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5 BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION. DEPARTME [NOTE: 1. Atternpt any five queertions; all questions earry.aquol marks, j I Al the parts (if any) of exch Question must be attempted at avie-piace Instead ik, Candidate must write Q, No, In the Answer Book in accordince with Q..No. Iv. No Paga/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of +. Extra attempt of any question or any partof the attempted question willnats \ . No.1. Define the term growth in plants, How Wtf from the deve stages of plant development of any legume crop.. Q.No.2. Explain the production cost of a/étop grown In Pakistan. Whi ‘are important to be taken in consideration for production cost estimation ofa wheat crop? @.1N0. 3. Define photosynthesis. How photosynthesis differs within a eaand cA plants. Q. No.4. Explain the term biodiversity. What its significance I the agriculture? Elaborate the mechanism of blodiversity in erops in felation to climiate Q.No.S. Explain production technology In rainfed aréa: Which stépado you suggest to be taken for improvement in the Ballichistan?.~ 7 . Mustrate the <— 2 2 3 Q.INo. 6, Explain the term open pollinated variety (OPV), How it from a synthetic variety. Why hybrid is considered superior aver an OPV variety in the world. No.7. What are main diferences between. mineral and-AudHant? How many elements are essential for plant growth? Explain any one in detalls:— List the major challenges faced by Agriculture PRRan. which steps do you susgest totake to overcome these challenges? SEP ~ } Peortized the yleld contbutng Wats of ahy-eaeal crop? Classify the primary and ‘secondary yield contributing: eaeronnenagoree how it affects grain yield. No, 10. Write short note of any 5 of the followings. : 2, a) Acidic soil /SSe) primary tilage b) Agriculture Cooperation {=> f) Secondary tillage ¢) Greenhouse gases (GHG) 1g) Integrated pest management No.8. No.9. (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) 0) (30) (30) (30) COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS.OF BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION polit | &> IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEP) RTIGEND APPLIED CHEMISTRY. >) [_ Totel Marks: 150 July 07, 2024. WW gps ier OTE! tempt ay fi eestor A eventoné ery egal mai — xg \steadiof at different places. li, Allthe parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at Gt. place in: ili, Candidate must write Q, No. In the Answer Book in accordance with Q. Q. Paper. iv. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. Allthe blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed. considered. estion or any partof.the attempted question — &> No.2 Explain the steps involved in mificigehuastewetar 4 (0) Q. No.2 Define fermentation. Explain {tin terms offood processing?) (30) Q..No.3 Discuss the continuous process for Bap preparatioh27s) (30) Q.No.4 a) Differentiate between fine, and heavy chemicals. ag (as) b) Differentiate among efstied, minershand onveciated water. (15) Q.No. 5 Discuss in detail the extraction method used for essential oils, G0) @.No.6 Discuss the production of varnishes with neta fits flow sheet. G0) Q.No.7 Explain how Ger Processed for paper making in paper mill. (Bo) Q.No.8 Define coal carbonization" Explain the Cbipzation products (20) Nos Explain the mtd folowelfor théSRDBBPaton of urea. (30) Q.No.10 a) What arevceramles? Ho yaar are different from new/advanced (15) tion of ceramics. (as) b) Write a detatied account of the classi BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO-THE POSTS.OF IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ~eye ul Toto! Marks: 180 duly 07, 2021 Tages cnn NOTE: |. Atternpt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. e =< i, All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted ‘atone plece tee it different places. Mi, Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with fe Q. Paper. 'v, No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages Q.No.i Discuss the purposes and features of Abbasid Poetry with SpeBatamphasis onthe (30) poetry of Abu Al-Atahiyat (dealt ya): — > Q.No.2 Write a detailed note on Art of Composition and Letter writing (JauUly +i) In (30) Abbasid ere, > Q.No.3 Discuss Literary Criticism (ys9! Jas) andiits promotion it/Abbasid era. (30) No.4 — Write a detailed note on thelfe of lon-ul Muga (EAL oa) and hisliterary works (30) with special emphasison Ns series gion ex". QNoS Writea comprehensive note’on Spanish Artistic Prose (apa)t8I 341 jiu), (30) Ve ‘QNo.6 Write a detailed noe onthe ea BARI eo) and his literary (0) works. = a Q.No.7 ee as a: Net tan (30) QNo.8 “cae (30) a ) Bay FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER/SECTION OFFICER (B-17), IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTS) ae = By Fein Toto! Marks: £50 NOTE: |. Attempt all questions. ‘ Ay er a ape S 2 pay UH a ual slag Wi, All the parts (If any) of each Question must be Bttempted at One piece inste, lv. Candidate must write Q. No. In the Answer Bookin accordance with @, No. we No Page/Space be left blank between thie answers, All the blank pages of vi Extra of any question or ar ert of yattempted’ ~~ =< Q.No, 1 Translate any two of the following. sufahs ofthe. Holy Qian. \ A. Surah AbAsr (pani Bp) he syrai ‘AbMa00n (silt By) i, Sa (PIE Bape) Q..No.2 Translate any two of the following ahadith | 5 (25) i naan ls WEI yt gk w le AT ri ij ie te a ds Ov 2d Bh gl