecting document elements to be sold. When
generating documents of specific type, the system informs the user of its operations in a pop-up info window. The
system uses the following algorithms when executing document elements:
 If the selected entries are document elements with different values in the parameter: Take into account
AC/SII handling in order header, executing document is not generated.
 If the selected entries are elements of documents with different currencies, the system informs the user
that it cannot perform such executions.
 If the selected entries are elements of documents with different main customers, the system generates a
separate document for each customer from the list of selected entries. If there are different target
customers, the system generates an executing document with the target customer selected according to
the first marked entry.

1.4.5 List of offers and orders, tab: Search

The tab Search allows to search an appropriate document of order: inquiry, offer or order.

It contains 2 tabs.
Tab: Search/General
This tab allows to search documents of orders. The documents can be search by their numbers, type and series, as
well as by name or short name of partner. The tab (List of orders, tab: Search/General.) contains the following
Document EAN. After adding the EAN code indicated on the print, the document with such code is opened.
Type, number, document series. These fields allows to define data for the searched documents.
At partner’s. In this field you may enter a number of searched document which was assigned to it by a partner.
 Short – this field allows to give a short name of a partner, for whom documents must be displayed.
 Name – this field allows to give a name of a partner, for whom documents must be displayed.
 City. The documents can also be searched on the basis of partner’s address (city name) which was registered
in a given document.
 Person. This field allows to search a document in which a person, responsible for a given issue, was defined.
Target partner. The fields concerning a target partner will be displayed, only if the parameter: Show target partner,
has been selected in configuration, in the tab: General/Parameters. in the tab: General/Parameters.

Module: Orders 34 Version 2016.2

Amount from, to – Fields that allow to determine the range of the document amount.


[Select lower date range] – this function is used to define the lower time range, for which the
searched documents must be displayed.

[Select upper date range] – this function is used to define the upper time range, for which the searched
documents must be displayed.

Figure 1.13 List of orders, tab: Search/General.

Display. This field allows to define a maximum number of documents, for which the searched documents must be
Found. After searching has been completed, this field indicates a number of found documents.

[Search documents] – this button runs the process of searching documents. Once the search criteria have
been given and the button has been pressed, the searched documents will be displayed (as far as they fulfill the
entered search criteria).

[Preview document] – this button allows to preview a previously selected document on the list of displayed

[Menu of available options] – this button, located next to the button: [Preview document], displays a list
with possible options for a selected document. By selecting one of the items of the list, you may: preview a
document, change the registered data (if possible) or delete the document.

Module: Orders 35 Version 2016.2

Tab: Search/Attributes
This tab is used to indicate the search criteria in the form of attributes, which are used in this module. It displays
attributes assigned to documents and to documents’ definitions: Moreover, the attributes, assigned to the objects
of the module: Orders within attributes group, will also be included.
Once you indicate the attributes, select the tab: General and begin searching.
The tab includes the following functions:

[Change] – this function is used to change a value for a given attribute.

[Restore] – this function restores attribute value.

Figure 1.14 List of requests, offers and orders, tab: Search/Attributes.

Note: The tab: Attributes contains a locator which facilitates selecting the attributes to
be search criteria.

1.5 Stock balance

1.5.1 General remarks

The stocks balance is a document in the Comarch ERP XL, that allows the analysis of the resources, orders, planned
quantities of the chosen articles in the defined time range taking into account the chosen warehouses. From the
confirmed document level: Stock balance, there is the possibility to generate the orders documents (e.g. production
assignments, orders) that allows to update the missing resources and the analysis of the articles in the warehouses.

Module: Orders 36 Version 2016.2

1.5.2 Stock balances list
Stock balances are generated from the level of the window: Stock balances list, displayed after pressing the button:

[Stock balances list].

In this window all information about the generated stock balances are displayed according to the creation date,
group for which they were generated and partner, who is the supplier of the articles contained in the balance (if in
the parameters determining the range of the articles for BST the supplier was defined).

Figure 1.15 Stock balances list.

In the window the following functions are available:

 Filter – filter with filter designer allows to define the range of the displayed opening balances.

[Add] – this button allows to generate the new BST. After pressing this button will be open the window:
Stock balance, in which the parameters of the generated balance are indicated, its elements, other data described
in the chapter: 1.5.3 Stock balance (BST).

[Change] – it allows to preview/Edit the SB marked on the list.

[Delete] – it allows to delete the marked SB from the list. There is the possibility to delete only those SB,
that were not confirmed.
List for – by using the parameters in this part, there is the possibility to narrow the list of displayed balances to the
defined period of time.

1.5.3 Stock balance (BST)

Window: Stock balance opens after pressing the button:

Module: Orders 37 Version 2016.2

[Add] in the window: Stock balances list. In the window are displayed the tabs described below.

BST, Tab: General

In the tab the balance is generated. Articles, for which the balance must be generated may be addend manually or
by defining the parameters defining their range.

Figure 1.16 BST, Tab: General.

A manual adding of the articles, for which the balance must be generated, is performer by clicking the button:
[Add]. After pressing this button, the articles list is displayed from which the articles must be chosen for generating
the balance. There is the possibility to generate multiple balances for the same article/group of articles. New balance
generation process takes into accounts all reservations that fulfill the dates criteria. If the reservation points to the
previous balance, during the generation process the indication will be overwritten with indication to the new
Next to the button that adds articles to the balance, the following fields and functions are located:
Filter - on the balance is the standard filter with designer. After narrowing the list of elements for which the balance
was generated, the documents only for this narrowed list of articles are generated.

[Generate the order] – by pressing this button the purchase order is generated for the quantity that covers
the shortcomings in the stocks. This quantity can result from the balance, and may be edited manually by entering
the appropriate value in the column: Orders/Quantity. After clicking the button: , the drop-down menu is
displayed, from which there is possible to choose the other document than the purchase order (IO, WMR-, AJ, JO,
AC). Document generation from BST is possible after its confirmation (marking the parameter: To buffer). Documents
generated from the balance will be generated only for the articles filtered on the list. If the option to generate an AJ
or JO document is selected, the following optimisation window is displayed: Select the job generation method with
the following options: All entries in one job and Each entry in a separate job.

Module: Orders 38 Version 2016.2

[Show item] – it allows to open the window: Article card, for the article marked on the list.

[Delete item] – deletes the article from the balance. There is the possibility to delete multiple articles, after
conformation on the list (multi-select mode).

[Stocks on hand] – it opens the preview window: Stocks in the warehouses, in trading inventory, warehouse
inventory, reservations and quantities are displayed which available for the article marked on the list (detailed
description of the window is available in the documentation of the module: Sales).

[Stocks forecast] – it opens the window with the stocks forecast for the article marked on the list. In this
window are displayed the ordered, reserved and available quantities for the given day.
Apart from the manual choosing the articles from the article list, it is possible to determine the range of the
generated balance by using the parameters located in the right part of the window:
Ending date – period of time, for which in the balance the reservations that depend on 2 dates setting will be
indicated: balance initial date – that is the balance generating date (which is automatically entered to the balance
after its generation process) and ending date – left for edition by the operator. The balance takes into account all
reservations in which:
 activation date is not later than the balance ending date
 validity date is not earlier than the current date,
in other word, for which the validity period is at least included in the period of time from current date up to the
ending date.
Articles group – if the article was not added to the balance for which it will be created, the balance will be generated
for the article group indicated in this field. However it is import ant, that Turing the generation of the balance will
be taken into account the parameters indicating the range of its generation e.g. if the articles group: Partner A will
be indicated, on the balance will be displayed only those names from the group: Raw materials, on which cards (in
the tab: Partners) Partner A is displayed as a supplier.
Supplier – as described above, after indicating the supplier, balance will be generated for those articles, that on in
the article card, in tab: Partners, have indicated a partner (supplier). It is important to remember, that marking the
partner card (in the tab: General) the parameter: Supplier, is not important.
Delivery – order execution date is shown in this part. If a delivery calendar is assigned in the Calendars tab in
customer's file (who is set as a deliverer), the delivery date in IQC is set according to this calendar. For example, if a
customer delivers an item every Monday in a cyclical pattern and Stock level is generated on Friday, the delivery
date is set to Monday according to the deliveries calendar. If a PO document is generated from IQC, the execution
date is set according to the date in the Delivery field. Additionally, using the and buttons, the user can switch
between dates in the calendar.
Warehouses – balance range may be defined also with taking into account only the chosen warehouses. For the
generated balance it will be possible to choose only those warehouses that are included in the definition of the BST
document in the appropriate center.
Customs warehouses – in this field, the customs warehouses are defined, that must be included in the balance.
Planed stocks – in this field the range of the displayed quantities for the given column and element: Planed stock, is
defined. This range can be defined by the minimum or maximum quantity, in other words the normative parameters
of the article in the specific warehouse defined in the window: Article card, in tab: Resources/Standards. In case
when in the field: Range, option: Global, will be left, on the balance will be calculated only normative global
parameters taken from the item card.

Module: Orders 39 Version 2016.2

Example: In T1 item card, for the warehouse: MAG 1, the minimum quantity of 100 pieces was
defined. Then, in the IQC document generated for this item, in the part: Planned stock, in the field:
Range, the option: For warehouse, was set. It activates the field: Warehouse, in which the warehouse
is set whose standards are to be displayed. Type of the standard, in other words, the minimum or
maximum quantity is defined in the field: Type. To calculate the balance taking into account the
defined standard, the button must be pressed. If the minimum quantity is indicated, and the
item level is 0, then for the element: Planned stock, the value: 100 is displayed.

The generated balance may be narrowed according to:

 the standard filter with a constructor, located under the articles list, for which the given balance was
 predefined ranges in the field: Items. It is possible to choose the item: Non-zero and those items, for which
the balance is negative.
 elements, for which the balance is displayed – e.g. elements are displayed in the lower left panel of the
window. By check/uncheck the each element, operator decides whether in the balance will be taken into
account the quantities appropriate for the checked/unchecked, e.g. if the element: Ordered at suppliers
will be unchecked, the balance will not takes into account the quantities resulting from orders created for
the article being the subject of the balance.
 The panel contains elements predefined in the system, however it is possible to add the New element by

the operator. Adding the new element is performed by clicking the button: [Add item]. It opens the
window: IQC components definitions, in which the name of the element is defined and the SQL query
defining the particular element. After adding the new element, the new column on the articles list will be
displayed, for which the balance is created. Deleting the elements added by the operator is possible when
BST is in the buffer and does not contain any items. . It is not possible to edit an added element after it was

opened with the [Change element] button.

Note: In SQL severs older than SQL 2005, when own components are defined, by using
the fields of the CDN.BstNag and CDN.BstElem tables and using WHERE syntax, those
fields must be preceded by the prefix T (e.g. T.BsE_TwrNumer).

Creation of the balance is performed after manually added to the new article/articles balance (button: ) or by

pressing the button: [Calculate balance].

In case of any data modifications in the created balance that have compact on the range of the displayed data, e.g.

by check/uncheck one of the elements, the function: [Calculate balance] must be also activated, because the
only modification does not cause the automatic balance calculation. The Fields modified after the generated balance
are displayed in yellow, what helps the operator to identify any of the performer modifications.
Information generated in the balance are represented on the articles list in the upper left corner of the window and
also on the elements list, in the panel located on the bottom on the left side of the window. Quantities, that on the
articles list are displayed in columns with (+) sign will be included in elements list in the (+) column. According to the
same principle the quantities with (-) sign are displayed.
Information on the articles list is displayed in columns:
Article (code/name) – article identification data
 For sale (+) – quantity of the article available for sale (trading inventory)
 On the way (+) – quantity included „on the way”, in other words the quantity ordered at suppliers on
the basis of the purchase order, quantity in the production resulting from ZK and ZP, etc..
 Ordered (-) – quantity ordered for the disbursement by the sales order
 Planned (-) – quantity resulting from the request plan

Module: Orders 40 Version 2016.2

 Planned stock (-)
 Balance – resumption for the column: Quantity
Orders – in this column is presented the quality which have to be ordered to cover the shortcomings in the stocks
resulting from balance. This quantity will be calculated from balance as the balance for column: Quantity. However
it can be edited only manually, directly in the column: Orders/Quantity. For the defined quantity one of the
documents can be created in the drop-down menu activated by the button: , located next to the button: .
In column: Net price, the final purchase price for the given article is indicated. Column: Value, represents the value
of the order for the indicated articles quantity.

The panel, in which the elements are displayed, contains the detailed information regarding articles quantity
calculated by the balance. After checking the given element, in the middle panel of the window are displayed
documents, that are linked with these elements, e.g. after checking the element: Ordered at suppliers (ZZ), the
numbers of the order documents are displayed, that create the quantity displayed for this element. After pressing

the button: [Show document], located under the documents list, the checked document will be displayed.

The confirmation of the balance is performed when the parameter: To the buffer, is unchecked. Confirmed balance
cannot be calculated again. The BST confirmation will enable to create the documents which let to cover the
shortcomings in the balance.

BST, Tab: Header

The header contains the header data of the BST document, such as document number and series, creation date and
data regarding the operators performing any operations in the document. In addition, the list of warehouses is
displayed, for which the balance is displayed (edition of the warehouses list is performed from the header: General,
after pressing the button: Warehouses.
In this header, it also possible to enter the balance name, URL address, and also the short description.

Figure 1.17 BST, Tab: Header.

Module: Orders 41 Version 2016.2

BST, Tab: Documents
The tab contains the list of documents created from the BST level ( documents are created from the tab: General).
From the tab level, it is possible to preview/Edit the documents or deleting them. The document is deleted from the
tab level results in deletion of the document from the system.

Figure 1.18 BST, tab: Documents.

BST, Tab: Attributes

It is possible to assign the attributes to the BST document. To assign the attribute to the document, first the class of
this attribute must be assigned to the object: [Stock balance].

Module: Orders 42 Version 2016.2

1.5.4 IQC components definitions
New elements used when generating a balance are defined in the IQC components definition, opened from the list's

Figure 1.19 IQC components definitions

[New] – when clicked, an IQC component definition window is opened.

[Card] – can be used to display the selected IQC component card.

[Delete] – removes an IQC component definition. It is possible to delete multiple definitions simultaneously
by selecting them on the list (multiselect mode).

[Cancel] – closes the window.

Filter – the balance has a standard filter and a filter builder. When the list of documents for which a balance was
generated is narrowed down, documents only for the narrowed down list of items can be generated.

IQC component definition

Figure 1.20 IQC component definition

Module: Orders 43 Version 2016.2
New IQC component can be defined in this window. The following fields have to be filled in: Code, Name, Inquiry.

[Save changes] – can be used to save a new component or changes made in a component.

[Cancel] – closes the window.

Parameter determines whether a given component is to be included in the item

quantity calculation or not.

1.6 Unexecuted items of orders

The window displays a list of items of orders (e.g. articles), which have not yet been fulfilled. The order document
must meet certain criteria to be included in a report.
The Initial date and End date of report of the Unexecuted order entries report mean:
- date an order entry is executed – for unconfirmed orders,
- date a reservation is executed – for confirmed orders.
Additionally, only orders valid when the report is created are included in it. If they are valid in terms of the scope set
by report dates but at the day the report is created (report generation date) they are invalid, they are not included
in the report.

The window is opened by clicking on the button: [Report of unexecuted items of orders] which is located on

The window contains the following functions:

[Recalculate] – this button displays a list of unexecuted items of orders. In order to display such list, first
you need to define an item of orders, for which a report must be displayed, in the field: Report for group.

[Stock forecast] – it allows to display the stocks of a given item in a warehouse. It order to run this function,
you need to select the items on the list, for which the forecast must be displayed and click on the button: [Stock

[Preview] – it allows to preview the items displayed on the report of unexecuted items of orders. It order
to run this function, you need to select an item, which you want to preview and click on the button: [Preview].

[Close window] – it allows to close the window.

Module: Orders 44 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.21 Unexecuted items of orders.

[Select article group] – it allows to define a group of articles for which a report must be
displayed. If this field is not filled in, the report will not be displayed.

[Initial date] – it allows to define the initial date for a report. The button: [Menu of
available options] drops down a list which allows to define a method of defining the date. The list displays a report
since a particular date or without giving a particular date. The initial date of report will then remain unlimited.

[Final date] – it allows to define the final date of report. Just like in case of the initial
date of report, the button: [Menu of available options] allows to define a particular date or to set it as: No limit.
Include unconfirmed orders – this field indicates a criterion by which the list of unexecuted items of orders will be
displayed. In order to update the option displaying the unconfirmed orders, you need to select this field and click on

the button: [Recalculate].

Include list of selected documents – this field indicates a criterion by which the list of unexecuted items of orders
will be displayed. In order to update the option displaying a report by the selected documents, you need to:
 select the field: Include list of selected documents,

 select documents, for which a report must be displayed, by clicking on the button: [Select
orders] and from the opened list select orders, for which a report must be displayed. The list of orders is
filtered by execution date, which must be included between the dates indicated for the report, and by
validity date (the order must be valid).

 click on the button: [Recalculate].

Module: Orders 45 Version 2016.2

[Select deliverer] – it allows to define a deliverer for whom the report will be

[Select recipient] – it allows to define a recipient for whom the report will be
Range of orders. This field affects the range of displayed orders.
 all – by selecting this field, all orders, including unexecuted items, will be displayed.
 external – by selecting this field, all external orders, including unexecuted items of orders, will be displayed.
 internal – by selecting this field, all internal orders, including unexecuted items of orders, will be displayed.
Warehouse. It allows to define a warehouse, for which a report must be displayed.
Document series. By defining this field, the report will be displayed only for a given series.
Once the criterion, by which the report of unexecuted items of orders will be displayed, has been selected, click on

the button: [Recalculate]. The following information will then be displayed: code of unexecuted items of order
(article), its full name, measurement unit defined for a given article and the quantity of the article. That quantity is
defined in two columns displaying: available quantity (which is available in stock) and quantity by orders (which is
included in the unfulfilled orders).
More information concerning the unexecuted items of orders can be obtained by displaying their list, clicking the
right mouse button on one of the displayed items and selecting the option: Expand all. All items of unexecuted orders
included in the report will be displayed.
It is also possible to display data of a partner or orders concerning only a single, unexecuted item of orders. In order
to do so, you need to select an item, which must be displayed and click on the button: , located aside.
A displayed report will indicate the orders, to which the unexecuted items of orders refer, as well as the partners
who are registered in the orders. In order to preview data concerning the orders or partners, displayed in the orders,

you need to select them and click on the button: [Preview].

To bring back to the previous layout of the displayed report, you need to click the right mouse button on one of the
displayed items and on the dropped down list click on the button: Collapse all.

1.7 Documents – general remarks

1.7.1 Numbering
Documents numbering
Document number consists of 3 segments: consecutive number, year and series. The order of segments and their
format is defined in configuration as common for all modules. The scheme can be changed only until the first
document has been drafted.
The system gives a number to a newly created document, compatible with a numbering scheme, which is defined in
configuration. The following two segments can be edited: consecutive number and series. If a number has been
changed into a non-existing number, the changed number will not be saved. If a number has been changed into a
bigger than the number given by the system, there will be no gap in numbering, because the system first proposes
free numbers between documents drafted in the current day. Document series can also be changed by selecting it
only out of the series available for a given document. If a document has its definition, the available series are defined
in that definition, in a center of the rights structure, to which an operator is assigned. Documents without definition
can use series which are available for the center of the rights structure. If definition exists and a default series is
defined, the system gives to a newly created document, a series which is compatible with the default series in
document definition. Otherwise, the system will give a series, which is defined as default for the center of the rights
structure, to which the operator is assigned.

Item numbering on the order documents

The item number on the order document (offers and orders) is displayed in the tab: General of this documents, in
column: No. If one of the documents item will be deleted, remained items will be automatically numbered.

Module: Orders 46 Version 2016.2

Note: The limiting locator used on a list of document entries changes the order of items.
The sorting method from before the activation of the locator is not saved and restored
after the limit is reset.

1.7.2 Parameter: Only national transaction, in document definition

The parameter: Only domestic transactions, is located in document definition, in the tab: Parameters. It allows to
hide certain options in drafted documents, which are not used while making only national transactions: These
options are the following:
 Destination/shipment country
 Transport mean
 Code of transaction type
 Incoterms symbol and place
Transaction type is always be set as: National and it cannot be edited. All the properties mentioned above refer only
to the documents which are drafted in the center for which document definition was modified.

1.7.3 Information about the previous transactions and orders

The tabs, located in the items of documents, display the information about the previous transactions and orders. It
allows to use a template of item which has already been defined in the current document. In order to display such
information, you need to select the parameter: Preview previous transactions and Preview previous orders, in
definitions of documents for which the information must be displayed (window: Document definition, tab: General).
The parameter: Preview previous orders, refer to both the previous orders and offers.

1.7.4 Selecting article on transaction element

While selecting an article on transaction element:
 the opened list of articles will indicate an item with a code currently entered in transaction element (e.g.
by clicking on the button: Article, if the code is entered in transaction element – Alt+T);
 the opened list of articles will indicate a recently selected code, if none article has yet been selected in
 the list will be opened in a search mode (locator), if the entered code is not found;
 net or gross prices will be displayed by default on the list of articles, depending on a selected VAT calculation
method (defined in document definition).

Note: In order documents, Item column, there is a locator that can be used to search for
an element in lists of elements in documents.

1.7.5 Parameters of transaction element

Transaction elements contain the fixed parameters by which the price and the value of document item are defined.
These parameters are: Price to two decimal places and Control (quantity*price=value). The description of the other
functions of transaction elements can be found in the description of those objects for each type of documents. Price to two decimal places

This option rounds up a price up to 2 decimal places while calculating a price or entering it manually. The price, with
non-zero decimal places or three decimal places, is highlighted against a yellow background.

Note: Rounding to two decimal places also depends on whether the discounts are
calculated on price or on value. If the discounts are calculated on values, by changing the
price list, the price, at a unit quantity, will be recalculated on the basis of the values and
therefore, it will be rounded despite deselecting the field: Price to two decimal places.

Module: Orders 47 Version 2016.2

Discounts calculation method is set in configuration, in the tab: Sales/Parameter 1. The description of those
parameters can be found in the chapter: Configuration, tab: Sales/parameter 1. Control quantity*price=value

This option does not allow to enter any other values except the value which can be calculated as a product of
quantity and price.
Example: Transaction element contains quantity equal 10 pcs; price PLN 10; value – PLN 100. In this
situation: Control quantity*price=value is deselected. It is possible to edit the value and to set its
amount to PLN 100.01 (the price will not be recalculated). The option: Control quantity*price=value
is selected – it is not possible to enter such a value of the item that prevents recalculation of the price
(according the example, it is not possible to enter the value of the item set to PLN 100.01).

In SOI, POI, SQ, PQ, SO, PO, and IO documents, the list of customers is limited to the compatible types of customers
after clicking the Representative button. Sales inquiries may have two forms:
 Purchase inquiry – this document registers an inquiry to buy from a customer.
 Sales inquiry – this document registers an inquiry to sell an item to a customer.
The inquiries have the same layouts of tabs and are described together. The differences between the documents
result from their purpose which should be taken into consideration when reading the description below.
It should also be noted that a purchase inquiry can be generated from a sales inquiry. More information can be
found in the chapter: How to create the purchase inquiry from the sales inquiry.

1.8 Inquiry
The inquiry has two forms:
 Purchase inquiry – this document registers inquiry concerning purchases made by partner.
 Sales inquiry - this document registers inquiry concerning an article sold to a partner.
Both types of inquiry have the same layout and tabs; therefore they have been described together. The difference
between the two documents result from their specification, which must be considered while analyzing the
description presented below.
It is important to remember, that the purchase inquiry can be created from the sales inquiry. More information
about this subject is available in the chapter: How to create the purchase inquiry from the sales inquiry.

1.8.1 Inquiry, tab: Inquiry

This tab allows to define data for a new inquiry.

[Select partner] – it allows to select a partner who submitted an inquiry (in case of purchase
inquiry) or who received inquiry (in case of sales inquiry). If the Target is selected as the Customer in

document definition in the tab: General, the Target customer button is

displayed in the tab.

[Edit customer] – can be used to edit customer's file directly from the document being issued. To the right
of the City field, there is a button opening customer's file. After changes are made and saved in the file, the
data in the document is automatically updated. If the operator wants to preview a customer's file in a
confirmed document, they need to use the Edit customer button.
Document number and series – the first free number for inquires is by default assigned to a new inquiry. However,
it can be changed, just like the series of document.

[Inquiry receipt date] – it allows to define the date of inquiry registration. By default,
the current date is set. It can be changed by User (including also the reverse date).
Number at partner’s – this field allows to enter a document number given to it by partner.
Person – this field indicates a person who is responsible for a given inquiry on behalf of partner. Usually, this is a
person who receives purchase inquiry at partner's.

Module: Orders 48 Version 2016.2

[Send message] – this button allows to send an e-mail to a previously indicated person. To be able to send a
message, e-mail address must be given in the file of a person.
Accepted by - it indicates an operator who accepted a given inquiry.
Responsible – this field allows to indicate a person who is responsible for handling a given inquiry. This field allows
to select the inquiries in the tab: To be executed. The inquiries can then be selected by the criteria of a responsible
person (field: Operator, tab: To be executed).
Confirmed by – this field shows the employee who confirmed the Inquiry.
Feature – it indicates a feature of transaction (the features are selected on the list defined in configuration).
URL – this field allows to give the address of partner’s web site, which will be opened By clicking on the button:
Content – this field allows to insert the content of the inquiry. If from the sales inquiry the purchase inquiry will be
created, the content of the sales inquiry will be transferred to the purchase inquiry.
Failed to execute inquiry – this field is selected, if a given transaction has not been executed.
Fiasco code – this field allows to register the reason why a given transaction has not been executed.

[CRM] – it opens the list of the CRM objects referred to the document. CRM object can refer to the
document from the level of:

 Inquiry – after clicking the button: [CRM] and choosing the appropriate CRM object;
 campaign, stage, partner in the stage, conversation, conversation item or task (in the module: CRM) – in
the tab: Referred documents / Orders.

Figure 1.22 Inquiry, tab: Inquiry.

