Automatic Generation Control in A Deregulated Power System

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IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 13, No.

4, November 1998 1401

Automatic Generation Control in a Deregulated Power System

Bjorn H. Bakken and Ove S. Grande
Power Transmission Systems
Norwegian Electric Power Research Institute EFI
7034 Trondheim, Norway

ABSTRACT to follow the HVDC ramping. Reducing the intervals for

Loud-frequency control (LFC) is used for many years as part generation scheduling from 1 hour to 30 minutes will proba-
bly not be sufficient to handle this critical period. It might
of the Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in power sys-
tems around the world. In the synchronous Nordic power thus be necessary to indroduce some kind of AGC functions.
system, however, this function (termed secondqy control)
This paper prcsents a possible solution to this problem by
has so far been handled with manual control acticins.
introducing a special rump following controller (RFC)
Increased operational sl.rain due to new HVDC conncctions
which ensures that selected generators will automatically
in the next decade will make it increasingly difficult to main-
follow load changes on the HVDC connections [l]. The
tain the current manual control system. In this paper a model
main L'ocus ofthis paper is frequency and real power control;
of the interconnected power systcms of Norway and Sweden
voltage and reactive power control is not treated, nor are the
is used to show how introduction of AGC might aid the eys-
economic aspccts of the RFC evaluated at this stage.
tem operator in handling the increased strain. Howevcr, the
classical LFC based on the Area Control Error is difficult to Following this introduction, the second section of this paper
implement in a deregulated environment. An alternative gives a description of the model used for the simulations in
concept is thus introduced where selected units are autoniat- this work and briefly outlines the current system of manual
ically following load changes on thc HVDC connections. control The third section demonstrates that also the classical
This rump following controller (RFC) supported by manual ACE based LFC scheme is a possible solution, while the
control seems to be a promising option. main iesults regarding the new ramp following control
scheme are given in section 4.
Key Words: AGC, Load-frequency control, Secondary con-
trol, Deregulated systern 2. PRESENT SYSTEM WITH MANUAL CONTROL
1. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Simulation model
Today there is one high voltage DC connection ( H V I X ) To obtain a simulation model that is both simple enough to
between Norway and Jutland (Denmark) with a total capac- give a good illustration ot the basic principles of automatic
ity of 1000 MW, while three additional HVDC connections secondary control in Norway, but at the same time also
between Norway and Germany (2) and Holland ( I ) will! be detailed enough to make it possible to compare the model
put into operation early in the next decade. These conriec- conclusions with the real power system, a simulation model
tions will give a total transmission capacity between the consisting of elcvcn 300 kV buses and four 400 kV buses
hydro power system of Norway and the thermal dominated with generator and/or load, was created. This model repre-
system of Continental Europe of approximately 3000 MW. sents 7 gcographical areas in South- and Middle Norway,
Both existing and new HVDC exchange agreements are while the four 400 kV buses represent a parallel ring con-
based mainly on the pumped storuge principle, whcre Nor- nection through the Swedish grid. The model atructure is
wegian hydro power is exported during peak load hours, shown in Figure 1
while surplus thermal energy can be imported during off-
peak periods.

The new HVDC connections will increase the operational

strain on the Norwegian power system considerably. During
winter time it is expected that the morning transition period
from possible full import from the European Continent at
night to full export at daytime in the hours when also the
gradient of the corresponding domestic load is steepest, will
involve up to 40% of the Norwegian production capacity. In
this period unacceptab:,y large frequency and voltage devia-
tions will occur if the generation system should not be able

