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Syllabus 45 hrs

Unit – 1 Introduction 15
Chapter1 Definition – Scope – Nature- Concepts – Artifacts – Assemblage –
Industry – Culture -Layer
Chapter 2 Kinds of Archaeology – Ethno, Marine and Salvage; Types by Period-
Paleolithic – Mesolithic– Chalcolithic – Bronze age – Iron Age
Chapter3 Role of Archaeological Survey of India
Unit-II Exploration, Excavation and Analysis 15
Chapter 4 Surface Exploration – Surface Indication – Study of Maps – Aerial
Survey and Photography –Under Water Exploration
Chapter 5 Site Survey- Vertical and Horizontal Excavation – Burial Excavation –
Archaeological Recording
Unit III Dating techniques in Archaeology 15
Chapter 6 Relative Dating: Typology, Seriation, Stratigraphy
Chapter 7 Absolute Dating: Dendo Chronology, Thermoluminescence and Radio
Carbon Dating
6. References:
1. Agarwal D.P. Archeology in India. New Delhi : Select book Service Syndicate, 1984.
2. Fagan, B. 1988. In the beginning: An Introduction to Archaeology. Glenview: Scott,
Foresman and company
3. Jim Grant, Sam Gorin. 2002. Neil Fleming: The archaeology course book: an
introduction to study skills, topics, and methods. London and New York
4. Rajan, K. 2002. Archaeology: Principles and Methods. Thanjavur: Manoo Pathippakam
5. Raman K. V. 1991. Principles and Methods in Archaeology. Madras: Parthajan
6. Singh, Upinder .2008. A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India. Delhi
7. Srivastava, K. M. 1987. New Era of Indian Archaeology. Delhi: Cosmo Publications
8. M. J. Aitken (1991) Science-Based Dating Methods in Archaeology. Archaeological
Journal, 148:1, 333-334, DOI: 10.1080/00665983.1991.11021412

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