Module: Orders 49 Version 2016.2

1.8.2 Inquiry, tab: Partner
This tab contains two vertical tabs. Tab: Main

It refers to the main partner for a given inquiry. The fields contain the data of a partner, which is automatically
copied after the partner has been selected.

[Select partner] – this button allows to change partner for a given transaction. The button:
[Menu of available options] allows to select a partner from the list or a one-time partner.
[Preview customer] – used to preview and edit main or target customer file depending on the selected tab.

[Select address] – it allows to select the address of partner for a given transaction. The button opens a
window: List of partner’s addresses. By default, the current address of partner is set in the field: Add.
[Preview customer's address] – used to preview main or target customer file depending on the selected tab.

[Select representative] – it allows to select a representative for a given transaction. A

representative can be selected from the list of partners of from the list of employees by clicking on the button:
[Menu of available options]. The field: City, located next to the field: Rep., indicates the city of
representative. Filling in this field is not required.

[Select supervisor] – it allows to select a supervisor for a given transaction. A supervisor is

selected from the list of employees. The field: City, located next to the field: Supervisor, indicates the city of
supervisor. Filling in this field is not required.
The fields: Representative and Supervisor are common for the entire tab: Partner. Tab: Target

This tab refers to a target partner. A target partner is by default the same as the main partner. However, the target
partner can be a different entity. The fields are filled in the same way as the fields in the tab: Main.

Note: The information about target customer is displayed on the list of inquiries, quotes
and orders, if the parameter: Display target customer is selected in configuration, in the
tab: General/Parameters.

1.8.3 Inquiry, tab: Attributes

This tab allows to indicate the attributes for a given inquiry. In order to assign an attribute to a given inquiry, it must
first be defined in the module: Administrator (window: Attributes definition, tab: Objects). The attributes are added
according to the general rules.

Once all data has been given, save the new inquiry by clicking on the button: [Save changes] or press the key
<Enter> on the keyboard.

1.9 Sales/purchase offer

The offer has two forms:
 Sales offer – this document registers a sales offer.
 Purchase offer - this document registers a purchase offer.
Both types of offers have the same layout and tabs; therefore they have been described together. The difference
between the two documents result from their specification, which must be considered while analyzing the
description presented below.

Module: Orders 50 Version 2016.2

The offer is created by entering them from the level of the order list (tab: Offers/Sales and purchase). In addition,
the sales offer can be created from the purchase offer. More information about this subject is available in the
chapter: 1.19.7 How to create sales offer from the purchase offer.

1.9.1 Sales/purchase offer, tab: General

The tab allows to define the basic features of offer.

Customer. It allows to define a partner of transaction. To select a partner, click on the button: [Menu of available
options]. The menu allows to select a partner from the list or a one-time partner.
While selecting a partner, the following parameters are defined: payment form and possible discount, default
discount for partner and type of sales price. Those settings result from the data saved in partner’s file – window:
Partner’s file, tab: Accounting. If the Target is selected as the Customer in document definition in the tab: General,

the Target customer button is displayed in the tab.

Edit customer – can be used to edit customer's file directly from the document being issued. To the right
of the City field, there is a button opening customer's file. After changes are made and saved in the file, the data in
the document is automatically updated. If the operator wants to preview a customer's file in a confirmed document,
they need to use the Edit customer button. After a document was confirmed, it is possible to preview customer but
not edit it.
Destination (for sale offer). Code and name of transaction’s destination country.
Shipment country (for purchase offer). Code and name of a country from which an object of transaction must be
Transaction. Type of transaction. It is possible to register one of the three types of transaction:
 National,
 Intra-community,
 Other foreign (outside EU).
A type of transaction will be included while converting an offer into an order. However, transaction type can be
changed in a converted order.

Note: If the parameter: Only national transaction is selected in document definition of

purchase/sales quote, some options, which are not used while making domestic
transactions, are hidden (more information can be found in the chapter: 1.7.2 Parameter:
Only national transaction, in document definition).

Module: Orders 51 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.23 Sales offer, tab: General.

Delivery method. This field allows to define a type of delivery in a given transaction. By default, a method defined
for a given partner in the window: Partner’s file, is set in this field. However, the method can be modified.
Transport mean. Code of transport mean. The codes are defined in the window: Dictionaries of categories. Those
codes are defined by default, but it is possible to add new values to the dictionary.
Payment. This field is used to define a form of payment. By default, a form of payment which was defined for a given
partner in the window: Partner’s file, is set in this field. This item can also be changed, just like in case of delivery
method. To select a payment form, click on the button: [Select payment form] and on the dropped down list,
indicate an appropriate item.
It is not possible to enter a payment form manually (on the keyboard) in this field.
Execution date. A proposed date of executing a given transaction. The date can be fixed by:
 selecting a particular date or
 defining a number of days since invoice drafting date.
 The option is selected in the tab: Header.
Net. This field indicate net value of transaction. Such information is displayed after defining the quantity and price
of article of a given transaction.
Gross. This field indicate gross value of transaction. This information is displayed after the price of article has been

Module: Orders 52 Version 2016.2

Note: Although prices of quote entries can be expressed in various currencies, all
aggregated values in the Net, Gross, and Discount fields are displayed after conversion
into the default order currency. The exchange rate for conversion is set by the table of
foreign exchange rates as set in the Foreign exchange field, in the Header tab (see below).
If this parameter is set as: Current – the exchange rate is retrieved from a current day, if
it is set as: Fixed – the exchange rate is retrieved from the day the quote was issued. If it
is set as: Fixed since validity date and then current – the fixed exchange rate is retrieved
and after order validity date expires, the current rate is retrieved. VAT in items is set to
zero for quotes in a foreign currency. By changing a currency into the system currency,
the values from item cards are restored. The amount in the tab: General is displayed in a
currency which has been defined in the tab: Header.

Confirmation. In the window, there is a drop down list which can be used to mark the quote as: Accepted or Rejected.
The quote can be saved if the None option is on the list (it is the default option). The user may also manually set
Quote's status to Sent.
The Sent status is set automatically if the Quote was sent by e-mail using the “Send the default printout” option.
This option is available in SQ/PQ form, in the Customer tab (send to the Main customer, target customer, payer and
Customer's persons) or the toolbar (the option is available when Quote form is opened). This status is set for
confirmed Quotes for whom no SO/PO documents were generated.
The list is active when:
 To buffer parameter is unchecked
 no order was generated from the quote
 the quote is not cancelled
Below the confirmation field, there is a field where Failure code can be entered if the quote was rejected. The list is
available when:
 no order was generated from the quote
 the quote is not cancelled
The quote can have the following statuses:
 Unconfirmed – with the To buffer parameter checked
 Confirmed – with the To buffer parameter unchecked and the None option selected in the Confirmation list
 Accepted – with the To buffer parameter unchecked and the Accepted option selected in the Confirmation
 Rejected – with the To buffer parameter unchecked and the Rejected option selected in the Confirmation
 PO/SO generated – the quote was converted into Sales or Purchase order documents. This status is set
automatically by the system.
The To buffer parameter influences the status of the quote and the possibility of generating other documents from
the quote. If the parameter is checked, the quote is unconfirmed. If the parameter is unchecked and the None option
is selected in the Confirmation list, an order may be generated from such a quote. After it is generated, the status is
changed from Confirmed to SO/PO generated. If the To buffer parameter is unchecked and the Accepted option is
selected in the Confirmation list, an order may be generated from such a quote. If the To buffer parameter is
unchecked and the Rejected option is selected in the Confirmation list, an order may be generated from such a quote
but the system displays a message that the document has been rejected. The message has the Yes, generate an
order, and No, do not generate an order answers. The system uses the same procedure to inform the user when an
attempt is made to generate an order from multiple quotes, one of which has been rejected.
If the operator deletes an Order generated from a Quote and it is the only Order the SQ/PQ document was converted
into, the status of the Quote is changed back to the previous one (from before the Order was generated).

[Export Products Catalogue] – the button is available in the Sales Quote document. When it is activated, the
Product Catalogue of products in the list of elements is exported to an *.XML file.

[Import elements from a spreadsheet] – the button is available in the Purchase Quote document after a
customer being a deliverer is selected for this document. When it is clicked, a spreadsheet from an *.XLS file is
Module: Orders 53 Version 2016.2
imported as document's elements. The spreadsheet to be imported should contain the following columns in the
exact order presented below:
CODE – obligatory if there is no DELCODE column – code of the item to be added to an entry,
NAME – optional – item name,
DELCODE – obligatory if there is no CODE column – deliverer's item code,
DELNAME – optional – deliverer's item name,
UPDATE NAME – optional – can have 1 or 0 value, Truth or False, if the column is absent, it is interpreted as 0 value,
PRICE – optional – purchase price, if the column is absent, the prices of the added entries are set to the most recent
(current) deliverer's price in the system,
QUANTITY – optional quantity in the element, if the column is absent, the quantity is set to 1 for each entry and the
unit is set to the default purchase unit.
Update prices from vendor – this button is active in purchase quote after it is confirmed (taken out of buffer and
saved). When it is clicked, deliverer's price is updated according to the price in the confirmed quote. Updating results
in adding a new entry in the History tab in Item deliverer window where the Quote document is shown in the Source
column. After clicking the button, additional functions for updating deliverers' price lists are available:
Update names from vendor names – this button is active in purchase quote after it is confirmed (taken out of buffer
and saved). When it is clicked, item cards' names in the General tab, the Name field are updated according to the
names of the relevant elements of the PQ document. The update is performed only for the entries for which value
1 was recognised in the Update name column of the imported spreadsheet or the entry name was changed manually
for entries added manually.

Figure 1.24 Purchase quote, tab: General

Header discount. This group has two types of fields. They allow to select whether a global discount will be given in
a form of percent or amount. The algorithm of the discount will be different, depending on a type of field which is
filled in: Percent and Amount.

Module: Orders 54 Version 2016.2

 Percent – this field allows to define a percent discount. The entered amount will be added to each item on
the offer's elements list. It will also be added to the already existed discounts for a given item on the list.
 Amount – this field allows to define a discount expressed as amount. This is the way to define the amount
of discount which must be granted to the entire transaction. Unlike the percent discount (which is
immediately included in the values of particular items of offer), the discount expressed as amount changes
the price in order. The amount given in the discount expressed as amount is prorated into all items of order
and it is recalculated into a percent discount of an item. This is a one-time operation – the next items, added
to an order, do not include that discount anymore.

Note: Because a global discount does not affect automatic price calculation while
entering new items of a quote, further remarks concerning the global discount will refer
to the percent discount. If amount discount is set, it will be considered as zero percent
discount while calculating the suggested prices.

 [Deduct amount of discount from document value] – this button automatically fills in the field:
 Granted – it displays total amount of granted discount.
Transaction object. The object of transaction is defined in the panel located in the bottom part of the window.
In order to add a new value in the panel (to define article, its name, quantity, price, amount of discount and its value)
click on the button: [Add item]. A window: Element of offer, will be displayed.
Variant. This field allows to select a variant of offer.
Source (for sales offer). This field allows to define a source warehouse from which an offered article must be
Target (for purchase offer). This field allows to define a target warehouse to which an offered article must be
Execute entire order. By selecting this field, a sales order can be fulfilled entirely with only one delivery.
Allow for many orders. This parameter determines whether another Order may be generated from a Quote from
which an Order has been generated. If it is checked, the user may generate multiple orders from one quote. The
default setting of this parameter is set by Quote document definition for a given centre. The operator may change
an unconfirmed Quote.

[Set VAT rates from item cards] – the button can be used to change VAT rates of the selected entries in the
document in accordance with the rates set in item cards. After the activation of the function, prices/values
are recalculated (for VAT recalculated “from gross”, the gross price and value remain unchanged and net
value/price is modified. For VAT recalculated “from net” it is the other way round). Values in the header and
payments are also recalculated accordingly. Before the function is activated, the system verifies whether the
following conditions are met: the document is unconfirmed and the documents exponorm does not prohibit
using “domestic” rated.

[Substitute] – this button can be used to select a substitute for an item. If a one-sided / equal to all / two-
sided substitute is defined in the Substitute tab in an item card, after the button is clicked, a window with a
list of substitutes defined for the item is displayed. The button is active if the document has any elements
and the selected element has at least one substitute.

[New] – it allows to add a new: Item, product or list, to the list of object of transaction. To select a new

element, click on the button: [Menu of available options] and from the dropped down list box, select a
particular item.

[Change] – it allows to change the selected items on the list of articles.

[Bundle promotions] – the window displayed after clicking this button shows the current bundle promotions
for target or main customer set in the document.

Module: Orders 55 Version 2016.2

[Delete] – it deletes a selected item. The button: [Menu of available options] allows to delete a selected
element or a product.

[CRM] – it opens the CRM object referred to the document. The CRM object refers to the document from the
level of:

 The offer – after clicking the button: [CRM] and choosing the appropriate CRM object;
 campaign, stage, partner in the stage, conversation, conversation item or task (in the module: CRM) – in
the tab: Referred documents / Orders.

The Expected date column is shown on the list of elements. The values are carried over from the element. There are
three options available: No limits, specific date or number of days since the order.

Note: For an SQ document that meets the condition required for application of a discount
on the header value (WTR), at an attempt to confirm the document from the list of
documents, a message is displayed informing that there is an active WTR promotion and
the document has to be confirmed manually. If multiple SQ documents are being
confirmed (also the ones meeting the WTR promotion criteria) in the list of documents,
an entry informing which documents were confirmed, which were not, and for what
reason is made in the log.

1.9.2 Sales/purchase offer, tab: Inquiry

The tab displays the information concerning an inquiry preceding the current offer.
Inquiry received. If the current list has been preceded with an inquiry (registered in the system), this field will be
selected and the other fields will be automatically filled in by the data registered in the inquiry. If the inquiry has not
been submitted, it can be registered here.
Document number and series. It indicates a number and series of an inquiry with which it was registered. If the
inquiry is registered while filling in the tab: Inquiry, it is possible to give a new number and series for that inquiry.

[Inquiry receipt date] – it allows to define the date of inquiry registration.

Number at partner’s. This field is used to give a document number which was given by partner.
Person. It indicates a person responsible for the inquiry on behalf of partner.
Accepted by. It indicates an operator who accepted a given inquiry.
Responsible. This field allows to indicate a person who is responsible for handling a given inquiry. This field allows
to select the inquiries in the tab: To be executed. The inquiries can then be selected by the criteria of a responsible
person (field: Operator, tab: To be executed).
Confirmed by – this field shows the employee who confirmed the Sales Quote.
Content. This field displays the content of inquiry.

Module: Orders 56 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.25 Sales quote, tab: Inquiry.

1.9.3 Sales/purchase offer, tab: Partner

This tab contains three vertical tabs.

Note: There is a Show on map function next to street in the Address field, Customer tab,
Sales Quotes window. This function connects the Comarch ERP XL system to Google Maps.
Next to the [Show on map] button, there are two options: Show on map and Show
directions. If the Show on map function is used, a web browser is opened with the Google
page showing the location set in customer's address. If the Show directions function is
used, a web browser is opened with the Google page showing the route. The route to the
address begins at the address carried over from the stamp of the centre the operator is
logged in from

Module: Orders 57 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.26 Sales offer, tab: Customer. Tab: Customer/Main

It refers to the main partner for a given transaction. The fields contain the data of a partner, which is automatically
copied after the partner has been selected.

[Select partner] – this button allows to change partner for a given transaction. The button:
[Menu of available options] allows to select a partner from the list or to select a one-time partner.
[Preview customer] – used to preview and edit main or target customer file depending on the selected tab.

[Select address] – it allows to select the address of partner for a given transaction. By default, the current
address of a given partner is set in this field.
[Preview customer's address] – used to preview main or target customer file depending on the selected tab.

[Select representative] – it allows to select a representative for a given transaction. The button:
[Menu of available options] allows to select a partner from the list or to select a one-time partner. The field: City,
located next to the field: Rep., indicates the city of representative. Filling in this field is not required.

[Select supervisor] – it allows to select a supervisor for a given transaction. The field: City,
located next to the field: Supervisor indicates the city of supervisor. Filling in this field is not required.

The fields: Representative and Supervisor are common for the entire tab: Partner.
Into document can also be entered a person responsible from the partner’s side. This person is chosen from persons
assigned to the given partner in the window: Partner card, in the tab: Persons.

Note: When the Separation of deliverers and recipients list checkbox in the module
Administrator > System configuration > General > Parameters 1 is unchecked, than when
a customer is chosen for a purchase or sale of items, separated lists of the deliverers and
recipients will be displayed.

Module: Orders 58 Version 2016.2 Tab: Customer/Target

This tab refers to a target partner. A target partner is by default the same as the main partner. However, the target
partner can be a different entity. The fields are filled in the same way as the fields in the tab: Main. Tab: Customer/Payer

In the economic turnover, very often appears the situation in which a payer in virtue of the executed transaction is
not the partner, but his payer, being the separate subject (partner). The system has available the functionality to
enter to the document the payer other than partner of the payer. Similarly, as in case of commercial documents, the
payer appears also on orders documents. More information regarding the payer, who appears on the documents, is
available in the documentation of the module: Sales, in the chapter: Payer in the documents.

1.9.4 Sales/purchase offer, tab: Header

The tab contains the following functions:
Document number and series. This field indicates a number and series for the current offer. By default, a consecutive
number is given for a document. However, the number can be modified.
Owner. This field indicates an identifier of a center (in company structure) of an operator who drafted that a given
document (the owner of that document). This value can be changed (providing that the operator is authorized to
change it).
At partner’s. This field is used to enter a document number given by partner. By filling in this field, you may refer to
the partner’s numbering order, e.g. while exchanging the mail.
Feature. A feature of transaction. The features are defined in configuration (tab: Dictionaries). It is possible to enter
a feature manually in the current document.
Transaction type. Code of transaction type is defined in the window: Dictionaries of categories. By default, the value
11 is entered. However, that value can be changed.
Include SAD/ISI service – this field is active for purchase offers with a selected type of transaction: intra-community
or other foreign (outside EU). By selecting this parameter, SI (not PI) will be generated out of a purchase order for
which the type of transaction has been selected as intra-community or other foreign (outside EU).
Currency. This field allows to select a currency for a given transaction.
Rate No.. This field allows to select a number of exchange rate for a given currency.
Apply to all elements – currency and exchange rates selected in the tab will be applied for all elements of the order.
Exchange rates. If the prices of particular elements of order are given in a currency different than the currency in
which the invoice will be drafted, those prices must be recalculated while drafting that invoice.
 Current – the prices will be recalculated by the rates included in the exchange rates table of the day the
invoice was drafted.
 Fixed – the prices will be recalculated by the rates fixed on the day the offer was submitted.
 Fixed till validity date, then the current rates – the prices will be recalculated by the rate valid till the offer's
validity date and after the validity date expires, the current exchange rate will be taken.

[List of exchange rates] – it allows to display a list of currencies exchange rates. The button: [Menu of
available options] allows to select a method by which the lists of currencies exchange rates will be displayed. It is
possible to open a list with the currencies used in an offer or a list with all currencies registered in the system.
Execution date. Transaction execution date can be fixed either by indicating a particular date, or by defining a
number of days since invoice drafting date. This value is also displayed in the tab: General.
Incoterms. The data referring to a place of taking over costs connected with transporting the articles. The value EXW
is entered by default. It can be modified.
Drafted by. This field is filled in automatically. It identifies an operator who entered a given document.
Modified by. This field is filled in automatically. It identifies an operator who modified a given document.

Module: Orders 59 Version 2016.2

Responsible. This field is filled automatically. It identifies a person who is responsible for fulfilling a given order. Even
though, that field is filled in automatically, it can be changed by passing on the execution of the order to another
By filling in this field:
 the documents can be previewed by the persons responsible for given transactions (tab: by operator on
the list of orders),
 a document can be modified only by a responsible person or by an operator with the administration rights.
VAT on – it indicates VAT calculation method. This parameter depends on the setting defined in document definition,
in the tab: Parameters (option: Charge VAT on) and - in case of sales offer - on the status of partner, which is selected
in partner's file, in the tab: Accounting (Transactor, Final customer) – more information can be found in the manual
of the module: Sales, chapter: Partner’s file, tab: Accounting.
Drafting date. It indicates offer drafting date. By default, the current value is entered. However, it can be modified.
Validity date. It indicates validity date of transaction and reservation resulting from transaction. By default, the
current value is entered. However, it can be modified.
After dropping-down the menu located next to the button: Validity date, it is possible to choose multiple options for
selecting the validity date, including the unlimited reservation validity date. Unlimited reservation validity date
means, that it will be valid unless becomes executed.
Expected date. Shows the date the sales offer should be executed. By default, Undefined is suggested. It is possible
to select the execution date or Undefined from a drop down list. The date can also be set by entering the number of
days from a date or selecting a week. The date set as the number of days since the order means the date is set at
the specified number of days after the order is placed.

Offer confirmation. By selecting this field, it will be possible to convert an offer into an order. Confirmation of offer
brings the following consequences:
 after confirming the offer, it will not be possible to cancel this operation
 any changes cannot be made in a confirmed offer
 a confirmed offer can be edited only by:
 administrator or user who is allowed to make operations on confirmed orders and his rights are not
blocked by the ban to make advanced operations on orders or
 an operator who drafted the offer the day it was confirmed.
A confirmed offer is edited by indicating it on the list of offers and selecting the option: Open, from the context
menu (which is opened with the right mouse button).

Module: Orders 60 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.27 Sales offer, tab: Header.

Note: Quote can be confirmed, only if the operator is authorised to confirm the
document. Such authorisation is set in document definition (module: Administrator,
window: Document definition, tab: General).

The confirmation may have one of the following statuses:

 positive – if the offer is accepted,
 negative – if the offer is rejected. If the field: Rejected, is selected, it is possible to deselect the fiasco code
for an unconfirmed offer. Fiasco codes are defined in the window: Dictionaries of categories (module:

[Select confirmation date] – it allows to define offer confirmation date. By default, the system
date is entered. However, it can be modified.
Confirmed by. It indicates an operator who confirmed a given offer.
URL. This field allows to give the address of partner’s web site. Once the web site is given, the button: [Web
site address] becomes active. It runs the connection with the indicated web site.
Description. This field allows to give offer description.

1.9.5 Sales/purchase offer, tab: Pays

This tab allows to define a payment plan. The panel: Payment plan, displays a form of payment for an object of
transaction. The changes in payment plan can be made by selecting it on the list and clicking on the button:
[Preview]. The payment can also be broken by adding a payment to an offer. The word “adding” does not really
reflect the matter of this function, because it does not add an amount of payment. It only breaks the amount by
adding new forms. In order to do so, click on the button: [New]. The same button is used to generate an

Module: Orders 61 Version 2016.2

If you select a payment on the payment plan and click on the button: [Preview], the window: Payment to offer (will
be opened. Detailed description of this window can be found in chapter: 1.14 Payment to offer/order

Figure 1.28 Sales offer, tab: Payments.

On his tab, it is also possible to assign the banking chosen from the list of banking register available in the system.
Choosing the register is possible until the offer will be confirmed. The chosen register will be transferred to the
order, to which the offer will be converted.

1.9.6 Sales/purchase offer, tab: Attributes

This tab is used to define the attributes for an offer. In order to assign the attributes to the current offer, they must
be first define for the object: Sales offer (module: Administrator, window: Attributes definition, tab: Objects). The
attributes are added to an offer according to the general rules.

Note: The tab: Attributes contains a locator allowing the user to select the attributes
which can be assigned to a given quote.

Once the data of the offer has been entered, save it by clicking on the button: [Save changes].

1.10 Sales/purchase order

An order has the following forms:
 Sales offer – this document registers a sales order.
 Purchase order – this document registers a purchase order.
 Internal order – this document registers an internal order.
Both sales and purchase orders have the same layout and tabs; therefore they have been described together. The
difference between the two documents result from their specification, which must be considered while analyzing
the description presented below.

Module: Orders 62 Version 2016.2

The description of the document: Internal order can be found in the chapter: 1.11 Internal order.

Note: It is possible to generate one Sales/Purchase order from multiple quotes.

Note: If a job or order has the warehouse: <All> set in its header and a trade document
has one warehouse set as the warehouse used for sale, the warehouse from a given
reservation, not header, is set in the header of the trade document.

1.10.1 Sales/purchase order, tab: General

The tab contains the following fields:

Customer. It allows to define a partner of transaction. The menu dropped down with the button: [Menu of
available options] allows to select a partner either from the list or a one-time partner.
While selecting a partner, the following parameters are defined: payment form and possible discount, default
discount for the partner and a type of sales price. Those settings result from the data saved in partner’s file – window:
Partner’s file, tab: Accounting. If the Target is selected as the Customer in document definition in the tab: General,

the Target customer button is displayed in the tab.

Edit customer – can be used to edit customer's file directly from the document being issued. To the right
of the City field, there is a button opening customer's file. After changes are made and saved in the file, the data in
the document is automatically updated. If the operator wants to preview a customer's file in a confirmed document,
they need to use the Edit customer button. After a document was confirmed, it is possible to preview customer but
not edit it.

Note: If a customer with the Flat rate farmer parameter checked in its file is added to a
Purchase Order, Shipment country and transaction type fields cannot be edited in a
Purchase Order document.

Note: Issuing and generating documents is possible only for customers that have a
definition of a given document entered in their type.

Module: Orders 63 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.29 Sales order, tab: General.

Destination (for sales orders). Code and name of transaction’s destination country.
Shipment country (for purchase orders). Code and name of a country from which an object of transaction must be
Transaction. Type of transaction. It is possible to register one of the three types of transaction:
 National,
 Intra-community,
 Other foreign (outside EU).

Note: If the parameter: Only national transaction is selected in document definition of

order/sales quote, some options, which are not used while making domestic transactions,
are hidden (more information can be found in the chapter: 1.7.2 Parameter: Only national
transaction, in document definition).