PE-I 83-PWR6-6-11-1007 A paper recommended and approved by FIB. I Structwre of 7+4 ccreu n d c l uf Nanvcgiurr urrd
the IEEE Power System Operations Committee of the IEEE Power Swedish power systems
Engineering Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems. Manuscript submitted July 9, 1997; made available for Each physical inter-area tieline is identified and modelled in
printing November 7, 1997. an aggregate way such that between any two areas only one
tieline at 300 kV and one at 400 kV (if existlng) are repre-
\ented Lines trom 132 kV and down are omitted. Two 400
0885-8950/98/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE

kV tielines between Norway and Sweden are included in the dled onl>-by the instantaneous primar! control baszd on unit
model. The values of generation and load in each area are droop characteristi2s. acci.ptin=. a fluctuation of s>.stemfre-
adjusted based on generation and consumption statistics to quency of +/-0.1 Hz. H o n e i a . xhen thz S J s t s m Operator
get a reasonably good correspondence with the inter-area notices an increasing deviation, he calls upon capacity
load flows of two different load situations: Winter peak load offered at the Regulating Power Market. This capacity will
and summer low load. then be manually activated after a certain time dela!, i S
mins. is chosen as illustration), and in gradual steps if moi-e
Based on frequency measurements from actual generation than one unit i s required to regulate. For further information
outages, dynamic parameters of the generators are then on this manual secondary control system. the reader is
adjusted to give a response similar to the complete Nordel referred to references [4, 51.
grid to casually chosen faults at both heavy load and low
load (830 M W and 590 MW nuclear power units in Sweden, The starting point (T=O) in these simulations can be any
respectively); first the stationary droop of the turbine con- instant during the hour when there is a momentarily balance
trollers to approximate the stationary situation. then the gen- between a constant (scheduled) generation and a continuall!
erator inertias and the controller transient droops and time changing load. Note that in order to get a stable start of the
constants to approximate the transient response. All parame- simulation. the load ramp starts after a 10 sec. delay. This is
ters are kept within 'normal' ranges of variation. done in all simulations shown in the following sections.

2.2 Ramping domestic and HVDC load

The primary objective of this analysis is to study the sys- I
tem's ability to follow a gradually increasing load over a ' 00' I 50 05

fairly long time compared to traditional transient stability

studies. The simulations are made for a time period of 15
minutes? in which the domestic load is increased with a con- i\ I4995
stant ramp while scheduled generation is kept constant. 80
MW/min (0.44%/min) in the peak load model and 50 MW/
min (0.77%/min) in the low load model are chosen as "high"
values for the Norwegian power system. The Swedish load
is ramped with the same percentage. C 996 49 80
5 -23 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (5)
In addition to the constant domestic load ramp; the 4 HVDC
connections to Denmark (DK), Germany (D) and Holland Fig. 2 S ~ t e i ifi-eqrienc~
i response to domestic load ramp of
(NL) are introduced with different ramps. The Norwegian 80 M\thiiii at peak load without and with manual
Power Grid Company (Statnett) will probably request a secoiiiiili~coritrol actions KV= 50 Hz)
maximum continuous ramp rate; 20 MW/min/connection is
chosen as a possible limit, but also much steeper ramps are 3. CENTRAL LOAD-FREQUENCY CONTROLLER
tested. The HVDC connections are modelled as extra AC A simple \yay to handle the increased operational strain on
loads in areas N3 and N3-2 in southern Norway. The con- the system caused by the new HVDC agreements is to intro-
verters themselves are not modelled in these simulations, as duce general load-frequency control in the Nordel system.
they due to the high controllability can be decoupled from Presuming there is sufficient generation capacity available,
the slow dynamics studied here. the LFC would handle all deviations in the system, includ-
ing normal load changes. HVDC ramping and faults. This
Due to the long simulation period with large variations in
requires simple. standard control equipment which has been
unit output, a 1 . order non-linear hydraulic turbine model is
used success full^ for many years in other systems [6, 71.
used [ 2 ] .All simulations are made with the SIMPOW pro-
grain system [ 3 ] . The Area Coritrol Er-ror (ACE) for each area is defined as
2.3 Illustration of current manual control .4CE ( t ) = APx ( t ) + K,. A f ( t ) ,
If the system was left alone without any secondary control where (T ) - net area interchange deviation (MW)
actions, the unit droop characteristics: would c a w s nearly
Kr - frequency bias setting (MWIHz)
linear changes in unit generation following the load ramp
(primary control), with corresponding nearly linear reduc- Af( t ) - system frequency deviation (Hz)
tion of system frequency. This rather trivial result is shown
Load-frequency control (LFC), or closed-loop secondary
as illustration in Figure 2 with the 80 MW/min domestic
control, is obtained by integrating the ACE and returning an
load ramp as excitation. Without any eorrcctive actions the additional power demand signal AP, to selected generating
system frequency would in this case violate the Nordel
requiremcnt to stay within +/-0.1 Hz during normal opera-
tion within 10 minutes. A P ~ ( T =) ACE(^) - i / ~ ~ ~ ( t ) t l t ( 2 )
The dotted line shows an illustration of the current manual where p - proportional gain (0.1 - 0.5)
secondary control of the Norwegian system. Normal devia- T - integration time constant (50 - 200 sec.)
tions between scheduled generation and actual load are han-

