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1) Future of Democracy in Pakistan

A promising future awaits Pakistan vis-à-vis democracy. Several recent developments anticipate the conclusion. Four are
more elaborate. First, state institutions have turned out proactive. The Election Commission conducted smooth elections.
The Supreme Court supervised it keenly. Second, the media has been given greater freedom. It has never been gagged, despite
resounding with criticism of government. Third, parliament is more responsive to national issues. It debated Yemen issue
and electoral reforms in letter and spirit. Fourth, the democratic culture is taking roots. A parliament completed tenure and
transferred power to the incoming.
They are only the most recent manifestations. Its history since its birth is enriched with three distinctions. First, the Islamic
state has maintained its ideological base. It has countered shenanigans of its hostile neighbours. Second, Pakistan has
resuscitated from crises dauntlessly. A slew of them have challenged it since its very infancy. Third, it has always asserted
its regional significance. It has survived several ebbs and flows on global scene.
But it may seem over-optimistic. The country has been in the lap of turmoil for quite some time. The monstrous terrorism,
demonic corruption and abysmal governance have haunted Pakistan. That is why, it is widely misperceived as a declining state.

2) In This Country Reason does not Apply to Anything

Reason applies to many things in the country Pakistan. However, things have gone awry for quite a few years. People,
institutions and government in the country are working, though less properly. The word reason means sanity of mind. The
word ‘anything’ in the title is harsh. Believing that reason applies to nothing is wrong. It has stemmed from sickness everyone
customarily feels about limping state affairs. Treacherous elements exist in every country. Somewhere they are intense,
elsewhere negligible. They enjoy themselves in multi-ethnic states like Pakistan. Reason applies to many matters. The Islamic
state enjoys a cohesive ideological nationhood. It rightly prides in its robust defence system. It has effectively asserted its
regional significance.
However, the flipside frets direly. Reason is losing its rule. Corruption has seeped into state institutions. Peace is giving way
to turmoil. Moral degradation has quickened. Society is in the lap of disarray. The picture necessitates corrective measures.
(147 words)

3) What are the hurdles in our way to becoming a truly independent state?
A set of political and social hurdles have been hampering Pakistan’s progress to becoming a truly independent state.
However, one thing is above board that Pakistan is an independent state and enjoys all rights in its capacity. Three hurdles
have been more rigid/obdurate/inexorable. First, the country is born with a sworn enemy in its neighbourhood and has
been encountering its shenanigans since. Second, the state was in rags in its infancy and had to grow up with scanty
resources. Third, the state has remained devoid of a consistent political leadership.
Though the country has been encountering these hurdles, it is on the way to becoming a truly independent state. All
growing states have to undergo certain tribulations during adolescence, hence Pakistan had to. The ludicrously aroused
image of Pakistan as a failing state is merely wishful thinking of the arch-foe of the Islamic state. The odyssey the newborn
state was put on narrates how long distance it has crossed and hence has commanded an enviable position in the region
and even the world over.

4) Is Pakistan Making Progress?

Pakistan is making progress and the world is getting jealous of it. Though all is not well, most of this all is rather well. State
performance is measured by democracy, economy, foreign affairs, and law and order. These four barometers bear healthy signs.
Democracy has replaced autocracy. Smooth transition of power is its top manifestation. State institutions have started auto-
correction. So, a vigilant judiciary and the alert army have emerged as greater pride. Law and order has improved
considerably; hence, fewer blasts, fewer target killings. Public awareness is on the rise, thanks to a vibrant media. Foreign
affairs are smoother; hence, Russia is as friendly as the U.S. claims to be. Economy is assuming new dimensions; only CPEC
is enough to vindicate it.
That is why, its enemies are conspiring to halt this progress. The rivals are vying with it for excellence. Of course, extremism,
parochialism and corruption have haunted Pakistan. Such ills are endemic around the world and Pakistan is no exception.
However, they require urgent measures.
5) Media is an Opinion-Maker
Media is a strong opinion-maker. It carries content of three discrete types; news, views and advertisements. The content
rubs off on people forthwith. News items sensationalise issues. Thus, they grab public attention. They can blacken the white
and whiten the black. They play up certain issues and play down certain others. Views comprise articles, features and talk
shows. They are simply opinion pieces and reflect their views. Analysts express what they believe. How crooked ever they
are, they pertain. They sweep away the naïve and gather their likeminded. Advertisements overtly lure prospective
customers. They are believed to be exaggeration but still accepted. The whole corporate sector thrives on them.
There is telecommunication revolution. And media is its foremost beneficiary. It emerged as a giant springboard in its access
to everybody. The print media could inform only the literate. Television and internet have expanded its access manifold.
They are ready devices for a mere human being. They need only eyesight and hearing to be infected.