Delivery method. This field allows to define a type of delivery in a given transaction. By default, a method defined
for a given partner in the window: Partner’s file, is set in this field. However, the method can be modified.
Transport type. Code of transport type. The codes are defined in the window: Dictionaries of categories. Those codes
are defined by default, but it is possible to add new values to the dictionary. By default, the value: 3 is set in the
field. That value can be modified. The field aside displays the description of the selected type of transport.
Payment. This field is used to define a form of payment. By default, a form of payment which was defined for a given
partner in the window: Partner’s file, is set in this field. This item can also be changed, just like in case of delivery
It is important to remember, that on the order documents it is possible to enter the payer other than the main
partner. In such case, for all orders apply the general rules regarding the payer in the document, in other words to
the document will be entered the form and payment term resulting from the of the partner, who is the payer (more
information is available in the documentation of the module: Sales). The updates of the form and payment terms,
that will cause the appropriate changes in the tab: Payments/Advances are performed by clicking the button: .
Expected date. A proposed date of executing a given transaction. The date can be fixed by:
Module: Orders 64 Version 2016.2
 indicating a particular date or
 defining a number of days since invoice drafting date.

When closing an order, the expected date is set to the latest execution date set in order elements. The execution
date can be changed to an earlier one. When the date in the header is changed, the following message is displayed:
Change the expected date in order elements to...? If YES, the execution date in elements is set according to the
above-mentioned date in the header. The system checks whether element validity date is not earlier than the
execution date. If NO, dates for order elements are not changed.
The option is selected in the tab: Header.
Execution dates can be changed in unconfirmed, confirmed and in-execution orders. In the first case, it is possible if
the operator is authorised to edit a given document. For confirmed orders or orders being executed, the operator
must be authorised to edit confirmed orders.
To buffer. This parameter is used to confirm documents. When the parameter is checked, the Confirm order
parameter is unchecked in the Confirmation tab. When the To buffer parameter is unchecked, the Order
confirmation parameter is checked.
The Expected date column is shown on the list of elements. The values are carried over from the element. Two
options are available: specific date or number of days since the order can be selected. The system converts the latter
into a specific date.

Net. This field indicates net value of transaction. Such information is displayed after defining the quantity and price
of article of a given transaction.
Gross. This field indicates gross value of transaction. This information is displayed after the price of article has been

Note: Although prices of order entries can be expressed in various currencies, all
aggregated values in the Net, Gross, and Discount fields are displayed after conversion
into the default order currency. The exchange rate for conversion is set by the table of
foreign exchange rates as set in the Foreign exchange field, in the Header tab (see below).
If this parameter is set as: Current – the exchange rate is retrieved from a current day, if
it is set as: Fixed – the exchange rate is retrieved from the day the order was issued. If it
is set as: Fixed since validity date and then current – the fixed exchange rate is retrieved
and after order validity date expires, the current rate is retrieved. VAT in items is set to
zero for orders in a foreign currency. By changing a currency into the system currency,
the values from item cards are restored. The amount in the tab: General is displayed in a
currency which has been defined in the tab: Header.

Header discount. This group has two types of fields. They allow to select whether a global discount will be given in
a form of percent or amount. The algorithm of granting discount will be different, depending on a type of filled in
field: Percent and Amount.
 Percent – this field allows to define a percent discount. The entered amount will be added to each item on
the offer's elements list. It will also be added to the already existed discounts for a given item on the list.
 Amount – this field allows to define a discount expressed as amount. This is the way to define the amount
of discount which must be granted to the entire transaction. Unlike the percent discount (which is
immediately included in the values of particular items of offer), the discount expressed as amount changes
the price in order. The amount entered in the discount expressed as amount is prorated into all items of
order and it is recalculated into a percent discount of an item. This is a one-time operation – the next items,
added to an order, do not include that discount anymore.
Note: Because a global discount does not affect automatic price calculation while
entering new items of an order, further remarks concerning the global discount will refer
to the percent discount. If amount discount is set, it will be considered as zero percent
discount while calculating the suggested prices.

 [Deduct amount of discount from document value] – by clicking on this button, the following field is
automatically filled in: Granted.

Module: Orders 65 Version 2016.2

 Granted – it displays total amount of granted discount.
Transaction object. The object of transaction is defined in the panel located in the bottom part of the window.
In order to add a new value in the panel (to define article, its name, quantity, price, amount of discount and its value)
click on the button: [Add item]. A window: Element of offer, will be displayed. Detailed description of this
window can be found in chapter: Element of order - description
Source (for sales orders). This field allows to define a source warehouse from which an ordered article must be
delivered. When a warehouse is changed after items are added to a document and the Data update after warehouse
change parameter checked in a document definition, in the window displaying changes in the document, there is
information involving the change of the warehouse in the hearer and element.
Target (for purchase orders). This field allows to define a target warehouse to which an ordered article must be
Execute entire order. By selecting this field, an order can be entirely fulfilled with only one delivery.

Note: If an order was converted out of a quote, the parameter: Execute entire order,
depends on a method by which it was selected in the offer. This parameter will have the
same value in both documents (regardless of the settings in document definition: Order
(sales/purchase), though it can be modified.

Quantities this function becomes active after confirming the order. The drop-down menu is displayed, that has
available the following options:
 Ordered – default setting, on the order are presented the ordered quantities.
 Non-executed – this option allows to preview the not executed quantities.
 Not executed, without stocks – this setting indicates the quantities on the order, that has not been executed
and to which the stock reservation has not been created (this option is unavailable for the purchase order).
 Reserved – for this option, the system displays all the elements that have resources assigned to reservations
and shows the aggregated quantity of reserved resources in the Quantity column.
 Reserved in 100% – this option is different from the previous one in that when it is selected, the system
shows only these order elements with the quantity remaining to be sold is equal to the quantity reserved
in elements' reservations.

[Set VAT rates from item cards] – the button can be used to change VAT rates of the selected entries in the
document in accordance with the rates set in item cards. After the activation of the function, prices/values
are recalculated (for VAT recalculated “from gross”, the gross price and value remain unchanged and net
value/price are modified. For VAT recalculated “from net” it is the other way round). Values in the header
and payments are also recalculated accordingly. Before the function is activated, the system verifies whether
the following conditions are met: the document is unconfirmed and the documents exponorm does not
prohibit using “domestic” rated.

[Substitute] – this button can be used to select a substitute for an item. If a one-sided / equal to all / two-
sided substitute is defined in the Substitute tab in an item card, after the button is clicked, a window with a
list of substitutes defined for the item is displayed. The button is active if the document has any elements
and the selected element has at least one substitute.

[Up] – it allows to arrange the list of documents by transferring the elements located at the bottom of the list
to the top of the list.

[Down] – it allows to arrange the list of documents by transferring the elements located at the top of the list
to the bottom of the list.

[New] – it allows to add a new: item, product or list, to the list of object of transaction. In order to select a
new element, click on the button: [Menu of available options] and from the dropped down list box, select
a particular item.

Module: Orders 66 Version 2016.2

[Read the data from collector] – adding the item to the order is possible also by reading the data from
collector. To the order will be entered the article in such unit, that was defined for the given EAN number.

[Bundle promotions] – the window displayed after clicking this button shows the current bundle promotions
for target or main customer set in the document. More details on this window can be found in: 2.14.1 Sales
Invoice (SI) and 2.7.5 Promotion.

[Change] – it allows to change the selected items on the list of articles.

[Delete] – it deletes a selected item. The button: [Menu of available options] allows to delete a selected
element or a product.

[CRM] – it opens the list of CRM objects referred to the document. The CRM object refers to the document
from the level of:

 order document – after clicking the button: [CRM] and choosing the appropriate CRM object;
 campaign, stage, partner, partner in the stage, conversation, conversation item or task (in the module:
CRM) – in the tab: Referred documents / Orders.

After confirming the order:

 the button: [Convert into sales invoice] will appear in the tab: General of sales order.

 the button: [Convert into purchase invoice] or [Convert into import purchase invoice]
(depending on a type of transaction selected in order).
The buttons will be updated after selecting an item of order on the list. They allow to generate sales/purchase invoice
for the indicated item. The button: [Menu of available options] displays a full list of documents which can be
generated for the invoice.
For sales order, these documents are the following:
 sales invoice
 external release
 internal expense
 warehouse release
 cash-desk receipt
 purchase order
 assembling job
 production order
 export invoice
 export external release
 internal invoice
 internal order
 purchase order
For purchase order, these documents are the following:
 purchase invoice
 external acceptance
 internal revenue
 warehouse acceptance
 sales order
 import invoice
 external import invoice

Module: Orders 67 Version 2016.2

 RR invoice

A domestic Export order release document or domestic Export invoice document can be generated for a domestic
Sales order. The transaction type in Sales Order should be set to domestic, Vat rates – domestic, export VAT
parameter – unchecked and inactive.

[History of changes] – can be used to preview the changes made in order elements.
After the history of changes button is clicked, a form showing information on changes made in order element is
displayed. There are the following columns in the form: Item Code, Name, No., Change, Quantity Before, UOM,
Expected Date Before, Quantity After, Expected Date After, Operator.

Figure 1.30 History of changes

Note: Automated reservations – when generating a Sales Order with the ordered item
missing in the subsidiary warehouse, the user creates an Internal Order which is
converted into a Warehouse Movement document. After it is confirmed, a resource is
assigned to the Sales Order automatically.

In the order elements list's context menu, there is the Set date option which can be used to enter the item quantity
and the expected date for this quantity. This function is available in unconfirmed and confirmed documents except
for closed, cancelled or corrected documents. If the operator wants to perform this operation, they need to be
authorised to edit the document or to edit confirmed orders. After the option is activated, the element is divided
and the user can enter quantity and expected date. After saving, the system adds a new element to the list with the
quantity and date as defined by the operator. At the same time, the source element's quantity is reduced by the
entered quantity. The new element is added below the source element. During the division of the element to which
reservations are connected, the system reassigns reservations from the source element to the new element in the
relevant quantity. The system ignores reservations being executed. The remaining reservations are reassigned in the
following order: resource reservations, then non-resource reservations.

If a promotion bundle was selected in an order or quote and the operator changes the header data of the document,
i.e. customer, payment form, delivery method, warehouse, owner, date of issue, then:
 The following message is displayed if the Data update after change parameter is checked in document
definition for the changed piece of data: “The document includes a promotion bundle. It is impossible to
modify the document. In order to modify the document, withdraw the promotion bundle.” and the change
is blocked.

Module: Orders 68 Version 2016.2

 If the Data update after change parameter is unchecked in document definition for the changed piece of
data, no message is displayed when it is changed. Elements are not recalculated and there are no changes
in bundle elements.

The value promotion window is opened for SO (SQ) documents only when the document is being confirmed. When
saving, the system verifies whether the SO has the Order confirmation parameter checked or TO buffer parameter
unchecked (SQ). If the SO was confirmed and is edited and saved, the promotion window is not opened.

Note: For an SO document that meets the condition required for application of a discount
on the header value (WTR), at an attempt to confirm the document from the list of
documents, a message is displayed informing that there is an active WTR promotion and
the document has to be confirmed manually. If multiple SO documents are being
confirmed (also the ones meeting the WTR promotion criteria) in the list of documents,
an entry informing which documents were confirmed, which were not, and for what
reason is made in the log.

1.10.2 Sales/purchase order, tab: Partner

This tab contains three vertical tabs.

Note: There is a Show on map function next to street in the Address field, Customer tab,
Sales Order window. This function connects the Comarch ERP XL system to Google Maps.
Next to the [Show on map] button, there are two options: Show on map and Show
directions. If the Show on map function is used, a web browser is opened with the Google
page showing the location set in customer's address. If the Show directions function is
used, a web browser is opened with the Google page showing the route. The route to the
address begins at the address carried over from the stamp of the centre the operator is
logged in from

Figure 1.31 Sales order, tab: Customer.

Module: Orders 69 Version 2016.2 Tab: Main

It refers to the main partner for a given transaction. The fields contain the data of a partner, which is automatically
copied after the partner has been selected.

[Select partner] – this button allows to change a partner for a given transaction. The button:
[Menu of available options] allows to select a partner from the list or to select a one-time partner.
[Preview customer] – used to preview and edit main or target customer file or payer file depending
on the selected tab.

[Select address] – it allows to select the address of partner for a given transaction. By default, the current
address of a given partner is set in this field.
[Preview customer's address] – used to preview main or target customer file or payer file depending
on the selected tab.

[Select representative] – it allows to select a representative for a given transaction. The button:
[Menu of available options] allows to select a partner from the list or to select a one-time partner. The
field: City, located next to the field: Rep., indicates the city of representative. Filling in this field is not required.

[Select supervisor] – it allows to select a supervisor for a given transaction. The field: City,
located next to the field: Supervisor, indicates the city of supervisor. Filling in this field is not required.

The fields: Representative and Supervisor are common for the entire tab: Partner.
To the document can also be entered a person responsible from the partner’s side. This person is chosen from
persons assigned to the given partner in the window: Partner card, in the tab: Persons.
Because, it is possible to issue the purchase order for the flat rate farmer (from such order the VAT RR invoice can
be created). The tab: Partner/Main contains the parameter: Flat rate farmer, who will be marked by default in case
of issuing the document for a such economic subject. Tab: Target

This tab refers to a target partner. A target partner is by default the same as the main partner. However, the target
partner can be a different entity. The fields are filled in the same way as the fields in the tab: Main. Tab: Payer

In the economic turnover, very often appears the situation in which a payer in virtue of the executed transaction is
not the partner, but his payer, being the separate subject (partner). The system has available the functionality to
enter to the document the payer other than partner of the payer. Similarly, as in case of commercial documents, the
payer appears also on orders documents. More information regarding the payer, who appears on the documents, is
available in the documentation of the module: Sales, in the chapter: Payer in the documents.

1.10.3 Sales/purchase order, tab: Header

The tab contains the following functions:
Document number and series. This field indicates a number and series for the current offer. By default, a consecutive
number is given for a document. However, the number can be modified.
At partner’s. This field is used to enter the same document number which was given to it at partner’s. During the
registration of the sales order that has assigned the number of the outsider, and document from the same partner
with the same outsider number is registered in the system, the appropriate warning massage appears. Checkup has
in aim to protect against the multiple entering the document to the system on the basis of the same outside
Owner. This field saves an identifier of a center (in company structure) of an operator who drafted a given document
(the owner of that document). This value can be changed (providing that the operator is authorized to change it).
At partner’s. This field is used to enter a number of document given to it by partner. By filling in this field, you may
refer to the partner’s numbering order, e.g. while exchanging the mail.

Module: Orders 70 Version 2016.2

Feature. A feature of transaction. The features are defined in configuration (tab: Dictionaries). It is possible to enter
a feature manually in the current document.
Transaction type. Code of a type of transaction is defined in the window: Dictionaries of categories. By default, the
value 11 is entered. However, that value can be changed. The field aside displays the description of a type of
VAT C (0%) (the parameter only for sales orders) – this parameter can be edited, if Intra-community or Other foreign
type of transaction is selected in order. Intra-community or Other foreign type of transaction is selected in order. If
this parameter is deselected, it will not be possible to generate EXR document out of order (the parameter: Export
VAT, is always selected in this document).
Include SAD/ISI service (parameter only for purchase orders) – this field is active for purchase orders with a selected
type of transaction: intra-community or other foreign (outside EU) after selecting the field: Import. By selecting this
parameter in purchase order with intra-community or other foreign (outside EU) type of transaction, it will be
possible to generate the following documents: IMI or EIA (not PI).

Note: If VAT is calculated from gross in a Purchase Order, the “Take into account AC/SII
handling” parameter cannot be checked.

Currency. This field allows to select a currency for a given transaction.

Rate No.. This field allows to select a number of exchange rate for a given currency.
Apply for all elements – selected in the tab: Currency and exchange, will be applied for all elements of the order.

Figure 1.32 Sales order, tab: Header.

Exchange rates. If the prices of particular elements of order are given in a currency different than the currency in
which the invoice will be drafted, those prices must be recalculated while drafting that invoice. The currency
exchange rate will be the exchange rate for a given day – document drafting hour will not be included.

Module: Orders 71 Version 2016.2

 Current – the prices will be recalculated by the rates included in the exchange rates table from the day
before the invoice was issued.
 Fixed – the prices will be recalculated by the rates fixed on the day the offer was submitted.
 Fixed till validity date, then the current rates – the prices will be recalculated by the rate valid till the offer's
validity date and after the validity date expires, the current exchange rate will become valid.

[List of exchange rates] – it allows to display a list of currencies exchange rates. The button: [Menu of
available options] allows to select a method by which the lists of currencies exchange rates will be displayed. It is
possible to open a list with the currencies used in an offer or a list with all currencies registered in the system.
Execution date. Transaction execution date can be fixed either by indicating a particular date, or by defining a
number of days since invoice drafting date. This value is also displayed in the tab: General.
Validity date. It indicates validity date of transaction and reservation resulting from the transaction. This date
depends on one parameter: Validity period of the reservation (Window: ZS/ZZ document definition). Activation date
will be set on the day after the period defined for this parameter, counted from the day of the document issuance.
The date from the order header will be transferred also to its elements. Those dates are available for editing. After
dropping-down the menu located next to the button: Validity date, it is possible to select the date from among the
entries in the list of the reservation. Unlimited validity date may be set for the reservation. In such case, the
reservation will be valid until its realization.
Activation date of the reservation. Activation date of the reservation for the article being the subject of the order.
This date depends on setting of the parameter: Activate the reservations after the period (Window: ZS/ZZ document
definition). Activation date will be set on the day after the period defined for this parameter, counted from the of
the document issuance. Date from the order header will be transferred also to its elements. Dates are available for

Note: If an order is confirmed later than on the day of issue, a massage is displayed that
allows the user to move the validity date in such a way that the validity date defined in
the SO/PO document definition is counted from the order confirmation date.

Note: If an order issue date is forwarded and as a result a new date of order execution
needs to be set, in the Changes window of the document the Current column shows the
old date and the New column shows the new date. If the date of issue is forwarded or
moved back and the date of execution does not have to be changed, in the Changes
window, the current and new fields, next to the execution date, have their previous

Execution date. The execution date can be set in two ways: by selecting a specific date from a drop down list or by
specifying the week of execution or the number of days from invoice issue date. Undefined option can also be
selected. This value is also displayed in the tab: General. When a confirmed order is opened again, the system asks
when changing the Execution date: Change the validity date in order entries to...? If YES, Date of execution in order
element is also changed. Execution dates can be changed in unconfirmed, confirmed and in-execution orders. In the
first case, it is possible if the operator is authorised to edit a given document. For confirmed orders or orders being
executed, the operator must be authorised to edit confirmed orders. In the case of a Sales or Purchase Order, setting
the date of execution using the Number of days since the order option means specifying the date of order execution.
Incoterms. The data referring to a place of taking over costs connected with transporting the articles. The EXW value,
which is entered by default, can be modified.
Drafted by. This field is filled in automatically. It identifies an operator who entered a given document.
Modified by. This field is filled in automatically. It identifies the operator who modified a given document (also the
operator who closed the document).
VAT on: This field indicates a type of amount on which VAT value will be calculated.
 Gross – this option must be selected in order to be able to print an advance sales invoice on a fiscal printer.
 Net.

Module: Orders 72 Version 2016.2

This parameter depends on the setting defined in document definition, in the tab: Parameters (option: Charge VAT
on) and - in case of sales order - on the status of partner, which is selected in partner's file, in the tab: Accounting
(Transactor, Final customer) – more information can be found in the manual of the module: Sales, chapter: Partner’s
file, tab: Accounting.
Responsible. This field is filled automatically. It identifies a person who is responsible for the fulfillment of a given
order. Even though, that field is filled in automatically, it can be changed by passing on the execution of the order
to another person.
By filling in this field:
 the documents can be previewed by the persons responsible for given transactions (tab: by operator on
the list of orders),
 a document can be modified only by a responsible person or by an operator with the rights of administrator.
Drafting date. It indicates order drafting date. The current date, which is entered by default, can be modified. The
date is displayed including minute.
Validity date. It indicates validity date of transaction and reservation resulting from the execution of transaction.
The current date, which is entered by default, can be modified.
Reservation activation date. This is the activation date of reservation of article being ordered. The current date,
which is entered by default, can be modified.
URL. This field allows to give URL address. Once the address is given, the button: [Web site address] becomes
active. It runs the connection with the indicated web site.
Description. This field allows to insert order description.

After displaying the tab: Header, the button: [Structure of granted discount] will be displayed on toolbar. It
opens a window: Structure of granted discount, which displays the discounts of items and a header for currently
edited document.

1.10.4 Sales/purchase order, tab: Confirmation

The tab allows to confirm an order. In order to fulfill the order, it must first be confirmed. The confirmation can be
positive (accepting the order) or negative (rejecting the order). In order to draft a trade document, the conformation
must be positive.

Note: An order can be executed in phases, which means it is possible to issue many trade
documents to one confirmed order. It is also possible to issue one trade document out of
many orders (more information can be found in the chapter: 1.19.34 Generating one
trade document out of many orders).

An unconfirmed order has all the time the status: Active (it will be displayed in green on the list of orders). It is not
possible to generate a trade document out of unconfirmed order.

Note: Confirmation can be also done in lists of orders: after selecting the document and
checking the Confirm function in the drop down menu activated with the right mouse

Confirm order. After checking this field, the order is confirmed and other fields in the tab are activated. If the date,
on which the order was confirmed, is later than the date of issue or the validity date is earlier than the current date
(defined in the tab: Header or in order entries), the system asks whether the validity date of those entries should be
changed according to the confirmation date. In such a case, reservation activation date is changed neither in the
header nor in elements when confirming the order.

The confirmation may have one of the following statuses:

 positive – if the offer is accepted (the field: Accepted, is marked),
 negative – if the offer is rejected (the field: Rejected, is marked).
Module: Orders 73 Version 2016.2
Figure 1.33 Sales order, tab: Confirmation.

Fiasco code. It indicates the reason of rejecting the order. Fiasco codes are defined in the window:
Dictionaries of categories (module: Administrator).

Note: Order can be confirmed, only if the operator is authorised to confirm it. Such
authorisation is set in document definition (module: Administrator, window: Document
definition, tab: General).

Confirmation number. A consecutive number, which is given be default, can be modified into a number which has
not yet been registered.
Confirmation date. Order confirmation date. The current date, which is entered by default, can be modified. The
displayed date includes minutes, but the system saves the date including seconds. If the confirmation date is later
than the issuance date will be displayed an appropriate massage, which confirmation (by choosing the option: Yes)
will change the validity date in the header and in the elements of the order, to the date resulting from the
confirmation date (and parameter: Validity period of the reservation, on the document definition of the order).
However, if the User, in the displayed massage will choose the option: No, then the date in the header and in the
elements, if is earlier than the confirmation date, will change to the current date. In both cases the activation and
reservation date will not be changed in the header and in the elements.
Number at partner’s. This field is used to enter a number of document which was given to it by partner. By filling in
this field, it is possible to refer to the original confirmation document which was received from a deliverer.
Person. This field indicates a person who is responsible for a given order (on behalf of partner).
Inquiry number and Offer number. Those fields become active, if a given order has been preceded by submitting an
inquiry or an offer and their registered numbers are then displayed. It allows to keep the continuity of transaction
in its particular phases.
Module: Orders 74 Version 2016.2
Differences between offer and order (annotations). This field allows to insert the notes which would describe
relations between the contents of an offer and its possible modification in order.
Contents of inquiry. The field will display the contents of inquiry, if such inquiry is submitted before placing the
Reserve resources – by selecting this field, or in an unconfirmed order if the „Reservations in unconfirmed orders”
parameter is checked in document definition, the resources will be reserved in a warehouse after confirming the
order (by FIFO order). The button will be active until the order is confirmed. This option reserves the resources
automatically, but after confirming the order, an operator may indicate a reserved resource manually in the element
of order, in the tab: Reservations.
Reservation priority - priority of reservation decides about the order by which the resources will be collected while
generating a trade/warehouse document out of a sales order in case of quantity reservation (without assigned
resources). For the current order, that priority will be retrieved
from a file of a partner for whom the order is drafted.
If the priority of reservation is not defined in partner’s file, the system will insert the priority with a default value
(according to the list of priorities in the window: Dictionaries of categories, module: Administrator).
Regardless of the above methods, by which the reservation priority value can be inserted, an operator may define
that priority directly on a current sales order.
[Update reservation priorities] – it standardize the priority of reservation for all items in order.

Note: The operator may change the priority of reservation, if the parameter: Change
reservation priority, is checked in their file (module: Administrator, window: Operator,
tab: Parameters/General, field: Change reservation priorities).

1.10.5 Sales/purchase order, tab: Payments/Advances

The tab is used to define payments conditions and allows to define advances for a given transaction. On the tab it is
possible to choose the cash register, which will be transferred on the documents created from the confirmed order.
The register can be chosen only until confirmation of the order. In case of orders converted from the offer, the
register on the order will be transferred from the source offer. In case of other orders, the register will be, as was
indicated for the center, in which the order is created (determination of the register is performer from the level of
the module: Administrator), unless the other register was indicated on the partner card, for which the order was

Module: Orders 75 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.34 Sales order, tab: Payments/Advances.

Payment plan

The values, which are fixed in the tabs described above, are automatically entered into the payment plan.

To change the conditions of payment, select a given payment and click on the button: [Change]. The window:
Payment to order will be displayed.
The payment can also be broken (more information can be found in chapter: Breaking payment/Generating
Update of the form and payment term in such way, that they will be conforming with the form and payment term
on the tab: General of the order document is performed by clicking the button: (the button is located next to
the fields indicating the form and payment term on the document).

Advance invoices

Advance invoices are issued for selected order payments with the EAI/ASI or API located under the list of order
payments. After clicking the [Add invoice basing on advance payments] button, the user can choose between
the documents: EAI and ASI. A “domestic” EAI can be generated in a domestic SO for which a currency other than
the system currency was selected. If an advance document was generated for a given SO with a domestic customer,
the system makes sure that the document type is correct for generating consecutive advance documents so that
both ASI and EAI are not registered together for a given SO.
An EAI document may be generated for an SO with “Other foreign” or “Intra-community” transaction.
In an SO with a “domestic” transaction and SO header currency set to the system currency:
 An ASI document can be generated if an uncancelled ASI invoice was generated to an SO.
 An EAI document can be generated if an uncancelled EAI invoice was generated to an SO.
 An EAI/ASI document can be generated if no advance document (neither ASI nor EAI) was issued to an SO
or they all were cancelled.
In an SO with a “domestic” transaction and SO header currency set to a currency other than the system currency:
Module: Orders 76 Version 2016.2
 An ASI document can be generated if an uncancelled ASI invoice was generated to an SO.
 An EAI document can be generated if an uncancelled EAI invoice was generated to an SO.
 An EAI/ASI document can be generated if no advance document (neither ASI nor EAI) was issued to an SO
or they all were cancelled.
The above-mentioned buttons and option are active only if the operator marks one or many “advance” type
payments in the Payments schedule panel by pressing the [Add payment] button. A window: Payment to order,
will be displayed (more information can be found in the chapter: 1.19.35 Drafting advance invoice to order).
From the context menu level (activated with the right button of the mouse in the panel: Prepayment invoices) apart
from the prepayment invoice adding and deleting functions, it is possible also to cancel the issued documents.