Note that the integrator time constant is chosen rather high 1001
to ensure a smooth unit operation and to prevent the LFC
from interfering with the normal unit primary conltrol 1 0 0
-.0 ~ -

response [81.
0 999

For simplicity, only centralized national LFC is imple- 0 998

mented in the model for the Norwegian and the Swedish
systems, measuring thc global frequency and the power flow 0997 -

on the two internationa, tie lines, but more complicated hier-

archical or decentralized systems are also possible [7].‘The
two national controllers have basic structures as shown in
the s-domain in Fig. 3. The national generation demand sig-
nals are distributed to selected units in the systems.

f *-fo

-0 020
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
I Time (s)

Fig. 4 System response ut peak load with central LFC to
loud rumps of 80 MW/min domestic i- 800 MW/10
min HVDC
Fig. 3 Classical loadfrequency controller 161
However, the general LFC system is not very well suited to
The integrator time constant T is set to 120 sec. with 13=O a deregulated energy market like Norway and Sweden, a fact
(integrator). Values of f3 within the range 0.1-0.5 are also which is recognized also by other authors [9]. In typical ver-
tested without changing the results significantly. The sunn of tically integrated systems the power producer is also the
all participating factors C, in the signal distributor is 1.O. owner and operator of the grid, but in Norway the grid com-
pany Statnett is responsible for the system operation, and
By introducing this controller scheme, the HVDC connec- thus the secondary control, while the generating units are
tions will be treated as internal loads in the Norwegian sys- owned by several other companies (Gencos). The System
tem. The system is now able to withstand both the domestic Operator would have to buy all reserve capacity from the
load ramp from Figure 2 and an additional steep ramping of Gencos on a commercial basis, and in the case of automatic
the HVDC connectioris without violating the allowed fre- LFC for rather long periods of time and for large and fre-
quency range. As an illustration, Figure 4 shows the quent unit load changes. (This is similar to the ‘Charged
response when the HVDC connection to Denmark is ramlped LFC’ in reference 191.) Thus, the price needed to get suffi-
from initially 200 MW load to full load of 1000 MW in I O cient amounts of reserve capacity might be high. On the
minutes (starting after 100 seconds in the simulation). ‘This other hand, it would be very difficult to place any kind of
doubles the load change rate in the Norwegian system from responsibility for system deviations at a given time, thus the
80 MW/min to 160 MWlmin. financing of LFC would most probably have to be made
with a general fee.
Note that as opposed to a step excitation, the I-controllers
are unable to catch up with the ramp. The size of the fre- As the main cause of the future increased operational strain
quency deviation is dependent on the total system frequency on the Norwegian power system is the 4 HVDC connec-
bias. The frequency bi,w of the Norwegian and Swedish sys- tions, an alternative secondary control system can be intro-
tems are nearly equal in the model. The ACE are given i n pu duced in which special power stations are selected to follow
of aggregated MVA base of controlled units. the HVDC load automatically, while the “rest” of the system
deviations are handled manually via the existing Regulating
4. RAMP FOLLOWI.NG CONTROLLER Power Market as today. In this case there is a clear connec-
4.1 Introduction tion between the responsibility for the “disturbance” - the
contractual partner(s) of the HVDC connections - and the
Fully automatic load-frequency control as illustrated above provision of sufficient reserve power. Thus, the contractual
is technically a rather simple way to handle the secondary partner would have to supply the reserve from own genera-
control in the Nordel system. The fsct that the control func- tion capacity or by purchase, not the System Operator. This
tions are generally aimed at keeping system frequency and system is similar to the concept of ‘bilateral LFC’ in ref. [9].
power interchanges at their nominal values cnsures that all
deviations in the systt:m are taken care of, no matter where 4.2 Controller layout
the deviation occurs and what might be thc cause. The only
condition is that there are sufficient reserves and transmis- An HVDC ramp following controller (RFC) is now intro-
sion capacity available. duced as shown in Figure 5. (No controllers are needed on

