Generation of Steam - Steam Properties1

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Generation of steam & Steam Properties THERMAL


Formation of steam &

Steam Properties
Part -01

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
GEMS Polytechnic College,
Aurangabad, Bihar.
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Types of Heat
Sensible heat of water:
It is amount of heat absorbed by 1kg of water , when heated at a constant
pressure, from the freezing point (0◦c)to the temperature of formation of
steam, i.e. saturation temp.
During sensible Heat transfer,
✓ No change of phase will take place.
✓ Only temperature change will take place.
(Ex: Heating Water at 10◦c to Water at 50◦c )

𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑄 = 𝑚. 𝐶. (∆𝑇)

m = mass flow rate (kg/sec)
C = Specific Heat (J/kg.K)
∆T = Change in temperature (K)

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Types of Heat
Latent heat of vaporization:
It is the amount of heat required to transfer at constant
temperature to convert one kg of water at saturation temperature to
dry saturated steam.
It is denoted by.
The latent heat of steam is 2257 kJ/kg at atmospheric pressure
(1.01325 bar).
During Latent Heat transfer,
✓ No temperature change will take place.
✓ Only change of phase will take place.
(Ex: Evaporate Water at 100◦c to Steam at 100◦c )
Generation of steam & Steam Properties
Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
❑ Consider formation of steam from 1 kg of ice at -T ◦c (below the freezing
point) in a vessel.
❑ It is under an Absolute Pressure say 1.01325 bar.

The Stages of steam formation can be explained as follows:

A-B – Heating of ice from -T◦c to melting temperature of ice.
B-C - Latent heat of fusion of ice (0◦c Ice to 0◦c Water)
C-D – Sensible heating of water from 0◦c to saturation temperature
D-E - Latent heat of vaporization of water (100◦c Water to 100◦c Steam)
E-F – Superheating of steam (Saturated Steam to Superheated steam)

Generation of steam & Steam Properties
Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
−𝑇 0 𝐶 𝐼𝑐𝑒 00 𝐶 𝐼𝑐𝑒
Point A Point B

Solid State
Solid State

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
Temperature 0𝐶

B Enthalpy, h

-T A

➢ Keeping the pressure constant, the gradual heating of the ice leads to note the following
changes in it.
➢ These are represented on a t-h diagram on heating, the temperature of the ice will
gradually rises from A to B i.e from – t ◦c till reaches the freezing temperature 0 ◦c. 6
Generation of steam & Steam Properties
Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
00 𝐶 𝐼𝑐𝑒 00 𝐶 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
Point B Point C

Solid State
Liquid State

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
Temperature 0𝐶

B C Enthalpy, h
Latent heat of
-T A Ice

▪ Adding more heat, the ice starts melting without changing in the
temperature till the entire ice is converted into water from B to C.
▪ The amount of heat during this period from B to C is called Latent heat of
fusion of ice or simply Latent heat of ice. 8
Generation of steam & Steam Properties
Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
00 𝐶 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 1000 𝐶 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
Point C Point D

Liquid State
Liquid State

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure

Temperature 0𝐶

B C Enthalpy, h
Latent heat of ℎ𝑓 ,
-T A Ice Sensible Heat

• Continuous heating raises the temperature to its boiling point t C known as

Saturation Temperature.
• The corresponding pressure is called saturation pressure. it is the stage of
vaporization at 1.01325 bar atmospheric pressure (760mm of hg at 100'C).
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure

Temperature 0𝐶

B C Enthalpy, h
Latent heat of ℎ𝑓 ,
-T A Ice Sensible Heat

• As pressure increases, the value of saturation temperature also increases.

• The amount of heat added during C to D is called Sensible Heat or Enthalpy
of Saturated Water or Total Heat of Water (h, or h "' ).
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure

Temperature 0𝐶

B C Enthalpy, h
Latent heat of ℎ𝑓 ,
-T A Ice Sensible Heat

• During the process, a slight increase in volume of water (saturated water)

may be noted.
• The resulting volume is known as Specific volume of Saturated Water
(𝑉𝑓 𝑉𝑤 ). 12
Generation of steam & Steam Properties
Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
1000 𝐶 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 1000 𝐶 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑚
Point D Point E

Liquid State
Vapor State

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
Temperature 0𝐶 Vaporization
(Evaporation) E
Tg D

Enthalpy, h
Latent heat ℎ𝑓 , ℎ𝑓𝑔 ,
-T A of Ice Sensible Heat Latent Heat of Steam