With the [Values to be settled] button the user can display the Values to be settled window showing
information on the unsettled amounts from advance payments grouped by VAT rates. The button is active if there
is at least one SO/PO advance payment and it was issued for a “domestic” transaction.

Optional forcing of the “direction” of the VAT (from gross) in the final document deducting advance invoices
After the Differential VAT in final inv. is selected in the Operator in the System Administration, it is possible to force
the “direction” of the VAT (from gross) in the final document deducting advance invoices.
This operation is supported by the Final document from gross parameter, which enables changing the direction of
the VAT. The parameter is included in the list of advance invoices created at the time of generation of the FS, WZ,
FSE, WZE, FZ, and PZ from ZZ/ZS documents, as well as during generation of the above documents from the
warehouse documents generated from the ZZ/ZS.
A change in the method of generation of the final document takes place only when originally (i.e. based on the
settings of the order / source orders) it is indicated that this would be a “from net” document and the User indicates
for downloading an advance invoice with the parameter selected in the list of advance invoices.
This operation makes it possible to avoid small differences that most often result from the fact that the value of the
specific transaction is calculated using the “from net” method, while the advance invoices are issued and then
deducted based on gross values and the “from gross” method (calculation of the value-added tax). Moreover, such
small differences may also take place in the case of the FEL/FSE documents in which the gross/net values are given
in foreign currencies.
A change in the method of generation of the final document takes place only when originally, i.e. based on the
settings of the order /s ource orders, it is indicated that this would be a “from net” document and the User indicates
for downloading an advance invoice with the parameter selected in the list of advance invoices.

Figure 1.35 List of advance invoices, parameter: Final document from gross.

In the VAT tab for documents FS/(S)FS/FZ/(S)FZ/FSE/(S)FSE, the Generate differential VAT parameter is served;
after this parameter is called up, the system generates an additional record of the VAT table for the specific rate/flag
according to the setting of the cursor in such a manner that the total net/VAT/gross values for the specific rate/flag
in the document are equal to 0.00. Such an operation will be performed only when there is an “advance” record for
the specific rate/flag and depends on whether in the Operator in the General tab the Diff. VAT in final inv. parameter
is selected.

Module: Orders 77 Version 2016.2

After the operation described above, a dialog window is displayed with the following information and question: “The
operation will result in a modification of the value of the document and its payment. Do you want to continue
nevertheless?”, together with the following remedy: “Make sure that performance of the operation is justified.” and
the following details: “The operation will result in a modification of the value of the document and its payment
regardless of its elements and should be used only in justified cases of small differences in transactions covered by
an advance.”

Figure 1.36 Sales invoice, VAT tab, messages after the Generate differential VAT option is selected.

Module: Orders 78 Version 2016.2

1.10.6 Purchase orders, Tab: Relations
On the tab are presented the relations resulting from the purchase orders generation from others documents, e.g.
production orders. After clicking the button: [Preview] the source document for the purchase order will be
displayed for the preview purposes.

Figure 1.37 Purchase order, tab: Relations.

1.10.7 Sales/purchase order, tab: Attributes

This tab is used to indicate the attributes for a given order. The attributes are added according to the general rules.

Note: The Attributes tab contains a locator allowing the user to select the attributes
which can be assigned to a given order.

Once the data is inserted in the window: Sales/purchase order, save it by clicking on the button: [Save
Conditions for generating individual document types from an SO for a domestic transaction
To a “domestic” type SO, ESI and EOR documents can be generated, if no ASI (EAI is ok) was generated to this SO
An SO cannot be executed with an SI/SOR document if an EAI document was issued for this SO (ASI is ok)
If many SO documents are executed at the same time, the system verifies the following in addition to the standard
conditions of the compatibility of selected orders:
 Compatibility of “types” of advance invoices issued to the selected SOs
 If no advance invoices were issued to the above-mentioned SO or all the invoices are EAI documents or all
the advance documents are ASI documents, the above SO compatibility condition is met
 If both ASI and EAI were issued to the selected SOs, the generation process is interrupted and the following
message is shown: “Advance invoices types incompatible”

Module: Orders 79 Version 2016.2

Rules for generating / not generating documents from a WR- document generated from SOs for a “domestic”
 If no ASI (EAI is ok) document was generated to a “domestic” type SO, it is possible to generate ESI and EOR
documents from a WR- document from that SO.
 A WR- document generated from an SO cannot be executed with an SI/SOR document if an EAI document
was issued for this SO (ASI is ok)
When many WR- documents are converted into SO documents at the same time, the system verifies the following
in addition to the standard conditions of the compatibility of selected orders:
 Compatibility of “types” of advance invoices issued to orders from the selected WR- documents
 If no advance invoices were issued to the above-mentioned SO or all the invoices are EAI documents or all
the advance documents are ASI documents, the above SO compatibility condition is met
If both ASI and EAI were issued to the selected SOs, the generation process is interrupted and the following message
is shown: “Advance invoices types incompatible” Selecting warehouse when generating a document from an order
Generating WR-/WR+ from SO/PO
When generating a warehouse document from an order, a list of warehouses in unexecuted reservations is
displayed. If the user selects specific warehouses, the system automatically generates WR-/WR+ documents for each
of the selected warehouses.
If there is only one warehouse in the order, the list is not displayed.
If only one WR-/WR+ document is generated, it is left for the user to edit. If multiple documents are generated, they
are saved to buffer.
These rules for generating warehouse documents from an order apply to:
 SO and PO;
 SO/PO elements list;
 The Elements tab of the list of orders;
 Customer history (Orders tab).
Generating trade documents from SO/PO
Depending on the setting in the Sale from warehouse option in the definition of the generated document, as a result
of generating a WR-/WR+ document to a SO/PO document, the system creates one document including all
warehouses (for the from one or all option) or multiple documents, for each warehouse connected to an unexecuted
order reservation (for other options). If parameters in the definition of the document generated from an order
permit generating a document to/from multiple warehouses, a list of warehouses to choose from is displayed during
the generation of a trade document. This list's layout is the same as in the case of generating WR-/WR+ from SO/PO.
If only one SI/SOR/PI etc. document is generated, it is left for the user to edit. If multiple documents are generated,
they are saved to buffer.
If warehouse documents had been generated to a SO/PO document, the selection of the correct warehouse
document in a way determines the setting of the warehouse in the trade document. Indicating multiple WR-/WR+
associated with various warehouses results in multiple trade documents being created, separate for each warehouse
(the document has one warehouse). If the user does not indicate a warehouse document, a list of warehouses to be
selected is displayed according to the above-mentioned rules.
These rules for generating SI/SOR/PI etc. documents from an order apply to:
 SO and PO;
 Many selected orders;
 SO/PO elements list;
 The Elements tab of the list of orders;
 Customer history (Orders tab)
 CRM objects.

1.11 Internal order

An internal order can be created by:
Module: Orders 80 Version 2016.2
 Creating a new order

 by clicking on the button: , which is located on toolbar next to the button: and selecting the
option: Internal order, from the dropped down menu.

 by clicking on the button: , on the list of orders, in the tab: Internal.

 Generating a document out of sales order (more information can be found in chapter: 1.19.13 Generating
internal order out of sales order).
It is important, that the internal order is confirmed two times. More information about the internal order
confirmation is available in the chapter: How to create the purchase inquiry from the sales inquiry

1.11.1 Internal order, tab: General

The tab (Figure 1.38 Internal order, tab: General.) presents the basic data for an order.
To buffer – description of the parameter and its application is available in the chapter: 1.11.4 Internal order, tab:
Source warehouse – the source warehouse can be a warehouse that is on the warehouses list in the INTERNAL
ORDER definition for the main center. After adding an item to the INTERNAL ORDER document, the field in which
the source warehouse is indicated will be edited. In case of any changes in this warehouse, after adding an item to
the document, the warehouse also will be changed for these items.
Target warehouse – this field is used to indicate the warehouse to which the ordered articles must be delivered. The
target warehouse May be w warehouse to which the operator has right in the INTERNAL ORDER context (this the
warehouse indicated in the definition of the INTERNAL ORDER document in the center of the operator). If on the
INTERNAL ORDER document definition is indicated the option: All items on the document from the default
warehouse, then the target warehouse from the IO document definition is indicated immediately and the field will
not be available for editing. In situation, when chosen was an option: All entries in a document from one warehouse,
the field is editable.

More information about warehouses on the INTERNAL ORDER document is available in the chapter:1.11.4 Internal
order, tab: Confirmation.
Transaction. Type of transaction. It is possible to register one of the two types of transaction:
 National,
 Intra-community.
Delivery method. This field allows to define a type of delivery in a given transaction.
Type of delivery. Transport type code. The codes are defined in the window: Dictionaries of categories. Those codes
are defined by default, but it is possible to add new values to the dictionary. The value 3, set in the field by default,
can be modified.

Module: Orders 81 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.38 Internal order, tab: General.

Execution date. A proposed date of executing a given transaction. Execution dates can be changed in unconfirmed,
placed, confirmed and in-execution orders. In the first case, it is possible if the operator is authorised to edit a given
document. Otherwise, the operator has to be authorised to edit confirmed orders.
Execute entire order. By selecting this field, a sales order can be fulfilled entirely with only one delivery.
Quantities. This function is active after the order confirmation. The drop-down list is displayed, from which it is
possible to choose the following options:
 Ordered – default setting, on the order are represented the quantities that was already ordered.
 Non-executed – this option allows to preview the quantities that are not yet executed.
 Non-executed, without stocks reserves – this setting allows to represent on the order the quantities that
are not yet executed and for which the stock reserves were not created.

[Substitute] – this button can be used to select a substitute for an item. If a one-sided / equal to all / two-sided
substitute is defined in the Substitute tab in an item card, after the button is clicked, a window with a list of
substitutes defined for the item is displayed. The button is active if the document has any elements and the
selected element has at least one substitute.

[New] – it allows to add a new item to the objects list of transaction. The button: [Menu of available
options] allows to select a type of item. The values for the items are defined in the window: Element of order
(more information can be found in chapter: Element of the internal order

[Preview] – it allows to preview and change an item selected on the list.

[Delete] – it deletes an item indicated on the list.

An object of internal order is displayed in the bottom part of the window, in the following columns:
Article – an article which is the object of transaction.
Quantity – quantity of article.
Value – value of article (product of article quantity and price).
Module: Orders 82 Version 2016.2
Name – article name.

Element of the internal order

The window of the internal order element is similar as the window of the purchase/sales order element. This
window, because of the document character, does not contain the information about price/value of the article which
is the subject of the order. More information about parameters contained in the window of the internal order
element is available in the chapter: Element of offer/order. If the operator has the See purchase prices parameter
unchecked, the Initial price, Agreed price, and Value fields are hidden in order element.

Figure 1.39 Element of the external order.

1.11.2 Internal order, tab: Partner

This tab contains two vertical tabs. Tab: Main

The fields referring to the partner will be active, if the warehouse indicated as the target warehouse on the order
will have the assigned partner. The data of partner, entered in the fields, is automatically copied after selecting a
given partner. Partner is not selected (just like in case of purchase order and sales order) by clicking on the button:
, but in the tab: General, after selecting the field: Target warehouse. A partner for transaction
will be the partner assigned to a selected warehouse. The partner is assigned to a warehouse in the window:
Warehouses (module: Administrator).

[Select partner] – this button displays detailed data of partner.

[Edit customer] – used to preview and edit main or target customer file depending on the selected tab.

[Select address] – it allows to select the address of partner for a given transaction. By default, the current
address of a given partner is set in this field.
[Edit customer] – used to preview and edit main or target customer file depending on the selected tab.

[Select representative] – it allows to select a representative for a given transaction. The button:
[Menu of available options] allows to select a partner from the list or to select a one-time partner. The
field: City, located next to the field: Rep., indicates the city of representative. Filling in this field is not required.

Module: Orders 83 Version 2016.2

[Select supervisor] – it allows to select a supervisor for a given transaction. The field: City,
located next to the field: Supervisor, indicates the city of supervisor. Filling in this field is not required.

Figure 1.40 Internal order, tab: Partner.

The fields: Representative and Supervisor are common for the entire tab: Partner. Tab: Target

This tab allows to preview the data of target partner. It is possible to select a partner different than the main partner.
Tab: Target, is an inactive tab, if the warehouse chosen as the target warehouse does not have the assigned partner.

1.11.3 Internal order, tab: Header

The tab (Figure 1.40 Internal order, tab: Partner.) allows to insert a number of document and all its features:
Document number and series. This field indicates a number and series for the current offer. A consecutive number,
which by default is given to a document, can be modified.
Owner. This field saves an identifier of a center (in company structure) of an operator who drafted a given document
(the owner of that document). This value can be changed (providing that the operator is authorized to change it).
At partner’s. This field is used to enter a number of document given to it by partner. By filling in this field, you may
refer to the partner’s numbering order, e.g. while exchanging mail.
Feature. A feature of transaction. The features are defined in configuration (tab: Dictionaries). It is possible to enter
a feature manually in the current document.
Transaction type. Code of a type of transaction is defined in the window: Dictionaries of categories. The value 11,
entered by default, can be modified.
Execution date. Execution date of transaction. This value is also displayed in the tab: General.
Incoterms. The data referring to a place of taking over costs connected with transporting the articles. The EXW value,
which is entered by default, can be modified.

Module: Orders 84 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.41 Internal order, tab: Header.

Drafted by. This field is filled in automatically. It identifies an operator who entered a given document.
Modified by. This field is filled in automatically. It identifies an operator who modified a given document.
Responsible. This field is filled in automatically. It identifies a person who is responsible for the fulfillment of a given
order. Even though, the field is filled in automatically, it can be changed by passing on the execution of the order to
another person.
By filling in this field:
 the documents can be previewed by the persons responsible for given transactions (tab: by operator on
the list of orders),
 a document can be modified only by a responsible person or by an operator with the rights of administrator.
Drafting date. It indicates order drafting date. The current date, which is entered by default, can be modified.
Validity date. It indicates validity date of transaction and reservation resulting from the execution of transaction.
The current date, which is entered by default, can be modified. After dropping-down the menu located next to the
button: Validity date, it is possible to choose the unlimited validity date of the reservation. In such case, the
reservation will be valid until the realization of the reservation.
Reservation activation date. This is the activation date of reservation of article being ordered. The current date,
which is entered by default, can be modified.
Expected date. Suggested transaction execution date. Execution dates can be changed in unconfirmed, placed,
confirmed and in-execution orders. In the first case, it is possible if the operator is authorised to edit a given
document. Otherwise, the operator has to be authorised to edit confirmed orders.
URL. This field allows to give the address of partner’s web site. Once the address of the web site is given, the button:
[Web site address] becomes active. It runs the connection with the indicated web site.
Description. This field allows to insert order description.

1.11.4 Internal order, tab: Confirmation

The tab allows to confirm an order. In order to fulfill the order, it must first be confirmed. The confirmation can be
positive (accepting the order) or negative (rejecting the order).
Module: Orders 85 Version 2016.2
INTERNAL ORDER document is confirmed two times, separately by the person issuing the order (buyer) who has the
right to the target warehouse, and separately by the person who realizes the order (supplier). The first confirmation
(uncheck the parameter: To buffer) means the ending of the order edition and creation of the purchase reservations
(for the target warehouse). The order changes its state to: Placed. The second confirmation (check the parameter:
Order confirmation) causes the change of the order state to: Confirmed and creation of the reservation in the source
warehouse). The order will be executed only by the operator who has the right to the target warehouse in INTERNAL
ORDER context. The list of available warehouses in the internal order definition will be interpreted as the list of the
target warehouses, if the operator makes the first confirmation or as the list of the source warehouses, if he makes
the second confirmation.

Example: A company has 2 warehouses: MAG A and MAG B, that are assigned to the IO document
definition in the following centres: MAG A in the centre A (Operator A) and MAG B in the centre B
(Operator B). Issuance and confirmation of the IO document is performed in the following way: (see
the table below). Assume, that Operator B is issuing an internal order and indicates the target
warehouse: Mag B. The source warehouse will be the Mag A warehouse. After issuing this order,
Operator B can only take out the order from the buffer (field: Confirmation will be inactive). After
taking the order out of the buffer, the order will have the status: Placed. The final confirmation will
be performed by the Operator A, for whom the field: Confirmation, was activated.

Operator A Operator B

Operator can initially issue and confirm Operator can initially issue and confirm
INTERNAL ORDER with the target warehouse A INTERNAL ORDER with the target
and source warehouse B warehouse B and source warehouse A

Operator can confirm INTERNAL ORDER Operator can confirm INTERNAL ORDER
secondarily with the source warehouse A secondarily with the source warehouse B

An unconfirmed order has all the time the status: Active (it will be displayed in green on the list of orders). It is not
possible to generate an inter-warehouse movement document out of unconfirmed order.

Note: Order can be confirmed, only if the operator is authorised to confirm

it. Such authorisation is set in document definition (module: Administrator,
window: Document definition, tab: General).

Confirm order. By selecting this field, the order will be confirmed and other fields, included in the tab, will become
active. If the date, on which the order was confirmed, is different than the validity date and the reservation activation
date (defined in the tab: Header), the system will ask whether the date of those items should be refreshed by the
current date.
The confirmation may have one of the following statuses:
 positive – if the offer is accepted (the field: Accepted, is marked),
 negative – if the offer is rejected (the field: Rejected, is marked).
Fiasco code. It indicates the reason of rejecting the order. Fiasco codes are defined in the window: Dictionaries of
categories (module: Administrator).
Confirmation number. A consecutive number, which is given be default, can be modified into a number, which has
not yet been registered in the system.
Confirmation date. Order confirmation date. The current date, which is entered by default, can be modified.
Number at partner’s. This field is used to enter a number of confirmation document which was given to it by partner.
By filling in this field, it is possible to refer to the original confirmation document which was received from a deliverer.
Person. This field indicates a person who is responsible for a given order (on behalf of partner).
Module: Orders 86 Version 2016.2
Inquiry number and Offer number. Those fields become active, if a given order has been preceded by submitting an
inquiry or an offer and their registered numbers are then displayed. It allows to keep the continuity of transaction
in its particular phases.
Differences between offer and order (annotations). This field allows to insert the notes which would describe the
relations between the contents of an offer and its possible modification in order.
Contents of inquiry. The field will display the contents of inquiry, if such inquiry is submitted before placing the
Reserve resources – by selecting this field, or in an unconfirmed order if the „Reservations in unconfirmed orders”
parameter is checked in document definition, the resources will be reserved in a warehouse after confirming the
order (by FIFO order). The button will be active until the order is fulfilled. This option reserves the resources
automatically, but after confirming the order, an operator may indicate a reserved resource manually in the element
of order, in the tab: Reservations.
Reservation priority - priority of reservation decides about the order by which the resources will be collected while
generating inter-warehouse documents (release/acceptance) and an assembling job out of an internal order in case
of quantity reservation (without assigned resources). For the current order, that priority will be retrieved:
 from a file of a partner for whom the order is drafted.
 If the priority of reservation is not defined in partner’s file, the system will insert the priority with a default
value (according to the list of priorities in the window: Dictionaries of categories, module: Administrator).
 Regardless of the above methods, by which the reservation priority value can be inserted, an operator may
define that priority directly in the current sales order.

[Update reservation priorities] – it standardize the priority of reservation for all items in order.

Note: The operator may change the priority of reservation, if the parameter: Change
reservation priority, is checked in their file (module: Administrator, window: Operator,
tab: Parameters/General, field: Change reservation priorities).

Module: Orders 87 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.42 Internal order, tab: Confirmation.

The “Reserve resources” and “Update reservation priority” buttons are available also in an unconfirmed SO and IO
regardless of whether the reservations exist or not. In the latter case, the system simply performs no action.

1.11.5 Internal order, tab: Attributes

This tab is used to define the attributes for an internal order. The attributes are assigned according to general rules.
The description of the process assigning the attributes to a document can be found in the manual of the module:

Note: The Attributes tab contains a locator allowing the user to select the attributes
which can be assigned to a given order.

Once the data is inserted in the window: Internal order, save it by clicking on the button: [Save changes].

1.12 Correction of the order

Correction of the order is the document that allows the changes of the registered sales or purchase orders. The
correction creates the new order on the basis of the non-executed items from the corrected order.
The correction applies only to the active orders, in other words the orders that are confirmed or during the
realization. The system allows to block the possibility to issue the correction for the orders or closing the document
under realization, when the documents issued from the order exist and are currently in the buffer.
Correction and the source order are related with themselves on the element level, similarly as e.g. sales order with
created from it purchase order. The confirmed correction of the order adept the import ant reservations of the
source order.
Window of the order correction contains the same plug-ins and fields that are available on the usual order. The only
exception is the tab: Relations, that is available only on the correction document. In this tab are also displayed the

Module: Orders 88 Version 2016.2

relations between the order/source order and the current correction document. The tab contains the button:
[Preview], that allows to preview the document selected on the list.

Figure 1.43 Correction of the order, tab: Relations.

Correction of the order is performed by the correction of the quantity or value of the article being the subject of the
Confirmation of the sales order correction causes that the correction adopts the valid reservations (particularly the
resource reservations) of the source order. Their validity and realization dates will be changed, if they are earlier
than the dates of the new order (reservation validity will be prolonged). Reservations that are no longer valid will be
replaced with the new ones. Before confirmation of the source correction, the order will have the reservation, but
it will not be ready for realization (to issue a documents from it).
Correction for the order/orders can be created from:
 The window: List of the orders
 The window: Customer history
More information about how to create the corrections for the orders is available in the chapter: 1.19.19 Registering
correction to order and 1.19.20 Registering correction to few orders).

Note: By choosing the default series for the order which was defined in the Administrator
in the document definition during the correction of this order, the correction series for
the default series will be displayed.

Module: Orders 89 Version 2016.2

Note: For issuing a correction to a Sales Order, if there are valid reservations connected
to a resource, change of the warehouse in the correction has no effect and the warehouse
in the reservations remains unchanged. If the reservations were made for “all”
warehouses, the warehouse remains unchanged, i.e. “all”. If the warehouse in the
reservation is different than the warehouse in the element of the source order,
reservation warehouse remains unchanged. For reservations with their validity date
expired, the warehouse is set according to the warehouse of correction element. In other
cases, i.e. for valid reservations without a resource for which the warehouse was
compatible with the warehouse of the element in the source order, the warehouse is set
to one compatible with the correction element warehouse.
If a correction to a Purchase Order is issued, the warehouse in reservations should be set
according to the correction element warehouse.
It is impossible to change warehouse in Internal Order correction. However, the change
can be made automatically, if the operator has no right to the target warehouse: the
warehouse is set in “purchase” reservations basing on the correction target warehouse.

1.13 Element of offer/order

1.13.1 Element of offer/order - introduction

The elements of offer and order have most common tabs and fields. The differences between the two elements are
the following:
 The element of the offer, in the tab: General, Has no fields: Reservation activation date, reservation validity
 The element of offer contains the tab: Previous offer and the element of order contains the tab: Previous
order. Both tabs present the information concerning the previous offer/order (appropriately to the type of
 the tab: Reservations is included only in the element of a confirmed order. The tab is available also in an
unconfirmed SO and IO regardless of whether the reservations exist or not. In the latter case, the tab is

The fields, filled in the element of offer, will be copied to the order element. The fields can be modified in order.
The window: Element of order, is displayed in two forms:
 for sales/purchase orders
 for internal orders.
Those variants have different layout and contents of some of the tabs. Below is the description of the differences of
the window for the mentioned types of orders. Element of sales/purchase order

The values for the items of sales orders and purchase orders are defined in the window: Element of order. The layout
of the tabs and their contents are similar for both types of orders and they will be described together.
The changes in the elements, depending on the type ,will be described in the following chapter. Element of internal order

In comparison with the window, in which an object of sales order and purchase order is defined, the window, in
which the elements of internal order are defined, contains the following differences:
 the window: Element of internal order, does not have the tab: Calculation.
 the tab: General, has no fields defining the amount of discount and the VAT rate.
Module: Orders 90 Version 2016.2
The mentioned differences result from the fact, that in the internal order, the payment for an ordered article is not
effected and the price for the article is not fixed. The only information, which will be displayed, is its value and the
last purchase price. The mentioned differences must be included while analyzing the description of the window:
Element of order.
The window: Element of order, will be described on the example of the element of sales order.

1.13.2 Element of order - description Element of order, tab: General

The tab: General contains the following fields and functions:

Article – this field is used to indicate an article being ordered. It is possible to give the article name (entered on the
keyboard) without filling in the field with article code, so-called a’vista item.

To the right of the Item code field, there is the icon which can be used to open a list of substitutes for the
selected item in two modes:
 selection mode, if the document is in the buffer
 preview mode, if the document is confirmed
The icon-button is active if the document has any elements and the selected element has at least one substitute

Figure 1.44 Element of order, tab: General.

Note: After selecting an item and clicking the [Select item from the list]
button, an item list, indicating the selected item, is displayed. The item card can be
previewed after confirming the order and clicking the button.

Note: When the Prefer warehouses from item card / recipe parameter is checked in Sales
Quote / Purchase Quote and Sales Order / Purchase Order documents definitions in the
Warehouses tab and the default warehouse set in item card, Resources by documents
tab, item is retrieved from warehouse to an element from the default warehouse of a
given item.

