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Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Session 5; Part I:
Physical environment of the airport

Manuel Soler

Master in Aeronautical Engineering

Leganés, October 6th, 2014

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise


1 Site Information
Site Information
Site data

2 Meteorology and runway orientation

Wind speed and direction
Wind rose

3 Obstacle limitation surfaces

Main obstacle limitation surfaces
Diagrammatic obstacle limitation surfaces

4 Environmental issues
Noise contours around airports

5 Site Information exercise

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Site Information

Site selection

Elements to take into account:

The climatology (wind, fog, temperature, etc.).
The topography (unevenness and slopes in the terrain).
Obstacles in the surroundings (for safe taking off and landing).
Intermodal connexions.
Availability of terrains.
Environmental impact.

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Site data

Site data
A set of data referring to the aerodrome emplacement (univocally determined
by the geographical coordinates referred to the World Geodesic System) must
be supplied to the authorities to be ultimately published in the corresponding
Aeronautical Information Service (AIS).

These are:
Aerodrome’s Reference Point;
Aerodrome’s Elevation;
Coordinates of the runway’s thresholds;
Coordinates of the parking positions;
Mean elevation of each of the thresholds;
Elevation of the runway’s heads;
Maximum elevation of the touchdown zone;

Let’s take a look to Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas Airport

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Site data

Geometric data of the movement area

Moreover, geometric data about the movement area must be provided.

These are:
Runways’ dimensions, markers, designators, slopes, type of pavement, etc.
Strip, RESA, and Stop-Way’s dimensions and type of surface for each of
the runways;
Taxiways’ dimensions, designators, and type of pavement;
Apron’s type of pavement and number of parking positions;
Clear Way dimensions and terrain profile;
Noted obstacles in the aerodrome and its vicinity;
Visual aids;
Location and frequency of instrumental aids;
Paths to be followed in and out parking positions.

Again, let’s take a look to Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas Airport

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Wind speed and direction

Wind effects in aircraft runway performance

On the airport surface, the speed and direction of winds directly affect aircraft
runway utilization.

Bets operational configuration → headwind.

It allows an aircraft to achieve lift at slower ground speeds (with obviously

greater true airspeeds) and shorter runway lengths.

Most common → to be affected by crosswinds to some extent.

ICAO provides requirements to runway design so that 95% of the annual wind
conditions at the airport allow safe operations.

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Wind speed and direction

Maximum permissible crosswind components

Maximum permissible crosswind components

According to ICAO, the crosswind component must not exceed:
37 km/h (20 kt) in the case of aeroplanes whose reference field length is
1500 m or over, except that when poor runway braking action owing to
an insufficient longitudinal coefficient of friction is experienced with some
frequency, a crosswind component not exceeding 24 km/h (13 kt) should
be assumed;
24 km/h (13 kt) in the case of aeroplanes whose reference field length is
1200 m or up to but not including 1500 m; and
19 km/h (10 kt) in the case of aeroplanes whose reference field length is
less than 1200 m.

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Wind rose

Wind rose example

data collection

Wind speed range [knots]

3.5-13 13-17.5 17.5-22 22-30
Sector Percentage of time Total
N 2.4 0.4 0.1 0 2.9
NNE 3.0 1.2 1.0 0.5 5.7
NE 5.3 1.6 1.0 0.4 8.3
ENE 6.8 3.1 1.7 0.1 11.7
E 7.1 2.3 1.9 0.2 11.5
ESE 6.4 3.5 1.9 0.1 11.9
SE 5.8 1.9 1.1 0 8.8
SSE 3.8 1.0 0.1 0 4.9
S 1.8 0.4 0.1 0 2.3
SSW 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.3 3.2
SW 1.5 0.6 0.2 0 2.3
WSW 2.7 0.4 0.1 0 3.2
W 4.9 0.4 0.1 0 5.4
WNW 3.8 0.6 0.2 0 4.6
NW 1.7 0.6 0.2 0 2.5
NNW 1.7 0.9 0.1 0 2.7
Subtotal 60.4 19.7 10.2 1.6 91.9
Calms 8.1
Total 100
Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport
Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Wind rose

13 knots








Figure: Wind Rose coordinate system and template with cross wind component
limits of 13 knots.

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Wind rose

Wind rose exercise

To be completed at home

Let’s take a look to the proposed exercise on wind rose

Please, complete it at home. We will see the solution next week.

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Main obstacle limitation surfaces

Main obstacle limitation surfaces

These are:
Outer horizontal surface
Conical surface
Inner horizontal surface
Approach surface
Inner approach surface
Transitional surface
Inner transitional surface
Balked landing surface
Take-off climb surface

Design criteria can be consulted @ ICAO Annex 14 (Chapter 4).

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Diagrammatic obstacle limitation surfaces

Figure: Obstacle limitation surfaces

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport
Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Diagrammatic obstacle limitation surfaces

Figure: Obstacle limitation surfaces

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Diagrammatic obstacle limitation surfaces

Figure: Obstacle limitation surfaces

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Diagrammatic obstacle limitation surfaces

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Diagrammatic obstacle limitation surfaces

Figure: Obstacle limitation surfaces

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise


Environmental issues

The construction of a new airport (also the enlargement) of an existing one

Tremendous environmental impact

Social Factor: land development; displacement and relocation; parks,

recreational ares, historical places.
Ecological factors: wildlife, waterfowl, flora, fauna, endangered species;
wetlands and coastal zones
Pollution factors: air quality, water quailty, NOISE.

See Horenheff, Chapter 14 (Environmental planning) for more details.

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Noise contours around airports

Noise models

Figure: Noise scale

Models and Legislation

Let’s take a look to
Method for Computing Noise Contours around Airports (ICAO’s Cir. 205)
Integrated Noise Model
Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport
Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Noise contours around airports

Noise data from AIP

Figure: B737 noise data for take-off

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Noise contours around airports

Noise footprint

Figure: Noise footprint

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Noise contours around airports

Noise footprint
Madrid barajas Plan Director

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

Site Information exercise

Please, try to complete in class the proposed exercise.

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

Site Information Wind Rose Obstacle surfaces Environmental issues Site Information exercise

The end

Thank you for your attention

Airports Session 3; Part I: Physical environment of the airport

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