Recreational Activities Are Activities That Are Mostly Done For Pleasure

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Recreational activities are activities that are mostly done for pleasure.

They may help

improve mental and physical health, as well as relieve stress and help you rest.

Recreational activities are typically done away from work, school and day-to-day life

duties and by people of all ages. They can be as passive as reading a book or as active

as swimming or hiking.

Mental Benefits of Recreational Activities 

Not only are recreational activities usually fun, but they can benefit your mental health.

They reduce stress, remove anxiety, build self-esteem and improve general mood and

happiness. Studies show that people who participate in recreational activities regularly

are more satisfied with their lives. 

Physical Benefits of Recreational Activities 

Both active and passive recreational activities can help improve physical health too.

Active recreational activities double as exercise. This can help you lose weight and stay

in shape. Any type of recreational activity that's relaxing or reduces stress may help

lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Those who participate in recreational

activities tend to enjoy higher quality sleep as well. 

Social Benefits of Recreational Activities 

Recreational activities have social benefits too. Participating in activities that need more

than one person can help build relationships and improve interpersonal skills. Even solo

recreational activities provide you with a passion that you can share with others.

Families can grow closer while participating in such activities together. And recreation

can bring communities together through activities like team sports or gardening.  

Other Benefits of Recreational Activities 

Recreational activities may break down barriers by bringing people from different

cultures together. They can help reduce crime rates in communities by providing

children and young people with a healthy alternative. Because people who participate in

recreational activities are healthier physically and mentally, these activities can help
lower health care costs. They can even be good for the economy. Communities that

provide parks and other places where people can participate in their favorite activities

may attract visitors and new residents to towns.  

Indoor Recreational Activities

There are many ways to divide recreational activities into groups, but many people

choose to split them between indoor and outdoor activities. Many activities, like reading,

skating, walking, listening to music and playing basketball, can be done both indoors

and outdoors. Some other popular activities that are often performed indoors include

chess, table tennis, cards, boxing, bowling, board games and squash.  

Outdoor Recreational Activities 

Many recreational activities are performed outdoors. Studies suggest that spending time

outdoors is good for mental and physical health. So, taking part in such an activity can

provide an extra health boost. Some of the most popular outdoor recreational activities

 Horseback riding
 Hiking
 Swimming
 Fishing
 Camping
 Kayaking
 Skiing
 Surfing
 Golf
 Tennis
 Team sports 

 Recreational activities...

1. 1. •Held during special occasions •Revitalize all the different aspects of life
(physical, mental, social, e motional) •All activities are held for everybody’s
enjoyment and
2. 2. Recreation
3. 3. Classifications of Recreational Activities Spectator Type Participant Type
4. 4. Spectator Type People spend their time watching the event and derive
enjoyment from it
5. 5. Participant Type People do not gain enjoyment merely by watching; they do so
by joining the activity
6. 6. Active Type
7. 7. Passive Type People have no excessive movement in performing the task or
8. 8. Physical and Mental
9. 9. Physical Activity People exerts efforts and bodily functions in performing the
10. 10. Mental Activity The mind is doing the functions with less body movement
11. 11. Public, Private and Commercial
12. 12. Public Type Involves the general public
13. 13. Private Type Confined to people working in a private companies
14. 14. Endorsing products which are open to everybody Commercial Type
15. 15. Recreational Games
16. 16. Scrabble •To grope frantically •Invented by Alfred Mosher Butts •Originally
known as Criss-Criss-Word
17. 17. Chinese Checkers •Played with a six- pointer star- shaped board
18. 18. Dominoes •A French word for the black and white hoods worn by Catholic
priest in winter. It was played in Europe in 18th century (Italy in the courts of
venice and Naples)
19. 19. Snakes and Ladders •Originated in India •A game of morality with the bases
of the ladders representing good •Snakes representing various forms of evil
•Teach children about religion
20. 20. Characteristics of Recreation  Involves Activity  No single form 
Determined by motivation  Occurs in unobligated time  Voluntary participated
 Universally sought and practical  By- products  Gives direct satisfaction
21. 21. Values in Leisure and Recreation Physical Health Psychological Health
Social well-being Emotional stability Big business
22. 22. Scope of Recreation  Indoor Activities a. Games and Sports: chess, parlor
games b. Dance Activities: stop dance, trip to Jerusalem c. Music Activities:
singing, instrumental playing d. Drama Activities: story telling, comedy skits e.
Arts and Crafts: origami, pop- up cards f. Hobby and Collecting Activities:
cooking, dancing, stamp collections, antique collection
23. 23. Outdoor Activities a. Games and Sports: dual and team sports b. Dance
Activities: street dancing, aerobics c. Music Activities: singing contest during
fiesta d. Nature and Outdoor Activities: camping, hiking, field trips, picnic,
excursions e. Arts and Crafts: painting, drawing f. Hobby and Collecting
Activities: f.1. bowling,tennis, f.2. billiard, fishing
24. 24. Assignment: Bring P.E. attire and rubber shoes.
25. 25. Quote: Recreation's purpose is not to kill time, but to make life, not to keep a
person occupied, but to keep them refreshed; no to offer an escape from life, but
to provide a discovery of life. ---Author Unknown
26. 26. Thank You for listening.. Have a nice day….   