Feature – name of feature class and its value. If a requested feature class in not registered in the system, it is possible
to add both a class of feature and its value. This feature will be included during acceptance/release of the articles

Module: Orders 91 Version 2016.2

using the warehouse documents (PM/WM) created for the particular order. If an SO with an element with a specified
value of a feature is executed, the system takes into consideration the settings in the item card for retrieving
resources according to features (prefer / don't warn, warn, require).
Article description – after selecting an article, its description, defined in the window: Article card, in the tab:
Description, will be automatically inserted in this field, providing that the field: Copy description to transaction, has
been selected in that tab. Apart from the article description, it is possible to insert other descriptions in the window:
Element of order, e.g. description concerning a given transaction.
Warehouse – a warehouse, in the item of order, is set depending on a type of document and the parameters from
 for sales documents, a warehouse is copied from the document header.
 for purchase documents, depending on a parameter in document definition <Prefer warehouses from
article card/receipt>, a warehouse is copied either from the document header or from the article card.
 for internal orders, a warehouse is the source warehouse for a given article.
Initial price – the initial price of the item. It is uneditable and can be selected from a drop down list.
WMC– unit value.
Quantity – this field allows to define a quantity of article, which is the object of transaction.
Unit – this field indicates a measurement unit in which the article is measured.
The suggested auxiliary unit (the second row) can be changed depending on the parameter: Block modifications,
form: Auxiliary unit in: Item card, tab: Units and codes/Packaging.
Discount – this field indicates a percent value of discount. This field in not available in the window: Element of
internal order.
Fixed price – this field allows to enter the price fixed for a given article in a given transaction (for the offers – offered
price). If the price is given with more than two decimal places, the price is displayed against a yellow background.
The price is editable, if the option: Allow, is selected in document definition for the rights structure center to which
a logged on operator is assigned, as the setting of a parameter: Edit prices and discounts in document items (window:
Document definition [], tab: Others). It refers to the direct or indirect edition, by changing a discount, margin, value,

Note: Price value will be different depending on discount calculation method: On price
or on value. In the case of discounts counted on price, a book price is counted first (on
the basis of the initial price and effective discount) and next a book value is counted
(price multiplied by quantity). In the case of discounts calculated on values, a book value
is counted first (on the basis of the initial price, quantity and discount) and next a book
price is calculated (value divided by quantity). Discount calculation method is set in
configuration, in the tab: Sales/Parameters 1.

Value – this field indicates the value of article expressed as the product of article quantity and its fixed price.
VAT – this field allows to indicate VAT for article. By default, the rate, defined in article card – window: Article card,
tab: General, is entered. This field in not available in the window: Element of internal order.
If the purchase order was issued for the farmer who uses the flat rates of the VAT tax, then the transaction element
will use the rate (F) 5% applied in the turnover with this kind of the economic subject.
Last purchase price – it indicates the last purchase price for a given article, which is saved in the system. This field
in not available in the window: Element of internal order.
Offered price – it indicates the price, which was saved in the offer, out of which the order was generated. It displays
the value, only if the order was preceded by submitting an offer. This field in not available in the window: Element
of internal order.
Initial price - the initial price is the last purchase price for a given article the moment the article was added to the
order. The discount is calculated on that price, in proportion to the agreed price. The price depends on a type of

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 if purchase document: the last purchase price including discount (the discount is calculated on the agreed
 if sales document - sales price depends on the price defined in partner's file (the discount is calculated on
the initial price).
This field in not available in the window: Element of internal order.
Reservation validity date – this field allows to define the date, by which the reservation of article quantity defined
in order, will be valid. This date is transferred from the header of the order document. After dropping-down the
menu located next to the button: Validity date, it is possible to choose the unlimited validity date of the reservation.
In such case, the reservation will be valid until its realization. The field is not available in the element of the offer. If
the Undefined expected date is selected, the No limit value is shown in element in document header.
Reservation activation date – this field allows to define the date, since which the reservation of article quantity
defined in order, will be valid. This date is transferred from the header of the order document. The field is not
available in the element of the offer.
Expected date – this field allows to define the date on which the delivery must be executed. If this date will be set
on the offer element, then will be transfer red to the offer element.
After an element is added to an order, the system suggests the expected date taking into consideration the customer
in the order, delivery method, delivery time, and delivery/shipments calendar assigned to the customer.
The date is set according to such a possible data of delivery from customer which results from its delivery schedule.
The delivery method set for the delivery is compatible with the delivery method defined in the order and the time
left before the date is not less than the delivery time defined for the date. In practice, if the nearest date of delivery
from a customer in 2 days, and the time required to prepare the delivery is 3 days, the system ignores that date and
sets the next, later execution date in order element.
The operator may move the delivery date to the next or previous customer delivery date or indicate a specific
delivery date in the customer delivery schedule.
Additionally, if a purchase order is generated from a sales order, the system takes the source sales order date and
sets such a delivery date compatible with deliverer's schedule that the sales order execution is not in danger. Similar
functions are used when generating other orders/jobs from source documents. Undefined Expected date can also
be selected. If this option is selected in document header, this value is carried over to element.
Execution dates can be changed in unconfirmed, confirmed and in-execution orders. In the first case, it is possible if
the operator is authorised to edit a given document. For confirmed orders or orders being executed, the operator
must be authorised to edit confirmed orders.
Changing execution date influences validity date and reservations. In the case of a Sales or Purchase Order, setting
the date of execution using the Number of days since the order option means specifying the date of order execution.
For Sale Quote or Purchase Quote documents, the execution date set as the number of days since the order means
the date is set at the specified number of days after the order is placed.

– costs report – this function opens a costs report. The Production costs estimated for the default technology
for item being an order element window is opened after the function is activated. Additionally, there is a
function displaying the Job Order execution date basing on costs report. The date is calculated basing on the
default technology for the item, product in order and the item quantity.

Note: If no shipments/deliveries calendar is assigned to a customer in a PO/SO, the date

is calculated in the following way: date of PO/SO issue + shipment/delivery time set in
Deliverer/Recipient card; if the customer is not a Deliverer – the time set in item card. If
no calendar is assigned to a customer in an order, then:
- set the execution date according to the above-mentioned mechanism
- compare this date to the date of execution in the order header
- select the later date as the expected date for a given order element
If a calendar is assigned to a customer in an order, then use the standard mechanism.

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Figure 1.45 Delivery date

The order element form shows information on: stock level in warehouse, the possible date the default deliverer may
deliver the item, the shortest possible delivery date from any deliverer and on the date the item may be produced
The option: Based on the associated order in SO element follows the rules:
- the system finds an element associated with the current SO element (basing on Order-Order links) which meets
the following criteria: document type indicated by the element is PO, IO or AJ; document status indicated by the
element and the direction of link do not matter.
- the found element is displayed in a table, where the following data is shown: Customer column: abbreviation of
the main customer in the document to which the element “belongs”, Date column: expected date. If there are
multiple elements, the system uses the first one
This way, the operator can define a realistic order execution date already at the stage of registering Sales Order.

Figure 1.46 Delivery date Element of order, tab: Calculation

This tab is used to calculate the price and value of transaction including discounts and other foreign currencies.
This tab on the element of the order (sales offer) differs from the same tab on the element of the purchase order
(purchase offer), and will be described for each of those element separately.

Module: Orders 94 Version 2016.2

Note: The tab: Calculation, is not available in the window: Element of internal order.

Sales order/offer
How the data is displayed in the tab: Calculation, of the sales order, depends on the settings in the definition of the
sales order document (module: Administrator). The margin is displayed on the sales order element and is calculated
from the last purchase price or basic price, indicated in the definition of the document (definition of the sales order
document, tab: Parameters, parameter: Minimum margin calculated according to price). If, in the definition of the
document the price different than the purchase price is indicated (it is possible to choose the prices defined on the
article card being the subject of the trans action), for the margin calculations will be taken the base price defined on
the article card.

Example: Customer K1 has the discount in its customer file set to 5%. Item T1 has the price: RETAIL
– PLN 1. In Sales Order definition, in the tab: Parameters, for the parameter: Minimum margin
calculated according to the price, the RETAIL option was selected. Then, a sales order was created
for the K1 customer. The margin is calculated according to the base price: Retail, indicated in the
item card, and not according to the price for which this item was purchased last time.

Figure 1.47 Element of the sales order, tab: Calculation.

The tab contains the following fields:

Sales price:
The top part of the tab contains the fields that allow to calculate the margin:
 Last purchase price/Base price – the last purchase price of the article being the subject of the order / or
base price chosen as different than purchase price in the definition of the sales order document (tab:
Parameters, parameter: Margin calculated according to the price). The field is filled automatically. The last
purchase price/base price will be calculated on net/gross depending on the settings in the definition of the
sales order or OS parameter: VAT calculated from (net/gross).
 Minimum sales price – the minimum sales price that was defined for the article during the current
 Minimum margin – the value transfer red from the article card (tab: Others, parameter: Minimum margin),
being the subject of the transaction. If, in the document definition was chosen the option: Not allowed to
sale below the minimum margin, then when adding an item to the document, the price will be increased to

Module: Orders 95 Version 2016.2

the minimum, if after calculating all discounts it will be smaller, it is not possible to enter the price lower
from the minimum price, e.g. directly by changing the margin, discount, value.
 Current margin – the actual margin calculated according to the price chosen from the definition of the sales
order document (tab: Parameters, parameter: Minimum margin calculated according to price) and sales
 Margin – difference between the current margin and the minimum margin.

Note: If the operator does not have the authorisation: See purchase prices checked in the
operator card (window: Operator, tab: Parameters/General), then, if they mark the
option: Minimum margin calculated according to the price, in the definition of the sales
order document, fields: Last purchase price, Minimum margin and margin are not
displayed for this operator.

 Initial – the field filled according to the above description – depending on settings in the document
definition. If the article located on the element, and partner located in the order are covered with the
promotion of the type: Price-list, the type of price will be displayed, which results from this promotion and
which will be constitute the basis for the discount calculations.
 Without WMC – it is the initial price reduced by the WMC rate as in item card
 Discount - field, that defines the discount for the given trans action (resulting for ex ample from the discount
saved on the partner card, etc.).

Example: Customer K1 has been granted a 5% discount and 10% promotion was set for item T2. In
the SO element for customer K1, in item T2 the value of 15% (5% + 10%) is displayed in the Discount

The discount can be determined:

 In percentages, or
 In values
 After discount without WMC – the price of item unit after a discount not including WMC value
 WMC – the value of the rate set for the selected WMC and added to the item card.
 Agreed – the price agreed for the article in the given trans action, calculated according to the discounts for
the initial price.
Values – The prices displayed on the left side refer to the prices displayed on the right side.
Currency – in this field the currency is displayed, in which the order was issued and the number of the currency
exchange. The values in those fields are transferred from the header of the order document, if in the definition of
the OS and ZS was marked the parameter: All items of the document in the currency of the header (window:
Definition of the ZS/OS document, tab: Others). If this parameter will not be marked, then the field, in which the
currency is determined will be available for editing.

Purchase order/offer
This tab is used for the calculation of the price and value of the transaction according to discounts and currencies
used in the transaction.
 Initial – determines the final purchase price for the given article, saved in the system.
 Without WMC – it is the initial price reduced by the WMC rate as in item card
 Discount – the field, which determines the discount for the given trans action (resulting for ex ample from
the discount indicated on the partner card, etc.).
The discount can be determined:
 In percentages, or
 In values
 After discount without WMC – the price of item unit after a discount not including WMC value.
Module: Orders 96 Version 2016.2
 Agreed – the price agreed for the article in the given transaction.
 Currency – offer and order elements are entered always on those documents in the currency indicated in
the header.

Figure 1.48 Element of the purchase order, tab: Calculation. Order element, tab: Relations

Figure 1.49 PO element, tab: Relations

The tab is active, documents related to the order are showed there.

Module: Orders 97 Version 2016.2

[Preview] – used to view the documents related to the order selected in the list.
In order element, there is information on all orders, jobs, and documents executing it and their statuses that were
generated for it. Using this feature, the operator can supervise the whole supply process for this order.
The execution date of the current SO/IO element can be set basing on the execution date of an element of a different
order. The option: Set the date basing on the selected is available if the cursor hovers over a PO, IO, SO or AJ. An SO
element can be shown in IO element if the IO was generated from the SO. This option is available for unconfirmed
SO/IO. In confirmed SO/IO, it is available only to an operator authorised to edit confirmed SO/IO documents. Element of order, tab: Reservations

The tab is active:

 in the element of sales order and in the element of internal order.
 in unconfirmed order when the Reservations in unconfirmed orders parameter is checked in document
 after confirming the order.

Figure 1.50 Element of order, tab: Reservations.

The tab displays the list of reservations of the assigned resources. Depending on whether the field: Reserve
resources, is selected or not in sales order, in the tab: Confirmation, there are two possible situations:
 The field is selected – the resources will be automatically displayed in the tab: Reservations. The resources
can be released or modified by using the buttons located at the bottom of the tab.
 The field is deselected – the quantity reservations (without assigned resources) will be displayed in the tab:
Reservations. It is possible to assign and to release the resources by using the buttons located at the bottom
of the tab.
The quantity reservations are executed by reservation priorities. The priority is indicated in sales order, in the tab:
Confirmation. More information about defining the priorities for an order can be found in the description of the tab:
Reservations can have the unlimited validity date. This date is determined by default after checking in the document
definition, that creates the reservation, (e.g. in the sales order definition) option: No limit (for parameter:
Reservation validity period). It possible to define the validity date manually for the reservations, which have
indicated the validity date different than unlimited.

Module: Orders 98 Version 2016.2

The quantity of reservation can be modified in the column: Quantity to be executed. After the quantity has been
modified, the reservation for the remaining quantity will be automatically added to the list. It will be a quantity
The tab contains the following functions:

[Delete] – deletes the indicated reservation from the list.

[View] – used to view the reservation selected on the list. The following can be done with an opened
reservation: assign a resource, change resource, preview and release.

[Release resources] – if a resource is assigned to a reservation, this button releases it. After it is clicked, the
reservation selected in the tab becomes a quantity reservation.

[Reserve resources] – if only quantity reservation is displayed in the tab, the button allows to assign a resource
to it. The resource will be assigned to the reservation by FIFO. In order to change a resource, click on the
button: [Change delivery].

[Change delivery] – this button open the window: Resources, which allows to select a delivery and to change

a resource by clicking on the button: [Select].

[Reassign resources from other reservations] – opens the Resources to be re-assigned window:

Figure 1.51 Resources to be reassigned.

The following functions are available in the tab:

[Reassign resources] – this button is active if quantity in the Quantity to be reassigned field > 0

[Source document] – this button is active if the cursor hovers over a reservation other than manual reservation

[Edit reservation] – can be used to edit or preview the reservation form depending on operator's authorisation
to edit the reservation (as in Item history/Reservations)

Module: Orders 99 Version 2016.2

If the operator attempts to edit a reservation they have no authorisation to edit, a relevant message is displayed (no
authorisation to edit the document type, no authorisation to edit documents belonging to this centre, no
authorisation to the warehouse).
The reservations are shown in the following order on the Resources to be re-assigned list:
 By priority, starting with “less important” reservations
 By execution date, starting with the latest execution date, i.e. the greatest date
 Reservation creation date (starting with the latest one)
Explanation of colours used in the list:
 For the reservations that the operator is authorised to edit, the source document number is displayed in
the colour appropriate for the status of the document, except for:
If the reservation has no source document, the “Manual reservation” phrase is displayed in black.
 For the reservations that the operator is not authorised to edit, the source document number is displayed
in grey. No authorisation should be understood as:
The operator has no right to edit documents belonging to the centre that owns the reservation.
The operator may edit documents belonging to the centre that owns the reservation but is not authorised to use
the warehouse in the reservation.

The window shows a list of reservations for item / for warehouse / with a given feature that the operator logged in
to a given centre can “see” in other places in the system, e.g. in item history/Reservations.
The above rule is implemented by the following condition:
 If the “Show documents: all” option is selected in operator's file, the system does not verify the centre that
owns the reservation.
 If the “Show documents: own centre only” option is selected in operator's file, the system shows the
reservation only if for the centre the operator is logged in the “Edit centre's document” field has the centre
that owns the reservation or a higher-level centre.
By default, the system suggests the quantity equal to the “unexecuted” quantity of a given reservation to be released
for each consecutive reservation in the list, until the quantity required for the element is completed.
The operator can edit the suggested quantities, i.e. force the system to detach any quantity from any reservations.
Only the reservations that the operator is authorised to edit can be selected. The reservations for which the operator
can perform no operation are showed on the list to “inform” the operator whom should they ask to release resources
that are required for the current “transaction”.
The above-mentioned assumptions result in the list of reservations and available operations differ for various
The sum of quantities to be released from individual reservations is not controlled: the operator may set a sum
greater than necessary but when re-assigning, the system re-assigns the smaller quantity from among: “Quantity to
be re-assigned” below the list of reservations and total Quantity to be released entered by the operator.
After setting the type and quantity to be released in individual reservation as described above and activating the
operation, the system detaches resources from the selected reservations and assigns them automatically to
order/job reservations for which the re-assignment is done.
Re-assignment of resources is done only for those reservations in the list that have the “Quantity to be released” set
to non-zero value until the reservations are depleted or the set quantity to be re-assigned is complete.
The above-mentioned mechanism works in:
 SO/IO element
 AJ/DJ element
 SCL/SJ/RJ element
 JO: planned operation and Raw material edition
In the upper part of the form, information on the item for which the resources are to be assigned after detaching
them from other reservations is shown. The following data is shown:
 item code and name,
Module: Orders 100 Version 2016.2
 item feature,
 warehouse and total quantity required to be assigned in this warehouse.
Grouping reservations by warehouse
Various reservations in various warehouses can be assigned to a given order/job. The operation of “detaching”
resources from “other” reservations is used to assign them to the reservations of the current element within a given
warehouse. That is why it has to be performed “separately” for each individual warehouse in reservations. The <all>
warehouse is also treated as a “separate” warehouse.
If as a result of such grouping, only one “group” of reservations is made, the “Resources to be reassigned” window
is displayed.
If multiple “groups” are created, i.e. groups for many warehouses, the following window prompting to select a
warehouse is displayed:

Figure 1.52 Resources to be reassigned.

In the “Reservation warehouses” window, the codes of warehouses in reservations are shown (each warehouse
once) in alphabetical order, provided that:
 If there are reservations for the <all> warehouse among the reservations, this option is shown as the last
one on the list.

Feature compatibility in reservations

If the Retrieving resources according to features/Require option was selected in item card, then:
 If a specific class and feature value was selected in the reservation group for which the operation is
performed, only the reservation with compatible class and feature value are shown.
 If no feature value was specified for the group, the reservations are not limited to the reservations with a
specific feature.
 If an option different that require was selected in item card, the reservations are not limited to reservations
with a specific feature except for:
If the operation is called from the level of a JO (planned operation or Raw material edit tab), a feature is required.
The operator may “view” the reservation, i.e.:
 If the “Show documents: all” option was selected in operator's file,
 If the “Show documents: own centre only” option is selected in operator's file, the system shows the
reservation if for the centre the operator is logged in the “Edit centre's document” field has the centre that
owns the reservation or a higher-level centre.

Re-assignment of resources for reservation of a planned manufacturing operation

Module: Orders 101 Version 2016.2

The system shows reservations for various items in a planned operation. The re-assignment function is called for a
specific reservation.

The [Re-assign resources] button – in the planned manufacturing operation form is available if:
 the operator is authorised to edit the JO, i.e.:
 the “Enter and edit” parameter is checked in the definition of this type of document
 for the centre the operator is logged in, the “Edit centre's document” field has the centre that owns
the reservation or a higher-level centre
 the cursor hovers over a reservation meeting all the following conditions:
 it is a sales reservation,
 it is an active reservation,
 the reservation blocks an item,
 its validity date is not expired,
 it is not assigned to a resource,
 the quantity to be assigned is non-zero,
The Resources to be reassigned window is displayed after the “Re-assign resources” option is activated (Figure 1.51
Resources to be reassigned).
The data of the specific item/feature/warehouse/quantity to be assigned are set for a specific reservation the cursor
is hovering over. The conditions for re-assigning resources are described above. Element of order, tab: Previous

This tab allows to use the data, inserted in the previous order, to prepare the current order. Those fields fill in the
data concerning all orders or transactions of article in the current order.

Note: If in document definition: Purchase order, the option: Preview the previous orders
is unchecked, this tab is not displayed in the window: Element of transaction.

Figure 1.53 Element of order, tab: Previous.

This window is divided into two parts:

Module: Orders 102 Version 2016.2

 With current customer
This part of the window displays the data concerning the orders with a partner who is included also in the current
order. The data is displayed, only if any orders were fulfilled with the current partner and the object of order was
the same as in the current order. If the data is displayed, the following functions become active:

[Apply quantity and price to

the current transaction]
If this button is clicked, prices and quantities values are carried over from the previous order to the current

[Apply the price only to the current transaction] – if this button

is clicked, only the price is carried over from the previous order to the current transaction.

[Previous] – by clicking on this button, the data, from the previous orders, will be displayed.

[Next] – by clicking on this button, the data from the next orders will be displayed.
 With any customer
This part displays the data concerning the orders with all partners, if the object of those orders is the same as the
object in the current order. The data is displayed, if any orders with the same object of transaction as the object of
the current order, have been executed. If the data is displayed, the following functions become active:

[Apply quantity and price to the current transaction] –

if this button is clicked, prices and quantities values are carried over from the previous order to the current

[Apply the price only to the current transaction] – if this button

is clicked, only the price is carried over from the previous order to the current transaction.

[Previous] – by clicking on this button, the data, from the previous orders, will be displayed.

[Next] – by clicking on this button, the data from the next orders, will be displayed. Element of order, tab: Previous

This tab has the same function as the tab: Previous order. However, this tab displays the data about the movement
of article refers to all transactions, not only to the orders.

Note: If in document definition: Purchase order, the option: Preview the previous
transactions is unchecked, this tab is not displayed in the window: Element of transaction.

Module: Orders 103 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.54 Element of order, tab: Previous transaction.

Both national and export transactions are included in this tab.

The tab consists of two parts. The tabs are divided in the same way as described in The difference is, that
the displayed data refers to all executed transactions and not only to the orders, in which the object was the same
as in the current order.
The functions, available in this tab, are the same as the functions available in the tab: Previous order. Element of order, tab: Attributes

This tab is used to indicate the attributes for an element of order. The attributes are added according to the general

Note: The tab: Attributes contains a locator allowing the user to select the attributes
which can be assigned to an element of an order.

Once the data is inserted in the window: Sales/purchase order, save it by clicking on the button: [Save

In order to finish the process of adding an item to the order, click on the button: [Save changes]. The data,
contained in the window: Element of order, will then be transferred to the window: Sales/purchase/internal order.
One order may contain many items. In order to insert the next item, you must repeat the procedure described above.
Sometimes, you may need to make changes in the item of order. In order to insert the changes, select an item, which

data will be changed and click on the button: [Preview]. A window: Element of order, will be opened. This
window allows to make corrections.
It is possible to add new items of order and to modify the items, only if the order has not yet been confirmed. The
exception are the attributes, which can be edited after confirming a document. Once the order has been confirmed,
the saved items of order can only be previewed. In order to preview the items, select an item of order and click on

the button: [Preview].

Module: Orders 104 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.55 Order element, tab: Attributes Order element, tab: Attachments

This tab allows to insert attachments concerning a given order element. It is possible to insert pictures, text files,
spreadsheets, etc. here. The user may freely define the format in which the attachments are saved and stored. A
method of adding attachments is described in the module: Administrator (chapter: Attachments).

Figure 1.56 Order elements, tab: Attachments

[Add] – used to add attachments, after it is clicked, the Binary data properties window is opened

[Drops down an option menu] – displays a list used to select the scope of the transferred data:
Add an attachment. Adds a new attachment.
Select from the list. Selection from the list of entered and defined attachments.
Retrieve. Selection and indication of the source of data.

Module: Orders 105 Version 2016.2

1.14 Payment to offer/order

1.14.1 Payment to offer/order

The window: payment to sales/purchase offer has the same functions as the window: Payment to sales/purchase
order. There are no differences between the two objects (except the header indicating their names), therefore, the
window has been described on the example of the payment to offer.
The window is used to define the payments for sales/purchase offer. The window contains the following fields:
Payment form. It indicates a type of payment for a given transaction. A type of payment form affects selecting the
field: Date. This field will be filled in according to the settings defined in configuration, e.g. if the deadline was set to
3 days for transfer, this value will be inserted in the field: Date, after selecting this form of payment.
Date. The date of payment is defined by its reference to invoice drafting date.
Notes. This field is used to insert the description concerning a payment form.

Figure 1.57 Payment to order.

The changes, made in this window, are saved by clicking on the button: [Save changes].

1.14.2 Breaking payment/Generating advance

It is possible to break the payment and to define a different form of payment for each of the broken payment. In
order to use this possibility, in the window: Sales/purchase order (or Sales/purchase offer), in the tab: Payments,

click on the button: [New]. A window: Payment to offer – will be added, will be opened. The window contains
the fields described in charter: Payment to offer/order.
If the parameter: Advance to invoice, is selected in the opened window, the added payment will be the advance. To
such advance, it is possible to draft an advance invoice (more information can be found in chapter: 1.15 Advance

Module: Orders 106 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.58 Payment to offer - will be added.

Apart from the mentioned functions, the following fields are active:
Advance to invoice. By selecting this field, the added payment will become the advance. After entering the advance
invoice to such payment, to uncheck such parameter will be impossible.
Amount. This field is used to define the amount of broken payment. That amount will be subtracted from the
payment which will be broken. The amount can be defined by:
 indicating the percent value – after selecting the field: From amount of order.
 indicating the value in amount - after selecting the field: Value.

The changes, inserted in this window, are saved by clicking on the button: [Save changes]. A new payment
will be added to the list of payments as presented on: Figure 1.34 Sales order, tab: Payments/Advances.
It is possible to determine the advances in the currency other than the system currency. More information about
those advances and advance invoices is available in the chapter: 1.15.2 Advances in the currencies other than the
system currency.

