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Contextual Factors That May Advance or Hinder Advocacy Priority

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Contextual Factors That May Advance or Hinder Advocacy Priority

Formulating a health policy is a complicated process that is neither predictable nor

follows a specific pattern difficult (Cullerton et al., 2018). In developing policies, it is common

practice to emphasize how important context is since it influences whether the concern will

continue to be discussed o not. Regarding the policy at hand, increasing Hispanics' access to

healthcare, below are some contextual factors that might promote, advance, or hinder the

advocacy priority.

Government policy is one of the contextual factors that will contribute to having this

advocacy priority on the agenda. The lobbying process is dependent on constitutional provisions

addressing contentment and tribulation. The government may decide not to allow a gathering for

advocacy if they believe it would compromise national security. There is no way that advocating

for Hispanics' access to healthcare is against the law or threatens national security. In this way,

there is a higher likeability of the advocacy going through. Another contextual factor that can

promote advancing the advocacy priority is the group's leadership structure (Dominguez et al.,

2020). The management of the advocacy process is designed to be flexible, competent, reliable,

transparent, and credible to promote success.

On the other hand, one of the contextual factors that might hinder the advocacy priority is

cooperation. The collaboration between the minority group, the legislature, and the lobbyist is

essential (Koebele, 2018). A failure to have these groups cooperate and discuss to their

satisfaction how the policy might impact the groups can be detrimental. Chances of

implementation will be affected by a lack of having the different parties cooperate. The other

factor is the availability of resources. The nature of this advocacy requires sufficient human and

financial resources to be successful. Nonetheless, the lacking of resources can make the policy

advocacy difficult (Cullerton et al., 2018).



Cullerton, K., Donnet, T., Lee, A., & Gallegos, D. (2018). Effective advocacy strategies for

influencing government nutrition policy: a conceptual model. International Journal of

Behavioral Nutrition and Physical

Activity, 15(83).

Domínguez, D. G., García, D., Martínez, D. A., & Hernandez-Arriaga, B. (2020). Leveraging

the power of mutual aid, coalitions, leadership, and advocacy during COVID-

19. American Psychologist, 75(7), 909-918.

Koebele, E. A. (2018). Integrating collaborative governance theory with the advocacy coalition

framework. Journal of Public Policy, 39(1), 35-


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