Westward Expansion

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Manifest Destiny/ Westward expansion (1844-1877)

1. What?
a. The drive to expand USA to the left is often called Manifest Destiny.
b. Westward Expansion justified through the doctrine of Manifest Destiny.
2. Causes
a. 1823 - Monroe Doctrine.
b. Economic opportunities (farmers).
c. 1848 - Gold Rush.
d. 1860-1880 - Railroad expansion.
e. 1862 - Homestead Act.
f. Belief in American superiority.
3. Effects
a. Civil war.
b. Surge in racial violence, fight over gold, land.
c. Native population targeted.
d. Attacks on Chinese communities.
e. Prosperity for some.

Monroe Doctrine

1. What?
a. 1823 - "The American continents...are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for
future colonization by any European powers..." (James Monroe)
b. Also, non-interference by US in the business of Europe.
2. Causes
a. 1820 - Independence movements in South America.
b. End of Napoleonic wars.
c. Mercantilism.
d. War of 1812.
3. Effects
a. Justification for Manifest Destiny.
b. Became relevant in Spanish American War of 1898.
c. Theodore Roosevelt- Caribbean province.

The Homestead Act

1. The Homestead Act, enacted during the Civil War in 1862, provided that any adult citizen, or
intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres
of surveyed government land. Claimants were required to live on and “improve” their plot by
cultivating the land.

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