1.15 Advance invoices

1.15.1 General information

The system Comarch ERP XL allows to generate the following advance invoices:
Within national turnover
 Advance sales invoice (ASI) to sale order with selected (in the tab: General) type of transaction: National
 Advance purchase invoice (API) to purchase order with selected (in the tab: General) type of transaction:
 Export advance invoice (EAI) to a sales order with the domestic transaction type.
Within foreign turnover
 Export advance invoice (EAI) to sales order with selected type of transaction: Intra-community or Other
 Advance purchase invoice (API) – to purchase order, with selected trans action type: Intra-community or
Other foreign (such invoice is accounted by the simple purchase invoice)
The advance invoices in the international turnover are invoices that was generated to the sales/purchase orders
with indicated transaction type: Inter-community or Other foreign.
Created advance invoice (FEL) will be very similar to the export invoice. Similarly like in case of national turnover,
the differences are such, that such document do not have any elements and it is impossible to generate from it any
warehouse document.
When creating the sales order (with transaction type: Inter-community or Other foreign) it is import ant to
remember about the parameter: VAT C (0%), included in the tab: Header, that decides about its application for

Module: Orders 107 Version 2016.2

articles placed on the order of the export VAT rate in the value of 0%. The selected parameter decides, that on the
advance invoice will be calculated export VAT.

Note: The setting of the VAT parameter in an EAI document is transferred to the final EAI
document, without the option to change it.

With selected parameter, the document calculated according to national VAT rates will be created. It is import ant
to remember, that when creating the correction to the invoice (KEL), it possible the correction of the VAT rate. If the
document contains the articles with different rates, then after making correction of VAT rates for all articles, one
VAT rate will be calculated in value of the maximum (national) rate used for the article on the document (according
to the rates defined for the article on the article card).

Example: Items with 22% and 7% rates were put on a sales order with the transaction type: Intra-
community. In the order, the option: VAT C (0%) was selected. An advance invoice was created to
this order and then to this advance invoice – a correction (EAIC). In the correction, the VAT rate was
corrected resulting in the EAIC document using the 22% rate, as the highest rate for the item that
was entered to order.

More information about the correction of the Export advance invoice is available in the chapter: Export
advance invoice correction (EAIC) for Intra-community or other foreign transaction..
Below are the following corrections which can be generated to the mentioned documents:
 To advance sales invoice (ASI) – Advance sales invoice correction (ASIC)
 To advance purchase invoice (API) – Advance purchase invoice correction (APIC) – also in the foreign
turnover (when choosing: Inter-community or Other foreign)
 To export advance invoice (EAI) – Export advance invoice correction (EAIC)
The advance invoices are drafted to the part of payment resulting from the order (to advance). This advance is
defined in order, in the tab: Payments/Advances, in the panel: Payment plan. A paid amount, which results from the
advance invoice, will be included in the final trade document which will be the executed order.

Note: Advance sales invoice cannot be settled using a receipt and it is impossible to
execute the order for which the advance invoice was issued with a receipt, unless the
advance invoice was settled in full with another document.

Beginning from version 7.0 advance invoices have own document definitions.

Note: Issuing EAI and ASI documents is possible only for the types of customers that are
set in the definition of a given document.

1.15.2 Advances in the currencies other than the system currency

It possible to generate the advances in the currency other than the system currency:
 If the advance value is determined as the percentage of the order value – in case, when the payment on
the order is determined in the currency other than the system currency
 If the advance value is determined as the value, it is possible to choose the currency independently from
the currency in which the payment on the order is determined.

Module: Orders 108 Version 2016.2

Advance invoice document created for such advance will be calculated and determined in the system currency, and
the payment resulting from this invoice will be determined in the foreign currency.

Note: Since the version 7.1 of the Comarch ERP XL system, it has been possible to issue
an ASI for a sales order with the transaction type: Domestic and the currency of the
header other than the system currency.

1.15.3 Generating advance invoice

Regardless of a type of advance invoice – whether it will be generated within the national turnover or within the
foreign turnover, the mode of drafting the advance is the same and it is run in the following phases:
 add the advance in a confirmed order, in the tab: Payments/Advances

 after selecting a registered advance, click on the button: [Add invoice on the basis of advances]. A
window: Advance invoice, will be opened – if it refers to the national turnover, it will be ASI (Advance sales
invoice) or API (Advance purchase invoice); if it refers to the foreign turnover, it will be EAI (Export advance
invoice) or PAI (Purchase advance invoice).
It is possible to create the advance invoice for the not-executed order, and also for the order executed partially.
Detailed information about generating advance invoices can be found in chapter: 1.19.35 Drafting advance invoice
to order.
Issuing and generating the document is possible only for the types of customers who are set in the definition of a
given document. Modifying the “VAT table” when generating an advance invoice

When generating an advance invoice to indicated payment(s) for orders, the system generates a VAT table in the
invoice basing on the tax rates used in order elements, dividing the amount among the rates proportionally to the
values of order elements in the rates. This function applies to the scenario where the order is placed for items with
one VAT rate.
If an order is placed for items with various VAT rates and the customers makes an advance payment for only one of
them (for example when an order was placed for a flat and the plot belonging to that flat but the advance payment
is made for the flat only), the user may define which part of the advance payment is to be assigned to a given VAT
rate, including not taking a given VAT rate into consideration at all.
When an EAI/ASI is generated and the order was placed for items with various VAT rates, the Specify advance
payment value window is displayed.

Figure 1.59 Specify advance payment value

Note: The value can be edited only if order elements have various VAT rates. If an order
uses only one rate, the previous functions are used.

Module: Orders 109 Version 2016.2

The top part of the window shows the symbol and full number of the order to which the advance invoice is being
generated and the Total value (the sum of the selected payments for which the advance payment is generated
converted into the order header currency) with the order header currency symbol. For ASI/API documents, the
amounts are expressed in PLN.
The records relevant to individual VAT rates used in the order are divided into:
 VAT rate symbol
 gross value calculated for a given VAT rate that can be edited from 0 to the value of the sum of selected
In records for individual VAT rates, the Total record is shown with its value calculated as the sum of gross values for
all VAT rates. This field is uneditable because the value of the advance invoice is the same as the sum of payments
for which it is generated.
After changes are made in values for a given VAT rate, the values for other VAT rates are recalculated so that the
Total value is equal to the sum of payments for which the advance invoice is generated. This way, the system sticks
to the rule that when a given VAT rate value is edited, it changes the values for the VAT rates that were not edited
proportionally to their values. If there are no unedited rates left, the system changes the values in edited rates
proportionally to their values and if they all have values equal to 0, according to the proportions in the order. The
system recognises whether the value for a given rate was edited by checking if the value is the same as the value set
basing on the order.

The [Recalculate] button – after it is activated, the gross value for all VAT rates is recalculated proportionally
to the values of order elements.

After the [Save] button is used, the advance invoice is generated.

If there are rates that were not edited by the operator, then:
 each value for the unedited rates is set proportionally (VAT rate gross value / all rates gross values sum)
 if for all VAT rates the value is set to 0, the proportions are set according to the values from the order
The value is proportionally (“change amount” x coefficient from the proportions) increased (when the operator
decreases the value for one VAT rate) or decreased (when the operator increases the value for one VAT rate) for
VAT rates.

Note: In order to eliminate rounding errors, the user should check if the Total value
equals the sum of payments. If not, “modify” the last VAT rate appropriately.

If there are no “unedited” VAT rates, then:

 total value for the unedited rates (except for the edited rates) is set proportionally (VAT rate gross value /
all rates gross values sum)
 if for all VAT rates the value is set to 0, the proportions are set according to the values from the order
The value is proportionally (“change amount” x coefficient from the proportions) increased (when the operator
decreases the value for one VAT rate) or decreased (when the operator increases the value for one VAT rate) for
VAT rates.

Module: Orders 110 Version 2016.2

Example: The following initial “VAT table” is set when generating an advance invoice

A 22%: 20.00

B 7% 30.00

C 0% 60.00

Total: 110.00

Now, the operator sets the value for the B 7% rate to 0, decreases by 30, so the system needs to
adequately increase the value of the A 22% and C 0% rates in the following way

A22%: 30.00x[20.00/80.00]=7.50, the system increases the A rate value by 7.50

C0%: 30.00x[60.00/80.00]=22.50, the system increases the C rate value by 22.50

The modified “VAT table” :

A 22%: 27.50

B 7% 0.00

C 0% 82.50

Total: 110.00

Now, if the operator changes the value for the A22% rate, the system corrects only the C0% rate
appropriately (because the B7% rate was not edited).

The VAT table and value of the generated document is done following the rules:
For EAI documents:
The gross value of a VAT table record in the document currency is calculated for each VAT rate on the level of value
set in the “Specify advance invoice value” window (Figure 1.59 Specify advance payment value) for a given VAT rate
with the following reservation:
 The records of the VAT table whose value is set in the form to 0 are ignored.
Basing on the remaining values of a record of the VAT table (VAT from gross, net, etc.)
Calculating the header value of a document basing on the generated VAT table
For ASI/API documents
The value for a given VAT rate set in the “Specify advance invoice value” (Figure 1.59 Specify advance payment value)
is converted into the system currency using the exchange rate from the SO/PO or a table with the following
The records of the VAT table whose value is set in the form to 0 are ignored.
The value calculated this way is used as the gross value for this rate.
VAT and net value are calculated for this value. Travat table records are set basing on these values.
The net and gross value of the document in PLN is calculated.

Module: Orders 111 Version 2016.2

1.15.4 Partial settlement of advance invoices
General remarks
Advance invoices are issued to the part of the payment resulting from the order. According to this, payment on the
such invoice is the part of the payment on the final invoice, with which the order is executed. Value of the advance,
that will be accounted on the final document is available for edition. Output value of the advance for accounting will
be the sum of all amounts ready for accounting resulting from the advance invoices accounted with the final
document. After editing the amount of the accounting on the final invoice, the system again will determine the
amounts accounted from the advance invoices, accounting them in order in which they were taken for accounting.

Changing the amount accounted by the operator - example

Let’s assume that the order was issued for amount of 488 PLN (gross). For this order 2 advance invoices were issued:
for amounts of 100 PLN and 50 PLN. Then, the final invoice was created for this order. The accounted amount
(displayed in the tab: Payments) resulting from the advance invoices according to the final invoice is: 150 PLN.

Figure 1.60 Payments on the final invoice, including the advance invoices for 100 PLN.

This amount is of course included in the tab: VAT.

Module: Orders 112 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.61 Tab: VAT of the final invoice, including the advance invoices, that accounting amount is 100 PLN.

This amount may be decreased – depending on the operator’s decision. In our ex ample this Mount was decreased
to 140 PLN (parameter: Accounted amount, tab: Payments).

Module: Orders 113 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.62 The final invoice payments, for which the accounting amount was modified resulting from the advances

Decreasing of the accounted invoice including the advances invoices cause, that the payment on the side of the final
invoice in value of 10 PLN appears.
Edition was also included in the tab: VAT.

Figure 1.63 Tab: VAT, on the final invoice, on which the accounting value was modified resulting from the advance

Button: [Accounted all], makes possible to restore the maximum accounted amount resulting from the
advance invoices, what makes possible the eventual correction, when performed by the operator modification was
not necessary. In case, when the modified accounted amount will be left, it is possible to create the correction for
the advance invoice, which amount was decreased. To create such correction, select the tab: Payments, of the

advance invoice, which accounted amount was decreased and press the button: [Correction].

Changing the transaction conditions on the final invoice

Similarly like in chapter: Changing the amount accounted by the operator - example, it is possible the situation, when
on the final invoice the transaction conditions will be changed – for example the quantity of article will be edited or
its price, what will cause the modification of the document amount.
In such case, if the operator not edited the accounted amount, after changing the transaction conditions, system
again will calculate the accounted amounts. However, if the operator modified the above mentioned amount, then
the transaction amount will be changed, but the accounted amount will be not changed.

Module: Orders 114 Version 2016.2

The sales order for the amount of 244 PLN (gross) was created, for which the advance invoice for the amount of 100
PLN was issued. Then, from the order the final invoice was created. The invoice included the earlier issued advance
invoice. Therefore, the payment on the final invoice will be calculated including the amount accounted the amount
of the advance invoice.

Figure 1.64 Payments of the final invoice including the accounted amount from the advance invoice.

Then the operator modifies the accounted amount from the advance invoice for 80 PLN. After such change, the sales
price was changed on the final invoice, what increases the document amount by 68,80 PLN. In spite, the accounted
amount from the advance invoice was not increased, and still is on the level of 80 PLN, which the same, that was
determined earlier by the operator.

Module: Orders 115 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.65 Final invoice, for which the accounted amount was modified (resulting from the advance invoice), and
then the transaction amount was changed what cause the adding the amount of 50 PLN. In spite of the
modifications, the accounted amount resulting from the advance invoices was not changed.

There is possible a situation, when the amount of the transaction will be decreased. In such case, the system will
calculate the accounted amount resulting from the advance invoice, if its amount will be decreased so much, that
the decreasing of the accounted amount will be necessary.

1.15.5 Corrections of advance invoices Generating corrections of advance invoices

The correction to the advance invoices are generated on the list of documents:
 Advance purchase invoice correction (APIC) is generated on the list of purchase documents (List of trade
documents, tab: Purchase/PI)
 Advance sales invoice correction (ASIC) is generated on the list of sales documents (List of trade documents,
tab: Sales/SI)
 Export advance invoice correction (EAIC) is generated on the list of export documents (List of trade
documents, tab: Export/EI).
In addition, it is possible to create the correction for the advances invoices from the level:
 Of the final document to the advance invoice (tab: Payments)
 Of the order, for which the advance invoice was created (tab: Payments/Advances). Advance purchase invoice correction (APIC)/Advance sales invoice correction (ASIC)

For ASIC and APIC documents, it is possible to make a partial value correction. That correction is made by editing the
amounts in the tab: VAT or the amount in the tab: General documents of the correction. The correction is performed
after inserting the appropriate value (possible to be corrected) in the field: Gross value of correction.

Module: Orders 116 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.66 Field: Advance sales invoice correction with active field: Gross value of correction, in which advance
invoice correction is made. Export advance invoice correction (EAIC) for Intra-community or other foreign transaction.

Advance invoice correction is made by document EAIC by:

 Correcting gross value of document
 Changing VAT calculation method in document

Document’s gross value correction

Gross value correction is made with EAIC document in the same way as in case of ASIC or APIC - the editable field:
Gross value of correction, is located in the tab: VAT and in the tab: General.

Module: Orders 117 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.67 Export advance invoice correction, tab: VAT.

Changing VAT calculation method in document

VAT calculation method is changed in document by using the function: [Change VAT calculation method],
which is located in the tab: General of the document: Export advance invoice correction. Export advance invoice correction (EAIC) for domestic transaction

As opposed to the EAIC document to an Intra-community or other foreign transaction, for domestic EAIC there are:
 Domestic VAT rates
 The “Export VAT” parameter unchecked and greyed out
 Options: “Country” and “Buyer is tax payer” available in the menu under the register in the VAT tab
 Trn_ExpoNorm, TrV_ExpoNorm on level 1 (country) or 20 (Buyer is tax payer)
 The “Do not include in VAT-EU declaration” parameter hidden
 The “Change VAT calculation method” button greyed out

1.16 Advance invoice – window description

This chapter contains the information about parameters available in the window: Sales/Purchase advance invoice.
Because those parameters are analogical in those documents and any differences are resulting only from its
characteristics, the window of the advance invoice will be described on the example of the sales advance invoice.
It is important to remember, that documents of the advance invoices: SAI, PAI, and FEL have its own definitions,
available from the level of the module: Administrator, that determine the user rights for handling those documents.

1.16.1 Advance sales invoice, tab: General

The tab contains the following fields:
Module: Orders 118 Version 2016.2
Partner – it indicates a partner registered in the order. This field is not editable; the button: [Select
partner] displays partner’s file and allows to preview it.
Delivery – this field in used to select a method of delivering the object of transaction.
Payment form/date – form and date of payment for transaction.

Figure 1.68 Advance sales invoice, tab: General.

Moreover, the tab contains the following button:

[Payment] – it runs the process of payment for the advance. The button: [Menu of available options] drops
down a list of payment forms to be selected.

[Preview] – it allows to preview the element of order, indicated in tab.

1.16.2 Advance sales invoice, tab: Partner

The tab displays the data of a partner who was registered in the source orders. The tab contains three tabs, which
include data of the main partner, a target partner and a payer. The button: [Select partner] allows
to preview a file of partner displayed in tab.
The payer on the document: FSL FEL, FZL will be the same payer who was indicated on the source order.
More information about the payer in documents can be found in the manual of the module: Sales.

1.16.3 Advance sales invoice, tab: Pays

The tab contains the list of payments referred to the given advance. Payment term and form are resulting from the
form and term indicated on the source order (payment term and form on the tab: Payments/Advances).
This tab contains also the field:

Module: Orders 119 Version 2016.2

Register – the banking operations register, to which the payment referred to the document is directed. Next to this
field, the banking account number is displayed assigned to the register.

Figure 1.69 Advance sales invoice, tab: Payments.

It is important to remember, that on each WZ, WZE, PZ document, accounting the advance document, also the one,
which not generates the payment (in the definition Has unchecked the parameter: Creates payments) presented is
the tab: Payments, that contains the section with the list of accounted advance invoices. On the clips, the accounting
of the advance invoices is visible also in the VAT table, in which presented are the values resulting from the
transaction value and the values resulting from the accounted advance invoices, and the value of the lips is calculated
as the difference.
The payment on the advance invoice may be expressed in the other currency than the system currency. This is the
case, when the advance, for which the invoice in the foreign currency was created (More information available in
the chapter: 1.15.2 Advances in the currencies other than the system currency).

1.16.4 Advance sales invoice, tab: Header

The tab contains the following fields:
Number – invoice number. By default, a consecutive free number is given. That number can be changed into a
different free number.
Owner – a center in which an invoice was drafted. It is possible to select a different center than the center in which
the source order was drafted.
Invoice – invoice number of deliverer.
Order – number of the source order.
 Drafting – document drafting date,
 Sales – sales date,
 Release – article release date. It will be a default date of drafting a warehouse document.

Module: Orders 120 Version 2016.2

Modified by, Drafted by, Confirmed by, Settled by – these fields indicate an operator who performed the mentioned
VAT on – selection of this option is transferred to the source order. Only the option: Gross, allows to print the
advance sales invoice on the fiscal printer. Printing the first advance invoice on the fiscal printer is irrespective of
VAT calculation method set in the source order (net/gross).
Currency, Exchange rate – fields, which amount is transfer red from the order and which is not available for editing.
Feature – in this field, it is possible to assign the future for the document.

URL – this field allows to give URL address. Once the address is given, the button: [Web site address] becomes
active. It runs the connection with the indicated web site.
Description - this field allows to give document description.

Figure 1.70 Advance sales invoice, tab: Header.

1.16.5 Advance sales invoice, tab: VAT

The tab contains the following fields:
Register - VAT register in which a document will be saved. It can be selected from the list of VAT registers for
purchase which are defined in configuration. A default VAT register for a document depends on its series, because
it is assigned to it.
Transaction type – the following options are available:
 Domestic
 Buyer is tax payer. These parameters are also available in the APSIC document.
Sales – by selecting the field: fiscal, it is possible to print an advance invoice on fiscal printer. This option can be
selected for the first, unconfirmed advance invoice. The option depends on VAT calculation method in a document
– if the parameter: VAT on, Net, is selected, it will not be possible to mark this option. A document can be printed
on fiscal printer only if VAT is calculated on gross. Selection of the option: Fiscal, will be transferred to the next
advance invoices and to the final invoice (if it includes advance invoices).

Module: Orders 121 Version 2016.2

Do not include in VAT declaration – this parameter does not include transactions in VAT 7 declaration. The
transactions will have an appropriately set parameter, which may include them in the declarations and it can be
changed in VAT register.
Total gross amount of advance – total gross amount of advance is compatible with the value of the advance, defined
in the source order, in the tab: Payments/Advances.

Figure 1.71 Advance sales invoice, tab: VAT.

1.16.6 Advance sales invoice, tab: Attributes

The tab allows to assign the attributes to a document. The attributes must be previously assigned to the object: ASI
([Trade documents].[ASI]). The attributes are assigned according to the general rules.

1.17 Printing advance/final invoice on fiscal printer

The system Comarch ERP XL allows to print the advance sales invoice on a fiscal printer (within national turnover).
Printing the first advance invoice on the fiscal printer is irrespective of VAT calculation method set in the source
order (net/gross).

Note: Checking the parameter: VAT from - Gross/Net depends on setting that option in
Sales order document definition. The option can be checked in the tab: Parameters. That
setting is the default one, but after adding an element to an order, that option is greyed
out in the current document.

After generating the advance sales invoice, select the parameter: Fiscal, in the tab: VAT. Once the parameter is
selected on the first advance invoice, its setting will be transferred to the next advance invoices generated out of
order and to the final invoice, providing that it includes the advance invoices.

Module: Orders 122 Version 2016.2

Note: If the first advance invoice was printed on a fiscal printer, all the following advance
invoices and the final invoice must also be printed on a fiscal printer.

Once the advance/final invoice has been confirmed, a cash-desk receipt will be printed. In case of:
 advance invoice – the items will be printed by the document's VAT table,
 final invoice – the items of the table VAT, which are grouped by the rates, that is the amounts decreased
by the advance amounts, will be printed. Below the list of items, the following printouts will be made: a
printout of table of VAT calculated for total values, a printout of table for the values from the advance
invoices and a printout of table for the final invoice which is the result of the previous tables.
If the advance invoices have been printed on fiscal printer, VAT, in the final invoice, is calculated on gross. Otherwise,
VAT is calculated according to the setting in the order.
The advance/final invoice can also be printed on fiscal printer in the module: Sales, after selecting the option: Reprint
on fiscal printer, from the menu: Fiscal. This option has been anticipated, if for some reasons, it would be impossible
to print the advance/final invoice on fiscal printer.

1.18 1.18. A new chapter to be pasted:

Handling of transactions The taxpayer is the buyer for documents OS and ZS

In the Sales Quote and Order documents, it is possible to define the type of transaction “The taxpayer is the Buyer.”
This will be particularly helpful for those Users who trade items for which the reverse charge procedure was
introduced for sums higher than PLN 20,000 for economically uniform transactions. Such “economically uniform”
transactions can be registered using purchase orders, as a result of which successive documents generated from
purchase orders will be of appropriate transaction type and their VAT rates will be appropriate for this procedure.
Assignment of the aforementioned transaction in the OS/ZS takes place by selecting the “Customer is a taxpayer”
parameter in the {Heading} tab. As a default, this parameter is selected if OS/ZS is registered for the customer
identified as “Customer is a taxpayer.”

Figure 1.72 Sales order: Header tab.

Module: Orders 123 Version 2016.2

If the customer is changed in the document, in the change window of the document a new type of transaction can
be seen in the New column.

Figure 1.73 Sales order: Changes in the document.

In the items marked as “reverse charge” and “reverse charge/limit” added to the OS/ZS documents with the
aforementioned transaction type, the System will define the rates appropriate for the reverse charge. It will also
change them at the time of change of the transaction type made by the Operator and by the System (made as a
result of change of the customer or an affirmative question regarding a change of transaction asked by the System).
If the transaction type is changed to “Customer is a taxpayer,” the rate appropriate for reverse charge will be defined
for the elements of the order of the reverse charge and R.c. limit type. If the transaction type is changed to
“domestic,” the rate appropriate for the R.c. limit will be defined for the elements of the reverse charge type and
the rate from the item sheet will be restored for the elements of the R.c. limit type. In the case of a change to a type
other than those mentioned above, all elements are subject to the same rules: the rate from the item sheet or the
“export” rate will be defined for them depending on whether the “Export VAT” is selected in the OS/ZS.
If a correction is made in the order document with an advance attached, the system checks if the transaction type
is correct: in the new ZS and in the FSL/FL attached to the corrected order, whereby for the “domestic” transaction
in the ZS it is assumed that the condition is fulfilled if the FLS/FEL is of the “domestic” type or “Customer is a
taxpayer” type. In the case of a ZS of the “Customer is a taxpayer” type, both the FSL/FEL of the “domestic” type and
of the “Customer is a taxpayer” type are rewritten.
If a document with the Customer is a taxpayer parameter selected and with items subject to reverse charges and
regular items, a window with a message appears.

Module: Orders 124 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.74 Sales order: Warning during approval of document no. 1.

If the document has the Customer is a taxpayer deselected and the transaction is domestic and the document
includes items that are subject to reverse charge and regular items, a message with a warning and a question about
a change of the transaction type appears. If the selected answer is Yes, the Customer is a taxpayer parameter is
selected. The answer does not cause the document to be saved without the changes. If the Cancel option is selected,
the document is not saved and no changes are made in the document.

Figure 1.75 Sales order: Warning during approval of document no. 2.

If the document has the Customer is a taxpayer deselected, the transaction is domestic, and the document contains
items added that are subject to reverse charge, a message with a warning and a question about a change of the
transaction type appears. If the selected answer is Yes, Customer is a taxpayer parameter is selected. The answer
does not cause the document to be saved without the changes. If the Cancel option is selected, the document is not
saved and no changes are made in the document.

Figure 1.76 Sales order: Warning during approval of document no. 3.

Module: Orders 125 Version 2016.2
If the document has the Customer is a taxpayer deselected, the transaction is domestic, and the document contains
items added that are subject to reverse charge with the R.c. limit parameter selected in the item sheet, a message
with a warning that the limit of the reverse order is exceeded and a question about a change of the transaction type
appears. If the selected answer is Yes, the Customer is a taxpayer parameter is selected. The answer does not cause
the document to be saved without the changes. If the Cancel option is selected, the document is not saved and no
changes are made in the document.

From ZS documents with the “Customer is a taxpayer ” type, the following documents can be generated:

1. From a ZS document for which a FEL document has been created, WM, ZWM, PA, FSE, and WZE documents
can be generated;

2. From a ZS document for which a FSL document has been created, FS, WZ, WM, ZWM, and PA documents
can be generated;
From a ZS document for which advance documents have not been created, FS, WZ, RW, WM, ZWM, PA, FSE, WZE,
and FW documents can be generated.

1.19 Scenarios

The following chapter describes the basic scenarios of actions, which can be performed while working with the
module: Orders. The descriptions of those actions contain many references to the above description of particular
windows, which will be useful while performing specified activities.