6) Revolution in the Media

The revolution in modern media is owed to telecommunication advancement. There are other reasons, too. Industrialization
is prime among them. Urbanisation equally flourished this revolution. Media is a means that helps communicate a message
to people indiscriminately. While television and internet are its top spectacles, cellphone proved a dark horse. Its sweetest
boon is its availability to common man. Access to media is incredibly easy and cheap. Its monthly service barely costs a day’s
meals. That is the quintessential point of this revolution.
The revolution has yielded ambivalent results. A higher public awareness is its foremost fruit. Rulers have come under
greater check and balance. And the world has grown more unified. However, it becomes a monster when aligns itself with
the mighty, blindfolds truth, or betrays trust.

7) Free Speech should have Limitations

Free speech should have limitations so that it may hurt none. In fact, there is no freedom without limitations. Hence, is the
freedom of speech. Free speech allows man to give vent to his feelings and thoughts. It is inalienable fundamental human
right. But, it is misused against opponents; whether individuals or ethnic groups. Consequently, it spawns intolerance and
hatred. The title is a caution against the misuse of free speech. It has originated from frequent misuse of free speech. The
phenomenon has shot up manifold. The reason is internet. The world has witnessed a fabulous progress in
telecommunication technology, during last two decades. It has granted common man the quickest access to internet.
However, the statement has circular dimension. Thus, the other aspect should not be overlooked. It implies that limitations
on free speech must also have limitations. Dictatorial regimes misuse the limitations of free speech to their benefit. They gag
free speech under the garb of these limitations.

8) Truth is a Rare Commodity Despite the Freedom Enjoyed by the Print and Electronic Media
Truth has gone rather rare on the media, tough it is freer than ever before. The media includes newspapers, magazines, news
channels and the Internet. Freedom is a norm which empowers the media to present truth as it is. Truth is what is recognized
indisputably proved. Since journalism has gone commercial, media houses ally themselves with the mighty. Media content
comprises three types; news, views and advertisements. They use all of them to distort truth to their benefit. Hence, they play
down or play up a truth, sensationalise a news item, publish one-sided opinion pieces, and allow more airtime to those who benefit
them. This injustice cuts society more deeply, as the media enjoys greater freedom and greater public trust than ever before.
But everything on the media is not false. It debunks misdeeds of rulers, awakens common man to his rights, highlights plights
of people, and harmonize public perception. Whether good or bad, the media is the sole check on the powerful. However, the
fault lies where it turns into a sell-out to its own benefit.

9) Social Media has Turned Out a Bane

Social media has turned out a bane, notwithstanding its numerous advantages/upsides/merits. Four manifestations testify
to the conclusion. First, it facilitates evil forces to carry out their practices. Thus, kidnapping of children has shot up manifold
through Facebook. Second, it has become the quickest means of spreading an idea or a statement. Their veracity is mostly
compromised. Thus, nefarious beliefs have seized vastest space on the internet. Agnosticism and atheism stand atop. Third,
underground people have equally benefited from it. Mafias, drug cartels, human traffickers and insurgents are more
prominent. They gang up against entities as powerful as governments. It frees them of the fear of being smoked out. They
have established immense coordination to further their heinous designs. Fourth, it has entangled the youth in psychological
confrontation. It has rendered them less tolerant, more contentious and over-sentimentalized. Pathetically, the situation is
worsening over the time.
10) The UNO has Failed to Measure up to the Demands of its Charter
The United Nations has failed in many cases but succeeded in many others. The UN charter aims to maintain international
security. Accordingly, staving off the third world war is its prime objective. Besides, developing friendly ties among nations
lies with it. The inter-governmental body has turned 72.
In its task to maintain international security, the U.N. has failed. Thus, the Palestine and Kashmir disputes are still simmering.
At many flashpoints, it looks more a wingless dove. However, it has staved off the third world war. To this it merits credit.
Meanwhile, it has developed friendly relations among nations. However, clandestine forces have eroded its many peace
efforts. Further, some of its components have won world repute, some others have sparked unending controversies. Unesco,
Unicef and the WHO exemplify the former, the Security Council and peacekeeping missions the latter.