the Swedish side.) The different HVDC ramps (e.g. daily Let:
plans of operation) are added to a total MW demand signal
A P,, to the controller. This signal is compared to changes
A P, i t ) = RC A PqOy (t)
in the generator electric power output: = R C .p P i i ( t ) + $
1' (~,~-o(t))

AP&) = PGJt) -PGlo (3)

where PGi(t) is actual and PGio is initial generator output.
respectively. The additional output demand signal AP, can
be distributed to any number of units with a signal distribu- Figure 7 demonstrates the importance of the droop compen-
tor similar to Figure 3, although only one unit is used in the sation module. Given the flexibility of modern microproces-
following simulations (C, = 1 .O). sor based controller technology, the compensation module
can be designed with any level of complexity. The simple
layout implemented here is meant only as an illustration of
/ Unit droop compensabon ~

important aspects, not as the final solution.

Note the structural similarity between the ramp folloir ing

controller and the general controller of Figure 3. A similar
HVDC ramps 1,2, droop compensation technique can also be found as 'Unit
m FrequencJ- Bias' in the 'Transformed AGC' scheme sug-
gested in refcrsnce [ I O ] .
4.3 Controller tuning
l , ...

* PG ,

cn ,~~~*
As the purpose of the ramp following controller is to handle
the HVDC ramps automatically, while the normal domestic
Fig.5 HVDC rump following controller (RFC) with droop load changes will be handled by the current Regulating
cornpensation PoLver Market. the controller used in these simulations must
be tuned such that the system frequency follows the uncon-
One important problem now arises. As shown in Figure 6. trolled response of Figure 2 as closely as possible no matter
the additional output demand signal A P , to the turbine gov- ho\{. the HVDC connections are operated. The operation of
ernor is added to the normal stationary droop signal of the the connections is thus 'hidden' for the System Operator.
governor. The turbine governor input aPnUo,. thus consists of
two elements: In Figure 7 the s ~ s t e mfrequency with HVDC ramping is
compared to the basic response of Figure 2. To emphasize
the difference in controller response, the rather steep ramp
of 100% in 10 minutes is used for all four connections, giv-
where 6 - unit stationary droop ing a total HVDC ramp rate of 230 MW/min (in addition to
a,,,,w, ( t ) - rated and actual speed the domestic load ramp). The stability of the system is
ensured b!. inspecting the eigenvalues in each case.

The slon I-contr-oller used successfully in Figure 4 is now

insufficient. It reacts too slowly and causes large frequency
de\-iations \t hile the HVDC connections are ramping. Intro-
, 1111/, . . ducinz a faster PI-controller with T=30 s, p=2, improves the
result as shm5.n in Fizure 7a, but the system frequency has a
Fig. 6 Modi3ed hydro turbine governor different slope than the reference. Neither decreasing the
time constant T nor increasing the controller gain [3
The unit will respond to any frequency deviations in the grid improves the result significantly. A too high gain might also
through its primary control even though APDc is zero. and cause instability.
when the RFC is integrating A P , from the generator also
normal generator primary control response will be affected. However. when the unit droop compensation module as
In Qct, the RFC will prevent the unit f-rom participating in shown in Fipure 5 is introduced in the controller, the system
primary control. frequency with the HVDC ramp follows the reference quite
good. as can be seen in Figure 7b. This clearly demonstrates
Thus, the ramp following controller have to be modified the importance ofthe droop compensation. The small differ-
with a unit droop compensation module as shown in Fig. 5 . ence in slope still apparent towards the end of the curve is
This module reduces the generator feedback A P, with a caused by increased transmission losses and an imperfect
signal which is an estimate of the frequency-dependcnt part ramp correction factor RC. In these simulations the ramp
of the total unit response to create a Rump Control Error sig- correction factor RC is simply calculated as the relation
nal (RCE). The parameter RC is a linear correction factor for between turbine governor output Y(t) and turbine mechani-
losses and non-linearities between governor input and gerz- cal power PM(t), giving a linear approximation of the tur-
erutor output: bine model for each time step. Thus, the correction factor of
eqs. ( 5 ) - ( 7 )is actually a time varying parameter RC(t).
R C E ( t ) = AP,,(t) -APC;(t) + -RC
. ( o J , , - w ( ~ ) () 5 )
a) PI-ccntroller (T = 30 s, b = 2)
In this system the controller transfer function is
1001 7-