1.19.1 Registering inquiry

Inquiry registration is the first activity performed while doing the turnover by the method of order. The module:
Orders, in response to the users’ needs, allows to omit this phase, just like the next phase – the offer, because placing
an order is not always preceded by submitting an inquiry or placing an offer.
Below are the following steps to register an inquiry:
 Open the window: Inquiry by

 clicking on the button: [Menu of available documents], located next to the icon: [New
purchase order]. From the dropped down submenu, select the item: Purchase inquiry or Sales inquiry,
 in the window: List of inquiries, in the tab Inquiries/Sales or Inquiries/Purchase, click on the button:

[Add inquiry] or press the key: <Insert> on the keyboard.

The opened window must be filled in according to the instruction described in the chapter: 0 In SOI, POI, SQ, PQ, SO,
PO, and IO documents, the list of customers is limited to the compatible types of customers after clicking the
Representative button. Sales inquiries may have two forms:
 Purchase inquiry – this document registers an inquiry to buy from a customer.
 Sales inquiry – this document registers an inquiry to sell an item to a customer.
The inquiries have the same layouts of tabs and are described together. The differences between the documents
result from their purpose which should be taken into consideration when reading the description below.
It should also be noted that a purchase inquiry can be generated from a sales inquiry. More information can be
found in the chapter: How to create the purchase inquiry from the sales inquiry.
Inquiry including the specification of sales inquiry and purchase inquiry.

Once the fields are filled in, click on the button: [Save changes].
The inquiry will be registered and added to the list of inquiries.

Module: Orders 126 Version 2016.2

1.19.2 How to create the purchase inquiry from the sales inquiry
After registering the sales inquiry (from the level of the tab: Inquires/Sales), it is possible to create the purchase
inquiry. Issued in such way the purchase inquiry will have the same content as the source sales inquiry.
To create the purchase inquiry from the sales inquiry:
 In the window: List of orders, in the tab: Inquires/Sales, select the sales inquiry from which the purchase
inquiry must be created.

 From the drop-down menu, using the button: (located next to the button: ) choose the function:
Purchase inquiry
 The purchase inquiry will be created, in which the content will be transferred from the sales inquiry.

 After entering the data to the purchase inquiry, press the button: [save changes]. The new inquiry
will be registered in the inquires list on the purchase side (tab: Inquires/Purchase).

1.19.3 Making changes in inquiry

The changes can be made in inquiry, only if the inquiry has not been previously converted into an offer.
Below are the following steps to make changes in inquiry:
 Open the window: Inquiry (to be edited) by selecting that inquiry on the list and

 clicking on the button: [Change] or

 select the option: Change, from the context menu (dropped down with the right mouse button);
 Insert changes in the opened window: Sales/purchase inquiry.

 Save the inserted changes by clicking on the button: [Save changes].

1.19.4 Deleting inquiry

An inquiry can be deleted from the list of inquiries, only if that inquiry has not been previously converted into an
Below are the following steps to delete the inquiry from the list:
 On the list of inquiries, select an inquiry to be deleted (a multiselect mode, in which the inquiries are
displayed, allows to select many items simultaneously),

 click on the button: [Delete] or

 select the option: Delete, from the context menu (dropped down with the right mouse button).

 You will be asked to confirm the deletion. If you click on the button: , the selected

item/items will be deleted. The button: cancels the operation.

Note: An inquiry on the basis of which a quote has been created cannot be deleted.

1.19.5 Converting inquiry into offer

The inquiry can be converted into an offer for each registered inquiry.

Below are the following steps to convert the inquiry into an offer:
 On the list of inquiries, select an inquiry which must be converted into an offer.

 Click on the button: [Convert into offer]. The window: Sales/purchase offer, will be displayed,
depending on a type of selected inquiry.

Module: Orders 127 Version 2016.2

 In the opened window: Sales offer (or Purchase offer), fill in the fields according to the description in
chapter: 1.9 Sales/purchase offer, including the specification of sales and purchase inquiry.

 Once the fields have been filled in, click on the button: [Save changes]. A new offer will be registered
on the list of offers.

1.19.6 Registering offer

Sales offer is registered by:
 converting an inquiry into an offer (chapter: 1.19.5 Converting inquiry into offer),
 registering a new offer.

Below are the following steps to register a new offer:

 Open the window: Sales offer by

 clicking on the button: [Menu of available documents], located next to the icon: [New
purchase order]. From the dropped down submenu select the item: Sales offer or Purchase offer, or

 in the window: List of offers, in the tab: Offers/Sales or Offers/Purchase, click on the button:
[New] or press the key: <Insert> on the keyboard.
 The opened window must be filled in according to the instruction described in chapter: 1.9 Sales/purchase
offer, including the specification of sales offer and purchase offer.

 Once the fields are filled in, click on the button: [Save changes]. A new sales offer will be registered
and added to the list of sales offers.

1.19.7 How to create sales offer from the purchase offer

After registering and confirmation of the purchase offer, it is possible to create the sales offer. Sales prices in the
created offer will be determined as standard, on the basis of the default price-list. Prices from the source purchase
offer will be visible in the sales offer as the base prices, according to which the margin is calculated.
To create the sales offer from the purchase offer:
 In the window: List of orders, in tab: Offers/Purchase, select the confirmed offer, from which the sales offer
will be created

 From the drop down menu, using the button: , (located next to the button: ), choose the function:
Sales offer
 The sales offer will be created. To this offer, the articles from the source sales offer will be transferred.

 To save the created sales offer, Press the button: [Save changes]. The offer will be registered and
available from the orders list level, from the tab: Offers/Sales.

Note: It is impossible to delete a purchase quote, if a sales quote was created from such
a quote.

1.19.8 Preparing different variants of offer

The module: Orders, anticipates different variants of offers. It means that one offer can have many variants. For
example: the same article may be proposed in different prices, or in different quantities. It is also possible to propose
different types of the same article, e.g. TV sets from different producers, or cars with different equipment.
A new variant of offer can be registered in the window: Sales/purchase offer in the tab: General.

Below are the following steps to register a new variant of offer:

Module: Orders 128 Version 2016.2

 In the window: Sales/purchase offer, in the tab: General, next to the field: Variant, click on the button:
[Select variant of offer],
 from the dropped down list box, select an item: <New variant>. The question, presented below on the
Figure 1.77 Inquiry about registering a new variant of offer., will be displayed.

Figure 1.77 Inquiry about registering a new variant of offer.

 The button: [Yes] will generate a new offer, which is identical as the offer that was being edited while
generating a new variant. The only changes, which will be inserted in a new offer, are: the number of offer
(the first free number for the same series will be given) and the drafting date (the current date will be
inserted). Such created offer can be freely modified.
 The button: [No] will generate a new offer, which header will be the same as the header of the previous
offer (i.e. partner, global discount, payment form etc.). Drafting date will be changed and a new number
will be given. The offer will not contain any items. All items must be inserted manually.
 The button: [Cancel] will cancel the operation and return to the original offer.
 Select one of the buttons: [Yes] or [No], enter the necessary data in the opened window and register a new

variant of offer by clicking on the button: [Save changes].

 All such created variants of offer, can be completely independent – they can be assigned to different
operators, they may contain different elements etc.
 All the variants, which have been created for a given offer, can be displayed in the field: Variant, in the tab:
General. The item: <New variant> will always be displayed on this list.

1.19.9 Confirming variants of offer

Offer confirmation depends on two parameters:
 The right to confirm a document
 Confirm offer automatically.
The parameters are defined in document definition of sales offer and purchase offer. Definitions of those documents
can be found in the module: Administrator, in the window: Document definitions.

Module: Orders 129 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.78 Selected parameters: Right to confirm document and Confirm offer automatically.

Depending on defining of those parameters, there are two possible situations:

 if the parameters are selected, the variant of offer is always confirmed – regardless of the status the offer
has: confirmed, unconfirmed or rejected.

Note: If a confirmed variant of a quote is generated, a confirming operator will be

displayed as the operator who created the new variant of the quote (window:
Sales/purchase quote, tab: Header, field: Confirmed by).

If the parameters are not selected, the variant of offer is always unconfirmed (regardless of its status).

1.19.10 Converting offer into order

Offer can be converted into order, only if the converted offer is confirmed.

Below are the following steps to convert a purchase offer into order:
 On the list of offers, select a sales/purchase offer which must be converted into sales/purchase order.

 Click on the button: [Convert into order] or from the context menu (dropped down with the right
mouse button) select the item: Convert into order. A window: Sales/purchase order will be displayed
(depending on a type of offer out of which the order was generated).
 In the opened window fill in the fields according to the description in chapter: Sales/purchase order,
including specification of sales order and purchase order.

 Once the fields are filled in, click on the button: [Save changes]. A new order will be registered on
the list of orders.

Module: Orders 130 Version 2016.2

Note: Multiple orders can be generated to one quote. It is determined by the “Allow
multiple orders” parameter in Purchase quote / Sales quote form. This parameter is by
default set according to the Quote definition (“Allow generating multiple orders”
parameter) of a given centre. The operator may check/uncheck this parameter in the
SQ/PQ form.

1.19.11 Registering sales/purchase order

A sales/purchase order can be registered as a new order without submitting the inquiry or an offer. It can also be
registered after placing such inquiry or offer. In such situation, the items are transferred to order by converting the
offer to order. The transferred data can still be changed. It can happen that some values in a specified order, are
modified in comparison to the values saved in the offer (e.g. article prices).
A new sales order can be registered by:
 converting offer to sales/purchase order,
 registering a new order.
Below are the following steps to register a new sales/purchase order:
 Open the window: Sales/purchase order by:

 clicking on the button: [New purchase order], or the button: [Menu of available documents]
and from the dropped down submenu, select the item: Sales order or

 in the window: List of orders, in the tab Orders/Sales or Orders/Purchase, click on the button:
[New] or press the key: <Insert> on the keyboard.
 The opened window must be filled in according to the instruction described in the chapter: Sales/purchase

 Once the fields are filled in, click on the button: [Save changes]. The new order will be registered and
added to the list of orders.

1.19.12 Generating purchase order out of sales order

During your work with the module: Orders, we may receive an order for an article which quantity will not be entirely
available in stock. In such situation, it is necessary to purchase the missing quantity. The module: Orders, anticipates
the possibility to generate a new purchase order out of a sales order. This function accelerates the turnover process
by transferring the data, resulting from sales order, automatically to purchase order. Purchase order cannot be
generated out of executed sales order (executed order is marked in maroon).
Below are the following steps to generate purchase order out of sales order:
 On the list of sales orders, select an order, out of which a purchase order must be generated; To select an
order, use the left or the right mouse button or press the key: <Space> on the keyboard;

 Click on the button: [Type of document], located next to the icon: [Convert into sales invoice]. From
the dropped down list box, select the item: Purchase order. A window: [Select optimization method of the
list of orders] will be displayed;
 Choose a method by selecting one of the described fields.

Module: Orders 131 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.79 Selecting optimization method of the list of orders.

 The optimization methods depend on the way the tab: Partners, is filled in, in the window: Article card, for
an article – the object of transaction.
 The available optimization methods are the following:
 minimum number of deliverers – by selecting this function, a newly created purchase order will have
a default set partner, registered in the card of the ordered article (window: Article card, tab: Partners).
If there are few partners entered in the tab, then the partner, who is the first in the alphabetical order,
will be inserted in a new purchase order.
 the lowest price offered by deliverers – by selecting this function, a partner, who in the card of the
ordered article was entered as a deliverer offering the lowest price, will be inserted in a new purchase
 include a default deliverer for article – by selecting this option, a partner, who in the card of the
ordered article was entered as a suggested deliverer, will be inserted in a new purchase order.
 the shortest delivery time – by selecting this option, a partner, who in the card of the ordered article
was entered as a deliverer offering the shortest delivery time, will be inserted in a new purchase order.
 one order – if a purchase order is generated out of many selected sales orders, this parameter decides,
whether only one purchase order grouping the source items or many orders will be generated out of
those orders – adequately to the source orders.
Include items – this option is active also when all the selected SOs are unconfirmed documents.
 All – the order will be created for all items of the source order, irrespective from their state.
 Unexecuted – the created order will include only those items of the source order, that have non-zero
unexecuted quantities (reservations are existing)
 Unexecuted without reserved resources – the created order will contain the unexecuted items of the
source order, excluding the unexecuted quantities with assigned resources
 Generate orders only for articles with a defined deliverer – this option allows to generate an order only for
the articles with a deliverer defined in their card. If a deliverer is not defined, a purchase order will be
generated only for the other articles (with a defined deliverer). If a sales order contains only articles without
a defined deliverer, a purchase order will not be generated at all.

Module: Orders 132 Version 2016.2

 Group items in order – by selecting this option, the items, from the source sales order, will be grouped in a
purchase order. By deselecting this option, the items and the quantities will be copied the same way they
were registered in the order.

 Once the optimization method has been selected, click on the button: [Convert]. A new purchase
order will be added to the list of purchase orders, which will be announced by the message presented on
the Figure 1.80 Message about generating a new purchase order out of sales order..

Figure 1.80 Message about generating a new purchase order out of sales order.

In order to enter data to a new order, select the tab: Purchase and indicate the order, which was generated out of

sales order. Click on the button: [Change]. The window: Purchase order, will be displayed. Enter the data
which is necessary to submit a correct purchase order. The method, by which the window must be filled in, has been
described in chapter: Sales/purchase order.
If you change article code in the purchase order, which was generated out of sales order, the system will display the
message informing that the elements of both orders have been connected. By clicking on the button:
 Yes – that connection will be disconnected and a new code of article will be entered to the element of
purchase order (if the element of sales order remains unchanged).
 No – the connection will not be disconnected and a new code of article will be entered to the element of
purchase. A new article will also be entered to the element of the source sales order.

1.19.13 How to create the purchase order from the internal order
The purchase order can be created from the internal order. This functionality is useful in the situation, when for
example in the branch was the internal order was placed for the center, and the center, for requirements of this
order places the order at the supplier.
To create the purchase order from the internal order:
 In the window: List of orders (in the tab: Orders/Internal), select the order, from which the purchase order
must be created.

 From the drop-down menu, using the button: (located next to the button: ), choose the function:
Purchase order
 The window: Creating of order, will be displayed. In the window choose the optimization method for the
created order. In the window, the same option of the optimization are active, that are available, when the
purchase order is created from the sales order. (description is available in the chapter: 1.19.12 Generating
purchase order out of sales order)

 After clicking in the window: Creating of orders, the button: [Convert], the purchase order will be
created, according to defined optimization options.

1.19.14 How to create the purchase order from the reservations balance
After creating the reservation balance for the indicated group of articles may be necessary to issue the purchase
order for the missing, but reserved articles.
Module: Orders 133 Version 2016.2
To issue the purchase order from the reservation balance:
 After creating the reservation balance and indicating the quantities in the column: Order – Quantity, press

the button: [Create purchase order] (this option is available also by selecting from the drop down

menu using the button: , function: Create purchase order).

 In the displayed window: Create of order, will be displayed the optimization methods for the created order
and other parameters of the order:
Minimum quantity of suppliers.
Lowest price offered by suppliers (records on the article card are included, in the tab: Partners) – e.g. if the
balance Has many items for which the order will be created, and for the each article the suppliers will be
offer the lowest price, than the many orders will be created – adequately for each partner.
Include the default supplier for the article (records from the article card are included in the tab: Partners)
Shortest delivery term (records from the article card are included in the tab: Partners)
One order – checking this option decides, that one order will be created for all items.
Include items – options in this section are inactive, when the purchase order is created from the article
Create orders only for articles witch determined supplier – it allows to create the orders for the articles,
that have the determined supplier (setting from the article card is used).
Group items on the order - this parameter is used for grouping the same items on the order.

 After determining those parameters, click the button: [Convert]. The purchase order will be created.

1.19.15 How to cancel the purchase/sales order

Confirmed, but unexecuted order can be canceled.
To cancel the purchase/sales order:
 On the list of order, select the order that will be canceled.
 From the drop-down menu, with right button of the mouse select the function: Cancel
 The window will be displayed with a massage asking for resignation from executing the order. To cancel the
order, select the option: Yes.

Figure 1.81 Massage asking for resignation from executing the order.

 After selecting the option: Yes, the window with cancel options for the order will be displayed.

Module: Orders 134 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.82 Window with canceling option for the order.

 After selecting the chosen options, click the button: [Cancel document]. To indication the reason of
the document canceling, the fiasco codes can be used, that are defined in the window: Category
dictionaries. The order will be canceled. The number of the canceled order will be displayed on the list of
orders with gray color.
It is impossible to cancel the order, when:
 The order is not confirmed
 The order is executed.

1.19.16 Generating internal order out of sales order

An internal order which is generated out of sales order, allows to deliver the missing article (which therefore cannot
be sold to a partner) to the source warehouse, indicated in SOR.
Below are the following steps to generate an internal order out of sales order:
 On the list of orders, in the tab: Sales, indicate an order, for which the internal order must be generated.

 Click on the button: , located next to the icon: or (depending on a type of selected transaction:
domestic or other) and from the dropped down menu, select the option: Internal order.
 A window: Internal order will be displayed. Fill in the window according to the description in the chapter:
1.11 Internal order. A target warehouse, which in sales order is the source warehouse, will be default
indicated in the generated IO:
Include items
 All – the order will be created for all items of the source order, irrespective from their state.
 Unexecuted – the created order will include only those items of the source order, that have non-zero
unexecuted quantities (reservations are existing)
 Unexecuted without reserved resources – the created order will contain the unexecuted items of the
source order, excluding the unexecuted quantities with assigned resources
 generate orders only for articles with a defined deliverer – this option allows to generate an order only
for the articles with a deliverer defined in their card. If a deliverer is not defined, a purchase order will
be generated only for the other articles (with a defined deliverer). If a sales order contains only articles
without a defined deliverer, a purchase order will not be generated at all.
 group items in order – by selecting this option, the items, from the source sales order, will be grouped
in a purchase order. By deselecting this option, the items and the quantities will be copied the same
way they were registered in the order

 When clicking in the window: Create order, button: [Save changes] the window will be displayed:
Internal order, that must be filled according to the description represented in the chapter: 1.11 Internal
order. On the created INTERNAL ORDER, the target warehouse will be indicated by default, which is the
source warehouse on the sales order.

Module: Orders 135 Version 2016.2

1.19.17 How to create internal order out of few sales orders
In the system, it is possible to create the INTERNAL ORDER not only from one, but also from many sales orders.
To create INTERNAL ORDER from many ZS:
 In the window: List of orders, in the tab: Sales, select the orders, from which the internal order will be

 From drop-down menu using the button: (located next to the button: ) select the function: Internal
 The window: Create orders, will be displayed, in which the method of including the items from the source
orders is indicated. In the window the same options are active like in the in the window which is displayed
when the INTERNAL ORDER is created from one sales order. (description is available in the chapter: 1.19.16
Generating internal order out of sales order)

 After clicking in the window: Create orders, the button: [Save changes] the window: Internal order,
will be displayed, which must be filled according to description in the chapter: 1.11 Internal order.

1.19.18 Generating sales order out of purchase order

Just like purchase order can be generated out of sales order, a sales order can be generated out of purchase order,
as well. The sales orders can also be generated only out of unexecuted orders.
Below are the following steps to generate a sales order out of purchase order:
 On the list of purchase orders, select an order out of which a sales order must be generated.

 Click on the button: [Type of document], located next to the icon: [Convert into purchase invoice]
and from the dropped down list box select the option: Sales order. A window: Sales order, will be opened.
 Fill in the window according to the description in chapter: Sales/purchase order.

 Once the fields are filled in, click on the button: [Save changes]. A new sales order will be registered
and added to the list of sales orders.

1.19.19 Registering correction to order

The document: correction to order, allows to change the registered sales orders or purchase orders. The correction
creates a new order on the basis of the unexecuted items of corrected order. The reservations, which result from
that order, are cancelled and new reservations, which result from the correction, are created.
In order to check the stocks of article before fulfilling an order, in the tab: General of the order which is being
executed, from the drop-down menu: Quantities, select the option: Unexecuted. (1.12 Correction of the order ).

Below are the following steps to register a correction to order:

 On the list of sales or purchase orders (depending on a type order, to which the correction must refer)
select a corrected order;

 Click on the button: [Order correction]. If sales order is corrected, the window: Sales order, will be
opened. If purchase order is corrected, the window: Purchase order, will be opened.
 Fill in the fields in the opened window according to the description in chapter: Sales/purchase order. This
will cause that the correction will be registered as the new order and then will be added the new order to
the list of sales or purchase orders.

 Once the fields are filled in, click on the button: [Save changes]. The correction will be registered as
a new order which then will be added to the list of sales or purchase orders.

Note: The information about sets is not carried over to elements of correction while
creating a correction to an order.

Module: Orders 136 Version 2016.2

1.19.20 Registering correction to few orders
The module: Orders, allows to draft one correction to a few orders. Such correction creates a new order on the basis
of unexecuted items of corrected orders. It also closes the corrected orders for such quantities which result out of
the executed items.
During the edition of the order correction document, it is import ant to remember about the remarks regarding such
document, contained in the chapter:1.12 Correction of the order.
Registration of the correction for many orders is possible from the level of the window: List of orders and from the
window: Partner’s history.

Correction created from the window: Partner’s history

To register the correction for many orders from the window: Partner’s history:

 in the menu: Lists, select the item: List of partners or click on the button: [List of partners], which is
located on toolbar;
 from the displayed list of partners, select a partner, for whom such correction will be drafted and click on
the button: [Partner’s history], which is located on toolbar. The window, presented on the will be
displayed . Figure 1.83 Partner’s history including the list of active orders.

Figure 1.83 Partner’s history including the list of active orders.

 In the window: Partner’s history, select the horizontal tab - Orders. This tab includes the vertical tabs: Sales
and Purchase. Select one of those tabs, depending on a type of orders, to which the correction must be

 In the vertical tab: Sales or Purchase, next to the field: Documents, click on the button: [Select execution
status] and from the dropped down list box, select the item: Active Ord. (Active orders).
 On the displayed list of documents, select the documents, to which a correction must be drafted. To select
a document, indicate it and press the key: <Space> on the keyboard or click on the left mouse button. To
select more documents, you need to hold the key: <Ctrl> during this operation.
Module: Orders 137 Version 2016.2
 Once the documents have been selected, click on the button: [Correction of selected orders]. If sales
orders are corrected, the window: Sales order, will be displayed. If purchase orders are corrected, the
window: Purchase order, will be displayed.
 Fill in the opened window according to the description in chapter: Sales/purchase order. The filled in order
will be the correction to many orders.

 Enter the necessary data and save it by clicking on the button: [Save changes]. The correction of
order will be registered as a new order which then will be added to the list of sales or purchase orders.

Correction for many orders created from window: List of orders

To create the correction for many orders:
 Open the window: List of orders (in the tab: Sales or Purchase)
 On the list of orders select the orders, from which the correction must be created (the source orders should
have the same partner)

 Click the button: [Correction of the order] or choose from the drop-down menu the function:
 The window: Order (sales or purchase) will be created which must be filled according to the description in
the chapter: 1.10 Sales/purchase order.
 When editing the order correction document, it important to remember about the remarks regarding such
document, included in the chapter:1.12 Correction of the order.

 After saving the data, the order can be saved by clicking the button: [Save changes].

1.19.21 Generating document out of sales order

A document can be created only out of positively confirmed order. Positive confirmation is performed in the window:
Sales order, in the tab: Confirmation. (More information can be found in chapter – Window: Sales order, tab:
Below are the following documents, which can be generated out of sales order:
 sales invoice
 external release
 internal expense
 warehouse release
 cash-desk receipt
 purchase order
 assembling job
 export invoice
 export release
 internal invoice
 internal order
 purchase order
 assembling job
 production job
Below are the following steps to create a document out of sales order:
 On the list of sales orders, select an order, out of which a document must be created;

 Click on the button: [Type of document], located next to the button: [onvert to sales invoice]. From
the dropped down list box, select a name of a document you want to create.
Once the document has been selected, the program:

Module: Orders 138 Version 2016.2

 creates a header of a new document by giving to it a consecutive number, inserting a partner and setting
all the parameters, accordingly to the order,
 analyses all items of orders and checks, for each one of them, if the item, on a trade document, can be
created (e.g. if the needed quantity of article is in stock). If a given item can be created, it will be created
according to a particular item of order (quantity, prices, amount of discount) and the reservation, which
was automatically created by order the moment it was confirmed, will be liquidated,
 generates particular payments after generating the specified elements (payments are generated according
to the settings in the tab: Payments, in the window: Sales order). The payments are generated, if the
parameter: Generate payments, is selected in definition of a given document (SI, ER) and it the rights
If any errors occur during conversion, e.g. the quantity of article runs out, a list of messages presented on the Figure
1.84 Window with the list of messages displayed while generating a document out of sales order., will be displayed.
If conversion has been successfully performed, without any errors, a window for the document, which
was to be generated out of order, will be displayed.

Note: If the field: Calculate values while converting orders into invoices, is unchecked
in order definition and the price/value is changed while generating an item (e.g. if the
field: quantity, price, value and price to two decimal places, is selected in definitions
of documents which are to be generated), a warning about the change will be displayed
in log.

Figure 1.84 Window with the list of messages displayed while generating a document out of sales order.

Note: If in (sales/purchase) order, an item is indicated in auxiliary unit, the entry will be
grouped in the same unit in a generated invoice (e.g. if the same item is contained in few
entries in an order, but in different auxiliary units, those items will be grouped by the
units indicated in the order).

The resources, assigned to the reservations which are clipped with order, will be collected while generating a trade
document out of order.

Module: Orders 139 Version 2016.2

Calculating the amount on the sales invoice created from the sales order
When creating the sales invoice from the sales order (the sales order must be selected on the list of orders using the
field: ), in the window: Conversion of the orders, will be chosen the option: Grouping the order items
according to article code (parameter according to precision of the price must unchecked).
The prices on the created sales invoice will be calculated again (according to the price from the article card).
When processing the order to the sales invoice the appropriate massage will be displayed informing about this
process, if in the sales order document the parameter: Calculate values when creating the orders, will be selected.

Figure 1.85 Massage informing about calculating the prices determined on the order.