bgp Stan wa ypc uly dt Jy ibs $55 Kah lo gah reap 20 fe ts ht BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (ona COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 / >» (25) a8 55 8 yl 3s cla ge Op Pea 1508 Sb yee P iss iy 985 Oe Sait ust JS dy oeay seath dy bch sale ys 30° Bi 95 ab oh 5b pth an esl ea SS Syn a ya ng es (i Q.No.3 Discuss the salient features of Pre- abe oH pi ata eh). (25) No.4 Translate any one of the follawing into English?) (25) Magee Ey oye Ee gee ogee pSily dnt J cape gy3t Sy VN Op yb pr sas oy MI MB Sigky call UG Ey NN cigtiy IU gay He ET at ted CIS OY) Lote Laay setae Uy Si gay ct IT la yh Wy ata OTA pel Ae Ly st eae eS hal SU cae Ih Mass NY Gl Bt idly pS Wary Kaj Iya Ladd gt he po) ashy att souslysy LM ade esis byl sy bg eh oe WAS eed ele Sf CTA ka Gl ada si + Sty Tt OS) al lady ote tae Sab gh ssniy WUUlay ace Alle, By Obey et scl tne i Lie ca Lal Dt HDB oy SR GA Sb he gal SIs big Oe sD pe Oly lA 601 Op tha ca | etanmist IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: DEPARTMENT Gs ASTRONOMY ———_—~ Hinkeowced: 08 Hours NOTE Attempt any five questions. All questions cerry equal marks, A Allthe parts (i any) of exch Question must be attempted oe sateen paces. i, Candidate must write Q. No, Inthe Answer Book in secérdance with.@. No: jo No Pae/Spac Beet tank between the answers-Allthe blank pages of ‘must be crossed. v. Extra attempt of any question or any partof the’ attempted question wil bye red. duly 13, 2028 Tote! Marks: 150 Q.No.1 a) What are spectral Mines? How are they produced? ‘Mention ‘si ‘in which (as) emission and absorption line spectra are produced. b) What information can we deduct om cuss Aserta9 UB) (45) Q.No.2 a) Discuss tected Tevresnwe see toTuiR)Wayitweare (20) inside it? ia S (10) 1b) How de galaxies colide in an dashing PUniverse? —~ No.3 a) Deine lack hole WAGE waulhtpeen fe lakh ged? Will oursun (15) become a black hole? 1b) Howare black holes Forres? What are the types. of bleRholes? 5) Q.No.4 a) What is the purpose of eng eescopez In as neha? Discuss some major (15) types of in detall. = b) What is meant by ube serene 1 Explain briefly. (15) Q.No.S a) What is the Hil region” maser Hoy determine the temperature (10) of Hil regions? - b) _Deseribe the'tharacteristics of the vario < {inaoF interstellar gas (Hil regions, (20) neural drogen douds,uta-hot gsc \d molecular clouds). = Q.No.G 2) Whydothealtitudeand azimuth sip donthe date, time and location (15) of the observer?. How is the altitude © sstial pole (north or south) related to ag observer's atte? (Discuss ispheres), b) Explain why. People living at the have 12-hour days throughout the (45) year? Describe possib edna rone of Earth, Ifthe Earth axis Is not tited. [=] Q.No.7 a) Why: dosome’ mers se others do not? Consider Cephelds as an (15) im” and “hydrostatic equilibrium”. Howdo (15) >) = Q.No.8 a. lowing. (30) “Supemovae—/ v) } smical Unit (AU) Ix) Proper Motion. fi) Blue Shift. = vi) rizon x) Galactic Halo Ti) Hubble's Law ~~wil) fear iv) Luminosity vill tional waves BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 Total Marks: 100 (NOTE: i. Attempt all questions. ii, Allthe parts (if any) of each Question mus Wi, Candidate must write Q, No. in the Answer Bo ly, No Page/Space be left blank between the an v. Extra attempt of any question ar any pa tes ae etre places. o ok must be crossed. (re) (a) (0) (0) 1 EOL) rg FOleplen 09S Hole od 221 oS oltys (10) et A 35 tas ast sens ap ee Smaps #2 number of ancient cultures. These cultures and first settlement in shape of Mehargarh ren ion has been the cradle of civilizations for thousands of years, These Bological sites could be found everywhere in Balochistan. Balochistan remained the gateway between the civilizations of West and East and this continued till the arrival of Arabs in sub-continent. (0) ‘NOTE: The fllament with prostate ond vertical systems are: Toto! Marks: 250, 1a) SELECT ONE BEST OPTION: BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (nos COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 / FOR RECRUITMENT TO THEPOSTS OF / IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT / (

romany 7 ss aon nin om le COMPULSORY. Al! carry equal marks, dene diagrams where IL Allthe part (i any) of each Question must Be attempted drone place fi, Candidate must write Q. No. In the Aruwer Book i accardance with Q.N@rin Eco 1: NoPage/Spet lh bank between ban Ath Bunkaget of Ae ‘of any question or any paft of the attempted qu (10) Plasmids play on Important role In: 2) Conjugation b) DWvism ) pees eS a) Menotrichous bb) Heleterrchous—_e) Cosioeytes Eu.Coenobla {il Enayme Zymase fs produced by wy. Het Re th on aT — a) Yeast sy Prk J JeyPenictium _ d) Plasmodiophora 14) Rhizome a) Root =) Mes pe nce bt er ti mere organic ore: 1a) Protein _ bi cateoate pe) Lele d) DNA wi. Net number of ATP during Glycolysis: = BQ a8 wil. Which: ee a2 a)Co “Sb)S n PAN atl vil Soil transported by waters call ajResidual b) Coltuvial efaeolian 6) Alluvial be uber of formed cnn ofan glucose are: 36 fe a = al thick sediipoeeons stem is called i) Genera ard composed of one orymore sim ; li) Nucleic acid is polymer of _. v) [The cross In whieh two traits a time is called cross, plants. (10) J) Allnoncolthated plant and alsare incuded in___ i” Tre plants whichve for one year called _ «)/ DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TER WeTapetum | otic organism tx) Photoperiodism 1) Pil gical niche x) Frustule Hil) Sclerenchyma——_ us