-..._ . .
while the process transfer function can be written as a func-
tion of general polynomials with one or more zero poles

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

l i m e (s) where i2 1
b) Pi-controller ( r = 30 s, b = 2) with droop comp.
do = ... = di-l = 0
'.OO' 7
000 L-- I The existence of one or more zero poles is due to both the
lack of a constant frequency reference in the model and
0 999 ~

because the generator damping coefficients are omitted for

0 998 ~

0 997 ~ The control deviation is

I I - - I 7

0 996
A e ( s ) = AP,,(s) -AP,,(s)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s)
A p,, ($1 -
A pD,
Fig. 7 System frequency (pu) to a total HVDC 1+ H R ( s ) . H p ( s ) 1 + A (s)
ramp oj 2300 MlV in 10 minutes with and without
droop compensa'ion 1 + spT n (s)
where A (s) = ~ ~

ST SI . d (s)
Figure 8 shows a comparison of the HVDC load ramp and
the output of the controlled generator for the simulation of If this system is excitated with a ramp function CIS2 the fol-
Figure 7b. The difference in slope is due to the subordinated lowing result can be found:
unit primary control response.

Load (pu)

08 /-----
si+ 2Td (s)
s " ' T d ( s ) + s p T n ( s )+ n ( s )
= 0 (11)

Thus, the chosen control structure is able to follow the

HVDC ramp without deviations, ensuring in the ideal case
that no extra frequency deviations are induced. The control
simulation shown in figure 10 where a unit follows a 'gen-
tle' HVDC ramp of 3x20 MW/min at the same busbar (no
transmission losses) confirms this.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 $100
mrne (s)
Fig. 8 Comparison of HVDC load ramp and output of thc
controlled generator (PI: T=30 s, p=2 with droop

4.4 Ramp following ability

It is possible to show the ability o f the RFC to follow the
HVDC ramp with rather simple calculations. Assuming that
the complete control loop through RFC, governor, turbine
and generator is linearized, it can be simplified to the s-
domain functions shown in figure 9.
0 996
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Tlme ( 5 )