1.19.22 Generating document out of purchase order

A document can be created only out of positively confirmed order. Positive confirmation is performed in the window:
Purchase order, in tab: Confirmation.
Below are the following documents, which can be generated out of purchase order:
 purchase invoice
 external acceptance
 internal revenue
 warehouse acceptance
 sales order
 import invoice
 external import acceptance
Below are the following steps to create a document out of a purchase order:
 On the list of purchase orders, select an order, out of which a document must be created;

 Click on the button: [Type of document], which is located next to the button: [Convert into purchase
invoice]. From the dropped down list box, select a name of a document you want to create.
Once the document has been selected, the program:
 creates a header of a new document by giving to it a consecutive number, inserting a partner and setting
all parameters accordingly to the order;
 analyses all items of order and checks, for each one of them, if the item, in a trade document, can be
created. If a given item can be created, it is created according to a particular item of order (quantity, prices,
amount of discount);
 generates particular payments after generating specified elements (payments are generated according to
the settings in tab: Payments, in the window: Purchase order). Payments will be generated, if the
parameter: Generate payments, is selected in definition of a given document (SI, ER) and in the rights
structure - if conversion has been successfully performed, without any errors, a window for the document,
which was to be generated out of order, will be displayed.

Module: Orders 140 Version 2016.2

Note: If the field: Calculate values of items while converting orders into invoices, is
unchecked in order definition and the price/value is changed while generating an item
(e.g. if the field: quantity, price, value and price to two decimal places, is selected in
definitions of documents which are to be generated), a warning about the change will be
displayed in log.

1.19.23 How to create the warehouse document out of the sales order
A warehouse document can be created only on the basis of a positively confirmed order.
Below are the following steps to create a warehouse document out of sales order:
 On the list of sales orders, select an order, on the basis of which a warehouse document must be created;

 Click on the button: [Type of document], which is located next to the button: [Convert to sales
invoice]. From the dropped down list box, select the item: Warehouse release. The process of conversion
to the document: Warehouse acceptance, will be run. If any errors occur during conversion (failed to create
a warehouse document), a list of messages about these problems will be displayed.
 During conversion, the window: List of warehouses, will be displayed. The window allows to select a
warehouse, from which a warehouse release is performed (if the following parameter is set: Sales from
warehouse, on value: All items from one warehouse or All items from default warehouse, the window will
not be displayed). The warehouse, in a new document: Warehouse release, will be inserted as default.

 Select a warehouse by clicking on the button: [Select] or press the key: <Enter> on the keyboard.
Conversion process will continue. The window: Warehouse release, will be displayed. Fill in the window and

save the entered data by clicking on the button: [Save].

When creating the warehouse document from the order will be taken those resources, which are assigned to the
reservations referred to this order. It is import ant to remember, that on the warehouse document created from the
order it is possible to add the new item – article that was not included on the order or the article, that was included
in the order, but the bigger quantity of this article was gave out than indicated. When creating the sales invoice such
elements will constitute the sub-elements that not realize the reservation (as tough as they were from increasing
the quantity on the Sales invoice).
If on the order were indicated the features of the article being the subject of the order (in the window: Element of
the order, in tab: General), the article accepted with this warehouse document will be also described with those
features. They can be modified on the specific WM document. Created WM document may be linked with the trading
document. It is possible to link many WM documents – but only, when those documents contain the same partner.

Note: It possible to create one trade document from warehouse documents linked with
various orders. The same conditions must be met as in the case of creating a trade
document from many orders. More information is available in the chapter: 1.19.25 How
to create the trading document out of many warehouse documents linked with different

1.19.24 How to create the warehouse document from the purchase order
A warehouse document can be created only on the basis of a positively confirmed order.
Below are the following steps to create a warehouse document out of purchase order:
 On the list of orders, select an order, on the basis of which a warehouse document must be created;

 Click on the button: [Type of document], which is located next to the button: [Convert into
purchase invoice]. From the dropped down list box, select the item: Warehouse acceptance. The process
of conversion to the document: Warehouse acceptance, will be run. If any errors occur during conversion
(a warehouse document was not created), a list of messages about these problems will be displayed.
 During conversion, the window: List of warehouses, will be displayed. Select a warehouse to which the
articles will be accepted. In a new document, this warehouse will be inserted as default.

Module: Orders 141 Version 2016.2

Note: If the parameter: All entries in document from one warehouse or All entries in
document from the default warehouse, is set in document definition (window: Document
definition PO, tab: Warehouses), the window: List of warehouses is not displayed.

 Select a warehouse by clicking on the button: [Select] or press the key: <Enter> on the keyboard.
Conversion process will continue. The window: Warehouse release, will be displayed. Fill in the window and

save the entered data by clicking on the button: [Save].

It is import ant to remember, that on the warehouse document created from the order it is possible to add the new
item – article that was not included on the order or the article, that was included in the order, but the bigger quantity
of this article was gave out than indicated.
If on the order were indicated the features of the article being the subject of the order (in the window: Element of
the order, in tab: General), the article accepted with this warehouse document will be also described with those
features. They can be modified on the specific PM document.

Note: It possible to create one trade document from warehouse documents linked with
various orders. The same conditions must be met as in the case of creating a trade
document from many orders. More information is available in the chapter:
How create a trade document from many warehouse documents linked with various

1.19.25 How to create the trading document out of many warehouse documents linked with
different orders
It is possible to create the trading document (revenue or expense) out of many warehouse documents that are linked
with different orders.
Example: There were two sales orders created for customer K1: one for the item T1 and the other for
the item T2. Separate WR- documents were created for these orders. The Comarch ERP XL system
can generate a trade document, SI, form these warehouse documents. The document includes items
released with these documents.

To create the trading document out of many warehouse documents must be fulfilled the same condition, when
creating one trading document out of many orders:
 Consistent document type (sales order, internal order, purchase order)
 Consistent document state (confirmed or executed)
 Consistent customer
 Consistent document net/gross flag
 Consistent owner
 Consistent method of order execution (Execute in full or not)
Creation of the trading document out of many warehouse document linked with different orders is possible also,
when for those orders (or one of those), the advance invoices were created. It is important to remember that the
system will not control the conformance of the accounted advance invoices with particular orders for which the
invoice was issued.
Creation of the trading document out of many warehouse documents linked with different orders can be performed
in following way:
 Open the window: List of trading and transport documents, and select the tab: Warehouse/Acceptances or
 Then, in the tab: Warehouse (Acceptances/Releases), select in the multiselect mode the warehouse
documents, from which the trading document must be created
Module: Orders 142 Version 2016.2
 After selecting the appropriate documents, click the button: and .
 The trading document will be created, that will include the items from the warehouses documents linked
with different orders.

1.19.26 How to create inter-warehouse movement (IWM) document out of sales order
The system has the functionality that allows to create the inter-warehouse movement document out of the sales
order. This functionality can be used in the situation, when for ex ample the sales order were taken from the
warehouse A. To execute this order, the article must be moved to this warehouse from warehouse B (or from
different branch). From sales order created inter-warehouse movement document, which not execute this order,
but only moves the article, optionally assigning to it the moved resources.
To create the inter-warehouse movement document out of sales order:
 On the list of orders, in the tab: Orders/Sales select the order from which the inter-warehouse movement
document must be created

 From the drop-down menu, using the button: (located next to the button: ) choose the option: Inter
warehouse movement
 The window: Source warehouse, will be created. In this window the source warehouse is indicated, in other
words the warehouse from which the resources will be taken to the target warehouse (source on the sales
order from which the inter-warehouse movement document is created).

1.19.27 How to create the inter-warehouse movement (IWM) document out of internal order
To create the inter-warehouse movement document out of internal order, the following activities must be
 On the internal document list (the window: List of offers and orders, tab: Orders/Internal), select internal
order document out of which the inter-warehouse movement document must be created

 Click on the button: , Or from the drop-down menu using the right button of the mouse select the
function: Convert to inter-warehouse movement document
 The IWM document will be created, that include the same items like on the source order. The description
of the IWM document is available in the documentation of the module: Sales

1.19.28 How to create the inter-warehouse movement (IWM) document out of many internal
To create the IWM document out of many internal orders:
The creation of the IWM document out of many internal orders is possible when they have common source and
target addresses.
 On the list of orders, in the tab Orders/Sales, select the orders out of which the document IWM must be

 Click on the button: , Or from the drop-down menu using the right button of the mouse select the
function: Convert to IWM document
 The window: Conversion of the order will be displayed, in which the method of grouping the order items
may be determined.

Module: Orders 143 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.86 Window in which the grouping method of the internal orders items is determined.

 After determining the method of the orders grouping, press the button: . The IWM document will be
 The created document will include the items from the source internal orders grouped according to options
indicated in the window: Conversion of the orders (e.g. the orders contain the same article, and in the
window: Conversion of the orders, the option: Grouping the order items according to article code, was
selected, then on the IWM document this article will be included in one item – otherwise on the IWM
document the article will be included in the separate items in the quantities referred to the items on the
orders). The description of the IWM document is available in the documentation of the Sales module.

1.19.29 Generating assembling job out of internal order

An assembling job, which is generated out of internal order, facilitates delivering of a product into a source
warehouse, indicated in order of the missing product.
Below are the following steps to generate an assembling job out of the internal order:
 In the window: List of orders, in the tab: Internal, indicate an order into which an assembling job must be

 Click on the button: and from the dropped down menu, select the option: Assembling job.
 A window: Assembling job will be displayed. Fill in the window according to description in the module:
Production. A source warehouse, from the internal order out of which the job was generated, will by default
be the target warehouse in a new job.

1.19.30 Generating IMI out of purchase order

IMI document can be generated only out of a confirmed purchase order with one of the following types of
 Intra-community,
 Other foreign (outside EU).
Moreover, a parameter: Include service SAD/ISI (in the tab: Header) must be selected on order.
Below are the following steps to generate IMI out of purchase order:
 On the list of orders, select an order into which IMI must be generated

 Click on the button: [Convert into purchase IMI invoice] or

 from the context menu (dropped down with the right mouse button after selecting the order out of which
IMI must be generated) select the option: Convert into IMI document.

The following issues should be taken into consideration when generating an IMI from a purchase order:
 The currency in a generated IMI can be edited. When the currency is changed, rounding up may result in

Module: Orders 144 Version 2016.2

 It is not possible to generate an IMI from a purchase order if the order is related to an IPOR document.
 It is not possible to cancel/close an order if the handling is not finished, i.e. the IPOR that is the last
document in the PO>IMI>AC/SII-PII>IPOR path was not confirmed.

1.19.31 Generating IMI out of many purchase orders

Just like in case of generating IMI out of purchase order, the document IMI can also be generated out of many orders,
providing that:
 the orders are confirmed and their type of transaction is defined as:
 Intra-community,
 Other foreign (outside EU)
 the parameter: Include service SAD/ISI (in the tab: Header) is selected on the orders
 the orders have the common partner
 the orders have the same currency and the currency rate.
In order to generate the document IMI document out of many orders, indicate particular orders on the list of orders

and select the function: [Convert into import invoice]. This function is also available from the menu dropped
down with the right mouse button.
The option grouping the elements will be unavailable while generating IMI out of many orders (that is, if the same
article is included in the source orders, that article will be included separately on each item of the document IMI -
adequately to a given order).

Note: It is not possible to cancel/close an order if the handling is not finished, i.e. the
IPOR that is the last document in the PO>IMI>AC/SII-PII>IPOR path was not confirmed.

1.19.32 Generating EIA out of purchase order

The document EIA can be generated only out of a confirmed purchase order with one of the following type of
 Intra-community,
 Other foreign (outside EU).
Moreover, the parameter: Include service SAD/ISI (in the tab: Header) must be selected on order.
Below are the following steps to generate EIA out of purchase order:
 on the list of orders, select an order into which EIA must be generated

 select the function: External import acceptance from the menu dropped down with the button: (located

next to the button: ).

The element EIA, which is generated out of purchase order, will contain a tab: Calculation, just like EIA generated
manually (as the first document in the path of documenting the import purchases). More information about the
document EIA document can be found in the manual of the module: Import.

1.19.33 Generating EIA out of many purchase orders

Just like in case of generating EIA out of one purchase order, the document EIA can also be generated out of many
purchase orders, providing that:
 the orders are confirmed and their type of transaction is defined as:
 Intra-community,
 Other foreign (outside EU)
 the parameter: Include service SAD/ISI (in the tab: Header) is selected on the orders
 the orders have the common partner
 the orders have the same currency and the currency rate.
Module: Orders 145 Version 2016.2
Below are the following steps to generate EIA out of purchase order:
 on the list of orders, select the orders into which EIA must be generated

 select the function: External import acceptance, from the menu dropped down with the button: (located

next to the button: ).

Just like in case of generating IMI out of many orders, the option grouping the items is not available while generating
EIA out of many orders. One element of EIA will correspond to one element of order.
The element of EIA, generated out of purchase order, will have a tab: Calculation, just like EIA generated manually
(as the first document in the path of documenting the import purchases). More information about the document
EIA can be found in the manual of the module: Import.

1.19.34 Generating one trade document out of many orders

In order to generate a trade document out of many orders,
the following conditions must be fulfilled:
 compatible type of document (SOR, IO, POR),
 compatible status of documents (confirmed or under execution),
 compatible customer,
 compatible flag Gross/Net of document,
 compatible owner,
 compatible method of executing the order (Execute entire order or not),
 no generated warehouse documents,
Creation of the trading document out of many orders is possible also when for those orders the advance invoices
were created. It is important to remember that the system will not control the conformity of the accounted advance
invoices with particular elements of the orders for which the invoice was issued.
Even though the main customer must be the same in the orders from which a trade document is generated, the
target customer may be different in these orders.
Below are the following steps to generate one trade document out of many orders:
 On the list of orders, select the orders out of which a trade document must be generated. Multiselect mode,
in which the orders are displayed, allows to select the orders.

Note: One trade document may be generated out of many orders also in the window:
Customer history (tab: Orders). In this case, select the orders out of which a trade
document is to be generated.

Module: Orders 146 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.87 Selecting the orders out of which a trade document will be generated.

 Click on the button: , , , , (depending on type of orders) or select a type of document

which must be generated by clicking on the button: [Menu of available options]. The process of
generating document out of many orders will begin and the window: Orders conversion, will be displayed.
 In the opened window, select a method of grouping the items of the order. In will affect further grouping
of the items of orders in a trade document. The next grouped items of orders will create the following sub-
elements to that item. If none grouping option is selected, each item of order will be assigned to a separate
item in a trade document. The items are sorted by order execution date from header.

Note: It is important to remember that when the option: Grouping the order items
according to the article code is selected in the window: Conversion of orders, the prices
for the items included in the trading document will be taken from the item card, not from
the source order.

Figure 1.88 Grouping the items of orders.

Module: Orders 147 Version 2016.2

 Once the necessary options have been selected, click on the button: [Confirm]. A trade document
with the items from the selected orders, will be generated, the example on the: Figure 1.89 Trade document
generated out of many orders.. The description of trade documents can be found in the module: Sales.

Figure 1.89 Trade document generated out of many orders.

Note: Creation of the one trading document out of many orders is possible also when the
orders were issued by different centres.

1.19.35 Drafting advance invoice to order

Below are the following steps to draft an advance invoice:
 confirm the order in the window: Sales order or in the window: Purchase order (depending on a type of
order for which the advance invoice must be drafted), in the tab: Confirmation.
 In the tab: Payments/Advances, in the panel: Payment plan, select a payment for which an advance invoice
must be drafted, by selecting the field, located next to the payment, with the left mouse button or by

pressing the key <Space> on the keyboard and click on the button: [New].
 The window: Payment to order, will be displayed.
 Fill in the window according to the description in chapter: 1.14 Payment to offer/order and select the field:
Advance to invoice.

 Fill in the window and save the changes by clicking on the button: [Save changes]. The advance,
which is the base for drafting the advance invoice, will be added to the list of payments.

 In the tab: Payments/Advances, in the panel: Advance invoices, click on the button: [Add invoice on
the basis of advances]. The window: Advance sales invoice or the window: Advance purchase invoice, will
be displayed (Figure 1.90 Advance sales invoice.), depending on a type of order on which the advance for
payment has been drafted.

Module: Orders 148 Version 2016.2

Fill in the window and save the entered data by clicking on the button: [Save changes].

Figure 1.90 Advance sales invoice.

Note: It is possible to create an advance invoice for a partially executed order.

More information about the advance invoices is available in chapters: 1.15 Advance invoices and 1.16 Advance
invoice – window description
Below are the following steps to generate a production job out of sales order:
 on the list of sales orders, indicate an order into which a production job must be generated.

 drop down the menu with the button: (located next to the button: or - depending on a type
of transaction defined for the order: domestic/ intra-community/ other foreign) and select the function:
Production job.
 The Generating orders optimisation window is shown and should be saved.
 Then the Select orders generation method window is displayed with the following options:
 All entries in one order
 Each entry in a different order
 After the selection is confirmed, an order with all entries is generated or multiple orders are generated.
 A resource from INR, which is generated out of production job, will be automatically clipped with
reservation, which is generated for the source sales order (providing that this is a non-resource reservation).

Module: Orders 149 Version 2016.2

1.19.36 How to generate WM documents from the ZS for several warehouses at the same
time when an order contains elements with different warehouses

If an order contains elements with different warehouses, it is possible to issue items from several warehouses at the
same time. After the Warehouse issue option is selected in the ZS, a window opens with a list of warehouses and
the possibility to select several warehouses; after the window is approved, WM documents are generated in a
number equal to the number of warehouses selected in the list.
In order to generate a WM document from the ZS for several warehouses at the same time, one must:
 Issue a ZS document containing at least two elements/items located in different warehouses (General tab
of the ZS element, Warehouse field), i.e. e.g.:
 Item T1 in warehouse M1,
 Item T2 in warehouse M2,
 Item T3 in warehouse M3.

Figure 1.91 General tab of the ZS element with the warehouse indicated.

Approve the aforementioned ZS and then issue from the ZS (from the list) a WM document and; as a result
of this operation the Warehouse list window opens.

Module: Orders 150 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.92 Generation of a WM document from a ZS.

Figure 1.93 Warehouse list window

 After all the warehouses in the Warehouse list are indicated and the operation is approved with the
button, WM documents are generated, e.g.:
 WM-1 with item T1 and warehouse M1,
 WM-2 with item T2 and warehouse M2,
 WM-3 with item T3 and warehouse M3.

Module: Orders 151 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.94 The process of generation of a WM document from a ZS with elements/items located in different

Figure 1.95 A WM document generated as a result of A ZS containing elements located in different warehouses.

Module: Orders 152 Version 2016.2

Table of pictures
Figure 1.1 Operator's file, tab: Parameters ......................................................................................... 10
Figure 1.2 Trade document definition, tab: Other ............................................................................... 11
Figure 1.3 Assign resources to reservations........................................................................................ 12
Figure 1.4 Sales orders list ................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 1.5 Main menu and toolbar of the module: Orders. .................................................................. 15
Figure 1.6 List of requests for proposal, tab: Sales. ............................................................................ 21
Figure 1.7 List of offers, tab: Sales. ................................................................................................... 23
Figure 1.8 Orders list, tab: Sales ....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 1.9 List of orders, tab: Purchase ............................................................................................. 28
Figure 1.10 Context menu on the orders list ...................................................................................... 30
Figure 1.11 Context menu in the list of orders .................................................................................... 31
Figure 1.12 List of quotes and orders, tab: Elements .......................................................................... 32
Figure 1.13 List of orders, tab: Search/General. ................................................................................. 35
Figure 1.14 List of requests, offers and orders, tab: Search/Attributes. ................................................ 36
Figure 1.15 Stock balances list. ......................................................................................................... 37
Figure 1.16 BST, Tab: General. ......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 1.17 BST, Tab: Header. .......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 1.18 BST, tab: Documents. ..................................................................................................... 42
Figure 1.19 IQC components definitions............................................................................................. 43
Figure 1.20 IQC component definition ............................................................................................... 43
Figure 1.21 Unexecuted items of orders. ............................................................................................ 45
Figure 1.22 Inquiry, tab: Inquiry. ...................................................................................................... 49
Figure 1.23 Sales offer, tab: General. ................................................................................................ 52
Figure 1.24 Purchase quote, tab: General .......................................................................................... 54
Figure 1.25 Sales quote, tab: Inquiry. ................................................................................................ 57
Figure 1.26 Sales offer, tab: Customer. .............................................................................................. 58
Figure 1.27 Sales offer, tab: Header. ................................................................................................. 61
Figure 1.28 Sales offer, tab: Payments. ............................................................................................. 62
Figure 1.29 Sales order, tab: General. ............................................................................................... 64
Figure 1.30 History of changes .......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 1.31 Sales order, tab: Customer. ............................................................................................. 69
Figure 1.32 Sales order, tab: Header. ................................................................................................ 71
Figure 1.33 Sales order, tab: Confirmation. ........................................................................................ 74
Figure 1.34 Sales order, tab: Payments/Advances. ............................................................................. 76
Figure 3.36 List of advance invoices, parameter: Final document from gross. ....................................... 77
Figure 3.37 Sales invoice, VAT tab, messages after the Generate differential VAT option is selected. ..... 78
Figure 1.35 Purchase order, tab: Relations. ........................................................................................ 79
Figure 1.36 Internal order, tab: General. ........................................................................................... 82
Figure 1.37 Element of the external order. ......................................................................................... 83
Figure 1.38 Internal order, tab: Partner. ............................................................................................ 84
Figure 1.39 Internal order, tab: Header. ............................................................................................ 85
Figure 1.40 Internal order, tab: Confirmation. .................................................................................... 88
Figure 1.41 Correction of the order, tab: Relations. ............................................................................ 89
Figure 1.42 Element of order, tab: General. ....................................................................................... 91
Figure 1.43 Delivery date .................................................................................................................. 94

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Figure 1.44 Delivery date .................................................................................................................. 94
Figure 1.45 Element of the sales order, tab: Calculation. .................................................................... 95
Figure 1.46 Element of the purchase order, tab: Calculation. .............................................................. 97
Figure 1.47 PO element, tab: Relations .............................................................................................. 97
Figure 1.48 Element of order, tab: Reservations. ................................................................................ 98
Figure 1.49 Resources to be reassigned. ............................................................................................ 99
Figure 1.50 Resources to be reassigned. .......................................................................................... 101
Figure 1.51 Element of order, tab: Previous. .................................................................................... 102
Figure 1.52 Element of order, tab: Previous transaction. ................................................................... 104
Figure 1.53 Order element, tab: Attributes ....................................................................................... 105
Figure 1.54 Order elements, tab: Attachments ................................................................................. 105
Figure 1.55 Payment to order.......................................................................................................... 106
Figure 1.56 Payment to offer - will be added. ................................................................................... 107
Figure 1.57 Specify advance payment value ..................................................................................... 109
Figure 1.58 Payments on the final invoice, including the advance invoices for 100 PLN. ...................... 112
Figure 1.59 Tab: VAT of the final invoice, including the advance invoices, that accounting amount is 100
PLN. .............................................................................................................................................. 113
Figure 1.60 The final invoice payments, for which the accounting amount was modified resulting from the
advances invoices........................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 1.61 Tab: VAT, on the final invoice, on which the accounting value was modified resulting from the
advance invoices. ........................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 1.62 Payments of the final invoice including the accounted amount from the advance invoice. . 115
Figure 1.63 Final invoice, for which the accounted amount was modified (resulting from the advance
invoice), and then the transaction amount was changed what cause the adding the amount of 50 PLN. In
spite of the modifications, the accounted amount resulting from the advance invoices was not changed.
..................................................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 1.64 Field: Advance sales invoice correction with active field: Gross value of correction, in which
advance invoice correction is made. ................................................................................................ 117
Figure 1.65 Export advance invoice correction, tab: VAT. .................................................................. 118
Figure 1.66 Advance sales invoice, tab: General. .............................................................................. 119
Figure 1.67 Advance sales invoice, tab: Payments. ........................................................................... 120
Figure 1.68 Advance sales invoice, tab: Header. ............................................................................... 121
Figure 1.69 Advance sales invoice, tab: VAT. ................................................................................... 122
Figure 3.73 Sales order: Header tab. ............................................................................................... 123
Figure 3.74 Sales order: Changes in the document. .......................................................................... 124
Figure 3.75 Sales order: Warning during approval of document no. 1. ............................................... 125
Figure 3.76 Sales order: Warning during approval of document no. 2. ............................................... 125
Figure 3.77 Sales order: Warning during approval of document no. 3. ............................................... 125
Figure 1.70 Inquiry about registering a new variant of offer. ............................................................. 129
Figure 1.71 Selected parameters: Right to confirm document and Confirm offer automatically. ........... 130
Figure 1.72 Selecting optimization method of the list of orders. ......................................................... 132
Figure 1.73 Message about generating a new purchase order out of sales order. ............................... 133
Figure 1.74 Massage asking for resignation from executing the order. ............................................... 134
Figure 1.75 Window with canceling option for the order. .................................................................. 135
Figure 1.76 Partner’s history including the list of active orders. ......................................................... 137
Figure 1.77 Window with the list of messages displayed while generating a document out of sales order.
..................................................................................................................................................... 139
Figure 1.78 Massage informing about calculating the prices determined on the order. ........................ 140

Module: Orders 154 Version 2016.2

Figure 1.79 Window in which the grouping method of the internal orders items is determined. ........... 144
Figure 1.80 Selecting the orders out of which a trade document will be generated. ............................ 147
Figure 1.81 Grouping the items of orders. ........................................................................................ 147
Figure 1.82 Trade document generated out of many orders. ............................................................. 148
Figure 1.83 Advance sales invoice. .................................................................................................. 149
Figure 3.93 General tab of the ZS element with the warehouse indicated........................................... 150
Figure 3.94 Generation of a WM document from a ZS. ...................................................................... 151
Figure 3.95 Warehouse list window ................................................................................................. 151
Figure 3.96 The process of generation of a WM document from a ZS with elements/items located in different
warehouses. .................................................................................................................................. 152
Figure 3.97 A WM document generated as a result of A ZS containing elements located in different
warehouses. .................................................................................................................................. 152

Module: Orders 155 Version 2016.2

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