Wy) Polyplokdy session (10) Co) are) o ) ) (#) (hy fil, Candidate must write Q. No, In the Ans 'W. No Page/Space be left blank between t A Allthe parts (if any) of each Question must Py dams 395, (Sh Che dame Se 1 wo, SEIT Aytbe DA ES ed 6 7 palllges i=] Not limit Itself to the mounds religious Shrines, Karezes, tombs cient Balochistan, The prominent. plains of Balochistan which later ie Sindh and Punjab, Unfortunately, the objects could! dotilthstand with problem of heavy rains and floods tt Inthe same manner, most of the Baloch and foreign historians-ere t ‘on the point that the lack of research and inadequate attention Ton the international community exerted desperate consequences on the cultural heritage of Balochistan. BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION b COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 iw FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS. OF P S IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT. ey Total Marks: 150 duty 07, 2028, Tims lowed 03 Hours NOTE: |, Attempt five questions, at least one question from each re a Ghentrenr ere {i All the parts (if any) of each Question must:berattempted at-one place Inste jitterent places. Wi. Candidate must write Q. No. In the Answer Book In accordance with Q, cite Pape. Iv, No Page/Spoce be left blank between the answiers. Allthe blank pages ot gage must be crossed. vy, Extra attempt of any question or any partof thelattempted question will ‘beconsidered. SECTION-1 ical chern| Noa a) Describe different types of solution? Explain Henry's taw ants imitations. (15) b) State and explain Le-Chateller’s principle with its applications, (15) Q.No,2 a) State first law of thermodynamics? Explain Its applicati (15) b) Define electrochemistry. Explain the types of electrochemical cells. (15) Q.No.3 2) What isthe order of reaction? Deteriine the rate of fistianger reaction (35) b) Write a note on artificial radioactivity, (as) a ‘SECTION-II (Inorgantc-ch } Q.No.4 a) Whats valance bond theory explain iq detail? (15) b) Explain molecular orbitals for any thtee mono ear diatomic molecules. (a5) Q.No.5 a) Define Cement. How is it manufacturedon industrial scale by wet process? (15) b) Define lectronegativity. Explain its trend ip’Bariodic table, (15) @.No.6 2) What is hybridization? Explain and compare-the hybridization of CHs and NH. (as) b) How coordination complexes differ Homing le salts? Mention basic properties of (15) coordination complexes. = SECTION- III, (Organic chemistry) Q.No.7 8) Writethe preparation dF ae and tertlary amines. (a5) b) Diséuss resonanceleffect among th ing: (15) 1) Phenol Si) Aaitine ill) Chlorobenzene Q.No.8 a) Explain. gen@ral mechanizimin Electrophilic substitution reactions. (15) b) /Define.stereoisorierism. Give a brief account on conformational isomerism with (15) reference to ethane. Q-No.9 a) “Differentiate Between prinary; sacondary and tertiary alcohols. (a5) b) Write down the strueture;aecutrence and biological importance of monosaccharides, (15) STAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION gt. FOR RECRUITMENT TO.THE POSTS: OF BALOCHI — COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 IN THE SERVICES & ‘GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTNENT COMMERCE ie atowed03 Hours FT Retemot aay EME Guestions In all Attempt DHO Questions trom Sect Tote! Marks: 150 duly 07, 2021. eS a while attempt ONE NOTE: ‘Question from Section Ill / i Al'the parts (ifany) of each Question mustbe atiemated at one place, In ‘at different places. te aaiaate must write Q. No. In the Answer Bookin accordance with C. Q. Paper. w carpute/Space be le blank between the answers. Allthe blank pages Book must be crossed. v, Extra attempt of any question or any paft-of the attempted question a considered. SECTIONS} Q.No.1 What do you understand by sole trading ‘concern? disadvantages Q.No.2 Describe the procedure of Formation ‘of Joint Stock Company Int Pakistan. (30) Q.Ne.3 What Is the distinction between the dissolution of thi nd the dissolution of (30) partnership? In what circumstancés under which 2 partnersii p dissolved. [ “—__SECTION-I! } Q.No.4 Whois unpaid seller? Explain the rival anole ees goods and buyer. (30) ~~ 2 Q.No.5 Define the term acceptance. What are the estentials of a valid acceptance? How itis (30) communicated? ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER/SECTION OFFICER (B=17) SS IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTM| eS] CRIMINAL LAW. ( -" Total Marks: 150 July 08, 2028 Cima towed: 03 Hours NOTE: i. Attempt THREE questions from Section - A and ONE questions from each = 8 BC. i, Allthe parts (Ifany) of each Question must-be-attempled.at one place insta jarent places. fil, Candidate must write Q. No. In the Answer Book in accordance with Q, NePoeo. Paper. W. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers, All the blankpages af Answé k must be crossed. v. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question Vil aoUbm conrad. EES No.1 What is First Information Report? Discuss its @ssentials @fadistinguish from (30) Complaint. Q.No.2 Define a complaint and discuss its sentlal Give a critica is of the procedure of (30) making complaints to Magistrates under the provisions al Procedural Code of Pakistan, 1898, i / Q.No.3 What are the Powers available under the cried ira ‘Code for Police (30) concerning the prevention of cognizable afences? Explain with ilustrations. — Q.No.4 Analyze the provisiohs of Criminal Procedural Codi ing with taking of ball in cases (30) of non-bailable offences. > 22 Q.No.5 Discuss the procedure related to issyante of commission for examination of witnesses. (30) Also write the proceduré to be adopted by a Mz ‘who thinks it necessary to issue a commission to this end. = .Mo.6 What s a chargé? What i ts form and whstparticulars it coitains? Also explain ts (20) essentials and legal effect. — No.7 What is ériminal conspiracy? State its ffereff forms and provide ts punishment. (30) No.8 — When shall an act amount to be committed in furtherance of Common Intention and (30) when an act shall amount to be cor din Prosecution of Common Object? Explain in light of the rélevant provisions of PPC.— =~ QNo.9 Hearsay evidence Is-:not admissible. inadmissible and alsovdiscuss the exceptions to this gene! z (30) Q. No. 10 “Evaluate the Relevancy of the Opinion of Third Persons during a trial in accordance with the (30) provisions of Qanun-e-Shaha 7 1984, en ~ ae BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO-THE POSTS. OF solLauminse IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: DEPARTMENT, ‘On Total Marks: 2150 July 09, 2023 Time Allowed: 03 Hours NOTE: 1. Attempt any five questions, ‘all questions carry equal marks: ii, All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted st.one place Ins PSs) at different places. ‘Answer Book in accordance With,Q. No.lrithe Q. Paper. 1 Book must be crossed. fil, Candidate must write Q. No, In the Iv. No Page/Space be left blank between thé answers, All the blank pages v. Extra attempt of any question or any pert ofthe attempted question wil notbe considered. \ = Q.No.1 a) Critically analyze Prof. Adam Smith's definition of Economies», (20) b) Differentiate Equations and identities: ~ (10) Q.No.2 a) Explain the assumptions of, and exemptions to the aon (20) b) Given Q = P?+ 3P-70 afid'Qs = 410-P, Find Equilibrium? and Equilibrium Q? (10) Q.No,3 a) —Whyis Land important in Economics? What areits charaeteristics? (20) b) Discuss salient features of Economic survey of Pakistan for the fiscal year 2020-217 (10) Q.No.4 Describe Productivity of Capital? what factors fafldece It? (30) QNo.s Discuss the Importarice of the-study of National Income? Which method of (30) computing National Income-do you prefer and Why? = No.6 Explain the oSSptG! Economic Growipst factors promote growth fn an (20) economy? : Q.No.7 Central Banks adopt vatlous methods (icontrol credit In an economy? Discuss in (30) detail? ~~ Q.Ne.8 a) Banks play. vital role in today’Seconomy: Explain features and kinds of banks? (25) b) Indirect Taxed, their advantages andtie-advantages? as) Q.No.9 What factors cause Dis-equilbranpin Balance of Payment of any country? What (30) remedies do you suggest for — i—_ LS Q.No.108) write a notelon Zakat? Haw does Ittemove the weaknesses of an economy? (20) 5) Fina the méan and Verineeforthe Data 6,7,10,2,13,4,8,12 E 37,10, : Ls (10) iG © & BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF IN THE + CLIT NIFTORTEROM {TLL LE: ‘8 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Total Morks: 150 iecrHL STONY PROMATLLARE OTE 1 Avera ony im qostons A Guus ary equal A, I allthe parts (if any) of each Question must srviaotedateee poe teed pieces, Ti, Candidate must write Q. No, in the AnswerBook In agcordance With Q No, q tv. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. Allthe bank page¥ of v. Bere of a nar any partof the p { < Q.No.1 What were the merits and demerits of the Whig rul whabled toRhedownfall of (30) Whig ascendancy? Analyze comprehensively. } No.2 etna fren poe Rabe Waa ix ere ‘the England. (30) Q.No.3 = “Lord Palmerston was nor starrer Minister than as Prime Minister” (30) critically analyze. Nod it maseres ore. fa by land: to check ‘the Influence of the French (30) Revolution of 1789 0n England?__/ Nos a G0) Q.No. 6 (30) Q.No.7 30) failure? ‘O.No.8 (30) No.9 co) Q.No. 10 (as+a5) L (contrast yas" iy Seéond World War « re STAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF m BALOCHI j IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT > July 98, 2023 ~ 1. Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equalmarks, li, All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted atone, place inte lil, Candidate must write Q. Ne. In the Answer. Book in actordance with @..Ne. lv, No Page/Space be left blank between thé answers Paper. the blank pages of All Number at different places. see be crossed. Q.No. 2 Q.No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 Q.No.6 Q.No.7 No.8 Q.No.9 v. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the tempted gutation wil et “From the Itterary point of viedethe Victorian. age appears atifirstas, ‘a continuation of Romanticism, but with distinct features which graw grax re defined and ‘more pronounced and left its Impact on English: thereturg 3 What are the dlstinetive features of Thackeray asa novel.) ‘satiris¢and)prophet?” Explain Mathew armokticrom, that" “poetry isthe a, of life.” BB f How far would you agree that Ca Was Tess a pure woman? Explain with Mfititons from the novel Discuss Robert browning» asa lave poet. /@e = (a> How far would you-agree & Dickens composition? excellent at sketches but weak in How far woul ou saree that Ten 's.main concern was to glorify British Imperistpmn?y- ~! (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) Co PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (For umber COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS'OF _| IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTS) Total Marks: 150 uly 12, 2021 NOTE: Attempt any five questions, All questions tarry equal marks. li All the parts (If any) of each Question must be.attempted at one place inite lil, Candidate must write Q. No. In the Answer Book It secordancé with Q.