 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 12 - Recreational Activities

SHS PE 12 TEACHER 0918 6975164
2. 2. Learners will be able to . . . Discuss the nature of different recreational
3. 3. A review of current literature indicates that people who participate in sports
club and organized recreational activities enjoy better mental health, are more
alert, and more resilient against stresses of modern living. Participation in
recreational groups and socially supported physical activity is show to reduce
stress, anxiety and depression. Violent crime also decreases significantly when
participation in community activities increases. OVERVIEW
4. 4. Anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for an individual. Some people
enjoys nature hikes, others are mountain climbing. The idea behind these
activities is to expand the mind and body in a positive and healthy way.
5. 5. It relaxes your mind and body. It relieves your day to day tension Universal
need of man RECREATION
12. 12. 1. Minor Sports 2. Group Games 3. Camping 4. Outing PYSICAL
13. 13. 1. Social Dancing 2. Parties 3. Parlor Games Participation SOCIAL
14. 14. 1. Arts and Crafts 2. Glee Club or music ministries 3. Dramatic Guilds or
theatre arts 4. Dance Troupes 5. Writing and painting CULTURAL
15. 15. 1. Song 2. Poetry 3. Jingle 4. Short Story Writing 5. Puzzle 6. Board Games
16. 16. With recreational activities . . . The benefit of participating in various
recreational activities are endless… 1.) BE HAPPIER – FEEL GREAT
17. 17. With recreational activities . . . 2.) BUILD FAMILY UNITY
18. 18. With recreational activities . . . 3.) PROVIDE CHILD CARE
19. 19. With recreational activities . . . 4.) CONTROL WEIGHT, LOOK BETTER,
20. 20. With recreational activities . . . 5.) DIMINISH CHANCE OF DISEASE LIVE
21. 21. With recreational activities . . . 6.) BUILD SELF-ESTEEM
22. 22. With recreational activities . . . 7.) REDUCE STRESS
23. 23. With recreational activities . . . 8.) PROMOTE SENSITIVITY TO CULTURAL
24. 24. With recreational activities . . . 9.) ELIMINATE LONELINESS – CONQUER
25. 25. With recreational activities . . . 10.) INCREASE COMMUNITY PRIDE
26. 26. QUOTE: Recreation’s purpose is not to kill time, but to make life, not to keep
a person occupied, but to keep them refreshed; no to offer an escape from life,
but to provide a discovery of life.
28. 28. RESOURCES: Graphics.
29. 29. REFERENCE ○ vice/research-
and-policies/organised-recreatio nal-activity-and-mental-health ○ ○ dex.cfm/benefits-of-recreation/

Recreational Disc Activities for Physical Education

 Peter Boucher

One of my favorite components of being a wellness and PE teacher is the

opportunity to encourage and inspire different components of the “Wellness
World”. In our profession, we are able to teach about physical health, mental
prosperity, social and emotional well-being, and another component which
has really started to work its way into the wellness curriculum acceptability
zone, recreational activities.

Most physical education and wellness departments have really begun to

branch out and teach “comprehensive well-being” through an increased
focus on fitness activites and recreational pursuits.  It’s taken a long time to
catch on but I do believe the time has finally arrived where society in
general is ready to accept that we need to teach our younger generations
how to be physically fit and also how to spend their leisure time.

