Excel Shortcut Mastery 2

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Shortcut Key Function

Ctrl+A Select all contents of a worksheet

Ctrl+B Bold all cells in the highlighted section

Ctrl+C Copy all cells in the highlighted section

Ctrl+D Fill the cell(s) down from the one(s) above

Ctrl+F Open the Find and Replace dialog box

Ctrl+G Open the Go To dialog box

Ctrl+H Open the Find and Replace dialog box

Ctrl+I Italic all cells in the highlighted section

Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink

Ctrl+L Open the Create Table dialog box

Ctrl+N Create a new workbook

Ctrl+O Open a workbook

Ctrl+P Open the Print dialog box

Fill the cell(s) to the right of the selected cell(s) with the content of the
leftmost cell

Ctrl+S Save the active workbook

Ctrl+T Open the Create Table dialog box

Ctrl+U Underline all cells in the highlighted section

Ctrl+V Paste the contents from the clipboard

Ctrl+W Close the active workbook

Ctrl+X Cut all cells in the highlighted section

Ctrl+Y Repeat the last action

Ctrl+Z Undo the last action

Ctrl+1 Open the Format Cells dialog box

Ctrl+5 Apply or remove strikethrough formatting

Ctrl+6 Show or hide objects

Ctrl+Arrow key Move to the edge of next data region

Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Key Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell

Ctrl+Spacebar Select entire column

Shift+Spacebar Select entire row

Ctrl+Page Up/Down Move to the previous/next worksheet

Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of a worksheet

Ctrl+End Move to the end of a worksheet

F2 Edit the active cell

F4 Repeat the last command or action

F5 Go to a specific cell

Alt+Enter Start a new line in the same cell

Alt+= Automatically SUM() the selected cells

Shift+F3 Open the Insert Function dialog box

Ctrl+Shift+Enter Enter a formula as an array formula

Ctrl+; Insert the current date

Ctrl+Shift+; Insert the current time

Ctrl+Alt+F9 Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 Recheck dependent formulas

Alt+F1 Create an embedded chart

Alt+F4 Close Excel

Ctrl+Tab Switch between open Excel windows

Shortcut Key Function

Alt+Shift+F1 Insert a new worksheet

Shift+F11 Insert a new worksheet

While typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter will move to the next line,
allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell

Shift+F3 Open the Excel formula window

Shift+F5 Bring up search box

Ctrl+1 Open the Format Cells window

Ctrl+Shift+~ General format

Ctrl+Shift+$ Currency format

Ctrl+Shift+% Percentage format

Ctrl+Shift+^ Exponential format

Ctrl+Shift+# Date format

Ctrl+Shift+@ Time format

Ctrl+Arrow Right/Left Jump to the corner of the data region in a worksheet

Select the current and previous/next sheet in a workbook

Alt+Page Up/Down Move one screen to the right/left in a worksheet

Ctrl+Page Up/Down Move to the previous/next sheet in a workbook

Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous tab in dialog box

Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next tab in dialog box

Alt+F8 Open the Macro dialog box

Alt+F11 Open the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Editor

Ctrl+F3 Open the Name Manager

Ctrl+Shift+F3 Create names from selection

Ctrl+/- Insert or delete cells, rows, or columns

Ctrl+' Copy the formula from the cell above

Ctrl+Shift+” Copy value from cell above

Alt+Down Arrow Display the AutoComplete list

Alt+' Format Style dialog box

Ctrl+Shift+* Select the current region around the active cell

Alt+I+R Insert row above active cell

Alt+I+C Insert column to the left of active cell

Ctrl+"+" Insert cells

Ctrl+"-" Delete cells

Alt+E+D Delete column

Alt+E+L Delete row

Ctrl+D Copy cell above

Ctrl+R Copy cell to the left

Ctrl+H Find and replace

Ctrl+F Find

Ctrl+G Go to a certain cell

Alt+H+O+I Auto adjust column width

Alt+H+O+J Auto adjust row height

Shortcut Key Function

Alt+H+H Select a fill color

Alt+H+B Add border

Ctrl+Shift+F Open Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected

Alt+H+FC Change font color

Alt+H+FS Increase font size

Alt+H+FP Decrease font size

Ctrl+Shift+> Increase font size

Ctrl+Shift+< Decrease font size

Ctrl+9 Hide rows

Ctrl+0 Hide columns

Ctrl+Shift+( Unhide rows

Ctrl+Shift+) Unhide columns

Alt+H+W Wrap text

Alt+H+MC Merge cells

Alt+H+MU Unmerge cells

Alt+H+AC Align center

Alt+H+AL Align left

Alt+H+AR Align right

Alt+H+AT Align top

Alt+H+AM Align middle

Alt+H+AB Align bottom

Alt+H+FF Select a font

Alt+H+FB+I Italic

Alt+H+FB+U Underline

Alt+H+FB+B Bold

Alt+O+C+A Auto size column width

Alt+O+R+A Auto size row height

F7 Spell check

F11 Create a chart from data in the selection

Ctrl+F1 Show or hide the ribbon

Ctrl+F2 Print preview view

Alt+F9 Display or hide named ranges

Ctrl+Alt+V Open Paste Special dialog

Alt+E+S Open Paste Special dialog

Ctrl+Alt+5 Apply or remove strikethrough formatting

Ctrl+Alt+Minus Key(-) Display the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cells
Ctrl+Shift+Plus Key(+) Display the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells

Ctrl+Space Select the entire column

Shift+Space Select the entire row

Ctrl+Shift+L Apply or remove the filter

Ctrl+Shift+U Expand or collapse the formula bar

F9 Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks

Shift+F9 Calculate active worksheet

Alt+Equals(=) AutoSum

Recheck dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open
workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated

Ctrl+Shift+O Select all cells that contain comments

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