| fearon places. No.1 Critically evaluate Keats’ development from w sensuous %0 a teaply contemplative (30) ee Q.No.2 How far would you agree that Keats’ Odeslre closely bound up with the theme of (30) transience and permanence?. Q.No3 How does Austen dat SiGe thai love Sees (30) Q.No.4 ttre yoga Li and a satirist at the same (30) time? “ No.5 Trace the autobiographical element in Wordsworth’s The Prelude. (30) Q.No.6 — “ifwinter comes can spring be far behind.” DM@Uss Shelley asa poet of future in the (30) light of this lines @a Q. No.7 cnet en (30) Q.No.8 — What are the main features’ Sof Romanian Explain with reference to at least two (30) poets of romantic movement, P No.9 “Despite her. limited, range, Fee art makes her one of the greatest (30) novelists in English language.” Discus Q.No.10 Scott's chief Romantic quality wae the days of chivalry.” Elaborate. Be saffection for the past, for the Middle Ages and (30) BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 Toto! Marks: 100 NOTE: |. Attempt all questions. |i. Allthe parts (if any) of each Question must li, Candidate must write Q. No, In the Ans 1. No Page/Space be left blank between the a Q.No. 1. Write an essay (450-500 words) on aj 1. Youth a period of strain and s H. Demoeraey In Theory and Prat Wi, Act well your part, there all the eS fv, Socialism and Capitalism Q. No. 2) Write a letter to the Editor of tiling Sande In dress. (as) Q..No. 3. Use the following Idiom in your bel Ir (20) |. Toeat the humble pie lv. ToT@ave one In the lunch i, Alpha and Omega v. Over af@ above Hi, Achild’s play Q. No.4 Correct the following sent i. thad my friend to @® (29) (10) 2 sultable title: (25) ran Ben a father advises his son on a choice a by economic, and partly by ethical old bad wages and bad company. He does not think acarsed by the risk of violent death. Yet the health Gfdinary extent, and the average man knows very lone his neighbour's. Otherwise, no sane man bccupation ag-thy of metal grinder or barman, with @ morality DNB might become a carpenter or a rallwayman, and . Our rulers are equally ignorant on these 3 subieey are granted quite impartially to health occupations OfessUch as the cutting trade. When this poliey is opposed 1B an unhealthy trade, fellow countrymen to death. All parties agree in putting economic considerations before biological; wealth before health, | could give you plenty | more examples of this Ignorance if time permitted, , BALOGHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS.OF ~ paaltumbsr ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER/SECTION OFFICER(B-17) | | IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEARTH ETHICS & PSYCHOLOGY duly 08, 202° : severe 03 Hours Total Marks: 150 OTE "1. Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal markt. {i All the parts (if any) of each Question must beattempted at one place Indtea iMferent places. i. Candidate must write Q. No, in the Answer Book In accordance with @.No., Paper. lv. No Page/Space be left blank between the pnswers, All the blank pages of An: yok must be crossed. v_ Extra attempt af any question or any part af the attempted question wil oR oucprsidered. \ = Q.No.1 Whats the significance and application/scape of pa¥chology in Oui-dally Me? (30) Q.No.2 What are various fields of psychol6gy and how do these effetiiiaividua's ie. (G0) Q.No.3 What is the process of socialization? Narrate agents of Sgcalization. (30) Q.No.4 Define Motives. Differentiate between Biogenic and Saaepiic motives. What are (30) Q.No.S No.6 Q.No.7 Q.No.8 Q.No.8 Q.No. 10 the various methods/techniques Used to measure moth in? Narrate various methods od for aber Mineo) (30) What is Congruent and-incongruent.chiange of attitude? How do these effect our (30) behavior? mil om = Comment the fole and application of Abnarimal/Psychology/Psychopathology with (30) Clinical Psychology. | = = What various'tests are-used in Psychology? How do we apply these tests among (30) diverse population? << — », What is intelg2nce? Which yas used to enhance Intelligence? (30) ———| Difetentiats between Personal Dgrders and Mood Disorders. Does Anciety or (20) Depression play any role.in min! or triggering these Disorders. Se) 8 a sa BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Teonmuenber COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO-THE POSTS.OF . : : a IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: DRARTVENES... lagrams. i, Allthe parts (if any) of each cqexton must be iameted ‘one place inst li, Candidate must weite Q, No. In the Answer’ BOOK In accordance with GQ, No: 1v, No Page/Space be left blank between the answers, Allthe blank pages of vv. Extra atternpt of any question or a of the atter in. ~— \ \ —= Gnas What Is the gropraphical and 2 onomieal Import nce of 1 Se for Pakistan? (30) Explain, | ‘ 7S Q.No.2 — Explain the geological theories oF mountain nb PF ‘and discuss various (30) types of meuntaths. cm No.3 Write about the diferent types obey RR eeperen G0) Q.No.4 How can Gis combat the socioeconomic oo society? 