Fig. 10 System frequency response to a 3x20 MW/min

HVDC ramp (PI: T = 10 s, p = 2 with droop com-
Fig.9 Linearized ramp following control loop pensation)
In reality, there will always be some transmission losses and REFERENCES
process non-linearities between the controlled units and the I . Brzkkei7. Bjoix H . Technical and economic aspects of
HVDC terminals, and it will be very difficult to design a
operation of thermal and h>drcl FW. er systems
ramp following controller that is able to compensate com-
Ph.D. Thesis. Dept. ofElectrica1 Power Eng.,
pletely for this. The HVDC ramping will most probably
Noru.egian UniI-. of Science and Technology, 1997
have some influence on the system frequency no matter
which controller is used. 2. Hydraulic turbine and turbine control models for system
dynamic studies
5. CONCLUSIONS IEEE Working Group in Prime Mover and Energy Sup-
ply Models for System Dynamic Performance Studies.
When at least 3 new HVDC connections from Norway to
IEEE Trans. on Power Systems. Vol. 7. No. 1. February
Continental Europe are put into operation early in the next
1992, pp. 167-179
decade it will be increasingly difficult to handle total system
load changes only with the current Regulating Power Mar- 3. SIMPOW: Power System Simulation & Analysis Soft-
ket. In this paper the use of two alternative AGC schemes ware. Release 9
have been demonstrated in a simplified model of the Norae- User manual, ABB Power Systems AB, Power Systems
giadswedish power system. Anal! sis Dept.,
Vasteras. Sweden, June 1991
One alternative is the general load-frequency control
scheme. The LFC handles all system deviations; faults. nor-
4., 0,Glende, I, Nilssen, G, Nesse, L: Coordination
of power system operation in a competitive power mar-
mal load changes and HVDC ramping. It will automatically
ket environment
adjust to any manual control actions taken, and can thus be
Paper 39-204 Cigre 1994 Session
implemented both as a total substitution of. or as a supple-
ment to, the current Regulating Power Market. However. 5. Gjerzie, 0, Fismen, S A , Sletten, T The system operator
general LFC based on the Area Control Error might be diffi- responsibility in a deregulated power market
cult to implement in a deregulated environment. It would Paper 110-06 Cigre Symposium Tours 1997
also require that all interconnected systems introduce LFC
6. Acti\,e Control in the UCPTE system - Inventory
together (Sweden, Finland and Zeeland) to ensure a unique Offprint from UCPTE Annual Report 1990
ACE signal for the controllers [7].
7. SroSfel. J : Hierarchische Netzregelung
Another solution is then to introduce rci1111)f o l l o ~ i i i ~coiitrol
g Ph, D. Thesis, ETH Zurich. 1983 (in German)
(RFC) where some units are selected to automatically follow 8. Empfehlungen zur primaren und sekundaren Frequenz-
the load changes of the HVDC connections. It is shown that und Wirkleistungs-regelung in der UCPTE
such a control scheme can be implemented with a rather UCPTE February 1995 (in German)
simple control structure, but it should nonetheless not be
chosen without careful consideration. 9. Christie, R, Bose, A; Load Frequency Control Issues In System Operations After Deregulation
If one of the selected units should fail; the rest of the control- IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, August
led units might not be able to compensate for the missing 1996. pp 1191-1200
capacity. A combination with the existing Regulating Power
10. GI-em. R. K Transformed Automatic Generation Control
Market would thus be necessary. The problem of overload
IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, Novem-
on transmission lines must also be examined with more ber 1996. pp 1799-1804
detailed grid models. The selection of units for AGC func-
tions have to be made from careful studies of unit and local BIOGRAPHY
grid characteristics, which is beyond the scope of this work.
BjBrn H. Bakken received his M S c . from the Norwegian
Both LFC and RFC seem to fulfil the necessary system Institute of Technology (NTH) in 1989 and Ph.D. from the
requirements. Note that the RFC scheme is feasible due to Nor\\-egian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
the dominating size of the HVDC connections. A more sen- in 1997. He worked as a scientific assistant at NTH 1988-
era1 secondary control system on a national scale based on 1990. then as a senior engineer at a municipal power com-
RFC contracts between consumption and generation similar pany 1990-1992. He is currently working at the Power
to the ‘bilateral LFC’ of ref. [9] would probably be econom- Transmission Systems dcpt. at the Norwegian Electric
ically unfavourable. Without any superior controller to com- Power Research Institute (EFI).
bine local deviations which might balance each other, the Email: Bjorn.Bakken @ efisinrefno
result would be an increase of unnecessary unit governor
movements. Ove S. Grande received his M.Sc. from NTH in 1976. He
worked at the Norwegian Power Pool 1977-80 and 1981-92,
The next stage in our investigations will be studies of RFC then as section manager at the Norwegian Power Grid Com-
combined with a feedback of system frequency also to the pany (Statnett) 1993-94. He was in 1980 and is currently
HVDC connection to reduce the load ramp in case of low or working at the Power Transmission Systems dept. at EFI as
decreasing frequency. project manager.
Email: 0ve.Grande @e$.sinrefno

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