ℎ𝑓 + ℎ𝑓𝑔 = ℎ𝑔

• On further heating beyond D, the water will gradually starts evaporate and
starts convert it to steam, but the temperature remains constant.
• As long as the steam is in contact with water, it is called Wet Steam or
Saturated Steam. 14
Generation of steam & Steam Properties • The total heat supplied from O◦c is called Enthalpy of Wet Steam
(hwet). The resulting volume is known as Specific Volume of Wet
Steam (v wet)
• On further heating the wet steam, the water particles, which are in
suspension, will start evaporating gradually and at a particular
moment the final particles just evaporates.
• The steam at that moment corresponding to point E is called Dry
Steam or Dry Saturated Steam.
• The resulting volume is known as Specific Volume of Dry Steam (vg).
This steam not obeys the gas laws.
• The amount of heat added during D to E is called Latent Heat of
Vaporization of Steam or Latent Heat of Steam (hfg). During the
process, the saturation temperature remains constant.

Generation of steam & Steam Properties
Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
1000 𝐶 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑚 greater than 1000 𝐶
Point E Point F

Vapor State
Vapor State

Formation of steam at Constant Pressure F
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Tu

Temperature 0𝐶 Vaporization
(Evaporation) E
Tg D

Enthalpy, h
B C 𝐶𝑝 (𝑇𝑢 − 𝑇𝑔 )
Latent heat ℎ𝑓 , ℎ𝑓𝑔 , Heat of Super heat
-T A of Ice Sensible Heat Latent Heat of Steam

ℎ𝑓 + ℎ𝑓𝑔 = ℎ𝑔
• The total heat supplied from O'C is called Enthalpy of Dry Steam (hg).
• On further heating beyond point E to F the temperature starts from tg to tu, the
point of interest.
• This process is called Super heating. The steam so obtained is called Super Heated
Steam 17
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
374.150 𝐶
Critical Critical Point
Temperature P = 140 bar Critical Pressure:
221.2 bar
Saturated P = 100 bar
Water P = 80 bar Saturated
Temperature 0𝐶

Region Vapor
P = 10 bar Line
Wet Region
Liquid + Steam
P = 1 bar

Super Heated

Enthalpy, h
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
• The point a represents the
initial condition of water at
0◦c and pressure P (in bar ) as
shown in fig.
• Line ABCD shows the
relation between temp and
heat at a specific pressure of
p(in bar).

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
• During the formation of
the superheated steam,
from water at freezing
point , the heat is
absorbed in the following
three stages
• The heating of water up
to boiling temperature or
saturation temperature (t)
is shown by AB in fig.

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
❑ The heat absorbed by the
water is AB , known as
sensible heat or liquid heat
or total heat of water.
❑The change of state from
liquid to steam is shown by
❑The heat absorbed during
this stage is BC, known as
latent heat of vaporization
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure

▪ The superheating
process is shown by CD.
The heat absorbed during
this stage known as heat
of superheat.
▪ Similarly, a family of
curves may be drawn for
different pressures as
shown in the fig.

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure

▪ The line passing through the

points A,B,B1,B2,E is known
as saturated liquid line which
forms boundary line between
water and steam.
▪ Similarly , a line passing
Through dry steam points
E,C2,C1,C,A1 is known as dry
saturated steam line which
forms boundary line between
wet and superheated steam.
Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure
❑It may be noted that from the
fig., that when the pressure
and saturation temperature
increases , the latent heat of
vaporization decreases.
❑It becomes zero at a point (E)
where liquid and dry steam
line meets.
❑This point E is known as the
critical point .

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Formation of steam at Constant Pressure

▪ The temperature corresponding

to critical point E is known as
critical temperature and the
pressure is known as critical
▪ For steam , the critical
temperature is 374.15◦c and
critical pressure is 221.2 bar.

Generation of steam & Steam Properties Properties of Steam

0% Wet
100 % Dry
100% Wet
0 % Dry

Generation of steam & Steam Properties TYPES OF STEAM

1) Wet steam
When the steam contains moisture
or particles of water in suspension,
2) Dry saturated steam it is said to be wet steam.

when wet steam is further heated

3) Superheated steam and it does not contain any
suspended particle of water, it is
known as dry saturated steam.

Generation of steam & Steam Properties TYPES OF STEAM

1) Wet steam

2) Dry saturated steam

3) Superheated steam
when the dry steam is further
heated at a constant pressure, thus
raising its temperature, it is said to
be superheated steam.
Generation of steam & Steam Properties TYPES OF STEAM
Superheated steam:
Since the pressure is constant therefore volume of
superheated steam increases, it may be noted that the
volume of 1 kg of superheated steam is considerably greater
than the volume of 1 kg of dry saturated steam at same

Generation of steam & Steam Properties THERMAL

Formation of steam &

Steam Properties
Part -01

Head of the Department,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
GEMS Polytechnic College,
6/26/2023 Aurangabad, Bihar. INDUSTRIAL FLUID POWER 31

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