11) The Time We Live in is the Winter of the World

It is winter in some respects, but not in other. Winter is figuration of destruction. It is agent of deformity and even death.
However, it is harbinger of spring also. Though it destroys, it also heralds hope. The present time is winter. There are three
manifestations. First, human moral standards have slid down to the lowest ebb. Second, most of the natural resources have
fallen into the hands of clandestine forces. Third, the features of earth have been grossly degraded.
But there is flipside of the picture. Some manifestations speak otherwise. The foremost manifestation is the fabulous
scientific progress. Even common man is relishing its fruit. Not to speak of bare subsistence, even amenities of life are within
easy access of common man. Individual liberty is an equally luscious fruit. Greater part of humanity is free of such shackles
as feudalism, tribalism.

12) Dialogue is the Best Course to Combat Terrorism

Dialogue is the best means to beat terrorism. It chokes terror activities forthwith, erodes influence of terrorists. This let-up
in terrorism prompts let-up in bloodshed. Terrorism has certain manifestations; bomb blast is supreme, hijacking, bomb
hoaxes and kidnaping run beside.
Dialogue is a tactical move, not a choice. The state has to recognize terrorists. It has to listen to them. They raise arms, but
state avoids retaliation. But the tactical move always bears fruit. It splits the terrorists and hence weakens and exposes them.
Since use of force prompts use of force, deaths and destruction are its ultimate outfall. Contrarily, dialogue prevents wars,
hence the deaths and destructions.
Military alertness is equally important. Terrorists back out of their promises. It has happened, though sparsely, because they
are hell bent upon inflicting damage. Thus, it necessitates continuity of military might in parallel with the dialogue process.
Hawks rigorously oppose dialogue. They opine that holding dialogue amounts to recognizing terrorists. Though their logic
is irrefutable, it works not in times of turmoil. Crushing them with power always backfires.

13) Great Nations Win Without Fighting

Great nations shun fighting and subdue enemy peacefully. They know that fighting merely destroys, produces nothing. A
fighting may be a war, a clash or even tension. The enemy may be a country, militants or even an inhospitable situation.
Great are the nations who decide and act independently and enjoy state protection. They are sovereign and self-reliant. The
United States and Great Britain are great nations; Pakistan is no less. It is in its formative years and on the way to achieving
The fact pertains that peace is complementary to prosperity. Contrarily, fighting gobbles up resources of belligerent nations.
Thus, the best epochs in the history of a nation are blessed with prolonged peace. The worst are tainted with wars. Human
history is strewn with such examples.
But the flipside cannot be overlooked. Great nations eagerly enter into fight if their sovereignty is challenged. They never
shy away from aggressive armament and military incursion. Examples abound.

14) Religion Harms More than it Helps

Religion has never harmed mankind. Its misuse has done so. Every religion preaches at least tolerance, if not love of mankind.
Interpretation of religion is double as important as religion itself is. However, evil forces have rallied its followers behind its
wrong interpretations. Religion is harming man because wrong interpretation prompts wrong deeds.
Islam has been grossly mispresented. It is international conspiracy to revile Islam. Since all religions declare the fight over
faith a sacred duty. Islam is not an exception. This impels many to blame many troubles on religion.
Religion is extremely consistent with human nature. It answers man very basic questions; question about the creator and
the life hereafter. Various people at various times under various circumstances interpret religion variously. It is not
expedient to any religion to harm humanity. Without arguing which religion is good, one thing is for sure; every religion
means welfare of its adherents.
Religion is more sinned against than sinning. It has long been prey to clandestine forces. They manipulate its tenets, tamper
its injunctions and contort its teachings. Let alone harming humanity, religion itself has lost its reality to these evil forces.
They conspire to harm mankind.
15) There is No Great Genius Without Mixture of Madness
A genius becomes great with madness in pursuit. Three words in the title require explanation; genius, mixture and madness. A
genius is a person endowed with extraordinary abilities. Madness stands for single-minded pursuit of a purpose. Mixture hints at
proportionate combination of the two. This quip says that obsessive pursuit of purpose makes a genius great. Thus he achieves
what he strives for.
The quip has diverse implications. Political come first, then academic and further then social. A leader emerges as genius when he
concentrates all his energies to win his goal. Quaid-i-Azam is bright example. Mahathir Mohamed, Lee Kuan Yew and Nelson Mandela
are no less. In academic arena, scientists are equally illustrious examples. Newton, Einstein, Alexander Fleming and Louis Pasteur
worked wonders. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have digitalized the world. Credit goes to their decades long ‘madness’. Individual
implications are equally awesome. This madness helps a student to win distinction. Hence, traders, professionals and even guildsmen.
Laws of science bear out the quip. The sunrays set ablaze a paper when focused through concave lens. Hypnosis is heightened
concentration on intended memory. This concentration helps hammer out solution to a psychological problem. Many attribute
achievements to destiny. They declare the madness a part of greater scheme of destiny. The approach is miserable. If agreed, it
reduces man to a puppet in hands of destiny.