There are two recreational activities I love teaching – Ultimate and Disc

Golf. Ultimate or Ultimate Frisbee® is great for teaching strategical time
and space awareness. Disc Golf is an amazing recreational activity that is
meant to be more low-key and social, but still involves strategy and a fair
amount of walking.
ACTIVITYDefinitionRecreational activities are experiences or organized activities that you do
or actively participate in with others, to have fun and enjoy life during your free time. This
includes experiences that require physical activity and interactions and playing with other
people. They are not things that you do all by yourself (although you can attempt to do some by
yourself but you will miss the fun of doing it with others).Recreation is an activity of leisure,
leisure being discretionary time. The "need to do something for recreation" is an essential
element of human biology and psychology. Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment,
amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun" Recreation is the expenditure of time with
an intent to gain some refreshment. It is a break from monotony and a diversion from the daily
routine. It is a positive change from the stereotypical lifestyle and involves an active
participation in some entertaining activity. Recreation is anything that is stimulating and
rejuvenating for an individual. The idea behind these activities is to expand the mind and body in
a positive, healthy way.Recreational Education is an assistive tool to enable the individual to: 1)
gain a broader understanding of where, why, how, and with whom he can pursue his recreational
interests and experiences and 2) unlearn non-adaptive and learn more functional responses, i.e. to
develop different modes of leisure behavior which will enable the individual to adapt to the
environment to meet his free time needs . OBJECTIVES 1. Mental Health 2. Physical Health 3.
Emotional Stability 4. Social Fitness 5. Spiritual WellnessBENEFITS OF RECREATIONAL
ACTIVITIESEveryone needs to plan and best utilize daily free time for recreation. If leisure time
is used correctly and to the fullest, it will: recreate the body, mind, and spirit through and
throughBring forth renewed vigor, spirit, and creative effort Recreational activities gives you
opportunity to be creative, to express your basic needs, and to be your real self. All work and no
play makes a person not only dull but a sick, unbalanced, and unhappy individual according to
medical authorities. Students who correctly balance work and play are more productive and tend
to be in better physical, mental, social, and emotional health. Students who are disciplined, well-
organized, and have life goals well in mind will have better chances of being successful. These
will help them build a lifelong habit. Recreational activities like sports will develop muscular
strength, agility, power, flexibility, and improve one’s health. Engaging in group activities
develops social skills that will lead to the development of proper conduct and behavior and social
graces. Worthwhile recreational activities give students or youth opportunities to be busy with
meaningful activities instead of roaming around and doing harmful vices like abusing dangerous
drugs. Other Values that you can derive from engaging in worthwhile recreational

OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATIONPhysical Development– through carefully

selected physical activities an individualwho participated actively will develop and
maintain good health and a high level of physical fitness.Social Development –
p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n p h y s i c a l e d u c a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s p r o v i d e s opportunities for the
development of desirable social traits needed for adjustment to thesocial life in general.Some
worthwhile traits:a. friendliness c. good sportsmanship e.
honest in goodcompetitionb. cooperation d. good leadership and fellowshipEmotional
Development– the informal nature of physical education activities offers anopportunity for self-
expression and emotional mastery.Some worthwhile traits:1.Self-confidence2.Self-control3.Self-
reliance4.DeterminationMental Development– through the participation of physical
education activities theindividual develops his mental capabilities as he learns the
mechanical principles ofunderlying movement, as he acquires knowledge and
understanding for rules and strategies of games and sports, and as he discovers ways of
improving his movement ingymnastics and dances.QUESTION:HOW WILL
Recreational activities are experiences or organized activities that you do or actively
participate in with others, to have fun and enjoy life during your free time. Thisincludes
experiences that require physical activity and interactions and playing with other people.
They are not things that y o u d o a l l b y y o u r s e l f ( a l t h o u g h y o u c a n attempt to do
some by yourself, but you will miss the fun of doing it with others).Recreation is an activity of
leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The "need todo something f o r r e c r e a t i o n " i s a n
e s s e n t i a l e l e m e n t o f h u m a n b i o l o g y a n d psychology. Recreational activities are
often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun"
Recreation is the expenditure of time with an intent to gain some refreshment. Itis a break
from monotony and a diversion from the daily routine. It is a positive change from
the stereotypical lifestyle and involves an active participation in some entertaining
activity. Recreation is anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for anindividual. The
idea behind these activities is to expand the mind and body in a positive, healthy
way.Recreational Education is an assistive tool to enable the individual to: 1) gain a broader
understanding of where, why, how, and with whom hecan pursue his recreational interests
and experiences and 2) unlearn non-adaptive and learn more functional responses,
i.e. todevelop different modes of leisure behavior which will enable the individual to adapt
tothe environment to meet his free time needs.

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