0) (LNo.S Describe the role and responatty of afferent Gepaat (BBoens and organizations in (30) disaster risk management in Pakistan. y ON (No.6 — Howcan Pakistan me te elaborately? (30) Q.No.7 The river basins and coastal a ae nay densely populated areas inthe (30) world, discuss. 3 ‘ya QNo.8 Asai magn cy discuss. | GD) (30) BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO‘THE POSTS OF (oa IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT... Q.No.2 8) Explain earth crust, mantle and tore. , & 'b) Describe the mineral in detall. a ) ) > (10) ) Is coal a mineral? How It is formed? (10) @.No.2 9) Can you explain the difference between sedimentary.and metamorphic rocks (10) b)_ Whats difference in between plutonic and volcanic rocks (0) . Whatare folds and fautsin geolsey? ey (40) No.3). Briefly explain confined and fneonfined aquifers) (19) b) Whatisartestanwell? = / ' 0) } What are sills and dykes? a (20) Q.No.4 Write ashort note on ény three (03) of following: | (x10) ‘a) Saindak Copper-Gald Deposits. d BBousrs In Balochistan b) Rekodiq Copper-Gold Deposits \d) Duddar Lead-Zinc Deposits Q.No.5 a)’ Explain the difference between convergent nt plate boundaries (10) b) How can we differentiate between ‘oceanic ané.cor jtinental tectonic plates? (20) ‘¢) What type of mineralization occur in conv late boundaries? (10) Q.No.6 a) Explain methods of Coal exploration, “SP (10) 1b) Why accidents ‘are commion ir coal ri jlochistan? (10) €) Can yoli suggest some measures to = in coal mines? (10) Q.No.7 a) Canyoutell which rocks are targeted for Petroleum Exploration? (10) b) Whatisrole of Selsmi¢ survey in petileum exploration? (20) ¢) What geological structures are for petroleum trap? Discuss at least two. (20) | yy) Q.No.8 a) Whatis the industrial use of I (10) b) cafiYoudiscilss gypsum a PBalochistan? (30) ¢)) Briefty explain porphyry deposit and BIF deposi. (10) Q.No.9 a) “Write a shortnote ono (30) b) What gemstones are conimon in Balochistan? (20) ¢) Is diamond a mineral? Justify:your answer. (10) Q-4: AN “OLOGY" IS A DISCIPLINE OF STUDY: WHAT 00 YO ATTEMPY ANY TEN “i CC) ROE) Wil Beowatciogy —— (unk Ararology (ip Gynecotogy (xe FERQWiNG we 5: WRITE COMMONLY USED SHORTENED FORMS OF B p OR PHRASES. (such as Mr. for Mister or Pres. for President (isto) (Avenue (Il) Boulevard (lil) Master of Philosophy und pounds (wi) gation “(vii rolling on the floor laughing 85 (8) positive (xl) Master of Arts in Teaching (xil) zero gravity Q-6: ATTEMPT FOLLOWING MCQS BY SELECTI (1xto) 4) 1m 1917, Khairi brothers (Abdul Jabbar Khali b partition of india in the (4) Moscow (e) Karachi a Presidént (d) Governor General 3) Lucknow Pact 1916 was conceived by (a) Lord Ke Simon (d) None of these 4) Who abolished One Unit? (a). b}-Hag (c) Ayub Khan (d) None of them When did Pakistan's Capital shift from. {a)1960{b) 1965(c) 1967(d) 1950(e) 1973 aloe a9 1-7-1949 972(b)12-6-1972(c) 2-7-1972) 12-7-1972 &; (c 1) 1956; (e) 1947 3S (4)1964 (e)1948 ) 30 Aug 1947 (4) 30 March 1948 (uaa) 2 two points -— ey? periodic table is called, 2 7” ng 56 oration for Pakistan? 8) 2 constitution? 9) for the first time in Pakistan? 10) 4) CMLA of Pakistan? 2) senjidiy and Pakistan signed? 23) 14) 15) 16) 1) bad? 18) fee and is the leading US producer of maple sugar? 19) beox number of battles through history fought on its soil, 20) 2) 22) Whatis the name of the milky fluld obtained {rom trees which is used to produce rubber? Le BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Tote! Marks: 100 Allowed: 03 Hours NOTE: |, Attempt ail |i, All the parts (if any) of each Question must: ferent places. ‘i, Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Bool raper. iv, No Page/Space be left blank between the, Book must be crossed. v. Extra attempt of any question or any sidered. Qi ATTEMPT ANY TWENTY OF THE FOLLO\ i (1x20) Which of the following is also called greenho fo ing (c) acid rain (d) smog ‘What is structural and functional unit g bowmins capsule How many bones in head of a human bod (c¥801a023 (e) none of these ‘Which element (of the periodic tab i (a)be (IAI (eC (ASI (e) PI Which is not an alkali metal &) franclum {b) exeshum (e) rubidium (4) radium ‘The first animal to go into space wa rat. cat (0) og (8) panda (e) ‘The organ whieh is missing in car i ‘A group of snakes is called a Law of electromagnetic inducti¢ Which common animal canna) Which fish can taste with its bladder (b) spleen (c) kidney (d) none of these i (c) den (4) pack (e) none of these (a) Maxwel tinstein (¢) farady (¢) newton (3) 30% 50 Hz (c) 100 Hz (d) 40 Hz (e) 220Hz dog. (c) horse (d) buffalo (e) none of these 3) gold fish (c) star fish (a) jelly fish Which bind lays more than 100 st (a): ) eagle (c) sparrow (d) kiwi @ @ @) @) ©) (6) a (8) 3) (10) Frequency of alternating current in (uy . (a2) (23) ay a5) (16) Which country has greatest m cano (8) Philippine (c) Indonesia ‘Strongest acid among the following is ) HF (c) HBR (d) HI (17) Formula for settee sols “FareiiO3 (b) HCL (¢) H2S04 (d) H2CO: & (2) dog (b) donkey (c) horse (4) cat (e) none of these 3 {b) -100 (c}-20 (d)-55 (e)-10 ium (b) potassium (c) calcium (@) chlorine chad oan egled SI pran (b) dislocation (fracture {@) tension ae time and circular pupil at night (a) ow! (b) bat (¢) cat (d) fox charac mon to all high land areas? natural gas reserves in Pakistan? (oi) (iy gh enables It to function efficiently? (ix) istan? (») subsistence farming methods are used? (33) Explain why Peshawar reoebes the higher rainfall ate than Quetta? (il) Why do many rivers in Pakistan flood in the month of July? plants (b) fungi (c) insects (d) bacteria (2x10) BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION |, am COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THEPOSTS OF / IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTS ~<—_/ ume Allowed: 03 Hours uty 07,2028 Total Marks: 150 — 7 NOTE: 1, Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four fromm rest of the ‘carry equal marks. s wn 4 tan ars it any) of each Question must be atieripted at one place nstedBot. st cifferent places. awer Book in accordanes with Q. Q. Paper. Book must be crossed. Wi. Candidate must write Q. No. In the An “ith Q Ie, No Page/Space be left blank between the ariWers. Althe blank pages of Extra attempt of any question or any part ofthe aitempted.questlon wilfpat be considered. Q.No.1 Answer the following: YQ SS) (1512) a) What isthe Structure offiasementmembrane? / SD b) Enumerate different pafts of the young bone. 2) What are Boundaries of quadrangular space in: shone n? d) Enumerate components of Posterior medias _——) ‘©) Write short note on ventricular system of the brain. f) Enumerate extra ocular muscles of eye. £) Name two structures lined by non-Keratinfsing)stratified squamous epithelium. i > h) Ust the structures that make the brain stem, i) What is the arterial supply of the thyroid gland: |) Ust the structures of the femoralsheath fronrmedial to lateral. kK) What is the main difference between Mitosis a I) Name the structures at the porta hepatis, Name three gloss afferencec of tie arge 4 Gibll intestines. n) Give an example of aistrap muscle, Its origin and Insertion. 0) Give an example ofa ball and.socket joint, what Is its nerve supply. Explain the microscopic anatomy OF pituitary gland with representative labeled diagram. - —= f j 7 aS Q.No.3 Enumerate derivatives of 3 pharyngeal arch. components of 3rd arch are (30) derived from neural crest cells, explain?, Q.No.4 Enumerate the descesiding tracts of spinal-c6td. Give an account of corticospinal tract. a arterial supply of face. Write Its clinical anatomy. (30) jelosis? (30) (30) No.5 — Give brief account No.6 atomiea relations of i? surfaces. (30) No.7 rial supply and vengus diinage of the heart. (20) Q.No.8 — Make atable With a list Of the m ved in movement around the shoulder (30) Joint, their action and nerve supply. (30) tributaries of the Great saphenous vein, its ‘Q.No.9 — What are varicose veins? Explaj origin'and drainage» | Q..No.10 What is a joint? Classify. hme body. Explain in detail a hyaline joint. (30) BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION.2021 TOR RECRUITMENT TOTHEROSTS OF | LS | Ralaumber 12) IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: eS Dime snowed: 03 Hours Tote! Morks: 150 uly07, 202 NOTE: 1. Attempt EIVE questions In all, by selecting at least TWO.questions Tpaieeeh per ‘All questions carry equal marks. ae ~ Ji All the parts (if any) of each Question irilst be altempted at one plage Instedd-Of at different places. ii, Candidate must write Q. No. In the Answar Book In accordance with the Q. Paper. agar Sook et be crossed. be considered. |v. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blak page: v. Extra attempt of any question or any pact of the attempted question

INDIAN HISTORY PERIOD-H IN THE SERVICES Total Marks: 150 duly 5, 2028 GR stowed: 03 Hours NOTE: 1. Attempt fxg qvertions In all at least la questlonvform each part. Al quedtlana carry equal marks li. All the parts (if any) of each Question must bé attempted at'one place ins t different places. Wi, Candidate must write Q. No, In the AnswerBook in accordance with Q. NO: Q. Paper. 1v. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. Allthe blank pages Book must be crossed. vv, Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attemptéd question wil] not be’ considered. RS) Q.No.1 Define the services and achievements of Hazrat Mujedld kaa aginst Akbar's (30) No.2 Zaheeruddin Babar fled In Canal Al but succeeded In India; Why? Give a (30) detailed analysis. . = Q.No.3 Discuss the causes ofhamsjours detent cane shah Su? (30) No.4 — Comprehensively: discusses the religous policy of Aurangzeb Alamgir. (30) Q.No.S Write down the fain causes ofthe downfallf Magia) Empire. (30) f ~_—PARTAL = No.6 Analyze thé Impact ofthe British East inclaGOhijpany’s rule (1757-1857) upon the (30) ‘Muslims of indo-Pak Subcontinent, = @.No.7 “The annexation of Sindh Wasone of the sheieless acts perpetuated bythe British” (30) QNo8 Examine the ee Bentinch. (30) Q.No.9 — Discuss-Halder-All’s rélations 72a and enumerate causes of the British (30) } Q.No.10 Why Bahadur Shah Zafer ‘at of Independence (1857)? Narrate the (30) aftermath of the abortive Was, — BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 Total Marks: 100 NOTE: | Q. No. Als compulsory, Attempt 2 questi Ui, All the parts (if any) of each Question must HHL Candidate must write ©, No. In the Answer ‘The battle of Bade was fought In 2 ») 2 Wi) Namaz-e-Khasoot Is offered for: 4) Hazrat Hamza (RA) b) Hi vl) After the war of independ @) Indian council Act, 1862 v ny order 1858 vil) The 3rdJune 1947 pian: ry a) MA Jinnah ten d) Lord Wavell will) Quaid e Azam was sworn | of Pakistan on: @) 1th Aug 1947 ) 12th Aug 1947 by x) be is significance, (SAW) for peace and harmony. (20) ng point in Islamic History. Elaborate. (20) No.7 Write down the Important events in the History of Pakistan movement from 1940 to 1947, @.No.8 What were the main problems faced by the Pakistani people right after independence? BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS.OF ) IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: ‘DEPARTME! June 25, 2028, NOTE: 1. Attempt eny Eire questions. All questions carry.equal marke, ~ Hi, all the parts (if (tam) ofeah attempted at ont place Rar Gages places. Paper. i, Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer BOK in accordance with @, NO, poran, Aratlinkpspeoay \k must be crossed, wil sidered. No.1 Write down in length about miltant'Journalism in the and focuson (30) the contribution of Maulana Muhammad All-Joha Newspaper in providing a platform for Musiims™ Q.No.2 Write the different detoins ot ass Camuneton and what are the 7¢s In (30) communication? Deseribe. ‘ Q.No.3 How will you compare Jolrmalij In Balochistan tOYhe other parts of the country (30) keeping in view the elements of access, freedom of expression and sensitivity? Q.No.4 | Write down in detall the Ortinance for Professional lists In Pakistan. (30) No.5 | CGassfy Gisis and conflict Reporting. OBcuss in how crisis and conflict (30) reporting is different from normal beat reporting. 'Q.No.6 — Write Short notes ensitav tik (30) a) Press Advice _ 4) ind Publicity b) Dawn Newspaper ey 1¢ on Pakistani Drama ©) Contempt of Court a Q.No.7 Desre th Delp Sunt Comune Also, discuss its characteristics (30) in detail, SS Q.No.8 Elude there tol of PR Exlin hg PR Setup of Oa and Non-ffiel (30) organizations, = = = eB ati. BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE. COMMISSION (ijn: 4 COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2027 SS FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF / Ss \ Si IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTS << Prime Atowed: 03 Hours Totol Marks: 150 wing, 228 NOTE: | Attempt ony a questions. All questions carry aqua marks. ee ee cs {i, Allthe parts (ifany) of each Question mast be attempted at one place {hs aeaaesedete must write Q, No. tn the Answer Book ih accordafee with @. NO, 1Ath@ Q. Paper. Iv. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages ‘Book must be crossed. Extra attempt of any question or any part ofthe attempted question wilLnt be considered. ed eS (25) Q.No.1 Explain the system of Project Planning In-the Government of Pokistan and how does it extend to the provinces and local gavernments? S Q.No.2 Comparatively evaluate! Taylor's Scientific Management and Weber's Ideal (25) Bureaucracy and discuss-thelr relevance to contenpgpryapyblc organizations in Pakistan. Q.No.3 Human Resource Management/(HRMd) is a contemporah) approach to managing (25) people in business organizations. What are the saljent features of HRM model? Do you think this model Is being applied to réform publi nel system in Pakistan? No.4 inthe globalized public administration hlerardeGeates more ethical problems (25) than it solves. Discuss. i; No.5 Structural theory Is, by and-large, groundedinielasical principles of efficiency, (25) effectiveness and productivity. Explain. = ire Q.No.6 “Public interest is still Inadequate as a groul ncept to evaluate public policy.” (25) Discuss. = BS Q.No.7 Elaborate the features of the grievance

2 Ty Gx aa f TT ec + Dap 20) / r af Pekan? ee epee + Sally uj 3 pila Lab? sed o L = edgy +4 mill der iia 20) Sis ORB pete ttizne + Stl StS ol ea one Lamy oly Epo ail Ne ai tr DHE Sty ns 9 Sy Stl p tye SG Le SL ool NSS il © Saal pment cy Sy pater 9 Ao abba de ARF} wt-y Gay ee ee ae ee a aerate) SAS ype iret suas se pa ep he 1-14 ED Poth Ss tly pate ST Dt AS ey Sa STG yey Sigal dla ope pd ay Sa al + Spe sy ey dt Slt ABS) OILS ad yb ST re a gin SOI, af AS ap po is Op aT ak aS Bgl Sajae StS yo Jae AS ay ‘ E BALOCHISTAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2021 ~ FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF. a ION DEPARTMENEDD) IN THE SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINIS} Total Marks: 150 July 07, 2021 Gye Aiowed: 08 Hours NOTE: i. Attempt any SIX questions. All questions cirry etyual marks. i, Allthe parts (if any) of each Question must beattempted'atone place instead of Bt different places. fii, Candidate must write @, No. In the Answer Book If accordance With.Q: No. Jnth@ Q. Paper. \v. No Page/Space be left blank between thé answers, Allthe blank pages of k must be crossed. v. Extra attempt of any question or any part af the attempted question will considered. Q.No.1 Briefly trace the development of Log from Armatia mney What salient (25) differences do you find? Q.No.2 State and examine Mill's méthod of “EXPERIMENTAL: . Arethese methods (25) sufficient to discover casual relations? @y No.3 What is the nature of “Inductive Inference"? how will you justify induction as aform (25) of inference? Q.No.4 Discuss in detail the Square of Propositions) a (25) . lw Q.No.5 It Is said that Muslim Philosophy ts Predvctin RAtation” of Greek thought. (25) Whether or not to what extent do you agree with this statement. Discuss in the light ‘of Muslim Medieval Philosophy. 3 Q.No.6 Whats meant by “Categorical imperative"? BB'You think that Kant’ Ethical Theory (25) isfree from difficulties? @.No.7 Discuss Bergson’s vdw of Rea, nob gohe agree? 25) Q.No.8 State and éxaming Klerkegzard’s three, Human Ufe. How can youcompare —(25) them with Iqbar’s three stages of Rel of man? Q.No.9 What does Hume mean by Saying *impifeision Precede Ideas"? What Is the (25) significance of tig criterion in his hy? Q.No.10 Discuss the nature oftubstace clal reference to Locke, Berkeley and Hume. (25)

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