16) Not Economy but Politics is a Key to Success

Good politics brings about success. Economic development is conditioned on/subject to/depends on it. Politics means sum of
activities that aim to run state affairs. It also aims to protect lives and properties of its people. Parliament is its headquarters.
Economy is the picture of its financial condition. Stock exchange and industrial units are its components. Economy aims to bring
material prosperity. It concerns with best utilization of country’s resources.
The title means that prosperity of a state relies on good governance. The quip has individual implications, too. Unwise acts
impoverish a wealthy man. And wisdom can earn man millions (of rupees). Said simply, politics is a whole, economy is its part. No
part can exist without the whole. Politics ensures stability. Economy benefits from it. Politics develops foreign relations. Economy
benefits from it. Politics maintains security. Economy benefits from it. Politics prevents war, soothes anxiety, streamlines state
affairs and establishes peace. And peace is complementary to economic progress.

17) Democracy is a Culture Rather than a Process

Democracy is more a culture than a process. Culture comprises a set of the values accepted and practiced in daily life. Nobody
objects to them. Process is a set of requirements agreed upon to achieve an objective. Culture pertains to morality, process to law.
The two terms — culture and process — in context of democracy reveal a lot. Thus, nomination of candidates, election campaign
and the polling are processes of democracy.
Democracy is the system of governance elected by people, directly or indirectly. It is incumbent upon democracy to secure lives
and properties of people. These objectives can only be achieved if democracy exists in culture. For example, if a minister willingly
resigns over some failure, it is manifestation of culture of democracy. Otherwise, process allows him to complete his tenure. Culture
glimpses when rulers eschew misusing discretionary powers. Despite all authorities, any caretaker government remain limited in
its actions because democratic culture restricts them. Process glimpses when parliament passes a bill by majority culture glimpses
when public welfare is top priority.
Thus democracy to dictators measures up to processes not culture. Thus democracy of Adolf Hitler abided by process, but void to culture.
Same is true of Hosni Mubarak, Joseph Stalin, Ziaul Haq, Benito Mussolini. Nawaz Sharif is no exception. All communist regimes followed
of democracy, but never its culture. Establishing culture of democracy is equally binding on people. All adults wield the processes right
to franchise. It is a show of process. But culture manifests when they turn out to cast vote.

18) Gender Equality is a Myth

Gender equality is a myth and gender inequality a reality. Gender equality means treating men and women as inherently equal
genders. It has never existed anywhere in human world. Men have always kept women subservient. The phenomena of male-
chauvinism, misogyny, prostitution bear out the fact. It has put women on the defensive. Resultantly, there exists a perennial
polarization between the opposite genders.
Modernism has not given women freedom. It is merely an impression. The fact is otherwise. In offices they do jobs as secretaries. In
factories they work as labourers. In showbiz they perform as models. These positions have snatched her feminism and amplified her
objectification. The fact is that gender equality is the issue of social justice. Women deserve their rights and men are bound to give
them. Though it has never happened, ideals of social justice recognize them and hence side with woman as the aggrieved gender.

19) Pleasures of Reading

Immense pleasure lies in reading. However, only people of refined taste can relish it. Reading is not pleasant per se. It does not
attract everyone. (It attracts few.) Contrarily, movies, videos, songs and games lure everybody. The knack for reading necessitates
intellectuality, more or less. Throughout human evolution, the more man got literate the more he turned refined.
Reading confers many pleasures. First, it refines his aesthetic sense and weeds out his savagery. Second, it broadens the mental capability
of man. Third, it prompts new inventions and explorations. Broadly analyzed, all human civilizations are owed to the blessing of reading.
The art of writing precedes the art of reading. Writing preserves man’s experience and memory. Thus, it becomes a treasure for
succeeding generation. How ever stretched the world would have been if man had not been able to preserve his experiences in
writing. If there had been no writing there would have been no reading. (If no writing, then no reading.)

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